View Full Version : ICE Protesters Take Down American Flag and Replace It With a Mexican Flag

Dr. Bullseye
07-13-19, 12:49
This happened.


Are we in a civil war yet?

07-13-19, 14:39
This happened. https://www.rt.com/usa/464087-ice-us-mexican-flag/ Are we in a civil war yet?
Have shots been fired?

07-13-19, 14:50
Have shots been fired?

Well there should have been....

07-13-19, 15:05
WOW simply WOW! If anyone of us would have tried something like that in another country I can only assume we would be dead. Would someone again please remind me what and why members of my family sacrificed so much to preserve our freedoms? When and who changed the rules and ethics of this country?

Every day I feel like I am poked in the chest more and more.

Why was this simply allowed to happen? Why is it vogue now for law enforcement to let people destroy property and stand around and watch?

07-13-19, 15:07
This happened.


Are we in a civil war yet?

No. It is an invasion. When you replace the flag with another county's flag, it's an invasion....

just a scout
07-13-19, 15:22
And shots fired, one dead.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

07-13-19, 15:34
And shots fired, one dead.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Nancy Pelosi getting what she wanted.

Why is it racist to emphasize that most illegal immigrants are Mexicans, when all you see at illegal immigrant rallies are Mexican flags?

07-13-19, 15:54
And shots fired, one dead.
Shots were by the good guys!

07-13-19, 16:06
Shots were by the good guys!

Dying by the bad guys.

The Dumb Gun Collector
07-13-19, 16:24
I am not a fan of Moscow based news services. I feel like they may possibly be trying to stir up things.

07-13-19, 16:31
I am not a fan of Moscow based news services. I feel like they may possibly be trying to stir up things.

I don't particularly care for them either. However, they may hold more truth than the domestic. The domestic news sources are certainly trying to stir up things.

07-13-19, 16:32
There is no one to blame but the crazy ComDems and the MSM for perpetrating lies.

07-13-19, 16:33
This is why I keep the Stars and Bars a-flyin'!!

07-13-19, 16:44
I am not a fan of Moscow based news services. I feel like they may possibly be trying to stir up things.


Really, what do you need besides the pic of the Mexican flag and a defaced American flag/?

07-13-19, 17:18
This gives me an urge to set up a burner Youtube/similar account, get a Mexican flag and Montezuma's Revenge all over it in a very bigly way. While I'm at it, an Iranian one too.

07-13-19, 17:20
It is estimated there are in excess of 40 million of them here now.
Those are numbers Stalin and Mao could only dream of.
We won't walk that walk, or we already would have.

07-13-19, 17:36
WOW simply WOW! If anyone of us would have tried something like that in another country I can only assume we would be dead. Would someone again please remind me what and why members of my family sacrificed so much to preserve our freedoms? When and who changed the rules and ethics of this country?

Every day I feel like I am poked in the chest more and more.

Why was this simply allowed to happen? Why is it vogue now for law enforcement to let people destroy property and stand around and watch?

It was allowed to happen because the ICE officers weren't willing to stop it...and I think it has something to do with avoiding violence. They probably would have had to break some heads of the America haters. I figure they just waited them out until they all got spent foaming at the mouth and were tuckered out.

07-13-19, 17:42
It was allowed to happen because the ICE officers weren't willing to stop it...and I think it has something to do with avoiding violence. They probably would have had to break some heads of the America haters. I figure they just waited them out until they all got spent foaming at the mouth and were tuckered out.

Sadly, busting some skulls and making some examples is the only thing that will get the message across to these people... though I have to salute the officers for their restraint.

07-13-19, 18:31
But when it comes to domestic terrorism, all you ever hear about is Charlottesville...

07-13-19, 20:15
So they are Mexican nationalists... surprise.

Dr. Bullseye
07-13-19, 20:27
I am not a fan of Moscow based news services. I feel like they may possibly be trying to stir up things.

Oh, so you posted this from your ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, LAT, WP sources, right? RT is 1000000000000000 X better than all of these.

Dr. Bullseye
07-13-19, 20:27
This is why I keep the Stars and Bars a-flyin'!!

Good work!

07-13-19, 21:41
Looks like things worked out a bit better in Pheonix...


07-13-19, 22:42
It was allowed to happen because the ICE officers weren't willing to stop it...and I think it has something to do with avoiding violence. They probably would have had to break some heads of the America haters. I figure they just waited them out until they all got spent foaming at the mouth and were tuckered out.

Does anyone think that if, God forbid, we had a "turn 'em all in or else" AWB that magically the authoritahs would be reacting just the opposite, like trying to Biblically smite anyone who dared defy THAT law? Something tells me they certainly would.....:rolleyes:

07-14-19, 01:39

Outlander Systems
07-14-19, 08:10
This has to be sarcasm.

I am not a fan of Moscow based news services. I feel like they may possibly be trying to stir up things.

07-14-19, 08:16
Looks like things worked out a bit better in Pheonix...


I guess the protesters thought they were in Portland...

07-14-19, 10:01
Where are the raids?


07-14-19, 10:30
Where are the raids?


While I want to see raids too, just by announcing them he got the left to over react and give him enough material for a whole campaign about how crazy the left is for illegal aliens. Taking down the US flag and desecrating it, putting up a Mexican flag, showing up with guns and bombs- and have the MSM all but ignore that.

Plus, I thin ICE should be really strategic about these raids- it is about optics and image. You only need 20 or so arrests- a lot of non-hispanic and only violent criminals. Make it really hard for the MSM to make a case against it, with out looking like complete asses. Run the ops about 12-1 tonight when the lawyers have all been up for 48 hours. Send out some vehicles around 8pm tonight to make sure that they don't get sleep.

As soon as you snatch someone, get the press releases out about what kind of violent crimes they are wanted for.

07-14-19, 10:44
While I want to see raids too, just by announcing them he got the left to over react and give him enough material for a whole campaign about how crazy the left is for illegal aliens. Taking down the US flag and desecrating it, putting up a Mexican flag, showing up with guns and bombs- and have the MSM all but ignore that.

Plus, I thin ICE should be really strategic about these raids- it is about optics and image. You only need 20 or so arrests- a lot of non-hispanic and only violent criminals. Make it really hard for the MSM to make a case against it, with out looking like complete asses. Run the ops about 12-1 tonight when the lawyers have all been up for 48 hours. Send out some vehicles around 8pm tonight to make sure that they don't get sleep.

As soon as you snatch someone, get the press releases out about what kind of violent crimes they are wanted for.

You are a smart man. Glad you are on our side.

07-14-19, 10:46
San Francisco Mayor London Breed said Friday that the city’s police would not cooperate with any ICE operations and that the city was gearing up to protect its immigrants. “If you want to come after them, you’re going to have to come through us,” she said.

They have specifically said that they are giving after convicted criminals first, are these people that crazy?

07-14-19, 11:17
Like the rot in public education, the time to deal with this was 40 yers ago. The spineless politicians and administrators who stood to gain by doing NOTHING are long dead—maybe laughing their a$$es off at us.

What these Leftists are looking for now is any excuse to ratchet things up—way up.

Paging Horst Wessel...

07-14-19, 11:31
They have specifically said that they are giving after convicted criminals first, are these people that crazy?
In short, yes.

07-14-19, 12:05
This is what they think of the American Flag.


07-14-19, 12:11
They have specifically said that they are giving after convicted criminals first, are these people that crazy?

"Violent felons and MS13 gang members" is what they said on the news while showing images of people holding signs that said "Abolish ICE" and "Open Borders". These people holding the signs are exactly what is wrong with our country. The level of willful ignorance and stupidity is astounding and difficult to understand, but there it is on public display. Its these people that vote for the Hillary's and Bernies. Its these people that have taken over my state, NY, NJ, and are working on Colorado, Texas, Florida, Virginia. etc...

Eventually either we will force our will upon them, or they will force their will upon us. Just a question of time.

07-14-19, 12:16
I am not a fan of Moscow based news services. I feel like they may possibly be trying to stir up things.

I have personally been part of news stories covered by RT. They are a hell of a lot more objective and trustworthy than U.S. Corporate media. Sad but true that the descendants of the Soviet Union are more truthful than CBS.

Doc Safari
07-14-19, 12:37
I sit at home loading magazines...watching...watching...

07-14-19, 13:09
Every Dem rep, federal and state need to state what flag they stand with. If they are silent or ambiguous it will speak volumes who they stand with and need to be dealt with as such. This nonsense from the left and their invader supporters need to be stopped now.

07-14-19, 13:45
You mean Aurora PD and Portland Police Bureau?

07-14-19, 14:26
But remember democrats who are running for president have been campaigning in Mexico !

The future is to merge and get rid of all conservatives go back to serfdom rule elite dems vs the majority of poor non white folks that are to stupid to do things for themselves and need help and handouts from the elite few

07-14-19, 14:32
It's happened before. Montebello high school students took down the US flag and flew it upside down under a Mexican flag.
