View Full Version : Corey Booker - National Gun License - 5 Year Renewal

05-06-19, 09:05
So it will be interesting to see how this plays to the final Dem choice. Sounds like he is throwing in the towel but also throwing out test for the others to see how far it will fly.

Democratic presidential candidate and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker introduced a sweeping gun violence prevention plan. If elected, the campaign announced Monday that on day one of his presidency, Booker will use executive action to close gun sales loopholes and to make investments in communities affected by gun violence.

The plan, which is the most extensive gun violence prevention proposal put forth by a presidential candidate to date, prioritizes a gun licensing program whereby gun owners would be required to obtain a gun permit and pass an FBI background check. Under the proposal, the gun permit would be valid for up to five years.

I knew he was shallow but honestly I gave him more credit. Then again, I guess that's all he could come up with. There are only going to be so many flags to wave and drums to beat when the Dems come to the debates. Better grab one now while it's available.

"We know that this is not a plan that any law abiding gun owner should be concerned about." -- Corey Booker ( May 2019 )

I suspect he has a mouse in his pocket. His little pet mouse and his little narcissist brain.



actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).
"making an unauthorized copy would infringe copyright"
contravene · violate · transgress · break · breach · commit a breach of · disobey · defy · flout · fly in the face of · ride roughshod over · kick against · fail to comply with · [more]
act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.
"his legal rights were being infringed" · [more]
undermine · erode · diminish · weaken · impair · damage · compromise · limit · curb · check · place a limit on · encroach on · interfere with · disturb · disrupt · [more]

05-06-19, 09:11
Counter-proposal: We make the Purge a real thing and for one night a year we have universal access to mortars and flamethrowers and we can get back at the criminal elements that make guns "a thing"

Plus maybe even tax breaks if you can provide incontrovertable proof you did successful seek and destroy missions in Chicago.

05-06-19, 09:15
Scalps. I mean, it's old school but with advanced DNA testing, you've got proof who's scalp you have and everything.

05-06-19, 09:17
Scalps. I mean, it's old school but with advanced DNA testing, you've got proof who's scalp you have and everything.

YES! Also hands. or at least fingers

I want an ear necklace but more as a fashion statement

05-06-19, 09:22
The middle finger headband...the ultimate in fashion statement and just pure statement.

05-06-19, 09:35
Counter-proposal: We make the Purge a real thing and for one night a year we have universal access to mortars and flamethrowers and we can get back at the criminal elements that make guns "a thing"

Plus maybe even tax breaks if you can provide incontrovertable proof you did successful seek and destroy missions in Chicago. add Charleston, Detroit, New York, LA, Atlanta, New Orleans....etc. and Goose Creek. I despise Goose Creek.

Firefly 2020

Alex V
05-06-19, 09:48
Booger has no chance, F that dude.

We already know that the government will stop at nothing to take inanimate objects out of the hands of individuals in order to make us defenseless. Not sure why we even discuss each one of these idiotic proposals anymore. Seems like they is two or three every week. Between Swallow-well and Booger, there is no shortage of derp.

05-06-19, 09:52
Counter-proposal: We make the Purge a real thing and for one night a year we have universal access to mortars and flamethrowers and we can get back at the criminal elements that make guns "a thing"

Plus maybe even tax breaks if you can provide incontrovertable proof you did successful seek and destroy missions in Chicago.
Don't forget crucifictions!

On a side note, would this mean reciprocity across all states? Or does that require too much thinking on Booker's part?

05-06-19, 10:26
To paraphrase the left- "I saw this guy standing on a stage in his nice pressed suit talking to the press like his opinion mattered. And then I realized...sometimes it's ok to punch idiots in the face."

That being said, I trust nothing when it comes to my erstwhile "fellow gun owners" and organizations like the NRA, who have proved they'll consider anything if it's spun right and sounds "reasonable"...

05-06-19, 10:31
The crucifixions and pyres of the dead go without saying...

05-06-19, 10:34
The crucifixions and pyres of the dead go without saying...

Make any headway on getting that 240? I need one for... turkey hunting. And reasons...

05-06-19, 11:28
There are politicians that manipulate words and information to cultivate an image and gain power. Mayor Pete is the best of them so far. Then you have people like Biden and Booker, that sadly think that their crappy plans will make a difference- when they should know better.

I think Booker is a sincere guy, which makes his ignorance and stupidity even more sad.

What the real thing here is that to have guns, you have to keep doing this every five years- and if you fall behind? It is just another move towards registration. Either in the original or a follow on will be a list for your gun inventory. Plus, the FBI will end up pitching a bitch over running BGCs on all these law abiding people.

05-06-19, 12:13
I think Booker is a sincere guy, which makes his ignorance and stupidity even more sad. .

He reminds me of about a half dozen 2nd Lieutenants that I've worked with over the years. The lights were on, but nobody was answering to door.
To a Man, they all wanted to be in Finance, Supply or Transportation and felt Armor was a bit beneath them, I mean a degree in athletics can open so many, many doors for you....

05-06-19, 12:13
add Charleston, Detroit, New York, LA, Atlanta, New Orleans....etc. and Goose Creek. I despise Goose Creek.

Firefly 2020

You forgot Baltimore.

05-06-19, 12:16
This is my shocked face 🙄. Booker et al., are going to try all sorts of end-arounds to circumvent existing law.

05-06-19, 12:40
You forgot Baltimore.

I did. Add Baltimore to the list. Its a flaming heap. One of the crappiest cities I’ve put in work in. But seriously, Goose Creek. Eff that place.

05-06-19, 13:37
The UK had gun licenses. Not too hard to figure out where it goes.

05-06-19, 14:16
He reminds me of about a half dozen 2nd Lieutenants that I've worked with over the years. The lights were on, but nobody was answering to door.
To a Man, they all wanted to be in Finance, Supply or Transportation and felt Armor was a bit beneath them, I mean a degree in athletics can open so many, many doors for you....

PE/Athletics Degree Programs: Affirmative Action for the Intellectually Underendowed. :p

05-06-19, 14:32

05-06-19, 14:52

LoOL, more like #Fartacus or #Shartacus...

05-06-19, 17:33
LoOL, more like #Fartacus or #Shartacus...

Ha! Corey 'cue ball' Fartacus --- might have to tweet that to Trump. It's hard to make Obama look smart but Corey does. I expect he will bomb out by round two of the debates. Still this is a sign of the type fight they intend to bring.

We very well could hear from any and all Dems saying ... "Well my version of the gun registration / licensing EOs will differ from hers/his so it's TRULY 2A and it ... [fill in the blank with infringement synonyms.] Very likely to hear them sparring over which one is best suited to destroy the 2A.

Corey and Kamala... what a pair. He just doesn't know. She 'thinks she knows' and has to point that out with every chance by facial expressions that suggest her holier than thou attitude.

05-06-19, 19:00
And We Thought "Idiocracy" Was Just A Movie...

05-06-19, 19:06
"Dumbassicus"... :rolleyes:

05-06-19, 19:13
"Dumbassicus"... :rolleyes:

Sounds more like part of a scientific binomial name: Dumbassicus maximus, a swamp creature so impossibly stupid that only the intervention of other lifeforms keeps it from going extinct.

05-06-19, 20:40
He's desperate to stand out. His campaign isn't dead yet, but it's coughing up blood.

This proposal isn't worth worrying about because its proponent is DIW.

05-06-19, 22:50
its proponent is DIW.

Dimwit psudoIntilectual Wackadoodle ???

Well sure but that can be said for all the field of 20+

05-06-19, 23:28
Gun control is, was and will always be a losing platform in the USA. Even half the Dem voters don't want it. Just ask Hillary.

05-07-19, 01:30
Gun control is, was and will always be a losing platform in the USA. Even half the Dem voters don't want it. Just ask Hillary.

100% agree .... now ask yourself why, against Trump of all people, would they launch this attack?

There are only two answers.

1. It's a canard
2. They have lost control

2020 is not the time to play a rest in the song of FREEDOM.

The Dems must be crushed in 2020. No Quarter. I will never dishonor the men and women that have put forth their lives for me by not opposing the Socialist Democrat party in an election.

I appreciate some/many Military people may be in the Democrat Party. I respect that. Most of my friends used to be Democrat. We drank, vacationed, worked, we simply were friends. No problem. Black, White, Vietnamese, German, Korean, no one cared. Rich, poor, no issue.

Times have changed.

Anyone that sits on the sidelines and watches for how things turn out after election day is a fool. You don't have to give up your friends but you do have to stand your ground on election day.

VOTE don't watch.

05-07-19, 05:09
While I believe the Second Amendment ought to be enough to carry a concealed pistol, that’s not the case in the state in which I reside. Even though I’m covered by LEOSA, I have always had a Concealed Pistol License issued by the County Sheriff. The price is reasonable, I had to pay for and pass a background check (same as any other citizen) and it’s good for five years. I fail to see how .gov could improve on this. Good riddance.

05-07-19, 13:19
Corey Booker: Firearm License requirements have been proven to reduce gun crime!

Chicago: Lol

Doc Safari
05-07-19, 13:20
Corey Booker is to statesmanship what Mad Dog 20/20 is to Dom Perignon.

'Nuff Said.

05-07-19, 14:06
So that explains why the military moved away from the M1 Garand to the M16!! The troops could no longer shoot accurately so they needed an AR platform. I figured it was something simple like that.

05-07-19, 14:10
So that explains why the military moved away from the M1 Garand to the M16!! The troops could no longer shoot accurately so they needed an AR platform. I figured it was something simple like that.

Cross post...

05-07-19, 17:40
Oh...Corey, Corey, Corey...it's pricks like you that make me go out and buy more guns that I don't need.

05-07-19, 19:08
Anyways I just want a pathway to crucifixions

05-08-19, 07:48
Oh...Corey, Corey, Corey...it's pricks like you that make me go out and buy more guns that I don't need.

So Joe Biden steps up to take advantage of a school shooting and doubles down on stupid.

05-08-19, 20:10
Oh...Corey, Corey, Corey...it's pricks like you that make me go out and buy more guns that I don't need.

I just collect ammo and live dat Hiroo Onada life

05-10-19, 17:56
Did we forget that people twice put Obama into office,,twice.