View Full Version : Trump announces gradually increasing tariff on Mexican imports

05-30-19, 19:49
Well, well, well.....


Hopes to force Mexico to stop the ILLEGAL invasion from THEIR territory to here.

Starts at 5% on June 10th. Then "….the tariff on all goods by land, sea, and air from Mexico will hike to 10 percent on July 1, then a massive 25 percent on Sept. 1, absent action from Mexico."

Soooo.....what Federal court will find this illegal??????

Straight Shooter
05-30-19, 20:30
WAY past due..MAGA!

05-30-19, 21:54
Will accomplish nothing except to drive up the prices that Americans pay on goods imported from Mexico.

Straight Shooter
05-30-19, 22:04
Will accomplish nothing except to drive up the prices that Americans pay on goods imported from Mexico.


26 Inf
05-30-19, 22:35
Don't get me wrong, we need to fix immigration, but there is a reason our President has filed multiple bankruptcies.

05-30-19, 22:42
How is this going to stop illegal immigration?

05-30-19, 23:16
I guess the idea is to get the Mexican government off their butts and to do something on their side of the border to keep the illegal immigrants from getting into the US.

It might help him with the rust belt and the union auto workers as well (as an aside).

05-31-19, 00:54
How is this going to stop illegal immigration?

I think that will depend on what the terms of the “deal” are. If the tariffs get eased with the slow down of illegals pouring through Mexico and into the USA, then it can help. If the terms are lower tariffs for more tequila then it won’t do squat.

I’m honestly ok with the price of goods going up. From China, Mexico, India wherever. The world has been fleecing American consumers and tax payers for too long and the USA has taken it in the shirts for too long. A trade imbalance with the world can not go on indefinitely. Previous administrations and congresses have passed the buck while putting their own ambitions ahead of the nation. Someone has to do something to slow it down. Even if it’s for a little bit. It’s going to possibly suck, but the reality of the matter is that at this time the world needs American consumers quite a bit. So it would be wise to strike while the iron is hot so to speak.

05-31-19, 04:10

Except most of them are American goods manufactured in Mexico. A better solution is to repeal NAFTA and bring that infrastructure and domestic production home.

05-31-19, 05:25
Don't get me wrong, we need to fix immigration, but there is a reason our President has filed multiple bankruptcies.

What are some alternative solutions you would pursue as CinC?

Straight Shooter
05-31-19, 05:34
Except most of them are American goods manufactured in Mexico. A better solution is to repeal NAFTA and bring that infrastructure and domestic production home.

I say GOOD even more so Steyr. Example..Nabisco closed a plant I think it was in Indiana that made Oreos, now Oreos have been made in Mexico, unknown to most people, for awhile now. Over 600 Americans out of work. I say tarriff the hell out of them and take away the reason those American companies went there to start with..cheap labor thats close by. Look, stuff costs, what stuff costs. I dont have two nickles to rub together most of the time, and I say DO IT.
We have GOT to get the trade deficits in line, they are out of control. We have GOT to make companies aware that closing here & moving there isnt gonna be as cheap as you thought it was. We truly have GOT to put THIS country..America..FIRST again. We have been screwed so long now a whole generation believes thats the normal way it ought to be. IT AINT. Im willing to "suffer" if it means putting America in a better position economically. Sure, there could be downsides for awhile..but isnt anything worth doing potentially painful?
And I 100% agree on the repeal of NAFTA..that crap should never have been passed to start with.

05-31-19, 05:38
Okay...lets not be hard shell Republicans. Lets not take the bait.

Someone please spell out how raising tariffs on an already corrupt and hostile nation is going to stop them from dumping their good for nothing welfare leeches on our front lawns.

If anyone cared about the border there would be mines, tanks, drone strikes on the families of Mexican politicians, and yes...lots and lots of crucifixions.

Raising the price on uncucked Coca Cola and them Jarrito sodas is not going to keep ese's out. You are truly delusional if you think any of this will slow the invasion.

We have a cheeto who is all hat and no cattle.

All I want is for people to stay their ass in their own country. America is full.
Piss off.

If these people are so awesome they can fix their own shit instead of taking over mine.

I firmly believe we as Americans deserve some "me" time.

You can also kiss my ass with the "nation of immigrants" white guilt song and dance. Nobody in my lineage immigrated from anywhere for almost 20,000 years.

Screw these other countries. We are not the world.

If I was 70 odd years old, couldnt get erect anymore, and was rich as piss I'd just say eff it and drop an A Bomb or 5 in Mexico. Good luck crossing through.

I watched Chernobyl. 20,000 years of uninhabitable earth seems like a good way to keep unnecessary humans out.

Mass Deportations. Start dragging 80 year old Abuela out of her bed and put her on a bus.

Any who resist get crucified. Also refugees do not exist in this country. Everybody has a sob story. Quit being socialist and you wouldnt have to wipe your ass with currency or peddle flesh for food. Stupid hurts.

So yes...please...tell me how anything short of crucifuxions is going to keep these illiterate, disease ridden, innately criminal bastards out of my neighborhoods...

Coal Dragger
05-31-19, 06:07
Impalement might work better.

Less materials too, so lower costs.

05-31-19, 06:25
Impalement might work better.

Less materials too, so lower costs.

.....Some things I feel it is worth it to spend a little more to get the very best in life. You see, The Mexican is a very peculiar and superstitious sort. Predominately Catholic so crucifixion sends a message.

Plus, and do not infer any blasphemy or sacrilege, I just really want to see people scourged and put on a cross. Its ancient and Biblical.

Doc Safari
05-31-19, 09:28
Could we maybe, at least put on the table: Doing to Mexico what we did in Iraq?

05-31-19, 10:58
You people are delusional. What good are tariffs. What context. Even if they'd arguably produce a favorable result, wrong is wrong. You can't have your cake and eat it to. If you like government regulating free markets then don't bitch when they regulate something that you valule. I would assume the vast majority of forum users are conservatives and against government regulations. Free markets are supposed to be just that. GLOBALLY. Everybody nowadays bases their victories on short term emotions rather than rational thought like children. They only see the trees in front of their faces rather than looking at the forest as a whole. What caused outsourcing to begin with.... Taxation and Government regulation. That and the majority of citizenry voting with their legal tender, as they have the right to do so in a free market, for cheaper goods. The taxes are driven by a megalithic government that exceeds its scope. The regulations are driven by that same government. Stop looking at what is in front of your face. Businesses are beholding to no one, but them selves and their share holders. They have to have an incentive to stay CONUS and contribute to "Overall patriotic good". If a company abandons profit for that overall good, I applaud them. But it's generally not that simple. Grow up. Bunch of children rooting for a Jersey, when both teams want more Government and more regulation. Reduce the governing and all these problems will eliminate themselves. Run a Republic in accordance with the applicable playbook and it works.

As far as illegal immigration goes, its the same. Eliminate the incentive to migrate illegally for the individual and/or family. Key word, individual. If they cannot feed, house or otherwise fully support themselves or their families and incur significant inherent risk, they won't be enticed as there is no benefit. Likewise with deportation. You won't have to deport them as they will migrate somewhere that is sustainable. Their heritage makes them no different then any citizen of any country. I have would never assume to attempt to migrate anywhere illegally because there is currently no benefit to do so and in a lot of cases there would be significant inherent risk to do so.

Easy peasy. Eliminate any and all entitlement programs for all citizenry. Make business employment penalties swift, certain, and severe enough to make questionable employment extinct.

Building a wall, Tarriffs or whatever other feel good ideas won't stop any of this. Supply and demand. If there is incentive the current paradigm WILL continue regardless.

Doc Safari
05-31-19, 11:02

Easy peasy. Eliminate any and all entitlement programs for all citizenry. Make business employment penalties swift, certain, and severe enough to make questionable employment extinct.


100% agree. But what do you do about the thousands of migrants that are flocking here? Even if everything you typed were implemented those people don't stop to check our laws before heading to the US.

05-31-19, 11:17
100% agree. But what do you do about the thousands of migrants that are flocking here? Even if everything you typed were implemented those people don't stop to check our laws before heading to the US.

umm you crucify them and leave them to be picked at by crows duh

05-31-19, 11:35
100% agree. But what do you do about the thousands of migrants that are flocking here? Even if everything you typed were implemented those people don't stop to check our laws before heading to the US.

Agree. It's going to take time to realize the vacancy and free room with meal memo wasn't receive. Once the new paradigm becomes the rule rather than the exception is when the landscape would change....It's all fantacy though because it doesn't involve the current paradigm and Government intervention...

05-31-19, 11:39
You people are delusional. What good are tariffs. What context. Even if they'd arguably produce a favorable result, wrong is wrong. You can't have your cake and eat it to. If you like government regulating free markets then don't bitch when they regulate something that you valule. I would assume the vast majority of forum users are conservatives and against government regulations. Free markets are supposed to be just that. GLOBALLY. Everybody nowadays bases their victories on short term emotions rather than rational thought like children. They only see the trees in front of their faces rather than looking at the forest as a whole. What caused outsourcing to begin with.... Taxation and Government regulation. That and the majority of citizenry voting with their legal tender, as they have the right to do so in a free market, for cheaper goods. The taxes are driven by a megalithic government that exceeds its scope. The regulations are driven by that same government. Stop looking at what is in front of your face. Businesses are beholding to no one, but them selves and their share holders. They have to have an incentive to stay CONUS and contribute to "Overall patriotic good". If a company abandons profit for that overall good, I applaud them. But it's generally not that simple. Grow up. Bunch of children rooting for a Jersey, when both teams want more Government and more regulation. Reduce the governing and all these problems will eliminate themselves. Run a Republic in accordance with the applicable playbook and it works.

As far as illegal immigration goes, its the same. Eliminate the incentive to migrate illegally for the individual and/or family. Key word, individual. If they cannot feed, house or otherwise fully support themselves or their families and incur significant inherent risk, they won't be enticed as there is no benefit. Likewise with deportation. You won't have to deport them as they will migrate somewhere that is sustainable. Their heritage makes them no different then any citizen of any country. I have would never assume to attempt to migrate anywhere illegally because there is currently no benefit to do so and in a lot of cases there would be significant inherent risk to do so.

Easy peasy. Eliminate any and all entitlement programs for all citizenry. Make business employment penalties swift, certain, and severe enough to make questionable employment extinct.

Building a wall, Tarriffs or whatever other feel good ideas won't stop any of this. Supply and demand. If there is incentive the current paradigm WILL continue regardless.

One thing you are missing. There are no free markets. If every market were truly free, then yes, you would be right. However, no other country has the same idea of free markets as does the US. If you want to play in the world economy, you need to adapt to the prevailing version of the the term "free market"

I am Mr Libertarian. However, it only works when everyone agrees to play by the same book.

You could also argue that the founding fathers meant for Tariffs to fund the countries needs, not taxes. But that is another thread, another time.

In the current environment, tariffs are meant as a short term hammer, not a long term solution.

05-31-19, 11:42
Okay...lets not be hard shell Republicans. Lets not take the bait.

Someone please spell out how raising tariffs on an already corrupt and hostile nation is going to stop them from dumping their good for nothing welfare leeches on our front lawns.

If anyone cared about the border there would be mines, tanks, drone strikes on the families of Mexican politicians, and yes...lots and lots of crucifixions.

Raising the price on uncucked Coca Cola and them Jarrito sodas is not going to keep ese's out. You are truly delusional if you think any of this will slow the invasion.

Jarritos and real sugar Cokes and good smelling spices and foods are not the only thing Mexico produces.

The big three, as well as VW (and probably every other automobile manufacturer) has siphoned off jobs down to Mexico and produce lots of vehicles that they import back into the US. Tariffs get high enough, those vehicles will start to be made NOT in Mexico. With all those people out of work and the economy tanking, the politicians may (and that is a big may) sing a different tune than they do now.

05-31-19, 12:06
One thing you are missing. There are no free markets. If every market were truly free, then yes, you would be right. However, no other country has the same idea of free markets as does the US. If you want to play in the world economy, you need to adapt to the prevailing version of the the term "free market"

I am Mr Libertarian. However, it only works when everyone agrees to play by the same book.

You could also argue that the founding fathers meant for Tariffs to fund the countries needs, not taxes. But that is another thread, another time.

In the current environment, tariffs are meant as a short term hammer, not a long term solution.

On your first point, you're partially correct. Correct only in that other venues don't subscribe to free markets and have more/less regulation, depending on your view point, that influence the an alleged free market. I would say that nobody forces you to vote with your legal tender or deal with those markets but that wouldn't be true either. That is my point. Our founders and like minded thinkers tried to prohibit Government influence and intervention on Our Alleged Capitalistict Free Market since being founded. But throughout time, individuals and/or groups are always going to grasp at opportunity. So in doing so, I argue that we don't have a free market because of Government intrusion and the reason we do interact within this Global, ponzi scheme, pseudo Free market, is because of Government intrusion. Otherwise Our Local industry and economy would most likely, by default, thrive. Thus there would be no incentive to interact on a Global scale as a consumer overal. We should be a strong global exporter instead. The fact that it isn't currently economically viable tells the tale.

I disagree on your second point because of my aforementioned. Goes back to my to my first post also. Incentive.

3rd. I agree. Tarriffs, imports, exports, under a constitutionally run, minimalist government, along with excise tax, CONUS Comercial Transportation fees etc., were enough to sustain the rules of the road... But given we are already taxed beyond the limited functions of the Form of Government intended, as I will concede is necessary to sustain this Juggernaut of an Democratic oligarchy, then Tariffs are only a feel good, unnecessary, Short term Hammer, that will arguably have any favorable, especially long term effects. Again, wrong is wrong. Play by the playbook.

05-31-19, 12:24
3rd. I agree. Tarriffs, imports, exports, under a constitutionally run, minimalist government, along with excise tax, CONUS Comercial Transportation fees etc., were enough to sustain the rules of the road... But given we are already taxed beyond the limited functions of the Form of Government intended, as I will concede is necessary to sustain this Juggernaut of an Democratic oligarchy, then Tariffs are only a feel good, unnecessary, Short term Hammer, that will arguably have any favorable, especially long term effects. Again, wrong is wrong. Play by the playbook.

The problem is the playbook only works if everyone is playing within the same rule book. This is not the case right now so the playbook becomes semi useless.

Dr. Bullseye
05-31-19, 12:25
Trump should start at 50%. Let Mexico bring the three Mexican countries in line.

05-31-19, 12:37
Again. Everybody elses playbook is irrelevant if CONUS has an untainted free market. But it doesn't. So now we whine on the terms given. Supply us, give us, under these terms! Our Government, representatives elect, ran off all of are businesses making it more economically viable abroad and they whine when they've shot themselves in their own appendage. It's retarded.

The problem is the playbook only works if everyone is playing within the same rule book. This is not the case right now so the playbook becomes semi useless.

05-31-19, 13:01
Again. Everybody elses playbook is irrelevant if CONUS has an untainted free market. But it doesn't. So now we whine on the terms given. Supply us, give us, under these terms! Our Government, representatives elect, ran off all of are businesses making it more economically viable abroad and they whine when they've shot themselves in their own appendage. It's retarded.

There lies the problem though. The representatives aren't whining, "common" america is. The rep's didn't shoot themselves in the foot, just the opposite, they lined their pockets by doing favors for big corporate companies. "We" whining by your definition are the common people, but the same "we" don't make the laws unfortunately. Those same reps have no real interest in fixing it, so things need to be done unorthodox, because the play book is purposely neutered. The right "plays" are not and won't be called.

05-31-19, 13:09
Jarritos and real sugar Cokes and good smelling spices and foods are not the only thing Mexico produces.

The big three, as well as VW (and probably every other automobile manufacturer) has siphoned off jobs down to Mexico and produce lots of vehicles that they import back into the US. Tariffs get high enough, those vehicles will start to be made NOT in Mexico. With all those people out of work and the economy tanking, the politicians may (and that is a big may) sing a different tune than they do now.

Or it'll just inspire more border jumping

05-31-19, 14:16
I am all for forcing Mexico to participate in stopping the flow of people through their country into ours. Maybe a bounty would be more appropriate than a tariff.

05-31-19, 14:38
While I do appreciate Trump's willingness to take a hard line in order to obtain more favorable trade agreements, I do wish he wouldn't start two separate trade wars at the same time he's working two separate cold wars. It's a little too much and the Dow has once again dropped below 25K. :(

05-31-19, 14:58
Don't get me wrong, we need to fix immigration, but there is a reason our President has filed multiple bankruptcies.What the hell does that got to do with anything??

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Doc Safari
05-31-19, 15:18
US Chamber of Commerce threatening to block Trump's actions:


The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other business groups are considering ways to challenge the new tariffs on goods imported from Mexico.
The powerful U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which advocates for cheap labor policies and opposes American First trade initiatives, told reporters Friday that it is considering all options, including legal challenges, to thwart the Trump administration’s policy.

“We have no choice but to pursue every option available to push back,” Neil Bradley, executive vice president and chief policy officer at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said Friday.

My question: Can't Trump fire the head of the Chamber of Commerce?

26 Inf
05-31-19, 16:16
What are some alternative solutions you would pursue as CinC?

You mean aside from making largely symbolic gestures that do more harm than good to distract the base?

Anything we do is going to cost money. Even without that consideration we are stymied by partisan politics. I think the first thing that needs to happen is that the Democrats, Republicans, and the President need to agree that this is one crisis that they need to collaboratively solve. Until you have that, you are just going to be spinning your wheels.

As President, I would have an as low-profile as possible meeting with the President of Mexico. Ask Mexico what they need to help them solve this problem - how do they perceive the problem, is it a police problem, or a military problem? What do they need help with - their southern border, their northern border, or humanitarian aid for the immigrants in-country. In other words try to help them deal with the problem in their country before it gets to ours.

Congress would need to act in order to craft legislation allowing the military or federal police agencies to assist in Mexico. Once again. this hinges on the factions in Congress working collaboratively to solve a national security problem.

As President, I would get the majority and minority leaders of the House and Senate together and tell them (in a nice way) that I am forming (selecting) a committee from both bodies to work on the issue. I would select folks who have shown the ability to work bipartisan deals and moderate members. I would charge the committee to elect a chair and co-chair irrespective of party. Furthermore I would charge them with forming committee(s) of folks associated with the immigration system on the ground to feed them solutions.

They need to decide:

1) if we are going to hold people until their claims for asylum are heard, what do we do with them in the meantime - letting them loose is an unacceptable solution.

2) how to secure the border - fence, walls, sensors, etc. and how to implement those solutions.

3) how to secure/handle border cities.

3) whether there needs to be a path to citizenship for long-term illegals, and if so what are it's conditions.

While all this is going on the Congress will need to craft legislation giving the armed forces the combat service support mission at the border in order to seal the southern border tight. Given the mission, let the armed forces figure out how to execute - support them in manning and equipment. They can figure the mix of guard/reserve and active component needed.

It goes beyoned a twitter blast.

05-31-19, 16:31

Would you also appoint a head to haunt/oversee the much needed crucifixions on the border and see they are executed with due diligence

26 Inf
05-31-19, 16:45

Would you also appoint a head to haunt/oversee the much needed crucifixions on the border and see they are executed with due diligence

As a favor to you, yes.

However, I must remind you that the deterrent effects or such measures are suspect. Pickpockets used to be hanged in England, and the most likely place to get your pocket picked was at a pickpocket hanging.

05-31-19, 16:53
As a favor to you, yes.

However, I must remind you that the deterrent effects or such measures are suspect. Pickpockets used to be hanged in England, and the most likely place to get your pocket picked was at a pickpocket hanging.

very good. minor counterpoint, hangings in America were relatively crime free.

05-31-19, 17:04
His hands are tied by the communists occupying the House. What do you genius critics want him to do? He is playing the cards he can play. If Mexico doesn't want tarriffs they can start enforcing their border laws.

I can only imagine the bitching if he proposed invading Mexico and pushing the true border further South. Mexico has essentially declared a cold war on us by not lifting a finger to enforce their own laws.

Hand wringing will stop nothing.

Doc Safari
05-31-19, 17:06
... if he proposed invading Mexico and pushing the true border further South.

I'd have to take meds for priapism if that happened.

05-31-19, 17:10
His hands are tied by the communists occupying the House. What do you genius critics want him to do? He is playing the cards he can play. If Mexico doesn't want tarriffs they can start enforcing their border laws.

I can only imagine the bitching if he proposed invading Mexico and pushing the true border further South. Mexico has essentially declared a cold war on us by not lifting a finger to enforce their own laws.

Hand wringing will stop nothing.

Not everybody is a Communist. The fact is he cant get anyone to work with him.

26 posited some good, clear, and sober solutions. I dont think Trump is in anyway incapable. However I do believe he is unwilling.

We are 3 years in. We need something real to happen

05-31-19, 18:34
While I do appreciate Trump's willingness to take a hard line in order to obtain more favorable trade agreements, I do wish he wouldn't start two separate trade wars at the same time he's working two separate cold wars. It's a little too much and the Dow has once again dropped below 25K. :(

This isn't about trade inequities. It's about trying to somehow coerce the friggin' Mexicans to stop what's coming HERE from THEIR side of the border. Those vermin are allowed to cross into Mexico down south and encouraged to keep on moving NORTH.

Trump doesn't have a lot of plays he can call unfortunately. Thank Congress, the shitty courts, and libtards for that (oh, and the Chamber of Commerce too). The average American doesn't want these bastards here, yet the inaction of Congress (yes, even when it was in Republican hands) is mostly to blame.

BTW, I finally found an answer to my question about the source of why we have to let this refuse loose after a set period of time: The Flores Agreement. It isn't part of any law, it is some bullshit "agreement" resulting from a lawsuit files a couple decades ago. Trump should ignore it since it isn't codified into LAW and let it go to the SCOTUS, as you know damn well there will be immediate challenges. It even went to the SCOTUS, which remanded it back to the lower courts to "work it out". So basically it doesn't mean jack shit legally, as far as being part of any law or legislation. Trump should announce he's ignoring it and let the wailing and gnashing of teeth begin. They ALL get tents in the desert, cots, fans (there's your temperature control), no internet, no schooling, water, and MRE's.


05-31-19, 18:36
US Chamber of Commerce threatening to block Trump's actions:


The Chamber of Commerce is a huge part of the problem, right up there with libtards/Democrats (who want more votes), and a sorry-ass Congress. The CoC wants cheap labor.

05-31-19, 18:38
You mean aside from making largely symbolic gestures that do more harm than good to distract the base?

Anything we do is going to cost money. Even without that consideration we are stymied by partisan politics. I think the first thing that needs to happen is that the Democrats, Republicans, and the President need to agree that this is one crisis that they need to collaboratively solve. Until you have that, you are just going to be spinning your wheels.

As President, I would have an as low-profile as possible meeting with the President of Mexico. Ask Mexico what they need to help them solve this problem - how do they perceive the problem, is it a police problem, or a military problem? What do they need help with - their southern border, their northern border, or humanitarian aid for the immigrants in-country. In other words try to help them deal with the problem in their country before it gets to ours.

Congress would need to act in order to craft legislation allowing the military or federal police agencies to assist in Mexico. Once again. this hinges on the factions in Congress working collaboratively to solve a national security problem.

As President, I would get the majority and minority leaders of the House and Senate together and tell them (in a nice way) that I am forming (selecting) a committee from both bodies to work on the issue. I would select folks who have shown the ability to work bipartisan deals and moderate members. I would charge the committee to elect a chair and co-chair irrespective of party. Furthermore I would charge them with forming committee(s) of folks associated with the immigration system on the ground to feed them solutions.

They need to decide:

1) if we are going to hold people until their claims for asylum are heard, what do we do with them in the meantime - letting them loose is an unacceptable solution.

2) how to secure the border - fence, walls, sensors, etc. and how to implement those solutions.

3) how to secure/handle border cities.

3) whether there needs to be a path to citizenship for long-term illegals, and if so what are it's conditions.

While all this is going on the Congress will need to craft legislation giving the armed forces the combat service support mission at the border in order to seal the southern border tight. Given the mission, let the armed forces figure out how to execute - support them in manning and equipment. They can figure the mix of guard/reserve and active component needed.

It goes beyoned a twitter blast.

You and I are 110% in agreement on that point! Whatever the solution is, letting them run amuck here ain't it!

The second bolded part: NO FREAKING WAY EVER!!! Here illegally? You will NEVER get citizenship. NEVER under any circumstances. It rewards bad [criminal] behavior. Goes for their damn kids too.

05-31-19, 19:05
How many million illegal mexicans are here working everyday? Thats probably hard to know accurately but I bet there's not even close to enough Americans willing to do the work they're doing. Removing illegal working mexicans would cause a significant impact to much of the industry here in the U.S. They are/have become the largest percentage of America's labor force.

05-31-19, 19:33
How many million illegal mexicans are here working everyday? Thats probably hard know accurately but I bet there's not even close to enough Americans willing to do the work they're doing. Removing illegal working mexicans would cause a significant impact to much of the industry here in the U.S. They are/have become the largest percentage of America's labor force.

Along with a concurrent big-time curtailment of welfare in this country to home-grown leeches and things would work out just fine.

Jose, you leave NOW and take your damn family with you.

Shaniqua/Bessie Sue YOU better get yo' ass to work 'cause the free shit has come to a grinding halt. Biblical like "No work, no eat".

I don't necessarily have a problem with a well-documented, well-regulated, and tracked LEGAL work visa program. You can't bring family, just you. For a set amount of time, like 6 months, then you must re-apply and be re-approved. Any kids you spawn while here (unless one parent is an American) are NOT U.S. citizens; if you don't get your work visa extended, you still get deported, kid or not. Oh, there is no pathway to citizenship unless you immigrate PROPERLY, not being here on a work visa. You can apply for citizenship while you are here on a work visa but it must be done separately and you wait your time in the naturalization line like everyone else.

05-31-19, 21:15
How many million illegal mexicans are here working everyday? Thats probably hard know accurately but I bet there's not even close to enough Americans willing to do the work they're doing. Removing illegal working mexicans would cause a significant impact to much of the industry here in the U.S. They are/have become the largest percentage of America's labor force.

Maybe in Kalifornia. I really don’t care what happens to that shithole.

06-01-19, 01:11
Okay...lets not be hard shell Republicans. Lets not take the bait.

Someone please spell out how raising tariffs on an already corrupt and hostile nation is going to stop them from dumping their good for nothing welfare leeches on our front lawns.

If anyone cared about the border there would be mines, tanks, drone strikes on the families of Mexican politicians, and yes...lots and lots of crucifixions.

Raising the price on uncucked Coca Cola and them Jarrito sodas is not going to keep ese's out. You are truly delusional if you think any of this will slow the invasion.

We have a cheeto who is all hat and no cattle.

All I want is for people to stay their ass in their own country. America is full.
Piss off.

If these people are so awesome they can fix their own shit instead of taking over mine.

I firmly believe we as Americans deserve some "me" time.

You can also kiss my ass with the "nation of immigrants" white guilt song and dance. Nobody in my lineage immigrated from anywhere for almost 20,000 years.

Screw these other countries. We are not the world.

If I was 70 odd years old, couldnt get erect anymore, and was rich as piss I'd just say eff it and drop an A Bomb or 5 in Mexico. Good luck crossing through.

I watched Chernobyl. 20,000 years of uninhabitable earth seems like a good way to keep unnecessary humans out.

Mass Deportations. Start dragging 80 year old Abuela out of her bed and put her on a bus.

Any who resist get crucified. Also refugees do not exist in this country. Everybody has a sob story. Quit being socialist and you wouldnt have to wipe your ass with currency or peddle flesh for food. Stupid hurts.

So yes...please...tell me how anything short of crucifuxions is going to keep these illiterate, disease ridden, innately criminal bastards out of my neighborhoods...

Yep, this isn't the solution.

Reagan's amnesty was supposed to solve the problem, it didn't work.
NAFTA brought jobs to Mexico with the suggestion that it would stop people from coming here illegally to find work, it didn't work.

So no more amnesties of any kind, they don't work.
Repeal NAFTA completely, it didn't work.
Take all the time, money and effort being pumped into these solutions and things like tariffs on Mexican goods and provide it to border security and enforcement.

Stop treating illegals like victims and treat them like the criminals they are. If they are illegal and engage in other serious crimes like narcotics trafficking, identity theft or violent crime against others then that needs to be something like a "hate crime" where it moves what they are doing into a completely different category similar to RICO with penalties that come with serious deterrence.

As for traffickers themselves, they are gonna need to hit them like they hit all the runners moving product into southern Florida during the 80s and 90s. The gloves are gonna have to come off, they are going to have to engage in serious asset forfeitures associated with "import volume" traffickers, start handing out major time like it's no big deal to go up the ladder and destroy associations and of course ferret out guys on the take in the enforcement side of things.

When guys engaging in serious illegal activity on the southern border are mainly concerned with running into various task forces that are almost unacknowledged then you will see them actually boat that crap all the way to Canada and try and bring it in along the northern border.

Also if we weren't bringing in all our cars, tvs and other "Made in America but Assembled in Mexico" products we could probably look at all the trucks coming in a lot closer.

06-01-19, 14:51
Maybe in Kalifornia. I really don’t care what happens to that shithole.

Definitely commyfornia. They're also 50% of all labor jobs in Georgia and Virginia. Construction, mowing, food processing plants, agriculture and 1/2 the distribution warehouse labor. Like it or not it is what it is. Coast to coast America has come to depend on their labor. A lot of hard working good people have come across illegally and been here for 10, 20, 30, 40, years. I don't see this changing or them leaving. Of course with open borders a lot of bad ones come too.

06-01-19, 15:35
How many million illegal mexicans are here working everyday? Thats probably hard know accurately but I bet there's not even close to enough Americans willing to do the work they're doing. Removing illegal working mexicans would cause a significant impact to much of the industry here in the U.S. They are/have become the largest percentage of America's labor force.

Bullshit. Even seen Iowa kids detassel corn? They agree to work for LESS than minimum wage and it's a LOT harder than picking oranges. They just need more Iowa kids.

06-01-19, 15:52
more mexicans is very much a bad thing. Look at Mexico. It sucks.

With enough Mexicans, America becomes Mexico. They must be forcibly ejected

06-01-19, 17:11
more mexicans is very much a bad thing. Look at Mexico. It sucks.

With enough Mexicans, America becomes Mexico. They must be forcibly ejected

Amen [emoji120]

06-01-19, 17:18
more mexicans is very much a bad thing. Look at Mexico. It sucks.

With enough Mexicans, America becomes Mexico. They must be forcibly ejected

All I see is more continuing to come...and stay.

The hispanic population here in the U.S. is probably at least 25% and with 100k coming across a month that's going to increase rapido.

06-01-19, 19:46
All I see is more continuing to come...and stay.

The hispanic population here in the U.S. is probably at least 25% and with 100k coming across a month that's going to increase rapido.

Unless we stop that we are cutting our own throats with the asinine asylum law being the sharpest blade. It's GOT to stop. FWIW Hispanics vote 2 out of 3 for Democrats going all the way back to the 70's when they started tracking that shit. For all the ballyhoo about how they have traditional family values, yada yada, they sure hit that "D" lever two thirds of the time. Obviously there are some hard-core conservative Hispanics and blacks but the numbers don't lie (blacks usually voting 90%+ for Dems). Importing more Dem-inclined voters isn't wise. In fact, I'd wager that the more you illegally import you will increase that 2/3 statistic even more, as these newbies are not born here but instead from socialist countries and will be on the dole more-so than native born Hispanics. That is why I will fight/vote against ANY legislation for citizenship for illegals (i.e. an amnesty). I don't give a shit if you've been here for 50 freaking years, if you're illegal you NEVER get the right to vote. The Dems obviously want that, and that only adds to my vehement rejection of it (despite the fact that it's WRONG and only rewards bad behavior).

I also don't understand the "compadre" or "piso" mentality of American-born [insert ethnic/racial group here] whatevers siding with the same ethnic/racial groups not born here yet trying to illegally immigrate here. Makes no sense to me whatsoever. I'm of Irish/German/Italian/Slovak ancestry. If there were shitloads of any of those groups sneaking into this country I would be for their immediate deportation. I feel no kinship or "brotherhood" at all. I'm an AMERICAN and have more kinship with a black or Hispanic American-born person than I do any of those groups, even though those groups may be of the same skin color (which I suspect is the main motivating factor for siding with illegals).

06-01-19, 19:48
Again, nobody in my lineage immigrated from anywhere since the ice age. Screw these assholes and everyone who looks like em. GTFOH

06-01-19, 20:07
I hear what you're saying and understand. I just don't think politicians are going to stop it. So look at the numbers, the birth rates and its not hard to see how America is going to look in a couple more generations.
Politics isn't about what's best for America. There is no such thing as a practical solution that comes from government. Politics is corruption. Its about power, position, and deals that line pockets. If Americans or any other folks get screwed or killed in the process...oh well.

06-01-19, 20:10
A. I don't rely on politicians for my well-being.

B. Then go out and knock up a buncha white girls. Nothing is stopping you

06-01-19, 20:12
I hear what you're saying and understand. I just don't think politicians are going to stop it. So look at the numbers, the birth rates and its not hard to see how America is going to look in a couple more generations.
Politics isn't about what's best for America. There is no such thing as a practical solution that comes from government. Politics is corruption. Its about power, position, and deals that line pockets. If Americans or any other folks get screwed or killed in the process...oh well.

No argument from me on any of that. Just disgusts me to see it happen when a significant portion of those demographics will be from ILLEGAL immigration. If native-born blacks or Hispanics out-breed white folks, oh well, shit happens. But when it is artificially inflated (like with ILLEGAL immigration which can and should be controlled) it irks me to no end.

06-01-19, 20:16
A. I don't rely on politicians for my well-being.

B. Then go out and knock up a buncha white girls. Nothing is stopping you

I may be wrong but IIRC you are childless, correct? So am I and my wife (but my dogs are ALL American born!). I guess I'm not doing my part, as 26Inf will be sure to point out! However, we (as you) were born here and aren't skewing the numbers by importing ILLEGALS.

26 Inf
06-01-19, 21:42
No argument from me on any of that. Just disgusts me to see it happen when a significant portion of those demographics will be from ILLEGAL immigration. If native-born blacks or Hispanics out-breed white folks, oh well, shit happens. But when it is artificially inflated (like with ILLEGAL immigration which can and should be controlled) it irks me to no end.

Notice that I have once again refrained, from you know.....now wish me a Happy 65th birthday - I'm drinking from the public's teat now!

06-01-19, 21:59
Notice that I have once again refrained, from you know.....now wish me a Happy 65th birthday - I'm drinking from the public's teat now!

I pay yo taxes

06-01-19, 22:53
Notice that I have once again refrained, from you know.....now wish me a Happy 65th birthday - I'm drinking from the public's teat now!

Cheers old man!

You were born right around the time Dien Bien Phu fell. Hmmm.....

06-01-19, 23:10
Cheers old man!

You were born right around the time Dien Bien Phu fell. Hmmm.....

Are you saying he's a reincarnated French Foreign Legionnaire?

26 Inf
06-01-19, 23:53
You got me. My real name is Casca Rufio Longinus.

06-02-19, 00:08
The solution is clearly to import as many Scandinavian blond females of breeding age as possible to attain balanced "diversity", we probably need a bunch of Ukrainian girls too. You can send them all to my zip code, I declare it a sanctuary state.

06-02-19, 00:34
You got me. My real name is Casca Rufio Longinus.


06-02-19, 08:15
You got me. My real name is Casca Rufio Longinus.

Coincidence? I think not. ;)

06-03-19, 00:23
I'm beginning to think these new Mexican tariffs are not aimed at Mexico, exacly, but rather at the Democrats who blocked the wall. (Obviously Mexico is the direct target of the tariffs, but not the target of the WHY on the tariffs). Trump is basically, it is starting to appear to me, saying, "look, I tried to build a wall to help get this situation under control, but you keep blocking every attempt at controlling it, so we are going to have to try something new. You guys forced my hand..."

Doc Safari
06-03-19, 09:16
I'm beginning to think these new Mexican tariffs are not aimed at Mexico, exacly, but rather at the Democrats who blocked the wall. (Obviously Mexico is the direct target of the tariffs, but not the target of the WHY on the tariffs). Trump is basically, it is starting to appear to me, saying, "look, I tried to build a wall to help get this situation under control, but you keep blocking every attempt at controlling it, so we are going to have to try something new. You guys forced my hand..."

But that would be three dimensional chess and we know a lot of people on this board don't think he's smart enough to do that. I think it's both: he wants to reign in Mexico and piss on the Democrats, but he's also getting a little desperate because nothing is working and 2020 looms.

26 Inf
06-03-19, 19:19
I think it's both: he wants to reign in Mexico and piss on the Democrats, but he's also getting a little desperate because nothing is working and 2020 looms.

So, your belief is that higher prices on consumer goods made with parts/sub-assembles from Mexico will gain votes? Pretty sure the Democrats will play that to the hilt.

Everyone, except for the batshit crazy, know that we have to do something to control illegal immigration. I don't think that the scorched earth policy gets much support outside the base. And since Hilary is no longer a specter giving folks nightmares, the base that elected President Trump has gotten smaller.

06-03-19, 21:39
We all know most people won't put their money where their mouth is; how do we expect the opposite to occur at a macro level?

Doc Safari
06-04-19, 09:04
So, your belief is that higher prices on consumer goods made with parts/sub-assembles from Mexico will gain votes? Pretty sure the Democrats will play that to the hilt.

Everyone, except for the batshit crazy, know that we have to do something to control illegal immigration. I don't think that the scorched earth policy gets much support outside the base. And since Hilary is no longer a specter giving folks nightmares, the base that elected President Trump has gotten smaller.

I think he's playing poker and he's bluffing.

06-07-19, 22:46
I think he's playing poker and he's bluffing.

Looks like Mexico folded.. https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/07/politics/trump-tariffs-mexico-mike-pence/index.html

06-07-19, 23:13
Looks like Mexico folded.. https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/07/politics/trump-tariffs-mexico-mike-pence/index.html

If Mexico does what it says it will do (see that bolded caveat?), Trump pulled off a victory. I like the idea of the vermin being held in another country while they await their BS asylum hearing as opposed to freely roaming here. Let's see what actually happens, but fingers are crossed!

06-09-19, 09:52
If Mexico does what it says it will do (see that bolded caveat?), Trump pulled off a victory. I like the idea of the vermin being held in another country while they await their BS asylum hearing as opposed to freely roaming here. Let's see what actually happens, but fingers are crossed!

That was the point all along. The Libtards were bitching from the beginning about how it would hurt the economy to chsrge a tariff, then he doesn't chsrge a taffif and they are pissed. I see a pattern...... it doesn't matter eother way.

Trump couldn't get the A$$Clowns in Mexico do stop the imagration crap (they they are doing for their own gain) so he hit the leadership where it hurt them the most..... the bank account.

Overall it was well played and the left again was playing flip the coin while he was playing chess., as well as many of the right that simply don't understand multistep maneuvers.