View Full Version : Iranian RGC tried to seize British vessel

07-10-19, 19:19
Just being reported now apparently a British ship was in the area and the IRGC boats exited stage left.


07-10-19, 20:00
Really is amazing they continue to poke the bear...especially in this case with a country across the pond & their desire in wanting to keep some in europe at the dance with the current agreement we bailed on. Not gonna pretend to get in their head, but can't see where Iran wins with this action / positive outcome. Gotta wonder what the angle is pissing off the super powers & where Russia sits in all this.

Seems like it's only a matter of time before getting ugly?? Tick-tock.

07-10-19, 20:22
I think one thing is they (Iran) think the West is soft and will capitulate to try and avoid conflict. That is what they are used to -- especially during Obama (but also earlier).

07-10-19, 22:49
This kind of crap is the only form of diplomacy Iran knows.

07-11-19, 10:16
Really is amazing they continue to poke the bear...especially in this case with a country across the pond & their desire in wanting to keep some in europe at the dance with the current agreement we bailed on. Not gonna pretend to get in their head, but can't see where Iran wins with this action / positive outcome. Gotta wonder what the angle is pissing off the super powers & where Russia sits in all this.

Seems like it's only a matter of time before getting ugly?? Tick-tock.

I don't think you can accurately call Iran a "they". It seems to me that the most powerful/influential branch of their armed forces is taking its cues from outside the "elected" government (and, surprisingly, Iranian elections have generally been considered fair). This is the theocratic part of their government talking.

This kind of crap is the only form of diplomacy Iran knows.

It's certainly the only form of diplomacy the Ayatollah and IRGC know. They have at least a few competent statesman/diplomats, but they don't have the power or influence to sway the theocracy. I imagine they go into work everyday thinking, "I wonder what crazy shit is going to happen next."

07-11-19, 11:10
Our cousins on the other side of the pond have less restrictive ROEs than we do. I can see why Iran is effing with us, but the limeys, it's a different kettle of fish.

07-11-19, 11:55
Our cousins on the other side of the pond have less restrictive ROEs than we do. I can see why Iran is effing with us, but the limeys, it's a different kettle of fish.

Pretty much everyone has less restrictive ROEs than us. That's why, despite being the most power nation in the world, countries still aren't afraid to f**k with us. They know that if there's even a hint of gray area in whatever action is taken, at least one of the servicemen involved is going to be looking at a charge that'll get him a dismissal or dishonorable discharge if he's convicted. Every other country says that it's war, it's messy, it's rarely by the book, and shit happens. Also, other countries say, "You attack us, that's war, and we're coming to f**k you up,".

The U.S.? The 9/11 response is WAY back in the rear view mirror, and Pearl Harbor is older than the Pyramids. Iran could land an infantry division on U.S. soil, bomb New York and DC, and Congress's response would be committee meetings discussing what to do about this. The Democrats would insist that we need a "peaceful end" to this, and the military response should not be on the table. Trump would ignore this, order our military to push the Iranian invasion into the sea, and immediately, an Obama-appointed federal judge would overrule the president and order an injunction on the military response, claiming that it's unconstitutional.

07-11-19, 15:43
Sad but true
Pretty much everyone has less restrictive ROEs than us. That's why, despite being the most power nation in the world, countries still aren't afraid to f**k with us. They know that if there's even a hint of gray area in whatever action is taken, at least one of the servicemen involved is going to be looking at a charge that'll get him a dismissal or dishonorable discharge if he's convicted. Every other country says that it's war, it's messy, it's rarely by the book, and shit happens. Also, other countries say, "You attack us, that's war, and we're coming to f**k you up,".

The U.S.? The 9/11 response is WAY back in the rear view mirror, and Pearl Harbor is older than the Pyramids. Iran could land an infantry division on U.S. soil, bomb New York and DC, and Congress's response would be committee meetings discussing what to do about this. The Democrats would insist that we need a "peaceful end" to this, and the military response should not be on the table. Trump would ignore this, order our military to push the Iranian invasion into the sea, and immediately, an Obama-appointed federal judge would overrule the president and order an injunction on the military response, claiming that it's unconstitutional.

07-11-19, 17:15
History seems to be repeating itself again and again in that area of the World....it never ends. Regarding ROE, it wasn't always so tight. Do some reading on Operation Prime Chance. Any Iranian boat dumping a mine over the side would have the hell strafed out of it with the mini-gun followed by a measured application of flechette sporting Hydra 70's.

07-11-19, 18:01
We didn't play during Praying Mantis either.

07-11-19, 18:13
We need to draw from the Russian model of little green men and start using deniable forces. The IRG likes playing all the sides of the table. When their fast boats start failing to RTB, we can just blame Megladon, or little blue men.

07-11-19, 19:06
We need to draw from the Russian model of little green men and start using deniable forces. The IRG likes playing all the sides of the table. When their fast boats start failing to RTB, we can just blame Megladon, or little blue men.

I am reminded of the story of the Russian man, he was a businessman or a diplomat, who was abducted in the Middle East. His abductors call for all sorts of concessions and ransome. What did Russia do? They sent in some people, found the kidnappers, killed them, and mutilated them. And brought back the man who was kidnapped.

07-11-19, 20:00
I am reminded of the story of the Russian man, he was a businessman or a diplomat, who was abducted in the Middle East. His abductors call for all sorts of concessions and ransome. What did Russia do? They sent in some people, found the kidnappers, killed them, and mutilated them. And brought back the man who was kidnapped.

Nothing say's FO like sending a Diplomat a bag full of balls.

07-12-19, 05:21
I am reminded of the story of the Russian man, he was a businessman or a diplomat, who was abducted in the Middle East. His abductors call for all sorts of concessions and ransome. What did Russia do? They sent in some people, found the kidnappers, killed them, and mutilated them. And brought back the man who was kidnapped.

Actually it was Beirut in the 80's when they thought they could kidnap anyone, then tried it with a Soviet. The Russkies found out who it was, found family members, and dismembered them on video. They then sent the tape to the kidnappers and viola! the guy was set free. Funny how that works.

07-12-19, 19:00
Actually it was Beirut in the 80's when they thought they could kidnap anyone, then tried it with a Soviet. The Russkies found out who it was, found family members, and dismembered them on video. They then sent the tape to the kidnappers and viola! the guy was set free. Funny how that works.

Yes, thank you, that was it.

07-12-19, 22:28
Actually it was Beirut in the 80's when they thought they could kidnap anyone, then tried it with a Soviet. The Russkies found out who it was, found family members, and dismembered them on video. They then sent the tape to the kidnappers and viola! the guy was set free. Funny how that works.

I remember that well.

07-19-19, 19:58
Looks like they did get one. Not sure what to think about this. Seems like the Brits (and at least our eyes) should have been watching after that Med operation by the Brits.

07-19-19, 20:34
To this day I do not understand how or why ship crews are not armed

Like wtf

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-19-19, 20:49
To this day I do not understand how or why ship crews are not armed

Like wtf

"International Law of the Sea" or some such shit.

Actually, it probably has more to do with the fact that the majority of countries on this planet are anti-gun and therefore if you are in their domain (and aren't their own JBT's) then having a gun is a no-go.

07-19-19, 20:58
Looks like they did get one. .

They got two, but let one go.

07-20-19, 17:12
So what's the chances of the SBS getting that British flagged tanker back?


07-20-19, 17:26
Ship is easy to find. Finding the crew is not.

07-20-19, 17:45
Ship is easy to find. Finding the crew is not.
Good point!


07-20-19, 17:48
When do the SAS face shooters arrive to retrieve the ship?

07-20-19, 18:10
When do the SAS face shooters arrive to retrieve the ship?
It'd probably be more of a SBS mission. However, I'm sure either unit is more then capable.


07-20-19, 18:12
Well apparently the British like to let pirated ships sail to Somalia so I’m not sure what they’d be willing to do against Iran.


07-20-19, 19:53
It'd probably be more of a SBS mission. However, I'm sure either unit is more then capable.


Yep. Considering that both units go through the same selection and training program, the only real difference is that SAS wears a tan beret and SBS wears a green beret. Though the SAS does have a combat diver/amphibious squadron, I'd imagine that SBS generally gets first dibs on most maritime missions.

07-20-19, 20:25
Maybe they'll send the new female 007.

07-21-19, 17:37
Britannia doesn't rule the waves any longer, with less than 25 ships in their Navy, and about half fit for duty without a full compliment of sailors. I listened to the audio of the exchange between the Iranians and HMS Montrose - it was like the British ship was advising the Persian Pirates to not do anything illegal, while their flagged tanker was being escorted away. With weak allies like that, who needs them.

07-21-19, 17:41
Britannia doesn't rule the waves any longer, with less than 25 ships in their Navy, and about half fit for duty without a full compliment of sailors. I listened to the audio of the exchange between the Iranians and HMS Montrose - it was like the British ship was advising the Persian Pirates to not do anything illegal, while their flagged tanker was being escorted away. With weak allies like that, who needs them.

That’s what they did with the vessel in the video I linked above. Just watched a pirated ship get taken to Somalia. No attempt to intervene or block the ship from being taken to the coast. I really don’t know what the purpose of them being in the AO is if they just observe hijacked/pirated ships being taken.

07-21-19, 17:55
Britannia doesn't rule the waves any longer, with less than 25 ships in their Navy, and about half fit for duty without a full compliment of sailors. I listened to the audio of the exchange between the Iranians and HMS Montrose - it was like the British ship was advising the Persian Pirates to not do anything illegal, while their flagged tanker was being escorted away. With weak allies like that, who needs them.

Perhaps they're now happy to do what many of our "allies" do, let us foot the bill and do the heavy lifting.

07-21-19, 18:00
Is anyone ever surprised by this behavior?
The government in Iran took our embassy and hostages and held them for like a year. At that point the European's should have been backing us, they, especially the French gave a blind eye to the rogue nation.
So it's all fun and games getting cheap oil from the devil until they start acting like the devil they are. If we truly had allies in Europe they would have maintained an embargo against Iran from day 1 and we would be dealing with this crap now.

I have no clue at this point why we aren't just sinking these small boats the minute they appear on the horizon.

07-21-19, 18:09
That’s what they did with the vessel in the video I linked above. Just watched a pirated ship get taken to Somalia. No attempt to intervene or block the ship from being taken to the coast. I really don’t know what the purpose of them being in the AO is if they just observe hijacked/pirated ships being taken.

They had to know that the Iranians were going to try something. The Brits should have put high-order violence people on their ships, gotten the ships into convoys they could actually cover , or at least slicked up the sides with pig grease... They poked the goat molesters and the the got screwed like a goat- where is the surprise in this?

Britain is like inviting someone to a BYOB party and they show up with a airline bottle of Cutty Sark.

Seems like some Apache's with Hellfires would be a nice tool. Kind of sad that the Navy seems to need to strap Marine assets to their decks to combat drones or put anti-armour cannon on target.

Can we lend/lease the Brits those POS Independence class ships to get sunk so that we can buy real frigates? Littoral, more like Clitoral since they can only screw around and never get into the good stuff..

07-21-19, 18:12
Does anyone even remember Operation Prime Chance, during the Iran-Iraq war? That was my first trip to that part of the world and the ROE's were quite simple but robust regarding Iranian interference with shipping.

07-21-19, 18:42
They had to know that the Iranians were going to try something. The Brits should have put high-order violence people on their ships, gotten the ships into convoys they could actually cover , or at least slicked up the sides with pig grease... They poked the goat molesters and the the got screwed like a goat- where is the surprise in this?

Britain is like inviting someone to a BYOB party and they show up with a airline bottle of Cutty Sark.

Seems like some Apache's with Hellfires would be a nice tool. Kind of sad that the Navy seems to need to strap Marine assets to their decks to combat drones or put anti-armour cannon on target.

Can we lend/lease the Brits those POS Independence class ships to get sunk so that we can buy real frigates? Littoral, more like Clitoral since they can only screw around and never get into the good stuff..

lol the French. When they deployed to Africa we had to put them on our heavy lift AC because apparently it’s just not a capability they have.

Europeans have some good units but there’s no depth there and they are completely incapable of sustaining combat operations. I recently watched some of their videos with British units in Afghanistan and they had one medical helo for their entire contingent. So if the one helo was broke or being used their entire force suspended ops meaning no patrols and multiple units just did nothing.

The world would be a very different place right now if we sat out like the Euro’s have post WW2. Just on the naval side we keep shipping lanes open in much of the world. The Euro’s want to commerce with Iran...let them deal with hijacked ships. Our energy independence allows us to NGAF about Euro ships. They bashed Trump for pulling out of the Iran deal now they can deal with them.

07-21-19, 18:48
lol the French. When they deployed to Africa we had to put them on our heavy lift AC because apparently it’s just not a capability they have.

Europeans have some good units but there’s no depth there and they are completely incapable of sustaining combat operations. I recently watched some of their videos with British units in Afghanistan and they had one medical helo for their entire contingent. So if the one helo was broke or being used their entire force suspended ops meaning no patrols and multiple units just did nothing.

The world would be a very different place right now if we sat out like the Euro’s have post WW2. Just on the naval side we keep shipping lanes open in much of the world. The Euro’s want to commerce with Iran...let them deal with hijacked ships. Our energy independence allows us to NGAF about Euro ships. They bashed Trump for pulling out of the Iran deal now they can deal with them.

All good points.

07-21-19, 20:04
Regarding the Iranians... give me a few million bucks and an old scrapyard-bait tramp freighter and I'll show you how to solve this... *coughcoughQ-shipcoughcough*

The "Oregon" in Clive Cussler's novels is pure fiction, but a lot of its core concepts are fundamentally valid.

07-21-19, 23:47
Basic rule of the jungle, if you can't protect yo shit...they will take yo shit.

What was true in Junior High is true in lots of places in the world. And anyone who doesn't know Iran is a rogue state, hasn't been paying attention to the last several decades. The current government is the same one who took hostages during the revolution. If you can't respect basic concepts like Embassies, you failed diplomacy 101. Iran has no interest in real diplomacy of any kind.

07-21-19, 23:51
Diplomacy With Bullies, I favor the SKIB method myself. A good ol' Swift Kick In the Balls is a remarkably effective attitude adjuster, especially when delivered via steeltoe... :)

07-21-19, 23:52
Regarding the Iranians... give me a few million bucks and an old scrapyard-bait tramp freighter and I'll show you how to solve this... *coughcoughQ-shipcoughcough*

The "Oregon" in Clive Cussler's novels is pure fiction, but a lot of its core concepts are fundamentally valid.Ironically the limp wristed navies of europe would unite to sink your Racist "Bismarck" under a barrage of cruise missles and 3 weeks of CNN coverage... or at least try to hold hands across the gulf to keep you out.... anything to prevent a single less than fortunate Iranian or "Pirate" receive anything more than stern warnings from some dude a few hundreds yards away.

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

07-21-19, 23:57
Ironically the limp wristed navies of europe would unite to sink your Racist "Bismarck" under a barrage of cruise missles and 3 weeks of CNN coverage... or at least try to hold hands across the gulf to keep you out.... anything to prevent a single less than fortunate Iranian or "Pirate" receive anything more than stern warnings from some dude a few hundreds yards away.

You think limp-dicked ladyboy sissy-in-panties Eurocucks would have the balls to fire on a ship flying Old Glory and risk retaliation by "Donald The Warmonger"?

07-22-19, 05:57
I’m not vouching for the source here, but I am asking if everyone is sure that this isn’t manufactured to give the hawks a reason to blow up Iran?


07-22-19, 12:53
I’m not vouching for the source here, but I am asking if everyone is sure that this isn’t manufactured to give the hawks a reason to blow up Iran?


HUh? Maybe manufactured by the Iranians as last ditch effort to throw a hissy fit? Manufactured as in false-flag??? After they did it, said they did it, had a reason to do it and then just to be clear did it again before letting the other ship go.

07-22-19, 15:19
It's the same game over and over.
They're just patient enough to wait out our limited attention span.
With all the dirty feeds they get away with, always remember the end goal is to nuke Israel and they just keep slowly creeping forward.

07-22-19, 15:49
false-flag??? After they did it, said they did it, had a reason to do it and then just to be clear did it again before letting the other ship go.

Don't forget video taped it and then released it on state run TV...

Best false flag ever!