View Full Version : Best non-firearm weapons against viscious dogs?

07-28-19, 20:11
At home and outside of the home.

What are the best tools for discouraging or stopping a dog attack in an environment you'd rather not being firing a gun?

Right now I dont carry pepper spray and not always a suitable knife. I'd have to use my pistol.

At home my go-to (along with having a pistol) would be my Cold Steel spear. One good thrust (okay perhaps a few) to the right place should ensure a quick death that wont get me charged with "cruelty" or "discharging firearms".

I can only carry so many weapons but I may get some spray for the house. Dog attacks aren't always pitbulls and it might look bad to blast, shank, or take the axe handle to a 30lb terrier having a bad day.

So what are the best non-firearm weapons to use against viscious dogs?

07-28-19, 20:20
How about a Cattle Prod or Stun Gun? When you switch on one of those stun guns, the arcing sound freaks a dog out. They stop in their tracks. The Cattle Prod gives you some stand-off zapping power.

07-28-19, 20:33
Cattle prod has been effective for me. Had a boss with an aggressive dog. He didn't mess with me when I had the prod but I'm pretty sure he had felt the effects previously lol

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07-28-19, 20:54
Pepper spray. "Counter Assault" is my brand of choice. The 1.4 ounce size is part of my EDC along with a folder in the other pocket and a Surefire in a belt holster. At home and in the car, I have the full size "bear spray" size canisters.

Works like a charm on A-hole dogs and two legged A-holes as well.

I arrived at this brand because a friend of mine owns and trains bears. Every once in a while one of them needs a little reminder to play nicely with the weak humans, and this stuff works. Several of the companies that make pepper spray send him product to try for free. Some of them have shoddy packaging or weak tops. Some of them don't last for very long, and some of them are ineffective. I met the manufacturer at the SHOT show one year and he explained why some of his competitors stuff was crap and how it is supposed to be done. Been using his products, successfully, for about a decade now. The labels wear off of the small canisters in my pocket over time. About once a year, when the wind is favorable, I'll do some practice with the old canister and replace it with a brand new one. I buy cases of the two sizes, so I always have it on hand and give it to friends and family too.

BTW, I'm a dog trainer by profession.

If you are just out walking around your own neighborhood few tools are more effective than a ski pole, or similar stick of some sort, with a tennis ball on the end. When you point that at a dog, most of them are very reluctant to go past it.

07-28-19, 21:13
Years ago when I worked on our Cut Out crew, (disconnecting electrical service), we had to deal with dogs all the time. The power company would provide us with a pepper spray that would stop everything but German Shepards. We would buy different brands on our own but never found one that would stop them.

Make sure you practice a lot because it’s critical to get it in their eyes, nose, and mouth on the first try.

Another note: Be SURE the dog poses a threat.. Spray someone’s animal that isn’t attacking and you can face criminal charges. Barking and growling in their yard does not count. I know what I’d do if I caught someone pepper spraying my animal unwarranted.

07-28-19, 21:19
If you are just out walking around your own neighborhood few tools are more effective than a ski pole, or similar stick of some sort, with a tennis ball on the end. When you point that at a dog, most of them are very reluctant to go past it.

Why is that?

07-28-19, 21:31
Benelli M1 Super90 Tactical.

Sorry - I just DON'T take chances with Pit Bulls and the like.

Failing that...


07-28-19, 21:35
Pulled a can of pepper on a dog that had apparently been sprayed before based on how fast he stopped.

Interested in the tennis ball on a stick details too.

07-28-19, 21:39

Flailing that...

07-28-19, 21:47
At home my go-to (along with having a pistol) would be my Cold Steel spear. One good thrust (okay perhaps a few) to the right place should ensure a quick death that wont get me charged with "cruelty" or "discharging firearms".

States may vary but up here, stabbing a dog with a spear seems guaranteed to bring a criminal prosecution, even if justified self-defense and even if shooting it with a gun, based on the same justification, would not have done so. YMMV, etc.

Without personal experience, post #4 seems right on. It's non-lethal, it's likely to work, and it's legal in most areas even where pistols aren't.

07-28-19, 23:20
Pepper spray is probably the best bet as it has more range than anything hand held. Of course you will need real pepper spray, not the crap sold at Wal Mart on a key chain.

That said, I once saw a very talented individual keep a large aggressive dog at bay with an open umbrella. Not sure I'd want to try it, but it was pretty amazing.

I remember when there used to be newspaper boys on bicycles some of my friends did impressive things with nothing more than a squirt gun full of lemon juice. Lots of dogs learned to stay on the porch.

Dr. Bullseye
07-29-19, 00:01
Isn't all this a bit of overreaction? Who here has been attacked by a dog outside the dog's home or yard? Even large dogs are usually deterred by a stare and loud, harsh words. If pepper spray can deter a bear what additional measures are necessary?

07-29-19, 00:09
Luckily, I've only been attacked by one dog while running and it was a little shit toy breed. As I'm running I see the dog on a porch with the owner who is unlocking the door. The dog is already locked onto me and the owner has no awareness whatsoever. This little shit comes charging at me yapping the whole time. The owner is now yelling "he's friendly, he's friendly." I don't break stride and keep moving figuring once I get out of the dog's space, he'll likely f*ck off. Nope. This as*hole tries biting me. I actually felt its teeth on my shin. I grabbed this rat by the neck and pinned it to the ground. Owner...who is hefty and not a runner...is moving toward us. The dog realizes it might have bitten off more than it can chew, pisses itself and goes limp into submission. I lighten up as not to choke the f*ck out of it but maintain my grasp. The owner reaches us and moves to pickup the dog and I back off. As soon as that little rat is in its owner's arms, it immediately goes full as*hole with the yipping again.

Little dogs are more of a problem than the big ones. Their owners don't control them, so they have dominance issues. Be aware.

Think of an escape. What can you get on top of? Parked cars are an option.

Pepper spray is nice because you get a few chances and what I would take.

26 Inf
07-29-19, 00:47
Isn't all this a bit of overreaction? Who here has been attacked by a dog outside the dog's home or yard? Even large dogs are usually deterred by a stare and loud, harsh words. If pepper spray can deter a bear what additional measures are necessary?

The thing about pepper spray is that it may not keep you from getting bit if the dog is already launched.

Understanding why most dogs bark, lunge, attack, may help in avoiding. I found these articles which might be helpful:



I have a couple of friends who were/are postal carriers, they essentially told me the same thing - and that in their experience most carriers that got bit hadn't paid attention to the dog.

07-29-19, 01:17
Isn't all this a bit of overreaction? Who here has been attacked by a dog outside the dog's home or yard? Even large dogs are usually deterred by a stare and loud, harsh words. If pepper spray can deter a bear what additional measures are necessary?

Lots of folks. Including myself. People I know. Had a family member get a bad bite on the leg. She'll have the scar forever. Several hospital visits. None of these people were bit by their own dogs or work with dogs. Most were simply roaming dogs in suburbs. I know a few who have had pets killed by dogs as well.

It ain't rare. You don't know anyone who's been bit by a dog? That's not like not knowing anyone who has been in a car crash.

07-29-19, 01:26
Benelli M1 Super90 Tactical.

Sorry - I just DON'T take chances with Pit Bulls and the like.

Failing that...


LOL, I was thinking flanged mace or war hammer.

07-29-19, 06:00


07-29-19, 06:51
Isn't all this a bit of overreaction? Who here has been attacked by a dog outside the dog's home or yard? Even large dogs are usually deterred by a stare and loud, harsh words. If pepper spray can deter a bear what additional measures are necessary?

First page of a google search. https://www.google.com/search?ei=xdw-XeqmHOec5wL65bqADg&q=pitbull+attacts+in+south+carolina&oq=pitbull+attacts+in+south+carolina&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30.4515.35112..35698...1.0..0.241.5260.0j41j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......35i304i39j33i10j0i7i10i30j0i7i30j0i30j0i20i263j0i10j0i13i30j0i10i30j0i8i13i30j0i8i30j0i13j0i8i13i10i30.EQnf_YwM9Dc&ved=0ahUKEwiqndChh9rjAhVnzlkKHfqyDuAQ4dUDCAo&uact=5

Outlander Systems
07-29-19, 07:10
Stab them in the ****ing neck. This isn’t hard.

07-29-19, 07:14
Lots of folks. Including myself. People I know. Had a family member get a bad bite on the leg. She'll have the scar forever. Several hospital visits. None of these people were bit by their own dogs or work with dogs. Most were simply roaming dogs in suburbs. I know a few who have had pets killed by dogs as well.

It ain't rare. You don't know anyone who's been bit by a dog? That's not like not knowing anyone who has been in a car crash.

I gotta say no....I don't know anyone who's ever been bitten. Not by their dog, not by any other dog. Also I've never seen a roaming dog. Every once in a while I'll see posters of a missing dog that got out of the yard or ran out when the door was open. Everywhere I've ever lived people treated their dogs as pets and part of the family. I do occasionally see a few neighbors walking their dogs without a leash but I've never seen one off the leash bigger than 10lbs. The only concern I have sometimes when walking my dog is watching a 13 year old girl walking the family Husky or Rottweiler. If that dog dedicated it didn't like mine the girl is going for a ride!

There's A LOT of dog owners in my area and in my neighborhood. I see everything from little chihuahuas to Great Danes and Pit Bull like dogs. Yet I almost never hear any barking in the neighborhood and certainly not roaming dogs..... although....two years ago as I was walking my dog I did witness a pug chasing a juvenile fox! They ran out right in front of us. Couldn't have been more than 15 feet. My dog looked at me like can I go play too?!?!


I take it back. I do know of one person who got bit. A bunch of us were at a friend's house and he was babysitting his sister's shih tzu. The dog was laying by our feet chewing it toy or something. Another friend got up and accidentally stepped on the dog tail. The dog was startled and it obviously hurt. He instantly turned and bit the guy on his toe.

07-29-19, 07:57

Beat me to it.

OP, I work for our county public works dept. and am regularly on private property. I haven't had any serious issues yet, but I like to carry pepper spray for dogs. Of course, the one time it could have gone south, I didn't have it with me that day. Thankfully the dog's owner got it under control before my coworker took its head off with a crowbar.

07-29-19, 08:52
Luckily, I've only been attacked by one dog while running and it was a little shit toy breed. As I'm running I see the dog on a porch with the owner who is unlocking the door. The dog is already locked onto me and the owner has no awareness whatsoever. This little shit comes charging at me yapping the whole time. The owner is now yelling "he's friendly, he's friendly." I don't break stride and keep moving figuring once I get out of the dog's space, he'll likely f*ck off. Nope. This as*hole tries biting me. I actually felt its teeth on my shin. I grabbed this rat by the neck and pinned it to the ground. Owner...who is hefty and not a runner...is moving toward us. The dog realizes it might have bitten off more than it can chew, pisses itself and goes limp into submission. I lighten up as not to choke the f*ck out of it but maintain my grasp. The owner reaches us and moves to pickup the dog and I back off. As soon as that little rat is in its owner's arms, it immediately goes full as*hole with the yipping again.

Little dogs are more of a problem than the big ones. Their owners don't control them, so they have dominance issues. Be aware.

Think of an escape. What can you get on top of? Parked cars are an option.

Pepper spray is nice because you get a few chances and what I would take.

We call them "Flush Dogs". Meaning they should be flushed down the toilet.:cool:

07-29-19, 09:02
The cattle prod suggestion should work. A buddy of mine who raised Pits and hunted with them used it and said that thing did the job. He said make sure you get the green one. I guess that was the high power one. He told me that if they were acting up, all he had to do was bring it up to the window and arc it once. They all calmed down immediately.

07-29-19, 09:12
I gotta say no....I don't know anyone who's ever been bitten. Not by their dog, not by any other dog.

Must be nice to live in a desert. It's the damn headline every OTHER day here in Pittsburgh.











Top 2 page search results, of ONE station, in ONE city, in ONE state, in America. If I KNOW there's gonna be dangerous dogs involved? SLING arms. :mad:

07-29-19, 09:31
Must be nice to live in a desert. It's the damn headline every OTHER day here in Pittsburgh.











Top 2 page search results, of ONE station, in ONE city, in ONE state, in America. If I KNOW there's gonna be dangerous dogs involved? SLING arms. :mad:Desert? I'm on the other side of the state near Philly

07-29-19, 09:31
Bear spray or LE-grade OC

07-29-19, 11:56
Must be nice to live in a desert. It's the damn headline every OTHER day here in Pittsburgh.











Top 2 page search results, of ONE station, in ONE city, in ONE state, in America. If I KNOW there's gonna be dangerous dogs involved? SLING arms. :mad:

Ive been bit by dogs twice.
One, i was in a laundry room when my roommates dogs began fighting in the doorway and into the room (pit mix and lab mix.). These were undisciplined and untrained dogs.

Other was a rescue shortly after we got him, he had very bad food aggression. After a few months of establishing dominance and trust, he turned out to be a good dog for his remaining years (food aggression was completely gone in 3 months or so).

All these dogs were 50lb or less and I felt confident I could handle them without major issue bare-handed.
Once you get to 100lb plus, id like to have something more. Especially out and about when you have distance, Id go with pepper spray but cant comment on effectiveness.

07-29-19, 12:42
I've seen a meter reader use an auto-opening umbrella to keep a dog at bay. Open it at the right moment and it'll freak the dog out. (I should add that the dog kept at bay was my chocolate lab who only wanted to say hi, but it was effective nonetheless)

07-29-19, 12:56
I've seen a meter reader use an auto-opening umbrella to keep a dog at bay. Open it at the right moment and it'll freak the dog out. (I should add that the dog kept at bay was my chocolate lab who only wanted to say hi, but it was effective nonetheless)

Yeah, I think my American Bulldog would go through an umbrella just trying to get to me when I come home.

07-31-19, 11:07
A friend who did a lot of hiking in the smokies used an old nose spray bottle filled with ammonia on the black bears when they got too close.

07-31-19, 12:42
The cattle prod suggestion should work. A buddy of mine who raised Pits and hunted with them used it and said that thing did the job. He said make sure you get the green one. I guess that was the high power one. He told me that if they were acting up, all he had to do was bring it up to the window and arc it once. They all calmed down immediately.
The key is non-lethal, and doesn't do any harm to the canine. Many times, just the arcing sound freaks them out - they don't know what it is and triggers something in their brain, maybe like the sound of a Rattler. I did run into one particularly aggressive mongrel dog once and the application of the cattle prod to the snoot made it nearly do a back flip. Dog was no problem after that.

08-11-19, 23:52
I'm liking the idea of OC backed by a gun for the house / out walking.

08-12-19, 07:09
A 4-6 foot staff will take care of a lot issues. And yes in Florida, I think they have a yap yap dog requirement to live here, annoying little f'ers. They can be punted rather well or eaten by a gator.