View Full Version : LAX He has knife, she has a gun

05-20-19, 16:10
Male driving a jeep has a fender bender with a female driving an Enterprise bus at LAX.

Argument ensues and he busts out the driver’s window of the bus. He has a big knife but the bus driver wins when she pulls out a gun. Scared the piss out of him.

Look at him on the curb in the video with wet drawers. Ha! All arrested.


05-20-19, 17:05
Well, at a minium the bus driver is going to lose her job, and probably get jail time for carrying without a permit, and after this, I doubt she'll ever be able to get one, after all, this is L.A. and common sense went out the window there, a few decades ago.. The scumbag in the jeep will probably be out on bail in a few hours..

05-20-19, 17:18
Hoods gonna hood.

05-20-19, 20:34
reckon she did not have a permit cause she could not get one to start ?

she tried to have someone then hide the gun ?

stupid and stupid meet stupid has a knife and stupid has a gun got to love LA (not)

the problem is some bus drivers do drive like complete idiots and do not care about pulling out on you etc..

anymore truck drivers the same way etc.. but that goes for people not what they drive we are becoming more lost as a society and reckon its going to get way worse before it gets better

to bad this was not in the UK it would have been driver pulls pliers but is returned with the other driver pulling out a FILE !!!!!!

05-23-19, 16:39
Bus driver will be prosecuted in true British fashion!

05-24-19, 06:58
Was in LA a couple of weeks ago and I was on her bus back to the terminal after dropping off the rental car. Stood up front towards the driver area and she was pretty cool and seemed like she enjoyed her job. It's too bad she will lose her job and more than likely spend time in jail but it's probably a better alternative than getting stabbed by the crazy piss pants guy.