View Full Version : Star Trek: Picard

07-20-19, 19:39
Patrick Stewart suits up as the man once more in the upcoming Picard series:


I am hyped.

murphy j
07-20-19, 19:53
I really hope they do this well. I got a tingle of excitement when I saw the teaser, now this has come out and got me even more excited. I always liked Patrick Stewart in this role, so I have high hopes and expect I will enjoy it.

07-21-19, 08:48
Much better than the first teaser they released. I’m pumped! Not as much as for Top Gun II - but pumped nonetheless:)

geezer john

07-21-19, 11:25
They've learned from TOS: Starfleet pays DAMN good money to "retirees!" ;)

07-21-19, 12:50
Looks decent. Patrick Stewart did a great job playing Picard. I wish there had been more ST NG movies.

07-21-19, 12:52
He will always first be Leondegrance


07-21-19, 13:10
I still didn’t unsertand the network streaming model.

I would watch this and the other new Star Trek series if it was on a network, prime, or Netflix.

I am NOT adding a bunch of additional streaming services.

People got sick of the million cable channels and packages,
Said screw it and went to streaming.

People do not want a million streaming services, will say screw it, and just watch pirated sources.

07-21-19, 13:47
The fractured subscription model aside. This one looks quite interesting.

07-21-19, 14:07
I actually assumed it was a different actor and the early adventures as a reboot- show him getting his artificial heart...

07-21-19, 14:28
He will always first be Leondegrance



07-21-19, 14:35
I'm a big Patrick Stewart fan, hope Picard lives up, it looks awesome. And I'll watch anything with Jeri Ryan in it.

murphy j
07-21-19, 17:52
And I'll watch anything with Jeri Ryan in it.

Quite pleasing with the aesthetics

07-21-19, 17:59
I'm a big Patrick Stewart fan, hope Picard lives up, it looks awesome. And I'll watch anything with Jeri Ryan in it.

Jerri Ryan's first husband took her to swingers clubs... talk about winning the lottery if you went that night ;)

Data is back too...

Do they get to park the Enterprise in handicap parking spots?

Is that a Romulan coming after Picard?

07-21-19, 19:07
He will always first be Leondegrance

Pffft... Gurney Halleck!


07-21-19, 19:53
Jerri Ryan's first husband took her to swingers clubs... talk about winning the lottery if you went that night ;)

He was a moron... why chase hamburgers if you got filet mignon like that?

07-21-19, 20:12
They've learned from TOS: Starfleet pays DAMN good money to "retirees!" ;)

Jean-Luc Picard's father was a vintner - and the Picard family (less some mercenaries fighting for the Spanish in the New World in the 16th or 17th Century) has a long history as vintners. Jean-Luc, in essence, has taken his retirement from Starfleet to return to his family's vineyards.

07-21-19, 22:36
Pffft... Gurney Halleck!


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07-22-19, 07:36
I still didn’t unsertand the network streaming model.

I would watch this and the other new Star Trek series if it was on a network, prime, or Netflix.

I am NOT adding a bunch of additional streaming services.

People got sick of the million cable channels and packages,
Said screw it and went to streaming.

People do not want a million streaming services, will say screw it, and just watch pirated sources.

This this this this. I refuse to add any more streaming services.

Doc Safari
07-22-19, 16:44
For some reason I keep seeing this image of "After-M*A*S*H" in my head.

07-22-19, 17:49
This looks vaguely/possibly like a Firefly-esque continuation that fans have wished for...


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07-22-19, 22:39
He will always first be Leondegrance


Yea, always thought that was a good movie!

The only downside to it is who to root for? Merlin, I suppose. And Percival.

I'm not paying CBS.

Also, Although he's an excellent actor he's very politically active and hates Trump with passion.

07-23-19, 00:13
He was a moron... why chase hamburgers if you got filet mignon like that?

For every hot chick there's a guy who's sick of her shit. I also have to think it wasn't a burger joint they were shopping at.

7 of 9 is a welcome addition though.

07-23-19, 08:17
CBS had another Star Trek series a few years ago that was only available on their streaming service. I was able to watch one episode for free, but I wasn't going to sign up for it just for that. The episode I watched was promising. No idea if it's still on.

07-23-19, 09:08
Looks promising. Hope they don't progressive agenda it up like the new Star Trek or I will be out early.

07-23-19, 09:12
Also, Although he's an excellent actor he's very politically active and hates Trump with passion.

Most of the political activism I've seen from him has been on behalf of dogs - and especially pit bulls (you may notice that Picard has a pibble in the trailers).

And most Europeans (and most intelligent, freedom-loving Americans) that I know hate Trump with a passion, so I see nothing exceptional there.

CBS had another Star Trek series a few years ago that was only available on their streaming service. I was able to watch one episode for free, but I wasn't going to sign up for it just for that. The episode I watched was promising. No idea if it's still on.

It is.

Apparently the new season will have (has? I have no idea if it's airing currently or will air soon) Pike and Spock.

07-23-19, 11:07
And most Europeans (and most intelligent, freedom-loving Americans) that I know hate Trump with a passion, so I see nothing exceptional there.

I was waiting to see who would "douche" up the thread first. We have a winner.

07-23-19, 12:56
CBS had another Star Trek series a few years ago that was only available on their streaming service. I was able to watch one episode for free, but I wasn't going to sign up for it just for that. The episode I watched was promising. No idea if it's still on.

Same. I wanted to watch it and would love to watch Picard but I don't plan on signing up for another streaming service for just one show.

07-23-19, 12:59
And most Europeans (and most intelligent, freedom-loving Americans) that I know hate Trump with a passion, so I see nothing exceptional there.

I don't care what Europeans think of our presidents, Trump included. And while off topic, I fancy myself somewhat intelligent and fairly freedom loving and I don't hate Trump with or without a passion. I may not like a lot of things about him but I do not hate him.

07-23-19, 15:05
Patrick Stewart is one of those guys that looked 50 years old from 25 to 70,
Then woke up and starting looking 80.

If he lives to 110, I assume he will die looking 80.

07-23-19, 15:22
I was waiting to see who would "douche" up the thread first. We have a winner.

I wasn’t the first to bring politics, Trump, or the progressive agenda into this, so...

Physician, heal thyself.

07-23-19, 15:48
Most of the political activism I've seen from him has been on behalf of dogs - and especially pit bulls (you may notice that Picard has a pibble in the trailers).

And most Europeans (and most intelligent, freedom-loving Americans) that I know hate Trump with a passion, so I see nothing exceptional there.

It is.

Apparently the new season will have (has? I have no idea if it's airing currently or will air soon) Pike and Spock.

We travel in different circles.

I work with a few dozen very intelligent people aged 25-55. They have advanced and doctorate degrees.
One group, if I convert it into an hourly pay type thing, makes about 75$ an hour. The other three times that and more.
Some are veterans, even mil retired, most are not. All hardworking productive Americans that are not evil Mr. Burns rich, not making their money off of other people’s efforts, etc. Just putting their brains and education to work and paid for their own efforts types.

Most carry and are 2A fans, and are sick of both republicans and democrats. With one exception, a guy that loathes trump, owns really nice guns but believes in all kinds of licensing and training for others (I.e. I’m intelligent, highly educated, and affluent- what I get to do does not mean everyone should) most view President Trump as a nice F.U. to politics in general if not their ideal candidate.

The dyed in the wool republicans are disgusted at all the stuff his party hampered him on the first two years. The old school democrats have seen the effects of amnesty, NAFTA, the educational system, etc. and don’t fall for the environmental and social crap he gets lambasted over (I.e.- the same leftists that can’t see nuclear power as a good thing, that not reprocessing spent fuel is a good thing, but that think coal powered lithium batteries and billions pocketed by cronies for false solar hopes is a good thing while pretending men are women and not understanding the burden of unskilled illegals and ideologically opposed refugees and giving everyone an undergrad degree for nothing have ruined their party). The super freedom loving 2A types are irked at some of his antics, but he is not Hillary.

The real Trump haters I run into that are intelligent usually have some social, justice, environmental, etc. cause they are all wrapped in subjectively. Or they are dumbasses that suck at life. Or even if they don’t suck at life, they are not objectively as smart and successful as they think they are.

The president is not my ideal, fantasy candidate. But I do appreciate the fact he is not Hillary. I have ran into dumbasses that like him, regular people that like him, and geniuses that like him. And the same for those that don’t.

Trying to figure out politics is like trying to figure out Marine SOF.
I was an instructor with and had a roommate who was 1980s Force Recon and Ranger qualified. And another just like that I deployed with. They did everything on active duty, did regular Navy SCUBA school and OJT’d Draeger. I deployed with a guy who was reserve force recon and did all his ARS, scout swimmer, scuba, etc. spread out in pieces enlisted then came on active as an officer. Then there was MARSOC, raider, etc. SOIDC that did the 18D year the new combat diver and jump school and BRC but not other stuff. Another that did all the same training and courses as an operator, but the regular navy IDC course. And Marines as Army operators both before and after MARSOC. But now their is a USMC operator badge. And Force Recon again that is not owned by their SOF.

Just like in politics, the people all for women’s rights are also all for supporting refugees that do horrible things to women, the people all for saying everyone is equal are also for everything you can do for someone that is not equal, and the most ardent abortion supporters are the most ardent death penalty opposers. I can’t make sense of it.

07-23-19, 16:48
Patrick Stewart is one of those guys that looked 50 years old from 25 to 70,
Then woke up and starting looking 80.

If he lives to 110, I assume he will die looking 80.

This pretty much nailed it.

07-24-19, 08:27
I wasn’t the first to bring politics, Trump, or the progressive agenda into this, so...

Physician, heal thyself.

You were the one that brought something totally unrelated to the topic on a post that you started no less. The new Star Trek DOES push the progressive agenda, that is why I lost interest. It was still on topic. There was no need to change the original storyline and make Bones and Scotty gay partners other than to push the progressive LGBTQ agenda. This is fact, not some random thought based on personal hate like yours. I didn't insinuate anything to do with intelligence or lack thereof for the people who liked it did I? That was all you Capt. Douchebag.

01-27-20, 08:47
Watched the first episode last night. "Picard", as far as I know, is the first Trek series with a big budget and it shows. Caveat, I usually ignore SJW aspects of movies and shows if I like them overall. Not sure what the "synths" are a stand-in for, but if there's a SJW bent, it's there and with the Romulan refugees. That said, I loved the first episode; I'm completely hooked on it. There's a little bit of action (with previews of future episodes indicating some actual space battles) and we finally get to see more of what Federation daily life on Earth is like, which has always been an unexplored aspect of the show.

The only downside is you have to subscribe to "CBS All Access" and the episodes are released weekly, but like with "Mandalorian", I'm willing to pay that for even one show for a couple of months if I really like it.

01-27-20, 09:02
Watched the first episode last night. "Picard", as far as I know, is the first Trek series with a big budget and it shows. Caveat, I usually ignore SJW aspects of movies and shows if I like them overall. Not sure what the "synths" are a stand-in for, but if there's a SJW bent, it's there and with the Romulan refugees. That said, I loved the first episode; I'm completely hooked on it. There's a little bit of action (with previews of future episodes indicating some actual space battles) and we finally get to see more of what Federation daily life on Earth is like, which has always been an unexplored aspect of the show.

The only downside is you have to subscribe to "CBS All Access" and the episodes are released weekly, but like with "Mandalorian", I'm willing to pay that for even one show for a couple of months if I really like it.

For all you streaming newbies. You can watch it all with one streaming service. In fact, really, you can watch it without one. Streaming services are only useful for live video streams like sporting and PPV events. Picard can be watched at your leisure.

I subscribe to 2 streaming services (in case one goes down temporarily) = $17.50/mo for both
I subscribe to a VPN service which encrypts everything I stream along with phones on public wifi = @$3/mo with 3 yr subscription.
I subscribe to Real Debrid which is a premium search service that finds non buffering video links = @$4/mo

You can do all this with a basic 100Mbps internet connection (you actually really only need about 25)

It's easier than you think. I can point you in the right direction with subscribing to troypoint.com. That guy has videos that teaches everything for free. If you get stuck, PM me and I'll help you out. No problem.

02-03-20, 21:16
The first episode is on Netflix.


02-08-20, 21:36
My wife and I got around to watching the first three episodes tonight. Not bad. Infinitely better than Discovery. I'm enjoying the mystery of the show, and slowly putting the pieces together. While I'm not a fan of how darker/corrupt they're depicting Starfleet, I'm glad they're going with that angle rather than giving Picard that treatment. Thus far, my biggest complaint is the lack of actual Starfleet ships/personnel. Everyone we've seen has been an Admiral or a young pup. Be nice to see line personnel, or maybe even old characters brought in as Captains and the like, so we could get a better feel for the universe. For the same reason, I really wish we could get appearances from DS9 and VOY characters, to grow beyond the strictly TNG and new characters we've been given. I know Seven shows up eventually, but I'm hoping we'll get more than that.

02-08-20, 21:52
I suppose Nog could be a captain, now. I'm not sure there would be very many other characters left from VOY, TNG, or DS9 who would still be in Starfleet. Maybe Tuvok (because Vulcan). But even Spock aged out and retired from Starfleet, eventually.

02-09-20, 09:07
I suppose Nog could be a captain, now. I'm not sure there would be very many other characters left from VOY, TNG, or DS9 who would still be in Starfleet. Maybe Tuvok (because Vulcan). But even Spock aged out and retired from Starfleet, eventually.

It's been 20ish years. Junior officers from DS9 and VOY could definitely still be in Starfleet. Kim, Paris, Ezri, and Tuvok all make sense, as does Worf. I could also see the admiralty being made up of the higher-ranking officers. I feel if the CNC was Janeway or Kira, the scene with Picard being denied reactivation would have been far more powerful than another case of Starfleet having an idiot/evil admiral. I mean, I know SFC puts something in the water, but jeez.

One thing I forgot to mention was that I loved the casual reference to the Romulan Picard and co interrogated being a "northerner." This would seem to be a reference to his forehead v-crest and in turn a reference to Roddenberry's original explanation for the Motion Picture's take on Klingons. It was a nice in-joke that also served to explain the difference in the various makeup styles they've used for Romulans over the years.

M Sadler
02-09-20, 09:25
The first run with Picard was gay* as the day is long... This run will be more of the same. The series needs to find a new Kirk.

Kirk v. Picard

To paraphrase what has been said before on this subject:

Three words. Flying...leg...kick

Kirk: Sorian brandy.........Picard: Tea, earl rey...hot

Kirk: 'Merican.........Picard: Frenchy

Three more words: James Tiberius Kirk

Phaser settings: Kirk: kill..........Picard: stun (and that's only because here was no "tickle" setting)

Kirk: Almost single handedly repopulated distant corners of the galaxy by banging alien women.........Picard: Do we have to go there? Do we?

In sum, Picard isn't worthy to towel the sweat off of Kirk's balls.

So yeah, Kirk.

*gay adjective \ ˈgā \
Definition of gay (Entry 1 of 3)
1a : happily excited : MERRY
in a gay mood
b : keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits
a bird's gay spring song
gay sunny meadows
b : brilliant in color

02-09-20, 12:43
The first run with Picard was gay* as the day is long... This run will be more of the same. The series needs to find a new Kirk.

Kirk v. Picard

To paraphrase what has been said before on this subject:

Three words. Flying...leg...kick

Kirk: Sorian brandy.........Picard: Tea, earl rey...hot

Kirk: 'Merican.........Picard: Frenchy

Three more words: James Tiberius Kirk

Phaser settings: Kirk: kill..........Picard: stun (and that's only because here was no "tickle" setting)

Kirk: Almost single handedly repopulated distant corners of the galaxy by banging alien women.........Picard: Do we have to go there? Do we?

In sum, Picard isn't worthy to towel the sweat off of Kirk's balls.

So yeah, Kirk.

*gay adjective \ ˈgā \
Definition of gay (Entry 1 of 3)
1a : happily excited : MERRY
in a gay mood
b : keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits
a bird's gay spring song
gay sunny meadows
b : brilliant in color



02-09-20, 15:01
The first run with Picard was gay* as the day is long... This run will be more of the same. The series needs to find a new Kirk.

Kirk v. Picard

To paraphrase what has been said before on this subject:

Three words. Flying...leg...kick

Kirk: Sorian brandy.........Picard: Tea, earl rey...hot

Kirk: 'Merican.........Picard: Frenchy

Three more words: James Tiberius Kirk

Phaser settings: Kirk: kill..........Picard: stun (and that's only because here was no "tickle" setting)

Kirk: Almost single handedly repopulated distant corners of the galaxy by banging alien women.........Picard: Do we have to go there? Do we?

In sum, Picard isn't worthy to towel the sweat off of Kirk's balls.

So yeah, Kirk.

*gay adjective \ ˈgā \
Definition of gay (Entry 1 of 3)
1a : happily excited : MERRY
in a gay mood
b : keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits
a bird's gay spring song
gay sunny meadows
b : brilliant in color
Ok Boomer.

02-09-20, 16:55
https://i.imgflip.com/3op3hg.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/3op3hg)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)