View Full Version : Captian Marvel (Review)

06-11-19, 21:01
How this POS received decent ratings I will never know. Terrible dialog, utterly predictable, terrible acting (yet the movie is full of good actors all calling it in), cheesy as chit, Brie Larson couldn't have been less believable in the role and the fail goes on and on. Worst super hero movie I can remember in a long time. That one is a total stain on the Marvel Franchise. The plus is only due to some good visuals. Avoid. D+


06-11-19, 21:15

Different strokes, I guess.

(I heard it was Ant-Man quality, which means I'll watch it when it pops up on Netflix or Amazon or HBO or where-ever.)

06-11-19, 21:27
If one has been keeping abreast of the happenings around this movie, you already know it's going to be a fat spadeful of woke trash, so if you want to torture yourself by going to see it... well...it's your money...

I will suffer through whatever amount of her woodenly acted part shows up in Endgame when I ever get around to watching that, and that's it.
Even aside from politics, it seems every clip I've seen from this movie is just groan-worthy. Especially the awful stiff "hero pose" she keeps doing every time she gets up, just...ugh.

just a scout
06-11-19, 22:28
She looks good in rubber. She’d be even hotter with a ball gag in. .....tied to rack.....oh, wait... forget I said anything.

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06-12-19, 02:47
You know it’s gone full SJW stupid when my 11-year-old daughters friend who saw the movie even calls it out. When a fifth grade girl can see the propaganda it’s getting pretty bad.

06-12-19, 06:20
Brie Larsen is trash as a human but she was entertaining as the singer girl from Scott Pilgrim and did a very respectable cover of Metric’s Black Sheep but Ms. Marvel is equally a sex object and a bad ass fighter pilot. In fact, she has a tragic story about how Rogue stole her powers giving her super strength and flight.

Cap represents WWII, Punisher represents the spectre of Vietnam, War Machine (done right) represents the modern military but Ms. Marvel represented that malaise era military of the 70s and kinda the adventure aspect. So much potential wasted. Feminism was always part of her character but not the man and fun hating kind.

The Virginia Slim feminism where women were doing other stuff and branching out but not being dykey or bitchy. There was a fun and a zest to it. Like a girl that would get out and play with and still get out there and play with you.


06-12-19, 07:30

Different strokes, I guess.

(I heard it was Ant-Man quality, which means I'll watch it when it pops up on Netflix or Amazon or HBO or where-ever.)

Ant Man was far better movie, and it was not a great movie.

If one has been keeping abreast of the happenings around this movie, you already know it's going to be a fat spadeful of woke trash, so if you want to torture yourself by going to see it... well...it's your money...

I will suffer through whatever amount of her woodenly acted part shows up in Endgame when I ever get around to watching that, and that's it.
Even aside from politics, it seems every clip I've seen from this movie is just groan-worthy. Especially the awful stiff "hero pose" she keeps doing every time she gets up, just...ugh.

I found her brief appearance in Endgame annoying. Now I know why. She's terrible in the role.

You know it’s gone full SJW stupid when my 11-year-old daughters friend who saw the movie even calls it out. When a fifth grade girl can see the propaganda it’s getting pretty bad.


She looks good in rubber. She’d be even hotter with a ball gag in. .....tied to rack.....oh, wait... forget I said anything.

She's terribly cute, but even that can't overcome this movie.

06-12-19, 07:45
I was talking to my dad last night about how terrible this movie was, he liked it. I don't know why but her did, I feel the only redeeming parts were the wise creaking Skrull and Nick Fury and the cat.

06-12-19, 07:54
She's painfully woke, but I do think she's beautiful. Not sure where I'd put her on the crazy/hot matrix.

06-12-19, 08:57
She's painfully woke, but I do think she's beautiful. Not sure where I'd put her on the crazy/hot matrix.

Terrible movie. I'd put her in the role of the fun zone. Bangeable, fun while it lasts until you get tired of her "woke" crap, but definitely not wife material.

Woke - that's so subjective I find that term laughable.

06-12-19, 09:28
Seemed like they forgot to introduce Cpt. Marvel before Endgame rolled around so they threw the script together in about an hour over beers then did the dialog the following morning hung over.

06-12-19, 12:27
**** that feminazi cunt, I won't pay a dime to watch anything she stars in and the includes the new Avengers movie.


06-12-19, 13:46
**** that feminazi cunt, I won't pay a dime to watch anything she stars in and the includes the new Avengers movie.


Not taking any side on what she said there, what exactly triggered you about it? What she said sure didn't match the title of the video..

06-12-19, 14:19
Her acting is just wooden as hell and the script was terrible. There was no real explanation of her powers and there was no struggle in learning to exploit them. She just went from being a fighter pilot straight to destroying intergalactic warships with her mohawk. Suspension of disbelief was utterly impossible.

It only got worse in Endgame when they had their little girlpower photo op moment mid-battle. :bad:

Oh, and she doesn't have enough ass to fill out her superhero costume. :(


06-12-19, 14:21
For the record I loved Endgame but god dam those couple scenes were just brutal

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06-12-19, 14:45
Her acting is just wooden as hell and the script was terrible. There was no real explanation of her powers and there was no struggle in learning to exploit them. She just went from being a fighter pilot straight to destroying intergalactic warships with her mohawk. Suspension of disbelief was utterly impossible.

It only got worse in Endgame when they had their little girlpower photo op moment mid-battle. :bad:

Oh, and she doesn't have enough ass to fill out her superhero costume. :(


Some people also apparently don’t care about even basic details that ruin what may be an otherwise decent move. Captain Marvel, entire plot based on the light speed drive, when all of them already traveling faster than light, getting phone to call another planet with some stuff pulled from Radio Shack, and the plane turned into space ship with a little bit of tinkering, etc, etc.

The CGI to making Samuel L. Jackson look younger was awful and came and went.

I could go on, but that movie sucked nads start to finish with that type of thing. Her acting was wooden and terrible, etc, etc.

I don’t expect realism from such a movie, but I lose all interest when they treat me/the viewer like a moron. I can overlook a certain amount in the “suspension of disbelief” to enjoy a movie, but only so much.

That movie seemed written by a group of pre teen girls.

Yes, the movie is one long (and really bad) example of virtue signaling woke modern all inclusiveness, it's not really what makes the movie such garbage.

06-15-19, 15:47
**** that feminazi cunt, I won't pay a dime to watch anything she stars in and the includes the new Avengers movie.


She's not in it long and Thanos makes her his bitch so that makes it easy to sit through her 9 mins of screen time....with every few lines.