View Full Version : Socialism in action with hilarious results

Crow Hunter
07-31-19, 17:43
Let me set the stage for you:

I have several coworkers that are Feel the Bern superfans. They wear the T-shirts they pretty much repost everything he says. They constantly rail about the have and the have-nots and how unfair American capitalism is. They have been with the company for years, decades actually, and have worked hard to get to where they were and are very good at their jobs.

Here recently my company called a meeting. The company leaders spoke about how they had a meeting and were going to move to a "more fair" bonus system.

Previously we had a bonus where company would allocate $X to bonuses and your amount was based on your pay and the number of months you had worked for the company. Someone who had been there 20 years was getting a pretty hefty bonus compared to someone newly hired, even if the new hire had a higher base salary.

I looked over at my coworkers who were beaming and smiling huge smiles, undoubtedly in anticipation of the "fairness".


New bonus calculation will be

$X bonus allocation / number of employees = bonus amount

So everyone gets the same, no matter if you have worked there 2 days or 40 years.

The look on their faces was PRICELESS!!! I literally laughed out loud. The chatter afterward was even better.

"That isn't fair!"

"I have worked really hard to get this!"

"Why should XXXX get the same as me, I am much more important and valuable to the company than the woman that cleans the bathrooms or the guy that mows the lawn!"


Especially when I would walk by them as they were huddled together fuming and gnashing their teeth and whisper. Feel the Bern bitches!! How you like that Socialism now?

The indignation, the stammering, the red faces will live with me forever.

I had one guy try to argue with me that this wasn't Socialism because "he wasn't rich". To the guy with 1 year bonus and your 22 year bonus, you are the rich one. You always wanted the "rich" to share and pay their fair share. Welcome to your fair share. And by the way, thanks for contributing to my now much higher bonus.:cool:

07-31-19, 18:02
I LOVE this. PLEASE tell me you are rubbing this into their commie faces.

07-31-19, 18:09
Dumb asses. Probably still can't piece it together.

Crow Hunter
07-31-19, 18:20
I LOVE this. PLEASE tell me you are rubbing this into their commie faces.

Oh yes.

I go by them and whisper "Feel the Bern" or "Socialism!!" with a thumbs up.

It is so very, very funny.

07-31-19, 18:26
Something about all animals are equal or something like that !

07-31-19, 18:36
Great story! Typical of these socialist types. They want to impose their "morality" on society and have others pay, but are not willing to pay themselves. Damn hypocrites.

Crow Hunter
07-31-19, 19:10
Dumb asses. Probably still can't piece it together.

Probably not.

They will probably still vote for Bernie. Then proudly wear their shirts until the Medicare for all taxes hit them and they will have that same dumbfound look on their face.

07-31-19, 19:33
Grin at them and tell them "isn't socialism great?" every chance you get .They would really get their panties in a wad if the bonuses were based on individual performance. I have four KPM's I have to hit to get my bonus and they are not easy to attain.

07-31-19, 19:37
I look forward to the day we implement true equality and merit based opportunities.

Heads will explode.

07-31-19, 21:39
I look forward to the day we implement true equality and merit based opportunities.

Heads will explode.

This is what we do and its great.
I don’t understand any other way, .

07-31-19, 23:19
Great story! Typical of these socialist types. They want to impose their "morality" on society and have others pay, but are not willing to pay themselves. Damn hypocrites.
They're the same way when it comes to immigration. They want to let everyone come here that wants too....as long as they don't move into their neighborhoods! :confused:


07-31-19, 23:31
Wannabe apparatchiks. They think that if they get in early they will be the ones in power. Wrong!

08-01-19, 00:00
I'm pretty sure that the point of this example is lost on them.
Rub it in so they get it.

08-01-19, 03:42
This made me smile. :thank_you2:

08-01-19, 04:58
Oh yes.

I go by them and whisper "Feel the Bern" or "Socialism!!" with a thumbs up.

It is so very, very funny.

Just be careful they don’t try to make a harassment claim against you to HR.

08-01-19, 08:12
That is pretty priceless. I wouldn't be able to stop myself from reminding them on a constant basis in a variety of ways. They would change constantly, some ways simple and straight forward, some elaborate and complex. Fun times to make the day go by with a smile on your face.

Not sure if it was posted here or not, but the quote from Yuri Bezemov said it best for those clueless idiots.

“The useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of the Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That’s why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. [...] They serve a purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in the United States: all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed any more. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power—obviously they get offended—they think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot.”


Crow Hunter
08-01-19, 08:34
Just be careful they don’t try to make a harassment claim against you to HR.

Luckily it would likely get shot down since I would be "defending" the new company policy against dissenters. :o

Since it is a fairly touchy subject with management and being a Socialist dweeb isn't a protected class (yet). I should be in the clear.

Being big Bernie supporters and being huge fans of one of his particular platform ideas, they likely couldn't pass a random drug test either if a push came to shove.;)

08-01-19, 08:38
Your company sounds like shit either way. Why would your bonus be based on longevity with the company and not based on performance. Much like the military, you could be led by a bunch of retards and ****ups that can pass a PT test and stuck around.

08-01-19, 10:43
Some, "PRO-Bernie" agitprop, to post on your cubicle... Helps rub in the "winning." :cool:





