View Full Version : "This Could Be Big"

Doc Safari
05-09-19, 13:59
"This could be big. This could be big."--quoting Rush Limbaugh on his radio show just now.

He's talking about a school rally on behalf of a victim of a school shooting. Several students walked out when it turned into a gun control rally.


Hundreds of Colorado’s STEM School Highlands Ranch walked out of the vigil for Tuesday’s shooting victims citing gun control politicization.

The Federalist reported:

Colorado students walked out of an event billed as a vigil for Kendrick Castillo, an 18-year-old killed in a shooting at his school on Tuesday, when prominent speakers attempted to turn it into a rally for gun control. Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colorado) and Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colorado) each took a turn calling for gun control at the Douglas County event before students streamed out in protest.

Although the event was advertised as a vigil for Castillo, it was “sponsored by the gun control groups Brady’s Team Enough and March for Our Lives.” USA Today reported that “hundreds of students from the STEM School stormed out.” And while leaving they yelled, “This is not for us,” “Political stunt,” and “We are people, not a statement.”

My take: Somebody call David Hogg. He'd shit a kidney over this.:lol: :jester:

05-09-19, 14:12
"This could be big. This could be big."--quoting Rush Limbaugh on his radio show just now.

He's talking about a school rally on behalf of a victim of a school shooting. Several students walked out when it turned into a gun control rally.


My take: Somebody call David Hogg. He'd shit a kidney over this.

By all accounts, Hogg wouldn't amount to a dog turd on the bottom of Kendrick Castillo's shoe.

Bravo Zulu Kendrick. We wish you fair winds and following seas on your voyage to Valhalla.

05-09-19, 14:33
Just when I think the ComDems cannot go any lower, they prove me wrong.

Boba Fett v2
05-09-19, 14:45
Seems there might be hope for this generation after all...


‘Not a statistic’: Students walk out of Colorado shooting vigil to condemn politics and press

By Deanna Paul May 9 at 1:15 PM
A vigil commemorating the victims of the STEM school shooting in Colorado ended in protest Wednesday evening after students said they refused to be used as pawns to promote gun control.

Hundreds attended the vigil — students, teachers, activists and elected officials — to honor Kendrick Castillo, the 18-year-old who was fatally shot Tuesday at the STEM School Highlands Ranch in suburban Denver. But Castillo’s classmates were moved to protest after two invitees, Sen. Michael F. Bennet (D-Colo.) and Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.), spoke. Many of the teenagers at the vigil — at the nearby Highlands Ranch High School — perceived the speeches as politicizing their trauma when they wanted their own voices heard.

Students stood and stormed out. Some clapped and united in chants, deriding what they saw as a “political stunt.” The school parking lot quickly filled with teenagers, cursing at the press and holding backlit cellphones in the air.

“What happened at STEM is awful, but it’s not a statistic. We can’t be used for a reason for gun control. We are people, not a statement,” one student wearing a yellow Spartans shirt said in video aired by 9News.

Another teenager voiced similar frustrations, saying: “I thought this was about us, not about politics.”


Earlier Wednesday, in the wake of the STEM shooting, both Colorado politicians posted messages on Twitter endorsing changes to gun laws.

“We must pass common-sense gun violence laws,” Crow wrote.

“Our children deserve to live in a world where they don’t fear going to school,” Bennet tweeted, echoing the sentiment. “ … Something has to change.”

Castillo was killed three days before graduation. A bullet hit the high school senior as he tried to tackle the shooter. Eight other students were injured when two people opened fire. According to police, one of the shooters was 18-year-old Devon Erickson and the other was a younger student who has not been identified, because she is a juvenile.

The gathering at Highlands Ranch High, one of several held Wednesday, was organized by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

“We are here to lift up the voices of victims and survivors,” a statement released by the Brady Center said Wednesday. “We are deeply sorry any part of this vigil did not provide the support, caring and sense of community we sought to foster and facilitate.”

The same students regathered in the school gymnasium later Wednesday evening and completed Castillo’s commemoration.

One student, in a moment captured by 9News, addressed the reconvened crowd and said: “We wanted Kendrick to be mourned. We wanted all of you to join us in that mourning. But that was not allowed here.”

“We’re back now to tell you we love Kendrick and we love all of the survivors,” he said.

05-09-19, 15:17
The gathering at Highlands Ranch High, one of several held Wednesday, was organized by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

“We are here to lift up the voices of victims and survivors,” a statement released by the Brady Center said Wednesday. “We are deeply sorry any part of this vigil did not provide the support, caring and sense of community we sought to foster and facilitate.”

The same students regathered in the school gymnasium later Wednesday evening and completed Castillo’s commemoration.

One student, in a moment captured by 9News, addressed the reconvened crowd and said: “We wanted Kendrick to be mourned. We wanted all of you to join us in that mourning. But that was not allowed here.”

“We’re back now to tell you we love Kendrick and we love all of the survivors,” he said.[/I]

How do you "lift them up" by standing on their corpses? :mad:

To be fair, I don't want pro-gun advocates standing on his corpse either. Anything beyond "He is a hero and should receive the highest honors" is too much. No ifs, ands or buts, just that and no mention of your personal or paid professional stance. There's a time and place for all that and it's not while speaking of this brave young man. :(

Doc Safari
05-09-19, 16:21

After walking out on her politicized speech, the students reportedly chanted “mental health,” held their own vigil outside and then later returned to the auditorium to blast Democrats and their allies with Moms Demand Action for disrespecting them.

The “mental health” chants were likely in reference to the indisputable fact that improved mental health services would do far more to stop school shootings than gun laws.

The next morning some in the media rushed to try and defend Moms Demand Action.

“I feel terrible. They did not feel represented. I get it,” The Daily Beast, a radically far-left outlet, quoted Reeves as saying. “This was put together in such a short time. I know they did their best. Emotions are raw and sad. They are grieving. They need to express their feelings. They need to be together. I am hoping their school can help facilitate that conversation beyond this week.”

The Daily Beast’s piece didn’t contain a single from quote the students themselves …

Also note her lack of an apology.

Team Enough, the Brady Campaign branch that reportedly organized the event, did at least take the time to issue a formal apology: “We are deeply sorry any part of this vigil did not provide the support, caring & sense of community we sought to foster and facilitate,” the group said.

And just to make this interesting:


One of the two suspects in the Colorado school shooting is female, reportedly transgender


The 18-year-old accused in the fatal shooting at a Colorado charter school shared social media posts that were critical of President Trump and Christians, but heaped praise on former President Barack Obama.

My take: How come the shooters always seem to be lefty loons but conservatives get the blame?

05-09-19, 16:37
Two Satanist tranny's shoot up a school, and the dems go after the gun laws.

Serves them right. Not saying the kids are GOP or NRA, but they are totally correct to go after the pols for their hijacking the rally for a true fallen hero.

05-09-19, 16:40
I hope this bullshit is burned in memories forever and they vote accordingly.

05-09-19, 21:34
If my kids corpse was barely room temperature and a buncha faggots started parading his corpse at some vain attempt at a political point; they would be demanding “Fist Control” most ricky rick.

People can have their opinions but you are dealing with kids and the dead. Not cool. Not tolerated. Do it on your own time and do it away from me.

Guns and death aren’t going away any time soon. And like it’s things like this that reveal Heathers to have been way ahead of its time in the whole sensationalism of tragedy.
Want instant national attention?
Want to be MTV’s Cause of the Week?

Go shoot up a school.

That’s the message being sent and it is being sent intentionally.

05-10-19, 02:18
Maybe the answer is to start placing fire axes in the fire extinguisher cases with the extinguishers. First time one of these losers gets his head lopped off or split open like a dugout canoe...

05-10-19, 06:05
Pretty sad when the high schoolers had to put a stop to the bullshit because their parents are pussies and the administration was too busy fawning over the anti-gun "celebrities"


05-10-19, 06:06
I hope this bullshit is burned in memories forever and they vote accordingly.

My Son is in his early twenties, he informed me that there is a resurgence in conservative values in his age group and a lot of his friends voted for and will vote again for Trump.

05-10-19, 06:21
My Son is in his early twenties, he informed me that there is a resurgence in conservative values in his age group and a lot of his friends voted for and will vote again for Trump.

The boomer hate is real. These fatasses spent years talking about alternative lifestyles and sportfcking and now young folks are like “you know, having a home, a wife you actually like who hasn’t been with a million dudes, not being in eternal debt and not sucking is actually the cool thing to do”

A real conservatism not this “Republican” bullsheeeeyit. I honestly hate Republicans as much as if not more than Democrats because I am sick of people playing deal a meal with my tax money and individual liberties. I’m too old to care about the little pygmies in New Guinea and saving the whales and too young for AARP and Socialist Security. I’m not alone.

Who is speaking for me? Not Republicans and certainly not Democrats.

An excellent influx of uninoculated illiterates who refuse to speak English or fix their own countries isn’t doing me any favors. No immigration is not patriotic it’s BS. Screw these people.

I sometimes think Mormons have it right. Live in the middle of nowhere with harems, lotsa guns, breeding above replacement level, and being kinda exclusive and shunning the outside world.

Either close the borders or legalize reverse hordes and crucifixions.

05-10-19, 07:23
I have no artistic skills, but someone needs to draw a political cartoon of Bennett and Crow standing on the fallen, bloody body of Castillo. Even bettter, fighting for the microphone.

05-10-19, 08:23
Extended version of what happened.

I want to know who sent the STEM students out.


Doc Safari
05-10-19, 08:53
If my kids corpse was barely room temperature and a buncha faggots started parading his corpse at some vain attempt at a political point; they would be demanding “Fist Control” most ricky rick.

People can have their opinions but you are dealing with kids and the dead. Not cool. Not tolerated. Do it on your own time and do it away from me.

Guns and death aren’t going away any time soon. And like it’s things like this that reveal Heathers to have been way ahead of its time in the whole sensationalism of tragedy.
Want instant national attention?
Want to be MTV’s Cause of the Week?

Go shoot up a school.

That’s the message being sent and it is being sent intentionally.

Eek. That is scary. You are saying that these rallies are encouraging more school shootings because it brings attention to the shooters' exploits. I want to disagree with you. I NEED to disagree with you. Trouble is...YOU'RE RIGHT.

05-10-19, 08:58
The boomer hate is real. These fatasses spent years talking about alternative lifestyles and sportfcking and now young folks are like “you know, having a home, a wife you actually like who hasn’t been with a million dudes, not being in eternal debt and not sucking is actually the cool thing to do”

A real conservatism not this “Republican” bullsheeeeyit. I honestly hate Republicans as much as if not more than Democrats because I am sick of people playing deal a meal with my tax money and individual liberties. I’m too old to care about the little pygmies in New Guinea and saving the whales and too young for AARP and Socialist Security. I’m not alone.

Who is speaking for me? Not Republicans and certainly not Democrats.

An excellent influx of uninoculated illiterates who refuse to speak English or fix their own countries isn’t doing me any favors. No immigration is not patriotic it’s BS. Screw these people.

I sometimes think Mormons have it right. Live in the middle of nowhere with harems, lotsa guns, breeding above replacement level, and being kinda exclusive and shunning the outside world.

Either close the borders or legalize reverse hordes and crucifixions.

Pretty much exactly what he said.

05-10-19, 10:25
This was not your "normal" high school, it was a charter STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) school. Kudo's to the students for having critical thinking skills, to bad the majority of schools in the country are now commie propaganda/brainwashing mills.

05-10-19, 11:07
Having Brady host the vigil would be like having the NRA host it. The adults should have known better. Brady has been known as an outspoken political lobby for decades, not an institution for grieving and comfort.

Someone in that admin wanted the political push and allowed these clowns to come. He/she should be identified as the one who also let the students down.

05-10-19, 11:14
Eek. That is scary. You are saying that these rallies are encouraging more school shootings because it brings attention to the shooters' exploits. I want to disagree with you. I NEED to disagree with you. Trouble is...YOU'RE RIGHT.

I wouldn't say that these vigils are leading to more shootings. Upholding the heroic actions of a student is far different than some pity party mixed with anti-gun rhetoric. Now maybe that is what it ended up being, but it was to honor Castillio.

Coolest Castillo since Miami Vice episode with Capt. Castillo and that huge revolver.

Going to look to see if Bennet or Crow have any events this weekend that I can show up with my kids and a banner that Reads "Go home, no dead kids to stand on here."

05-10-19, 11:16
Having Brady host the vigil would be like having the NRA host it. The adults should have known better. Brady has been known as an outspoken political lobby for decades, not an institution for grieving and comfort.

Someone in that admin wanted the political push and allowed these clowns to come. He/she should be identified as the one who also let the students down.

They are totally blind to it. The kool-aide left has gone totally blind to how the other 60% thinks. They used to have contempt, but now it is all just pure ignorance and avoidance.

Doc Safari
05-10-19, 11:16
I wouldn't say that these vigils are leading to more shootings. Upholding the heroic actions of a student is far different than some pity party mixed with anti-gun rhetoric. Now maybe that is what it ended up being, but it was to honor Castillio.

Coolest Castillo since Miami Vice episode with Capt. Castillo and that huge revolver.

Going to look to see if Bennet or Crow have any events this weekend that I can show up with my kids and a banner that Reads "Go home, no dead kids to stand on here."

The theory is that in the twisted mind any publicity is good publicity and to the extent that a shooter is out to make people suffer to begin with, a rally with wailing and gnashing of teeth is food for that kind of sociopath.

05-10-19, 11:39
The theory is that in the twisted mind any publicity is good publicity and to the extent that a shooter is out to make people suffer to begin with, a rally with wailing and gnashing of teeth is food for that kind of sociopath.

You guys have been watching wayyyy to much of the Bundy files on Netflix

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Doc Safari
05-14-19, 12:48
Just some more FYI on the piece of shit that did the shooting. Looks like being a piece of shit runs in the family.


The father of the alleged juvenile transgender STEM School shooter is reportedly an illegal alien and serial felon, jailed for domestic violence and deported twice back to Mexico.
According to the Daily Mail, Jose Evis Quintana, 33, father of Maya McKinney, 16, was jailed for 15 months for domestic violence against Maya’s mother, Morgan Lynn McKinney, and for “menacing with a weapon.”

Maya, who uses the name “Alec,” is “transitioning” from female to male. She allegedly conducted the shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch in Denver, Colorado, with Devon Erickson, 18. The shooting left one student dead and eight others injured.

The Daily Mail reported:

Records show Quintana, 33, who was also deported twice, had a string of arrests in Colorado dating from 2008 to 2017.

Court papers show that despite Quintana terrorizing Alec’s mother Morgan Lynn McKinney, 32, he managed to convince her to marry him in 2009, a year before he was first deported.

Quintana, 33, who admitted to having a history of drink and drug problems, was sent back to his native Mexico on December 9, 2010.

In addition to Maya, who was born in 2003, Quintana and Morgan are the parents of a son and another daughter, both younger than the alleged shooter.

Soon after the birth of the couple’s second daughter in 2008, Quintana was charged with attempted kidnapping, “menacing with a weapon,” and failing to stop for police. In early 2009, he was jailed after he failed to see a court official during the time his trial was pending.

According to the news report, Quintana’s court papers said he “wishes to stay in custody since he has a problem with drugs and alcohol.”

Quintana was permitted supervised visits with Maya and her siblings without their mother present.

In July 2009, the court granted Morgan permanent custody of the three children. Two months later, Quintana was sentenced to 15 months in prison when all charges, except “menacing with a weapon” were dropped, and he was ordered to attend domestic violence counseling.

In November 2009, Morgan and Quintana were married. He was deported back to Mexico in December 2010. Subsequently, Morgan filed for divorce, indicating in court documents that Quintana “has been traveling illegally between Colorado and Mexico” even after his deportation.

Morgan and Quintana were officially divorced in May 2015, says the report.

In December 2016, police in Castle Rock, Colorado, discovered a warrant had been issued against Quintana in New Mexico for domestic violence. Police found him in Castle Rock and arrested him. Though he was to be extradited to New Mexico, in April 2017, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) took Quintana into custody and deported him back to Mexico.

Maya reportedly tweeted to her mother just days prior to the STEM school shooting, “I miss my dad can you find him for me.”

Doc Safari
05-14-19, 14:30
More outrage:


Today there are multiple reports of a parent who anonymously warned the STEM Schhol Highlands Ranch’s board of a disturbing environment in the school. She was apparently concerned that the school could be the site of a Columbine-like attack.

From the Daily Mail:

Five months before the deadly shooting at a Colorado high school, a district official urged the school’s director to investigate allegations made by a mother who feared student bullying and violence could lead to the next ‘Columbine’.

The letter, which was dated December 19, was sent to the director of the STEM School in Denver – the scene of Tuesday’s shooting where one student was killed and eight injured when two classmates opened fire with handguns.

The district official wrote in the letter that the anonymous parent had raised ‘concerns about student violence due to a high-pressure environment’ and referred to the massacre at a nearby school in 1999.

The letter said the parent told Douglas County School Board of Education Director Wendy Vogel by telephone that ‘many students are suicidal and violent in school. Several students have reported sexual assault and nothing is being done.

Referencing an alleged bomb threat and ‘an extremely high drug culture at STEM,’ the parent said the environment at the school was ‘the perfect storm,’ according to the letter.

According the the Daily Mail report as well as one from Reuters, the school contacted local law enforcement and conducted an investigation.

In a statement, STEM School Executive Director Penelope Eucker said the investigation found “no evidence to support any of the allegations.”

Then the school turned its sights on the concerned parent who called in the warning.

According to Reuters . . .

“While STEM took the allegations seriously, our investigation revealed no evidence to support any of the allegations,” the statement said.

On January 17, the school filed a lawsuit in Douglas County District Court seeking to establish the identity of the anonymous parent, who it said defamed the school and Eucker.

On Feb. 1, the school told parents their attorney was seeking “full remedy” for the “outrageous accusations,” which also included embezzling public funds and teaching children how to build bombs.

“We want you to know the depth of this depravity and apologize if you find this as offensive as we did,” said that letter, seen by Reuters.

My take: Hard as it is for me to type, one is tempted to think these f-tard school administrators WANT to keep their heads in the sand. Even if their investigation turned up nothing, to retaliate against the parent who wrote the letter is just shooting oneself in the foot. At the very least the mere possibility that there might be a Columbine-style shooting should have made them do the prudent thing and increase security. But oh, no--being the whistleblower is the ultimate sin. It's like the appearance of normality is so important to them that they are willing to potentially sacrifice the lives of children to further it.

05-14-19, 18:20
More outrage:


My take: Hard as it is for me to type, one is tempted to think these f-tard school administrators WANT to keep their heads in the sand. Even if their investigation turned up nothing, to retaliate against the parent who wrote the letter is just shooting oneself in the foot. At the very least the mere possibility that there might be a Columbine-style shooting should have made them do the prudent thing and increase security. But oh, no--being the whistleblower is the ultimate sin. It's like the appearance of normality is so important to them that they are willing to potentially sacrifice the lives of children to further it.

I also say they/some WANT it to happen so they can try to gain control in politics
communists in history have never had a problem killing and using innocent children to gain what they want as adults !

05-14-19, 18:26
I also say they/some WANT it to happen so they can try to gain control in politics
communists in history have never had a problem killing and using innocent children to gain what they want as adults !

These people murder their OWN children just because of being "inconveniently timed," what do you think they're willing to do to yours when there's actual political gain on the table?

Never forget that, my friends--each and every Leftist has an inner Che Guevara/Killing Fields just WAITING for the chance to rip the mask off and show its true colors. I am damned because I grew up among these people and was groomed from an early age to join them, and to this day there's a part of my brain that thinks just like them, so learn the lessons from us who've been On The Inside and make the crosses we bear worth it.