View Full Version : Rambo: Last Blood

05-30-19, 13:29

Looks good. Don't count on it being the last, I thought that they had finished out his story pretty well in the last one.

Looks like he takes on the Cartels?

05-30-19, 13:57
Shows more promise than Terminator but why couldnt he have long hair still?

05-30-19, 14:01
Meh.......nope. Should have left well enough alone. Didn’t Rambo die in one of those expendables movies?

Doc Safari
05-30-19, 14:04
Looks okay. I'll probably see it just because it's the last chapter and I have the same attitude toward Star Wars.

Reminds me of the Schwarzenegger movie Commando: Retired badass special forces guy has to come out of retirement and put the whoop ass on some bad guys.

Makes you think what Commando redone as a geezer action movie would be.

05-30-19, 14:52
This....could be good if it doesnt get stupid. Stallone knows how to reign himself in more than Schwarzenegger.

I hope Rambo's father isnt killed by the Cartel. That would be cheap. I hope he just dies of old age juuust as he and Rambo have reconnected. Rambo is just trying to rebuild his life again and the Cartels use his property and his grief and old age make it where he just doesnt care anymore. He has no father figure and no children of his own.

This could get especially dark and grim if they are smart with it. Real Jason Voorhees type mess. And at the end he fights the cops for trying to stop him

Doc Safari
05-30-19, 14:53
This....could be good if it doesnt get stupid. Stallone knows how to reign himself in more than Schwarzenegger.

I hope Rambo's father isnt killed by the Cartel. That would be cheap. I hope he just dies of old age juuust as he and Rambo have reconnected. Rambo is just trying to rebuild his life again and the Cartels use his property and his grief and old age make it where he just doesnt care anymore. He has no father figure and no children of his own.

This could get especially dark and grim if they are smart with it. Real Jason Voorhees type mess. And at the end he fights the cops for trying to stop him

And you probably won't be happy unless you see crucifixions, right?


05-30-19, 15:07
Looks better than the Top Gun sequel. I'm in.

05-30-19, 17:22
But will there be human bodies literally turned into hamburger by point-blank Browning M2 fire?

05-30-19, 17:45
Cool. I can't wait to see him shoot nuclear tipped arrows 1500 yards and blow up entire convoys.

05-30-19, 19:50
Nope! Reminds me of this


05-30-19, 20:51
I could care less if I ever see another Stallone flick.

05-31-19, 09:00
I heard they're bringing in Shia LaBeouf to play his long-lost son so they can appeal to the younger generation reboot the series after he's gone in an effort to keep the gravy train rolling for decades to come.

...too soon?

Doc Safari
05-31-19, 09:24
I heard they're bringing in Shia LaBeouf to play his long-lost son so they can appeal to the younger generation reboot the series after he's gone in an effort to keep the gravy train rolling for decades to come.

...too soon?

As long as Rambo doesn't hide in a refrigerator as the nuclear bomb goes off.

05-31-19, 09:59
They need to call this "Rambo: Last Drop of Blood" since they're clearly just trying to wring every last buck out of this franchise while he's upright and processing oxygen.

05-31-19, 11:45
Instead of the horribly timed Rambo 3 and mediocre Predator 2,
The greatest loss to American and Western Culture came because a different movie had not been made.

There should have been a big budget Matrix/Dutch is the same guy, with a Terminator back from the future that had been based on him-
Teaming up with Rambo, Robocop, and a handful of Predators arriving on earth bound by tradition to have allegiance to Dutch because he killed their clan leader 1v1-

Rushed to a crash site on an island where they have to keep a bunch of Aliens from escaping and making it to the nearby mainland. If they fail, the island will have to be nuked. Which will kill tons of people, the Russians won’t believe why, and the world will end in nuclear destruction. With Rowdy Roddy Piper as Cain Cooper, brother of blain. And I would totally have been cool with Mcclane and Riggs on the island for whatever reason wrapped up in it when the Aliens landed. Murtagh could have been there with Riggs as well. Investigating on the sly something they thought was there. MCclane was there Lost on a boat after a trip to see his wife who kicked him out and he decided to go fishing.

Pretty much everybody dies. Except Murtagh, who is so messed up he changes his name to Harrigan and starts a new life near amnestic except for nightmares.

The Alien franchise is unaffected.
The Terminator series is unaffected.
Predator series is unaffected.
Robocop series is unaffected.
With any luck they don’t suck as bad.

We are saved from the rest of the Rambo series.

Doc Safari
05-31-19, 11:50
Instead of the horribly timed Rambo 3 and mediocre Predator 2,
The greatest loss to American and Western Culture came because a different movie had not been made.

There should have been a big budget Matrix/Dutch is the same guy, with a Terminator back from the future that had been based on him-
Teaming up with Rambo, Robocop, and a handful of Predators arriving on earth bound by tradition to have allegiance to Dutch because he killed their clan leader 1v1-

Rushed to a crash site on an island where they have to keep a bunch of Aliens from escaping and making it to the nearby mainland. If they fail, the island will have to be nuked. Which will kill tons of people, the Russians won’t believe why, and the world will end in nuclear destruction. With Rowdy Roddy Piper as Cain Cooper, brother of blain. And I would totally have been cool with Mcclane and Riggs on the island for whatever reason wrapped up in it when the Aliens landed. Murtagh could have been there with Riggs as well. Investigating on the sly something they thought was there. MCclane was there Lost on a boat after a trip to see his wife who kicked him out and he decided to go fishing.

Pretty much everybody dies. Except Murtagh, who is so messed up he changes his name to Harrigan and starts a new life near amnestic except for nightmares.

The Alien franchise is unaffected.
The Terminator series is unaffected.
Predator series is unaffected.
Robocop series is unaffected.
With any luck they don’t suck as bad.

We are saved from the rest of the Rambo series.

Add Jack Burton from Big Trouble in Little China as the only survivor who rides off in his big rig at the end and it's a "GO."


05-31-19, 12:00
At least the movie has Paz Vega going for it.

05-31-19, 13:11
Instead of the horribly timed Rambo 3 and mediocre Predator 2,
The greatest loss to American and Western Culture came because a different movie had not been made.

There should have been a big budget Matrix/Dutch is the same guy, with a Terminator back from the future that had been based on him-
Teaming up with Rambo, Robocop, and a handful of Predators arriving on earth bound by tradition to have allegiance to Dutch because he killed their clan leader 1v1-

Rushed to a crash site on an island where they have to keep a bunch of Aliens from escaping and making it to the nearby mainland. If they fail, the island will have to be nuked. Which will kill tons of people, the Russians won’t believe why, and the world will end in nuclear destruction. With Rowdy Roddy Piper as Cain Cooper, brother of blain. And I would totally have been cool with Mcclane and Riggs on the island for whatever reason wrapped up in it when the Aliens landed. Murtagh could have been there with Riggs as well. Investigating on the sly something they thought was there. MCclane was there Lost on a boat after a trip to see his wife who kicked him out and he decided to go fishing.

Pretty much everybody dies. Except Murtagh, who is so messed up he changes his name to Harrigan and starts a new life near amnestic except for nightmares.

The Alien franchise is unaffected.
The Terminator series is unaffected.
Predator series is unaffected.
Robocop series is unaffected.
With any luck they don’t suck as bad.

We are saved from the rest of the Rambo series.

you just described Contra

06-01-19, 13:51
This....could be good if it doesnt get stupid. Stallone knows how to reign himself in more than Schwarzenegger.

I hope Rambo's father isnt killed by the Cartel. That would be cheap. I hope he just dies of old age juuust as he and Rambo have reconnected. Rambo is just trying to rebuild his life again and the Cartels use his property and his grief and old age make it where he just doesnt care anymore. He has no father figure and no children of his own.

This could get especially dark and grim if they are smart with it. Real Jason Voorhees type mess. And at the end he fights the cops for trying to stop him

I know it won't be even close to this good. I know it won't even be this close to competently done. And I highly suspect the baddies will suffer from the PC nonsense all of hollywood is obsessed with, so I doubt it will be that straightforward....
Ending it with the cops trying to take him out for doing the dirty shit they were either too timid or too paid off to do themselves, because "we can't have vigilantes running around on our turf" would be a hell of a way to wrap it all up with a call-back to how this whole Rambo mess got started in the first place...

06-02-19, 01:22
This is not going to be as awesome as when he beats a giant Russian to a pulp and avenges his friend.
This is going to be as awesome as when he beat an AIDS ridden party boy has been to a pulp in a street fight.

08-23-19, 11:59
New trailer.

Can't wait to see how it is that he can walk out of that mob he is in the middle of.


Heard that he is open to another one after this... Laster Blood?

08-23-19, 12:03
Heard that he is open to another one after this... Laster Blood?

Bled Out.

08-23-19, 12:06
Add Jack Burton from Big Trouble in Little China as the only survivor who rides off in his big rig at the end and it's a "GO."


Jack Burton over Snake Plissken? I don't know.

Rambo 5...I'll watch it, but not in the theatre.

08-23-19, 14:30
Huh...looks like maybe a little less "tacticool" and getting a bit back to the OG roots with the traps and ambushes and stuff.
I actually think it would be cool if the weapons he uses are just his collection of old-school 'nam era guns/bows/knives/etc. he's "collected" over the years, put away as retirement keepsakes, and now have to get busted back out...

08-23-19, 16:11
Huh...looks like maybe a little less "tacticool" and getting a bit back to the OG roots with the traps and ambushed and stuff.
I actually think it would be cool if the weapons he uses are just his collection of old-school 'nam era guns/bows/knives/etc. he's "collected" over the years, put away as retirement keepsakes, and now have to get busted back out...

I don't think anything can save this series, it was pretty much done after the second movie. But "The Park is Mine" is finally out on DVD so I'll probably just watch that instead.

08-23-19, 16:24
The Park is Mine is badass. I have it on disc. Listen to the commentary track. Lotsa good info.

For one, I didn’t know it was actually a Canadian made for TV movie and the book it was based on was like Natural Born Killers. Dude just wants to relive Vietnam. No noble cause. Plus he does gruesome stuff to the cops.

I just like that the soundtrack is by Tangerine Dream and that they actually sent a Viet Cong after him.

It could never be made today.

Per Last Blood. I am interested, I just wish he had long hair

08-23-19, 16:35
Huh...looks like maybe a little less "tacticool" and getting a bit back to the OG roots with the traps and ambushed and stuff.
I actually think it would be cool if the weapons he uses are just his collection of old-school 'nam era guns/bows/knives/etc. he's "collected" over the years, put away as retirement keepsakes, and now have to get busted back out...

In the latest trailer it looks like he’s rocking in early A1 type M16.

08-23-19, 17:19
Rambo was never “tacticool”

First Blood: He only had a knife. He took guns from the cops who were hassling him and the National Guard

Rambo II: He started off with all kinds of stuff but ultimately was down to his knife again and basically took guns off the dead Commies

Rambo III: Well......it was what it was

Rambo: Rambo just had a 1911 and made a machete that looked like something out of that old game Splatterhouse. The Mercenaries had far out stuff but Rambo just used a bow and arrow and the Ma Deuce

Last Blood: Rambo has old lever guns, an old SP1 or two, and a Benelli. Perfectly reasonable stuff.

Rambo was never the sort to really care about guns past if it worked or not.
I liked the books written by the original author. He wrote the novelization of Rambo II and it explored how he dabbled in Zen meditation, how he had actually taken a vow of celibacy (despite actively masturbating [yes that’s in the book), and how instead of all black he wore Tiger Stripes and was given a choice between an M203 or the bow and he picked the bow because he was trying to avoid stand up fights. Also more backstory to the VC girl who helps him. She was WAY younger, had been a child prostitute, and was promised to be taken to US by an an Air Force guy but he bitched out and she had to escape from Khmer Rouge.

It was way more interesting than the book and the relationship bordered on being like from Leon the Professional as the VC girl was like 18 or 17 and Rambo was in his late 30s.

It honestly was a smarter story as the Soviets and Vietnamese “alliance” was fleshed out to where the Russians were only there to trade equipment and money for prisoners. The POWs had been pilots or HVTs. It also mentioned the Sino-Vietnamese war of ‘79

Like....the Vietnamese and Russians weren’t “friends”. It was purely business. The Spetsnaz were more worthy opponents.

Granted the novelization “George Lucased” some things the author didn’t like about the movie but is worth to track down.

Rambo II was a remake of Uncommon Valor but with Rambo. Great when you are a kid but kinda cringe when you are older

09-15-19, 22:20
The greatest film that never was


09-17-19, 11:39
The greatest film that never was

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xco-UqhNEw8Up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, select, start?

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

09-17-19, 12:02
Ok, ok, it’s like Diehard and Taken..... with Rambo!

You mean the guy that went to Sweden to doge the draft then got famous as a middle weight guy pretending to be a heavy weight, then as a nam vet terrorizing small towns, redoing MIA/POW plots, and training the Taliban? Isnt that actor and character like 75 now?

Exactly! That’s him!

Did he go for a swim in a pool with a cocoon in it or something?

09-17-19, 22:24
Did he go for a swim in a pool with a cocoon in it or something?

No, but trenbolone enanthate is a helluva drug. Lol

09-17-19, 22:49
a nam vet terrorizing small towns, redoing MIA/POW plots, and training the Taliban?

it was the 80s. People like that actually existed as in...helping Taliban, fighting the cops, and swearing up and down GIs were still saveable in Vietnam.

Sadly, I think we all know they all dead by now. Oof.

09-19-19, 20:05
So I saw it. It’s kind of a Taken rip off but HOLY HELL does it get BIBLICAL. It’s literally like watching a Friday the 13th movie at the end but we are on Jason’s side.

No white (or per the character Native American) guilt HERE!

Mexican thuggies just really get the full fury.

John Rambo’s stash is sorta boomer but in a badass way. He has SP1s, a CAR-15, M1 Garand, a Benelli, a 1911, and leverguns. Leverguns errywhere.


Aside from the kino masterpiece that was Alita; this is the only other film I am seeing this year.

Screw Feminator. This film deserves an Oscar for best practical effects and screenplay.

Obviously the best Stallone Film since Rocky 4.

I now want Stallone to get in talks with Kane Hodder to do a Jason and Rambo team up.

Bravo! A+

09-19-19, 20:27
So I saw it. It’s kind of a Taken rip off but HOLY HELL does it get BIBLICAL.

Aaaaannd, I'm IN.

09-19-19, 22:42
Aaaaannd, I'm IN.

Same here. Have tickets for tomorrow night.

09-20-19, 01:11
It's between Rambo:Last Blood and the Downton Abbey movie....

09-20-19, 09:36
Critics: ‘Rambo: Last Blood’ Is Racist Call for Trump Wall

I might go twice.

09-20-19, 21:28
Critics: ‘Rambo: Last Blood’ Is Racist Call for Trump Wall

I might go twice.

If it get the Leftists' panties in a wad I may buy tickets even if I don't make to the theater.....

09-20-19, 21:28

PD Sgt.
09-20-19, 21:47
They should have ended First Blood like the original book and left well enough alone.

09-20-19, 22:37
They should have ended First Blood like the original book and left well enough alone.


09-21-19, 15:04
Well, I admit I had minimal interest in this obvious rehash of other movies until the lefties started losing their shit.
Now I'm gonna see it. BFYTW :laugh:

Between this, Joker and Chappelle it's a veritable smorgasbord of RWDS viewing material. I'm so glad the mainstream movie industry has decided to take the helm of radicalizing decent young white men; it's nice for them to be able to go to the movies together with their fellow hitler youth instead of being alone on youtube. ;)

In all seriousness though, I find it hilarious that out of the dozens of movies and Tv shows, most of which either start left, or are subverted left after a decent initial offering to lure suckers in, the lefties are STILL mad over the 3-5 movies so far over the last year or so that have bucked the trend a LITTLE in, to be frank, a barely center-line way; essentially they're just decent offerings with less blatant pandering, wherein the left has found *something* to obsess over.
Such obvious bias and intolerance, but THEY are oppressed...

09-21-19, 15:24
In a bit of morbid irony, There were some fairly loud hispanic folks attending the screening I was at.

Once it got REALLY good, one of them said “Tha’s fvckd uuuuuup”. Then geeked out over the vivisection. They actually enjoyed that a solid half of the film was in Spanish. And the highlight of their commentary was as “mang, chola pissin’ off RAMBO....tha’s fvcked uuuup.”

The usual black folks were like “Aaw sheeyit! DAAAYUUUUM. WHOA Tha’s some shit right there”.

The highlight of the African American commentary was “Yo did you see dat, bruh?! He straight up came out like Jason and shit!”

The backshooting with the Garand got excited clapping.

I got to a theatre in a less than gentrified area because A. It’s like being in MST3K and B. Firefly don’t pay $20 to see a movie.

So if anything Rambo is uniting the races.

Coal Dragger
09-21-19, 18:56
I don’t see movies in the theater, I might have to catch this one in theater though.

09-21-19, 20:38

So if anything Rambo is uniting the races.

Yeah, that was my point.
Nobody cares.
Except the usual pantywaisted dipshits.

09-22-19, 09:45
Saw it yesterday. No complaints - it was pretty much what I expected it to be. Stallone has indicated that he might like to see a prequel, what John Rambo was like before he joined the Army.

The Benelli M1 Super 90 made a brief appearance in the film:


I could swear that Rambo racked the slide when firing, but IMFDB lists it as a semiauto.


09-22-19, 10:11
Saw it yesterday. No complaints - it was pretty much what I expected it to be. Stallone has indicated that he might like to see a prequel, what John Rambo was like before he joined the Army.

The Benelli M1 Super 90 made a brief appearance in the film:


I could swear that Rambo racked the slide when firing, but IMFDB lists it as a semiauto.


They are wrong. Look at the end of the handguard. It is a Benelli M3.

09-22-19, 10:37
They are wrong. Look at the end of the handguard. It is a Benelli M3.Like the M3 in "Heat" they couldn't get to cycle blanks... Somebody should have talked to the John Wick armorer!


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09-22-19, 11:40
Apparently, most of the filming was done in Bulgaria and the Canary Islands. Heck, I originally thought it was filmed in Arizona and/or Mexico.

09-22-19, 11:57
Apparently, most of the filming was done in Bulgaria and the Canary Islands. Heck, I originally thought it was filmed in Arizona and/or Mexico.

I......did not know that. The movie has a relatively low budget but they are filming in the Eastern Bloc and it literally looks like Arizona/Mexico.

09-22-19, 14:21
It's not unusual for IMFDB to get things wrong, especially about relatively new or recently released movies, particularly when contributors don't have DVDs or digital copies to pause and screenshot and analyze.

I'm also pretty sure that the "M16A1" that they show on IMFDB is an M16A2-type with A1 furniture on it (making it kind of a funny, but lazier reversal of what was done in the 80s and 90s to make "M16A2s" for movies, where they put A2 furniture, forward assists, and converted the rear sight to be finger adjustable on M16A1s - it's lazier because it still has the A2-type forward assist and the rear sight looks like an unmodified A2-type).

ETA: Looks like it doesn't have a forward assist. So maybe it's one of those converted "M16A2" guns that they just put A1 furniture (back) on.

09-22-19, 23:25
Every month or so, I take the family, my foreman and his family, plus ranch hands to Albuquerque for dinner and a movie - my treat. It's 200 miles from here to Albuquerque, but it's a great time to get back to civilization for all involved.

Today we went to see Rambo - Last Blood. It was a normal Rambo bloodfest with some gore (thus the R rating). The story takes place in Arizona and Nogales, Sonora Mexico, but the odd looking Arizona scenes were actually in Bulgaria, and Nogales was somewhere in Portugal (according to the end credits). The wife whispered to me during the film that she saw an error. All the Arizona vehicles had one Arizona license plate on the back, but in the Grand Canyon State they have front plates as well.

Lots of Spanish language used with sub-titles. In certain parts of Stallone's dialogue, sub-titles would have helped. In some side profile shots of Sylvester, you can see his lower lip and jaw protrude further out than the upper part of this mouth - possibly a cause of his speech impediment?

Not a film I will be looking to put in my Blu-Ray collection, but I suppose it was worth the $10.00 per person admission. FYI, there were 9 of us.

09-22-19, 23:38
I think your wife is incorrect, 58D.

My memory of Arizona when my father was stationed there was that there was only one plate on every car.

That was nearly thirty years ago, so I Googled it and Arizona only requires one plate (on the rear) and the state only issues one plate.

09-23-19, 05:41
Yep, we only have the rear license plate here in AZ.

09-23-19, 06:44
A LOT of movies are shot in Bulgaria. It's like Hollywood of eastern bloc.

If I'm not mistaken 300 and the sequel were shot there as well as Angel has Fallen, Black Dhalia, the last Connan the Barbarian movie, several of the Expendables, Hitman, The Hitman's Bodyguard, Mechanic and a whole host of others

09-23-19, 07:33
I think your wife is incorrect, 58D.

My memory of Arizona when my father was stationed there was that there was only one plate on every car.

That was nearly thirty years ago, so I Googled it and Arizona only requires one plate (on the rear) and the state only issues one plate.

Yep, we only have the rear license plate here in AZ.

My wife and I were students at the U of A in Tucson from 1978 to 1982, back then it was two plates. I just did some looking online and it appears the State went to 1 plate in the 1990's to save money. Back then we had the old maroon plates with the cactus in the middle on our vehicles. I returned to Fort Huachuca for a short time in 1983 after flight school before moving to Fort Campbell.