26 Inf
07-22-19, 00:16
Canada’s bizarre trans-waxing controversy

Female waxers are being branded ‘transphobic’ because they refused to wax a trans-woman’s bollocks.

Brendan O’Neill is editor of spiked and host of the spiked podcast, The Brendan O’Neill Show

For proof that the woke war on common sense and decency is now completely out of control, look no further than the Canadian trans-waxing controversy. A born male who identifies as female, and whose male genitalia is still intact, is suing female-only waxers on the basis that their refusal to wax his bollocks – sorry, her bollocks – is an act of discrimination. Yes, this person believes that because he identifies as female he should therefore have access to every female service, including the most intimate female services. Any female beautician who refuses to tend to his testicles is being ‘transphobic’, apparently, because they are denying his womanhood. Even though he has a penis. And testicles. And is a man. That’s hate speech, I know.

This is the case of Jessica Yaniv, born Jonathan Yaniv, who has filed complaints against more than a dozen female waxers with the Human Rights Council (HRC) in British Columbia. Yaniv claims that the women’s refusal to give him a Brazilian – that is, to handle his penis and testicles and to remove his pubic hair, activities these women did not want to carry out – is discrimination. Yaniv says that self-identifying as a woman is sufficient to be treated as a woman and to get access to services typically reserved for women. In the words of the National Post, the HRC hearings revolve around the question, ‘Should a business be allowed to deny service on the basis of gender identity?’ Or perhaps, ‘Should a woman be forced by law to touch a penis she doesn’t want to touch?’ – that’s a franker, more honest way of putting it, though it’s obvious why people don’t put it like that, given it would expose the fundamental misogyny at play in this demented case.

Two of the women who refused to touch a penis they didn’t want to touch – sorry, who behaved transphobically – have already been forced out of business by the HRC actions. One is an immigrant from Brazil, who operated a female waxing service from her own home, where her young children live with her. Because she refused to let a born male into her home and to service his pubic region, she is out of work. A legal representative for the women who have been taken to the HRC says his clients have become ‘depressed, anxious and sleepless’ as a consequence of being talked about as human-rights abusers, transphobes and deniers of gender identity.

Many of the women who have had action taken against them are migrants. Some speak English as a second language. One is Sikh, and also works home, and she has a religious issue with waxing male genitalia. That this ‘human rights’ action is even taking place is utterly perverse. The question immediately arises as to who is really been discriminated against here: a born male who went to female waxer after female waxer to see if they would wax his testicles, or the women who find themselves either in a council hearing or already out of work simply because their religious, cultural or outright personal preferences mean they do not want to service male genitalia. Yaniv says if the case is lost then a dangerous precedent will be set for trans people. In truth, the real danger is if Yaniv wins the case, because that would set a precedent whereby the law could require that women must touch penises or risk losing their jobs. It would be profoundly misogynistic.

There is a temptation to view Yaniv as simply an eccentric trans activist. But in truth this case is entirely in keeping with the cult of gender self-identification where one can now become a woman simply by declaring it. The logic of such a flight from reason, of creating a situation where anyone can be a woman regardless of how they were born or what bits they have, is that blokes will intrude on women’s spaces. There will be born males in female changing rooms; burly trans-women, who have benefited from the testosterone carnival that is male puberty, taking part in women’s sports; born males putting themselves forward for all-women shortlists in politics; and people actually saying ‘I am a woman and therefore you must wax my testicles’. Pure Newspeak. ‘Wax this woman’s testicles’ – can we hear ourselves?

This is the logic of gender self-ID. It’s the logic that has seen male rapists being sent to women’s prisons because they now self-ID as women. It is the logic that means a trans-woman who went through male puberty can now be winning gold medals in the women’s world cycling championships. It’s the logic that leads to people using actual phrases like ‘female penis’ without ever thinking to themselves, ‘What the hell am I talking about?’ The Canadian feminist Meghan Murphy, who has been central to drawing attention to the Yaniv case and to critiquing the cult of gender self-ID and its dire impact on women’s spaces, describes it well. In an interview on my podcast a few months ago she talked about how gender self-ID necessarily erases women-only spaces and also devastates the idea of womanhood itself. After all, if anyone can be a woman, then being a woman becomes a pretty meaningless, hollow affair.

The suggestion that these Canadian female waxers are ‘transphobes’ because they refused to wax a dick confirms the cynical, sinister nature of that term ‘transphobic’. It really is just a way to demonise and punish anyone who refuses to bow down to the ideology of genderfluidity. It is stick used to beat those who refuse to buy into the Orwellian notion that war is peace, freedom is slavery, and a penis can be female. You can now be a bigot simply for believing in reality itself, in this case that people with penises are not women. Pressuring women to handle male genitalia against their will is dreadful and it suggests woke politics has now crossed the line from irritating to disgusting.


All I can say is 'oh, boy, we are circling the drain.'

07-22-19, 01:36
Absolutely awesome.

I identify as lesbian.

07-22-19, 03:24

07-22-19, 04:26
Would someone press the red button and put Canada out of their misery eh?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-22-19, 04:40
Who would thought 20 years ago we would be reading this sentence?

“The suggestion that these Canadian female waxers are ‘transphobes’ because they refused to wax a dick ...”

07-22-19, 06:05
Would someone press the red button and put Canada out of their misery eh?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I hate to say it but the U.S. is right there with them. Don't think this won't or hasn't happened here yet. Once society has agreed to play along with these degenerates' mental illness and forced all to accept it as "normal" then the sky is the limit for them. This is just the beginning of the downfall of western civilization

07-22-19, 06:12
I've long felt as though the human species is becoming evolutionarily senile, and shit like this is a symptom of that.

07-22-19, 06:31
2008-We just want to marry...

I can sorta kinda understand with trannies who are professional trannies who like really put in the time and effort to look female and can pass to the untrained eye.

But now nobody even tries. Just fat balding beardos who want me to call them “ma’am”. I wouldn’t even call Lena Dunham ma’am and she was born with a cooter.

07-22-19, 08:04
On the upside, there was the under 25 Canadian guy that wasn't thrilled with his insurance quote so he went back and id'd as female for the better rate. That one got some panties in a wad so not sure if it is still working.

More than likely they would only have had to wax the nuts one time.

26 Inf
07-22-19, 09:45
More than likely they would only have had to wax the nuts one time.

Understatement of the day. 'One nut Olga, one nut.'

07-22-19, 10:08
This is the type of thing that causes moderate people who try to be 'tolerant of all people' to start turning their back on the trans world. It also exposes the true whack jobs when they come forward to stand up for this kind of insanity.

Like this is a great litmus test. If some one supports this dude suing because these chicks don't want to wax his balls, we're not going to be friends ever. Nor will you ever have an opinion I respect.

26 Inf
07-22-19, 10:32
A little veer from my OP, or maybe not:

I worked a our state's LE Academy. We were a residential Academy, any student/recruit who lived more than 25 miles from the Academy had to reside in the dorm. During my career our basic classes ranged from a high of 78 per basic, to 60 max per basic with a new basic starting every seven weeks, resulting in 100+ students in the dorm at times.

With such numbers it wasn't surprising that we had gay students in almost every class.

Being the thoughtful guy I am, one day I approached admin and asked what our response would be if a student came to us and said 'My room mate told me that he/she thought I ought to know they are gay. I don't feel comfortable with sharing a room with someone who might see me as a sex object.'

That turned into an interesting discussion, ending with me suggesting that by their logic we could just as well assign rooms randomly, with no regard for gender.

At the time I didn't know they were Canadian Officials.

07-22-19, 10:46
Wax oh sorry used a straight razor
Bright side no more removal surgery !

07-22-19, 11:50
This is the type of thing that causes moderate people who try to be 'tolerant of all people' to start turning their back on the trans world. It also exposes the true whack jobs when they come forward to stand up for this kind of insanity.

Just sit back and watch the left eat itself. Oh, here's another example - feminist Ph.D. student about to be kicked out of school for complaining that trans-women aren't real women:


When's it all done we're going to be back to 40's values, for good and bad - it won't all be good.

Knowing Vancouver I guarantee you there are hundreds of bikini waxers who don't care what parts a customer has, as long as they have cash. This person must have sought out those few who object, for their own goals. I won't even say for political goals, I think some of these people are just desperately seeking validation. Rather like the gay couples that ignore thousands of bakers who don't care about gay weddings, to find the one or two in a state who won't endorse gay marriage in frosting.

07-22-19, 13:09
This is the type of thing that causes moderate people who try to be 'tolerant of all people' to start turning their back on the trans world. It also exposes the true whack jobs when they come forward to stand up for this kind of insanity.

Like this is a great litmus test. If some one supports this dude suing because these chicks don't want to wax his balls, we're not going to be friends ever. Nor will you ever have an opinion I respect.

I am sure there are lots of liberals who are for “trans rights” until it collides with their little world. We are starting to see the backlash in the sports world where a man who thinks he is a woman competes against women and wins. All of a sudden those lacking Y chromosomes are not too happy.

07-22-19, 13:40
Simple solution: Pour wax on weiner, wrap with cloth, pull cloth with maximum effort.

It's actually worse when you read what this man has been texting and posting...

Doc Safari
07-22-19, 16:40
Okay. Every "out there" thread I've ever posted just got owned.

I can't even imagine the pain of having one's huevos waxed. Just the thought makes mine want to crawl up my como se llama.

07-22-19, 17:04
Absolutely awesome.

I identify as lesbian.

Me too. And I won the hugest clit contest at the county fair.

07-22-19, 17:06
I hate to say it but the U.S. is right there with them. Don't think this won't or hasn't happened here yet. Once society has agreed to play along with these degenerates' mental illness and forced all to accept it as "normal" then the sky is the limit for them. This is just the beginning of the downfall of western civilization

Yeah, but Canada only has Justin Trudeau. We have the damn Congress.

07-22-19, 17:08
Okay. Every "out there" thread I've ever posted just got owned.

I can't even imagine the pain of having one's huevos waxed. Just the thought makes mine want to crawl up my como se llama.

Send him someplace they'll wax him with superglue so he can sit down to pee forever. =8-0

07-22-19, 17:56

07-22-19, 17:59
I hate to say it but the U.S. is right there with them. Don't think this won't or hasn't happened here yet. Once society has agreed to play along with these degenerates' mental illness and forced all to accept it as "normal" then the sky is the limit for them. This is just the beginning of the downfall of western civilization

Pretty much, several states are already there.

I've long felt as though the human species is becoming evolutionarily senile, and shit like this is a symptom of that.

We have it in our nature to want to right wrongs, to make things better than they were before and more importantly "to participate" in some "great movement" or revolution.

Having already corrected issues of slavery and things like making "cruelty to animals" a crime, there aren't many remaining victims to champion or gross injustices remaining to fix. So people end up at the fringe and the extreme, to the point where they are now protecting the rights of men who want to dress up like women to be able to force other women to wax the hair from their ass crack.

This is how we arrive at social problems like gender neutral bathrooms for elementary school students. Won't be long before male pedophiles simply identify as prepubescent children and demand the same access to those bathrooms and SOMEBODY will stand up to champion the social injustice that makes adult male pedophiles "feel bad" because they can't walk into an elementary school and use whichever bathroom makes them feel "ok."

I personally don't care what anyone does, but if they want to feel like "little kids" they should just "play pretend" at home. Their particular mindset or mental disorder does not take priority over the rest of society and we don't have to conform the entire world to protect their "feelings."

But when schools stated banning shit like peanut butter, because one student had severe allergies, that is where this notion took root. I understand that a student with severe peanut allergies, which could be fatal, probably need some special consideration but that probably means NOT eating in the cafeteria because all the other kids have the right to eat whatever they want.

It would have been simple to give them special privileges to eat in the library and declare the library a "no peanut" zone. Could even make allowances for their friends who wish to comply with the "no peanut" zone rules, to also eat in the library so nobody needs to eat alone.

07-22-19, 19:02
They try to normalize what was accepted once as an aberration.

Homos in the day KNEW they were not mainstream and it made it more dangerous. more exciting. Spoken of in hushed tones and arcane codes.

Like....deep down, you knew Elton John was queer as a 3 dollar bill but like you thought the right girl could save him from himself with the proper female energy.

Anyways this is all a Marxist plot to get everybody a disease, lower the birthrate, and make us easier to conquer.

Don't fall for it.

She might be hot and chill and maybe every day is like winning and being total cash money.

But she still can't bear children.

It sucks but its the best we have until Synth technology is advanced enough to come with gestation and genetic recombination.

07-22-19, 20:13

07-22-19, 20:18
Out of ****ing control.

07-23-19, 00:43
They try to normalize what was accepted once as an aberration.

Homos in the day KNEW they were not mainstream and it made it more dangerous. more exciting. Spoken of in hushed tones and arcane codes.

Like....deep down, you knew Elton John was queer as a 3 dollar bill but like you thought the right girl could save him from himself with the proper female energy.

Anyways this is all a Marxist plot to get everybody a disease, lower the birthrate, and make us easier to conquer.

Don't fall for it.

She might be hot and chill and maybe every day is like winning and being total cash money.

But she still can't bear children.

It sucks but its the best we have until Synth technology is advanced enough to come with gestation and genetic recombination.

That was sorta zip code dependent. People forget that in the 1930s James Whale, Charles Laughton and a few dozen other "notables" lived very openly gay lifestyles and nobody gave a shit. Sure there were still places in the country where you could get arrested or even institutionalized, but there were also lots of places nobody cared and you were hardly the first gay person to be openly gay. And this was before Elton John was even born.

But as a society we can be freaking insane sometimes. We make hero's out of batshit insane prohibitionists like Carrie Nation, then we turn around and declare Margaret Sanger to be some kind of society hero ignoring the fact that she was ground floor on the eugenics movement before Germany ever heard of it. Hell there is still a Margaret Sanger Square in Manhattan and she was talking about deciding who was fit to reproduce and who was unfit to reproduce.

We glorified reprehensible murderers like Bonnie and Clyde because she wrote a poem. Nobody seemed to mind that they killed 13 people in their "adventures" and 9 of them were cops. People bought into the Robin Hood bullshit of them hitting the big banks, but the truth is they hit a lot of mom and pop stores that were barely getting by and in truth didn't care who they stole from or who they killed to do it.

Decades later same kind of idiots would glorify John Gotti and cheer for him to beat the rap. In truth he was just another POS gangster earning a living from the misery of others. His fancy Italian suits were courtesy of hijacking, five murders, conspiracy to commit murder, racketeering, obstruction of justice, tax evasion, illegal gambling, extortion, and loansharking.

Granted the mafia is a fascinating subject of American history but nearly everyone involved is a reprehensible piece of low life shit who will F anyone over for a dollar and considers the "working man" a "sucker" and as a result a mark. You didn't want to know the real Henry Hill back in the day, he wasn't as personable as Ray Liotta and if you had anything worth taking, he'd take it.

07-23-19, 00:59
I dare say Margaret Sanger didnt go far enough......

07-23-19, 01:39
I dare say Margaret Sanger didnt go far enough......

In the 1930s the government was more socialist than at any other time and as a consequence completely corrupt. So if a court declared you indigent, you could be forcibly sterilized. It didn't actually have to be true, you might just be poor and on the wrong side of the local sheriff or judge and your right to have a family was taken from you without recourse.

At the same time, if you were well connected, you might be a fall down drunk, mental case with lots of medical issues that are hereditary and you'd never see the inside of a court room even if you had 10 kids with serious social, mental and at risk concerns for various ailments.

We were also practicing blood eugenics (like dog breeding) because we had no understanding of genetics. And thanks to Sanger, a bunch of tards in England and the industrial enthusiasm of Germany even if we wanted to practice genetic based eugenics to eliminate the transmission of horrible diseases and disorders in a way that would be productive and effective, the entire idea is so completely associated with National Socialism that no matter how sincere your intentions to spare the next generation from a complete sampling of medical difficulties and horrors you'd instantly be branded a nazi just for bringing up the fact that it could be done and probably done in a way that is fair.

As a result, it will never, ever, ever happen and all because some POS like Sanger thought she was smarter than everyone. I don't know about you, but limiting right to reproduce is some Orwellian shit and if the state ever told me they were gonna decide for me, well I might just die on that hill.

We should provide birth control for those who want it. We should provide education to everyone who needs it. And people should be able to have 12 children if they want them, we just shouldn't reward them with benefits of the many social programs that now hand out money based upon how many kids you've managed to have. If people had to pay for their own shit, we'd deal with a lot less shit.

It would be tragic, because in the end the kids would pay for the sins of the parents, but we gotta start somewhere.

07-23-19, 02:37
I'm just saying that in some cases more abortions would equal less crime and will leave it there. I'm sure arguments could be made but oog

26 Inf
07-23-19, 11:30
I notice only born people advocate more abortions, and they rarely volunteer to abort themselves.

07-23-19, 14:03
I notice only born people advocate more abortions, and they rarely volunteer to abort themselves.Well, forcing "fruitfulness" on folks is a loosing plan as is expecting them to make moral and ethical decisions for themselves. Wishing for their lawful self-eradication cant hurt anything

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

07-23-19, 14:42
I notice only born people advocate more abortions, and they rarely volunteer to abort themselves.

Don't tempt me, man

07-23-19, 15:15
I'm just saying that in some cases more abortions would equal less crime and will leave it there. I'm sure arguments could be made but oog

I'm not arguing abortion, I'm arguing eugenics and the state having the power to forcibly sterilize any they deem "undesirable."

I notice only born people advocate more abortions, and they rarely volunteer to abort themselves.

Honestly, if you came and found me in the eternal void and told me my options were to be born into a savage environment with disinterested parents or to simply not exist at all...well we'd never have this conversation.