View Full Version : Danny Trejo speaks out after saving baby stuck under SUV

08-08-19, 18:55
I always liked Danny Trejo's characters as well as his life story. I've heard him speak on PBS a couple of times, one of those X-cons that came out and made it work. I like him even more now, stepping up to help...


08-08-19, 23:08
He also owns a pretty nice taco chain out in LA.

08-09-19, 10:06
All I can think about is the Cheech and Chong bit... "I got burning baby all over me."

08-09-19, 11:23
He has been very vocal about always enjoying playing the bad guy more in film, so kids can see what happens to bad people. He is a good dude.

08-09-19, 11:47
Ive seen a couple of his interviews, he had a rough early life, crime, addiction, time in prison.
I enjoyed his acting in Heat.
He probably needs all the good karma he can get as we all do.

08-09-19, 12:15
He has always seemed like a good dude.