View Full Version : Blade Runner 2049 (Review)

07-24-19, 13:58
I wanted to update this review, and much to my shock, could not find where/if I'd reviewed it here. Odd. Anyway:

When Deckard said Rachael was special, he wasn't kidding. Director Denis Villeneuve does a commendable attempt to pay tribute to the first movie, but that's like trying to make Citizen Kane II. Like the original, it's a visually intense movie, but each scene is not a work of art per the original.

The sound track is heavy and disjointed in spots, and spot on in others. Acting across the board is excellent, even if Gosling still not my first choice, he's solid. If this movie falls short anywhere compared to the original, it's in the dialogue. The original had dialogue I still repeat in my head once in a while, whereas this movie, I can't think of a single scene that will stick in my noggin.

"All these moments will be lost in time...like tears in rain...time to die"

The evil genius in this movie is more a side character, unlike Tyrell, who was one of the most compelling characters in the original.

The movie both pays homage to the original, with some characters and scenes being very reminiscent to the first, and many original to this film. By this review one might think I didn't enjoy 2049, but that's not the case at all. This is a must see movie for fans of the original if for no other reason you get to immerse yourself in all things Blade Runner for almost three hours. I don't think it really added anything to the story per se, but it's one of the better movies I have seen in some time, and any time a thinking person's sci-fi movie is made, must be applauded. This one gets an A-.

Review V2:

Needed to watch it again and glad I did. I was able to look at little details and such. I came to conclude my biggest worry for this movie, the casting of Gosling, was not only unfounded, I think he's probably the best part of this movie. He really does a fine job of if. If anything, felt like Ford was phoning it in a few times. This really is a solid film, and needs to be seen a second time to appreciate a lot of subtle stuff perhaps not seen on first viewing. There were a bunch of seemingly minor, but important details I didn't see/catch the first time that, like the first, really adds layers to this film. In parts, it tries a little too hard to live up to the first film (like when the creator kisses his creation, etc), and some of the music a bit heavy handed to cause a sense foreboding where it was nit needed, it's a must see re viewing if you enjoyed this film.

Other than a fee minor thins covered in my first review, and considering what they had to live up to, a damn fine attempt and credit where credit due.

It's always a great thing when an actor you thought was a light weight fluff actor turns out to have what it takes, and some inherent screen presence no one can give them. I'd thought Leonardo DiCaprio was a fluff actor till he did Blood Diamond, and I realized the kid could really act. Till I saw Drive, I thought Gosling was also a fluff actor. Glad I was wrong about that.

2019 Update:

I will say, on watching 2049 multiple times now, it gets better with each viewing and I have come to see it as a worthy addition. As good as the original, of course not, but actually a solid movie in its own right and I'm glad they made it.


07-24-19, 21:28
Gosling played the role rather sparse. He fit the mood of 2049 and was good continuity to the original. Somewhere around the farm scene, I was totally bought in. Gosling owned the character.

Harrison Ford... he was the Jar Jar Binks of 2049. I like the concept of the deference to the original but the whole contrived scene and Chinatown plot device was unnecessary. Ford’s performance did him no favors... it was like the Crystal Skull remake.

The plot line in 2049 is really cool but the pacing never quite lived up to the promise. You get some of the unfolding “a-ha” moments of the original, but too many parts are a bit too predictable. The original writing is a hard act to follow - if would have taken pure artistry to make another Godfather I/II or a Stars War/Empire where the darker sequel parallels the original Blade Runner. Total agree with Will that they tried too hard in places, as if some scenes were written by a committee or had been focused grouped to death. That attempt to polish too much took away from the really compelling core story line.

It was a C+ for me. Not a bad watch.

07-25-19, 07:58
Gosling played the role rather sparse. He fit the mood of 2049 and was good continuity to the original. Somewhere around the farm scene, I was totally bought in. Gosling owned the character.

Harrison Ford... he was the Jar Jar Binks of 2049. I like the concept of the deference to the original but the whole contrived scene and Chinatown plot device was unnecessary. Ford’s performance did him no favors... it was like the Crystal Skull remake.

The plot line in 2049 is really cool but the pacing never quite lived up to the promise. You get some of the unfolding “a-ha” moments of the original, but too many parts are a bit too predictable. The original writing is a hard act to follow - if would have taken pure artistry to make another Godfather I/II or a Stars War/Empire where the darker sequel parallels the original Blade Runner. Total agree with Will that they tried too hard in places, as if some scenes were written by a committee or had been focused grouped to death. That attempt to polish too much took away from the really compelling core story line.

It was a C+ for me. Not a bad watch.

I would say re watch it. I found it improved on second and even third viewing. My initial review closer to yours (though I gave it a higher grade), I found more to like on additional viewings. I agreed that Ford is the weak link in the movie oddly enough.

07-25-19, 09:53
Gosling played the role rather sparse. He fit the mood of 2049 and was good continuity to the original. Somewhere around the farm scene, I was totally bought in. Gosling owned the character.

Harrison Ford... he was the Jar Jar Binks of 2049. I like the concept of the deference to the original but the whole contrived scene and Chinatown plot device was unnecessary. Ford’s performance did him no favors... it was like the Crystal Skull remake.

The plot line in 2049 is really cool but the pacing never quite lived up to the promise. You get some of the unfolding “a-ha” moments of the original, but too many parts are a bit too predictable. The original writing is a hard act to follow - if would have taken pure artistry to make another Godfather I/II or a Stars War/Empire where the darker sequel parallels the original Blade Runner. Total agree with Will that they tried too hard in places, as if some scenes were written by a committee or had been focused grouped to death. That attempt to polish too much took away from the really compelling core story line.

It was a C+ for me. Not a bad watch.

I'll agree that there wasn't as much of the grittiness, mystery, or ambiguity in "2049", but overall I thought it was an excellent sequel. Jared Leto's part was kind of pointless. B+/A- in my book and one of the best sequels to come out of Hollywood in the last 20 years.