View Full Version : The Left Hits a New Level Of Hypocrisy: Al Franken

07-25-19, 12:08
New angle is that Al Franken was a nice well intentioned clueless guy "socially inept man" who was "'railroaded" and his behavior taken out of context, etc. It's all over left oriented media, it's obvious they're leaving the door open for poor Franken to make a come back:


Though even CNN sounds skeptical, it's clear they're still not dismissing that nonsense:


07-25-19, 12:23
I remember running into crazy Al in Manhattan long before he became a senator. He was babbling to himself as he walked. Bluetooth headsets didn't exist at the time.

07-25-19, 12:37
Minnesota needs some crazy leftist to appoint when Ilhan Omar goes to prison for various fraud.

07-25-19, 13:32
There's only one thing I'll ever give Al Franken credit for and that was supporting the troops through USO tours.

He's a douchy hoo-ha, but he went to Iraq and the Stan when a lot of celebs wouldn't.

Otherwise, carry on.

Doc Safari
07-25-19, 14:43
Al Franken "railroaded?" I'd like to see ALL of them "railroaded", as in: run out of town on a rail.

07-25-19, 15:05
If anything TDS has caused the crazy Left to totally come out of the closet and expose themselves for the bigoted, hypocritical, anti-American, anti-Semitic extremists that they really are. Now the new leaders of the ComDems are comparing Israel to nazi Germany.


Doc Safari
07-25-19, 15:08
If anything TDS has caused the crazy Left to totally come out of the closet and expose themselves for the bigoted, hypocritical, anti-American, anti-Semitic, extremists that they really are. Now the new leaders of the ComDems are comparing Israel to nazi Germany.


A fatal mistake IMHO, almost as bad as taking God out of their political platform. They dig their hole a little closer to Hell every other day it seems.

07-25-19, 16:00
If anything TDS has caused the crazy Left to totally come out of the closet and expose themselves for the bigoted, hypocritical, anti-American, anti-Semitic extremists that they really are. Now the new leaders of the ComDems are comparing Israel to nazi Germany.


The US formally boycotted Nazi Germany "...in response to dehumanization, imprisonment, and genocide of Jewish people.”? Not that I'm aware of. Some Jewish groups in the US had some rallies and such due to the poor treatment of Jews, that only made the Nazi's act like even bigger pricks:


The full extent of the actual genocide was not known till we invaded, and the reports that were forwarded to US intelligence before that about it seemed so impossible to fathom, they didn't believe it.

07-25-19, 17:16
Each left nutbag tries to out nutbag the last nutbag. These guys actually say, let all immigrants in, pay for their healthcare and education. You can’t help to feel for these people, but this is nuts.

It doesn’t surprise me in the least the Al Frankenburger craziness.


07-25-19, 17:57
https://i.ibb.co/SNM8R3B/metoo.jpg :rolleyes:

07-27-19, 17:17
I was always told that if they didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all. It apparently still holds true.

07-28-19, 21:43
I can hear it now.......”My political comeback will be because.......I’m smart enough, I’m good enough, and gosh darn it, people like me”. Minnesota be like.....yep, good enough, yer in dude. Pass the lutefisk please.

07-29-19, 10:51
President Trump is hammering the Left on their sacred cows and untouchables. He just called Al Sharpton a racist who hates whites and cops. The Left is going crazy on being called out as racist and POTUS is right but he is the only one with the gall to say it.

07-29-19, 11:08
You know when you are photographed simulating massaging a sleeping Woman's breasts without her knowledge or permission, shouldn't you be considered too stupid for the job?
I mean if you cannot represent yourself as at least a gentleman as you move through society, do you really need to be representing anyone else?

07-29-19, 11:33
Minnesota has Ilhan Omar; stranger things could happen than him getting back in office.

The left will use their ever-moving yardstick to make it ok: "well, it really wasn't all that bad...."

07-29-19, 14:58
Minnesota has Ilhan Omar; stranger things could happen than him getting back in office.

The left will use their ever-moving yardstick to make it ok: "well, it really wasn't all that bad...."

I'm just saying, if I had any relation to that woman whom he shamed with the breast grabbing picture and I had been on that plane, I'm pretty sure he would remember me.
Some stuff you just should know better than to do, if you make it to adulthood and still think that's cool and funny, someone needs to sit you right on that.