View Full Version : Trump ATF nomination

05-30-19, 20:37
I'm getting emails that are quite conflicting on his nomination.

GOA:Please click on the Take Action button and urge your U.S. Senators to reject the anti-gun Chuck Canterbury nomination. Your emails will tell your Senators that the anti-gun FOP President is NOT the right choice to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

Sadly, Canterbury has a long track record that should concern gun owners:

He’s testified before Congress to support anti-gunners like Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Attorney General Eric Holder.

Under his watch, the FOP backed Congressional measures to expand the unconstitutional and failing NICS system -- which is the same system where 95% of the initial denials are false positives.

And on the state level, the FOP under his watch has supported Universal Background Checks and opposed Constitutional Carry.

and then the ASA

American Suppressor Association: ASA Supports Chuck Canterbury for ATF Director

WASHINGTON, DC – The American Suppressor Association (ASA), the unified voice of the suppressor community, fully supports President Donald Trump’s nomination of Chuck Canterbury to serve as the next Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). ATF has been without a permanent director since B. Todd Jones resigned in 2015.

For the past 16 years, Mr. Canterbury has served as the President of the National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). During his tenure, in 2009, Mr. Canterbury went on record saying, “I want to mistake to be made. I take a back seat to no one in my reverence for the Second Amendment.” Prior to FOP, he spent 26 years on the Horry County, South Carolina police force, ultimately achieving the rank of Major (Deputy Chief).

We urge you to contact your Senator using the button below to urge them to confirm Mr. Caterbury quickly.

So GOA seem to have factual information and ASA has a statement that could have easily come from Joe Biden as well.

Anyone got any info or insights?

Straight Shooter
05-30-19, 21:01
MY off the top of my head memory just seeing his name for the first time in a long while..is he is a gun banning pos. I recall his name from some years ago in a bad context, but cant remember when/where/how/why. It may come to me later. I could look him up, but im not so inclined, pretty sure he is, or was, a snake.

05-30-19, 22:29
I got the same two emails and have/had the same confusion. I tend to trust GOA more though.

05-31-19, 08:05
Without knowing anything about the guy, the mere fact he was President of the FOP makes him a no go for me. The FOP's national stance on the 2A is repulsive. I have never been, nor will I ever be, a member of that organization. They wont ever see one penny of my money as a donation, either. And God knows they have solicited me enough over the years.

05-31-19, 08:56
So Trump was a Democrat only a few years ago and we're now supposed to be surprised when he makes anti-gun statements and anti-gun appointments? When will people realize that both parties want the same oppression for our country. The people need to wake up and realize that neither party wants liberty & freedom. They just focus on taking aspects from different segments. Each side wins little by little and ultimately we all lose.

05-31-19, 09:51
Did you ask the ASA why they support him??

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

05-31-19, 14:48
So Trump was a Democrat only a few years ago and we're now supposed to be surprised when he makes anti-gun statements and anti-gun appointments? When will people realize that both parties want the same oppression for our country. The people need to wake up and realize that neither party wants liberty & freedom. They just focus on taking aspects from different segments. Each side wins little by little and ultimately we all lose.

His sons are/were huge 2A proponents, to include AR's and cans. That was supposed to temper his NYC anti-gun bias, but I've seen no evidence of it so far. :(

05-31-19, 15:01
As a non-leo I have zero clue whether the FOP is bad or good. I can find good things about them, and I can find them getting blasted by liberal media.


I can find that the FOP is against open carry...


and this article makes it all clear as mud..


05-31-19, 15:28
His sons are/were huge 2A proponents, to include AR's and cans. That was supposed to temper his NYC anti-gun bias, but I've seen no evidence of it so far. :(

That's what I feel like I have been seeing. Before election you see Don Jr. in a video with a suppressor manufacturer. Now we see ASA looking like an empty suit. The gravity of the ASA email was simply Canterbury said he was the top of the heap for 2A support. Well every politician alive claims that. So where does that leave Don Jr.? Sounds like maybe he's on top of a pile of BS.

I wonder if no one of true importance is actually getting through to Trump. Like if went to a rally, mentions how he supports the 2A and then get's booed. that should get his attention. He will turn on a dime that's for sure and it's seems we 2A people are not giving him reason to be 2A friendly.

223to45 Wrote:
Did you ask the ASA why they support him??

No, I think I will now though. It will be interesting to see what they come up with. If I get a reply.

26 Inf
05-31-19, 15:37
His sons are/were huge 2A proponents, to include AR's and cans. That was supposed to temper his NYC anti-gun bias, but I've seen no evidence of it so far. :(

I was just going to ask if anyone has seen his sons toting and shooting since the election.

26 Inf
05-31-19, 15:41
As a non-leo I have zero clue whether the FOP is bad or good. I can find good things about them, and I can find them getting blasted by liberal media.


I can find that the FOP is against open carry...


and this article makes it all clear as mud..


In our state the FOP leadership took a stand opposite what the rank and file officers we surveyed wanted on concealed carry.

In many respects the larger police organizations don't necessarily represent the membership when it comes to such things.

05-31-19, 15:53
ASA Comment:

During his tenure, in 2009, Mr. Canterbury went on record saying, “I want no mistake to be made. I take a back seat to no one in my reverence for the Second Amendment.”

They left out a bit......

“I want no mistake to be made,” Canterbury testified. “I take a back seat to no one in my reverence for the Second Amendment. In fact, if I thought that Judge Sotomayor’s presence on the court posed a threat to my Second Amendment right, I would not be supporting her here today.”

What a careful choice of words.... "... a threat to my second Amendmant right..." Of course she would not be a threat to his right.

He went on to say....
“it’s a duty for us at FOP to support policies that protect our nation’s law enforcement officers—but also protect the rights of law-abiding citizens.” So two different classes of people and two sets of rights?

Sotomeyor before confirmation:
"I understand the individual right fully that the Supreme Court recognized in Heller." And, "I understand how important the right to bear arms is to many, many Americans."

Sotomeyor after confirmation:
The Breyer-Sotomayor-Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissent urged that Heller be overruled and declared, "In sum, the Framers did not write the Second Amendment in order to protect a private right of armed self defense."

It really looks like Canterbury is another political shill and a very good judge of character. I have to lean with GOA on this one. Not sure how to get Trumps attention. He can't win without true 2A supporters though, so I would think he would be interested. I honestly don't think he care one iota about guns. Which is not big deal other than he is being educated by the wrong people.

05-31-19, 16:03
I was just going to ask if anyone has seen his sons toting and shooting since the election.

Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me dawg. :(

05-31-19, 17:14
I was just going to ask if anyone has seen his sons toting and shooting since the election.

If you follow Jr on IG you would not be asking that question. That guy is on a shooting or fishing adventure every weekend it seems.

05-31-19, 17:15
I was just going to ask if anyone has seen his sons toting and shooting since the election.

Yes, they actively still hunt.. in fact Jr. successfully took a Dall sheep in Alaska last fall.

05-31-19, 17:40
As a non-leo I have zero clue whether the FOP is bad or good. I can find good things about them, and I can find them getting blasted by liberal media.


I can find that the FOP is against open carry...


and this article makes it all clear as mud..


Not LEO either. Going back in to the 1990's the FOP has frequently been in opposition to laws decriminalizing concealed carry, typically supported semi auto bans, and supported Lautenberg domestic violence while lobbying for an LE exemption.

05-31-19, 18:55
In out state the FOP leadership took a stand opposite what the rank and file officers we surveyed wanted on concealed carry.

In many respects the larger police organizations don't necessarily represent the membership when it comes to such things.

Kind of like Congress.

26 Inf
05-31-19, 20:59
If you follow Jr on IG you would not be asking that question. That guy is on a shooting or fishing adventure every weekend it seems.

Yeah, aside from whatever this endeavor is, I pretty much don't follow anyone on any social media, least of all a Trump.

26 Inf
05-31-19, 21:01
Yes, they actively still hunt.. in fact Jr. successfully took a Dall sheep in Alaska last fall.

Just curious, how do they hunt - do they earn it, or do it the rich folk way?

26 Inf
05-31-19, 21:15
Kind of like Congress.

There you go.

I've always kind of felt that membership in those organizations was just a way for administrators to get the city, county or state to pay for their good times.

05-31-19, 22:37
Just curious, how do they hunt - do they earn it, or do it the rich folk way?

I'm not sure WTF? "rick folk way" is? Just because you have to pay for airplane access or for a guide with exclusive areas, plenty of blue collar dudes save for years to go it. Guys like Jr. can just write a check weekly, but they still have to put in the work. In Alaska you are required to use a guide for sheep if it is non-resident, but it ain't no easy hunt regardless. I'm 0 for 4 on sheep in my lifetime and it kicks my ass every single time.

Same goes with Canada hunts. Here is a video with Don Jr. and Jason Hairston (founder of Kiuu outdoor clothing that tragically took his own life) hunting stone sheep in Canada. Yes, vids like this are heavily edited, but they are still putting in the work.


05-31-19, 22:40
BTW.. Canterbury sounds like a dud to me. Going with the GOA on this one.

05-31-19, 22:57
Yes, they actively still hunt.. in fact Jr. successfully took a Dall sheep in Alaska last fall.

So they are more akin to John Kerry than say guys that build their rifles and train? I know that sounds off color but it's a fact. Two totally different types of 2A. In my way of thinking it puts the the Trump boys in the 'good ole boy, hunter camp'. Not the Patrick Henry type 2A camp.

It puts them in the 'infringed 2A' camp.

You get your shotgun, suppressor, and single stack.

I get Trump's Schtick but there are lines and the 2A at the POTUS level is one of them. I may not vote for him next go round. He never said he would make the 2A great again but he said it was safe. Well it's not safe politically. He has done nothing to erase bad habits of past presidents. 2020 promises are worthless. I would rather see him than someone else but he may have to earn it without me.

He seems to be all in on everything but the 2A.

05-31-19, 23:51
Jason Hairston (founder of Kiuu outdoor clothing that tragically took his own life)

I'm not familiar with that name. Football or otherwise but at 47 to be into dementia that is tragic. There is no light at the end of that tunnel. Knowing that now, that video seems to do a good job of memorializing him. At least from my limited perspective.

I also have no issue with Don Jr or anyone hunting and if they pay outlandish sums to do so, I don't care. What I do care about is if they use their money to to present themselves as 'core value 2A proponents' when in fact they simply are not.

To me that places them in the same camp as a rock star that sings about destroying guns while she rides in a limo with her armed protection.

It's just wrong.

I honestly don't even think this is on Trump's radar. I think his 2A education near non-existent. Instead of writing to ASA, I think I will write to GOA and ask them how in touch with Trump they have been. Have they been able to get his attention. Trump does the NRA shtick when necessary but someone needs to help him understand the gravity of once elected vs twice elected.

Or... maybe I'm wrong. Maybe core 2A people are an insignificant aspect of a POTUS election these days.

06-01-19, 00:05
I'm not familiar with that name. Football or otherwise but at 47 to be into dementia that is tragic. There is no light at the end of that tunnel. Knowing that now, that video seems to do a good job of memorializing him. At least from my limited perspective.

I also have no issue with Don Jr or anyone hunting and if they pay outlandish sums to do so, I don't care. What I do care about is if they use their money to to present themselves as 'core value 2A proponents' when in fact they simply are not.

To me that places them in the same camp as a rock star that sings about destroying guns while she rides in a limo with her armed protection.

It's just wrong.

I honestly don't even think this is on Trump's radar. I think his 2A education near non-existent. Instead of writing to ASA, I think I will write to GOA and ask them how in touch with Trump they have been. Have they been able to get his attention. Trump does the NRA shtick when necessary but someone needs to help him understand the gravity of once elected vs twice elected.

Or... maybe I'm wrong. Maybe core 2A people are an insignificant aspect of a POTUS election these days.

I actually don't know why we are pulling Don Jr. into this mix. He obviously didn't have enough pull to get the bumpstock ban to go away, but none of us know if he tried or not. Maybe I missed something, but I haven't seen Jr. doing any anti-gun work, but he did lend himself to a SilencerCo video and writing this op-ed https://humanevents.com/2019/04/30/exclusive-donald-trump-jr-dont-risk-the-2nd-amendment-by-voting-democrat/?utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F.. that's a damned sight more than most folks of his financial stature have done lately.

As for Trump Sr. I never expected him to be any big 2nd supporter. If he finishes his 8 years without anything more than the exec. order banning bumpstocks I'll be pleasantly surprised. I doubt very much there will EVER be a president that believes in the 2nd as much us hard core guys do.

06-01-19, 00:48
I actually don't know why we are pulling Don Jr. into this mix.

Because Trump Sr. is a family man. Don Jr. has his ear.

Don Jr. gave us this in 2016.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_LOxq6j4FM

Now as you see he has recycled the script for 2020.

It's hollow words with good production and editing. It's not Don Jr. the hunter. It's Don Jr. the vote churning machine.

...that's a damned sight more than most folks of his financial stature have done lately. ...

Yes, but it's all superficial flash. It's not of a MAGA Constitutional nature. Bumpstocks are not even an issue here. What he is saying has no substance with regard to having our freedoms restored. "If Dems get elected you will lose your 2A". That's real helpful.

As smart as that guy is and that's the best he can come up with! This suppressor is awesome! Dems will take your guns!

That's not Constitutional protection. Many many posts by SteyrAUG make Trump Jr. sound like a school girl and while his father may not be fully informed on the 2A, I'm pretty sure Don Jr. has had a pretty good education on the matter.

So why is his best move, "Dems will take your guns" ? Why when he has Trump Sr. ear on a daily basis is that the best he can come up with?

It doesn't add up and we didn't pull him into the mix. He inserted himself into the mix and he said to the engineer... "can you turn me up in the mix?" So far his solos suck.

Status Quo defense against Dems is a long term losing proposition.

Obama armed every American that ever even had the notion to be armed. All Trump has to do is make so that all Americans can now protect themselves with those arms when needed as they deem appropriate or necessary.

I doubt very much there will EVER be a president that believes in the 2nd as much us hard core guys do.

And sadly that sucks too. I refuse to believe it but it seems like all around me everyone sees that writing on the wall. I will go to my grave with the belief that someone will be smart enough and wise enough to pull it off. Where is Frank Abagnale Sr. and the 'second mouse' when you need him?

As for Trump Sr. I never expected him to be any big 2nd supporter.

I never expected him to care. I just don't think it's his thing. I did expect him to do -something-. To shake the tree of Liberty. He said the 2A was safe with him. I'm not seeing that and he has rattled every other cage in the zoo. I don't hold the bump stock thing against him. This appointment seems fishy.