View Full Version : Arnold Schwarzenegger attacked while in South Africa

05-18-19, 10:44

Given his age I have no doubt he is going to be sore after taking a drop kick to the back but lucky for him that was all the attacker was able to pull off.

05-18-19, 10:58
Looks like his detail failed to cover their client.

05-18-19, 10:58
What did Ahhnold ever do to that guy?

05-18-19, 11:25
Looks like his detail failed to cover their client.

AMEN, in the background the POS was angling for good shot. The security guard certainly wasn't scanning 360.


05-18-19, 11:42
What was the guy screaming? Help me, blah, blah, blah.

05-18-19, 13:36
What was the guy screaming? Help me, blah, blah, blah.That's what it sounded like to me

05-18-19, 13:47
Looks like his detail failed to cover their client.

They even pulled the attacker away once 0:30, too. Blowing it.

05-18-19, 15:21
They even pulled the attacker away once 0:30, too. Blowing it.

That's what I thought too! Holy cow.

Security: I've got your six.
Arnold: I've got your pink slip.

I can see letting the camera guys back there, but why they would let someone get behind him like that. Damn.

You just can't anything these days without some jackass trying to ruin it.

05-18-19, 15:22
What did Ahhnold ever do to that guy?

Could have been a argument that started when he was there in 1975. :D

Dr. Bullseye
05-18-19, 15:32
They don't like him either. I'm shocked, shocked!

05-18-19, 16:21
Arnold still looks pretty jacked for his age.... needs to lose that Trump comb around and just shave his head.
Detail dropped the ball, it happens.

05-18-19, 16:23
They look more like body-builder guards, and not body guards. They needed brains more than beef.

05-18-19, 16:48
From a friend who is in the business:

OldMan, as far as I know Arnold has the same security folks as Jeff Bezos.....Gavin Debecker.

Dude won’t even hire anyone that uses tobacco. Pretty sure that guy will be fired.

05-18-19, 17:31
Arnold still looks pretty jacked for his age.... needs to lose that Trump comb around and just shave his head.
Detail dropped the ball, it happens.

Then it's a good thing the guy didn't run up and stick a shiv in Arnold.

05-18-19, 17:34
From a friend who is in the business:

I have been around Arnold and his security many times over the years and they seemed pretty switched on, and didn't look more like muscle heads vs professional security types. One I spoke to was ex SS agent. Maybe he used a different outfit for that trip or something. Note dude pretty much bounced on the Oak, but also lucky that's all he did.

05-18-19, 17:37

in a backwards, socially and intellectually immature nation as South Africa; he probably thought he was stopping a Terminator.

Those people still believe in voodoo and whatnot so I will not fault him for being so backwards. He just didnt know better and was acting in self defense

05-18-19, 17:48

in a backwards, socially and intellectually immature nation as South Africa; he probably thought he was stopping a Terminator.

Those people still believe in voodoo and whatnot so I will not fault him for being so backwards. He just didnt know better and was acting in self defense

For the hearing impaired.


05-18-19, 18:39
This is what happens when your security detail is more interested in watching YOU than what is around/approaching/watching you.

Need a detail that are bored shit looking at you and scan like crazy to avoid looking at your mug.

05-18-19, 18:53

...but my bodyguard won't be.

05-18-19, 19:00
If I ever got a chance at a free lick on Ahnold...I promise you....

I will be dressed up like Freddie Mercury(peace be upon him) in Commando

05-18-19, 20:10
If I ever got a chance at a free lick on Ahnold...I promise you....

I will be dressed up like Freddie Mercury(peace be upon him) in Commando


05-18-19, 20:27
Three things.

1. Nothing better than a yoko tobi geri to the middle of the back to ensure almost zero damage. Such things are rarely executed correctly and most people end up just pushing themselves back off the target, especially if there is a significant weight disparity such as in this case.

2. If your security detail can't protect you from a movement as large and usually telegraphed as a running jump side kick, there is almost nothing they can protect you from. Damn lucky this wasn't a serious attack, if this was a determined individual with a knife or just about any other weapon, Arnold would probably be dead.

3. How ironic is it that little black kids in Africa would so complete suck at speed jump rope? There are probably thousands of 10 year olds in Brooklyn alone that could have seriously schooled that kid and they never get a visit from Arnold. I've seen little kids who can make that damn rope invisible uninterrupted for 5 minutes or more and barely break a sweat and never break a strike.

05-18-19, 20:28
Then it's a good thing the guy didn't run up and stick a shiv in Arnold.

People mess up every day in every walk of life. Many strive for perfection, but realistically you have to expect things like this to happen.
I guess it would have been different if you were there.

05-19-19, 00:35
People mess up every day in every walk of life. Many strive for perfection, but realistically you have to expect things like this to happen.
I guess it would have been different if you were there.

Come on.... man that kind of stuff does not happen every day. Can you imagine a radio DJ in public at a car dealership and someone comes up with that? No security at all. AS is high profile dude. If you -expect- something like that to happen something is seriously wrong.

Don't forget what flows down stream. When people with the money and support crew of AS can get jumped live on camera in a small gathering, that does not bode well for us ordinary people if we should ever stand out in public.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying the rich are more deserving but if you have the money, which he does, that sort of cheap shot should be a near zero, not an expectation.

I have no love for AS other than I like his attitude and ability to make money but that's just not right. I mean if you want to joke about it sure. I can do that too. He shouldn't be fooling around with those foreigners, he should be back here making MAGA. HaHaha. He is an American, a former elected representative, and he got attacked on foreign soil. I personally don't like that one bit. It sends a message. The next time it will not be someone so high profile and we may not hear about it.

I don't expect this and I damn sure would never pay someone in security that does. It's not a movie.

05-19-19, 00:50
Three things.

1. Nothing better than a yoko tobi geri to the middle of the back to ensure almost zero damage. Such things are rarely executed correctly and most people end up just pushing themselves back off the target, especially if there is a significant weight disparity such as in this case.

That looks like just what happened. But a missed shot to the base of the spine would not be pleasant. The thing that got me was him walking up waving his arm. I'm no security person but when I saw that I thought "Warning Will Robinson" we need to get this cat behind the velvet rope and promise him a backstage autograph. Right this way sir.

It did look like the guy bounced right off him though. Still, it's the thought that counts. When random individuals of our society wants to attack our icons it's not a good day. It's happening on different levels in a lot of places.

05-19-19, 05:52
Come on.... man that kind of stuff does not happen every day. Can you imagine a radio DJ in public at a car dealership and someone comes up with that? No security at all. AS is high profile dude. If you -expect- something like that to happen something is seriously wrong.

Don't forget what flows down stream. When people with the money and support crew of AS can get jumped live on camera in a small gathering, that does not bode well for us ordinary people if we should ever stand out in public.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying the rich are more deserving but if you have the money, which he does, that sort of cheap shot should be a near zero, not an expectation.

I have no love for AS other than I like his attitude and ability to make money but that's just not right. I mean if you want to joke about it sure. I can do that too. He shouldn't be fooling around with those foreigners, he should be back here making MAGA. HaHaha. He is an American, a former elected representative, and he got attacked on foreign soil. I personally don't like that one bit. It sends a message. The next time it will not be someone so high profile and we may not hear about it.

I don't expect this and I damn sure would never pay someone in security that does. It's not a movie.

I agree with all the above, and I get that you pay high dollar detail to BE perfect, and like Will said he was lucky not to have a knife in him, and I definitely do not want any of our citizens attacked anywhere. I’m just saying that some amateur lunatic with a bone to pick with you just might get to you regardless of your detail, or your own OODA loop.
Like terrorism, it’s tough to stop crazy people who don’t give a fork.

05-19-19, 10:55
Was he screaming "help me I need a Lamborghini"?

05-19-19, 17:35
That looks like just what happened. But a missed shot to the base of the spine would not be pleasant. The thing that got me was him walking up waving his arm. I'm no security person but when I saw that I thought "Warning Will Robinson" we need to get this cat behind the velvet rope and promise him a backstage autograph. Right this way sir.

It did look like the guy bounced right off him though. Still, it's the thought that counts. When random individuals of our society wants to attack our icons it's not a good day. It's happening on different levels in a lot of places.

The attacker was not that talented.

05-20-19, 07:42
What was the guy screaming? Help me, blah, blah, blah.

Just heard on local news he was shouting “Help me I need a Lamborghini”

05-20-19, 13:19
The Oak took that like....an oak. Glad he's okay.

05-20-19, 13:42
For once in his life, THIS is the time for Ahnuld Brownshwagger to say "This time, it's PERSONAL"