View Full Version : FL looks to ban all semi auto long guns

07-30-19, 15:41
Once the called The Gun Shine state, now doing it's best to "beat" places like NJ, MA, or CA. One of reasons I left the NE was to get away from that crap, and it's like pan into fire here. The AG is looking to block it totally, it has little chance of surviving as written, etc, but that's not really the point. I suspect at least some version will get on the ballet, and before the Parkland event, thought FL was solidly safe for 2A supporters and lawful gun owners:

Florida AG Challenges Ballot Measure That Would Outlaw Most Semi-Auto Firearms in the State


The Ballot:


Alex V
07-30-19, 15:45
The fight is never over, even is states that seemed safe. As Liberals move out of their shithole states, some bring the ideas that made their states shitholes in the first place with them. Not this guy thought. :-D

Doc Safari
07-30-19, 15:56
New Mexico will probably try to go this path after the first of the year. We are in a real fight, Gents. It may be time to dig holes or.....or......or...

07-30-19, 16:14
The Left wants to start a Civil War.
One half has 8 million bullets
The other half can't decide which restroom to use

07-30-19, 16:34
Yay, I just f***ing love being stuck between two states that are one voting session away from going in the shitter on 2A issues. :rolleyes:
Nothing like having a high likelihood of everything turning out bad no matter which way you jump.

07-30-19, 16:38
They might as well make dihydrogen monoxide illegal, for all the good it will do them. :rolleyes:

07-30-19, 16:46
The fight is never over, even is states that seemed safe. As Liberals move out of their shithole states, some bring the ideas that made their states shitholes in the first place with them. Not this guy thought. :-D

Don’t forget that now that you’re in NC. It might be the next CO.

They might as well make dihydrogen monoxide illegal, for all the good it will do them. :rolleyes:

100% of autopsies find that stuff. Ban it NOW!

07-30-19, 16:48
Well, good. They leave handguns alone- you know the guns actually used to kill people most of the time...

I REALLY don't like ballot initiatives and especially 'constitutional' ones that are 50%+1. That is a piss poor barrier to taking away people's rights. I'm not against the ballot method itself, just that it shouldn't be a simple majority. 60/40 or even 66% should be the threshold. At least you have a pretty high barrier to whimsical change.

So, if you have an AR after this, but only a 10 round mag in your possession, not 10+, is that an Assault weapon?

If you get an HK SL1 that only had 10 round mags, but then someone makes a 10+ round mag....

If you have an AR15, and a 30 rounder, but you don't put it in the gun....

We really need to get a ruling out of SCOTUS that ARs and 30 round mags are kosher. It's time to stop screwing around. We've wasted 10 years since Heller and McDonald and gotten very little out of it.

07-30-19, 17:07
About 20 years ago Debbie Wasserman Schultz introduced a version of the AW ban for Broward County and the damn thing passed 11-1. Thankfully the governor at the time, Jeb Bush told her to stop wasting his time with this kind of BS.

There has always been a prominent NE influx to FL, which is how Wasserman got the job in the first place, and many want to make it "just like home."

If Florida ever did pass that kind of shit, it really might be ground zero for the next shooting war.

07-30-19, 17:39
Well, there goes Tampa Metro as a candidate site for Operation Delocate... :(

07-30-19, 17:45
If Florida ever did pass that kind of shit, it really might be ground zero for the next shooting war.

I'd give that about a 1% chance of happening... tops! They essentially banned 'em in CA, MA, and CT if I recall correctly. Didn't hear of a single threeper going hot over it.

07-30-19, 17:51
I just escaped IL for FL, I'm not dealing with this garbage, they can eat shit if it passes or not.

07-30-19, 17:53
The sad reality is, there is no safe state. Look for this stuff to start passing all over the "gun friendly" south as more and more urbanites move in. I've been looking for a place to relocate for when NC goes blue, which it is well on its way to, but cant find anywhere that suits me and that the wife will go. Besides the 2A threat, our taxes are on par with many NE states, and all of our major cities are shitholes. I kind of like SC, but realistically, any move is just a band aid on a major bleeder at this point. Sooner or later this comes to a head. I prefer the electorate selects common sense, or at least an amicable dissolution. Far to many people on both sides of the issue have no grasp of how bad a civil war would be.

07-30-19, 18:19
The Left wants to start a Civil War.
One half has 8 million bullets
The other half can't decide which restroom to use

effing hilarious , thank you

As others have said no state is safe. AZ, KY two of my homes are strongholds but a few mass shootings and the tides can change. Constant battle and the left will never stop. The long run challenge is the slow decay of Right wing beliefs. It sux.

The other problem is most people don't give a shit about AR's and don't see how "if you give them a foot they will want a yard_ give them a yard and they will want to put a pool in it"!


07-30-19, 18:35
I've been looking for a place to relocate for when NC goes blue, ...snip...I kind of like SC, but realistically, any move is just a band aid on a major bleeder at this point.

In SC, I can’t walk 3 feet without running into someone from NY, NJ, MA, CT, OH, etc. The influx is unreal. My county grows 18/day. 15 of those are imports, with 3 being births. 15/day, in a mixed rural/“urban” county. Mull that over a minute. Note that urban is in quotes. The water tower by the interstate says “open for business” as our motto.

I’m an outsider, too. Moved here from Fayette Nam, NC, raised in Louisiana.

The Southeast is not permanently safe. Unless you want to breed with your sister.

Alex V
07-30-19, 18:40
Don’t forget that now that you’re in NC. It might be the next CO.

I know. Those damn Yankees. I just hope I have enough time to get some cans out ATF jail so I can be all stealth like for the boogaloo. :-)

07-30-19, 18:45
I'd give that about a 1% chance of happening... tops! They essentially banned 'em in CA, MA, and CT if I recall correctly. Didn't hear of a single threeper going hot over it.

FL is "different." It's like Texas but with a minor substance abuse problem.

07-30-19, 18:49
Lots of ignorant and stupid people live and relocated in/to Florida. I can see how some form of gun control is appropriate. Just because you and I are responsible gun owners doesn't mean everyone is. For the most part the Fla coast is inhabited by civilized people with a few million drug addicts thrown in and the interior is inhabited by what is at best white trash with another 3 Mill drug addicts thrown in. I'll stay in SC!

07-30-19, 19:18
FL is "different." It's like Texas but with a minor substance abuse problem.I really hope you're right.

07-30-19, 19:20
The truth of the matter is that we are irrevocably divided, any laws passed any elections won or lost will be ignored or a reason for violence.
It matters not, we or they will ignore the laws to some degree or another, will insist that the newly elected president does not represent us.
The United States of America is gone.
We are not united and never will be again in my opinion.

07-30-19, 19:46
Once the called The Gun Shine state, now doing it's best to "beat" places like NJ, MA, or CA.

Like many formerly deep red states, too many people from the states like the ones you mentioned above moved to conservative states and brought their leftist ideology with them. Red to Purple to Nanny state in less than a generation. Not to mention the flow of illegals which accelerate the same trajectory.

07-30-19, 20:10
The truth of the matter is that we are irrevocably divided, any laws passed any elections won or lost will be ignored or a reason for violence.
It matters not, we or they will ignore the laws to some degree or another, will insist that the newly elected president does not represent us.
The United States of America is gone.
We are not united and never will be again in my opinion.

The leftist movement in this country is showing it’s true colors, they wish to impose their will on others be it gun control, banning meat, banning automobiles (and any recreational vehicle with an engine), banning free speech (shutting down the opposition), controlling healthcare, banning fossil fuel for “clean” energy, controlling the economy, taking away disposable imcome via punitive regressive taxes, it’s really all about control and of course the central planners know best, comrade.

The “right” in this country for the most part just wants to be left the **** alone, it’s really that simple. If leftist ideology takes over the USA, we become Cuba or Venezuela.

07-30-19, 21:40
I know. Those damn Yankees. I just hope I have enough time to get some cans out ATF jail so I can be all stealth like for the boogaloo. :-)

NOT the first time I've seen this phrase used among the firearm owning, & while I'm tacitly familiar with the dance, I realize I gotta keep checking into M4C to keep my kit current, my rifles current, my technique current, and apparently - my lingo, too! :laugh: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Boogaloo

Outlander Systems
07-30-19, 21:55
It’s also referred to as the, “Big Igloo.”

NOT the first time I've seen this phrase used among the firearm owning, & while I'm tacitly familiar with the dance, I realize I gotta keep checking into M4C to keep my kit current, my rifles current, my technique current, and apparently - my lingo, too! :laugh: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Boogaloo

07-30-19, 22:05
Lots of ignorant and stupid people live and relocated in/to Florida. I can see how some form of gun control is appropriate. Just because you and I are responsible gun owners doesn't mean everyone is. For the most part the Fla coast is inhabited by civilized people with a few million drug addicts thrown in and the interior is inhabited by what is at best white trash with another 3 Mill drug addicts thrown in. I'll stay in SC!Comments like this are proof as to why our days as gun owners will slowly come to an end. The left won't come and take them, they won't have to. Even on one of the most pro 2A forums on the internet, we still have this nonsense.

You must do all your shopping at Fudds-R-Us.

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07-30-19, 22:07
It’s also referred to as the, “Big Igloo.”

I’m boomer chuckling in anti pistol brace tones right now

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-30-19, 22:08
Lots of ignorant and stupid people live and relocated in/to Florida. I can see how some form of gun control is appropriate. Just because you and I are responsible gun owners doesn't mean everyone is. For the most part the Fla coast is inhabited by civilized people with a few million drug addicts thrown in and the interior is inhabited by what is at best white trash with another 3 Mill drug addicts thrown in. I'll stay in SC!

Please tell us where the scary freedom hurt you

Thankfully folks don’t have a right to drive either because it would be a slaughter otherwise

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-30-19, 22:10
This is why "vote with your feet" doesn't work anymore. Too many carpetbaggers, as well as kids who get brainwashed by the state universities in otherwise conservative states, then settle near the college and start voting Democrat. Wherever you move, they will follow. The leftists don't live by the ideal that they have their space and we have ours. They can't have that ideal when they believe we don't have the right to exist.

07-30-19, 23:56
New Mexico will probably try to go this path after the first of the year. We are in a real fight, Gents. It may be time to dig holes or.....or......or...


07-31-19, 03:56
The list of treasonist bureaucrats grows longer and longer...

07-31-19, 05:56
The future is simple, the Republic is lost if we think we can keep it by using the ballot box.

The day is coming where people will be forced to make a choice, kneel to the state or resist the state.

If America become a cheap copy of a Euro trash country, then the whole world will suffer.

07-31-19, 07:04
The ballot box puts people into a system that is incompatible with truth, objective reality, productive achievement, principles, morals, or ethics.

07-31-19, 07:28
I seriously doubt this will get close to passing and I will absolutely not comply if it does. I know there would be a crapload of people in Florida that would be like minded. Sure there are some substance abusers and the inner city metro areas are progressive sh*tholes...but a lot Florida is still overall nice to live in with good people that are gun friendly.

07-31-19, 08:45
I'd give that about a 1% chance of happening... tops! They essentially banned 'em in CA, MA, and CT if I recall correctly. Didn't hear of a single threeper going hot over it.

I'd say 1.8%, but having grown up in the NE and moved to FL, they're very different places in that respect and more likely in FL than CA, MA, or CT for sure. While parts of FL are now the NE with palm trees, FL is the south, as deep south as one can technically get and it's a very different culture from those FUBER states. I will say, if such a F up law passes, I see very few actually registering their long guns.

07-31-19, 08:50
I'd say 1.8%, but having grown up in the NE and moved to FL, they're very different places in that respect and more likely in FL than CA, MA, or CT for sure. While parts of FL are now the NE with palm trees, FL is the south, as deep south as one can technically get and it's a very different culture from those FUBER states. I will say, if such a F up law passes, I see very few actually registering their long guns.Agreed on the lack of registration compliance. But I'm still very skeptical that people would start actual violence over it.

07-31-19, 10:25
Agreed on the lack of registration compliance. But I'm still very skeptical that people would start actual violence over it.

I raise your 1% to 1.8%, so obviously I generally agree with your assessment, but I can say FL is a very different animal from those states too.

07-31-19, 10:54
The United States of America is gone.
We are not united and never will be again in my opinion.

It's been something else since 1861. That's when Washington's United States actually died IMO.

Doesnt matter now.

07-31-19, 11:40
The ballot box puts people into a system that is incompatible with truth, objective reality, productive achievement, principles, morals, or ethics.

Use of the ballot box, in these times, simply makes one a participant in their own serfdom.
That way when the left challenges you by asking "did you vote?" and you give a positive response, then the retort will be, "then you had your say, and you lost, suck it!-- that's how a democracy works!" Of course our forefathers fought against taxation with no representation. How many of you feel unrepresented? How long must these traitors to the Constitution run rampant with impunity?

07-31-19, 11:48
New Mexico will probably try to go this path after the first of the year. We are in a real fight, Gents. It may be time to dig holes or.....or......or...
Doc, you think our inbred tard of a governor will try pushing this? She's already gotten push-back from 26 counties here by forming "Sanctuary Counties". All hell would break loose in the rural New Mexico areas and I can't see any compliance. Even the mandatory background check did nothing but cause Wal-Mart to stop selling long guns. Nobody out here is doing background checks in the private selling of firearms. Banning ownership of previously legal guns will have as much affect as the bump stock ownership. I encounter people who still own them, and use them. Non-compliance is a badge of honor for a large portion of the American public.

Just wait until braces on pistols will be outlawed. I can't see much compliance with that either.

Doc Safari
07-31-19, 11:56
Doc, you think our inbred tard of a governor will try pushing this? She's already gotten push-back from 26 counties here by forming "Sanctuary Counties". All hell would break loose in the rural New Mexico areas and I can't see any compliance. Even the mandatory background check did nothing but cause Wal-Mart to stop selling long guns. Nobody out here is doing background checks in the private selling of firearms. Banning ownership of previously legal guns will have as much affect as the bump stock ownership. I encounter people who still own them, and use them. Non-compliance is a badge of honor for a large portion of the American public.

The short answer is: I'm watching the situation.

The governor is a nutcase ideologue that wouldn't even let law enforcement officers enter the capital building in Santa Flush with their sidearms.

I think she's just crazy enough to push for something.

On our side:

1. Lots of cops, citizens, and even legislators have traditionally been liberal on everything but gun ownership.
2. Grisham's problems with the border crisis and the pushback on universal background checks must have rattled the administration

Against us:

1. The libs are well aware that they control everything. This state is already blue in case anyone doesn't know it yet.
2. The legislature can pretty much do what it wants and I'm not up on how many "gun friendly" legislators we really have this time.
3. For thirty day sessions in even numbered years, the governor gets to pick which bills are up for consideration. That's the big, bad one. If the legislators are simpatico, we are screwed, blued, and tattooed.

Of course, there's that pushback and non-compliance thing. I plan to take up boating with my firearms if shit gets real.

I have a friend who owns an LGS, and he has "spies" at many levels of law enforcement and government. I keep up with him as to what's going on. The guy gets good info. He knew that the Border Patrol was going to start mass-releasing migrants into local towns a full week before it actually started happening.

So I'll try to stay abreast of the situation.

07-31-19, 12:16
Of course, there's that pushback and non-compliance thing. I plan to take up boating with my firearms if shit gets real.

I don't own a boat, and the closest body of water, other than the Canadian River which I border, is Conchas Lake State Park. I think I'm more inclined to false wall panels and secret rooms - it's more in line with the Prohibition period and provides easier access to contraband.

just a scout
07-31-19, 12:42
I'd say 1.8%, but having grown up in the NE and moved to FL, they're very different places in that respect and more likely in FL than CA, MA, or CT for sure. While parts of FL are now the NE with palm trees, FL is the south, as deep south as one can technically get and it's a very different culture from those FUBER states. I will say, if such a F up law passes, I see very few actually registering their long guns.


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07-31-19, 13:03

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Doh! Dat dyslexia acting up. You all know what I meant!

07-31-19, 14:37
In SC, I can’t walk 3 feet without running into someone from NY, NJ, MA, CT, OH, etc. The influx is unreal. My county grows 18/day. 15 of those are imports, with 3 being births. 15/day, in a mixed rural/“urban” county. Mull that over a minute. Note that urban is in quotes. The water tower by the interstate says “open for business” as our motto.

Same can be said for TX, MT, WY and AZ. 50 years from now, ALL states will be blue or purple. Even the hippies in Anchorage AK have started working on flipping the gun laws there...

BEAT them at their own game, WITH their own game. CA has done a GREAT job of nullifying ballot propositions. Even ones that are constitutional that have passed by over 60%. Just go court shopping. Roll like they do. Even Kavanaugh said in his confirmation hearing that weapons like the AR have proliferated and are protected by the 2nd.

07-31-19, 14:45
So the 2A/constitution/right to bear arms has been reduced to hiding your arms and or loosing them in boating accidents. So much for freedom.

07-31-19, 16:22
So the 2A/constitution/right to bear arms has been reduced to hiding your arms and or loosing them in boating accidents. So much for freedom.

Lots of people are willing to shoot, nobody wants to go first. Ranting about freedom on the internet isn't the same as giving them ammo when they come for your guns.

The people who stash, hide and bury stuff in PVC pipes are the ones who will do a lot of the actual fighting IF the shooting starts. They will survive the first round of eliminations. If it's on, it's on and then everyone is pretty much all in even if they wished to avoid conflict.

Obviously I'm hoping it never comes to that, we don't need parts of the US looking like Darfur.

Doc Safari
07-31-19, 16:25
Lots of people are willing to shoot, nobody wants to go first. Ranting about freedom on the internet isn't the same as giving them ammo when they come for your guns.

The people who stash, hide and bury stuff in PVC pipes are the ones who will do a lot of the actual fighting IF the shooting starts. They will survive the first round of eliminations. If it's on, it's on and then everyone is pretty much all in even if they wished to avoid conflict.

Obviously I'm hoping it never comes to that, we don't need parts of the US looking like Darfur.

Like my dad used to say, "Everyone wants to dance, but nobody wants to be the first one on the dance floor."

What I say: "You'll know what to do and when."

07-31-19, 17:43
If or when it comes to confiscation you'll probably just receive a letter through the mail letting you know your drivers license and car tags have been suspended and you insurance cancelled for not complying with the new mandatory gun by back regulation. Or something similar. By this point it won't matter if its unconstitutional or not...

07-31-19, 18:14
If or when it comes to confiscation you'll probably just receive a letter through the mail letting you know your drivers license and car tags have been suspended and you insurance cancelled for not complying with the new mandatory gun by back regulation. Or something similar. By this point it won't matter if its unconstitutional or not...

Prove you still have them. Right now, in most states, there is a plausible deniability.....i.e. no requirement to show where your guns went. "I sold them at gunshows when I knew this was coming, nope, no paper as I wasn't required to do so at the time". Some judge somewhere would stop the chicanery you mention.

Now with UBC's or registration? Anything purchased on paper from that point on would have to be accounted for, but things before that? Nope.

07-31-19, 18:38
So the 2A/constitution/right to bear arms has been reduced to hiding your arms and or loosing them in boating accidents. So much for freedom.

What’s your solution?

God Bless,


07-31-19, 18:49
What’s your solution?

God Bless,


Thats like asking what's your solution to stop corruption? There isn't one. At least not one that will be effectively implemented.

07-31-19, 19:11
Thats like asking what's your solution to stop corruption? There isn't one. At least not one that will be effectively implemented.

Then why chastise the rest of the forum?

God Bless,


07-31-19, 19:59
Use of the ballot box, in these times, simply makes one a participant in their own serfdom.
That way when the left challenges you by asking "did you vote?" and you give a positive response, then the retort will be, "then you had your say, and you lost, suck it!-- that's how a democracy works!" Of course our forefathers fought against taxation with no representation. How many of you feel unrepresented? How long must these traitors to the Constitution run rampant with impunity?

I’m not sure I’d bother to vote against it. I’m not sure I’d bother challenging it in the courts if it passed. I’d be inclined to go around and tell people “Sure, go ahead and vote for it, it doesn’t matter anyway. We’re not going to comply and you’re not going to stop us.” I know when I put something like that out there in response to some leftist on a place like Reddit, you should see the sudden pearl clutching! LOL

Lately I’m seeing a LOT more people just flat not caring, and the leftists are the ones that gave us the idea. Between sanctuary cities, lawfare, cities like Portland standing by while criminal leftists run amok, or NYC deciding that dousing cops with water is socially acceptable? Well why bother abiding by silly intangible constraints like a law written in some book somewhere at the state capital? Just let your freak flag fly, right? I mean if they want to take the fight to the streets, who are we to deny them what they ask for, right?

If or when it comes to confiscation you'll probably just receive a letter through the mail letting you know your drivers license and car tags have been suspended and you insurance cancelled for not complying with the new mandatory gun by back regulation. Or something similar. By this point it won't matter if its unconstitutional or not...

So the “authority” that relieves you of the burden of complying with gun laws, is going also going to relieve you of the burden of asking permission to drive and paying for that privilege? “Oh no please Br’er Fox! Don’t fling me in dat briar patch!”

These statists will never be satisfied. There will never be enough taking to satisfy them. Once they have everything from you, they’ll still yearn to take more. Like Doc says in Tombstone, they got a great big hole right in the middle of them. So it’s pretty close to time we tell them something.


07-31-19, 20:30
You have to realize that progressive/socialist see that as a win/win. It really is all about virtue signaling, full stop. That they can do this with out having to spend a dime, or more importantly, take money away from their pet projects, is also attractive. They don't have guns, don't know anyone that admits to having guns. It costs nothing, doesn't directly negatively affect them or anyone they know- and they get to look like they care.

Anyone see that most recent Pediatrics or Med journal article about states with more gun laws see less gun deaths? My wife is a doc and refuses to get me a copy because she knows I'll tear it apart online.

07-31-19, 23:17
You have to realize that progressive/socialist see that as a win/win. It really is all about virtue signaling, full stop. That they can do this with out having to spend a dime, or more importantly, take money away from their pet projects, is also attractive. They don't have guns, don't know anyone that admits to having guns. It costs nothing, doesn't directly negatively affect them or anyone they know- and they get to look like they care.

Anyone see that most recent Pediatrics or Med journal article about states with more gun laws see less gun deaths? My wife is a doc and refuses to get me a copy because she knows I'll tear it apart online.

I have a boardmate on another gun forum who's a practicing physician... want me to see if he can help hook you up?

08-01-19, 07:55
Prove you still have them. Right now, in most states, there is a plausible deniability.....i.e. no requirement to show where your guns went. "I sold them at gunshows when I knew this was coming, nope, no paper as I wasn't required to do so at the time". Some judge somewhere would stop the chicanery you mention.

Now with UBC's or registration? Anything purchased on paper from that point on would have to be accounted for, but things before that? Nope.

Considering they are actively violating one part of something they swore to protect, why do you think innocent until proven guilty is going to matter? That has been an issue since way back considering many people consider every claim made by the powers that be are 100% accurate, factual, and truthful.

As an example, the often repeated statement of giving the police the benefit of the doubt is the polar opposite of, and repugnant to, innocent until proven guilty.

08-01-19, 10:33
I have a boardmate on another gun forum who's a practicing physician... want me to see if he can help hook you up?

So what if it is true?

I have my doubts, as classically minimal gun law locations are low crime.
Especially violent crime.

But let’s say it is true.

So what?

We can just flush the bill of rights down the toilet if the only goal is saving lives.

Search everyone that looks like a druggie without a warrant, skip due process, and put them on an inescapable druggie Island. Put dealers of crack, meth, and heroin there with them.

Lock up all urban black males between the ages of 15 and 35. Fifty percent of violent crime gone.

Prohibit all alcohol and tobacco. Make them felony offenses as suspend warrants and due process. That will save half a million lives a year.

Let’s go government mandated diet offerings only. Why be free if it costs a quarter million lives a year.

Nobody needs a motorcycle. Outlaw them. One percent of miles traveled, close to 20% of deaths and injuries.

Roll up Hispanic looking people and dump them in Mexico. Too much driving without a license, without insurance, and while intoxicated. Disproportionate property crime as well.

Too many Islamic causes deaths on US soil. You look like a Muslim you are gone.

We can really shut down a lot of deaths.

08-01-19, 10:47
Then why chastise the rest of the forum?

God Bless,

Most certainly not chastising anyone. Just stating where we are and are heading in terms of the government protecting our freedoms.

08-01-19, 10:47
Double post deleted

08-01-19, 10:48
Point is if we can get the text of the article we can rip it apart and rebut piece by piece.

08-01-19, 11:54
Colorado, until 2013, had some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country. And yet, here we are.

08-01-19, 12:02
Point is if we can get the text of the article we can rip it apart and rebut piece by piece.

Decades ago I thought logic and facts mattered.

Evidence if of no consequence to the left.

The mainstream media has been called out on their BS many a time.

Nobody cares if the publication is accurate.
The rebuttals will fall on deaf ears.

08-01-19, 12:04
Colorado, until 2013, had some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country. And yet, here we are.

Sadly true.
And rural Vermonters thought their state constitution protected them.

And the demographics of any state are not in the 2A’s favor at this time.

08-01-19, 12:14
Sadly true.
And rural Vermonters thought their state constitution protected them.

And the demographics of any state are not in the 2A’s favor at this time.

Our new gun laws in CO have survived multiple successful appeals and challenges. Many of the writers of the bills were successfully recalled, and yet the laws still stand.

Like you mentioned, nothing is safe or sacred.

08-01-19, 15:54
Decades ago I thought logic and facts mattered.

Evidence if of no consequence to the left.

The mainstream media has been called out on their BS many a time.

Nobody cares if the publication is accurate.
The rebuttals will fall on deaf ears.

And there it is.

08-01-19, 16:59
Considering they are actively violating one part of something they swore to protect, why do you think innocent until proven guilty is going to matter? That has been an issue since way back considering many people consider every claim made by the powers that be are 100% accurate, factual, and truthful.

As an example, the often repeated statement of giving the police the benefit of the doubt is the polar opposite of, and repugnant to, innocent until proven guilty.

Don't you think if things have gone that far south we as a country would have bigger fish to fry than just some gun-owners who refuse to comply? i.e. if you start denying basic rights/privileges for them suspecting (but not able to prove) you still have guns stashed then no doubt other protections will be falling by the wayside too. And that is where they will run into overreach, with more than just gunowners pissed off at the "system".

08-01-19, 17:28
Comments like this are proof as to why our days as gun owners will slowly come to an end. The left won't come and take them, they won't have to. Even on one of the most pro 2A forums on the internet, we still have this nonsense.

You must do all your shopping at Fudds-R-Us.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

My comment has nothing to do with proof of anything other than being born in America guarantees you the right to own firearms even if you don't deserve the privilege. I know a couple of card carrying scitizo's (Bipolar for those in Rio Linda) who own firearms. Do you want to sponsor a legal defence organization for those and thousands of others?? I dont' give a shit what the 2A says... Everyone who legally can doesn't deserve the right to own firearms! Flame away!

08-01-19, 17:36
My comment has nothing to do with proof of anything other than being born in America guarantees you the right to own firearms even if you don't deserve the privilege. I know a couple of card carrying scitizo's (Bipolar for those in Rio Linda) who own firearms. Do you want to sponsor a legal defence organization for those and thousands of others?? I dont' give a shit what the 2A says... Everyone who legally can doesn't deserve the right to own firearms! Flame away!

Then I'd say you're truly on the wrong forum.

08-01-19, 17:43
Everyone who legally can doesn't deserve the right to own firearms! Flame away!

What other criteria are we supposed to use in determining this besides legal ones? Seems like we are opening the door for a lot of variable interpretations of who "deserves" their rights.

08-01-19, 18:15
Don't you think if things have gone that far south we as a country would have bigger fish to fry than just some gun-owners who refuse to comply? i.e. if you start denying basic rights/privileges for them suspecting (but not able to prove) you still have guns stashed then no doubt other protections will be falling by the wayside too. And that is where they will run into overreach, with more than just gunowners pissed off at the "system".

The bottomless PR budget works near miracles on demonizing people/groups that makes doing bad things to them seem reasonable.

Over reach has been happening since the beginning with no consequences for the offenders.

08-01-19, 18:23
My comment has nothing to do with proof of anything other than being born in America guarantees you the right to own firearms even if you don't deserve the privilege. I know a couple of card carrying scitizo's (Bipolar for those in Rio Linda) who own firearms. Do you want to sponsor a legal defence organization for those and thousands of others?? I dont' give a shit what the 2A says... Everyone who legally can doesn't deserve the right to own firearms! Flame away!

I don't care if every bi-polar person in this country gets a gun. Because FREEDOM IS WORTH IT .. FULL STOP.. Freedom isn't cheap and it's messy. That's what makes it so great. I don't want to be any other country on this planet, I happen to like this country. Bi-Polar (and other mentally ill people) still have access to weapons with more capability to cause harm than a firearm.

Owning firearms shouldn't be a "thing", no more than owning a car is.

08-01-19, 18:35
My comment has nothing to do with proof of anything other than being born in America guarantees you the right to own firearms even if you don't deserve the privilege. I know a couple of card carrying scitizo's (Bipolar for those in Rio Linda) who own firearms. Do you want to sponsor a legal defence organization for those and thousands of others?? I dont' give a shit what the 2A says... Everyone who legally can doesn't deserve the right to own firearms! Flame away!

Yeah, I don't think you belong here. You have nothing of value to say on the subject if this is your viewpoint. :rolleyes:

08-01-19, 18:40
. Bi-Polar (and other mentally ill people) still have access to weapons with more capability to cause harm than a firearm.


No more dangerous a weapon than power/authority and no interest in disarming those crazy folks. Just a very small percentage of that group mentioned here.


08-01-19, 22:12
My comment has nothing to do with proof of anything other than being born in America guarantees you the right to own firearms even if you don't deserve the privilege. I know a couple of card carrying scitizo's (Bipolar for those in Rio Linda) who own firearms. Do you want to sponsor a legal defence organization for those and thousands of others?? I dont' give a shit what the 2A says... Everyone who legally can doesn't deserve the right to own firearms! Flame away!

"Doesn't deserve"

Who are you, or anyone else to decide who does and does not deserve, need, etc. ANYTHING.

I can literally make a case and justify a MILLION reasons why someone "Should not" ___. And you can fill in the blank any way you like and I can articulate it.
I could articulate ANY health issue, and everyone has something- into a reason why you SHOULDN'T own a gun, drive a car, own property, vote, breathe, etc. **** that.

Rights are not deserved, they are not granted, they are not given, they are not earned, they are not permitted- they are not for you to decide who gets what and why and how.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights was designed and written for Just these matters.

Edited my post. My apologies.

26 Inf
08-01-19, 23:29
THCDDM4 - Generally I read what you post with interest, but this post was a BS personal attack. Just sayin' better than that.

08-01-19, 23:59
THCDDM4 - Generally I read what you post with interest, but this post was a BS personal attack. Just sayin' better than that.

It’s pretty much the first personal attack I’ve ever made on the internet.

I’m tired of folks attacking Liberty. I’m tired of folks being their own worst enemies and buying into statist BS.

The flame was requested. The flame was given.

NO ONE, should dictate what others deserve or need; especially in regards to our Rights. I feel rather strongly in this regard. Those words and the individuals who utter them and believe in them, underscore the very essence of tyranny.

I appreciate being called out. I am not perfect. I stand by the merit of my post.

although a personal attack, I feel it is meaningful beyond that context, and I was more attacking the ideal posited, than the individual positing such nonsense.

08-02-19, 02:08
My comment has nothing to do with proof of anything other than being born in America guarantees you the right to own firearms even if you don't deserve the privilege. I know a couple of card carrying scitizo's (Bipolar for those in Rio Linda) who own firearms. Do you want to sponsor a legal defence organization for those and thousands of others?? I dont' give a shit what the 2A says... Everyone who legally can doesn't deserve the right to own firearms! Flame away!

Do those "card carrying scitizo's" also own cars? Have children? Jobs that decide the quality of lives of others?

They certainly don't need guns to do a tremendous amount of damage to their community. And if they aren't safe to "own a gun" then why are they walking around loose? I'm terrified of the day one of these "card carrying scitizo's" figures out what a few door chains and a gallon of gasoline can produce.

Also I would think "card carrying scitizo's" should easily qualify them as a prohibited person, if not somebody has dropped the ball...again.

Now if we are talking about non violent individuals with mental challenges, would you decree that they should be disarmed?

08-02-19, 02:21
Now if we are talking about non violent individuals with mental challenges, would you decree that they should be disarmed?

Textbook example: I'm high-functioning autistic (Asperger's; more the Bill Gates/Thomas Jefferson end of the pool than "Rain Man"), and so are quite a few benchrest shooters I know. Anyone who thinks I don't have the same right to effective self-defense as the rest of us here even with a demonstrated record of sound judgment in emergency situations including two years where the weight of another's life rested on my shoulders on a daily basis, I invite them to come look me in the eye and tell me that to my face... if they're man enough.

Though I'll admit there have been some idiot-savants on the autism spectrum I've known who I wouldn't trust with so much responsibility as a loaded paperclip.

Outlander Systems
08-02-19, 06:31
lmfao at this

My comment has nothing to do with proof of anything other than being born in America guarantees you the right to own firearms even if you don't deserve the privilege. I know a couple of card carrying scitizo's (Bipolar for those in Rio Linda) who own firearms. Do you want to sponsor a legal defence organization for those and thousands of others?? I dont' give a shit what the 2A says... Everyone who legally can doesn't deserve the right to own firearms! Flame away!

08-02-19, 07:19
lmfao at this

No, no he is right. There needs to be a government oversight committee to determine who “deserves” to own a firearm. That way ownership will be fair, balanced and safe for everyone. :blink::blink:

08-02-19, 10:46
THCDDM4 - Generally I read what you post with interest, but this post was a BS personal attack. Just sayin' better than that.

There are some instances where we shouldn't be "better than that" and this is one. GH41's ignorant stereotyping of an entire group of people was, well, ignorant!

I took a pause for the cause when I posted what I posted last night, because I was angry. After careful reflection, I still have a right to be angry at him. My wife is a medically diagnosed bipolar person. She was diagnosed almost 20 years ago. She has been on medication to control her bipolar symptoms for a very long time. It took almost two years to get her meds balanced, but she is a high functioning asset to our community in every regard. She's never been in jail and she's never been to a mental institution, either voluntarily or for a 72 hour hold.

We came together 24 years ago when I helped her purchase her first handgun for defense, because she had a psycho ex-boyfriend stalking her. I should mention he was a cop in our city, with emphasis on "was". (He was fired for sexually assaulting another woman about a year after we got together.) Yet despite being a domestic violence victim with bipolar disorder, not once in 24 years have I ever had cause to question her access to firearms.

So GH41 is ignorant and shooting his mouth off about things he has no clue about. We have a system which provides Due Process when considering whether an American citizen should have their constitutional rights taken away from them. There is no justification for undermining the current level of Due Process. If someone feels it is inadequate to address public safety threats, then they need to address the flaws in implementation (or lack thereof), not the constitutionally sound process itself. Simply put, I have yet to see a single red flag proposal or bill that adequately protects the constitutional rights of the accused, especially in cases where no crime has even been committed, much less alleged or adjudicated.

This is UN-American in the extreme. I pulled my punches yesterday unlike THCDDM4, but I felt every bit as incensed as he did, reading such garbage on M4C. :mad:

08-02-19, 13:07
^ I agree with both of you guys. My father was a bipolar gun owner until his death. Never once had he ever shown a reason to lose his constitutional rights. GH41 has a very skewed opinion, one that is incorrect, on how this whole thing works.

08-02-19, 13:17
^ I agree with both of you guys. My father was a bipolar gun owner until his death. Never once had he ever shown a reason to lose his constitutional rights. GH41 has a very skewed opinion, one that is incorrect, on how this whole thing works.

His statement is skewed from the beginning when he calls the right to bear arms a “privilege”. A privilege is something someone gives you based on _______. A right is naturally yours and cannot be given or taken away.

08-02-19, 14:04
Thread back on the rails please.

08-02-19, 14:25
His statement is skewed from the beginning when he calls the right to bear arms a “privilege”. A privilege is something someone gives you based on _______. A right is naturally yours and cannot be given or taken away.

"Right" vs "Privilege" is why our friends to the North get shafted every time some schmuck in Ottawa gets a wild hair up their ass. Don't Canada-fy Florida, or anywhere else.

08-02-19, 14:31
I will check this later, you need to remove the name calling and settle things a bit more civil. Again, I will check it later

For everyone else, settle down and act like adults.

08-02-19, 14:38
Edited my original post. I apologize, sir.

08-02-19, 15:03
Thank you

Edited my original post. I apologize, sir.

08-03-19, 19:19
My comment has nothing to do with proof of anything other than being born in America guarantees you the right to own firearms even if you don't deserve the privilege. I know a couple of card carrying scitizo's (Bipolar for those in Rio Linda) who own firearms. Do you want to sponsor a legal defence organization for those and thousands of others?? I dont' give a shit what the 2A says... Everyone who legally can doesn't deserve the right to own firearms! Flame away!
Bro, schizophrenia is NOT the same as bipolar.

Not that, at baseline, they should be denied that right either.

08-03-19, 19:39
Bro, schizophrenia is NOT the same as bipolar.

Not that, at baseline, they should be denied that right either.

Schizoaffective presents with overlapping components of both, as an FYI.

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08-03-19, 20:03
Bro, schizophrenia is NOT the same as bipolar.

Not that, at baseline, they should be denied that right either.

It's close enough. Glocktogo presents his wife as evidence bipolar people are qualified to own firearms. He is braver than me. Not all people suffering from it are responsible enough to stick to their medication regime. Many are not and records reveal over 50% have attempted suicide. I am sorry his wife suffers from a mental illness but I refuse to welcome her into my neighborhood if she has access to firearms. There should be laws preventing the mentally ill from having access to firearms. I don't care if they are only a little bit sick or a lot sick!

08-03-19, 20:07
There should be laws limiting the insane's ability to threaten the rights of others too... someone's either a Danger to Self/Others or not, and it really does have to be evaluated on a case by case basis--the former should be safely isolated and managed in institutions.

Personally, I consider some of the highest praise I've ever received to have been an anti Psych prof telling me "if the damn things have to be out there, I'd prefer they be in the hands of people with the temperament and responsibility you approach them with."

If you insist on opening up this Pandora's Box it only invites Catch-22 for us all: "only a crazy person would want a gun."

08-03-19, 20:11
Bro, schizophrenia is NOT the same as bipolar.

Not that, at baseline, they should be denied that right either.

Doc, there are none so blind as those who WILL not see. :(

08-03-19, 20:17
It's close enough. Glocktogo presents his wife as evidence bipolar people are qualified to own firearms. He is braver than me. Not all people suffering from it are responsible enough to stick to their medication regime. Many are not and records reveal over 50% have attempted suicide. I am sorry his wife suffers from a mental illness but I refuse to welcome her into my neighborhood if she has access to firearms. There should be laws preventing the mentally ill from having access to firearms. I don't care if they are only a little bit sick or a lot sick!

Folks like you are why America is circling the drain

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Outlander Systems
08-03-19, 20:49

Folks like you are why America is circling the drain

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-03-19, 20:57

08-03-19, 21:05


08-03-19, 21:08
It's close enough. Glocktogo presents his wife as evidence bipolar people are qualified to own firearms. He is braver than me. Not all people suffering from it are responsible enough to stick to their medication regime. Many are not and records reveal over 50% have attempted suicide. I am sorry his wife suffers from a mental illness but I refuse to welcome her into my neighborhood if she has access to firearms. There should be laws preventing the mentally ill from having access to firearms. I don't care if they are only a little bit sick or a lot sick!

And you’re not welcome anywhere remotely near me slick. I find your attitude utterly repulsive.

08-03-19, 21:10
Just to get a taste of what you're about to be overwhelmed with turn on your TV and switch between MSNBC and CNN.
They're waisting no time blaming POTUS Trump, White Nationalism and our lack of gun control.

08-03-19, 22:34
No. It isn’t. And I guarantee that you could find a headshrinker that would diagnose YOU with something. EVERYTHING is a mental illness. Some headshrinker’s published two papers trying to get laziness added to the DSM. Learning disorders and ADHD are in there. Take a look at the DSM and the history of its editions some time. Homosexuality was considered a mental illness until fairly recently.

PTSS is a mental illness. You want to take guns away from vets that already found out they don’t like killing? How about rape victims?

Maybe you’re sitting at the wrong table.

This is the problem with going too hard on the Clinical Diagnosis... a clinician with an axe to grind can make a case to DX a ham sandwich. And if they choose to do so, *Emeril*"BAM!" *Soup Nazi*"NO GUNS FOR YOU!"

Don Robison
08-03-19, 22:39
It's close enough. ......... ...... I don't care if they are only a little bit sick or a lot sick!

You're a stupid **** and I don't even.care if it catches me a ban for a bit it's worth it.

Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk

08-03-19, 22:53
It's close enough.

Not hardly. Schizoaffective is a but different, but schizophrenia Vs bipolar is night and day.

Not all mental illness is the same. You don't accept a burger when you ordered a steak.... maybe you do, it's all just a dead cow.

08-03-19, 23:02
"Right" vs "Privilege" is why our friends to the North get shafted every time some schmuck in Ottawa gets a wild hair up their ass. Don't Canada-fy Florida, or anywhere else.

Exactly. On the other subject, a person is either "prohibited" or they are "not prohibited." That is a mental health issue, not a gun rights issue. Either they are safe to be free and out walking around doing what free people do or they are not.

08-03-19, 23:21
Exactly. On the other subject, a person is either "prohibited" or they are "not prohibited." That is a mental health issue, not a gun rights issue. Either they are safe to be free and out walking around doing what free people do or they are not.

Maybe I'm a touch thin-skinned, I just tend to not take it well when someone insinuates that they believe my life isn't as valuable, or as worthy of effective means of defense, as anyone else's just because my brain is wired a little differently, ya know? Especially when with ten minutes and a DSM-IV, and an hour to trawl their posting history, I can serve up a DQ'ing DX on them right back... (Not saying I could do this on any one particular member specifically, just that somebody willing to invest the time and effort COULD do it to any or all of us, hence my Pandora's Box reference earlier.)

08-04-19, 01:07
Being born in America guarantees you the right to own firearms even if you don't deserve the privilege.

Yes, and thankfully it is a right and not a privilege bestowed upon us by the almighty government. I do appreciate you clarifying your stance for the forum though. It's good to know you do understand the second amendment is a right, even though you don't believe in it and would prefer it be heavily regulated by the government.

Do you want to sponsor a legal defence organization for those and thousands of others?

Yes, I would absolutely love to be financially capable of starting a legal defense organization whose sole purpose is to defend the second amendment rights of those who have been deemed unworthy of the right to self preservation by certain members of society. Thank you for the great idea. Maybe I'll start a Go Fund Me?

I dont' give a shit what the 2A says... Everyone who legally can doesn't deserve the right to own firearms!

Yeah, we know that. I think it's been made blatantly obvious that you have no problem reaping the benefits of the second amendment while simultaneously speaking out against it in hopes that the same rights you currently exercise or no longer available for future generations. As a (under 30) millennial with two young children, I really appreciate that. Thanks.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

08-04-19, 01:23
It's close enough. Glocktogo presents his wife as evidence bipolar people are qualified to own firearms. He is braver than me. Not all people suffering from it are responsible enough to stick to their medication regime. Many are not and records reveal over 50% have attempted suicide. I am sorry his wife suffers from a mental illness but I refuse to welcome her into my neighborhood if she has access to firearms. There should be laws preventing the mentally ill from having access to firearms. I don't care if they are only a little bit sick or a lot sick!

I just wanted to quote this, that way you can't slither your way out of your nasty comments.

edited: to be nice....to the mods.

08-04-19, 01:24
"Crazy" is pretty subjective.

And GH41 is wrong and needs to stop digging.

08-04-19, 02:02
Maybe I'm a touch thin-skinned, I just tend to not take it well when someone insinuates that they believe my life isn't as valuable, or as worthy of effective means of defense, as anyone else's just because my brain is wired a little differently, ya know? Especially when with ten minutes and a DSM-IV, and an hour to trawl their posting history, I can serve up a DQ'ing DX on them right back... (Not saying I could do this on any one particular member specifically, just that somebody willing to invest the time and effort COULD do it to any or all of us, hence my Pandora's Box reference earlier.)

If you're not a dangerous and ongoing threat to society, you aren't who we are talking about.

Lots of people who "process differently" go to school, drive cars, have real jobs and the like even if there are sometimes challenges. They vote, participate in jury duty, all of that. If they have done nothing to have their rights removed, their rights should remain intact.

But mentally challenged or not, if you are a violent dangerous person who is incapable of controlling yourself, you shouldn't be allowed to own lots of things.

08-04-19, 02:46
If you're not a dangerous and ongoing threat to society, you aren't who we are talking about.

Lots of people who "process differently" go to school, drive cars, have real jobs and the like even if there are sometimes challenges. They vote, participate in jury duty, all of that. If they have done nothing to have their rights removed, their rights should remain intact.

But mentally challenged or not, if you are a violent dangerous person who is incapable of controlling yourself, you shouldn't be allowed to own lots of things.

You and most others here, I think we're on the same page with the bright-line "Danger To Self/Others" test. :) A certain party I shan't dignify with name on the other hand... Hell, my last two years of elementary school were spent in a classroom of budding sociopaths who got special treatment because the were the local politicians' and socialites' kids, and of them I think I'd trust maybe THREE with a firearm out of three dozen. (Also proof that intelligence does not equal character...)

08-04-19, 08:21
Vigorous discussion on issues is good. Enjoy. When it gets to be about the people - particularly members - that's where it goes off the rails.

Please correct it where it applies.

08-04-19, 08:49
I don't care if they are only a little bit sick or a lot sick!

What do you consider mental illness?

OCD, phobias, anorexia, binge eating, are just some of the many mental illness'. If I have a fear of heights.... Acrophobia.... should I not be allowed to own a gun? If I'm a germophobe should I not be able to own a firearm?

08-04-19, 09:27
Going back to the initial thread subject:

Isn't anyone going to say that they hope the whole of Florida falls into the ocean since some f'ed up lunatic politician has proposed yet another illegal, unconstitutional, ineffective, stupid gun law??? Shouldn't everyone abandon the lives they've built, pack up, and leave FL for good now??? Family? Job? PShhhh! Screw all that! An asshole politician did what they do, so all good people and gun owners should now leave that shit hole state, right?

Do I sound bitter?

08-04-19, 12:26
The psycholegal construct of “dangerousness” is something that appears utterly lost on a number of folks in this thread sadly.

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08-04-19, 13:22
What do you consider mental illness?

OCD, phobias, anorexia, binge eating, are just some of the many mental illness'. If I have a fear of heights.... Acrophobia.... should I not be allowed to own a gun? If I'm a germophobe should I not be able to own a firearm?
Mental illness in the Soviet Union was anything the Party wanted it to be. I have no doubt their brethren here would have the same fluid, expansive definition.

08-04-19, 14:03
Going back to the initial thread subject:

Isn't anyone going to say that they hope the whole of Florida falls into the ocean since some f'ed up lunatic politician has proposed yet another illegal, unconstitutional, ineffective, stupid gun law??? Shouldn't everyone abandon the lives they've built, pack up, and leave FL for good now??? Family? Job? PShhhh! Screw all that! An asshole politician did what they do, so all good people and gun owners should now leave that shit hole state, right?

Do I sound bitter?

I left.

08-04-19, 14:13
I left.



08-04-19, 17:20
What do you consider mental illness?

OCD, phobias, anorexia, binge eating, are just some of the many mental illness'. If I have a fear of heights.... Acrophobia.... should I not be allowed to own a gun? If I'm a germophobe should I not be able to own a firearm?

If a person has to take drugs to prevent them from being a danger to themselves or others IMO they shouldn't have access to firearms. To change the subject slightly.. How do the LE and Gov alphabet agencies handle job applicants with a history of mental illness? Can an agent diagnosed bipolar but able to manage the disease with medication get a SS position protecting the POTUS?

08-04-19, 17:24
If a person has to take drugs to prevent them from being a danger to themselves or others IMO they shouldn't have access to firearms. To change the subject slightly.. How do the LE and Gov alphabet agencies handle job applicants with a history of mental illness? Can an agent diagnosed bipolar but able to manage the disease with medication get a SS position protecting the POTUS?

Because mental illness does automatically not = dangerousness

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08-04-19, 18:07
Because mental illness does automatically not = dangerousness

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I agree but that isn't my point. It's about odds to me. Would you be comfortable putting your kid in a daycare ran buy a known child molester if his doctor assured you his desire to screw 5 year olds was being suppressed by medication? What are the odds for or against him falling off of the wagon?

08-04-19, 18:32
How the **** do those two things even equate?

You wouldn't even know they're on meds unless they told you to begin with, HIPPA and all. You're trying to justify your shitty position with nonsense.

08-04-19, 19:40
How the **** do those two things even equate?

You wouldn't even know they're on meds unless they told you to begin with, HIPPA and all. You're trying to justify your shitty position with nonsense.

I shouldn't have to know who deserves to be armed or not. The technology we have should be aligned with databases availible to the feds when running a simple background check. The computers should recognise an applicants dependance on mind altering drugs to maintain a reasonably even keel! If you need drugs to be normal you don't need access to firearms IMO. Find me a mental health professional who will disagree with me that a junky is only normal when using. My position is far from shitty...
You can accuse me of being many things but being shitty isn't one of them.

Don Robison
08-04-19, 19:48
I agree but that isn't my point. It's about odds to me. Would you be comfortable putting your kid in a daycare ran buy a known child molester if his doctor assured you his desire to screw 5 year olds was being suppressed by medication? What are the odds for or against him falling off of the wagon?You really should just stop. You sound more foolish every time you post more.

Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk

08-04-19, 19:49
I agree but that isn't my point. It's about odds to me. Would you be comfortable putting your kid in a daycare ran buy a known child molester if his doctor assured you his desire to screw 5 year olds was being suppressed by medication? What are the odds for or against him falling off of the wagon?

You will do well at the "Hyperbolic False Logic" competition. Taking your tack, you could extend a prohibition on owning guns for many, many more things if some statistical correlation can be made. What is your criteria for an adequate statistical correlation to warrant infringing on someone's rights? I'm also not aware of a constitutional right for a pedophile to run a daycare or for you to put them in whatever daycare you want.

Outlander Systems
08-04-19, 23:53
Boomerposting this hard. Lol


I shouldn't have to know who deserves to be armed or not. The technology we have should be aligned with databases availible to the feds when running a simple background check. The computers should recognise an applicants dependance on mind altering drugs to maintain a reasonably even keel! If you need drugs to be normal you don't need access to firearms IMO. Find me a mental health professional who will disagree with me that a junky is only normal when using. My position is far from shitty...
You can accuse me of being many things but being shitty isn't one of them.

08-05-19, 00:08
I shouldn't have to know who deserves to be armed or not. The technology we have should be aligned with databases availible to the feds when running a simple background check. The computers should recognise an applicants dependance on mind altering drugs to maintain a reasonably even keel! If you need drugs to be normal you don't need access to firearms IMO. Find me a mental health professional who will disagree with me that a junky is only normal when using. My position is far from shitty...
You can accuse me of being many things but being shitty isn't one of them.

Holy shit, no.

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08-05-19, 06:31
I think this has run the course.