View Full Version : Better then nothing

11-13-08, 08:50
Folks this attitude is killing us, and we have to force the nitwits in the Republican
party to start putting their best foot forward. I presently live in Arizona and have no
love for John McCain, swore I would not vote for him. Well I guess I could of shot myself in the foot.
The NRA is another half-ass compromise, " well there better then nothing " I am not
so sure about all that, we seem to make all kinds of compromises and it gets us nowhere.
Time to get militant about what WE WANT, mainly a restoration of the country I grew
up in. Where kids could play outside until way late in the summer and the only things their parents worried about is if they missed supper. Where firearms were considered a normal, and healthy interest in young men. Where we reluctantly sent sent our
armed forces off to fight, and expected them TO WIN, where treason against this country was a crime, and punished. Where polititions while still considered as lying,
self serving skunks, still had the best interests of the country in their hearts. Where
schools taught children instead of indoctrinateing them.
We gotta quit compromising and start getting real hard headed or we are not gonna have a country left.

11-13-08, 09:58
Folks this attitude is killing us, and we have to force the nitwits in the Republican
party to start putting their best foot forward. I presently live in Arizona and have no
love for John McCain, swore I would not vote for him. Well I guess I could of shot myself in the foot.
The NRA is another half-ass compromise, " well there better then nothing " I am not
so sure about all that, we seem to make all kinds of compromises and it gets us nowhere.
Time to get militant about what WE WANT, mainly a restoration of the country I grew
up in. Where kids could play outside until way late in the summer and the only things their parents worried about is if they missed supper. Where firearms were considered a normal, and healthy interest in young men. Where we reluctantly sent sent our
armed forces off to fight, and expected them TO WIN, where treason against this country was a crime, and punished. Where polititions while still considered as lying,
self serving skunks, still had the best interests of the country in their hearts. Where
schools taught children instead of indoctrinateing them.
We gotta quit compromising and start getting real hard headed or we are not gonna have a country left.

Amen. We have nothing to fear but fear itself. We are free men!

11-13-08, 10:31
If given the choice between a "Moderate" Conservative and an Extreme Liberal, the choice should never have been in doubt for any real Gun Owner. As I warned repeatedly in various posts and forums, any so-called Gun Owner who did not vote AGAINST obama deserve what is coming to them. IMHO, any gun owner or shooter who voted for this POS not only lost the right to bitch or complain, they should also be the first to loose their guns and their rights should that scenario become reality. You've made your flea-ridden bed, now lay in it and shut the hell up!! Maybe you can redeem yourself by voting the "right" way the next time or putting all your support for what is currently the best choice in town.

Life is nothing but compromises. There is no such animal as a perfect candidate (although those who voted for bho seem to think differently - wait until they start loosing more of their liberties and money). Everything we do is a compromise, from where we eat (food is great but lousy service, food and service is excellent but is too far away and in a bad part of town, etc.) to what we eat (bland but inexpensive, awesome but expensive, etc.). To what we drive (small with good gas mileage or fast with lousy gas mileage).

I don't understand how any gun owner thought it would be a great idea to vote for Obama (which is what you basically did if you did not cast your vote for McCain). Don't get me wrong, I did not vote for McCain in the Primaries either and if I wish we had a viable alternative November 4th. But that's all we had: a Moderate Republican or a Hardore dumboKrat.

Yes, the NRA is not a perfect orgnaization. But it is unfortunately the best one (for now). If you think about it, it does zalright for an organization that was never meant to be involved in politics in the first place. But until a more effective one comes along, you'd be an idiot not to support them. This is exactly what happened during the klinton era; support for the NRA dropped when certain (extreme right) factions of the NRA broke off and started the GOA. The result? The AWB that expired in 2004 (Thank you Dubya!!). And even though that law has expired, it is still affecting some of us because certain States have adopted it on a permanent basis.

The people who bitch and moan about how imperfect McCain, the Republican Party, the NRA, or what-have-you need to grow up. Because like it or not, you handed this country to someone who can very well be the most Socialistic, anti-Military, anti-Constitution and inexperienced racist in the history of these United States. Someone who has already stated that he wants to "rule" us. :rolleyes:

The reality is, you're either part of the solution, or part of the problem. And for now, we have no choice but to hold on for what promises to be a very bumpy ride for us Gun Owners.

CAVEAT: I am hoping that I am totally wrong about bho, in which case I will write and send him an apology and vote for him in 2012. But I'd be willing to lay odds that I am not too far off the mark - we'll know for sure in 4-years (or less). JM2CW.

Ed L.
11-13-08, 14:21
If given the choice between a "Moderate" Conservative and an Extreme Liberal, the choice should never have been in doubt for any real Gun Owner. As I warned repeatedly in various posts and forums, any so-called Gun Owner who did not vote AGAINST obama deserve what is coming to them.

Excellent points, as well as those in the rest of your post.

from: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/09/weekinreview/09sokolove.html?_r=1&ref=weekinreview&oref=login

"Early on Election Day morning in the Philadelphia suburb of Levittown, Pa., Joe Sinitski, 48, stood in a long line inside a school gymnasium, inching his way toward three blue-curtained voting machines. He wore jeans, a sweatshirt and a National Rifle Association baseball cap. He said he would vote for Barack Obama, a choice that some months earlier he could not have imagined.

It seems like some gun owners either did not have a clue or didn't care. This past weekend I was at an overflowing gunshow with a friend. As we were leaving we were driving out of the parking lot and my frined stopped the car, seemingly for no reason, and started staring. When I asked him what was wrong, he pointed to a car. I asked him what about that car and he told me to look at the bumpr sticker. Sure enough, it had an Obama bumper sticker on it.

11-13-08, 16:06
Folks this attitude is killing us, and we have to force the nitwits in the Republican
party to start putting their best foot forward. I presently live in Arizona and have no
love for John McCain, swore I would not vote for him. Well I guess I could of shot myself in the foot.
The NRA is another half-ass compromise, " well there better then nothing " I am not
so sure about all that, we seem to make all kinds of compromises and it gets us nowhere.
Time to get militant about what WE WANT, mainly a restoration of the country I grew
up in. Where kids could play outside until way late in the summer and the only things their parents worried about is if they missed supper. Where firearms were considered a normal, and healthy interest in young men. Where we reluctantly sent sent our
armed forces off to fight, and expected them TO WIN, where treason against this country was a crime, and punished. Where polititions while still considered as lying,
self serving skunks, still had the best interests of the country in their hearts. Where
schools taught children instead of indoctrinateing them.
We gotta quit compromising and start getting real hard headed or we are not gonna have a country left.

Ah! The good old days, I remember them well.

11-13-08, 16:38
If given the choice between a "Moderate" Conservative and an Extreme Liberal, the choice should never have been in doubt for any real Gun Owner.

That's an interesting statement. Would you mind defining liberal? Are we talking Modern/Social liberal or classical/traditional liberal? Do you know the difference? Also, how are you defining conservative? Type "conservatism" into a Google search and you'll find a lot of different versions real quick.

I wonder when we'll get past name-calling and start voting as we choose to vote, instead of as we're coerced to vote ('cause, you know, I'd hate to be called a spineless liberal or a dirty conservative). ;)


11-13-08, 23:25
I don't like to compromise any more than anyone else but if you can't get a moderate in office then how do you expect to get a "Reagan conservative" in office? Obama was elected because that is what the news media has been pushing for since Bush was re-elected in 2004.

If you hear everyday that the war is bad, Bush is bad, and the economy is bad then eventually you will start to believe it. The majority did.

11-14-08, 08:42
I don't like to compromise any more than anyone else but if you can't get a moderate in office then how do you expect to get a "Reagan conservative" in office? Obama was elected because that is what the news media has been pushing for since Bush was re-elected in 2004.

If you hear everyday that the war is bad, Bush is bad, and the economy is bad then eventually you will start to believe it. The majority did.

... the majority didn't hear anything but the morons did.


11-14-08, 09:01
... the majority didn't hear anything but the morons did.


Then the majority are morons!

11-14-08, 09:29
Please...they're both socialists, and we live in a socialist nation. Proven to be true by the single most socialist piece of legislation since the Johnson days that they both called critical and one of them suspended his campaign to force down our throats. One of them is a little more extreme, one happened to be less appalling to gun owners. People complain about socialized medicine(as do I), but they ignore the fact that our healthcare system is already about 50% socialized...and so forth.