View Full Version : Guy gets arrested for "I EAT ASS" sticker

05-13-19, 10:09

Seriously. WTH.

05-13-19, 10:44
I see that sticker on cars pretty much every day at work. The thought of pulling them over, let alone arresting them, for it has never even crossed my mind.

Doc Safari
05-13-19, 11:36
I realize that I'm mostly a draft dodger with regard to the sexual revolution, but what does a sticker like that even mean?

I hope it's not literal. That's about the most repulsive thing I can think of.

05-13-19, 11:38
He ended up getting the charges dropped.

05-13-19, 11:39
I realize that I'm mostly a draft dodger with regard to the sexual revolution, but what does a sticker like that even mean?

I hope it's not literal. That's about the most repulsive thing I can think of.

It's literal.

05-13-19, 11:42
I realize that I'm mostly a draft dodger with regard to the sexual revolution, but what does a sticker like that even mean?

I hope it's not literal. That's about the most repulsive thing I can think of.


05-13-19, 11:44
He ended up getting the charges dropped.

He would have been popular in prison.

05-13-19, 12:09
Anytime someone trots out a variation of a "think of the children" line I become instantly annoyed.

26 Inf
05-13-19, 12:15
I could think of more productive ways to spend a shift.

As for towing the truck - which he said he was going to do - pretty sure in most states, if it's not blocking the roadways or illegally parked it can be left in place if the owner desires.

So now this guy is off the road for however it takes to transport, and do whatever he has to do to get the guy booked. If I was his supervisor I'd be talking to him about more productive uses of city/county time.

05-13-19, 13:06
Cops, get a life, go find some real criminals to stop, do something productive.

Signed, a cop.

05-13-19, 13:06
I realize that I'm mostly a draft dodger with regard to the sexual revolution, but what does a sticker like that even mean?

I hope it's not literal. That's about the most repulsive thing I can think of.


It's 2019 old man, the future is now.

05-13-19, 13:30
If this law was applied more often we would see a whole lot less of this garbage.


Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both;

Doc Safari
05-13-19, 13:34

It's 2019 old man, the future is now.

Like really, that's a thing? I couldn't even perform that act at gunpoint---and you mean to tell me people actually do this for enjoyment?

I think I've permanently lost my appetite. I can't even watch regular porn and get that image out of my head.

05-13-19, 13:47
Keep in mind that this country was founded by prudes who basically thought 1600's England was having too much sex. Personally, I don't care what someone does in their bedroom with another consenting adult, but I would also not want to be in a position where I'm subjected to others' choices unwittingly. Free speech clearly has bounds and I think Potter Stewart would've upheld this conviction. It's not "fire" in a crowded theater, but there's also no reasonable connection to any other constitutional rights. There's no right to say literally whatever you want as long as no one is actually harmed by the words themselves. Think of how difficult that would be to prove or disprove.

That said, unless this was PC for something else, the cop needs a meeting with the chief as to productive uses of taxpayer resources.

05-13-19, 14:01
It's one thing to have a complainant who's offended by the vulgar nature of the phrase, assuming you have court precedent to issue a disorderly conduct or breach of the peace citation. Even if the subject disagreed, simply issue the citation, slap a strip of duct tape over it and move on.

No complainant? No violation so ignore it and go about your patrol duties. At least in my AOR, you cannot breach the peace of a peace officer. Our personal thoughts on the matter don't count, only the law does. JMO, YMMV

Doc Safari
05-13-19, 14:02
Wonder what woulda happened if the bumper sticker had said "Pigs in a blanket..."?

05-13-19, 14:16
Keep in mind that this country was founded by prudes who basically thought 1600's England was having too much sex. Personally, I don't care what someone does in their bedroom with another consenting adult, but I would also not want to be in a position where I'm subjected to others' choices unwittingly. Free speech clearly has bounds and I think Potter Stewart would've upheld this conviction. It's not "fire" in a crowded theater, but there's also no reasonable connection to any other constitutional rights. There's no right to say literally whatever you want as long as no one is actually harmed by the words themselves. Think of how difficult that would be to prove or disprove.

That said, unless this was PC for something else, the cop needs a meeting with the chief as to productive uses of taxpayer resources.

Freedom is a scary thing. The cop should be arrested with the same handcuffs he unlawfully used on the driver.

05-13-19, 15:58
I know some people have an overly emotional attachment to horses, but people are really this offended over eating a donkey too?

C'mon. Meat is meat. I'd eat an ass just as easily as a cow, deer or horse.

05-13-19, 17:29
I know some people have an overly emotional attachment to horses, but people are really this offended over eating a donkey too?

C'mon. Meat is meat. I'd eat an ass just as easily as a cow, deer or horse.

:lol: I guess since we now live in an "anything goes" society this would be the best way to explain that sticker to a 7 year old daughter who happened to read it.

05-13-19, 17:33
I suspect the average 7 year old already know what that means...

05-13-19, 17:39
Cops, get a life, go find some real criminals to stop, do something productive.

Signed, a cop.

They seem annoyed when I tell them that, maybe it's not quite the same coming from a non-cop. ;)

05-13-19, 17:46
I suspect the average public school 7 year old already know what that means...

There, FIFY.

05-13-19, 17:55
Ah, I can just envision the email now.

"Dear Chief, much has happened since the last time we spoke..."

05-14-19, 00:25
Officer should be very sternly reprimanded if not fired.

05-14-19, 00:29
sure a lawyer will be involved soon and a hefty lawsuit will happen pro bono for the guy

05-14-19, 00:32
Like really, that's a thing? I couldn't even perform that act at gunpoint---and you mean to tell me people actually do this for enjoyment?

I think I've permanently lost my appetite. I can't even watch regular porn and get that image out of my head.

So there probably isn't anything I haven't done with a female in my distant past. If she's hot enough and maintaining a certain level of hygiene I was pretty much "all in."

I regret NOTHING.

05-14-19, 00:50
I suspect the average 7 year old already know what that means...

They probably know more than their sheltered parents do.

05-14-19, 06:16
Cops, get a life, go find some real criminals to stop, do something productive.

Signed, a cop.

This old retired cop is in 100% agreement. Officers, focus on things that hurt other people...

05-14-19, 09:09
What additional charges can be leveled at someone when they laugh hysterically at the police officer when he or she tells them they are under arrest for having an offensive bumper sticker?

05-14-19, 10:58
What additional charges can be leveled at someone when they laugh hysterically at the police officer when he or she tells them they are under arrest for having an offensive bumper sticker?

Where there's a criminal/traffic code and a creative mind, there's a way. I don't think enough people appreciate that.

05-14-19, 18:59
I just want to know, what kind of person (idiot) wants that on their vehicle...

05-14-19, 20:14
I just want to know, what kind of person (idiot) wants that on their vehicle...

The kind that eats ass, of course...

05-14-19, 20:50
The kind that eats ass, of course...

Disgusting. Plenty of fun to be had without putting a mouth on an ...

05-14-19, 21:27
I just want to know, what kind of person (idiot) wants that on their vehicle...

This world has no shortage of people are completely without even a hint of class.

I remember when I was on a trip with my church youth group when I was a junior in high school. We stopped at a McDonald's at a rest stop and, while we were waiting in line, some dude walked in wearing a shirt that said "I F**k Sheep".