View Full Version : The secret gun confiscation that you didn't see coming!

07-21-19, 10:10
This video came up on my YouTube feed, and I found it interesting and scary at the same time. Now I don't own a tin foil hat, and I usually think that conspiracy theorists are as crazy as an outhouse rat, but this guy presents a very realistic scenario on how gun confiscation would take place. This would not happen by force - like we think will happen - but by the brainwashing of the feckless masses, and the marginalizing of those who stand up for their rights.


murphy j
07-21-19, 11:43
- but by the brainwashing of the feckless masses, and the marginalizing of those who stand up for their rights.


It's already happening. Just look at how those who speak out against leftist ideals are treated and marginalized by the msm.

07-21-19, 19:49
Ideally, that would be the most effective way of doing it. However, in an ironic way, we're "lucky" that the left has gotten more aggressive, and often physically so. They're fired up an angry, and they want blood. So I think they're at a point where, if they had the manpower, they'd be willing to start kicking down doors. Right now, the issue is manpower, and they don't have it yet in the form of enough face shooters.

07-21-19, 23:49
Ideally, that would be the most effective way of doing it. However, in an ironic way, we're "lucky" that the left has gotten more aggressive, and often physically so. They're fired up an angry, and they want blood. So I think they're at a point where, if they had the manpower, they'd be willing to start kicking down doors. Right now, the issue is manpower, and they don't have it yet in the form of enough face shooters.

Unfortunately there will be another Waco type incident followed by another OK bombing type incident before people figure out things went too goddam far.

07-22-19, 03:35
Just chiming in that its these faggot Republicans again cucking at warp speed. TAPS act.....yeah....sure.

It sounds kinda cliche but its true, if the Framers lived today...they would be in jail or have their homes burned by Antifa.

But I'm not worried. I used to be, but no more. I have yet to see thuggie on the block worrying about his Draco getting snatched.

ETA He is absolutely right about snitches. Most of your crimes are solved with snitches. This is why I have no friends, dont advertise, and if I may quote gothic rock band Scarling "An ordinary person, who climbed into his void, would only wake up bitter or deeply paranoid"

07-22-19, 22:53
3% of American's are gun owners? No. Try 43%. And I'll bet its much higher than that because most people aren't going to answer those questions.

07-23-19, 00:02
Use a machete or knife etc...
Once guns are illegal use those

Yeah good vid kinda what I think it will be like also

People are suckers sadly

Only seen that krenshaw guy a couple times did not take him for the type to support the taps thing

07-23-19, 04:07
Its not hard to see what's coming. Once firearms are gone though so is your ability to resist tyranny. Both individually and collectively. And that's the agenda...more power and control so the elites can do whatever the want.

07-23-19, 05:18
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” - Ronald Reagan

07-23-19, 07:53
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” - Ronald Reagan

When was the last time we heard someone say “you can do what you want, this is a free country”? I heard it all the time as a kid but not much in the last 30 years or so.

07-23-19, 08:34
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” - Ronald Reagan

Said the man who signed 922(o) into law. And was against civilians carrying guns while the governor of CA.

07-23-19, 09:06
Said the man who signed 922(o) into law. And was against civilians carrying guns while the governor of CA.

Cue Steyr white knighting Reagan on the grounds that FOPA is brilliant and how the Black Panther Party were literal monsters.

07-23-19, 10:17
Cue Steyr white knighting Reagan on the grounds that FOPA is brilliant and how the Black Panther Party were literal monsters.

Ok I laughed

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07-23-19, 10:38
Said the man who signed 922(o) into law. And was against civilians carrying guns while the governor of CA.


Doc Safari
07-23-19, 10:41
With Antifa arming themselves and the polarization of this country getting worse every day, we all know what's coming.

Pass all the laws and stigmatize whomever you want. We ain't givin' up our means of survival in the coming conflict.

07-23-19, 12:17
I wish someone else did that video though.

07-23-19, 15:28
Cue Steyr white knighting Reagan on the grounds that FOPA is brilliant and how the Black Panther Party were literal monsters.

FOPA was best of the crappy options available.

BPs were the black klan.

Reagan wasn't perfect, but tell me what you'd have done differently that would have been better.

07-23-19, 19:40
FOPA was best of the crappy options available.

BPs were the black klan.

Reagan wasn't perfect, but tell me what you'd have done differently that would have been better.

Veto and demand a ballot vote aside from a BS “voice vote” to hold accountability.

Declared BPs to be a terror organization with numerous arrests and no knocks.

07-23-19, 20:40
Veto and demand a ballot vote aside from a BS “voice vote” to hold accountability.

Declared BPs to be a terror organization with numerous arrests and no knocks.


It sickens me watching this video.

07-23-19, 21:59
Veto and demand a ballot vote aside from a BS “voice vote” to hold accountability.

Declared BPs to be a terror organization with numerous arrests and no knocks.

And crucifixions naturally

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07-23-19, 22:06
And crucifixions naturally

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07-23-19, 22:26

I pay yo taxes

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07-23-19, 22:39
Veto and demand a ballot vote aside from a BS “voice vote” to hold accountability.

Would never happen. No version of FOPA would have ever reached his desk again and we'd have gotten the other Hughes / Rodino version that closed the registry for everything including suppressors, SBRs, SBS, etc. BUT with no grandfathering so whoever owned them in 86 would be the final owner. Anyone who says "that would never happen" is kidding themselves. If Reagan refused to sign it, Bush 41 would have done so and that would be that.

As you are so fond of saying "You weren't there man..." :jester:

Declared BPs to be a terror organization with numerous arrests and no knocks.

LOL. Never happen in San Fran in the 60s. They had an actual Ho Chi Mihn park, BPs were counter culture heroes to Berkeley kids.

07-23-19, 23:15
Would never happen. No version of FOPA would have ever reached his desk again and we'd have gotten the other Hughes / Rodino version that closed the registry for everything including suppressors, SBRs, SBS, etc. BUT with no grandfathering so whoever owned them in 86 would be the final owner. Anyone who says "that would never happen" is kidding themselves. If Reagan refused to sign it, Bush 41 would have done so and that would be that.

As you are so fond of saying "You weren't there man..." :jester:

LOL. Never happen in San Fran in the 60s. They had an actual Ho Chi Mihn park, BPs were counter culture heroes to Berkeley kids.

1. I take this as being a lazy president. If he can run guns to Iran, he can close the bullshit.

2. You mean to tell me we can send US Marshals after a man and his family in the backwoods of Idaho who has a less than stellar opinion about blacks behind closed doors and blow his wifes head off, but we cant send the ATF and so on after a bunch of felons with illegally acquired weapons commiting acts of sedition and open racially motivated terror?

So clown world ISN'T new......

Worse comes to worse, hire Contras to do illegal hits on them and threaten to close a few Army bases to get the pols in line.

07-24-19, 00:06
1. I take this as being a lazy president. If he can run guns to Iran, he can close the bullshit.

2. You mean to tell me we can send US Marshals after a man and his family in the backwoods of Idaho who has a less than stellar opinion about blacks behind closed doors and blow his wifes head off, but we cant send the ATF and so on after a bunch of felons with illegally acquired weapons commiting acts of sedition and open racially motivated terror?

So clown world ISN'T new......

Worse comes to worse, hire Contras to do illegal hits on them and threaten to close a few Army bases to get the pols in line.

Reagan was dealing with a Democratic majority Congress and didn't have a line item veto. You have to understand that if you want to understand FOPA. Additionally this was the first time since 1968 that some of the more severe elements of the 1968 Gun Control Act were removed and the bill made it through Congress and onto the desk of a President.

Most people who criticize Reagan don't even know that the 1968 Gun Control Act was the first machine gun ban that made all imported machine guns "non transferable." This is why every "transferable" MP5 began life as a HK94 that then became a "domestic machine gun" via conversion in the US by registering the receiver, sear, trigger box or some other part. This is also why $200 MP40s never happened even though the global market was flooded with them and other WWII MGs. If you didn't register them PRIOR to 1968 (when a $200 tax stamp was still a LOT of money) you could not register them at all due to the 1968 GCA.

And in the 1980s, it was legal to buy an M-16 BUT everyone was terrified of "going on the list" and NFA owners were viewed by the firearms community as some sort of "outlaw biker" contingent who were gonna screw everything up for everyone else. Ironically most of the fear of "being on the list" was removed with FOPA even though it also closed the registry.

But more important than anything else, the registry was going to be closed. In 1986 $200 wasn't a lot of money anymore so just like they shut the door on "affordable machine guns" in 1968 when the world was flooded with cheap surplus they were gonna absolutely close the door in 1986 when domestic machine guns plus tax stamp started to be something the average American could afford. The only difference is Reagan actually got something in trade. Otherwise it simply would have happened in 1988 or 1989 when Bush was banning semi auto imports.

And yes, I mean to tell you that the powers of the US government will rain holy hell on a white separatist who tried to live in the mountains with his family who made an unregistered short barrel shotgun but then refused to become a confidential informant. They shot and killed his kid and wife with some very questionable ROE but that same government is skittish when it comes to armed black militants.

Armed black militants actually took over Cornell university and forced curriculum changes at gun point and the threat of killing hostages. Not only did they get all their demands, none of them were charged and they are now viewed as civil rights heroes. They Weaver family didn't get the same kind of consideration.

Even as recently as 2008, members of the BPs in some states engaged in voter intimidation of the kind that would have resulted in a massive SWAT response and FBI investigation had it been attempted by any white racist group.

So by all means call John Glenn a hero even though when he was a senator he gave us the first machine gun ban and serious infringement like the "sporter clause" when he championed the Gun Control Act but call Reagan a sellout because he gave us FOPA 86 and refused to support Handgun Control Inc. even after Hinkley shot him with what many tried to call a "saturday night special."

07-24-19, 00:41
I'm just saying what I would do. I would not make a very good president.

It would seem intoxicating at first to follow me. Like for once the downtrodden had a voice. But I would be a tryant with horrible and weird vices.

But people would have machine guns and cash and carry suppressors and no immigrants. I can guarantee you that. And there would be dead Antifa and Black Panthers stacked like cordwood.

I would drunk under my own power with a concubine and a list of public blasphemies. My language would be vile and profane. I would grow very fat and have a weird fashion sense. (I'd dress like Michael Jackson did in the 80s) And if the Democrats and faggot Republicans got in my way I'd start a nuclear war.

I'd also cut all foreign and military aid.

I would be totally horrible. A true bastard. I would support liberty crushing, high taxation bills if the (HOT) female congressman sent me pictures of their feet and socks they wore all day. Give me more and I'd have people bumped off for them.

We would have the Metric system.
We would have state border patrols alomg the california border with kill orders
I would militarize the postal service.
It would be legal to marry ham sandwiches
I'd sell my begotten soul to the ChiComs and the petrodollar if possible.

But we would have legal machine guns, over the counter.

07-24-19, 02:59
We would have the Metric system.
We would have state border patrols alomg the california border with kill orders
I would militarize the postal service.
It would be legal to marry ham sandwiches
I'd sell my begotten soul to the ChiComs and the petrodollar if possible.

But we would have legal machine guns, over the counter.

Carter wanted to standardize the metric system.
Prior to closing the CA border you are going to have to exfil all the playmates, porn stars and wannabe hot chicks. We can't lose that valuable resource.
Treat the post office like Reagan handled the air traffic controllers, no need to involve the military.

Get rid of the "sporter clause" in the 68 GCA and you'd damn near accomplish over the counter machine guns. FOPA set the ground work for amending the 68 GCA, just takes another president willing to sign FOPA Part II, they could even make suppressors a Title I firearm.

07-24-19, 07:00
Also......I dont want to hijack this thread but as my reign of terror as Emperor of America, we would have several black first ladies in my harem and they would carry them KAC PDWs in that weird caliber that only KAC makes and they would be extraordinarily bougie.

I just...needed to get that out before I fell into the throes of madness and frustration.

I would do other extreme things but the point remains that if you needed a Mk. 48 at 0300 for an emergency duck hunting trip then you could go to Wal Mart cash and carry.

07-24-19, 17:14
I'm just saying what I would do. I would not make a very good president.

It would seem intoxicating at first to follow me. Like for once the downtrodden had a voice. But I would be a tryant with horrible and weird vices.

But people would have machine guns and cash and carry suppressors and no immigrants. I can guarantee you that. And there would be dead Antifa and Black Panthers stacked like cordwood.

I would drunk under my own power with a concubine and a list of public blasphemies. My language would be vile and profane. I would grow very fat and have a weird fashion sense. (I'd dress like Michael Jackson did in the 80s) And if the Democrats and faggot Republicans got in my way I'd start a nuclear war.

I'd also cut all foreign and military aid.

I would be totally horrible. A true bastard. I would support liberty crushing, high taxation bills if the (HOT) female congressman sent me pictures of their feet and socks they wore all day. Give me more and I'd have people bumped off for them.

We would have the Metric system.
We would have state border patrols alomg the california border with kill orders
I would militarize the postal service.
It would be legal to marry ham sandwiches
I'd sell my begotten soul to the ChiComs and the petrodollar if possible.

But we would have legal machine guns, over the counter.

I just spent five minutes laughing hysterically. Thanks for that. lol

07-24-19, 18:12
I wish someone else did that video though.

I don't think he did a bad job. His presentation just needs to be polished.