View Full Version : VP Pence Recalled to White House: Emergency? Diversion?

Doc Safari
07-02-19, 10:58
It was originally reported as an "emergency". Now news sources are saying it was a "diversion."

Something is going on. It may be nothing but it's worth watching.


Vice President Mike Pence has been called back to the White House on Tuesday because of an undisclosed "emergency," NBC 10 Boston reports.

Pence had been scheduled to land in Manchester around 11:25 am, but instead, just before he was due to land, news broke that his event had been cancelled and that he would be heading back to Washington instead of making an appearance in New Hampshire to discuss the opioid crisis.

Happening Today:
- @VP Mike Pence will travel to New Hampshire to meet with former patients and alumni at the Granite Recovery Center HQ before delivering remarks about the opioid crisis
- Senator Bernie Sanders to reveal Q2 fundraising at 10am EST #2020Election @OANN

— Stephanie Myers (@_StephanieMyers) July 2, 2019
Air Force 2 was reportedly diverted due to the emergency. No further information was immediately available.

Whatever the emergency, it can't be good.

Doc Safari
07-02-19, 11:28
Sounds like it could be a Russian sub accident:


Other sources are saying probably not since this may have happened yesterday?

Still don't know....

07-02-19, 12:01

Vladimir Putin calls urgent meeting with defence chiefs as Mike Pence’s plane turns back to DC for ’emergency’

interesting. Wonder what is going on.

07-02-19, 12:11

Another confusing report.

Trump choked on a Big Mac?
Melania got mad at him and bopped him on the head with her spiked heels?

Well they said it wasn't health related.

Queen Nancy got a juicy video of Trump with "fill in the blank" and he's going to resign?

just a scout
07-02-19, 12:32

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07-02-19, 12:33

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That's what they want you to think. It's actually an alien ship inbound.

Doc Safari
07-02-19, 13:06
Maybe Bolton broke into Pence's liquor cabinet and set off the alarm....

07-02-19, 13:13
The Hunt for Red October...

07-02-19, 13:16
Sounds like it could be a Russian sub accident:


Other sources are saying probably not since this may have happened yesterday?

Still don't know....

That submarine is supposed to be a super secret, "research" sub. There's a lot of sources that claim that it is not nuclear-powered, but most sources do (state that).

I'm not big on submarines anyway, but I would be terrified to be a Soviet/Russian submariner.

07-02-19, 13:34
That submarine is supposed to be a super secret, "research" sub. There's a lot of sources that claim that it is not nuclear-powered, but most sources do (state that).

I'm not big on submarines anyway, but I would be terrified to be a Soviet/Russian submariner.


A little info on the sub in question.

Losharik is among the most mysterious of the closely guarded fleet. Fielded in the late 1990s, specifics for the nuclear-powered boat are few. It’s estimated to carry a crew of about 25 and can dive to thousands of feet below the surface, according to the Military Russia blog.

The about 2000-ton boat can travel slung under the belly of a specially modified Delta III nuclear ballistic missile submarine, according to open source intelligence analysts. The purpose and capabilities of Losharik are shrouded in mystery.

07-02-19, 13:44
When Pence doesn't show up and there aren't any reports about where he is, that is when I'll get worried.

Doc Safari
07-02-19, 14:39
Someone texted me this story. I literally know zilch about how credible the source is:

Urgent consultations in Washington, Moscow on reported US-Russian submarines in firefight (https://www.debka.com/mivzak/urgent-consultations-in-washington-moscow-on-reported-us-russian-submarines-in-firefight/)

First reports reaching DEBKAfile’s military sources say that a US submarine intercepted a Russian nuclear sub in American waters opposite Alaska. The Russian sub escorting the nuclear submarine responded with a Balkan 2000 torpedo and scuttled the US vessel. Urgent consultations in both the White House and the Kremlin were taking place on Tuesday night. US Vice President Mike Pence called off an appearance in New Hampshire after being recalled to Washington for a conference called by President Donald Trump without explanation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin cancelled an engagement and headed for the Kremlin to confer with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and military chiefs, after learning that 14 submariners died in a fire that broke out on a nuclear-powered “experimental submarine in Russian waters.” This account carried in Russian media varies in most respects from the first reports reaching this site and may refer to a separate incident. They report between 14 and 17 members of an AS-12 nuclear powered submarine died of poisonous fumes caused by a fire aboard the vessel. The submarine was described as experimental and unarmed but often used in spy missions. It is unclear how many of the 25 crew survived. Local media suggest four or five are receiving treatment in Severomorsk’s military hospital for poisoning and concussion injuries. Another news account said the majority of the officers died in or on their way to hospital. These reports do not cite the cause of the fire.

07-02-19, 14:48
Debka is primarily a DISinformation and/or fictional panic type source.

Let me know if there are reliable sightings of the airborne command post 747 (not the AF1 executive transport). Or if anyone's still active-duty friends report we are at Defcon 2.

Doc Safari
07-02-19, 14:52
If it is fake news that is highly irresponsible for Debka to post something like that.

07-02-19, 15:09
If it is fake news that is highly irresponsible for Debka to post something like that.

Welcome to the internet.

How do you scuttle an enemy submarine, anyway?

07-02-19, 15:10
Welcome to the internet.

How do you scuttle an enemy submarine, anyway?

With a stolen Firefox.

Doc Safari
07-02-19, 15:12
Still, it's hard to believe all these people are having emergency meetings over a fire on a Russian sub. It seems to me we're either wrongly associating the two or something. A disaster on a Russian sub wouldn't even be big news.

07-02-19, 15:19
Still, it's hard to believe all these people are having emergency meetings over a fire on a Russian sub. It seems to me we're either wrongly associating the two or something. A disaster on a Russian sub wouldn't even be big news.

Unless it's carrying nukes.

07-02-19, 15:28
Unless it's carrying nukes.

Or it's not an emergency meeting over a fire on a Russian sub.

Doc Safari
07-02-19, 15:31
The facts as we know them are that the VP was ordered to stay in/or return to Washington instead of flying to a speech somewhere. That is highly irregular and I don't think would be over something trivial, like payroll checks weren't signed or something.

07-02-19, 15:35
The facts as we know them are that the VP was ordered to stay in/or return to Washington instead of flying to a speech somewhere. That is highly irregular and I don't think would be over something trivial, like payroll checks weren't signed or something.

I'm not finding anything that suggests that Pence was ordered to do anything.

What we know is that Pence cancelled a trip to New Hampshire and went to the White House.

A White House official said that this is neither related to either Trump or Pence's health nor is it related to national security.

Everything else, thus far, is speculation.

Doc Safari
07-02-19, 15:38
Here's the story from AP. I'm "ass"uming AP is credible.


Vice President Mike Pence has abruptly canceled a planned trip to New Hampshire, but the White House and his office refuse to say why.

White House spokesman Judd Deere said only that, “Something came up and the VP needed to be in D.C.,” adding: “there is no cause for alarm.”

One senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the situation, said the issue was not national security-related. Another senior administration official said it was not related to any kind of health issue impacting Pence or President Donald Trump.

Pence had been scheduled to visit Manchester, New Hampshire, Tuesday to speak to and hear from patients at the Granite Recovery Center.

Pence’s plane never took off and he returned to the White House to meet with Trump.

Why are they refusing to say why? I read another source claiming we would "find out in a few weeks". So it's something important enough to cancel a scheduled flight but not important enough to tell us the reason? Something's not right.

07-02-19, 15:59
Why are they refusing to say why? I read another source claiming we would "find out in a few weeks". So it's something important enough to cancel a scheduled flight but not important enough to tell us the reason? Something's not right.

This could be as mundane as Pence and Trump wanting to discuss how to exploit an apparent rift between Schumer and Pelosi, or some other purely political, sky-is-not-falling reason. There could be something about to surface regarding immigration, or RUSSIA!, or who knows what. Maybe Q is real and tomorrow is the day of mass arrests!

Russian subs have a terrible safety record but I would still expect Putin to respond. Whether the Putin and Pence flights have anything to do with each other is speculation. It's not crazy to think that unrelated matters could cause them to change flight plans around the same time without any connection.

07-02-19, 16:32
“VP’s office has already commented on this,” he told TPM. “Something came up and the VP needed to be in D.C. – there is no cause for alarm.”

I get alarmed when people say that there is no cause for alarm, but I can't tell you why. The only acceptable reason is a surprise birthday party, and that ain't it.

Please, please, please let it be that Trump is firing Pence. I like the guy, but he is useless now.

Please let it be RBG.. and he is needed as the tie breaker to bring back a resurrected Scalia in a 18 year olds body to the court....

Doc Safari
07-02-19, 16:34
VP is needed in DC. Odd language. When is the VP actually ever needed for anything except to cast a tie-breaking vote in the Senate?

07-02-19, 16:41
VP is needed in DC. Odd language. When is the VP actually ever needed for anything except to cast a tie-breaking vote in the Senate?

I don't watch C-SPAN, but wasn't there immigration-related legislation in the Senate as of yesterday?

07-02-19, 16:42
Or could be a North Korean or Chinese payback for what we did with the cyber attack last week.

07-02-19, 18:29
Maybe this has something to do with it?

F-22s to Qatar


07-02-19, 21:10
Maybe this has something to do with it?

F-22s to Qatar


That was a week ago or so that was announced...

07-02-19, 21:17

07-02-19, 21:28
Maybe something with Pence's family?

just a scout
07-02-19, 22:26
Weird to see this story pop up on the feed now.


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just a scout
07-02-19, 22:31

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07-02-19, 23:26
Pence was just hung over bad with the Hershey squirts and bagged out on that speech, no cause for alarm.

07-03-19, 10:28
Or it's not an emergency meeting over a fire on a Russian sub.

Yeah definitely. I have not idea why it happened, just thinking out loud.

07-22-19, 17:53
