View Full Version : CNN Town Hall on Guns is Blowing up in Their Face...

08-07-19, 20:32
Two of the first three panelist in stage wouldn’t tow the line on Red Flag laws. Then Cameron Kasky, the Stoneman Douglas survivor, pushed back against armed guards and police presence on the bases that armed police in proximity to women and non whites posed a threat due to racism and propensity for sexual assault.

Can’t make this stuff up...

Second panel was supposed to include a pro second amendment guest but he couldn’t make it because of weather. Cuomo says he “didn’t think it was fair” to bring him in remotely :confused:

Outlander Systems
08-07-19, 20:44
Weimerica in full-effect lol.

Two of the first three panelist in stage wouldn’t tow the line on Red Flag laws. Then Cameron Kasky, the Stoneman Douglas survivor, pushed back against armed guards and police presence on the bases that armed police in proximity to women and non whites posed a threat due to racism and propensity for sexual assault.

Can’t make this stuff up...

Second panel was supposed to include a pro second amendment guest but he couldn’t make it because of weather. Cuomo says he “didn’t think it was fair” to bring him in remotely :confused:

08-07-19, 20:45
It never ends


08-07-19, 20:47
And y’all want to be reasonable with these folks


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08-07-19, 21:15
And y’all want to be reasonable with these folks


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Not all of us. Some of us want them to make our garden better. ........... ;)

08-07-19, 21:19
I was flipped through the channels after coming home from the range. I had it on long enough to hear some kid say he doesn't want police officers in schools because police officers harass female students and staff members....or something along those lines.


08-07-19, 21:27
The cognitive dissonance has to be killing them inside, but they sure don’t show it on the surface. Reckon that’s why they’re always so angry and afraid?

08-07-19, 21:58
And y’all want to be reasonable with these folks


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I don't think that describes most of this forum, in fact I can only think of a handful of individuals.

08-07-19, 22:14
And y’all want to be reasonable with these folks


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I want to be reasonable. That means dont try to do anything that affects me because of what some nut-job does.
Follow the constitution. That’s reasonable. They are not.

08-07-19, 22:50
Reasonable would be addressing the critical need in this country for psychiatrists in all regions of this nation. Reasonable would be removing the expectation for Police to act as a Social worker panacea. Reasonable would be families getting interested in the lives of their members and intervening when it becomes clear that there are issues by getting the troubled member in front of two psychiatrists and if those professionals agree getting the member in front of a judge.

08-08-19, 00:22
Reasonable would be addressing the critical need in this country for psychiatrists in all regions of this nation. Reasonable would be removing the expectation for Police to act as a Social worker panacea. Reasonable would be families getting interested in the lives of their members and intervening when it becomes clear that there are issues by getting the troubled member in front of two psychiatrists and if those professionals agree getting the member in front of a judge.

We used to do that stuff in the 1930s. It didn't quite work out as well as you imagine it would. Amazingly enough, psychiatry isn't the magic solution for all of the nations ills either. In fact, some of them are part of the problem.

A nation that tolerates crime and violent individuals in society to an unacceptable level is the problem, but I can't say I have a real world solution that will change any of that. There are entire segments of the population that embrace ignorance and violence as part of their culture and actually expect it to be accepted and respected.

08-08-19, 00:49
I want to be reasonable. That means dont try to do anything that affects me because of what some nut-job does.
Follow the constitution. That’s reasonable. They are not.

I'm remembering a Churchill quote...
"You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth!"

08-08-19, 00:51
Some people simply don't deserve liberty
This becomes more evident every day

08-08-19, 03:57
Some people simply don't deserve liberty
This becomes more evident every day

Indeed. There is a place on this continent who choose "peaceful slavery" over "dangerous liberty"... we litigated that one from 1776 to 1783 in the case of Washington v. Cornwallis, and partitioned the continent--their half got called "Canada."

08-08-19, 06:13
Two of the first three panelist in stage wouldn’t tow the line on Red Flag laws. Then Cameron Kasky, the Stoneman Douglas survivor, pushed back against armed guards and police presence on the bases that armed police in proximity to women and non whites posed a threat due to racism and propensity for sexual assault.

Can’t make this stuff up...

Second panel was supposed to include a pro second amendment guest but he couldn’t make it because of weather. Cuomo says he “didn’t think it was fair” to bring him in remotely :confused:

:lol: That's hilarious. And who says liberalism ISN'T a mental disorder???? Poor tool probably believes that, too.

08-08-19, 06:16
We used to do that stuff in the 1930s. It didn't quite work out as well as you imagine it would. Amazingly enough, psychiatry isn't the magic solution for all of the nations ills either. In fact, some of them are part of the problem.

A nation that tolerates crime and violent individuals in society to an unacceptable level is the problem, but I can't say I have a real world solution that will change any of that. There are entire segments of the population that embrace ignorance and violence as part of their culture and actually expect it to be accepted and respected.

There isn't a 100% effective solution to anything, but there aren't many leaning toward violent behavior that are so crazy they can't comprehend getting shot will ruin their field trip. Garlic fest was gun free, Texas shooter mentioned seeking out an easy target, and I really suspect the Dayton area was gun free based on description being similar to one in Louisville. It certainly appeared that was what the shooter was expecting it to be based on watching him running around up until the second the cops arrived and drilled him.

08-08-19, 06:39
Cuomo said at one point that after Columbine these things seemed to explode. He then went on yapping about how he was there and that the media covered it for weeks. Well.....maybe that’s the freaking problem.

These are copy cat crimes. The next shooters are watching the media coverage and are inspired. They want to be famous. And the reason AR 15s are used so much is because the media rails about them being used so much. It’s really that simple IMO.

Back after Sandy Hook I started thinking about this a lot and searched the Internet. Didn’t see anything right away, but a few years later papers like this started to pop up. It finally appears that many believe the same thing and are willing to say it now. If we want to stop mass shootings the media is going to have to stop saturation coverage...or reporting them at all.




08-08-19, 09:54
Cuomo said at one point that after Columbine these things seemed to explode. He then went on yapping about how he was there and that the media covered it for weeks. Well.....maybe that’s the freaking problem.

These are copy cat crimes. The next shooters are watching the media coverage and are inspired. They want to be famous. And the reason AR 15s are used so much is because the media rails about them being used so much. It’s really that simple IMO.

Back after Sandy Hook I started thinking about this a lot and searched the Internet. Didn’t see anything right away, but a few years later papers like this started to pop up. It finally appears that many believe the same thing and are willing to say it now. If we want to stop mass shootings the media is going to have to stop saturation coverage...or reporting them at all.




Agreed, reporting these mass murders only increases anxiety and fear in our society. When a population is anxious and fearful, that population can be controlled more easily.

Doc Safari
08-08-19, 09:55
Not all of us. Some of us want them to make our garden better. ........... ;)

You and me both. Gardening at Night could be my new hobby one day.

08-08-19, 10:23
Amazingly enough, psychiatry isn't the magic solution for all of the nations ills either.

Can we split the difference then, and just stick all the elected hoplophobes in a psychiatric rubber room? It's a compromise as a gun owner, that I'M willing to make. :jester:

08-08-19, 11:35
Agreed, reporting these mass murders only increases anxiety and fear in our society. When a population is anxious and fearful, that population can be controlled more easily.

They didn’t just create anxiety...they are the main reason for the epidemic to begin with!

08-08-19, 11:45
Everyone is a witch to someone else, John Proctor

08-08-19, 12:38
I just looked at the database of mass shooting events. Out of the 250 odd events, do you know that in roughly half, no one was killed?

What if we had a mass shooting and no one died.......

Only about 21 have 4 deaths or more, the usual definition; and 32 had the Obama level of three deaths. Still horrible numbers, but not the 250 mass shootings that we are told happened.

Take the Time magazine cover with the city with 'mass shootings' and take out the fake ones.

08-08-19, 12:42
Sounds like most lefties are on board with raising the age of a rifle purchase to 21. These are the some of same people who wanted to lower the voting age to 16! Here is a “compromise” I’d throw at them.... We will raise the age to buy a rifle to 21 if the voting and draft age goes back to 21. See how that would fly.

Such hypocrites

Don Robison
08-08-19, 12:46
The part no one talks about is the actual.number.of events. During the Obama years we averaged 1.625 "mass shootings" per month. Under the current administration we're averaging 1.5 per month. If the trend continues we're decreasing by doing nothing.

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08-08-19, 13:48
The part no one talks about is the actual.number.of events. During the Obama years we averaged 1.625 "mass shootings" per month. Under the current administration we're averaging 1.5 per month. If the trend continues we're decreasing by doing nothing.

Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk

Yeah but how exactly are we classifying a shooting as "Mass"? That's the thing I don't fully understand with some of these so-called statistics.

08-08-19, 14:53
The part no one talks about is the actual.number.of events. During the Obama years we averaged 1.625 "mass shootings" per month. Under the current administration we're averaging 1.5 per month. If the trend continues we're decreasing by doing nothing.

Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk

Obviously trumps fault

Stats are lies and damn lies anyway. But seriously all they did was change the definition to more inclusive. It’s like every shooting involving 3 or more vics now or something stupid.


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26 Inf
08-08-19, 15:15
Yeah but how exactly are we classifying a shooting as "Mass"? That's the thing I don't fully understand with some of these so-called statistics.

This was the biggest problem with I ran into trying to research mass shootings. You find that some compiling agencies report domestic murder-suicides as mass shootings.

In the 1980s, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defined mass murderer as someone who “kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location” (Krouse and Richardson, 2015).......

........many have chosen alternative definitions of casualty thresholds for mass shootings. For instance, Lott and Landes (2000) adopted the definition of two or more injured victims, the Gun Violence Archive (undated-a) defined mass shooting as an incident in which four or more victims (excluding the shooter) are injured or killed, and Mass Shooting Tracker (undated) set a criterion of four or more people injured or killed (including the shooter)........

.......Another definitional disagreement is whether to include multiple-victim shooting incidents that occur in connection with some other crime or domestic dispute. Because mass shootings that stem from domestic and gang violence are contextually distinct from high-fatality indiscriminate killings in public venues, some have argued that they should be treated separately. In their analyses of “mass public shootings,” Lott and Landes (2000) excluded any felony-related shooting, and Duwe, Kovandzic, and Moody (2002) excluded incidents where “both the victims and offender(s) were involved in unlawful activities, such as organized crime, gang activity, and drug deals” (p. 276).



08-08-19, 15:25
Damn, too many Eloi in the world, not enough Morlocks.

08-08-19, 16:36
Cuomo said at one point that after Columbine these things seemed to explode. He then went on yapping about how he was there and that the media covered it for weeks. Well.....maybe that’s the freaking problem.

These are copy cat crimes. The next shooters are watching the media coverage and are inspired. They want to be famous. And the reason AR 15s are used so much is because the media rails about them being used so much. It’s really that simple IMO.

Back after Sandy Hook I started thinking about this a lot and searched the Internet. Didn’t see anything right away, but a few years later papers like this started to pop up. It finally appears that many believe the same thing and are willing to say it now. If we want to stop mass shootings the media is going to have to stop saturation coverage...or reporting them at all. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2016/08/media-contagion



LOL, the media is NEVER going to give up leading with blood. That's their crown jewel.

Heavy Metal
08-08-19, 18:08
I don't think that describes most of this forum, in fact I can only think of a handful of individuals.

Well, I want to at least be as reasonable as General Pinochet was to his opposition.

08-08-19, 18:34
More stupidity from CNN:


He tries to draw line between El Paso and Dayton crossed by a line between the Germans we got after WWII and Trump- and X marks the spot of or national shame.