View Full Version : Fredo.....

08-13-19, 20:16

08-13-19, 20:47

I still don't understand what happened. So was he baited? Read Hannity's comment below.

I'm no fan of Cuomo but we are not paid to to take verbal abuse as civilians. I know LEOs take a lot and I think that's wrong and I'm sure the paycheck doesn't make up for it. But people is people. If Hannity is right and this guy provoked him then how do we sit here and talk about stand your ground and verbal judo and all that realm?

The other part of me is of the mind that Cuomo has presented himself as an advocate and not an impartial figure. Public figures are subject to that sort of thing. Would you do that to say OJs legal team? probably not. A network shill from the opposition party? Apparently so.

i won't go as far as Hannity, but I see things in this I don't like. Two wrongs deal. Cuomo was obviously milking it and for whatever reason thought he was in the right. Staged?

It was a cool YT vid, nice production.

Trump, LOL, that guy kills me.

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4 hours ago
Cuomo tweeted: "Appreciate all the support but - truth is I should be better than the guys baiting me. This happens all the time these days. Often in front of my family. But there is a lesson: no need to add to the ugliness; I should be better than what I oppose."

Trump Tweeted: "I thought Chris was Fredo also. The truth hurts. Totally lost it! Low ratings @CNN"

Sean Hannity tweeted: "Sean Hannity
I say good for @ChrisCuomo He’s out with his 9 year old daughter, and his wife, and this guy is being a jackass in front of his family. Imho Chris Cuomo has zero to apologize for. He deserves the apology." (apparently Cuomo's kid was NOT there during this encounter)

ETA: And if he wasn't Fredo yesterday, he damn sure is today. Sounds like a plan... or a plan gone wrong.

08-13-19, 21:08
Public figures get harassed. Dude flew off the handle
Sure, the other guy shouldnt have said it, but freaking out like that wreaks of low self-esteem.

I would have lost respect for him if I had any.

Dr. Bullseye
08-13-19, 21:15
As Lisa Boothe pointed out, Fredo (and from now on that is his name) is an example of what the leftists call toxic masculinity.

Why would anyone make excuses for this most disgusting human being?

08-13-19, 22:35
The guy roid raged after being called a Fredo from a movie. I am not a fan of public figures being ambushed and provoked like this but literally acting like an Italian mob guy after being called Fredo is pretty funny.

08-13-19, 22:35
In the world where I live, the fastest way to get everyone to call you Fredo is to throw a tantrum about being called Fredo. Doubling down and trying to say a reference to a movie is an insult to all Italian Americans is just being a bitch.

The fact he was out with his kids doesn't matter - the libs don't care if a conservative is with their kids and they tend to make death threats and use R-rated language...


08-13-19, 22:36
The guy roid raged after being called a Fredo from a movie. I am not a fan of public figures being ambushed and provoked like this but literally acting like an Italian mob guy after being called Fredo is pretty funny.

Edit: equating Fredo to the N word should cost him though. I know the left and CNN will circle the wagons but I can only imagine the uproar of someone on the right did it.

08-13-19, 22:41
Red flags

Red flags for everyone

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-13-19, 22:45
How much agitprop you want on this? Cos' I have MOST of it. :lol:

08-13-19, 23:00
The most important thing to me is I have no idea who Cuomo is AND I didn't watch the video. It's bad enough I had to learn who Epstein was.

08-14-19, 06:45
The most important thing to me is I have no idea who Cuomo is AND I didn't watch the video. It's bad enough I had to learn who Epstein was.

He's related to Mario, and that's all you really need to know. He's their "special needs" kid (& before the snowflakes melt, I have 4 kids with Autism & don't mind saying that!).

08-14-19, 09:14
On a slightly related subject, another Communist News Network talking head is being accused of sexual assault of the weirdest kind:


08-14-19, 11:46
He's related to Mario, and that's all you really need to know. He's their "special needs" kid (& before the snowflakes melt, I have 4 kids with Autism & don't mind saying that!).
Fredo is the son of Mario and brother of Andrew, New Yorkistans communist Governor.


Don Robison
08-14-19, 13:02
Just throat punch that bitch Cuomo and move on.

26 Inf
08-14-19, 15:42
It was a cool YT vid, nice production.

Tastes really differ, tired of all the over-dramatic u-tube personas who practice their stick in front of mirrors then do a one camera set.

Which has nothing to do with the subject, which is, much ado about nothing.

08-14-19, 21:10
What the hell or who the hell is a “Fredo”?

08-14-19, 21:28
What the hell or who the hell is a “Fredo”?

if you don't know which if your friends is Fredo, then you are the Fredo....

08-14-19, 21:57
What the hell or who the hell is a “Fredo”?


08-14-19, 22:11

08-15-19, 19:32
Anyone ever heard of "Fredo" being "the N word" for Italians? I haven't heard a single Italian guy I know say it's a racial slur against them.

08-15-19, 20:09
Everything anti-MSM or anti-progressive is racist.

08-15-19, 20:10
And all the while I thought Wop was the offensive term for Italians.

The more you know.

08-15-19, 20:12
And all the while I thought Wop was the offensive term for Italians.

The more you know.

Wop or dago I believe.... Never heard of Fredo as any sort of Italian insult.

08-15-19, 20:28
Anyone ever heard of "Fredo" being "the N word" for Italians? I haven't heard a single Italian guy I know say it's a racial slur against them.

That's the crazy thing, there are far worse names I've heard Italians referred as...


Never mind, should have read the whole thread first. Murph and Esq beat me to it.

08-15-19, 22:17
if you don't know which if your friends is Fredo, then you are the Fredo....

Not me. I have no friends and I got a Spick last name. :p

08-15-19, 22:40
Anyone ever heard of "Fredo" being "the N word" for Italians? I haven't heard a single Italian guy I know say it's a racial slur against them.

Every word is a racial slur now.

08-16-19, 02:47
Wop or dago I believe.... Never heard of Fredo as any sort of Italian insult.

Let's not forget, Goombah, Greaseball, Greaser, Guido and Guinea, but yeah, no Fredo.

Every word is a racial slur now.

Pretty much.

08-16-19, 05:41
I think that everybody using the “F” Fredo word pretty much proves that is not the “n” word.

08-16-19, 06:04
Let's not forget, Goombah, Greaseball, Greaser, Guido and Guinea, but yeah, no Fredo.

As a guy who is of Sicilian descent (my mother immigrated here at 10 yrs old and my father is a first generation American) I can say I have heard all of these. But never heard anyone called Fredo....

08-16-19, 07:29
The nickname Fredo was popularized in media very recently by Rush Limbaugh. If any of you listen to his show, he started calling that CNN Cuomo guy "Fredo" whenever he mentioned him, Limbaugh rarely calls him by him by his full name.

I believe Trump picked up on that.

08-16-19, 07:40
The nickname Fredo was popularized in media very recently by Rush Limbaugh. If any of you listen to his show, he started calling that CNN Cuomo guy "Fredo" whenever he mentioned him, Limbaugh rarely calls him by him by his full name.

I believe Trump picked up on that.

That only makes the sting a little worse. I wonder how Fredo Coumo's numbers stack up Limbaugh's?

08-16-19, 08:32
"Being weaker and less intelligent than his brothers, Fredo has little power or status within the Corleone crime family."

Also see https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/08/13/how-fredo-tragic-godfather-character-became-an-insult-wielded-by-trump/?noredirect=on

08-16-19, 08:33
double tap

08-16-19, 23:59

Funniest damn meme I’ve seen in a while. Thank you Cuomo family for bringing hilarity into our lives!

“I am NOT Fredo! Believe it! Really! Or else I throw hissy fit! I’m not! I’m not Fredo! Waaaaaaaa, they called me Fredo!! Again!”

26 Inf
08-17-19, 00:19
That only makes the sting a little worse. I wonder how Fredo Coumo's numbers stack up Limbaugh's?

Rush Limbaugh's only saving grace is he gives off carbon dioxide, which is essential for photosynthesis.

I pity the folks who are so locked into what comes out of people's mouths that they accept the complete lack of decency and the two-faced behavior of their heroes. Limpdick is lucky he the radio gig or he would have been reduced to Midnight Cowboying to get his next fix.

But that's just me.

08-18-19, 00:31
Every word is a racial slur now.

Just like every flag is racist.

08-18-19, 02:03
Just like every flag is racist.

Not racist so much as they inspire some sense of national pride and identity and thus to One World Order aspirants they are evil and immoral.

08-18-19, 11:08
Not racist so much as they inspire some sense of national pride and identity and thus to One World Order aspirants they are evil and immoral.
