View Full Version : Preferred pronouns or prison

06-28-19, 20:31
This video from Prager University came up on my feed and I thought I would share. Increasingly we live in a world where the Left's idea of "free speech" is solely speech that lines up with their agenda. Any dissenting view is labeled as hate speech and persecuted.


06-28-19, 21:49
I'll address you by your chromosomes. I wanna see THEM LIE under oath. :rolleyes:

06-28-19, 22:30
I'll address you by your chromosomes. I wanna see THEM LIE under oath. :rolleyes:

Well put, I'll have to remember that.

No matter what you cut off, sew on, or how many hormones you inject you will always be XX or XY. And I don't give a shit what you want to be called; as long as it's done politely (i.e. sir or mam, Mr. or Miss) you will be referred to by that XX/XY thing.

06-28-19, 22:59
Step back from all the trans stuff for a minute and ask: where else in life could you be criminally charged for addressing someone in a way they don't like? At least in the US, there are several words that are basically unspeakable in public (not counting rap videos), but you could use them nonstop without being subject to arrest. You can insult a person 10 ways from Sunday and not be subject to any police involvement. So obviously something is "special" about this topic. And it's not the actual topic, it's the political tactics of the people exploiting a tiny and marginal group for their own ends. And who will prove to be just as gay-friendly and race-blind as Che Guevera if they succeed.

06-28-19, 23:59
Its Ma'am!

06-29-19, 05:39
Hithertofore everyone gets called “shit for brains”

06-29-19, 07:29
Its Ma'am!

Yeah, that too.

06-29-19, 12:14
Hithertofore everyone gets called “shit for brains”

Ha! I was just scrolling down to say that ‘shithead’ is unisexual...

Frankly, I like the term ‘****tard’- bringing the most powerful and useful word in the ENGLISH Language ‘fvck’ And the best term for slow people ‘retarded’. Never have 8 letters been so efficiently been used to disparage someone, but it does leave the thermonuclear ‘c*nttard’ for when nothing but the worst will do.

I am dedicated to bringing back the word ‘retarded’, and crocs with socks for grown men. Draw your own conclusions.

I was in London last week and I saw a bathroom labeled;

How did they rule the world, well the answer is that London is filled with the people that they used to rule and Americans who they lost to.

In Ireland they had the bisexual bathrooms. Everyone lines up and you get the next stall open. I can think of no better way to get across to women that men and women are different than having to share public bathrooms. Well, the lunch fish and chips weren't sitting well and I had to use the bisexual bathrooms at the Cliffs of Mohr. Nasty business. When I'm done, I open the stall door and see the look of horror on the woman's face as she looks at my fat ass and realizes that she is going to take possession of my stall. She turned to what I assume was her husband in a last ditch effort to get an alternate stall and he looks at her wide eyed and shakes his head- he isn't going to fall on that 'grenade' for her.

06-29-19, 16:06

In Ireland they had the bisexual bathrooms. Everyone lines up and you get the next stall open. I can think of no better way to get across to women that men and women are different than having to share public bathrooms. Well, the lunch fish and chips weren't sitting well and I had to use the bisexual bathrooms at the Cliffs of Mohr. Nasty business. When I'm done, I open the stall door and see the look of horror on the woman's face as she looks at my fat ass and realizes that she is going to take possession of my stall. She turned to what I assume was her husband in a last ditch effort to get an alternate stall and he looks at her wide eyed and shakes his head- he isn't going to fall on that 'grenade' for her.

That doesn't bother me. One walks in realizing what the potential consequences are. And when it comes to bowl movements I don't think men and women are that much different. It's the food and gut not the fat ass. Hell, most of my family avoids being in the same zip code as my sister after certain foods that she eats and she's far from fat ass

06-29-19, 19:41
... but you could use them nonstop without being subject to arrest. You can insult a person 10 ways from Sunday and not be subject to any police involvement.

That's not true. There isn't a jurisdiction around that doesn't have some type of disorderly conduct or peace disturbance ordinances.

This is a whole other thing though.

06-30-19, 09:59
I think that i will no longer use any of the normal pronouns so that i don't accidentally use one that someone does not like. From now on i will only use A$$clown and Sh!thead. They can assign what ever gender they want with those two. Better safe than sorry. :thank_you2:

07-08-19, 06:10
The issue is that when I was a kid the gays were out on the streets with their we’re here, we’re queer, deal with it slogan. And we did. As long as it’s 2 consenting adults no one gives a shit who you share you bed with.

Now, 25 years later they need attention again so they’re out here with the whole multi sex LGBTGLWXYZ there’s 20 million genders, biological men competing in women’s sports and all that.

Again, no one cares what you do. Just leave me alone.

If they’re looking for the war on women, look no further than your nearest democrat.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-08-19, 15:41
Say it in another language but they might charge you for cultural appropriation
Find a good Russian word and start using it so you can blame it on the Russians :)

I think we all need to have a cigarette and just hold it up say fag?
Then say sorry smoking is bad for ya and put it back :)