View Full Version : So For Anyone Who Thinks We Are Close To Being As Bad As England...

05-16-19, 02:19


These items were found during a #weaponSweep near #MackworthHouse #AugustasSt during #OpSceptre . Safely disposed and taken off the streets

6:57 AM - 16 Mar 2018


05-16-19, 06:00
Good work, no telling how many lives were saved. Being a bobby is rough work with all those pliers and scissors on the streets.

Oh, and the tweets in response to this are hilarious.

05-16-19, 06:14
I would like to see their apoplectic faces if they found a multi-tool! Knife/pliers/screwdriver/saw and worst of all a bottle opener!!!

The Brits have really lost their minds. And spines.

05-16-19, 06:39
I was boarding a NATO aircraft to fly from Bosnia to Germany and a British MP would not let me on the plane without putting my multitool in my duffle bag because it was a weapon. I did not feel like arguing, so I set my M16 down, unlocked my bag and secured that scary Leatherman...

05-16-19, 07:08
They must be taking Vitamin STOOOOOPID by the fistful... HOURLY. :rolleyes:

05-16-19, 07:31
I was boarding a NATO aircraft to fly from Bosnia to Germany and a British MP would not let me on the plane without putting my multitool in my duffle bag because it was a weapon. I did not feel like arguing, so I set my M16 down, unlocked my bag and secured that scary Leatherman...

Wins the interwebs today.

05-16-19, 08:35
I was boarding a NATO aircraft to fly from Bosnia to Germany and a British MP would not let me on the plane without putting my multitool in my duffle bag because it was a weapon. I did not feel like arguing, so I set my M16 down, unlocked my bag and secured that scary Leatherman...

And that, right there, is the modern UK in a nutshell.

Doc Safari
05-16-19, 08:58
England is just a huge prison with green rolling hills. Wait until Sharia law takes over.

jack crab
05-16-19, 09:30
"tools of mass construction"

diving dave
05-16-19, 09:35
Those drive by filings are out of control over there..........:eek:

05-16-19, 09:41
If it saves just one child from being pinched...

05-16-19, 12:34
I was boarding a NATO aircraft to fly from Bosnia to Germany and a British MP would not let me on the plane without putting my multitool in my duffle bag because it was a weapon. I did not feel like arguing, so I set my M16 down, unlocked my bag and secured that scary Leatherman...

People focus on weird stuff. Back in my restaurant days, I had someone call my pocket knife a weapon (“you trying to stab someone”) while I was prepping stuff with a 10” chef knife.

05-16-19, 13:04
Good work, no telling how many lives were saved. Being a bobby is rough work with all those pliers and scissors on the streets.

Oh, and the tweets in response to this are hilarious.

They must have caught somebody running with them.

05-16-19, 17:25
I would like to see their apoplectic faces if they found a multi-tool! Knife/pliers/screwdriver/saw and worst of all a bottle opener!!!

The Brits have really lost their minds. And spines.

we just found one of the most extreme examples A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION
that can truly fit in the palm of your hand !

05-16-19, 17:26
I was boarding a NATO aircraft to fly from Bosnia to Germany and a British MP would not let me on the plane without putting my multitool in my duffle bag because it was a weapon. I did not feel like arguing, so I set my M16 down, unlocked my bag and secured that scary Leatherman...

SO need to update this forum with a like button :)

05-16-19, 17:27
I would like to see their apoplectic faces if they found a multi-tool! Knife/pliers/screwdriver/saw and worst of all a bottle opener!!!

The Brits have really lost their minds. And spines.
Lions lead by lambs, they say.

05-16-19, 17:41
OH I should not have gone down the rabbit hole and looked at other things

Did you know that you can help combat anti-social behaviour at these kiosks by reporting any problems


05-16-19, 21:06
The same country that requires rounded tip steak knives.........What a joke, take away the right and ability to defend themselves then give away the nation through immigration and birth rates, or lack of.

05-16-19, 23:03
There's a REASON God put those people on an island... sadly, the Devil then gave them boats.

05-17-19, 01:25
The same country that requires rounded tip steak knives.........What a joke, take away the right and ability to defend themselves then give away the nation through immigration and birth rates, or lack of.

The same country that censored Bruce Lee movies and any other film that depicts application of nunchaku, and no I'm not joking and I think they still do it.

05-17-19, 05:39
Can M4C set up a new sub forum for “British Weapons” so we can discuss training, tactics and tech of spoons, honing steels, custom butter knives and the like? Especially tier one spoons and manufacturers.

Alex V
05-17-19, 06:31
“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”

05-17-19, 08:39
At first I thought “at what point will the good people of London get tired of this asinine nonsense and reverse direction?”. But then I thought “the same asinine laws could get passed in San Francisco and New York and they would be okay with it, too”. Maybe it’s an urban thing?

05-17-19, 11:23
Here's the premium limey HD setup...

05-17-19, 12:28
Here's the premium limey HD setup...

Nope, self defense will get you arrested in the U.K.


05-17-19, 14:33
These are awesome.



05-17-19, 17:06
So l wonder when they lay out this "spread of weapons" if the bobbys are all self congratulatory and patting each other on the back like Miami Vice seizing 50 kgs of cocaine or are they thinking to themselves how bad their job sucks that they have to seize a screwdriver from some dude and post it on Twitter?

05-17-19, 19:08
So l wonder when they lay out this "spread of weapons" if the bobbys are all self congratulatory and patting each other on the back like Miami Vice seizing 50 kgs of cocaine or are they thinking to themselves how bad their job sucks that they have to seize a screwdriver from some dude and post it on Twitter?

I wondered then thought all the smart ones would have left the country so reckon its all pat on back we are awesome we just stopped a terrorist attack

05-17-19, 19:31
I'm amazed the gov't allows Brits to walk around with their hands NOT in their pockets at all times.

05-17-19, 21:16
I'm amazed the gov't allows Brits to walk around with their hands NOT in their pockets at all times.

pockets soon to be outlawed to prevent conceal carry of fists :)

05-17-19, 23:27
“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”

It was 1984 in the UK a long time ago.

05-21-19, 09:15
The argument could be made that we are worse considering both sides of the issue here (ruling class and peons) know better (willful ignorance not being an excuse) while the serfs there could possibly claim legit ignorance to at least some extent.

05-21-19, 11:29
The argument could be made that we are worse considering both sides of the issue here (ruling class and peons) know better (willful ignorance not being an excuse) while the serfs there could possibly claim legit ignorance to at least some extent.

With the current state of our dreadful public schools and Leftist indoctrination centers (universities) it is probable that there is a majority here that do not know better.

05-21-19, 12:11
With the current state of our dreadful public schools and Leftist indoctrination centers (universities) it is probable that there is a majority here that do not know better.

That would be the willfully ignorant part. I graduated early 1990's so most of the fine, yet blatant, details got danced around or completely left out. So US history classes only had Patrick Henry's "The War Inevitable" speech being 1 sentence long and similar other things. So, we still got the gist of limited government not limited government when convenient to the powers that be which isn't limited at all.

05-21-19, 12:34
Queen Megan will fix this

05-21-19, 12:47
The greatest threat to the Western World isn't ISIS, it's Black & Decker!

05-21-19, 13:20
Do they even serve steaks in London any longer? Without a steak knife, I guess you can pick it up with both hands and gnaw on it like some prehistoric savage. What we are witnessing is the devolution of the modern social order. This has to be some kind of madness in the brain created by preservatives or pesticides.

05-21-19, 20:52
Do they even serve steaks in London any longer? Without a steak knife, I guess you can pick it up with both hands and gnaw on it like some prehistoric savage. What we are witnessing is the devolution of the modern social order. This has to be some kind of madness in the brain created by preservatives or pesticides.

That way or tossed in a blender lol.

05-21-19, 21:45
Do they even serve steaks in London any longer? Without a steak knife, I guess you can pick it up with both hands and gnaw on it like some prehistoric savage. What we are witnessing is the devolution of the modern social order. This has to be some kind of madness in the brain created by preservatives or pesticides.

Don’t they boil their steaks?

05-21-19, 22:54
Don’t they boil their steaks?
Back in my Army days, I spent time in England visiting friends at RAF bases. In London's Victoria section down the road from Buckingham Palace, I once went to the "American Steakhouse". The meat was OK, but I was disappointed in the salad I ordered. With the steak came some small pieces of lettuce, a couple of slices of beets - that was a salad.
As far as British food, the only thing they do right are pastries. Everything else is bland. I'd have to take a bottle of Tabasco or some other hot sauce to spice things up.

Too bad the Brits have gone down the road of emasculation. I know there are still a lot of Real Men and Real Women in formerly "Great" Britain just cringing at what has happened to the place. For those folks, I fee sorry.

05-22-19, 09:23
Makes you wonder why we fought WW2 ?

05-22-19, 10:00
Makes you wonder why we fought WW2 ?No not really!

05-22-19, 14:29
We may have participated in many wars together as Allies, but we've had less and less in common since the end of WWII.
Perhaps each decade since, they've been more and more willing to trade freedoms for socialism.

05-22-19, 19:17
They got the gov't they voted for, and they got the gov't they deserve..The smart brits saw this coming, and left some time ago..

05-23-19, 16:18
The file could give someone a quick manicure or pedicure before said person gets stabbed with it. :sarcastic:

05-23-19, 16:26
They got the gov't they voted for, and they got the gov't they deserve..The smart brits saw this coming, and left some time ago..

Nobody deserves that government. They never had the power to oppose it. They don't have rights and freedoms in the same way we do and even we don't enjoy the rights and freedoms we have "as intended."

Government is on ongoing process of eroding freedom for control, power and wealth. That is the nature of every form of government to one extent or another. Even at the lower levels people are organized into employers / employees and it is mostly dictated by who has more power, wealth or control and everything is an exercise to gain more power, wealth and control.