View Full Version : The Sleazy and Creepy Self-Help Guru That is Tony Robbins

Doc Safari
05-17-19, 13:56
I have waited decades for the truth to start to come out about Tony Robbins, author, guru, sleazebag, low-life.

I shall now gleefully and enthusiastically rag on this adulterous, wife-stealing piece of crap that some people think is God.

Yes, Tony Robbins, it's your turn.

I know it's anecdotal and I won't go into detail, but I have known a couple of people over the years who know him very well and claimed he was a wife-stealing adulterer with no morals (unless a jackal has morals).

So now that there is corroborating evidence, I'm happy to post the allegations about this piece of dogshit.


Robbins guards his empire with intense secrecy. Employees are bound by strict confidentiality agreements, and audiences who attend his multiday coaching camps must sign contracts forbidding them from recording what goes on inside.

A yearlong investigation by BuzzFeed News, based on leaked recordings, internal documents, and dozens of interviews with fans and insiders, reveals how Robbins has berated abuse victims and subjected his followers to unorthodox and potentially dangerous techniques. And former female fans and staffers have accused him of inappropriate sexual advances.

Two former followers who went on to work for Robbins provided BuzzFeed News with signed statements swearing under oath that they felt he had sexually harassed them by repeatedly pursuing them after they made clear they weren’t interested. Two more women who worked as his assistants said Robbins expected them to work alone with him when he was naked in his hotel room or in the shower. And another former employee said she was fired after having a consensual sexual relationship with Robbins. The events described by all five women took place in the 1990s and early 2000s, when Robbins’ fame was skyrocketing and before he married his second wife.

Secret recordings and transcripts from inside his events reveal Robbins has unleashed expletive-laden tirades on survivors of rape and domestic violence after inviting them to share their stories in front of a vast audience. “She’s ****ing using all this stuff to try and control men,” he said after one woman said she had been raped. When, in 2018, another woman said her husband was physically violent and emotionally abusive, Robbins accused her of “lying” and asked: “Does he put up with you when you’ve been a crazy bitch?”

Interviews and records reveal how Robbins has created a highly sexualized environment in which both men and women have been told to touch themselves intimately and simulate orgasms — but he has repeatedly singled women out of the crowd for more personal attention. One secret recording from 2018 captured him laughing as he told a woman in the audience that he wanted her to “come up onstage and make love to me.” And two former bodyguards told BuzzFeed News they were sent out to trawl audiences for attractive women on Robbins’ behalf. Two women told BuzzFeed News they had witnessed it or experienced it themselves.

I can't copy and paste some of his statements from the article without redacting the obscenities. Suffice it to say he denies the allegations and doubles down on his "methods." Tony, please, PLEASE do society a favor and kill yourself.

05-17-19, 14:07
Robbins probably IS dogshit, but on the other hand, Buzzfeed hasn't yet met a male they don't think is dogshit. Maybe if you're gay or trans, they'll upgrade you to catshit...

Doc Safari
05-17-19, 14:32
I'll be fair and post his response:


This letter is one that I would have preferred not to write.

I have been the target of a year-long investigation by BuzzFeed. Unfortunately, your organization has made it clear to my team that you intend to move forward with publishing an inaccurate, agenda-driven version of the past, pierced with falsehoods. It is intended to disparage me personally, my family, my life’s work, and the efforts of the millions of individuals around the globe who have taken this journey with me over the last 40-plus years.

Please see this video with one person’s account of how your reporters so eagerly tossed her truth aside: https://youtu.be/xJ3kWMBJE5Y

To put it in the words of your own reporters, you are preparing to publish an article with the malicious intent to “take Tony Robbins down.”

You have denied my team’s requests to meet with you in-person to present key evidence that contradicts your false allegations. You do not seek the truth; you seek to further your own agenda.

After more than a year-long investigation by your online entertainment company, you allege that approximately 20–30 years ago — when I was in my 20’s and early 30’s — I was negligent with both my employees and individuals who chose to attend my seminars. You also allege (through anonymous sources) that I pursued conflicting intimate relationships. Your claims range from indistinct to ridiculous.

We have evidence to prove that your reporters rejected and otherwise ignored factual accounts from several individuals you contacted. In some cases, those individuals were even harassed and lied to when their accounts did not align with Buzzfeed’s predetermined thesis.

What stands out — even in today’s sea of mis-representation and journalistic corner-cutting — is the 2014 report by the industry-standard, non-partisan, Pew Research Center which cites Buzzfeed as “the least trusted news source” of them all. So, it stands to reason that you are presently facing financial, organizational, and management troubles. BuzzFeed is unapologetically fueling the current cultural divide by targeting well-known individuals with false allegations to boost its readership and serve its shareholders.

Let me be clear, while my open-classroom therapeutic methods are not for everyone, and while I am on my best day still only an imperfect human being, I have never behaved in the reckless, irresponsible, or malicious manner intimated by false, unfounded, and incendiary allegations suggested by BuzzFeed story-tellers.

Several individuals have contacted us to let us know that you attempted to manipulate their testimony and, in some cases, even ignored their legal counsel when they pointed out inaccuracies and mischaracterizations of their client’s personal accounts at the hands of your reporters.

Why didn’t you listen to what these individuals had to say and instead choose to proceed with inverted truths as your central narrative?

Your organization cannot claim objectivity or journalistic integrity when your written ethics and standards policy claims that in “activism” issues “there are not two sides.” As we all know, in the context of a just democracy, there are always two sides.

In my six decades on this earth, I’ve had the privilege to work with leaders like Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, presidents of countries, and international companies, not to mention millions of dedicated human beings from over 100 countries around the world. Never in my life have I witnessed a cultural climate quite like the one we’re living in today. This is an era marked by deeply-divided environments where click-bait headline news is designed to instigate a polarized public, grab their attention, and incite minds on constant-alert, waiting for the next notification to react to and believe the worst.

The foundation of what we teach in my seminars and audio programs hinges on understanding the power and impact of human belief systems, the importance of clarifying one’s values, and the constant effect that language has in shaping our emotions and our lives.

To understand how our country’s discourse has deteriorated into constant conflict, consider the world’s foremost dictionaries recent Word of the Year selections:

In 2016 Oxford Dictionary chose: “post-truth”
In 2017 Collins Dictionary chose: “fake news”
In 2018 Dictionary.com chose: “mis-information”
The very heart of my life’s work is empowering others to find the TRUTH that sets them free — the honesty and authenticity to breakthrough and expand. For more than 40 years I’ve encouraged people to seek the tools of transformation to grow into the men and women they dream to be in order to live the fulfilling lives they envision for their highest self. Through the course of my career, more than 50 million people have utilized my teachings — this includes more than 4 million people who have attended live events in-person.

My record is nearly a half-century long. I stand on that.

We need to start having a different nature of conversations in a very different way. Real change is nothing but finding new patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that meets our collective needs on a deeper level than the previous pattern. This current pattern is no longer serving our highest good. We demonize human beings for simply being human. If we learn from our mistakes we will evolve into better human beings.

Amidst all the divisiveness in the world today, I truly believe there is a yearning and a calling within all of us for a kinder way — a life of compassion, forgiveness, and a desire to live as brothers and sisters. I pray that, out of all of this, we can choose to unite rather than separate; to drop our judgments and criticisms, and look for the goodness in each other. We are all human beings doing the best we can. It’s time we come together.

Millions of people have experienced life-changing breakthroughs and transformations on our journey of growth and I invite them to join me now to stop BuzzFeed and others from tearing our society down by denying and mischaracterizing the truth. Enough is enough.

-Tony Robbins

My take: I don't believe him for one micro-second, even if Buzzfeed shares in its own sleazy practices.

05-17-19, 14:40
So like you're the Mickey Spillane of M4C now?

Doc Safari
05-17-19, 14:42
So like you're the Mickey Spillane of M4C now?

Bro, don't rain on my parade. I'm enjoying this as much as you enjoy ogling AOC.

BTW, I'd swear she was in traffic behind me the other day. Petite Latina with long black hair driving a silver Jeep. Cheap sunglasses "with the glass so dark they won't even know your name." She was tiny--didn't even reach the top of the headrest. Yet, she could have been AOC's twin. Cue Van Halen's "Panama."

Let me leave you with that image, Bro. I thought of you as she turned at the next intersection.

05-17-19, 15:15
So like you're the Mickey Spillane of M4C now?

His hat is a dead giveaway. :p

05-17-19, 15:41
I know it's anecdotal and I won't go into detail, but I have known a couple of people over the years who know him very well and claimed he was a wife-stealing adulterer with no morals (unless a jackal has morals).

The funny thing is that real jackals are actually quite monogamous creatures.

26 Inf
05-17-19, 16:02
So, before I google him, who is Tony Robbins, and why should this be news?

Doc Safari
05-17-19, 16:06
So, before I google him, who is Tony Robbins, and why should this be news?

In a nutshell, he is one of those self-help motivational types that businessmen love. He was praised extensively by Glenn Beck among others. He writes books on how to retire rich, increase your sales, and other financial subjects. He also delves into a lot of other stuff.

05-17-19, 16:16
So, before I google him, who is Tony Robbins, and why should this be news?

When you google him it’ll click who he is. He’s been around forever. I’d be confident 100% you’ve seen him

05-17-19, 17:25
Does there exist a self-help guy thats not sleazy?

05-17-19, 17:53
I have waited decades for the truth to start to come out about Tony Robbins, author, guru, sleazebag, low-life.

I shall now gleefully and enthusiastically rag on this adulterous, wife-stealing piece of crap that some people think is God.

Yes, Tony Robbins, it's your turn.

I know it's anecdotal and I won't go into detail, but I have known a couple of people over the years who know him very well and claimed he was a wife-stealing adulterer with no morals (unless a jackal has morals).

So now that there is corroborating evidence, I'm happy to post the allegations about this piece of dogshit.


I can't copy and paste some of his statements from the article without redacting the obscenities. Suffice it to say he denies the allegations and doubles down on his "methods." Tony, please, PLEASE do society a favor and kill yourself.

Damn man. This sounds personal. Also, how did you even find a Buzzfeed article? I thought you had blocked every liberal site on the net?

Doc Safari
05-17-19, 17:58
Damn man. This sounds personal. Also, how did you even find a Buzzfeed article? I thought you had blocked every liberal site on the net?

I think this one was linked on Drudge if I'm not mistaken.

It is somewhat personal. Not that I've ever met the man but I know a couple of people who have and their stories really infuriate me. I hope this guy goes down.

I guess this thread I shouldn't have posted cuz it's kinda self-indulgent, but it makes me jump for joy this guy's shenanigans are finally coming out.

05-17-19, 18:06
I think this one was linked on Drudge if I'm not mistaken.

It is somewhat personal. Not that I've ever met the man but I know a couple of people who have and their stories really infuriate me. I hope this guy goes down.

I guess this thread I shouldn't have posted cuz it's kinda self-indulgent, but it makes me jump for joy this guy's shenanigans are finally coming out.

It's called "Schadenfreude," Doc. It's not necessarily virtuous to savor another's comeuppance, but it can be cathartic. I've long wondered what kinda skeleton was going to reach a bony hand out of his closet... show me a man who presents himself as without faults and I'll show you a fraud.

05-17-19, 18:57

Coal Dragger
05-17-19, 19:53
I could care less about this guy or his personal habits so long as they don’t hurt anyone or violate their civil rights.

The OP might consider getting off of his moral high horse, but he doesn’t seem inclined to.

05-17-19, 21:01
Yes, Tony Robbins, it's your turn.

Yet another one of Glenn Beck's beautiful people. Apparently that guy has some serious health issues too. I thought he had faded into oblivion long long ago.

05-17-19, 23:07
In a nutshell, he is one of those self-help motivational types that businessmen love. He was praised extensively by Glenn Beck among others. He writes books on how to retire rich, increase your sales, and other financial subjects. He also delves into a lot of other stuff.

Most businessmen I know don't listen to guys like this. Hell, I had no clue who he was so I googled him, and even then I still have no clue who he is.

05-18-19, 03:16
He's the scumbag Beto O'Rourke wishes he was.

05-18-19, 08:13

05-18-19, 08:29
You need a blog or live journal or something.
I doubt I would read it because a lot of your big wow travesties you go on about don’t really register with me.

05-18-19, 09:42
Getting worked up over what happened to people that worked for and flocked to him is sort of like getting worked up over what happened to people that decided to go backstage and party with Motley Crue.

Doc Safari
05-18-19, 11:00
Before I went unto law enforcement I was in sales. I have personal experience with this type of slippery con man. I compare my indignation to that of a prosecutor wanting to bring a perp to justice, rhst's all.

05-18-19, 17:03
Doc, maybe you should start a thread in GD like "Doc's Daily News" where you can post this stuff without a new thread for each story that gets your blood pressure up.

05-19-19, 10:48
Nobody is a peace officer anymore, their all law enforcement.

05-19-19, 14:04
You need a blog or live journal or something.
I doubt I would read it because a lot of your big wow travesties you go on about don’t really register with me.

He could title it, "Creed Thoughts"

05-19-19, 14:34
Nobody is a peace officer anymore, their all law enforcement.

My parents told me I could be anything I wanted when I grew up so I became an asshole

05-19-19, 14:55
Brett Kavanaugh is innocent until proven guilty. These are just allegations.

Tony Robbins is guilty until proven innocent. These allegations are facts!

I only know of Tony Robbins from Family Guy, "Tony Wobbins Hungry!", but I find the double standards in these situations to be hilarious and sad.

Doc Safari
05-19-19, 15:33
At this point is love to be rid of Kavanaugh too.

05-19-19, 15:56
At this point is love to be rid of Kavanaugh too.

Kavanaugh is a conservative, he must be innocent. He'll be great!


Kavanaugh didn't rule by party line!?!? Maybe he was guilty? Get rid of him!

05-19-19, 15:57
Before I went unto law enforcement I was in sales. I have personal experience with this type of slippery con man. I compare my indignation to that of a prosecutor wanting to bring a perp to justice, rhst's all.

What is your Law Enforcement history and experience? I remember reading corrections, yes?

05-19-19, 19:55


Any idiot should be able to see immediately that a self help guru peddling the “secret sauce” is a total fraud. How anyone falls for sh$t like this, cults, multilevel marketing, etc is beyond me.

05-19-19, 20:07
In all fairness, never trust anyone selling something you cannot actually possess.

Watch Wolf of Wall Street and you will see a lot Rumpelstiltskin types everywhere.

05-20-19, 20:06
Doc, maybe you should start a thread in GD like "Doc's Daily News" where you can post this stuff without a new thread for each story that gets your blood pressure up.

Excellent idea.

05-20-19, 21:04
In all fairness, never trust anyone selling something you cannot actually possess.

Watch Wolf of Wall Street and you will see a lot Rumpelstiltskin types everywhere.

But dude, bitcoin is where it's at.

05-21-19, 09:21
I have waited decades for the truth to start to come out about Tony Robbins, author, guru, sleazebag, low-life.

I shall now gleefully and enthusiastically rag on this adulterous, wife-stealing piece of crap that some people think is God.

Yes, Tony Robbins, it's your turn.

I know it's anecdotal and I won't go into detail, but I have known a couple of people over the years who know him very well and claimed he was a wife-stealing adulterer with no morals (unless a jackal has morals).

So now that there is corroborating evidence, I'm happy to post the allegations about this piece of dogshit.


I can't copy and paste some of his statements from the article without redacting the obscenities. Suffice it to say he denies the allegations and doubles down on his "methods." Tony, please, PLEASE do society a favor and kill yourself.

He didn't steal anything, he didn't use a crowbar to open her legs did he?

05-23-19, 16:34
Surprised? Nah. Shocked? No! Saddened? Yes, because if what he did or does is true, he is just one more highly visible a$$hole behaving badly and making the rest of men in society suspect...... Money and power seem to give silently deranged humans even more reason to become very well known and outspoken deranged humans. 50 to 100 years from now, while we sit around in tiny groups next to a fire eating 3-4 day old coyote, sipping “dandelion” tea or wine.....none of this shit will even be a memory. If Tony falls like all the rest......I hope it’s soon please.

Outlander Systems
05-23-19, 18:27
I’ve been cashing out my BTC to buy tulip futures.

But dude, bitcoin is where it's at.