View Full Version : Dayton, Oh shooting | 10 dead, 27 injured

08-04-19, 10:13

Definitely sounds like more than one shooter to me.

Edit: might be cops returning fire.

08-04-19, 10:17
I think it was return fire, reports were different. A talking head said the PD was on the scene within a minute.


It's going to be a busy news cycle week or two. The left is on it already.

08-04-19, 10:28
And Trump will be blamed.

08-04-19, 11:19
And Trump will be blamed.

And us..

08-04-19, 12:02
So right now, there are weeks and weeks of protests in Hong Kong, ostensibly over extradition laws that were proposed but tabled for now, but the protests go on. China believes the US is funding and encouraging these protests, which isn't entirely crazy since we've done that in many other countries.

What are the odds that China has covert groups here that perpetrate a few shootings like this and leave some domestic patsy behind to take the blame? It wreaks havoc on our politics, and even if US intelligence had proof China had done it, it's unlikely the US government would admit that because there would be a bipartisan call for military response on China, which we don't actually want to do.

No proof, just something to ponder. I think we're living in 4GW even if you don't want to recognize it.

Anyone figure out the Las Vegas shooting yet? I'm not blaming China for that one, but I do suspect several other non-US groups.

08-04-19, 12:11
So the last 3 , California, Texas, and now Ohio all used a AK.

All 3 where young shooters. 19-24 .


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08-04-19, 12:13
And possibly starting with a domestic issue?

08-04-19, 12:22
Regardless of the reasons behind these recent mass killings, I completely expect there to be a bipartisan push to pass the TAPS Act in response, coupled with attempts at passing gun control legislation.

Something like the TAPS Act is much easier to pass while everyone is letting emotion control their reasoning.

I am honestly more worried about Trump passing anti 2A legislation than I was with our last POTUS. The Republicans aren't trying to pander to their base the way they were during Obamas two terms. Not exactly a great position to be in..

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08-04-19, 12:31
And possibly starting with a domestic issue?

Press conference stated he shot his sister, two white males & the rest were black male / female...search warrant underway with updates @ 3:00 & 4:00 later today.

08-04-19, 12:32
FOX just mentioned that one of the victims was a sibling of the shooter. I suspect there's a little more than just "randomness" to this shooting.....

08-04-19, 12:53
Found elsewhere - supposedly these are the three recent shooters. Notice any similarities?


I literally don't know anyone who looks like this, in my mostly white community. What are the odds? All three could be the same guy with photos taken at different times, or minor photoshop.

08-04-19, 12:59
Found elsewhere - supposedly these are the three recent shooters. Notice any similarities?


I literally don't know anyone who looks like this, in my mostly white community. What are the odds? All three could be the same guy with photos taken at different times, or minor photoshop.

Or it is pretty much what I think of when I wonder what a 18-24 year old beta male incel looks like.

08-04-19, 12:59
Found elsewhere - supposedly these are the three recent shooters. Notice any similarities?


I literally don't know anyone who looks like this, in my mostly white community. What are the odds? All three could be the same guy with photos taken at different times, or minor photoshop.

I would like to read the backgrounds on these three individuals.

08-04-19, 13:04
Found elsewhere - supposedly these are the three recent shooters. Notice any similarities?


I literally don't know anyone who looks like this, in my mostly white community. What are the odds? All three could be the same guy with photos taken at different times, or minor photoshop.

An evil optometrist with bad fashion sense?

All . ready calling for the Sentate to come back and pass UBCs- because that would have stopped these by....

Your house catches fire and they'd want to fix the sewers.

08-04-19, 13:26
I'm gonna quote what Firefly said in the El Paso thread after seeing the pictures of these shooters. I think his take is about as close to pinning these guys as it's going to get.

It seriously looks like they were made on an assembly line.

Well, this post I am about to make won't be popular or well received so let me caveat it thusly:

Shooting up places like a Columbine Kid is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and should be discouraged.

That said, don't be too quick to do the mandatory 15 minutes of politicized hate. If you think about it, this lashing out is inevitable. More and more the white kids are being told how lame they are, how unhip they are, how wrong they are, and how they should be ashamed for things they never did in an era they never lived. Go read a modern elementary textbook. Meanwhile you do see a lot of preference and deference given to people coming over illegal, pumping out kids, getting guaranteed housing, guaranteed aid, and have people championing their "right" to be here illegally while they take the low skill jobs away and funnel money to Mexico.

Meanwhile you have people, White people let's be real here, who work their asses off, never seem to "qualify" for any assistance, never get to have their first kid until their 30s, and have to work twice as hard to get half the benefit. It does feel like at times that we've replaced Jim Crow with a De Facto James Dove. A LOT of young people today coming of age are NOT Millenials. You old farts can lay off the Millenials. 1999 was a LONG TIME AGO. Your "average" Millenial is almost 40. It's Gen Z's time to shine and they have a lot less to look forward to. Gen X and the Millenials had parents who by and large could set them up a little. Gen Z's aid comes between Shit and Syphilis.

Ever see Falling Down? Gen Z is NOT ECONOMICALLY VIABLE. The white voting block isnt important anymore. The Illegal and "Minority" votes are and are the easiest to get. A LOT of hardshell strongholds have gone blue. Texas is very much next. No amount of 10 gallon hats, oversized belt buckles, and BIG TEXAS RIGS is changing the fact that "Mexicans" are piling in by the literal truckload daily. They want free shit, they want a place to drop anchor babies, and they want YOU to pay for it.

In a way it's like that Ayn Rand book Anthem where people are so stripped of their identity that they have to wait until nightfall to scream in anonymity in fear of Re-education as their only surcease.

So you are going to see more of this. Get used to it. Welcome to the new Lost Generation.

I feel like if people hadnt been dollar chasing, engaging in over protacted wars, and gave a damn about their national sovereignty and borders and demanded other nations to respect it; we would HAVE something to give to Gen Z and it wouldnt be so hopeless for them.

We have no jobs for them.
We have almost encouraged racialism towards them
We have dickwhipped them into thinking they can never be correct.
We have never honestly helped them.
We rob from them in taxes and smugly give to the unworthy then kiss our own asses for it.
We constantly tell them the future does not include them.
We use the phrase "there is no place for ______ in this country" for the tools they need to nerely survive.

So may God damn us, and hopefully one day forgive us, for cornering these young people and doing everything to them but giving them an out that didnt involve submission, prostration, or assimilation into a society they had no stake or agency in, yet was allowed to dictate their lifepath before they were born.

They just wanted jobs, homes, communities and families. And we gave those things to everybody EXCEPT them.

Again, God damn us for that.

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08-04-19, 13:58
I'm gonna quote what Firefly said in the El Paso thread after seeing the pictures of these shooters. I think his take is about as close to pinning these guys as it's going to get.

It seriously looks like they were made on an assembly line.

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It’s not toxic masculinity. It’s a lack of masculinity that’s contributing to things as well. All these beta cucked males.

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08-04-19, 14:07
Found elsewhere - supposedly these are the three recent shooters. Notice any similarities?


I literally don't know anyone who looks like this, in my mostly white community. What are the odds? All three could be the same guy with photos taken at different times, or minor photoshop.

Or it is pretty much what I think of when I wonder what a 18-24 year old beta male incel looks like.
Spot on, disaffected and disillusioned 4chan Fortnite player type that doesn’t know how to manage emotions and takes meds for three different emotional issues.

It’s not toxic masculinity. It’s a lack of masculinity that’s contributing to things as well. All these beta cucked males.

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08-04-19, 14:33
It’s not toxic masculinity. It’s a lack of masculinity that’s contributing to things as well. All these beta cucked males.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkAgree 100%. Being the loser starts to sting when the guy that society told you not to be is always the one banging the prom queen.

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08-04-19, 14:34
Maybe they all three had been selected? Could be that their online profiles/email got flagged by one or more of the NSA, DHS, or other alphabet agencies and handlers were assigned with an agenda?

08-04-19, 14:42
Maybe they all three had been selected? Could be that their online profiles/email got flagged by one or more of the NSA, DHS, or other alphabet agencies and handlers were assigned with an agenda?

Now you're thinking with 4GW.

Or they could be nonexistent people. Or it could be one patsy being re-used. Or it could be three real people, but carefully chosen and goaded into action precisely to use the mass media to demonize this profile.

While the Ohio case sounds like a domestic that became a spree shooter, the other sound bonkers. Oh hey, remember that other white guy who looked almost just like these three, who started a spree at some Texas courthouse a few weeks ago and got shot dead before he killed anyone else? He looks just like this too. Yeah, sure, they are all 100% Acme-issue Incel. Except incel is a very recent concept that seems to have originated in 4chan or someplace like that.

I do not know what the truth is and I'm not pushing any one specific theory. I am just pointing out what are some really crazy coincidences and hard to believe "facts."

08-04-19, 14:49
Found elsewhere - supposedly these are the three recent shooters. Notice any similarities?


I literally don't know anyone who looks like this, in my mostly white community. What are the odds? All three could be the same guy with photos taken at different times, or minor photoshop.

Maybe this isn't some grand Chinese conspiracy...and crazy white beta cucks do horrible things when they are crazy and have big guns? Or maybe China has planted their secret assassins here to punish us for Taiwan.....

Boy Scout
08-04-19, 15:07
Found elsewhere - supposedly these are the three recent shooters. Notice any similarities?


I literally don't know anyone who looks like this, in my mostly white community. What are the odds? All three could be the same guy with photos taken at different times, or minor photoshop.

SOG, not pointed at you, especially since you said “found elsewhere” -

More to the point of viability and credibility of “open source” information like this...as they say, “never trust anything you read on the internet”...but that set of photos is either planted as disinformation, purposefully created to push a narrative, or 100% factually accurate.

If it were 100% factual, then there is waaaaay too much coincidence that these guys all look like they were casted out of Hollywood or the MK ULTRA program. Either way, “I’ll believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet.”

08-04-19, 16:45
Never discount the copycat effect. That's a real thing.

If these things weren't so highly publicized, with the shooter's names and faces emblazened across every TV in America, these things would be much more rare.

Firstly, a lot of kids wouldn't even get the idea to vent their rage this way without seeing someone else do it first.

These kids feel like they have nothing and no chance, so they take it out on the people they feel are responsible. They want their story of revenge told.

If they thought they'd get put in a bodybag after only killing ten or so, with absolutely nothing on TV except mourning the victims and no picture of them or talk about who they were, questions about "why," etc, a lot fewer of them would take this path.

The human tendency of what the media is to pursue sensationalism combined with the ever increasing extreme leftist bias means it will only continue, I think.

08-04-19, 16:49
I looked up the photos of the three suspects. They don’t look alike, other than being sub-adult white males. But that doesn’t change the fact that we have a young-male problem here in the U.S. and I’m not sure what the answer is. I took guns to school because I was going to go target shooting or squirrel/rabbit hunting after school. Before I could drive, we walked through town with guns to go squirrel shooting.. but times for some reason have changed.

08-04-19, 16:59
I looked up the photos of the three suspects. They don’t look alike, other than being sub-adult white males. But that doesn’t change the fact that we have a young-male problem here in the U.S. and I’m not sure what the answer is. I took guns to school because I was going to go target shooting or squirrel/rabbit hunting after school. Before I could drive, we walked through town with guns to go squirrel shooting.. but times for some reason have changed.

Indeed...graduated in the late 80's & always had a shotgun & a flat of shells in the Bronco if there was ever a chance of getting out of football practice. All the coaches knew & a couple of teachers who also hunted. Doesn't seem all that long ago but the 'times' sure have. We were in Reynosa every weekend having a grand ole time & my son never went SOTB once. Sad how both countries morphed into this mess, Damn I miss dinners/drinks in ole Mex.

08-04-19, 17:40
So right now, there are weeks and weeks of protests in Hong Kong, ostensibly over extradition laws that were proposed but tabled for now, but the protests go on. China believes the US is funding and encouraging these protests, which isn't entirely crazy since we've done that in many other countries.

What are the odds that China has covert groups here that perpetrate a few shootings like this and leave some domestic patsy behind to take the blame? It wreaks havoc on our politics, and even if US intelligence had proof China had done it, it's unlikely the US government would admit that because there would be a bipartisan call for military response on China, which we don't actually want to do.

No proof, just something to ponder. I think we're living in 4GW even if you don't want to recognize it.

Anyone figure out the Las Vegas shooting yet? I'm not blaming China for that one, but I do suspect several other non-US groups.

Does the vid of them actually doing the deed in many cases, including TX, kinda ruin that idea?

08-04-19, 18:24
Does the vid of them actually doing the deed in many cases, including TX, kinda ruin that idea?

It's easier for some to imagine a conspiracy than discuss the real issues. I don't know what those issues are, but it's not the Chinese. There is something seriously mentally/culturally wrong with the 16-25, white male demographic in this country that wasn't there in other generations, at least not to this extent. I simplify it in my own mind by likening it to bar fights - back in the day, even just 15 years ago, you got in a bar fight and it was resolved right there, usually without arrests. Nowadays someone offends you at a bar, spurns your advances, etc. and they bring a gun to deal with it. Happened here recently - shitbag thought someone was disrespecting a family member (they weren't) at a bar, left, got a gun, and came back and shot dead 2 people.

That's a recent trend - exceptions in the past for sure, but it's a real cultural thing now. I think a big part of it is the internet, where there are now far more outlets and negative influences for these sick people to indulge their dark side, converse with other sick people, etc. They aren't loners in the traditional sense because they can find similar people/thoughts online which only exacerbates it. It ain't about reading "Catcher in the Rye" anymore. El Paso shooter was well aware of the Christchurch shooter and his ideology and they likely hung out in the same dark corners of the web.

Obviously gun control will be the solution offered, but there are actual deep problems that few are willing to have a serious conversation about.

08-04-19, 18:37
Get ready to say goodbye to braces. It looks like braced pistol and beta drum were used.

08-04-19, 19:05
Washington Times is reporting he was a Warren supporter and got tired of waiting on Socialism to be accepted.

08-04-19, 19:26
Doubt this weeks news cycle will drift from racist orange man being the underlying issue...any bets El Paso will dominate the msm & Dayton gets way diluted??

08-04-19, 19:58
Get ready to say goodbye to braces. It looks like braced pistol and beta drum were used.If true, seems kind of convenient.

Havent seen anything yet, got a link??

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08-04-19, 20:19
I'm thinking this was retaliation for the El Paso attack.(Country-western-themed bar)

The Ohio killer was a rabid commie.

Sister and boyfriend were not and he didn't want them living or breeding. But that's just a guess.

08-04-19, 20:19
Washington Times is reporting he was a Warren supporter and got tired of waiting on Socialism to be accepted.


VDuring the search, authorities found writings linked to the shooter that show he had an interest in killing people, two federal law enforcement sources told CNN. A preliminary assessment of the writings did not indicate any racial or political motive, the sources said.

Somebody has some splanin' to do.....

He goes to the bars with his sister and her friend, and they supposedly don't have any knowledge of the rifle, body armour and ammo in the car. Then he hunts them down and shoots them- or were they just in the wrong place at the wrong time? Was she a Trump supporter?

El Cid
08-04-19, 20:20
If true, seems kind of convenient.

Havent seen anything yet, got a link??

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The Dumb Gun Collector
08-04-19, 20:29
I literally don't know anyone who looks like this, in my mostly white community. What are the odds? All three could be the same guy with photos taken at different times, or minor photoshop.

LOL, I look like that (but old). A black friend of mine sent me those pictures and basically said I was going to need to dye my hair or wear some contacts for a few weeks. LOL

08-04-19, 20:41
LOL, I look like that (but old). A black friend of mine sent me those pictures and basically said I was going to need to dye my hair or wear some contacts for a few weeks. LOL

Brother! Yep, you could have used those for me for a BOLO when I was younger.

That WaTimes info seems to rely on 'Heavy.com'. How reliable are they?

08-04-19, 21:02
It’s not toxic masculinity. It’s a lack of masculinity that’s contributing to things as well. All these beta cucked males.

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100% spot on, it is the weak tits doing the killing.


08-04-19, 21:23
Lack of parenting is a huge part of this sadly

08-04-19, 22:33
Lack of parenting is a huge part of this sadly

I can't help but wonder if that is the case.

26 Inf
08-04-19, 23:17
LOL, I look like that (but old).

Do you have children?

(Kind of a polite way of asking - well, you know.....)

08-04-19, 23:53
Lack of parenting is a huge part of this sadly

As a parent, who will celebrate his 25th anniversary with his one and only wife next week, and parent of three Gen Z adults, I totally agree. We have allowed ourselves to put "things" in front of family. We don't know how to live within our means, and we don't want to put work into relationships. This has made a rampant increase in single parent homes, and if there are two parents they are both working all the time.

My two girls are engaged to be married, and my son is already married. All have come to me and asked how it would be possible for them for mom to stay home with kids. I help them outline money saving strategies and hopefully they will adhere to them and succeed with healthy families. They aren't the only kids of this generation I have been around that see what damage is occurring around them in the loss of families.

My kids took it to heart to marry into families that have a history of solid marriages, good moral values, and strong work ethic. I'm very happy with the future inlaws and my son's inlaws. They've been married as long, or longer than my wife and I have.

But, they are surrounded by young adults of their own age that only know generations of divorces, single moms, drug and alcohol issues, and overall lack of moral values.

I don't know how to cure it. I wish I did.

08-05-19, 00:18
It’s not toxic masculinity. It’s a lack of masculinity that’s contributing to things as well. All these beta cucked males.

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You are not far off, the INCEL (Involuntary Celibates) movement has lots of cannon fodder for various purposes and a built in self loathing and complimentary hate for successful or physically attractive people.

People who identify as Black Pills are simply waiting to vent their hatred of everyone else onto anyone who happens to be in the vicinity.

08-05-19, 01:33
I can't help but wonder if that is the case.

To an extent it is THE case and foundation of this all. The issue which accompanied it is selfishness.

Through the last 20+ years parents have gotten selfish and couldn’t be bothered to parent and teach their children how to be normal and respectful humans.

This placed the job of “parenting” in the hands of teachers and law enforcement but the true influence has been social media.

First, the school system had an avenue to breakdown the children while the parents abstained from their responsibilities. Participation trophy’s were awarded not allowing one to grow from failure. Instead, you’re always special. Discipline? You can do no wrong, or at least you can’t be corrected for it.

Then you have LE dealing with the aftermath. But it’s too late. Yes you reach a handful of these kids before they’re adults but by and large you just end up being disrespected and the target. They weren’t raised to respect their parents, so they certainly don’t respect authority.

Finishing this little trifecta is social media where these kids and young adults forgo face to face relationships and instead dive into a world of user names and an existence they create for themselves. “People” are mere characters in their games or profile pictures. There’s no true human interaction to nurture and respect for humankind at all.

Then... life throws a curveball.

Instead of having been raised to grow through adversity, they break (often already medicated for the convenience of the parents). Respecting no one, and feeling as though they are entitled attention from the world (social media), they lash out and this is the aftermath.

We have a people problem. Not a gun problem.

Unfortunately, I don’t believe there is anyway to fix it. So many threads of the fabric which once was the foundation of all that was good in the United States have been snipped and slowly frayed. How do we weave them back together? That’s the million dollar question but I don’t see it happening absent hitting reset and starting from scratch.

08-05-19, 02:05
And looks like we are about to lose big.


08-05-19, 05:56
So the fact that this guy was a lefty kwack is not going to make the news at all? The narrative that this is all right wing violence just goes on?

08-05-19, 06:00
The crazy murderer had a "rape" and "kill" list. He even wrote the names of his potential victims on school's mirrors. Got kicked out of school. Does this sound like the Florida nut that murdered those high school students?


08-05-19, 06:07

It sounds like we have another Parkland shooter scenario where there are all kind sos signs. I’d call a kill list and making mocking shooting gestures at people would count.

08-05-19, 06:39
I didn’t see it mentioned yet but the picture of those three guys being the shooters isn’t accurate, at least according to the news here. The El Paso shooter actually looks friggin Hispanic.

Also, how are there already photos of the Ohio shooter’s gun, but I still have yet to see the VA Beach gun and claimed suppressor.

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08-05-19, 06:52
Found elsewhere - supposedly these are the three recent shooters. Notice any similarities?


I literally don't know anyone who looks like this, in my mostly white community. What are the odds? All three could be the same guy with photos taken at different times, or minor photoshop.

All three of then received participation trophies? ........ that is my guess.

08-05-19, 07:31
Even I am surprised at how the MSM has gone full right wing terrorism wave blamed on Trump, when you consider the El Paso shooter explicitly stated that it isn’t about Trump and the Dayton shooter seems to be a full lefty wacko. Now these guys were crazy, so I don’t put much stock in what the say- but if we are just going to make stuff up while damning half the population- that doesn’t seem to be a very noble or effective way to deal with this.

Guns and being shot at I can deal with, assassination and demonization from behind a TelePrompTer magnifies on Twitter I have no viable defense from.

I feel like Obi wan kenobie- “these are not the right wing gun nuts you are looking for”.

And WTF is it with Charlottesville? A fatal road rage event is now terrorism. The fact that it was with out a gun seems lost on the left too.

08-05-19, 07:39
Domestic terrorist is the new racist pejorative

And nobody wants to be accused of sympathizing with domestic terrorists

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08-05-19, 08:19


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08-05-19, 08:40
Here is another mass shooting, but you are a racist if you say anything about it.


08-05-19, 08:45
When everything is terrorism, nothing is

08-05-19, 08:49
Facts from Dayton, email from police officer with Dayton PD:

Shooting was at 0102 and he got the call in at 0110. It wasn’t political or racist. The dumb **** got into an argument with his sister out side a bar, went to his car and got a semi-auto long gun with a drum mag. The first shot was at 0102 and he was dead 24 seconds later. I have a feeling he had a bump stock. The sister and the sister’s boyfriend were the first victims. The Oregon District is a very trendy area and at that time would be very crowded. (officer's name redacted) said he was walking towards a neighboring bar where all the pedestrians were jammed up trying to get inside firing. Dayton PD officers took him down with in the first 24 seconds. He got home about 1100. Dayton called their entire department and even Xenia sent officers on Mutual aid.

Another email from a friend:

Two of my daughters were down there (along with one's boyfriend). They were in Ned Pepper's, the bar the jerk was trying to enter when the Dayton PD officers shot him. They got out unharmed.

My son knew the shooter, through a friend, and used to hang out with him from time to time. This was several years ago. He was from an affluent suburb and got kicked out of high school for putting together a "hit list" of folks he wanted to kill. I'd wager that he was on some sort of head meds.

The weapon used was shown to be an Anderson Mfg AR-type "pistol". It had one of the slim-line "braces" on it and looked like about a 10.5" barrel. It appeared to have a C-More type red dot sight on it.

Local NAACP president is making "hate crime" noise because there were more black victims than white. I don't think he's getting any traction with that nonsense.

Foxnews obtained surveillance video of the officers responding:


08-05-19, 09:05
??? so he had an AR and 100 round mag just sitting in the car??? Not judging, but it seems odd- and that would be the tool to apply to a family fight. Like I said, crazy is crazy- hard to make sense of it.

08-05-19, 09:18
The left has used violence as a political tool since forever.

And now you have people like that Omar chick who minimize the use of violence, some people did something. Remember that one?

Antifa runs unchecked.

So all these beta assholes see that violence gets a response and they go out and do their part because hey, all these other guys get away with it.

The left is working to divide this nation at every opportunity. They work to divide us along racial lines, economic lines, gender, religion, social, you name it.

If you want to know what’s wrong in this country, look no further than the DNC and your local liberal.

(Incomplete thought. Edited to add.)

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08-05-19, 09:46
My son knew the shooter, through a friend, and used to hang out with him from time to time. This was several years ago. He was from an affluent suburb and got kicked out of high school for putting together a "hit list" of folks he wanted to kill. I'd wager that he was on some sort of head meds.

Are there really states where death threats won't land you in the court system? I recall Columbine where the sheriff (or police chief?) said they couldn't have done dealt with those 2 turds beforehand due to the 1st Amendment.

In Kentucky that falls under terroristic threatening and is a frequent charge brought up in court. In addition to that, generic "fighting words" aren't grounds for the use of deadly force, but death threats are.

08-05-19, 10:03
Anyone see Trump call for "stricter" background checks as a result of these shootings? He, however, wants it tied with immigration laws.

08-05-19, 10:07
Meanwhile, 40 shot over the weekend in chicago and no mention by the major networks.


08-05-19, 10:15
Meanwhile, 40 shot over the weekend in chicago and no mention by the major networks.


Yes, and just like post #53 about Baltimore, it is racist to talk about it.

08-05-19, 10:20
Meanwhile, 40 shot over the weekend in chicago and no mention by the major networks.


Odd, I thought the same dang thing yesterday. Of course no mention of that, the averted one in Lubbock and all of the others

08-05-19, 11:30
Anyone see Trump call for "stricter" background checks as a result of these shootings? He, however, wants it tied with immigration laws.

Well, that will kill it.

Meanwhile, 40 shot over the weekend in chicago and no mention by the major networks.


Funny, I went to the Trib to try to find the weekend number too. And that show runs 52 weeks a year....

Doc Safari
08-05-19, 11:36
Get ready to say goodbye to braces. It looks like braced pistol and beta drum were used.

Maybe he didn't shoulder it.

08-05-19, 12:22
Now they are trying to make about the evil ammo he MIGHT have used.


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08-05-19, 12:23
Oops that was for the El Paso shooter

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08-05-19, 12:23
Just make sure you guys abide by the OAL and VFG restrictions.

We wouldn’t to fan the flames following these tragedies.

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08-05-19, 12:42
Dayton Shooter CONFIRMED Leftist Pro Antifa, Motive Still unclear


08-05-19, 12:47
Yep the shooter's tweet history sure looks like a leftist to me


Doc Safari
08-05-19, 13:15
Just make sure you guys abide by the OAL and VFG restrictions.

We wouldn’t to fan the flames following these tragedies.

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Yes, those poor people would have suffered a lot more if the weapon had a VFG on it.

08-05-19, 17:07
Dayton Shooter CONFIRMED Leftist Pro Antifa, Motive Still unclear


Which is why this is shooting is getting very little press coverage compared to El Paso. It doesn't fit the narrative that all those to the right of Joe Biden is a murderous racist at heart.

Doc Safari
08-05-19, 17:08
Which is why this is shooting is getting very little press coverage compared to El Paso. It doesn't fit the narrative that all those to the right of Joe Biden is a murderous racist at heart.

And that may be the only thing that saves pistol braces.

08-05-19, 19:01
Video showing the moment LEOs "neutralize" the shooter. Appears he didn't/doesn't even see them(?)


08-06-19, 00:12
Video showing the moment LEOs "neutralize" the shooter. Appears he didn't/doesn't even see them(?)


Instead of showing the manifesto or whatever social media posts these killers put out, the mainstream news should show things like this. Videos of the killer not going down in blaze of glory, but a humiliating death getting blind sided by a hail of bullets. They need to be killed in such a way they just look stupid.

08-06-19, 07:32
Appears he was anti 2A and pro gun control

"The gunman who fatally shot nine people -- including his sister -- and injured more than two dozen in Dayton, Ohio, early Sunday was “anti-Second Amendment” and “never spit out a conservative opinion on gun control,” according to a former classmate and friend"


08-06-19, 07:40
Wow... all this, AND 23 hours of video games a day in mommy's basement, too! :rolleyes:

EXCLUSIVE: Dayton Shooter Was In a “Pornogrind” Band That Released Songs About Raping and Killing Women (https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/j5yekp/exclusive-dayton-shooter-was-in-a-pornogrind-band-that-released-songs-about-raping-and-killing-women)

Satan must really be proud of his latest acquisition... :eek:

08-06-19, 08:15
Appears he was anti 2A and pro gun control

"The gunman who fatally shot nine people -- including his sister -- and injured more than two dozen in Dayton, Ohio, early Sunday was “anti-Second Amendment” and “never spit out a conservative opinion on gun control,” according to a former classmate and friend"


Can we blame this shooting on the ComDems for all the anti-2A rhetoric and POTG hatred they spout off?

08-06-19, 08:17
Appears he was anti 2A and pro gun control

"The gunman who fatally shot nine people -- including his sister -- and injured more than two dozen in Dayton, Ohio, early Sunday was “anti-Second Amendment” and “never spit out a conservative opinion on gun control,” according to a former classmate and friend"


Obviously there's a story/connection there that does seem to be getting much attention. What's that about? I also suspect some of the deaths/injuries in this event were friendly fire. There was a lot of moving bodies and crazy dynamic stressful scene to be sure. If not, damn good work on the part of the responders.

08-06-19, 08:36
Obviously there's a story/connection there that does seem to be getting much attention. What's that about? I also suspect some of the deaths/injuries in this event were friendly fire. There was a lot of moving bodies and crazy dynamic stressful scene to be sure. If not, damn good work on the part of the responders.Someone else posted emails that make it seem like it was a family fight. The sister and boyfriend were the first killed...... supposedly.

08-06-19, 08:37
Can we blame this shooting on the ComDems for all the anti-2A rhetoric and POTG hatred they spout off?Not unless you're a racist, sexist homophobe!

08-06-19, 08:38
Satan must really be proud of his latest acquisition... :eek:

This guy is more Billy Kincaid, not Al Simmons.

08-06-19, 16:32
Obviously there's a story/connection there that does seem to be getting much attention. What's that about? I also suspect some of the deaths/injuries in this event were friendly fire. There was a lot of moving bodies and crazy dynamic stressful scene to be sure. If not, damn good work on the part of the responders.

Incels hate all women. He probably wanted to bang his sister and hated her because she wouldn’t let him.

08-07-19, 14:43
Even some in the press starting to catch on:

Dayton shooter (Name removed) may be antifa’s first mass killer


08-09-19, 04:27
The Dayton mass killing was democrat, socialist, terrorism.

08-12-19, 15:27
Possible straw purchase? Maybe the chit head was not eligible and got a buddy to get it for him? People who lie and get rejected on their fed forms are rarely to never actually charged, but we need more laws!?


08-12-19, 15:57
Possible straw purchase? Maybe the chit head was not eligible and got a buddy to get it for him? People who lie and get rejected on their fed forms are rarely to never actually charged, but we need more laws!?


Apparently, hide body armor and mags so killer's mommy and daddy wouldn't find it, he's being charged with lying on a 4473 regarding weed.

"A friend of the Dayton gunman who killed nine people told federal agents he bought him body armor, a gun accessory and a 100-round magazine earlier this year, according to a court document unsealed Monday.
The charging document says Ethan Kollie bought the items for Connor Betts and kept them at his apartment so his friend's parents would not find them.
Prosecutors on Monday unsealed a charge against Kollie that accused him of lying about not using marijuana on federal firearms forms in the purchase of a pistol that was not used in the shooting."


Betts and Kollie apparently had been friends for several years. Kollie told agents that they had smoked marijuana and used acid several times a week beginning in 2014 through 2015, said U.S. Attorney Benjamin Glassman.

"When the agents asked Kollie how often he used drugs, Kollie indicated that he smoked marijuana every day and had been doing so for about 10 years," Glassman told reporters. When agents were executing a search warrant, Kollie told them he grew psychedelic mushrooms in his apartment, Glassman said.


08-12-19, 18:04
Apparently, hide body armor and mags so killer's mommy and daddy wouldn't find it, he's being charged with lying on a 4473 regarding weed.

"A friend of the Dayton gunman who killed nine people told federal agents he bought him body armor, a gun accessory and a 100-round magazine earlier this year, according to a court document unsealed Monday.
The charging document says Ethan Kollie bought the items for Connor Betts and kept them at his apartment so his friend's parents would not find them.
Prosecutors on Monday unsealed a charge against Kollie that accused him of lying about not using marijuana on federal firearms forms in the purchase of a pistol that was not used in the shooting."


Betts and Kollie apparently had been friends for several years. Kollie told agents that they had smoked marijuana and used acid several times a week beginning in 2014 through 2015, said U.S. Attorney Benjamin Glassman.

"When the agents asked Kollie how often he used drugs, Kollie indicated that he smoked marijuana every day and had been doing so for about 10 years," Glassman told reporters. When agents were executing a search warrant, Kollie told them he grew psychedelic mushrooms in his apartment, Glassman said.


Here is an interesting article on marijuana use and a possible link to mass shootings. The crazy libs want everyone to believe cigarettes are bad but marijuana is just a harmless herb.


08-12-19, 18:11
Incels hate all women. He probably wanted to bang his sister and hated her because she wouldn’t let him.

I think they hate them because they don't have any and resent their obvious attraction to them etc, which starts with resentment and works it's way to hate. Or, something along those lines. I suspect the majority of them would lose "hate" within 1 minute of some girl actually showing interest and some sex.

08-13-19, 21:28
I think they hate them because they don't have any and resent their obvious attraction to them etc, which starts with resentment and works it's way to hate. Or, something along those lines. I suspect the majority of them would lose "hate" within 1 minute of some girl actually showing interest and some sex.

Assuming they didn’t cry during the sex. Then all that pent up rage would turn to burning shame and they’d resent women even harder for that.

08-16-19, 21:15
Another case a looser on antidepressants along with a little mix of coke and booze. And the libtards want to blame guns, maybe they should start dealing with their broken homes and stop feeding their kids this shit.

The mass shooter in Dayton who killed nine people and wounded several others before being shot and killed himself by police was taking antidepressants and a cocktail of illicit drugs and alcohol during his rampage, according to a coroner’s report.

Montgomery County coroner Dr. Kent Harshbarger, in a draft report, noted that Connor Betts, 24, said Betts was in possession of a pipe, a bag of cocaine, and had cocaine, antidepressants, and alcohol in his blood during his attack.

That means Betts has become the latest mass shooter who was taking antidepressants, which some medical analysts and experts believe can have deleterious and dangerous effects on some people.


08-16-19, 22:19
Another case a looser on antidepressants along with a little mix of coke and booze. And the libtards want to blame guns, maybe they should start dealing with their broken homes and stop feeding their kids this shit.

The mass shooter in Dayton who killed nine people and wounded several others before being shot and killed himself by police was taking antidepressants and a cocktail of illicit drugs and alcohol during his rampage, according to a coroner’s report.

Montgomery County coroner Dr. Kent Harshbarger, in a draft report, noted that Connor Betts, 24, said Betts was in possession of a pipe, a bag of cocaine, and had cocaine, antidepressants, and alcohol in his blood during his attack.

That means Betts has become the latest mass shooter who was taking antidepressants, which some medical analysts and experts believe can have deleterious and dangerous effects on some people.


It's a false correlation. Tons and tons of people are on antidepressants and don't have increased violent tendencies. The correlation is that just about anyone who reported mental or behavioral problems gets put on antidepressants to start, because they have low dependence and side effects. But because antidepressants don't cure psychopathic tendencies, the issue isn't that the medication caused the behavior, it was that it didn't stop the behavior as it was never designed to do so.

You want to see veteran and first responder suicides go up? Tell them that if they go on medication or seek for depression and anxiety, not only will they lose their jobs, they'll lose their guns as well.

26 Inf
08-17-19, 00:33
It's a false correlation. Tons and tons of people are on antidepressants and don't have increased violent tendencies. The correlation is that just about anyone who reported mental or behavioral problems gets put on antidepressants to start, because they have low dependence and side effects. But because antidepressants don't cure psychopathic tendencies, the issue isn't that the medication caused the behavior, it was that it didn't stop the behavior as it was never designed to do so.

You want to see veteran and first responder suicides go up? Tell them that if they go on medication or seek for depression and anxiety, not only will they lose their jobs, they'll lose their guns as well.

I believe if we drilled down into the nitty-gritty of folks who do this type of stuff while taking anti-depressants, there would probably be a correlation between folks using anti-depressants who aren't regularly seeing their doctor in order to monitor how they are doing.