View Full Version : Anyone watching the Democrats Debate each other?

06-26-19, 21:33
We're going to become Venezuela if one of these Muppets gets elected.
They're all over the board tonight; Carbon Tax, taking your guns, Trans Americans, and of all things job creation.
I'm pretty happy actually, they seem to be taking aim at shooting themselves square in the foot.

06-26-19, 21:36
Saw a few minutes of it, “we must make Roe v Wade the law of the land so trans individuals can get abortions.” I thought that was a particularly nice gem.

06-26-19, 21:48
The only one who isn't pandering or foaming at the mouth is Tulsi Gabbard. The ARNG Major and Congressional Representative is a moderate democrat who could engage you in a debate without it turning into a fist fight.

06-26-19, 22:05
Anyone watching the Democrats Debate each other?

Under Siege 2: Dark Territory was on WGN, and you can ASK that question with a straight face?! :jester:

06-26-19, 22:11
I'm very conservative in many ways and I learned early that Socialism and Communism were the bane of innovation and scientific advancement.
So how do people who have Ivy League educations promote the ruin of our Nations Sovereignty and a competitive market that promotes innovation?
Why de-evolve as a society in the name of "Climate Change" in order to pay a carbon to BBQ or to have a fire in your fireplace? All the while the Chinese who live within our same atmosphere burn everything and anything to overtake our economy?
I have to wonder, how many of these folks rode a bicycle to be there tonight? How many are willing to go without armed security and how many live on the border and see what's going on?

06-26-19, 22:12
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory was on WGN, and you can ASK that question with a straight face?! :jester:

Gotta Know your enemy my friend.

06-26-19, 22:15
They are really going Full Retard. It's amazing that the ideas they are positing and wanting to push have ANYONE behind them let alone wide spread support. I'm at a loss.


06-26-19, 22:35

06-26-19, 22:41
Gotta Know your enemy my friend.

They're idiots. Financed by George Soros, Hollyweird, & other misguided billionaires - convinced that Communism has NEVER been done right - only THEY can do it, "right."

That about cover it? :rolleyes:

06-26-19, 22:43
We're going to become Venezuela if one of these Muppets gets elected.
They're all over the board tonight; Carbon Tax, taking your guns, Trans Americans, and of all things job creation.
I'm pretty happy actually, they seem to be taking aim at shooting themselves square in the foot.

50% of America is cheering for every word.

Dr. Bullseye
06-26-19, 22:55
50% of America is cheering for every word.

And they will vote that way but right now they are in Jr. High.

06-27-19, 01:18
Commie tards, every last one of them.

06-27-19, 04:32

06-27-19, 04:48
50% of America is cheering for every word.

Half of the voters in this country will vote "D" even if they put Stalin or Mao on the ticket, 'cause they hate Trump. Those clowns don't realize it but no matter which one gets the nomination their biggest selling point will be the anti-Trump sentiment that seems to permeate the Left.

Outlander Systems
06-27-19, 04:56
I’m all in on Andrew Yang. I’m ready for my Freedom Dividend.

06-27-19, 05:15
Had it on for about 2 minutes and turned it off before I puked. They're from another planet.

06-27-19, 06:11
I thought a debate was supposed to be discussing opposing views? This was just a big discussion on how to destroy America with the only opposing view is how to do it.

06-27-19, 08:57
High Schoolers running for class president., promising things like better lunches and no failed exams.

06-27-19, 15:10
Half of the voters in this country will vote "D" even if they put Stalin or Mao on the ticket, 'cause they hate Trump. Those clowns don't realize it but no matter which one gets the nomination their biggest selling point will be the anti-Trump sentiment that seems to permeate the Left.

I still remember "Anyone but Bush", "Stolen Election"...OMG. Same shit.

High Schoolers running for class president., promising things like better lunches and no failed exams.

No joke. And one day they will lower the voting age enough so that all high schoolers can vote.

06-27-19, 15:57
Half of the voters in this country will vote "D" even if they put Stalin or Mao on the ticket, 'cause they hate Trump.

Those two men and even men like Leon Trotsky are champions for economic equality in the eyes of these liberals. Its unbelievable but there are many Americans who are looking towards socialism as the answer. The answer to what? I don't know, but the answer none the less. But Trump is the man they want to bring down in the end. And remember, all this is because of Obamas policies finally taking off!

High Schoolers running for class president., promising things like better lunches and no failed exams.

Well, to be fair, we are all going to die in 12 years according to AOC if we do nothing about global warming...…….I mean... "Climate change". That's the same woman who showed up to a detention center... I mean, concentration camp wearing a Tom Ford outfit and gold Channel watch just a month after asking for a $4000/month salary increase to keep herself from turning into a lobbyist. But it works. She stood up to Amazon founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos and really showed him whos boss and lost 25k jobs in her district! I know she isn't running, but she has inspired many of those who are running! Why free lunches and no failed exams when we can just have no school!

They are really going Full Retard. It's amazing that the ideas they are positing and wanting to push have ANYONE behind them let alone wide spread support. I'm at a loss.


I like when Beto spoke Spanish! If pandering isn't enough, start speaking their native language. I mean, I think they could of done better, I think wearing a sombrero and drinking tequila would gotten the same results. Cory, I liked his facial expressions and him acting like he is from the hood. It was like a SNL skit, but preformed without rehearsing.

06-27-19, 16:17
I like when Beto spoke Spanish!

Did it go something like this for McWhitey? :rolleyes:



06-27-19, 21:50
They're on a roll tonight.
They need to have a rolling amount that all of this "free stuff" I'd gonna cost us scrolling sums reaching tens of Billions.
Free Medical Care, Reparations, Open Borders, 'cause once we go broke they will have their hand on the wheel when we go full on commie as we try to rebuild.

06-27-19, 23:34
Proof forced sterilization is not a bad idea.

06-28-19, 10:41
They were s**t shows .

Coal Dragger
06-28-19, 11:07
Didn’t watch, couldn’t make the hotel cable work.

So I hit the gym instead. I did manage to tip over a 45lb dumb bell onto the toes of my left foot though. It hurt a bit, but probably less than watching the debate last night.

06-28-19, 11:17
They were s**t shows .

It was like the clown car pulled in and they all piled out and ran in and grabbed a microphone.

06-28-19, 11:28
They should have named that the "What's More Fake?" tour.

A. Kablahblah's eye lashes
B. Shotgun Joe's hand raised or finger up 'I wish to speak' gesture.
C. All the words out of Crazy Bernie's mouth.
D. Gibberbrand's 'take charge of the situation' intrusions.
E. Marinara Witherson's 'Make America Tin Foil Again' proclamations.

What an absolute farce from top to bottom.

06-28-19, 12:00
God help us all if any democrat becomes president. They will make BHO look like a moderate.

06-28-19, 13:06
God help us all if any democrat becomes president. They will make BHO look like a moderate.

That was my take away. Get rid of Trump and hammer the people that side with him. They will turn America into an asylum. I honestly never thought I would see the USA come to this point. Differences are one thing but this is arrogance and vindictive government. Kablalah Harris is lying but just happens to sound good doing it. The only thing not fake about her is that "I'm smarter than you, I know what you are saying before you say it" little smirk and glint in her eye. Not unlike that guy that testified laughing that he had help Obama hoodwink everyone on ObamaCare and that other guy that was smirking about the "Russia" deal. She's cut form that same cloth but hides it and presents it better.

Yeah, we are 100% totally screwed if -any- of them get elected. If they do, it's Carte Blanche .. they will have the POTUS, Senate, House. We are not going to lose POTUS and win Senate. It's all over and bills from people like Tim Kaine are going to flood the system. Oh, former Gov Terry McCauliffe is going to work for CNN... of course you really can't get more biased than CNN but still. He said he could better serve the DNC by not running this time around... So he is going to shape the spin by reporting it as fact.

The Democrats have infested the USA with ignorance because they love to hate. Political alchemists. All talk and no rational means for the results they claim.

Many people are mis-quoting Kablahblah Harris today. She said ...... "They wanna know how we're gonna put food on their table" She was speaking directly to the other candidates. She was placing herself as "the boss". It was a board meeting.

IOW..... I Kablablah Harris will run America and the government will put food on every America's table...

The opposite of JFK who said ... "Ask not what your country can do for you."

TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL ------ That's where she lives. She is a liar and a wannabe dictator.

06-28-19, 15:24
We're going to become Venezuela if one of these Muppets gets elected.
They're all over the board tonight; Carbon Tax, taking your guns, Trans Americans, and of all things job creation.
I'm pretty happy actually, they seem to be taking aim at shooting themselves square in the foot.

They're handing Trump a second term on a platinum platter. I have no love at all for "uncle Joe" but if they had any brains, they'd back him to the hilt as he's really the only one stands a chance as many people view him a moderate type (compared to the bat chit crazy loons running at least) and have some fond memories of him they associate with better times, even though he didn't have a thing to with it, and his actual record is crap and or his accomplishments are nill to nadda. He's also the only one that could look "presidential" in a debate with Trump and capable of a few good one liners that might stick against Trump. I'm happy to report however that the DNC et al likely to dumb, too "progressive" and to triggered to do that and like crabs in a bucket, will take him out on their own I'm betting as they infighting. Being a second term, Trump will have little to lose by really dumping both barrels into who ever he ends of debating, and that will be entertaining.

06-28-19, 15:48
What will be interesting to me is when we start seeing poll numbers on who the other side supports. Which brand of lunatic is currently in favor with the other 50% of America?

06-28-19, 16:59
What will be interesting to me is when we start seeing poll numbers on who the other side supports. Which brand of lunatic is currently in favor with the other 50% of America?

That's easy..... Oprah and Michelle.

The election a year and a half away and Barry the O-ring has been hanging out with Cloney. Don't think they won't try to pull out a last minute all star surprise.

I would not be surprised in the least if they run Michelle. It depends on what the tea leaves look like. Biden is damaged goods. Even the Liberal reporting front has turned on him. Kablahblah is a long shot but not impossible. If they could get her some acting classes from Cloney and up her personal demeanor to be more approachable like Michelle then she could be a problem. There is no more Berne crew. The bloom is off that rose. So that's actually bad. That means all the Dems will get behind whomever wins the primary.

Beto would be an absolute idiot to not throw this match. He is getting rich as a mofo. All he needs to do is hang and not eat a booger like Cruz did. so he gets richer and can play this game for decades. He will be rich as shit forever. For basically doing nothing.

A couple of those others are just, well I'm not sure what they are but they have no chance.

Whats her name... Amy Kloudbarker .... how in the world did that lump get elected to anything?

"Cue Ball" Cory.... LOL, my man Cory. Proof that ignorance is bliss.

The Warrenator - Fauxcahontas -- "So... I think of it this way" ... unfortunately she has never thought she lives in a false reality. I guess she figures if she starts every answer with "So... I think of it this way" then everyone else will too?

BootyJudge -- nice try but ain't gonna happen.

All the rest are just opportunists without a chance.

Now none of that means Trump is a shoe-in. Never ever underestimate the Republican Party's ability to form a circular firing squad on a moments notice..... ESPECIALLY.... if they are winning by a large margin. Also never forget Republican voter apathy, the need to teach a lesson, and a variety of other well reasoned 'winning tactics".

Also don't forget that Starchy Abrams is in play. You know what they say about a woman scorned. She is scorned to the max and knows how to talk about it. Not for POTUS but what if one of them picks her as VP. Kablablah has the personality that would love hearing someone like Abrams talk about how great America would be with her leading it. Kablablah could lay back, lite up a spliff and let Starchy 'tell it like it is'. If one woman is good, two must be better right? Hey it's a first in 2020!! Two pissed off women running the USA!!! YEEEEEHAAAAAA!!!! Kablahblah will be givn' it away and Starchy will be slappin' back whitey. It's payback time!!!

06-28-19, 19:06
Tulsi Gabbard is hot.

06-28-19, 20:53
Tulsi Gabbard is hot.
And a more traditional Democrat unlike the neo-pinko crowd she's running against. Gabbard is closer to a Kennedy Democrat than anything we've seen in recent years, with the except of Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. These types of Democrat will negotiate with Republicans, and work deals with a little give and take.

The Trump Administration did consider Gabbard for a cabinet position early on. She was enlisted first in Iraq in Infantry, then came home, went to college and commissioned. She has three or four overseas service bars and is an MP Major with the Hawaii Army National Guard. She also surfs.

06-28-19, 22:20
To be blunt, Gabbard can go get f***ed along with the rest of them. There is nothing good about her positions other than her lone seemingly anti-interventionist stance. Everything else is typical Dem shit, just maybe less psycho.
That being said... I love how they hate her already... :laugh:


As you can see, once again, the alt-right is the TRUE party of diversity! :laugh:

06-28-19, 22:23
Oh, also I ran across Firefly today. Apparently he's had a gender swap to frog... :p :laugh:


06-28-19, 22:35
And a more traditional Democrat unlike the neo-pinko crowd she's running against. Gabbard is closer to a Kennedy Democrat than anything we've seen in recent years, with the except of Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. These types of Democrat will negotiate with Republicans, and work deals with a little give and take.

The Trump Administration did consider Gabbard for a cabinet position early on. She was enlisted first in Iraq in Infantry, then came home, went to college and commissioned. She has three or four overseas service bars and is an MP Major with the Hawaii Army National Guard. She also surfs.

At that time she wasn't an 11-series MOS, must've been a staff weenie. Yep, she was in a combat zone and I wasn't, but it wasn't in an actual Infantry slot. Not then at least (thanks Obama).

06-28-19, 22:44
To be blunt, Gabbard can go get f***ed along with the rest of them. There is nothing good about her positions other than her lone seemingly anti-interventionist stance. Everything else is typical Dem shit, just maybe less psycho.
That being said... I love how they hate her already... :laugh:
As you can see, once again, the alt-right is the TRUE party of diversity! :laugh:

One difference that sets Gabbard apart from the rest of the democrat field is she is more of a hawk on border security and immigration. Other than that and her beliefs on how we should interact with the rest of the world, she is still Liberal, but not off the charts.

Now about the Alt-Right. They have quite the presence on many online gun forums. A lot are just a fine line different than the Alt-Left, AKA ANTIFA. A strange bunch the Alt-Right with their Libertarian belief system of non-interventionism globally, but ready to start Civil War 2 domestically. And they all call themselves "Patriots" ad nauseam.

06-28-19, 22:50

Now about the Alt-Right. They have quite the presence on many online gun forums. A lot are just a fine line different than the Alt-Left, AKA ANTIFA. A strange bunch the Alt-Right with their Libertarian belief system of non-interventionism globally, but ready to start Civil War 2 domestically. And they all call themselves "Patriots" ad nauseam.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-28-19, 22:52
At that time she wasn't an 11-series MOS, must've been a staff weenie. Yep, she was in a combat zone and I wasn't, but it wasn't in an actual Infantry slot. Not then at least (thanks Obama).
I don't know anything about her time with her Guard unit other than a couple of pics from her deployments:

06-28-19, 23:51
She's a converted Liberal.... 4:25 No way back. She will go deeper into the socialist mindset. She will also never go to war although she claims that if we were attacked she would. The reality is, she's done with war.


She's also not charismatic. Her cadence and speaking tone is off putting. She reminds me of Danica Patrick.

On a scale of 0 - 100 she has about a -50 chance of being POTUS. But that's not why she is there. She's developing her brand. $$$

06-28-19, 23:54
God help us all if any democrat becomes president. They will make BHO look like a moderate.

I honestly think he was just a shill to see how much shit they could get away with. Now they are thinking, "we could basically run this country down the drain in as little as 4 years, then implement our socialist agenda"

They're handing Trump a second term on a platinum platter.

I hope your right. Im interested thought, between here and then, what kind of dirt they will bring up on Trump? Any ladies out there about to go public with rape allegations? Any Russians about to come forward and claim trump paid them?

What will be interesting to me is when we start seeing poll numbers on who the other side supports. Which brand of lunatic is currently in favor with the other 50% of America?

Remember the polls from 2016, Trump had a 2% chance of winning. I don't trust poll numbers anymore. These days have to look at a candidates turnout, a few people? Hundreds? Tens of thousands? Right now, most liberal outlets are putting grandpa Joe as the leader in polls.

Tulsi Gabbard is hot.

She is a solid 7.5, not going to lie. I wouldn't introduce her to my parents but I would maybe bring her around my friends.
Crazy eyes AOC is nice to look at also! She is stupid as they get, but has a certain sex appeal that i find attractive.

06-29-19, 05:51
I still maintain that AOC is secretly based and is funding Right Wing Contras who will be the cavalry during the boogaloo and will turn America into an AnCap paradise and will take us so far to the Right economically that it’ll be like if Ted Roosevelt was our Emperor.

Also crucifixions

06-29-19, 07:52
It looks like Tulsi Gabbard has democrat competition with the Alt-Right vote - Andrew Yang. From Los Angeles Magazine.com:

Alt-Right Fanboys Are Crushing on This Democratic Presidential Candidate


Still trying to figure out the Alt-Right. I only bring them up because they seem to show up on the political radar more and more. Don't they have membership in a lot of militia groups, including one outfit called III%, or are they now II% ??? As I mentioned before in this thread, there seems to be a lot of Alt-Right thought on numerous gun forums, at least that's what it appears to me, and every last one of them cloaks themselves with the word Patriot.

06-29-19, 08:02
She was enlisted first in Iraq in Infantry


Gabbard served in a field medical unit of the Hawaii Army National Guard in a combat zone in LSA Anaconda, Iraq from 2004 to 2005 and was deployed to Kuwait from 2008 to 2009.

Props to her for serving her country.


06-29-19, 09:12

Gabbard served in a field medical unit of the Hawaii Army National Guard in a combat zone in LSA Anaconda, Iraq from 2004 to 2005 and was deployed to Kuwait from 2008 to 2009.

Props to her for serving her country.


She served with the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Hawaii National Guard. On the previous page you can see that unit patch on her sleeve. I didn't know she was medical. When she commissioned she branched M.P.

06-29-19, 12:06
No I did not, as it is literally just a parade of idiots running their mouths.

06-29-19, 12:13
At that time she wasn't an 11-series MOS, must've been a staff weenie. Yep, she was in a combat zone and I wasn't, but it wasn't in an actual Infantry slot. Not then at least (thanks Obama).

According to her Wiki page, she was enlisted medical probably a 68W assigned to a medical unit, so nothing 11B related at all. It also said she was at Anaconda in '05, I was there briefly about a year later and I might as well have been in Kansas, at least compared to where I was (Rustamiyah)

06-29-19, 12:14
It looks like Tulsi Gabbard has democrat competition with the Alt-Right vote - Andrew Yang. From Los Angeles Magazine.com:

Alt-Right Fanboys Are Crushing on This Democratic Presidential Candidate


Still trying to figure out the Alt-Right. I only bring them up because they seem to show up on the political radar more and more. Don't they have membership in a lot of militia groups, including one outfit called III%, or are they now II% ??? As I mentioned before in this thread, there seems to be a lot of Alt-Right thought on numerous gun forums, at least that's what it appears to me, and every last one of them cloaks themselves with the word Patriot.

Because the Alt right phraseology is nothing but a hijacked term turned pejorative by the left that came into fruition during the early years of Obama.

So you’re really doing a disservice to liberty and freedom by buying into said nonsense

Also thank you boomers for destroying everything

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-29-19, 16:09
Because the Alt right phraseology is nothing but a hijacked term turned pejorative by the left that came into fruition during the early years of Obama.

So you’re really doing a disservice to liberty and freedom by buying into said nonsense

Also thank you boomers for destroying everything

I'm not doing a disservice to Liberty, Freedom or anything else. Nor did I destroy anything that wasn't part of my job and requested of me by my Government. I personally don't hang with any Far Left ANTIFA wackos, nor do I know any Far Right Extremist Alt-Right types....at least personally. I encounter some online or if I attend a political event featuring a Presidential candidate. I've seen some nut jobs protesting at those venues. Now this Boomer nonsense - so the world is all screwed up for you? Life is what you make of it, despite what's going on in the rest of the world or in your own Country. I'm not into generational blame. I just wonder how long it will take for Millennials and Generation X folks to start demanding reparations for the America they were born into?

So the Alt-Right are actually true blue, red-blooded, Minutemen Patriots who are the modern day revolutionary saviors of the Republic? Outstanding. I must be just an ignorant dolt who thought they were fringe ultra-anarchists pretending to be Patriots with a Libertarian slant. You learn something new every day.

06-29-19, 20:27
Hi OH58D:

Please hop in the "MOH ... " thread and share your knowledge of helicopters with us. There was a question regarding capability of Chinook helicopters.


06-29-19, 21:26
I'm not doing a disservice to Liberty, Freedom or anything else. Nor did I destroy anything that wasn't part of my job and requested of me by my Government. I personally don't hang with any Far Left ANTIFA wackos, nor do I know any Far Right Extremist Alt-Right types....at least personally. I encounter some online or if I attend a political event featuring a Presidential candidate. I've seen some nut jobs protesting at those venues. Now this Boomer nonsense - so the world is all screwed up for you? Life is what you make of it, despite what's going on in the rest of the world or in your own Country. I'm not into generational blame. I just wonder how long it will take for Millennials and Generation X folks to start demanding reparations for the America they were born into?

So the Alt-Right are actually true blue, red-blooded, Minutemen Patriots who are the modern day revolutionary saviors of the Republic? Outstanding. I must be just an ignorant dolt who thought they were fringe ultra-anarchists pretending to be Patriots with a Libertarian slant. You learn something new every day.

I'm not going to speak for jpmuscle, but I think he was inferring that the "Alt-Right" label is one foisted upon anyone by the Left who vehemently disagrees with the Left's ideologies; i.e. it is the usual libtard bullshit label, like calling all of us "Nazis".

BTW, I have a certain appreciation for your time in uniform, as part of it coincides with mine (see sigline) as well as a particular AO you've mentioned working. It just so happens to be the general area where all this flood of ILLEGALS is coming from (OTM's).

06-29-19, 23:23
I'm not going to speak for jpmuscle, but I think he was inferring that the "Alt-Right" label is one foisted upon anyone by the Left who vehemently disagrees with the Left's ideologies; i.e. it is the usual libtard bullshit label, like calling all of us "Nazis".

BTW, I have a certain appreciation for your time in uniform, as part of it coincides with mine (see sigline) as well as a particular AO you've mentioned working. It just so happens to be the general area where all this flood of ILLEGALS is coming from (OTM's).
I understand what you're saying, and I think I know what jpmuscle was pointing out, and the Left seems to control the agenda and the language these days. But just like with the radical left, there are some real nut jobs on the extreme right - Stormfront types. Those critters can do a lot of damage to the Conservative Right, and despite their claims of Patriotism, a lot of those characters are real low life's.

Your Airborne Infantry experience was certainly a different road than mine, but we were in at the same time for a period. I was first under contract with the Army in August 1977 and I retired 31 December 1999. The closest to your training was my 3 weeks at Fort Benning in August 1978 for Jump School and my 10 days of Air Assault at Fort Campbell in July 1983. An 11A was not in the cards for me. Why walk when you can fly....

06-30-19, 07:15
I will say that the debates, were a hot topic at synagogue yesterday.

I would say 90% of the people were, we can't vote for socialist, President Trump we wish he would be more presidential so we could be proud to vote for him.

My response was I don't care what he tweets, I look at the economy and the issues he is pushing and he is doing just fine in my book. Then add the fact he didn't attack Iran over the drone and I am impressed.

It is easy for an American President to get drunk with power and start wars that shouldn't be started(Bush2) and murder American citizens.(Obama)

06-30-19, 10:31
Because the Alt right phraseology is nothing but a hijacked term turned pejorative by the left that came into fruition during the early years of Obama.

So you’re really doing a disservice to liberty and freedom by buying into said nonsense

Also thank you boomers for destroying everything

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thank you for being absolutely wrong.

The term Alt Right is a derogatory libtard term for anyone that doesn't agree with them. It is in the same way that theose retards call everyone a NAZI, when in fact THEY ARE THE SOCIALIST.

Those morons use more hate speack then you would hesr at a Klan rally and say that you are the one ful of hate. It is a common leftist practice that has been going on for yesrs. If you don't agree with them then you must be a mknster and hate them for whatever stupid cause they are on this week

06-30-19, 10:43
Alt Right is such a silly term and the non-traditional republicans who identify as alt right are stupid for taking the bait. The whole white supremacy aspect I think is a false flag and sadly the “alt right” and even Trump moronically took the bait.

06-30-19, 10:56
I thought "Alternative Right" was created by Richard Spencer nearly a decade ago? I don't follow the dude, but isn't he a full-blown White Supremacist?

06-30-19, 12:18
I thought "Alternative Right" was created by Richard Spencer nearly a decade ago? I don't follow the dude, but isn't he a full-blown White Supremacist?

Spencer wasn't the first to use the term, but he founded and still runs a webzine called "The Alternative Right." It's still going strong, and if anyone doesn't believe me they're free to see for themselves:


Spencer is an unapologetic white nationalist, and some of his ideas are actually pretty far left. By hijacking the "right wing" label he's really done a disservice to Republicans and anyone else who considers themselves a political conservative.

Anyone who describes themselves as "alt right" without doing the small amount of research needed to confirm these things is fooling themselves.

06-30-19, 13:36
As said, the problem is the left is using the term for everyone. Even liberals who are not socialist and want free speech are now labeled alt-right. If you are not a communist, you must be a nazi in their world.

The big issue is that the vast majority of people on the right are centrists and disavow true alt-right ideology (the extreme right). These extremists are small in numbers and have little voice.

On the flip side, the extreme left’s ideology has been adopted by almost, if not all the Democratic candidates and is being propped up by MSM. From what I saw of the debates, this was clearly demonstrated.

06-30-19, 14:12
As said, the problem is the left is using the term for everyone. Even liberals who are not socialist and want free speech are now labeled alt-right. If you are not a communist, you must be a nazi in there world.

This big issue is that the vast majority of people are centrists and disavow true alt-right ideology (the extreme right). These extremists are small in numbers and have little voice.

On the flip side, the extreme left’s ideology has been adopted by almost, if not all the Democratic candidates and is being propped up by MSM. From what I saw of the debates, this was clearly demonstrated.

Had a longer reply typed up, but that's pretty much it- let me sum it up this way: apparently Ben Shapiro is a Nazi now... go figure.

There really isn't any organization or group of, that you can point at and say it's "alt right". Whatever the hell Alt even means, because the definition has been swapped around, mis-attributed, and then the left keeps moving the goalpost for what's "extremist", so if you see or hear a MSM or left media outlet flinging that term out there, it means nothing. Just a boogeyman buzzword to keep their base panicking that the KKK is going to hop out of the bushes or something and snatch them up... expect to hear that term thrown out with increasing frequency as election nears. It's ALL the fault of the "alt right"... :rolleyes:
Basically, anything/anyone right of left is going to get lumped with the "alt right" label, which is why there seems to be so many of the former "patriot" crowd in there...because there is. If I was to try and draw actual limits around what constitutes alt-right politics, you really can't because it's such a massive hodge-podge of everyone, because EVERYONE has been lumped into it, for better or worse. You ask someone that specifically IDs as alt right (if you can find anyone) and they probably can't even give you a good rundown of what it is.
The even further irony is you can't even say that some of the formerly-thought-of-as-extreme elements of the right are that extreme or wrong anymore, since the left's constant antics, social policies and political beliefs and agendas keep proving even them correct.
True honk world out there, man...

Now, to the best of my understanding, before media made the term whatever they wanted it to mean, "alt right" was generally applied to oneself if they were a third-party or no-party voter- someone who felt disenfranchised with ALL (or most) political parties in the US and was interested in ALTernative options (one of the reasons Trump was so popular in that crowd, because hes "not a politician", and yet there were even elements of the Alt back then that weren't fans of him either). Then Spencer tried to make some political hay for himself by seizing the term, and then the media seized on that and ran with it because "no nazis/no Trump/ no kkk, yadda yadda" (even though the Spencer crowd aren't even nazis, and would have been a non-issue if they'd been left alone, but whatever, the MSM found a convenient bully-boy....), and now in typical fashion, as has been pointed out, the term don't mean shit other than "generally leans right/center instead of psychotically left."

06-30-19, 14:49
Yes, when the left uses the term to tar anyone they disagree with as a white nationalist it's a problem. When we use the term to describe ourselves (if we aren't white nationalists) we are also contributing to the problem.

And you guys are just proving how smart Spencer was in choosing the label "Alternative Right" to describe his movement. Their platform is essentially white nationalist christian identity socialism, not some sort of alternative conservatism.

The man's ideas have more in common with Bernie Sanders and AOC than with someone like Rand Paul, he just wants to limit the "benefits" of his socialism to folks of white european ancestry.

By using the term "right" and describing his views as "alternative" suddenly anyone who thinks of themselves as right leaning but not following the old guard GOPe party line is calling themselves "Alt-right." It's a masterful way to create the appearance of support from a bunch of people who otherwise wouldn't want anything to do with the man or his ideas.

Again, Alt-right isn't the "extreme right," "alternative conservatism," libertarianism, or "right leaning independents".

Altright.com is straight up white supremacist news and propaganda, and Spencer is unapologetically clear about his beliefs and ideas. Why anyone would want that label applied to themselves if they don't agree with those ideas is beyond me.

06-30-19, 18:08
Yes, when the left uses the term to tar anyone they disagree with as a white nationalist it's a problem. When we use the term to describe ourselves (if we aren't white nationalists) we are also contributing to the problem.

And you guys are just proving how smart Spencer was in choosing the label "Alternative Right" to describe his movement. Their platform is essentially white nationalist christian identity socialism, not some sort of alternative conservatism.

The man's ideas have more in common with Bernie Sanders and AOC than with someone like Rand Paul, he just wants to limit the "benefits" of his socialism to folks of white european ancestry.

By using the term "right" and describing his views as "alternative" suddenly anyone who thinks of themselves as right leaning but not following the old guard GOPe party line is calling themselves "Alt-right." It's a masterful way to create the appearance of support from a bunch of people who otherwise wouldn't want anything to do with the man or his ideas.

Again, Alt-right isn't the "extreme right," "alternative conservatism," libertarianism, or "right leaning independents".

Altright.com is straight up white supremacist news and propaganda, and Spencer is unapologetically clear about his beliefs and ideas. Why anyone would want that label applied to themselves if they don't agree with those ideas is beyond me.

Sounds like democratic socialism of the Third Reich.

06-30-19, 18:23
I would wager a paycheck that the actual number of far Lefties in this country WAY exceeds the headcount of actual Neo-Nazi's/Klan/White Separatists/White Nationalists combined. They like to make a prolific boogeyman out of the relics of the past, like we're living in 1875 Mississippi or some such bullshit. No, when 20 out of 20 Democrat candidates try to outdo each other on who is the furthest Left then it is obvious where the problem lies, and the extent of it. (Hint: the "problem" doesn't lie on the Right of the political spectrum....:rolleyes:)

26 Inf
06-30-19, 19:44
Here is what I think:

> I didn't watch the debates but from what I've read of the coverage these people scare the crap out of me. I've been pretty upfront that I don't think President Trump will be reelected, but, for many reasons, that is our best hope;

> I really don't think most of the candidates truly have well-reasoned thoughts about the AR, magazine capacities, etc., rather, they have staffers advising them of the 'pulse of the nation' and this is guiding their rhetoric. The problem is that the 'lucky' nominee will have a hard time walking back their statements, which ultimately might be in President Trump's interest.

> In the campaign the questions which must be asked are: 1) 'what are you going to confiscate after you confiscate guns?' (drawing an analogy to Martin Niemoller's quote: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...) 2) 'how are you going to pay for these programs?'

06-30-19, 20:31
Here is what I think:

> I didn't watch the debates but from what I've read of the coverage these people scare the crap out of me. I've been pretty upfront that I don't think President Trump will be reelected, but, for many reasons, that is our best hope;

> I really don't think most of the candidates truly have well-reasoned thoughts about the AR, magazine capacities, etc., rather, they have staffers advising them of the 'pulse of the nation' and this is guiding their rhetoric. The problem is that the 'lucky' nominee will have a hard time walking back their statements, which ultimately might be in President Trump's interest.

> In the campaign the questions which must be asked are: 1) 'what are you going to confiscate after you confiscate guns?' (drawing an analogy to Martin Niemoller's quote: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...) 2) 'how are you going to pay for these programs?'

After reading some of the coverage and watching bits and pieces of the debates, I'm pretty much of the same mind. They're throwing out some ideas that have been talked about for years but have been kept under wraps for fear of being too far left to be politically viable (outlawing private health insurance, guaranteed minimum income, open confiscation of firearms, etc.).

It's been interesting, and alarming, to watch the Dems so rapidly move their platform further and further to the left, and to become so openly authoritarian in some of their policy proposals.

06-30-19, 20:51
After reading some of the coverage and watching bits and pieces of the debates, I'm pretty much of the same mind. They're throwing out some ideas that have been talked about for years but have been kept under wraps for fear of being too far left to be politically viable (outlawing private health insurance, guaranteed minimum income, open confiscation of firearms, etc.).

It's been interesting, and alarming, to watch the Dems so rapidly move their platform further and further to the left, and to become so openly authoritarian in some of their policy proposals.

If you add the number of die-hard, old-school "I'll never vote Republican" Democrats (mostly older folks, more "moderate", Biden-types), plus the wild-eyed younger ones who bring us AOC and her ilk, and the "aggrieved" and "oppressed" minorities, their numbers are a little scary election-wise.

07-01-19, 00:01
It was bizarre. While the GOP helps wall street and the billionaires pick our pockets, the Democrats want open borders and free medical care for illegal aliens. Nobody gets it.

07-01-19, 05:53
It was bizarre. While the GOP helps wall street and the billionaires pick our pockets, the Democrats want open borders and free medical care for illegal aliens. Nobody gets it.

Open borders help wall street and billionaires pick our pockets and the Clintons and Barak Obama were not getting paid huge speaking fees by Wall Street for sharing their investment experience.

07-01-19, 13:35
Yes, when the left uses the term to tar anyone they disagree with as a white nationalist it's a problem. When we use the term to describe ourselves (if we aren't white nationalists) we are also contributing to the problem.
And you guys are just proving how smart Spencer was in choosing the label "Alternative Right" to describe his movement...

I think you kinda missed the point.
Nobody's "proving" anything, other than the left/media has and continues to twist words and definitions to mean whatever they want, and how thoroughly they've played everyone by doing this.
Regardless of the name of A website or A group of people, the simple fact is that any and all of these terms are currently merely boogeymen for the left to whip up their voterbase with. Hence why everyone the left doesn't like is also a "nazi" or "racist" or "pick-a-phobia".
Nobody here seems to be calling themselves alt right either...
Not like I would care if they did, because I also refuse to buy into this bullshit thought-police game of "bad words" where through the redistribution of definitions people are conditioned to mentally 'shut down and shun' if they hear the ungood label applied to any person or group.
Why do you think the left/media is running around trying to hammer the square peg of these various definitions into every round hole they can?

After reading some of the coverage and watching bits and pieces of the debates, I'm pretty much of the same mind. They're throwing out some ideas that have been talked about for years but have been kept under wraps for fear of being too far left to be politically viable (outlawing private health insurance, guaranteed minimum income, open confiscation of firearms, etc.).

It's been interesting, and alarming, to watch the Dems so rapidly move their platform further and further to the left, and to become so openly authoritarian in some of their policy proposals.
Indeed. In fact I don't know if I would even say "authoritarian" more like... mad with power.
If anyone ever thinks what they're saying is totally crazy...remember this is just the stuff they think is tame enough to be palatable enough to the general public to discuss in an open debate. It only gets worse...