View Full Version : AR mag prices in '08 and '12 panics?

06-02-19, 19:30
I saw new C Products 30s change hands for $39 + tax in a gun store.

I seem to recall Pmags on bulletin boards asking $75.

Just curious: do any of y'all remember what prices AR mags were actually fetching during the Panics?

06-02-19, 19:57
Gun store I was working at was selling aluminum (DPMS?) mags for $39.
I couldn’t believe people were buying them.

Don't Tread On Me
06-02-19, 20:12
Best I can recollect was picking up used pmags for a buddy at $35/ea. Grabbed four total for him. The only reason I remember what he paid was because he found them via the internet in my neck of the woods so I paid for them and he paid me back. I remember at the time telling him he was crazy but then he showed me online where people were paying $50 for a new pmag.

This was during the panic of 2012. I was deployed when Obummer was elected so was not a part of that shit show.

06-02-19, 20:19
Post Sandy Hook, I went with a home-based FFL buddy of mine to sell a case of PMAGs in a parking lot.

He sold them on Gunbroker auction, started at $1, the frenzy ran them up to $3500.

The dude who won the auction and drove 4 hrs each way to get them FTF, paid cash.

It wasn't remotely the highest I saw them go either.

The distributors were cleaned out in a day, same buddy thought about buy 50 cases but by the time he decided, all he could get was 5.

06-02-19, 20:23
Glock 19 OEM 15 rounders went for $99 the highest I saw in 08.

06-02-19, 21:57
Cheaper Than Dirt was selling PMags for $100/ea after Sandy Hook. I stopped doing business with them after that.

06-02-19, 22:10
Cheaper Than Dirt was selling PMags for $100/ea after Sandy Hook. I stopped doing business with them after that.
Yeow! Was anybody paying that?

Right now you can get Pmags 10 for $100 if you look. Palmetto has D&H 30s for $7.

06-02-19, 22:16
I was in college when the AWB expired and I remember seeing 33-round Glock mags selling for $99

06-02-19, 22:25
Yeow! Was anybody paying that?

Right now you can get Pmags 10 for $100 if you look. Palmetto has D&H 30s for $7.

I sure hope not. I know a lot of people were upset by that. I remember BCM having a message on their website stating they weren’t going to raise prices to panic levels, but that meant they were basically sold out of everything all the time.

06-02-19, 22:39
Im taken care of

06-02-19, 22:45
I felt sorry for folks in '08 and '12, so I didn't profit much selling stuff. I did trade a brand new in the plastic Colt BCG for fifteen Glock 17 mags in early 2013, though. I purchased a pile of Pmags prior to the 2016 election to make a bit of money. I figured I'd take my wife to Hawaii on the profits (I have a bunch). I still have them :)

Don't Tread On Me
06-02-19, 23:02
Im taken care of

If you can read the writing on the wall, shouldn’t we all be by now?

06-02-19, 23:07
Cheaper Than Dirt was selling PMags for $100/ea after Sandy Hook. I stopped doing business with them after that.

CTD supposedly canceled a bunch of orders then re-listed there mags at very inflated prices. I wasn’t into the AR game then but I remember Mini-14 mags for $100. I did have around 8 very beat up 30 round GI mags I somehow kept after my enlistment. These things probably saw at least 10 if not more years of abuse by god knows how many Marines. A guy at work offered me $300 for them even after I told him about how shitty they were. I took him up on the offer.

06-02-19, 23:17
If you can read the writing on the wall, shouldn’t we all be by now?

Not necessarily. Buddy of mine just bought his first AR-15. It came with one pmag. He asked me to sell him one more, so I did, for $12. He figures he's set.

06-02-19, 23:28
After the 94 AWB expired, I said never again. I will be long. long dead and my nephews will still not have consumed all my AR mags.

06-03-19, 07:48
If you can read the writing on the wall, shouldn’t we all be by now?

You can set your watch by it; whenever a gun rush happens, there are always established members on forums that "were just about to by XYZ firearm / accessories / etc", but then the rush happened. "I just want it for a FAIR Price!!!!". MMhum, supply and demand, stupid.

It's people who are just lazy or don't prioritize well. IDK - now when I buy AR mags, it's in QTY 30 or more- that amount fits perfectly into a Steralite 18qt container in 2 rows of 15 mags - you even have room on one side for ten 20rds. Pistol mag are rarely bought in less than QTY 10. I reasonably have more than I'll ever need, but when you see things so cheap, it's always good to add to the stash.

06-03-19, 08:46
I sold a Norinco 120rd AR drum for around $500 in 2013. It was like new and worked really well. I kept all of my 20's and 30's through both panics. The trouble with selling high is that you do run the risk of not getting them replenished when things calm down; legislation can put a damper on that plan. So stack 'em high and deep. Sell off numbers you "invested" in and be sure to have plenty left over.

I had 5 spare BCG's before SH. The money those items were going for absolutely made it worth the risk.

06-03-19, 10:40
I don't feel sorry for anyone that gets caught with their pants down when the panic buying starts. We've had years to prepare and I ain't gonna be Capt Save A Hoe for people who were too busy buying the latest iphone instead of stacking mags and ammo deep.

08-01-19, 17:53
I dont remember mag prices all that well but I remember 223 rounds being like 80 cents a round

08-01-19, 21:33
I dont remember mag prices all that well but I remember 223 rounds being like 80 cents a round

Yep. I saw 1000 round cases of PMC Korean 55 grain stuff going for $740 plus tax. Ouch.

08-01-19, 22:08
Cheaper Than Dirt was selling PMags for $100/ea after Sandy Hook. I stopped doing business with them after that.

They are dead to me.


08-01-19, 22:29
Yep. I saw 1000 round cases of PMC Korean 55 grain stuff going for $740 plus tax. Ouch.

That year I shot 762x51 from my SCAR17 almost exclusively, as you could buy Prvi 148gr M80 for around $480/case of 1K.

08-01-19, 22:45
Yeah I shot a lot of .45 post sandy hook because that was easier to find and not as inflated as 9. The one thing about everyone saying people have no excuse - that’s bullshit. I had recently turned old enough to buy that shit and was just getting into shooting, plus was a college student with very little income. There are people like that now. Does it mean you should cater to them and go out of your way to help? No, but you don’t need to be a cunt about it and blame them either.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-02-19, 11:39
I was a cool guy and sold almost 100 tan follower AL mags at $10 a piece.

08-02-19, 11:41
I was in college when the AWB expired and I remember seeing 33-round Glock mags selling for $99

I was working for a living, and had picked up some full capacity Glock 22 mags for a pistol I never bought in the early '90's.

Sold those in '99 for $100 each.

08-02-19, 11:55
The one thing about everyone saying people have no excuse - that’s bullshit. I had recently turned old enough to buy that shit and was just getting into shooting, plus was a college student with very little income. There are people like that now.

I can accept that, but would offer that very few of the "Fair Price" wankers are in that category as 'new shooters' - most are Johnny Come Lately's that didn't take any time to think ahead and got caught with their pants down.

08-02-19, 14:30
I can accept that, but would offer that very few of the "Fair Price" wankers are in that category as 'new shooters' - most are Johnny Come Lately's that didn't take any time to think ahead and got caught with their pants down.

I got caught in '08 on .22LR and primers. Everything else I was pretty well stocked up on. But I was hustling for primers and buying any crappo .22LR that would hit the shelves.

Not this time!

08-03-19, 01:00
I was initially feeling pretty good when I sold a $150 case of 22 for $400 and a Vepr AK for over $800 and selling all the 5.56 I had for a good profit.

“I’ll get it later when prices go down”

Boy, was I dumb. Sandy Hook was my first “panic”. I didn’t know it would affect things for years.

Not selling any ammo the next time.

I’m hoping to have at least 3-4 years of ammo and/or reloading components before the next panic

Selling off extra guns and mags I don’t mind. (I have a couple of spare stripped lowers jic)

08-03-19, 06:29
I never gave two shits about panics. I have what I have. I'm not going to take out a second mortgage (before, during or after) to stash mag I'll never use or ammo I won't shoot. Just realize that there are other priorities in life and be happy.

08-03-19, 07:51
Aluminum AR mags didn't seem that expensive, or hard to find around here in '08. I didn't get serious about PMags until 2010/11, and prices had stabilized then.

5.56 ammo was the be-otch to find in 2009! I remember trading all manner of crap, for brass-cased 5.56 in on-line forums. Q3131 and M193 was running around $12.99/box o' 20 - I found about a thousand rounds of AE, Winchester PRE-Q3131 (from the mid-'70's) and even a few boxes of Norinco, in an old gunshop (now closed) at that time, and bought it all!

I began my policy at that time, of buying DOUBLE what I shoot, to replace it. Shot 300 rds. of 5.56 last Monday; 600 rds. to replace it arrive today. And picking up PMags every chance I got the past few years (I have over 300 now - NOT counting other polymer, aluminum, and steel mags), I might be set for life, at my age!

08-03-19, 07:53
People aren't serious about mag or ammo hoarding until you only speak in terms of "Cases"

Straight Shooter
08-03-19, 09:51
If Trump loses next year..this stuff posted here will be a bargain.
Like Fly..Im flush.

08-03-19, 09:55
Cheaper Than Dirt opened my eyes, I will never buy anything from them. Unfortunately people forget and some will never learn. This will happened again, always keep things in like in the proper priority.

08-04-19, 12:45
Two days before Sandy Hook tragedy, I bought 100 pmags. I didnt think they would ship and fck me but they shipped. I sold mine for $45 and people thanked me endlessly. It was nuts.


08-04-19, 13:11
Anybody else buy the FDE/tan Okay mags? They seem to usually be cheapest.

08-04-19, 17:18
People aren't serious about mag or ammo hoarding until you only speak in terms of "Cases"

Does 40mm cans (plural) FULL of loaded mags, count? ;)

08-04-19, 17:37
Having lived through the 94 ban, once 04 hit and the ban sunset I stocked up on everything. Where I was caught post sandy hook was ammo. I was living for the year in CA and didn’t want to ship a ton of ammo to myself because I would have to pay to move it at the end of my year there. And I wasn’t shooting much (one time the whole year). So when I moved back to sanity in July 2013, I had very little stockpiled ammo. That sucked.

08-04-19, 23:40
I started to watch how prices are going, things could change over night and high prices could start all over again.

Send it...
08-05-19, 13:52
I remember seeing HK enhanced steel mags go for $75 each during the panic...

08-05-19, 15:09
I remember seeing HK enhanced steel mags go for $75 each during the panic...

That’s nothing. $60 pmags.

Also HK mags are just SA80 mags which means they suck. They suck bigly

08-05-19, 15:11
Having lived through the 94 ban, once 04 hit and the ban sunset I stocked up on everything. Where I was caught post sandy hook was ammo. I was living for the year in CA and didn’t want to ship a ton of ammo to myself because I would have to pay to move it at the end of my year there. And I wasn’t shooting much (one time the whole year). So when I moved back to sanity in July 2013, I had very little stockpiled ammo. That sucked.

Same. I now just want a sensible and curated pile of straight shooters. I have more mags than I need

08-09-19, 05:51
I don’t know why people paid such insane prices - if you were patient and waited during the ‘12 panic, you could pick up both Pmags and aluminum mil-spec in the $15 to $20 each range. And once the election passed in 2016... if you didn’t grab a dozen extra then, you should have.

08-09-19, 06:45
That's called hindsight.

I don’t know why people paid such insane prices - if you were patient and waited during the ‘12 panic, you could pick up both Pmags and aluminum mil-spec in the $15 to $20 each range. And once the election passed in 2016... if you didn’t grab a dozen extra then, you should have.

08-09-19, 07:50
Cheaper Than Dirt opened my eyes, I will never buy anything from them. Unfortunately people forget and some will never learn. This will happened again, always keep things in like in the proper priority.

I refuse to do business with Cheaper Than Dirt because of this. And also Spikes. Both gouged their prices big time during the Obama droughts. I’m all for free market and items are with what people will pay but that doesn’t mean they get my money.

08-09-19, 08:42
What I recall in '12 was that I felt good on ammo and mags, but what I sought to improve at that time was my spare parts bin. I found glock parts, mag parts and all sorts of M4 spare parts except complete BCG's. And when I did find them they were $250 each whereas they used to be in the sub $100 the year before. I was astonished at the jump in prices on BCG's and the fact that it seemed to be localized to that particular part that everyone wanted and stores were out of.

08-09-19, 08:52
People panic, blame others, bellyache... yawn.

During the rimfire ammo shortage a guy at the club apparently thought I was interested in listening to him bellyache about the LGS having bricks of .22s priced at $60. Price gouging... blah blah blah. I asked him why he didn't go to Walmart and buy a brick for $15. He said Walmart was always sold out. So... I asked him if it would somehow make him feel better if the LGS was always sold out. He didn't care for the question and found someone else to bellyache with. I don't know if he learned anything but I was pleased that he moved along.

08-09-19, 17:01
In '08 I recall Colt 6920s going for $2000, Bushmaster Patrolman M4 type for $1300.

I think if there's a panic next year, prices will be much higher.

Right now you can get that 6920 for under a grand out the door, and Pmags 10 / $100 if you shop around. Now is the time to buy.

08-09-19, 17:34
Now is the time to buy.
And it has been since Jan 2017

08-09-19, 18:20
Anybody else buy the FDE/tan Okay mags? They seem to usually be cheapest.

Yup. I dig the Okay FDE mags.

08-10-19, 11:47
A lot of folks cleverly purchased Slidfefire stocks before they were banned for sale. Today they're worth nothing but a criminal offense. Owners of pistol braces are comforted to have an ATF letter. Slidefire owners had an ATF letter.

Difficult to predict what a different administration will do. I thought gun owners were safe with an administration holding hands with the NRA. Wrong again. 2020... who knows? 30rd magazine might be worth little more than a pile of melted Pringles lids.

08-10-19, 13:14
Lest we not forget:


08-10-19, 22:28
A lot of folks cleverly purchased Slidfefire stocks before they were banned for sale. Today they're worth nothing but a criminal offense. Owners of pistol braces are comforted to have an ATF letter. Slidefire owners had an ATF letter.

Difficult to predict what a different administration will do. I thought gun owners were safe with an administration holding hands with the NRA. Wrong again. 2020... who knows? 30rd magazine might be worth little more than a pile of melted Pringles lids.

I'm not condoning anything, but black markets will always be a thing. People will still pay cash "under the table" for whatever mags they want. Online forum EE type markets won't be around, but people will continue buying and selling mags and parts like nothing happened.

08-11-19, 16:45
I'm not condoning anything, but black markets will always be a thing. People will still pay cash "under the table" for whatever mags they want. Online forum EE type markets won't be around, but people will continue buying and selling mags and parts like nothing happened.

But if they get caught, it'll be 10 years in club fed.

08-11-19, 16:56
But if they get caught, it'll be 10 years in club fed.

Or, they may just say "**** it, after the first one they're all FREE".

08-11-19, 18:08
After Sandy Hook reloading supplies are what took me off guard. I was shooting a lot of IDPA then and reloading .45. Figured I wouldn’t be impacted much but boy was I. Couldn’t get primers or powder anywhere. Bullets seems to be plentiful though.

I basically stopped shooting all together and honestly...I’m just starting to get back into it in 2019. Already prepared the wife for a lot of firearm related purchases in the next several months.

08-11-19, 18:57
After Sandy Hook reloading supplies a bure what took me off guard. I was shooting a lot of IDPA then and reloading .45. Figured I wouldn’t be impacted much but boy was I. Couldn’t get primers or powder anywhere. Bullets seems to be plentiful though.

I basically stopped shooting all together and honestly...I’m just starting to get back into it in 2019. Already prepared the wife for a lot of firearm related purchases in the next several months.

No kidding! I could get cast bullets, and sometimes powder, but I remember hustling in gun stores for a couple of trays (100 each) of primers. That and .22lr.

Not this time! Every gun show, I come back with some powder and a brick of primers.

08-12-19, 10:36
This stuff always keeps coming up. Oh my god we have to buy now! Really? If you haven't been buying since the last scare then your out of touch. It's simple. Buy what you can when you can.

08-13-19, 05:39
I was deployed for all of 2012, and I spent quite a bit of time reading this forum when I had some free moments, which rekindled my interest in rifles. Unfortunately, I didn't think to order many magazines and other accessories, although I did have an Aimpoint T1 and a basic load of PMAGs shipped to me to use over there. When I got home in January 2013, nearly everything was cleaned out by the panic. I didn't pay crazy prices for magazines because there were none available by that point. Magpul helped out military and law enforcement by offering ten PMAGs through their direct ordering system, which I took advantage of. I ended up paying $1,500 for a basic BCM M4-style rifle in April 2013 (Virginia Arms may have had great selection and service, but you paid top dollar). The biggest problem for me was, and still is, ammo. Moving around every couple years makes it difficult to stockpile supplies, especially heavy stuff like ammo. It's not fun driving cross country with a few thousand rounds of ammo bottoming out your suspension. I probably shoot a little over a thousand rounds each of rifle and pistol each year, if I'm lucky, so that's about the most that I can keep on hand. Come to think of it, I should probably order some more...

08-13-19, 07:00
No kidding! I could get cast bullets, and sometimes powder, but I remember hustling in gun stores for a couple of trays (100 each) of primers. That and .22lr.

Not this time! Every gun show, I come back with some powder and a brick of primers.

Yeah, as part of my 2016 prep, I laid back about 10K in primers and powder to reload 308/223 in rifle and 9/45 in pistol.

And I don't reload yet. ;)

08-13-19, 09:05
The last panic really woke me up. Once prices settled down, I bought more mags than I'll ever need. Just gonna keep them new in wrapper in storage so I never have to worry about it.

Phire Phite
08-13-19, 09:38
People panic, blame others, bellyache... yawn.

During the rimfire ammo shortage a guy at the club apparently thought I was interested in listening to him bellyache about the LGS having bricks of .22s priced at $60. Price gouging... blah blah blah. I asked him why he didn't go to Walmart and buy a brick for $15. He said Walmart was always sold out. So... I asked him if it would somehow make him feel better if the LGS was always sold out. He didn't care for the question and found someone else to bellyache with. I don't know if he learned anything but I was pleased that he moved along.

Funny how different people view things. I was all for the boycott of CTD because of their .22 ammo pricing. Their was an older gentleman on another forum though that said his shooting buddies (almost exclusively) were his two grandkids. He, like many people, remember buying bricks of .22 for 10-15. He agreed that he certainly didn't like the price jump, but that if it was going to cost him $60-80 to spend the afternoon teaching and shooting with his grandkids, he'd pay it every time. Perspective.

08-13-19, 09:46
Regarding CTD, let's take your guy's perspective and make it a little more germane to why CTD is a dirtbag outfit. He orders a few bricks for 10-15 each, CTD cancels his order, jacks up the price, and then asks to resubmit his order for the new outrageous price.

I liked your story. If I could get the ammo somewhere else, I would do the same thing.

Funny how different people view things. I was all for the boycott of CTD because of their .22 ammo pricing. Their was an older gentleman on another forum though that said his shooting buddies (almost exclusively) were his two grandkids. He, like many people, remember buying bricks of .22 for 10-15. He agreed that he certainly didn't like the price jump, but that if it was going to cost him $60-80 to spend the afternoon teaching and shooting with his grandkids, he'd pay it every time. Perspective.

08-13-19, 09:53
Yeah, as part of my 2016 prep, I laid back about 10K in primers and powder to reload 308/223 in rifle and 9/45 in pistol.

And I don't reload yet. ;)


I confess to recently buying five 15 round mags for a pistol I don't have now, but want to acquire someday. Found 'em very lightly used for much cheaper than the new $35 OEM price.

08-13-19, 11:39
We've been through this before.. I'll keep it short..Since Trump was elected we've had about 3 years to stock up on mags, spare parts, reloading components etc, If you haven't by now, there's still time, I figure the shitshow won't start until congress comes back from summer recess. That said, time is short, if there's something you want, and you have enough disposable income to buy it, you better be making a move soon. At a minium, I figure we're gonna get a red flag law shoved down our throats, and possibly a universal backround check, and depending on how far the republican leadership cowers to the dems, A possible mag ban, So plan accordingly.. I'll add this too, some of you might want to think about reloading.. During the last ammo shortage, I did'nt have one, I had a press, and had stockpiled components, a good press like a dillon 650, give you the ability to spit out 100rnds in about 8-10 minutes, Taking my time, I can load 400rnds of 9mm in about an hour or so..people usually don't see the value of this until there none left on the shelves..

08-13-19, 11:46
Don’t be surprised if ghost ammo, i.e. reloading components, is next on the hit list. Heck, the wackos in NY just banned ghost knives (I had to read the article to find out what a ghost knife is).


08-13-19, 11:54
Don’t be surprised if ghost ammo, i.e. reloading components, is next on the hit list. Heck, the wackos in NY just banned ghost knives (I had to read the article to find out what a ghost knife is).


"trained members"

They sure do toss around training a lot like its something a civilian doesn't have access to

08-13-19, 12:43
Don’t be surprised if ghost ammo, i.e. reloading components, is next on the hit list. Heck, the wackos in NY just banned ghost knives (I had to read the article to find out what a ghost knife is).


So did I, never heard of a ghost knife, before..So is a sharpened stick a ghost knife??This is why you want to " buy it cheap, and stack it deep" remember, the shitshow starts when congress gets back from recess. So prepare accordingly..

08-13-19, 13:27
Get what you can now, because the time will come when they will hit gun owners hard. Those who oppose gun rights are not quitting.

10-27-19, 12:58
I always buy at least 1 mag every time I visit a gun store. Those panic buys made working at a gun store not fun.

10-27-19, 19:59
I always buy at least 1 mag every time I visit a gun store. Those panic buys made working at a gun store not fun.

Smart. I know people that do this. Every time they pass a sporting goods store or gun store, they grab a Pmag.

I know someone who, everytime he gets a monthly paycheck, buys some Pmags or ammo online.

I know someone else who took big advantage of a PSA offer. 10 Pmags + 10 D&H for $160. That's a steal. He ordered a double of that.

Buy magazines. Don't forget some for those hi cap pistols. Buy ammo including 22lr. Buy reloading supplies.

Guns: if you don't have an AR or similar, and are on the fence, get it now. A smith M&P sport is $500. It will serve you. If you have an AR already, consider getting another one. How are you fixed for hicap pistols?

10-29-19, 08:29
Given that magazines are consumables (granted, they have a long life) how many do you consider to be 'enough' in your stash?

10-29-19, 08:48
Given that magazines are consumables (granted, they have a long life) how many do you consider to be 'enough' in your stash?For rifles...20 per gun. 10 loaded, 10 on standby. Then build a stash on top of that, at least double that. They dont go bad and dont expire. And they will never be cheaper. ... but they might not be available.

I buy with the midset that my kids or grandkids will be needing these one day and will not be able to buy them. Same mindset with regards to buying quality firearms.

Sent from my SM-G970U1 using Tapatalk

10-29-19, 09:42
Using this site ( https://web.archive.org/web/*/Www.cheaperthandirt.com ) you can travel back in time and see panic prices on any site. CTD had 300 rounds of SS109 for $400 in March of 2013.

jack crab
10-29-19, 09:53
With PSA selling D&H mags for less than $8, with free shipping for 10+, there is little excuse other than lack of $8 for not having the basics covered. It's not going to get any better than that.

10-29-19, 15:01
Just curious, what is the thought process when stacking mags? Are we all getting prepared for a full out federal AWB where all mags will be illegal to own? Isn't it more likely that they would put a round limit to it first? Or are we preparing for much more of a doomsday scenario just in case they have to be used? I am generally curious, because I already deal with an AWB of sorts and a 10 round limit on all mags here in NJ. So I cant get anyone to ship me 30 rounders anyway. I try to get as many pinned PMags from Jesticearms as I can, but they are much more expensive than buying standard ones.

jack crab
10-29-19, 16:42
Just curious, what is the thought process when stacking mags? Are we all getting prepared for a full out federal AWB where all mags will be illegal to own? Isn't it more likely that they would put a round limit to it first? Or are we preparing for much more of a doomsday scenario just in case they have to be used? I am generally curious, because I already deal with an AWB of sorts and a 10 round limit on all mags here in NJ. So I cant get anyone to ship me 30 rounders anyway. I try to get as many pinned PMags from Jesticearms as I can, but they are much more expensive than buying standard ones.

I buy because I got bit by the 1994 AWB. Fool me once . . .

10-29-19, 16:55
Here ya go, boys.. get 'em while you can:


10-29-19, 19:12
Having lived through the 94 ban, once 04 hit and the ban sunset I stocked up on everything.

Same here.
I remember paying $45 for "used, but serviceable" Colt/USGI 30 rounders during the AW Ban.
When it sunset, I made sure I'd never be in that position again.
I'm good to go...

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

10-30-19, 08:02
Same here.
I remember paying $45 for "used, but serviceable" Colt/USGI 30 rounders during the AW Ban.
When it sunset, I made sure I'd never be in that position again.
I'm good to go...

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Ouch. I remember paying $20 used and $30 new back in 2000. $45 sounds steep.

10-30-19, 08:25
Here ya go, boys.. get 'em while you can:


10-31-19, 09:17
Just curious, what is the thought process when stacking mags? Are we all getting prepared for a full out federal AWB where all mags will be illegal to own? Isn't it more likely that they would put a round limit to it first? Or are we preparing for much more of a doomsday scenario just in case they have to be used? I am generally curious, because I already deal with an AWB of sorts and a 10 round limit on all mags here in NJ. So I cant get anyone to ship me 30 rounders anyway. I try to get as many pinned PMags from Jesticearms as I can, but they are much more expensive than buying standard ones.

The standard logic is usually a look at what has happened in the past and going from there. With the '94 AWB, if you had standard capacity mags when the ban took effect, you were GTG. You could buy "pre-ban" mags (>10 rounds) after the fact but the cost was reflected with the now finite supply. For a lot of new shooters, they were priced out of their reach (myself included). When the ban expired and prices fell as the supply jumped, it was smart to stack em deep if you could afford to do so.

There is no guarantee that any new ban would be similar to the previous ban. As the gun grabbers "evolve" in their policies, it wouldn't shock me if something was proposed that anything with a detachable magazine was verboten. If you are behind the lines living in NJ, purchasing reduced capacity mags and ammo would be wise in any case. I would rather have it and not need it when it comes to parts, ammo and mags.

Something to keep in mind with another ban is even reduced cap mags will be flying off the shelves/going for a premium. As the greater part of the gun owning country has a bad day boating with their standard cap mags, they will be looking for safe-to-have-at-the-range mags to still continue training/shooting.

11-01-19, 11:41
I can't believe we're talking about this in '19. Everything has been super cheap and super available for the last 5 years. Anyway, if you haven't already bought everything you could possibly need, do it now.

11-01-19, 13:19
The standard logic is usually a look at what has happened in the past and going from there. With the '94 AWB, if you had standard capacity mags when the ban took effect, you were GTG. You could buy "pre-ban" mags (>10 rounds) after the fact but the cost was reflected with the now finite supply. For a lot of new shooters, they were priced out of their reach (myself included). When the ban expired and prices fell as the supply jumped, it was smart to stack em deep if you could afford to do so.

There is no guarantee that any new ban would be similar to the previous ban. As the gun grabbers "evolve" in their policies, it wouldn't shock me if something was proposed that anything with a detachable magazine was verboten. If you are behind the lines living in NJ, purchasing reduced capacity mags and ammo would be wise in any case. I would rather have it and not need it when it comes to parts, ammo and mags.

Something to keep in mind with another ban is even reduced cap mags will be flying off the shelves/going for a premium. As the greater part of the gun owning country has a bad day boating with their standard cap mags, they will be looking for safe-to-have-at-the-range mags to still continue training/shooting.

I'd agree, the laws are evolving and become more restrictive. The SAFE act seems to be the template for what has been pushed in Virginia, including much it's lack of grandfathering and excessively vague language designed to make entrap and make it impossible to know the limit of exactly what's legal and what isn't.

The proposed changes to VA law specific to magazines are:

448 A. For purposes of this section, "large-capacity firearm magazine" means any firearm magazine, belt,
449 drum, feed strip, or similar device that has the capacity of, or can be readily restored or converted to
450 accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition, including any such device with a removable floor plate or
451 end plate if the device can be readily extended to accept more than 10 rounds of ammunition.
452 "Large-capacity firearm magazine" does not include (i) a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar
453 device that has been permanently altered so that it cannot accept more than 10 rounds of ammunition
454 or (ii) an attached tubular device designed to accept and only capable of operating with .22 caliber
455 rimfire ammunition.
456 B. It is unlawful for any person to import, sell, transfer, manufacture, purchase, possess, or transport
457 any large-capacity firearm magazine. A violation of this section is punishable as a Class 6 felony.
458 C. The provisions of this section shall not apply to (i) any government officer, agent, or employee, or
459 member of the Armed Forces of the United States, to the extent that such person is acquiring,
460 possessing, transferring, or transporting a large-capacity firearm magazine within the scope of his
461 official duties;

Under that definition, a 10 round magazine that can accept a magazine extension (such as a 10 round pmag, and many 10 round handgun magazines) is prohibited. I suspect there are many more who choose to ignore rather than comply, as we've seen with registration.

The AW definition is similarly nightmarish, but because it's vague instead of specific.