View Full Version : If you like military aircraft, you need to check out DCS World

05-11-19, 03:13
DCS World is a flight simulation program for Windows PC. Check it out here (https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/downloads/world/beta/).

If you've ever gone to an air museum where they let you sit in a fighter or helicopter cockpit and felt That Magic, and then wondered what it would feel like to know what all those switches did, what it would feel like to flip the switches, grab the controls, takeoff, do in-flight refueling, land on a carrier, launch weapons at air or ground targets, or sling load cargo from one point to another, you need to check this out. If you're interested in learning more about the aircraft you grew up building models of, reading about, or seeing on TV, you need to check this out. If you flew or worked on planes in the military and miss the aircraft, you need to check this out. Along with a VR headset, it's a childhood dream come true.


That's in-game footage, btw.

While researching it, I had the good luck to speak to a current airline captain/former RAF Tornado F3 pilot who uses DCS. Over the course of asking a few questions, "Windy" said that he also used an Oculus Rift VR headset with DCS. I asked him more about the VR headset and he told me the following: 'Flying in DCS with an Oculus Rift and a Jetseat (a feedback pad with motors in it that you lay over your chair) is almost as good as flying the real thing.' Hearing that from a former fighter pilot, I was sold! I already had an old joystick, which was good enough to run the sim, but now I wanted a VR setup to see if it was really as good as Windy said it was. It was that good. In fact, it's amazing. Over the course of three years, I pieced together a PC that could run a VR headset better, bought a Rift, ordered a Jetseat seat cover, and cobbled together a flight stick, rudder, and throttle setup by buying and repairing used and broken PC joystick/throttle/rudder components on Ebay. All told, I've got about $3000 in it spread over the three years.

A few weeks ago I was "flying" with some of the guys from 16AGR where I met Windy, helping one of them test a new ground attack mission on the Persian Gulf map, when the following happened: Windy and the guy doing RIO for him were flying the F-14B and got hit by a shoulder-launched SAM. Windy called the hit over comms and then announced that they had problems and were returning to the carrier. Then we hear Windy go "woah!" followed a few moments later by laughter. He said his left engine had gone into secondary mode, due to the damage sustained, and that he had heard and felt (through his Jetseat) an engine surge occur. He explained that he was laughing because for a few seconds, he forgot he was playing a game! He had experienced it for real in his Tornado F3 back in his flying days, and it sounded and felt exactly as he remembered it!

One of my favorite experiences "flying" was on a server running a fictional mid Cold War scenario between Soviet Russia and a NATO aligned Georgia. We were flying F-5Es through the canyons North East of Sukhumi in Georgia looking for Mig-21s flying out of Sochi to kill. My buddy got pulled away with real life stuff and so I went flying solo. I'm zipping along north at mach 0.9 in this canyon in the mountains just east of the beach, checking cross canyons that lead out to the coast of the Black Sea to the left. As I pass one of the cross canyons, I see a dot in the sky out by the beach moving south... that's no friendly, it's on! I turn left and stay low. My radar is off- I don't want this guy to know I'm coming. The F-5 is really hard to see from the front- it's tiny! As I exit the canyon headed west out over some rolling hills that go out to the beach, I look north briefly to check for other bandits- nothing. I'm clear. I turn left and start closing on this poor guy- uh oh, there's two of them. They're flying along at about 1000ft and 500 knots. I'm tearing after them at 650 now and low. I'm getting close enough to vis ID them. I pull up- confirm they're Mig-21s! I get a sidewinder tone- "Fox 2!" I pull right just a bit, get tone on the other guy, "Fox 2!" I pull off left, roll out, and look over my right shoulder to see smoke trails reaching out to intersect them- Bang! Fireball and a whole lot of confetti! The other guy sees his buddy explode and starts to pull up and right- Poof! He's still the same shape, but bleeding black and grey smoke. I race back east into the canyon, turn right for south, do a few check turns to make sure I'm not being followed, check fuel- I'm good- and then decide I'm not ballsy enough to go hunting Migs alone with guns only. I continue south and check six as I'm coming out of the mountains. I'm clear all the way over the hills back to Sukhumi, where I land uneventfully, taxi to the arming area, and radio for more gas and two more Aim-9s so I can get back to hunting. What a rush!

Guys, if you have any interest in military flight, you owe it to yourselves to have a look at this. It has a pretty good community, with a fair number of former pilots and military guys. Even without VR, it's still interesting. The VR just puts you THERE.

About DCS World:

The sim itself is free and includes two free aircraft: the Su-25T and the TF-51
Each aircraft has taken between 2 and 6 years to research and fully model
Research includes working with real pilots and technicians who worked with the aircraft
DCS has aircraft from WW2 up to about 2006.
Aircraft modules are sold individually, with the exception of the FC3 pack
Included mission builder
Included voiced interactive tutorials for learning the systems of the various aircraft
Included multiplayer and dedicated server support for 60+ people
Custom servers run by enthusiasts featuring everything from training to acrobatics to dogfighting to dynamic theater-wide red vs blue fights involving ground forces, helos, naval assets, and fixed wing aircraft
Offers a work-in-progress ground unit module for controlling ground forces, including controlling (simplified, but parameter accurate) tactical SAM units (i.e. SA-15, Chapparel, etc) in first person
Full fidelity aircraft are accurate and complex enough that you can use non or declassified military manuals to learn the systems

Aircraft with fully modeled cockpit systems and flight models include the following:

Spitfire LF Mk. IX, Bf 109 K-4, Fw 190 D-9, P-51D Mustang, I-16

Korean War Era:
Mig-15Bis, F-86F Sabre

Early/Mid Cold War:
MiG-19P Farmer, L-39 Albatros (trainer/light attack), F-5E Tiger II, Mig-21Bis, UH-1 Huey, Mi-8 Hip

Late Cold War-2000s:
Mirage2000C, A-10C Warthog, SAAB AJS-37 Viggen, Ka-50 attack helo, A-10C, AV-8B Night Attack Harrier, F/A-18C Hornet, and finally, the F-14 Tomcat (currently the B model with GE engines, the A model with notoriously temperamental TF-30 Pratt and Whitney engines to be added soon at no additional cost for Tomcat buyers)

Additional Aircraft:

Additionally, DCS has a bundle pack of aircraft called "FC3" that all have high fidelity flight models, but feature somewhat simplified cockpit controls. This is due in most cases to a lack of publicly available information or lack of permission from aircraft manufacturers/governments to fully model some of the primary systems. FC3 features the F-15C Eagle, A-10A Warthog, Mig-29A Fulcrum, Mig-29S Fulcrum, Mig-29G Fulcrum (the former East German variant), Su-27 Flanker, J-11 Flanker L, and Su-25 Frogfoot.

The Future

Additional aircraft currently in development and due out in the next few years include the F-16C Falcon Block 50, JF-17, Mig-23MLA Flogger, F-4E Phantom, Mi-24P Hind, AH-1F Cobra, F-8J Crusader, and F-15E Strike Eagle, with more to be announced.

Seasonal Sales
The prices for aircraft modules can seem a bit steep, however they have sales around Christmas, Summer, Spring, and sometimes Fall as well. The Sales range from 30% to 50% off, varying from year to year. They have a loyalty program that gives you "points" that count toward future buys, but their sales are definitely a better deal and the best time to buy.


I don't work for Eagle Dynamics and have no affiliation with them. There's no promotion or anything I'm trying to take advantage of. My only association with anyone remotely related is my friendship with Drex, the guy who made the DDCS Dynamic DCS server (the only theater wide one with moving ground units). I just want other people to know about DCS because I had no idea something this good existed until I stumbled across it. I'm shocked it's still so obscure. With a VR headset, it's an aircraft lover's dream.

05-11-19, 15:25
I play Kerbal Space Program! I have successfully launched dozens of space probes.

05-11-19, 18:09
I play Kerbal Space Program! I have successfully launched dozens of space probes.

Is that sarcasm?

05-11-19, 21:09
No, I got into KSP about 3 years ago. You can build your own rocket and space craft from the ground up and launch it into LEO, GTO or Deep Space.

I have DCS as well, I fly a USMC Harrier II mostly for the single/multiplayer missions off of the USS Tarawa. I have flown the F-15C and the SU-27 but I like the Harrier the best. I have a video somewhere of me taking out a few ground targets.

05-11-19, 21:49
At first I though you were a nerd. Now, I think you are a nerd with a video game I'd really like to play.

05-11-19, 21:54
At first I though you were a nerd. Now, I think you are a nerd with a video game I'd really like to play.

I don't know if Aries144 is a nerd or not, but DCS is pretty fun and realistic- maybe to realistic because there is a learning curve. Like aircraft startup procedure and operation of the FMS and MFD are real world realistic.

05-11-19, 22:48
Dude, this is way beyond nerd. This is an educational opportunity. That it's fun in a make-you-feel-like-you're-ten-again way is icing on the cake.

A lot of guys dream of flying fighter aircraft. Very few ever will. A former fighter jock told me, with a VR headset and Jetseat feedback cover, DCS is 'almost as good as the real thing.' How could any red blooded male not be excited about that? Did you not see Iron Eagle and Top Gun as a kid or something? lol

An astro physicist buddy of mine recently bought me a copy of Kerbal. I'm looking forward to trying it out. Math was never my strong suit though...

If you guys want, hop on the 16AGR discord channel. Our Euro and British guys are on earlier in the afternoon, the regular Americans are on after 5 ish Mountain time. Several of our regulars are former military guys.

05-11-19, 23:21
I don’t understand. Is this some sort of console set up?

I’m interested in learning more but really have no clue where to start based on what you’ve written.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-11-19, 23:32
I don’t understand. Is this some sort of console set up?

PC game, its free but its basic, you need to buy the terrain pack for Persian Gulf and buy a few planes.

05-12-19, 05:39
DCS World is a flight simulation program for a personal computer. You can download it here (https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/downloads/world/beta/).

DCS runs on Windows only. It is not Mac or Linux compatible and consoles can't run it. The base program is free and features the Caucasus region (Georgia, Eastern half of the Black Sea, and a big chunk of nearby Russia) and two aircraft: an unarmed version of the P-51, and the anti-tank version of the Su-25 called the Su-25T.

I'm going to lay out a minimum setup for trying it out, and a complete setup needed to run the simulation with a VR headset, including controls with enough switches to efficiently run the more complex aircraft.


This is just for use with a single monitor, no VR headset.

Minimum 64-bit Windows 7/8/10; Intel Core i3 at 2.8 GHz or AMD FX; 16 GB RAM; 60 GB free hard disk space; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 / AMD R9 Fury
"Logitech Extreme 3D Pro" or "Thrustmaster t16000" for a cheap do-all joystick

Full VR Experience

This one is a bit of a rabbit hole. You could go nuts with a full motion setup if you wanted. There's even a guy working on a seat that helps you sense pulling G. It's all supported. There are a lot of different options for the components, including picking from control sets for different aircraft, so I'll put up what I think is a quality basic setup for VR.

A desk to put all the hardware on and chair to sit at.

PC with Windows 10, I7 9700k CPU, 32GB RAM, 2080Ti Graphics card, 1TB SSD, and 850W power supply.

"Thrustmaster A-10C Warthog flight stick and throttle (HOTAS)"

"Crosswind Rudder Pedals"

2 "Monstertech desk mounts;" 1 for the Thrustmaster Warthog stick and 1 for the Thrustmaster Warthog throttle.

VR headset. A new generation of headsets is just hitting the market now, and the front runner for simulation should be known in the next few weeks. Recommended current gen headset is the Samsung Odyssey+.

Either the Gametrix Jetseat seat cover or ForceFeel seatcover. Whichever one is available, they're equivalent.

This is similar to what the above setup looks like installed. (https://youtu.be/7hFivQyfWv8) Ignore the extra flight stick, he's got it there for comparison.

05-12-19, 05:44
Here's a good example of the level of detail of the simulation (https://youtu.be/niqAG6uUTbo). What you're seeing is Windy sitting in the back seat of the F-14 explaining some workings of the radar specific to a TWS Phoenix engagement while one of the other guys is in the front seat flying the jet.

12-06-20, 13:44
DCS World is a flight simulation program for a personal computer. You can download it here (https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/downloads/world/beta/).

DCS runs on Windows only. It is not Mac or Linux compatible and consoles can't run it. The base program is free and features the Caucasus region (Georgia, Eastern half of the Black Sea, and a big chunk of nearby Russia) and two aircraft: an unarmed version of the P-51, and the anti-tank version of the Su-25 called the Su-25T.

I'm going to lay out a minimum setup for trying it out, and a complete setup needed to run the simulation with a VR headset, including controls with enough switches to efficiently run the more complex aircraft.


This is just for use with a single monitor, no VR headset.

Minimum 64-bit Windows 7/8/10; Intel Core i3 at 2.8 GHz or AMD FX; 16 GB RAM; 60 GB free hard disk space; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 / AMD R9 Fury
"Logitech Extreme 3D Pro" or "Thrustmaster t16000" for a cheap do-all joystick

Full VR Experience

This one is a bit of a rabbit hole. You could go nuts with a full motion setup if you wanted. There's even a guy working on a seat that helps you sense pulling G. It's all supported. There are a lot of different options for the components, including picking from control sets for different aircraft, so I'll put up what I think is a quality basic setup for VR.

A desk to put all the hardware on and chair to sit at.

PC with Windows 10, I7 9700k CPU, 32GB RAM, 2080Ti Graphics card, 1TB SSD, and 850W power supply.

"Thrustmaster A-10C Warthog flight stick and throttle (HOTAS)"

"Crosswind Rudder Pedals"

2 "Monstertech desk mounts;" 1 for the Thrustmaster Warthog stick and 1 for the Thrustmaster Warthog throttle.

VR headset. A new generation of headsets is just hitting the market now, and the front runner for simulation should be known in the next few weeks. Recommended current gen headset is the Samsung Odyssey+.

Either the Gametrix Jetseat seat cover or ForceFeel seatcover. Whichever one is available, they're equivalent.

This is similar to what the above setup looks like installed. (https://youtu.be/7hFivQyfWv8) Ignore the extra flight stick, he's got it there for comparison.

My son is interested in getting into this. I think it’s also pretty cool. As far as the hardware set ups, were 18 months past this recommendation. Does anybody have any updates to this list? Is there a VR headset that stands above the others?

12-06-20, 17:24
Two excellent threads to read in GD today. Very cool on this, I would sell a gun to get into this. I might.

12-07-20, 12:27
My son and I have been working on building a flight simulator (F/A-18 Hornet C) for about a year and a half to run DCS. Will be getting the PC and associated hardware in a few months. Here's a great resource for those looking at getting a high end PC to run VR smoothly:


12-07-20, 12:32
I play Kerbal Space Program! I have successfully launched dozens of space probes.

Not to thread drift, but it that worth the money?

I've looked at it several times and keep waiting to pull the trigger.

12-07-20, 12:36
An astro physicist buddy of mine recently bought me a copy of Kerbal. I'm looking forward to trying it out. Math was never my strong suit though...

I know this is a necro, but...

Brother, where you're going, you don't need math.

Three-hour long stream of a dude playing KSP and just basically slapping things together... and they mostly almost always work most of the time generally. (Very few Kerbals were killed in the making of this video. Almost none, in fact.)

12-07-20, 14:37
My son is interested in getting into this. I think it’s also pretty cool. As far as the hardware set ups, were 18 months past this recommendation. Does anybody have any updates to this list? Is there a VR headset that stands above the others?

Resolution has increased across the board for VR headsets. With that of course, newer more powerful video cards are also needed.

Updated recommended VR system specs follows (this is for the below listed VR sets):

A desk to put all the hardware on and chair to sit at.
PC with Windows 10, Ryzen 5 5600x, Ryzen 7 5800X, Ryzen 9 5900X, or i7 10700k CPU, 32GB RAM, Nvidia 3080/AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT (or 3090/RX 6900 XT for use with Pimax 8kx) Graphics card, 1TB SSD, and 850W power supply.
Hand controls: Thrustmaster Warthog for the throttle, VKB (https://vkbcontrollers.com/) or Virpil (https://virpil-controls.eu/) make better flight sticks. Thrustmaster Warthog stick is barely ok if you need a package deal with the throttle. CH Fighterstick (NOT Combatstick) is an excellent cheaper, yet more durable, option than TM Warthog stick option that only lacks one botton (cms press) and the pinky lever.
Foot controls: "Crosswind Rudder Pedals (https://mfg-sim.com/en/3-rudder-pedals)" or "VPC ACE Interceptor Pedals (https://virpil-controls.eu/vpc-ace-interceptor-pedals.html)"
Joystick mounts: 2 "Monstertech desk mounts (https://monstertechusa.com/product-category/flight/table-mounts-flight/);" 1 specific for whatever stick you choose and 1 for the Thrustmaster Warthog throttle.
VR headset: Resolution is most important for flight simming, followed by field of view. HP Reverb G2 (https://www.connection.com/product/hp-reverb-g2-virtual-reality-headset/1g5u1aa-aba/41024161?cm_mmc=HP-_-Reverb-G2-_-VR-Headset-_-Pre-Order) has very high res, Pimax 8KX (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08G8HWYJ2?pf_rd_r=V7G5WJBD54BZGR25BBGY&pf_rd_p=9d9090dd-8b99-4ac3-b4a9-90a1db2ef53b) has fairly high res with a wide 200 degree FOV. Know that you need to buy a couple of "vive base stations" to make the Pimax work, and it comes with no controllers, (normal VR controllers are useless for flight and driving sims anyway). $600 for the Reverb, $1500+ to get the Pimax set up.
Motorized seat cover: Gametrix Jetseat (https://andres.shop/) motorized seat cover for feeling turbulence, angle of attack, weapon release, etc. ForceFeel IS NOT recommended anymore.
PointCTRL Finger Controller Unit (https://pointctrl.com/)s. They allow clicking things in the cockpit via two "rings" you wear on your index fingers and a camera that goes on the front of the VR headset. They work VERY well.

A couple of notes on flight sticks and controllers in general:

With Virpil and VKB, you pick a base and an aircraft specific grip to attach to it. Thrustmaster Warthog comes with both stick and base, though you can buy just the grip separately. TM's Warthog A-10C/F-16C grip is great, their base sucks. The Warthog grip will fit and work on the much better Virpil base.
You can either go sidestick like the F-16, or center stick with a much wider throw like all the older fighter used. For a center stick, you need to buy an extension. This is a long straight or curved pole that the grip sits on top of that comes with all the wire and connectors to do this and have the grip still connect to the base. You also need to ensure that you get one of the taller monster mounts, so you can mount the base low enough that the grip, when on the extension, is at natural grip height.
Check Ebay. Things have been more picked over since the Coof started, but buying used sticks, or just broken joysticks and repairing them with some basic Soldering work, can offer great savings here.

Video cards are in a rough spot right now. For whatever reason, you can't find the new generation of Nvidia 30xx series or AMD cards anywhere, other than scalpers on Ebay for grossly inflated prices. Ideally, you'd want to grab Nvidia 3080 or better or AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT or better.

HP Reverb G2 - high resolution, similar FOV as older headsets - about $600 now on preorder, with delivery sometime after January.
Pimax Vision 8KX - high resolution, highest FOV for consumer headsets, software may be more challenging to use - about $1500+ when factoring in Vive base stations.

12-07-20, 14:42
My son and I have been working on building a flight simulator (F/A-18 Hornet C) for about a year and a half to run DCS. Will be getting the PC and associated hardware in a few months. Here's a great resource for those looking at getting a high end PC to run VR smoothly:


Excellent link. That guy knows his computer stuff, just don't look too closely at his political opinions. He's a bit of a Silicon Valley stereotype.

12-07-20, 14:56
Regarding DCS specifically, the F-14B module just added the F-14A variant to that package for no added cost. That's the version with the temperamental TF-30 engines that flames out and gets Goose killed in Top Gun. It's also the variant which served in the greatest numbers for most of the F-14's time in service, and the only variant in service from 1975 to 1986. Engine stalls are an issue at low speeds, high AOA, and when passing through another aircraft's wake. You also have the ability to pull the circuit breaker that controls the midengine bypass for more thrust at low speed, but with an increased risk of engine stall- just like legendary F-14 pilot Keith "Okie" Nance talked about in his interview at Aircrew Interview on Youtube.

12-09-20, 09:47
Thanks everyone. My son's computer is two years old and has an i5 and 16GB of memory. Will that not work for the VR? Would dropping in more RAM help. He does have a 2070 video card.

12-09-20, 11:12
Thanks everyone. My son's computer is two years old and has an i5 and 16GB of memory. Will that not work for the VR? Would dropping in more RAM help. He does have a 2070 video card.

The i5 will do fine.

The 2070 is going to struggle with the newer VR headsets, at least for DCS. Here's what I'd recommend: go with what you've got, since new generation video cards are unobtainable right now. You can configure DCS, via the "PD" setting in VR settings, to run at half or lower resolution to get the framerate up to an acceptable level until you can get a new video card. The game will look like you've got 20/40 vision, but it's playable and you'll get used to it.

You're also going to want another 16GB (of the EXACT same make and model RAM, with the same timing numbers) of RAM to bring him to 32GB. Busier scenarios or multiplayer servers won't run well with 16GB of RAM.

Feel free to msg me if you need more details or assistance. I'm happy to help.

12-15-20, 00:16
Resolution has increased across the board for VR headsets. With that of course, newer more powerful video cards are also needed.

Updated recommended VR system specs follows (this is for the below listed VR sets):

A desk to put all the hardware on and chair to sit at.
PC with Windows 10, Ryzen 5 5600x, Ryzen 7 5800X, Ryzen 9 5900X, or i7 10700k CPU, 32GB RAM, Nvidia 3080/AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT (or 3090/RX 6900 XT for use with Pimax 8kx) Graphics card, 1TB SSD, and 850W power supply.
Hand controls: Thrustmaster Warthog for the throttle, VKB (https://vkbcontrollers.com/) or Virpil (https://virpil-controls.eu/) make better flight sticks. Thrustmaster Warthog stick is barely ok if you need a package deal with the throttle. CH Fighterstick (NOT Combatstick) is an excellent cheaper, yet more durable, option than TM Warthog stick option that only lacks one botton (cms press) and the pinky lever.
Foot controls: "Crosswind Rudder Pedals (https://mfg-sim.com/en/3-rudder-pedals)" or "VPC ACE Interceptor Pedals (https://virpil-controls.eu/vpc-ace-interceptor-pedals.html)"
Joystick mounts: 2 "Monstertech desk mounts (https://monstertechusa.com/product-category/flight/table-mounts-flight/);" 1 specific for whatever stick you choose and 1 for the Thrustmaster Warthog throttle.
VR headset: Resolution is most important for flight simming, followed by field of view. HP Reverb G2 (https://www.connection.com/product/hp-reverb-g2-virtual-reality-headset/1g5u1aa-aba/41024161?cm_mmc=HP-_-Reverb-G2-_-VR-Headset-_-Pre-Order) has very high res, Pimax 8KX (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08G8HWYJ2?pf_rd_r=V7G5WJBD54BZGR25BBGY&pf_rd_p=9d9090dd-8b99-4ac3-b4a9-90a1db2ef53b) has fairly high res with a wide 200 degree FOV. Know that you need to buy a couple of "vive base stations" to make the Pimax work, and it comes with no controllers, (normal VR controllers are useless for flight and driving sims anyway). $600 for the Reverb, $1500+ to get the Pimax set up.
Motorized seat cover: Gametrix Jetseat (https://andres.shop/) motorized seat cover for feeling turbulence, angle of attack, weapon release, etc. ForceFeel IS NOT recommended anymore.
PointCTRL Finger Controller Unit (https://pointctrl.com/)s. They allow clicking things in the cockpit via two "rings" you wear on your index fingers and a camera that goes on the front of the VR headset. They work VERY well.

A couple of notes on flight sticks and controllers in general:

With Virpil and VKB, you pick a base and an aircraft specific grip to attach to it. Thrustmaster Warthog comes with both stick and base, though you can buy just the grip separately. TM's Warthog A-10C/F-16C grip is great, their base sucks. The Warthog grip will fit and work on the much better Virpil base.
You can either go sidestick like the F-16, or center stick with a much wider throw like all the older fighter used. For a center stick, you need to buy an extension. This is a long straight or curved pole that the grip sits on top of that comes with all the wire and connectors to do this and have the grip still connect to the base. You also need to ensure that you get one of the taller monster mounts, so you can mount the base low enough that the grip, when on the extension, is at natural grip height.
Check Ebay. Things have been more picked over since the Coof started, but buying used sticks, or just broken joysticks and repairing them with some basic Soldering work, can offer great savings here.

Video cards are in a rough spot right now. For whatever reason, you can't find the new generation of Nvidia 30xx series or AMD cards anywhere, other than scalpers on Ebay for grossly inflated prices. Ideally, you'd want to grab Nvidia 3080 or better or AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT or better.

HP Reverb G2 - high resolution, similar FOV as older headsets - about $600 now on preorder, with delivery sometime after January.
Pimax Vision 8KX - high resolution, highest FOV for consumer headsets, software may be more challenging to use - about $1500+ when factoring in Vive base stations.

So this throttle ?
And this is the package deal with the sub-optimal stick?

So you get a base like one of these: why the $100 difference?
ANd then add a grip, (Right hand, correct?)
and probably an extension. What length- or as you said the mount-extension interaction:
And the mount: VPC Mongoose t50/CM/CM2 joystick (CM mean COnstellation?)
And then for the warthog thorttle: (THrustmaster Warthog Throttle)

On the headsets, Damn. That gets expensive quick. I assume the Pimax, with more pixels, would tax a video card?

Wow, lots to look at. Makes 3Dprinting look easy...

12-15-20, 16:32
WOw, what a crap show. Sourcing this stuff, argh. Is there a place where most of this stuff can be sourced at once? I'm checking all over and at most places it is out of stock.

12-16-20, 11:42
I learned about DCS World about a year ago and got really excited...Until I realized it would mean investing several thousand on a new gaming PC, and finding a bunch of specific controllers and crap...all for something that I'd probably play only an hour or two a month.

It looks AWESOME, but I just can't justify it. Maybe if there was an easy solution to play on XBOX or whatever, but even then, it's been probably 6 months since I turned that thing on.

Oh well...Y'all enjoy it for me!

12-16-20, 11:43
WOw, what a crap show. Sourcing this stuff, argh. Is there a place where most of this stuff can be sourced at once? I'm checking all over and at most places it is out of stock.

Honestly, you might just need to wait until after Christmas.

12-16-20, 11:55
Honestly, you might just need to wait until after Christmas.

Couldn't really wait since do to other factors, this is going to end up being most of his Christmas.

I think I got a kit that looks pretty good together. I opted for the G2 because of price, and from what the reviews seemed to say, better refinement. Those won't be here for awhile, but he can play on his monitor for a bot as he learns stuff. It sounds like there is about one or two more generations to go before these are 'right'. The resolution, FOV and the quality of the optics seems to be getting there. Maybe the 'G3' will get the FOV were it needs to be and by then I'll be ready for a new processor/video-card/memory set up.

I know a retired F16 driver that I'll have to have over when we get this all put together.

Thanks for all the help!

12-24-20, 10:50
Sorry for the lack of response and the frustration it looks like you had. I've been on the road for the last week and a half.

Typically, sites like newegg.com carry everything, but demand for PC components has gone through the roof since covid hit. You have to find parts where you can, unfortunately.

I went with the G2 headset as well. I can't afford the cost of the Pimax right now.

I'm going to be limping along on a 1080ti graphics card (roughly equivalent to a 2080), with the resolution on the G2 turned down, until I can get a new card sometime next year.

I learned about DCS World about a year ago and got really excited...Until I realized it would mean investing several thousand on a new gaming PC, and finding a bunch of specific controllers and crap...all for something that I'd probably play only an hour or two a month.

It looks AWESOME, but I just can't justify it. Maybe if there was an easy solution to play on XBOX or whatever, but even then, it's been probably 6 months since I turned that thing on.

Oh well...Y'all enjoy it for me!

I wish it were easier to access, but consoles just don't have the hardware power to run it and you need something like a desk or table to mount controls. It's more of a medium cost hobby than a small one. Not as expensive as cars or serious firearms, but not in the realm of an XBox and a handful of games either. About $3-4k or so, assuming you're starting from scratch. I already had a PC and slowly upgraded over time, buying used/DIY repair components where I could. I'm not made of money and it only took me a few years to have a top-end setup.

12-24-20, 10:51
Couldn't really wait since do to other factors, this is going to end up being most of his Christmas.

I think I got a kit that looks pretty good together. I opted for the G2 because of price, and from what the reviews seemed to say, better refinement. Those won't be here for awhile, but he can play on his monitor for a bot as he learns stuff. It sounds like there is about one or two more generations to go before these are 'right'. The resolution, FOV and the quality of the optics seems to be getting there. Maybe the 'G3' will get the FOV were it needs to be and by then I'll be ready for a new processor/video-card/memory set up.

I know a retired F16 driver that I'll have to have over when we get this all put together.

Thanks for all the help!

Let me know if you have any problems. I should be around for the next couple of months at least.

12-24-20, 12:45
Check out what is in store for DCS in 2021 and current sale below. Merry Christmas!
-----FLY NAVY -----



12-24-20, 13:46
Yep, 50% off most aircraft in DCS, and all aircraft are free to try for about a week.

12-24-20, 14:51
Sorry for the lack of response and the frustration it looks like you had. I've been on the road for the last week and a half.

Typically, sites like newegg.com carry everything, but demand for PC components has gone through the roof since covid hit. You have to find parts where you can, unfortunately.

I went with the G2 headset as well. I can't afford the cost of the Pimax right now.

I'm going to be limping along on a 1080ti graphics card (roughly equivalent to a 2080), with the resolution on the G2 turned down, until I can get a new card sometime next year.

I wish it were easier to access, but consoles just don't have the hardware power to run it and you need something like a desk or table to mount controls. It's more of a medium cost hobby than a small one. Not as expensive as cars or serious firearms, but not in the realm of an XBox and a handful of games either. About $3-4k or so, assuming you're starting from scratch. I already had a PC and slowly upgraded over time, buying used/DIY repair components where I could. I'm not made of money and it only took me a few years to have a top-end setup.

Let me know if you have any problems. I should be around for the next couple of months at least.

No problem. Reminded me of getting all the parts for my pistol AR a couple of months ago. Just scouring here and there. Ended up using mostly the links you gave after I tried to find stuff locally or at an aggregator.

Just worried about getting everything to plug and play. Haven't opened the box.

I already got the G2 headset? I thought they wouldn't ship until later January. So rudder, stick & throttle and mounts. G2 headset. Trying to get the boy to download the software today since the internet get slow on Xmas day.

So glad that we already had the computer.

We'll have to go flying sometime! Really appreciate the help!

12-24-20, 19:00
I already got the G2 headset I hate you. Hah. I'm still waiting on mine, and I ordered it weeks ago.

Have your boy download Teamspeak and Discord. They are the primary two methods of voice communication. I'll shoot you the server information for both so I can get you introduced to some folks.

Don't forget about the 50% off sale for the different aircraft. The sales happen a 2-3 times a year, but they aren't always 50%.

12-24-20, 20:53
I hate you. Hah. I'm still waiting on mine, and I ordered it weeks ago.

Have your boy download Teamspeak and Discord. They are the primary two methods of voice communication. I'll shoot you the server information for both so I can get you introduced to some folks.

Don't forget about the 50% off sale for the different aircraft. The sales happen a 2-3 times a year, but they aren't always 50%.

Where did you order your headset from? My son uses discord right now. I literally haven’t played video games since the Atari 2600. Too old even for Nintendo. Played Zaxxon on my Commodore 64...

Are there any special things to do to attach the throttle joystick and pedals? Are they just USBs? Have not opened them yet.

12-24-20, 20:58
The HP website directs you to connection.com. I think they are the only authorized seller at this point.

12-24-20, 23:42
The HP website directs you to connection.com. I think they are the only authorized seller at this point.

/??? That is where I ordered mine. Are their different versions? I ordered on the 15th, shipped last Thursday, got it a couple days ago. Are their different versions?

Throttle is still enroute. That was the hardest one to find. Wife found it on Amazon. I frankly didn’t trust the seller, but I don’t trust most sellers on Amazon. Still need to add a SSD and some ram.

Can you download DCS to a standard drive and then instal it to another drive?

12-25-20, 00:15
/??? That is where I ordered mine. Are their different versions? I ordered on the 15th, shipped last Thursday, got it a couple days ago. Are their different versions?
If yours says "Reverb G2" then you're fine. There is an older "Reverb," which was the first version of that headset. It had the same resolution, but wasn't as refined.

Throttle is still enroute. That was the hardest one to find. Wife found it on Amazon. I frankly didn’t trust the seller, but I don’t trust most sellers on Amazon. Still need to add a SSD and some ram.

Can you download DCS to a standard drive and then instal it to another drive?
Yes. I did just that actually. When you get the SSD in, you can transfer the game files over to the SSD with no problem.

12-25-20, 03:29
If yours says "Reverb G2" then you're fine. There is an older "Reverb," which was the first version of that headset. It had the same resolution, but wasn't as refined.

Yes. I did just that actually. When you get the SSD in, you can transfer the game files over to the SSD with no problem.



That’s what I ordered.

On the fingertip, is there a new version about to drop?

Bloody hell, I was just looking at graphics cards and I didn’t realize how many were $1500, and out of stock...

12-25-20, 10:58


That’s what I ordered.

On the fingertip, is there a new version about to drop?

Bloody hell, I was just looking at graphics cards and I didn’t realize how many were $1500, and out of stock...

Word is that video cards should start to flow again by March.

I have the first gen finger controller and honestly, not much has changed on the later versions. The guy selling them is a former Green Beret from the North Eastern US. He and his wife hand assemble them! Great guy. Buy with confidence.

Alex V
12-25-20, 11:49
I used to be heavily into flight sims in the early 2000s. Janes Defense used to make really good ones in partnership with EA. F-15, FA18 and they had a really good WW2 one as well. Still have the Thrustmaster HOTAS F16 replica stick and throttle. The one made from metal, heavy as hell. Spend 100s or hours playing Falcon 4.0.

Also has Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 onward and used it to practice IFR stuff. Once I switched to Mac I got XPlane.

With the new AR/VR stuff I really want to get into DCS but the entry fee is several thousand. Maybe once Biden passes the new AWB and I can’t buy gun stuff I’ll get back to that.

12-25-20, 12:31
I used to be heavily into flight sims in the early 2000s. Janes Defense used to make really good ones in partnership with EA. F-15, FA18 and they had a really good WW2 one as well. Still have the Thrustmaster HOTAS F16 replica stick and throttle. The one made from metal, heavy as hell. Spend 100s or hours playing Falcon 4.0.

Also has Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 onward and used it to practice IFR stuff. Once I switched to Mac I got XPlane.

With the new AR/VR stuff I really want to get into DCS but the entry fee is several thousand. Maybe once Biden passes the new AWB and I can’t buy gun stuff I’ll get back to that.

Yeah, the VR is what makes it pricey. DCS can run just like old Falcon 4 on a flatscreen with much lower system requirements. VR is just a really cool addition.

Your Thrustmaster Cougar setup still works great with DCS, FYI. DCS will use any joystick that windows detects. I started off with a simple stick that had the stick twist for a rudder and had a little knob for the throttle. Just used the keyboard and mouse for flaps and landing gear and stuff.

Falcon 4 is still going with some crazy mod support in the form of BMS. It's still a very good F-16C simulator, if you don't want or care about VR. DCS just adds full fidelity simulation of multiple aircraft and several helicopters, not just the F-16, which can all be used together in a multiplayer environment. DCS does not currently have the excellent dynamic campaign that Falcon 4 BMS has, however. You have to run canned missions that you or others have made using the included mission creator. There are some makers that have made some very fun online servers with scripting. Sling loading out and deploying SAMs and AAA in multiplayer, or doing Search and Rescue or resupply runs with the transport helos for instance.

12-27-20, 20:28
Still waiting for throttle, was supposed to be here Thursday...

Aries- how do you move DCS to a new drive ? He downloaded through his Steam account if that makes a difference.

12-28-20, 15:59
Still waiting for throttle, was supposed to be here Thursday...

Aries- how do you move DCS to a new drive ? He downloaded through his Steam account if that makes a difference.

Check your PMs

Alex V
12-30-20, 09:01
Yeah, the VR is what makes it pricey. DCS can run just like old Falcon 4 on a flatscreen with much lower system requirements. VR is just a really cool addition.

Your Thrustmaster Cougar setup still works great with DCS, FYI. DCS will use any joystick that windows detects. I started off with a simple stick that had the stick twist for a rudder and had a little knob for the throttle. Just used the keyboard and mouse for flaps and landing gear and stuff.

Falcon 4 is still going with some crazy mod support in the form of BMS. It's still a very good F-16C simulator, if you don't want or care about VR. DCS just adds full fidelity simulation of multiple aircraft and several helicopters, not just the F-16, which can all be used together in a multiplayer environment. DCS does not currently have the excellent dynamic campaign that Falcon 4 BMS has, however. You have to run canned missions that you or others have made using the included mission creator. There are some makers that have made some very fun online servers with scripting. Sling loading out and deploying SAMs and AAA in multiplayer, or doing Search and Rescue or resupply runs with the transport helos for instance.

I imagine I would need a serial to USB adapter for the HOTAS setup I have but yeah, I’m sure it will work. It has its own software to map functions to buttons and I’m sure I can make it run in compatibility mode. Biggest issue is not having a machine that can handle the VR. My work computer is a laptop and though it’s powerful enough for Revit and Navisworks it won’t handle VR DCS. The other computer is a 12 year old iMac, not gunna gut it either.

I’ve been following DCS for a long time but every time I think of jumping in I spend the money on gun stuff instead.

12-30-20, 13:44
We had a Thustmaster throttle on order, but it was supposedly damaged in transit. I think the seller flaked, or there as never one. Amazon is a jungle...

Can't find another one anywhere. Back ordered until Feb, and I don't trust any of the sellers I see on Amazon or Ebay. Even checked Craigslist.

The Thrustmaster seems to be the main one, are there any viable alterntatives? Even the used ones are selling to 2X list, and like I said, they seem mostly like scams.

12-30-20, 14:21
We had a Thustmaster throttle on order, but it was supposedly damaged in transit. I think the seller flaked, or there as never one. Amazon is a jungle...

Can't find another one anywhere. Back ordered until Feb, and I don't trust any of the sellers I see on Amazon or Ebay. Even checked Craigslist.

The Thrustmaster seems to be the main one, are there any viable alterntatives? Even the used ones are selling to 2X list, and like I said, they seem mostly like scams.

Damn. Holy moly, the market for PC stuff has gone nuts since all the urbanites are locked inside.

I think I found an option for you that will last you until you can get the Warthog. It doesn't have dual engine control or afterburner detents, but it's got enough switches to let you fly the more complicated jets until then.

Check your PMs.

12-30-20, 14:38
Colddeadhands, your PMs are full!

12-30-20, 15:34
Colddeadhands, your PMs are full!


12-30-20, 16:04
Pm sent

12-30-20, 16:56
I imagine I would need a serial to USB adapter for the HOTAS setup I have but yeah, I’m sure it will work. It has its own software to map functions to buttons and I’m sure I can make it run in compatibility mode. Biggest issue is not having a machine that can handle the VR. My work computer is a laptop and though it’s powerful enough for Revit and Navisworks it won’t handle VR DCS. The other computer is a 12 year old iMac, not gunna gut it either.

I’ve been following DCS for a long time but every time I think of jumping in I spend the money on gun stuff instead.

Your joystick setup is USB. You plug the throttle into the joystick and the stick into the computer via its USB. All the metal ones were USB. ;)