View Full Version : Man rushes TSA checkpoint at Phoenix airport

06-21-19, 09:35

Count how many useless TSA personnel standing around shell shocked. One guy at the x-ray machine backed up and let the guy through while a small female got bowled over, one fat chick tried half heartedly and got immediately pulverized.

They're Yoni's favorite people :)

06-21-19, 09:57
I wonder how many of them quit after that incident. Like “I didn’t sign up for this, I just want to frisk hot chicks and hassle the general public”.

06-21-19, 10:24
I love how the "agent" at the scanner stepped aside and just casually continued to try to put on his blue glove. He was like, nah I'll let you guys handle it.

06-21-19, 11:22
I came in like a wreaking ball.......

I’m surprised the people waiting in line didn’t pummel him for cutting. I’m and extremely, nice, pleasant, helpful person, until you put me in a que.

06-21-19, 11:35
Lol I wonder what the next phase of his plan was?

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06-21-19, 11:40
What was the point of that? What did he think would happen if he made it through? I wonder if it was a bet? "I bet you can't make it through the TSA checkpoint..." "Oh yeah, here, hold my beer and watch this..."

06-21-19, 12:05
I'm amazed and proud some of those TSA tried to stop him / defend themselves the way they did.

They didnt know if he was drug-head (turns out he was) or had a suicide vest on.

It is drilled into them from day one to not fight with anyone. So they know they may lose their job if attempt anything beyond self-defense and I'll bet even that is strongly discouraged.

If this guy had been armed with a bomb or other weapon and they stopped him the way they there would be some medals to hand out.

Those people are security screeners. Not cops or other LE.

I do not work for TSA but know people who do.

06-21-19, 12:25
This is true.

Many TSA agents are criticized as .gov slackers and some are. But many are really good, dedicated people just doing their job. And it’s not an easy job at that.

I love how the big dude agent with the black hair posts up clearly knowing he’s going to have first contact with the bad guy coming through and for the most part, does the job and allows the other agents to pile on.

It is drilled into them from day one to not fight with anyone. So they know they may lose their job if attempt anything beyond self-defense and I'll bet even that is strongly discouraged.

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06-21-19, 12:43
CNN's story:


The wild man is held on $1500 bond, charged with criminal trespassing and resisting arrest. 5 agents were injured.

Another report said the guy was under the influence of drugs and alcohol:


06-21-19, 12:44
Kudos to those that piled on him.

06-21-19, 12:46
The wild man is held on $1500 bond, .................
That seems pretty darned light to me.

06-21-19, 12:58
That seems pretty darned light to me.


I would have expected $100k bond for busting through a TSA checkpoint and throwing jab-cross combos at Federal security screeners. Especially with injuries involved. Drunk, high, or sober.

Misprint, maybe?

06-21-19, 13:23
That seems pretty darned light to me.

I agree. Any asinine behavior like that in an airport ought to be an instant high level felony. Especially with people being injured.

06-21-19, 13:27
I agree. Any asinine behavior like that in an airport ought to be an instant high level felony. Especially with people being injured.

Jumping the White House fence is a misdemeanor unlawful entry charge absent aggravating circumstance.

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06-21-19, 14:42
Jumping the White House fence is a misdemeanor unlawful entry charge absent aggravating circumstance.

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Well okay, I didn’t know that.

06-21-19, 17:38
Drunk guy tried to push his way to the front of the security line in Seattle when I was there last week. A TSA guy did a great job of talking him down while the cops came. That whole incident happened about 1 minute after I got done pointing out to my wife that a single bomb in line could easily kill three plane loads of people and how the TSA line is the most dangerous place in the airport to be.

06-21-19, 17:54
Well okay, I didn’t know that.

Just as a point of reference is all

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06-21-19, 19:11
CNN's story:


The wild man is held on $1500 bond, charged with criminal trespassing and resisting arrest. 5 agents were injured.

Another report said the guy was under the influence of drugs and alcohol:


But if you forget you have a firearm in your carry-on at Hartsfield, you are eligible for a year in jail and a $100,000 fine.

06-21-19, 19:33
Drunk guy tried to push his way to the front of the security line in Seattle when I was there last week. A TSA guy did a great job of talking him down while the cops came. That whole incident happened about 1 minute after I got done pointing out to my wife that a single bomb in line could easily kill three plane loads of people and how the TSA line is the most dangerous place in the airport to be.

Such things have been noted at various venues around the country. The Ariana Grande attack in the UK didn't go after the venue itself, it went after the crowds leaving. The crowds waiting to get in most places are as much at risk.

Those kinds of tactics scare the crap out of a lot of security personnel.

06-21-19, 20:28
Lol I wonder what the next phase of his plan was?


After the other dozen agents FELL on him, he didn't have a helluva lotta OTHER options!

06-21-19, 21:54
Frankly the TSA folks did okay with a pretty good sized guy with a head of steam. The average TSA screener is not trained nor physically suited to taking or giving a beat down.

Folks love to hate on the TSA, but it is a shitty job. Stupid hours, lousy leadership and sometimes you don’t get paid for months. The pay ain’t that great either. Not enough to get shot at or have to go hands on.

I fly lots of commercial flights and am first name basis at my local airport. At some of the tiny airports I pass through in the West, the screeners come and go from the airport four times in one day to cover sporadic flights and still aren’t full time. You are going have to take what human capital you can get from the labor pool. When I say thanks to those folks, even after the third manual bag check of the week, I mean sincere thanks.