View Full Version : Antifa Coming To Texas...This Should be Good....

08-01-19, 17:07

I dont think they will get the same reception they have had on the Left Coast.....

Doc Safari
08-01-19, 17:11
Yeah, I've been watching this too.

Is the story vetted as true? That's what I was waiting for.

08-01-19, 17:19

08-01-19, 17:27
Yeah, I've been watching this too.

Is the story vetted as true? That's what I was waiting for.

Andy Ngo put out the original tweet on it, hes fairly reliable on what the scumbags are up to. We have "local" chapters in Austin, Houston and Dallas that I know of. I keep pretty close tabs on the Austin group as they hang around UT and my kid goes there....

08-01-19, 17:30
If they go through with this, I will give them credit for having more guts than any of us do.
We are all so consumed by this slavish desire to be "law abiding citizens" that we refuse to act even as the laws are selectively enforced or rewritten to victimize us. We keep hoping our policy of appeasement, of suffering *just one more little infringement*, will be enough to satisfy the opposition, and they will finally leave us alone.
All it does is show that collectively, we are weak. The Right is a paper tiger. So the Left keeps coming back to take or destroy a little bit more each time, because they know eventually they will get everything they want.

I'm not advocating breaking the law, because I have the same mental block about doing it that a lot of people on the Right do, but in looking at the situation objectively, I'm chilled by how much stronger then us *they* are.

08-01-19, 18:02
If they go through with this, I will give them credit for having more guts than any of us do.
We are all so consumed by this slavish desire to be "law abiding citizens" that we refuse to act even as the laws are selectively enforced or rewritten to victimize us. We keep hoping our policy of appeasement, of suffering *just one more little infringement*, will be enough to satisfy the opposition, and they will finally leave us alone.
All it does is show that collectively, we are weak. The Right is a paper tiger. So the Left keeps coming back to take or destroy a little bit more each time, because they know eventually they will get everything they want.

I'm not advocating breaking the law, because I have the same mental block about doing it that a lot of people on the Right do, but in looking at the situation objectively, I'm chilled by how much stronger then us *they* are.

This may get me in hot water but here goes- I've already come to terms with the fact that every gun confiscation in history has been carried out by guys wearing snappy uniforms and badges carrying papers that said what they were doing was lawful.

It doesn't impress me and ANYONE attempting to take my firearms will be treated like the murderous gun confiscating scum that preceded them in Russia, Laos, Cuba etc....I don't give a shit what your papers say.

08-01-19, 18:29
This may get me in hot water but here goes- I've already come to terms with the fact that every gun confiscation in history has been carried out by guys wearing snappy uniforms and badges carrying papers that said what they were doing was lawful.

It doesn't impress me and ANYONE attempting to take my firearms will be treated like the murderous gun confiscating scum that preceded them in Russia, Laos, Cuba etc....I don't give a shit what your papers say.

This is slowly but steadily becoming the next evolution of our fight. It's not that any of us ever want to engage in combatives with enforcement branches. I don't know a single person who relishes the thought. But where in the past people would rather submit than fight, they're at the fledgling stage of thinking "No, maybe today is the day I won't let you arrest me for exercising my Constitutional rights." If they do happen to get arrested and make bail, they may decide to not let that happen the next time around.

I think right now it's in the mental exercise phase. Most will never have to make that decision and when they do, many may change their tune. But the more unconstitutional laws they pass and the more they show that they themselves aren't willing to abide by the laws they disagree with, this train of thought is going to continue gathering steam.

If you're in a position that you may someday be expected to enforce these laws, now is the time to oppose such directives internally. Have those conversations with your peers and supervisors. let them know you're not OK with putting people in chains for exercising their Constitutional rights. And if the day ever comes where you're going to be tasked with that mission, then perhaps that's the day to have the blue flu. That's the least you could do for our country.

08-01-19, 19:37

I dont think they will get the same reception they have had on the Left Coast.....

On the contrary they will likely get a much warmer welcome with greater success in Texas than they ever did in Portland or Seattle. Once they get within 100 miles of the border every left wing anti-border, pro-Atzlan, pro-illegal immigration group with hundred if not thousands of eager demonstraters will be waiting with open arms to join them in the wider cause. Add the Austin Texas Antifa to the ranks and they will have more than enough hands on deck to reenact the Alamo against whatever small counter-protest that shows up.



08-01-19, 19:46
This is kinda funny. InfoWars attempts to interview Antifa at Texas Trump speech.


08-01-19, 21:20
Oh noes - riled up Anqueefas! :rolleyes:

It'll be "'Queefer Madness!" :jester:

08-01-19, 22:15
Oh noes - riled up Anqueefas! :rolleyes:

It'll be "'Queefer Madness!" :jester:

Lol, you guys crack me up .. ;)

08-02-19, 02:09
Sooner or later they are going to adopt the Fred Phelps strategy of placing themselves in situations where they are likely to get their asses kicked and then suing for damages.

Doc Safari
08-02-19, 08:34
Sooner or later they are going to adopt the Fred Phelps strategy of placing themselves in situations where they are likely to get their asses kicked and then suing for damages.

I actually think they want to provoke some people on the right into going full Bubba so they can scream, "See how awful the right wing is!"

08-02-19, 10:20
If they go through with this, I will give them credit for having more guts than any of us do.
We are all so consumed by this slavish desire to be "law abiding citizens" that we refuse to act even as the laws are selectively enforced or rewritten to victimize us. We keep hoping our policy of appeasement, of suffering *just one more little infringement*, will be enough to satisfy the opposition, and they will finally leave us alone.
All it does is show that collectively, we are weak. The Right is a paper tiger. So the Left keeps coming back to take or destroy a little bit more each time, because they know eventually they will get everything they want.

I'm not advocating breaking the law, because I have the same mental block about doing it that a lot of people on the Right do, but in looking at the situation objectively, I'm chilled by how much stronger then us *they* are.

"Hey I'm all for freedom as long as it's done legally" seems to be the prevailing mindset among a large portion of the right. They are comfortable being told that what is legal is moral and what is illegal is not. Many would have sided with the crown in 1775.

People on this very site are afraid to buy a pistol brace or shoulder it for fear it might be illegal someday. They haven't slept a wink since the ATF clarified how you measure an AR pistol if you want to run a VFG. There were also several on this site who advocated stricter gun control after Sandy Hook. All the Molon Labe talk until a shooting got them in their feelings and suddenly they're willing to jump through flaming hoops of govt bureaucracy because "SOMEBODY HAS TO THINK OF THE CHILDREN". I'm a Dad. I left work early the day Sandy Hook happened to go home and see my kids who were the age of the kids who were killed. It made me physically ill, but at no point did I wish to see people stripped of their God given rights in the misguided hope that it would prevent it from happening again.

Doc Safari
08-02-19, 10:25
People on this very site are afraid to buy a pistol brace or shoulder it for fear it might be illegal someday. They haven't slept a wink since the ATF clarified how you measure an AR pistol if you want to run a VFG. There were also several on this site who advocated stricter gun control after Sandy Hook. All the Molon Labe talk until a shooting got them in their feelings and suddenly they're willing to jump through flaming hoops of govt bureaucracy because "SOMEBODY HAS TO THINK OF THE CHILDREN". I'm a Dad. I left work early the day Sandy Hook happened to go home and see my kids who were the age of the kids who were killed. It made me physically ill, but at no point did I wish to see people stripped of their God given rights in the misguided hope that it would prevent it from happening again.

Shhhh....don't tell anybody. But sometimes people post stuff on the internet that they don't actually believe or do. "Plausible deniability" is a thing.

Of course, I wouldn't personally know anyone who does that.

08-02-19, 10:42
Oh noes - riled up Anqueefas! :rolleyes:

It'll be "'Queefer Madness!" :jester:

I wonder if the White Russians held the same opinion of Bolsheviks in 1917.

08-02-19, 10:55
I wonder if the White Russians held the same opinion of Bolsheviks in 1917.

I'll bet most of us are much better prepared to deal with adversity and people trying to kill us than the Russian peasants were...............

08-02-19, 11:44
I wonder if the White Russians held the same opinion of Bolsheviks in 1917.

I'm betting NOT... :rolleyes:


08-02-19, 12:06
I'm betting NOT... :rolleyes:


Up in the mountain so no one sees them and dies laughing.


08-02-19, 12:14
Shhhh....don't tell anybody. But sometimes people post stuff on the internet that they don't actually believe or do. "Plausible deniability" is a thing.

Of course, I wouldn't personally know anyone who does that.

Nor do I. I would never advocate anyone breaking the law, nor would I consider doing it myself. And I am happy to discuss face to face what this looks like, and what options might be. 😉

08-02-19, 13:19
I'm betting NOT... :rolleyes:


Just a note: a sizable number of regional Antifa Facebook accounts seem to be parody pages. Whether the Denver one is it is not, I don't know, but I figured it warranted mention.

My main point is to highlight the fact that I have an almost instinctive reaction of contempt to the young men in the image, and my assessment of each of them is "weak". This is strange to me because I'm honestly not appreciably more physically imposing than any of them. So it's not like I'm some muscle-bound badass who can look down on men of lesser physical stature. (I'm probably more physically coordinated and agile than they are but there's no real way of determining that from the photo so that's irrelevant)
So what is it about them that the ancient reptilian part of my brain is locking on to? Is it purely because of their politics and stupid clothes? Or is there something in their stances and facial expressions im picking up on?

Dr. Bullseye
08-02-19, 13:25
I don't believe Antifa will got to Texas and cause a problem. But if they were to do that with their usual tactic of street thugishness, they will probably suffer and sever beat down from upset Texas soccer moms. They won't be in Portland any more.

08-02-19, 14:02
You poor people.

A single man had Dallas in deadlock with just one AK rifle.

You don’t have to look like a Ranger who runs 20 miles a day to be dangerous.

I’m surprised to hear so much underestimation from people who are supposed to be GWOT vets or LE(or am I?)

Bombs don’t require marksmanship
Most people don’t think twice about their daily routines
20 people or more throwing rocks and bleach or worse is still 20 people or more
These people are slaves to their ideology
You are all Nazis to them even if you aren’t
And most larger to mid sized cities are very much Liberal run.

So please.....tell me more about your plate carriers and rifles you don’t shoot.

I am hoping this is all a fad. These are the times to be a legit grey man.

I don’t mean dressing like an off duty cop. I mean.... a legit grey man.

There is a double standard at play, it is all part of the plan and moreover it is very much NOT in your favor.

I don’t care how many dicks he sucks or how low his Testosterone or CD4 count is.

If it has opposable thumbs and access to devices of harm; he’s dangerous.

Lots of men in the last 50 years have had the benefit of training, regimented PT, and state of the art weaponry and ended up as chunks or face down full of holes due to some illiterate, inbred hick with 3rd rate weaponry.

Sometimes you all sound like the Marines from Aliens. Like Hudson going on about how high speed they are and then he’s crying about how can animals cut the power.

Get real.

08-02-19, 14:33
You poor people.

A single man had Dallas in deadlock with just one AK rifle.

You don’t have to look like a Ranger who runs 20 miles a day to be dangerous.

I’m surprised to hear so much underestimation from people who are supposed to be GWOT vets or LE(or am I?)

Bombs don’t require marksmanship
Most people don’t think twice about their daily routines
20 people or more throwing rocks and bleach or worse is still 20 people or more
These people are slaves to their ideology
You are all Nazis to them even if you aren’t
And most larger to mid sized cities are very much Liberal run.

So please.....tell me more about your plate carriers and rifles you don’t shoot.

I am hoping this is all a fad. These are the times to be a legit grey man.

I don’t mean dressing like an off duty cop. I mean.... a legit grey man.

There is a double standard at play, it is all part of the plan and moreover it is very much NOT in your favor.

I don’t care how many dicks he sucks or how low his Testosterone or CD4 count is.

If it has opposable thumbs and access to devices of harm; he’s dangerous.

Lots of men in the last 50 years have had the benefit of training, regimented PT, and state of the art weaponry and ended up as chunks or face down full of holes due to some illiterate, inbred hick with 3rd rate weaponry.

Sometimes you all sound like the Marines from Aliens. Like Hudson going on about how high speed they are and then he’s crying about how can animals cut the power.

Get real.

Plenty of our Joes have been killed overseas by malnourished, untrained, under equipped goat herders. Antifa are a bunch of bearded beta males, and purple haired land whales, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't take them seriously.

08-02-19, 15:02
Plenty of our Joes have been killed overseas by malnourished, untrained, under equipped goat herders. Antifa are a bunch of bearded beta males, and purple haired land whales, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't take them seriously.

And that's the sad part. When you look at how weak and pathetic many of their men are, like in the photo above....and you realize we're still on track to lose to the likes of them all the same. It's a very bizarre incongruity.

08-02-19, 15:15
Oh noes - riled up Anqueefas! :rolleyes:

It'll be "'Queefer Madness!" :jester:

I'm betting NOT... :rolleyes:


So far you're in the lead for most ridiculous posts in the thread. Go read Firefly's post. There are many combat vets who make up the ranks of Antifa and the John Brown Gun Club's. If you think they don't pose a serious threat you obviously haven't paid attention to much of anything for a long time.

Doc Safari
08-02-19, 15:26
You poor people.

A single man had Dallas in deadlock with just one AK rifle.

You don’t have to look like a Ranger who runs 20 miles a day to be dangerous.

I’m surprised to hear so much underestimation from people who are supposed to be GWOT vets or LE(or am I?)

Bombs don’t require marksmanship
Most people don’t think twice about their daily routines
20 people or more throwing rocks and bleach or worse is still 20 people or more
These people are slaves to their ideology
You are all Nazis to them even if you aren’t
And most larger to mid sized cities are very much Liberal run.

So please.....tell me more about your plate carriers and rifles you don’t shoot.

I am hoping this is all a fad. These are the times to be a legit grey man.

I don’t mean dressing like an off duty cop. I mean.... a legit grey man.

There is a double standard at play, it is all part of the plan and moreover it is very much NOT in your favor.

I don’t care how many dicks he sucks or how low his Testosterone or CD4 count is.

If it has opposable thumbs and access to devices of harm; he’s dangerous.

Lots of men in the last 50 years have had the benefit of training, regimented PT, and state of the art weaponry and ended up as chunks or face down full of holes due to some illiterate, inbred hick with 3rd rate weaponry.

Sometimes you all sound like the Marines from Aliens. Like Hudson going on about how high speed they are and then he’s crying about how can animals cut the power.

Get real.

Could not have said it better. Asymmetrical warfare became a "thing" as soon as the first Molotov cocktail burned the first Nazi tank.

08-02-19, 15:34
I find myself frequently waffling between thinking I'm taking them too seriously and not seriously enough.
There's a JBGC chapter not too far from me, and I say to myself "Circle_10....you realize there's basically a communist militia based in the next county over right?"
But then other times I'm like "Yeah but it's probably like two or three Bolshevik LARPers who will never actually do anything besides mouth off on Facebook."
The whole thing is actually kinda surreal.

08-02-19, 15:40
I find myself frequently waffling between thinking I'm taking them too seriously and not seriously enough.
There's a JBGC chapter not too far from me, and I say to myself "Circle_10....you realize there's basically a communist militia based in the next county over right?"
But then other times I'm like "Yeah but it's probably like two or three Bolshevik LARPers who will never actually do anything besides mouth off on Facebook."
The whole thing is actually kinda surreal.

The JBGC in my area has rented out ranges before for private training and each time it's filled to capacity.

08-02-19, 15:45
The JBGC in my area has rented out ranges before for private training and each time it's filled to capacity.

It’s a good idea to network in to these things and learn the who/what/when. “They” do it to “us”.

It’s amazing what people will tell you if you know how to listen.

08-02-19, 16:35
It’s a good idea to network in to these things and learn the who/what/when. “They” do it to “us”.

It’s amazing what people will tell you if you know how to listen.

I have a fake FB profile that I use for following groups such as Antifa, JBGC, and others. I've only been accepted into one of their private FB groups because I don't have a current member who has met me in person to vouch for me, for obvious reasons. They're just fine with the public thinking of them as the purple hair unicorn t-shirt type feminine males that can be seen in the photo that War Wagon posted, because they know the ones who are serious are not being paid any attention.

08-02-19, 17:25
So far you're in the lead for most ridiculous posts in the thread. Go read Firefly's post. There are many combat vets who make up the ranks of Antifa and the John Brown Gun Club's. If you think they don't pose a serious threat you obviously haven't paid attention to much of anything for a long time.

COULD they pose a threat? ANY armed person can.

DO I lose sleep over ANY of them?


08-02-19, 18:51
Could not have said it better. Asymmetrical warfare became a "thing" as soon as the first Molotov cocktail burned the first Nazi tank.Axkshually!

The first molotov cocktails burned soviet tanks in finland. Still, an iron beast full of socialists is an iron beast full of socialists.

I find the antifa memes amusing but am finding a number of folks (not here per se)who see these and dont realize, or more likely refusing to realize, that most of these are parodys. Their(leftist)brains are going to be just as adapatable to adverse conditions as anyone elses. Any advantage the "we's" possess will need to be capitalized on quickly before the "they's" gain valuable experience and are shed of their more useless, dull witted and encumbering members. Think red army 1941vs red army 1945.

Fly makes a major point. LE is routinely maxed out dealing with single perps. Pick any required "battle space" wisely.

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

08-02-19, 18:54
You poor people.

A single man had Dallas in deadlock with just one AK rifle.

You don’t have to look like a Ranger who runs 20 miles a day to be dangerous.

I’m surprised to hear so much underestimation from people who are supposed to be GWOT vets or LE(or am I?)

Bombs don’t require marksmanship
Most people don’t think twice about their daily routines
20 people or more throwing rocks and bleach or worse is still 20 people or more
These people are slaves to their ideology
You are all Nazis to them even if you aren’t
And most larger to mid sized cities are very much Liberal run.

So please.....tell me more about your plate carriers and rifles you don’t shoot.

I am hoping this is all a fad. These are the times to be a legit grey man.

I don’t mean dressing like an off duty cop. I mean.... a legit grey man.

There is a double standard at play, it is all part of the plan and moreover it is very much NOT in your favor.

I don’t care how many dicks he sucks or how low his Testosterone or CD4 count is.

If it has opposable thumbs and access to devices of harm; he’s dangerous.

Lots of men in the last 50 years have had the benefit of training, regimented PT, and state of the art weaponry and ended up as chunks or face down full of holes due to some illiterate, inbred hick with 3rd rate weaponry.

Sometimes you all sound like the Marines from Aliens. Like Hudson going on about how high speed they are and then he’s crying about how can animals cut the power.

Get real.

Well put. Of course it doesn't apply to ALL of us. I'm not one to underestimate a potential enemy. That can be a fatal mistake, and life ain't a video game where you can pop in another quarter and have another go at it.

I despise those POS and what they stand for, but I do NOT underestimate them. One of their seemingly limp-wristed scumbags can cause death just as a 350lb lard-ass who aligns more with our beliefs can. The vast majority of trigger-pullers throughout history have not been a buffed 'roid-head who rucks 20 miles one day and runs 10 the next. In fact, little 5-foot bastards in S.E. Asia gave us a run for our money half a century ago. To pull a trigger or detonate a bomb doesn't require an Olympic-level of fitness nor a Camp Perry skillset.

08-03-19, 10:26
Anyone here believe that the CLEO's in San Antonio, Houston, Dallas or Austin will take any action beyond what we've seen used against ANTIFA in the Pacific North West?
I'm not so sure.

08-03-19, 17:35
The El Paso shooter timing seems weird with Antifa arriving in a month. This may have been a false flag but either way the fuse has definitely been lit prior to next month.

08-04-19, 19:58
Anyone here believe that the CLEO's in San Antonio, Houston, Dallas or Austin will take any action beyond what we've seen used against ANTIFA in the Pacific North West?
I'm not so sure.

It’s still Texas and these Dept’s want state funding. Capitol grounds are DPS territory. If the locals won’t act DPS can and will very easily. Maybe better that anyways as state charges are more likely to stick vs local. Abbott will not **** around with these idiots. Every applicable charge will be prosecuted here.

08-04-19, 22:15
Could not have said it better. Asymmetrical warfare became a "thing" as soon as the first Molotov cocktail burned the first Nazi tank.


A little military history: The first Molotov cocktail-like devices were used by literal fascists in Spain against Soviet-supplied Republican T-26 tanks. The actual name, "Molotov cocktail," came about from Winter War-era Soviet claims (made chiefly by Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov) that they were dropping food on starving Finns, not bombs. So Soviet bombs became, "Molotov breadbaskets." And the Finns responded by making, "Molotov cocktails," to use against Soviet tanks.

And asymmetrical warfare has been a thing since... well before some farmers in New England decided that they weren't going to just let the Crown have their cannon, shot, and powder.