View Full Version : Dang It! They're On To Us!

Doc Safari
06-25-19, 10:35
Please spare me the painfully obvious and from now on just stick to the merely obvious, M'kay?


Researchers have shown a causal link between print news media coverage of U.S. gun control policy in the wake of mass shooting events and increases in firearm acquisition

For the first time, researchers have shown a causal link between print news media coverage of U.S. gun control policy in the wake of mass shooting events and increases in firearm acquisition, particularly in states with the least restrictive gun laws.

The results of a study led by researchers at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, in collaboration with faculty at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and Northeastern University, are rooted in a data-driven approach that reveals causal relationships, rather than mere correlations. It is the first study to quantify the influence of news media stories on firearm prevalence.

Increases in firearm purchases following mass shootings are well-observed phenomena, likely driven by concerns that these events could lead to more restrictive gun controls. Lead author Maurizio Porfiri, NYU Tandon professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, noted that this is the first study to empirically examine — and confirm — the link between news stories specifically about gun policy and increased acquisition of firearms.

My take: I could have told them the results before they spent all that money on research. I'm worried. These idiots are dangerously close to having a clue. :sarcastic:

06-25-19, 11:05
Please spare me the painfully obvious and from now on just stick to the merely obvious, M'kay?


My take: I could have told them the results before they spent all that money on research. I'm worried. These idiots are dangerously close to having a clue. :sarcastic:

Only in liberal La-La land would a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering's time be wisely spent researching useless social rubbish like this.

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06-25-19, 11:08
The NRA and Gun manufacturers best sales reps are retarded liberal politicians.

06-25-19, 11:16
The NRA and Gun manufacturers best sales reps are retarded liberal politicians.

Meanwhile the gun controller script is literally the NRA is just trying to sell more guns. Only the obtuse would fall for that.

06-25-19, 12:27
Only in liberal La-La land would a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering's time be wisely spent researching useless social rubbish like this.

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

Their use of statistics and process/QI analysis make them a perfect complement to social science research. Happens all the time.

26 Inf
06-25-19, 12:56
Went to the link, didn't want to pay to read the entire paper.

This was key, to me at least: However, in one surprising finding, the analysis revealed no causal link between an actual mass shooting and gun purchases. Previous studies had noted a correlation between the two.

Also noticed this snippet:

“The public health impact of firearm-related physical injury has dramatically increased over recent years and is now a leading cause of death,” said James A. Macinko, a co-author of the study...“Our study suggests the need for dialogue around how mass shooting events are discussed by the press, in order to find ways to mitigate unintended consequences.”

Seems to me it would be pretty logical to study how media coverage motivates subsequent mass shooters, that is a legit public health issue.

06-25-19, 13:25
Sure. I just bought another AR and a 10mm hi cap pistol, neither of which I needed. Tell a person he can't have something, and he'll want it even more.

Doc Safari
06-25-19, 17:28
Some more firearms rocket science from the clueless:


CBS News’ 60 Minutes did a report on the AR-15 rifle Sunday night and discovered that the rifle is more powerful than a handgun.
They specifically contrasted an AR-15 rifle with a 9mm handgun, and spent time talking about the different levels of penetration and tissue damage caused by a round from each.

Host Scott Pelley interviewed University of Southern California researcher Cynthia Bir who explained videoing a “9 millimeter bullet from a handgun…in slow motion.” She talked of shooting ballistic gel with the 9mm, saying, “The handgun bullet traveled about 800 miles an hour…[and] sliced nearly straight all the way through the gel.”

She then described the round fired from an AR-15 rifle, saying, “[It traveled] three times faster and struck with more than twice the force. The shockwave of the AR-15 bullet blasted a large cavity in the gel unlike the bullet from the handgun.”

Pelley was impressed. He said, “Wow. There’s an enormous difference. You can see it right away.”

In other parts of the segment Pelley worked to communicate the force of the AR-15 rifle by referencing its “high velocity ammo.”

Pelley and Bir could have gotten an even greater difference in power by comparing an AR-15 rifle to a smaller handgun, like a .380, a .32, or a .25. Conversely, they could have contrasted an AR-15 rifle with a popular hunting rifle like the 45-70 to show how the force of an AR-15 pales in comparison to that of other rifles.

We better be careful. Next they'll discover that some people pick up the empties and manufacture their own ammo.