View Full Version : Standoff in Philadelphia, 6 officers injured, developing

08-14-19, 17:19
Prayers for those affected.

08-14-19, 17:57
From Ace of Spades

"There are only two options here:

This is either a "white supremacist" ambush, in which case we must militarize the government to "crush" this threat; or

it's an ambush of cops but not by white supremacists, in which case... meh. We'll just suck it up and never talk about this ever again."


"One officer remains trapped inside a home where an ongoing shoot-out stretches into a second hour, police say.

Gunfire initially erupted around 4:30 p.m. after a narcotics officer served a warrant to a house near the corner of North 15th and West Butler streets, according to officials.

A seventh police officer responding to the scene was injured in a car accident at the nearby intersection of North Broad and West Cayuga streets. A pedestrian was also injured, police say."

"All of the officers are expected to survive, officials say.

At least one suspect was taken into custody shortly after the firefight started, according to police.

Officers continue to battle with a second gunman, who remains barricaded inside a home nearly two hours later."

08-14-19, 18:02
It started during a narcotics warant raid/arrest attempt.

08-14-19, 19:13
Well, they sure are hell bent on cramming as many shootings into the month as possible just in time for congress to reconvene... :rolleyes:

I can't wait to listen to all the cop-haters clamor for more laws because "officer safety".....

08-14-19, 19:18
North Philly, I’m going to go out on a limb here...not a white supremacist and not a legally purchased/owned firearm.

08-14-19, 19:20
I was listening to some of this on my phone via a scanner app earlier this evening and apparently the suspect was livestreaming on Facebook from his position during the standoff.

08-14-19, 19:27
Nicetown/Tioga section of North Philly is a shit hole ghetto. Of course the mayor is concerned about "someone having that much firepower"!

08-14-19, 19:59
Anybody say what kind of gun the Desperado has?

08-14-19, 20:20
The rats are running the shithol-... I mean, circus! :eek:

08-14-19, 20:24
Anybody say what kind of gun the Desperado has?

Not yet but I did hear the quote “unbelievable firepower... dozens of rounds”.


08-14-19, 20:29
The NBC article in the link in post #2 said AK.

Fox said AR:


Either way, it's the evil assault rifle.

08-14-19, 20:39
Here is the mayor:

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said he's "angry about someone having all that weaponry and all that firepower."

So we already know the Leftist propaganda that will come out of this mess.

08-14-19, 20:42
Anybody say what kind of gun the Desperado has?The article mentions AK47

"As officers rushed upstairs, a gunman waiting downstairs with an AK-47 fired several rounds through the ceiling. Police returned fire while several officers escaped through windows and doors.*"

08-14-19, 21:13
So, they hit a trap house with a narcs warrant. Welcome to the ghetto, of course they are going to try to protect the drop with guns. If it is what I suspect, this will be out of the news unless the suspect is killed.

Note: I'm a cop. It sucks watching this and I hope my guys make full recoveries, but I refuse to call it an active shooter when we kicked it off. Dude's trying to defend his stash most likely and had orders to shoot anyone who busts through the door. Very few outside of LE remotely give a sh!t about us. Odds are the gun is *gasp* stolen too.

08-14-19, 21:15
Thank you Vandal for calling it what it is.

08-14-19, 21:18
So, they hit a trap house with a narcs warrant. Welcome to the ghetto, of course they are going to try to protect the drop with guns. If it is what I suspect, this will be out of the news unless the suspect is killed.

Note: I'm a cop. It sucks watching this and I hope my guys make full recoveries, but I refuse to call it an active shooter when we kicked it off. Dude's trying to defend his stash most likely and had orders to shoot anyone who busts through the door. Very few outside of LE remotely give a sh!t about us.

At 1630 in the afternoon no less.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-14-19, 22:23

Philly PD would appear to have helpful experience relative these situations.
Best wishes to the officers and community at risk.

08-14-19, 23:41
He surrendered after being tear gassed, looks like weapon used was an AK.

08-15-19, 03:26
Ol' Maurice is quite an upstanding member of society. I'm sure a UBC would have guns out of his hands.

Docket Sheets Court Summary Report (https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/DocketSheets/CourtSummaryReport.ashx?docketNumber=CP-51-CR-0009794-2012&dnh=I369gaIHyx%2BGqhEXI66YmA%3D%3D)

08-15-19, 03:57
Here is the mayor:

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said he's "angry about someone having all that weaponry and all that firepower."

So we already know the Leftist propaganda that will come out of this mess.

They should make it illegal for drug traffickers to have all that.

08-15-19, 06:26
You guys are missing the point, the original owner of the AK is to blame. You might think that person was the victim of a theft but they are actually the evil origin of this entire chain of events.

08-15-19, 06:41

Philly PD would appear to have helpful experience relative these situations.
Best wishes to the officers and community at risk.Oh yeah, the Move bombing. Where Philly PD dropped C4 and leveled several city blocks!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190815/3de38b2c35dad1c21b02ec95b6620898.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190815/0723ddb97d6451279269b1d3f1873676.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190815/3a553f1c4fb6b5cdb76ab763fdc9e63b.jpg

08-15-19, 09:03
Is this going to pan out to be some white terrorist Christian anitabortion guy that hates blacks and illegals we will hear about endlessly amid a massive push for gun control,

Or a hushed up workplace Muslim violence or drug related minority violence we will hear little about amid a missive push for gun control?

Either way I hope the LE guys end up well.

08-15-19, 09:09
Those slum ghetto democrat inhabitants heckled and threw stuff at the police.


08-15-19, 09:15
Those slum ghetto democrat inhabitants heckled and threw stuff at the police.


Standard response from the hood. Expect nothing else from those demographics in the post-1968 world.

Dist. Expert 26
08-15-19, 10:29
Perhaps if we stopped criminalizing substances these things wouldn't happen. Crazy, I know, but who really thinks drugs are worth dying over?

08-15-19, 11:36
Very few outside of LE remotely give a sh!t about us.

I think the narrative of the fake news likely seeps into the recesses of our noggins more than we care to admit only because the douchebags have been hammering us for such a long time with the anti le rhetoric...amigo, please consider there are plenty of us lowly civis still out here that will cover your 6 without thinking twice if the unlikely circumstances were to ever unfold. You guys are greatly appreciated & coveted more than you realize & also willing to admit not wanting to tackle what now is perceived is a thankless job day after day. It really is pathetic what the media & so many damn law makers continue to spew to the cherished thin blue line & it sticks in my craw to see them get under the skin. Don't allow them to ever steal your joy for even a second.

08-15-19, 11:48
Ol' Maurice is quite an upstanding member of society. I'm sure a UBC would have guns out of his hands.

Docket Sheets Court Summary Report (https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/DocketSheets/CourtSummaryReport.ashx?docketNumber=CP-51-CR-0009794-2012&dnh=I369gaIHyx%2BGqhEXI66YmA%3D%3D)

Is that a 12 page rap sheet?

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08-15-19, 12:20
Is that a 12 page rap sheet?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, but I'm sure he was just turning his life around when he was targeted by the racist police.

08-15-19, 12:23
No wonder he gave up, experience has told him he’ll get off easy. What a shame someone wasn’t able to just end that piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-15-19, 14:00
Probably found online some place for those not on FB, but I saw on the FOX 26 Houston FB page. At 29 seconds is that the shooter or did someone have an AD? If the shooter, I'd think if they're being fired on, they're able to return fire to prevent shooter from either injuring more LEOs or sending rnds into homes nearby. I'm wondering what the ROE are in such a situation? Are LE totally neutered in that city by some BS policy? Wait for the tac team to show and let them deal with it? Multiple LEOs injured, several trapped, homes with people likely in them, bullets sent out, no return fire?

Home surveillance video shows chaotic scene during North Philadelphia police shootout


08-15-19, 14:10
Perhaps if we stopped criminalizing substances these things wouldn't happen. Crazy, I know, but who really thinks drugs are worth dying over?

Or losing our rights over since the war on drugs has always had the war on the 2nd Amendment as a primary focus.

08-15-19, 14:34
Ol' Maurice is quite an upstanding member of society. I'm sure a UBC would have guns out of his hands.

Docket Sheets Court Summary Report (https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/DocketSheets/CourtSummaryReport.ashx?docketNumber=CP-51-CR-0009794-2012&dnh=I369gaIHyx%2BGqhEXI66YmA%3D%3D)

Well these new charges SHOULD fill out that 12th page of his rap sheet.

And about 5 more! :eek:

08-15-19, 14:35
Those slum ghetto democrat inhabitants heckled and threw stuff at the police.


Soooooooo... needs more high capacity, assault-hood RAT control? :rolleyes:

08-15-19, 14:39
Perhaps if we stopped criminalizing substances these things wouldn't happen. Crazy, I know, but who really thinks drugs are worth dying over?

Long as I get to busta cap - NO QUESTIONS ASKED - into the inebriated/high/stone/buzzed/whacked out/et.al. driver who t-bones me at an intersection, while driving under the influence. :mad:

Or my surviving next-of-kin does. :angry:

08-15-19, 15:09
What bothers me most about all the anti-gun posturing over this incident is that Maurice won't be convicted for possession of a firearm by a felon or the slew of city/county/state gun laws he surely violated. If he is even charged with them they will be bargained away during his first court appearance.

What possible good to have more laws that are not prosecuted when violated by the criminal class?

08-15-19, 15:34
What bothers me most about all the anti-gun posturing over this incident is that Maurice won't be convicted for possession of a firearm by a felon or the slew of city/county/state gun laws he surely violated. If he is even charged with them they will be bargained away during his first court appearance.

What possible good to have more laws that are not prosecuted when violated by the criminal class?

So, are you saying that if there was a federally mandatory gun buyback program that ole Maurice wouldn’t turn in all his illegally owned guns?

08-15-19, 16:01
I'm wondering what the ROE are in such a situation? Are LE totally neutered in that city by some BS policy? Wait for the tac team to show and let them deal with it? Multiple LEOs injured, several trapped, homes with people likely in them, bullets sent out, no return fire?


No idea if they have a written SOP but on a warrant service, once entry is made the out perimeter never shoots in to the location. David

08-15-19, 16:53
Probably found online some place for those not on FB, but I saw on the FOX 26 Houston FB page. At 29 seconds is that the shooter or did someone have an AD? If the shooter, I'd think if they're being fired on, they're able to return fire to prevent shooter from either injuring more LEOs or sending rnds into homes nearby. I'm wondering what the ROE are in such a situation? Are LE totally neutered in that city by some BS policy? Wait for the tac team to show and let them deal with it? Multiple LEOs injured, several trapped, homes with people likely in them, bullets sent out, no return fire?

Home surveillance video shows chaotic scene during North Philadelphia police shootout

https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2327389074190187From my understanding it's a multi family dwelling. I think he was on the second floor, don't know if there is a third.

08-15-19, 17:05
I guess the Philly DA is a real piece of shit, civil rights and public defender background and backed by George Soros.


"Statement by United States Attorney William M. McSwain on the Shooting of Six Philadelphia Police Officers

What I witnessed last night was true heroism by the Philadelphia police. But the crisis was precipitated by a stunning disrespect for law enforcement --a disrespect so flagrant and so reckless that the suspect immediately opened fire on every single officer within shooting distance. Only by the grace of God did they survive.

Where does such disrespect come from?

There is a new culture of disrespect for law enforcement in this City that is promoted and championed by District Attorney Larry Krasner -- and I am fed up with it.

It started with chants at the DA's victory party -- chants of "F*** the police" and "No good cops in a racist system."

W'’ve now endured over a year and a half of the worst kinds of slander against law enforcement -- the DA routinely calls police and prosecutors corrupt and racist, even "war criminals" that he compares to Nazis.

This vile rhetoric puts our police in danger. It disgraces the Office of the District Attorney. And it harms the good people in the City of Philadelphia and rewards the wicked.

The alleged shooter last night, Maurice Hill, is a previously convicted felon with a long rap sheet. We have plenty of criminal laws in this City -- but what we don't have is robust enforcement by the District Attorney. Instead, among other things, we have diversionary programs for gun offenses, the routine downgrading of charges for violent crime, and entire sections of the criminal code that are ignored.

The criminal laws in this City -- and especially the existing gun laws and drug laws -- should be aggressively enforced in order to protect the public and the police. My Office is doing all that we can. We have prosecuted 70% more violent crime cases this year than we did last year, in response to the District Attorney's lawlessness. But it is now time for the District Attorney and his enablers to stop making excuses for criminals. It is time for accountability. It is time to support law enforcement and to put the good people of this City first.

The U.S. Attorney's Office, in conjunction with the Philadelphia police and our federal partners, is investigating the horrible events of last night and we are considering all options at our disposal. We will do everything that we can to support our brothers and sisters in the Philadelphia Police Department and ensure justice is done.

To the officers involved last night -- those who were wounded and those who rushed to defend them--– and to their families, I say thank you. The whole City thanks you. We owe you more than we can ever repay."

08-15-19, 17:32

“Ghost gun”, now there will be a push to ban 80% lowers...

08-15-19, 18:36

“Ghost gun”, now there will be a push to ban 80% lowers...

Horse crap. Notice how quickly this story disappeared. Felon with multiple convictions who was doing drug deals who shouldn't have been on the streets.

08-15-19, 18:51
I'm from Philly as well. Like Arik said, this is a terrible part of the city. It is however near Temple University, which is actually a pretty good school. This was not in the same vein as the El Paso or Dayton shootings, this is just a regular ghetto criminal dipshit doing criminal dipshit things. There is a follow up video circulating of police finally clearing the area after it was over and the locals were verbally harassing, threatening, berating, and denigrating the officers.


Mind you, this is after these "racist", apathetic officers risked life and limb to clear out a day care across the street from the suspect house, as well as neighbors so that they wouldn't get in the lead lanes. I can't believe racist cops would do that.

08-15-19, 19:04
I guess the Philly DA is a real piece of shit, civil rights and public defender background and backed by George Soros.

He got elected by openly admitting that he was going to basically sabotage the criminal justice system in Philly and to bring the police down. The DA refuses to even prosecute many violent crimes. He's not a reformer as much as he's the Philly criminal underworld's inside man. It's so bad that the state AG has begun allowing Philly police officers to to file charges with the state rather than the city for some of the more major felonies.

08-15-19, 20:30
He got elected by openly admitting that he was going to basically sabotage the criminal justice system in Philly and to bring the police down. The DA refuses to even prosecute many violent crimes. He's not a reformer as much as he's the Philly criminal underworld's inside man. It's so bad that the state AG has begun allowing Philly police officers to to file charges with the state rather than the city for some of the more major felonies.

On top of that, Philly now a sanctuary city as well.

08-15-19, 20:36
From my understanding it's a multi family dwelling. I think he was on the second floor, don't know if there is a third.

See vid? What happens at s29 is clearly from the first floor.

08-15-19, 22:04
Probably found online some place for those not on FB, but I saw on the FOX 26 Houston FB page. At 29 seconds is that the shooter or did someone have an AD? If the shooter, I'd think if they're being fired on, they're able to return fire to prevent shooter from either injuring more LEOs or sending rnds into homes nearby. I'm wondering what the ROE are in such a situation? Are LE totally neutered in that city by some BS policy? Wait for the tac team to show and let them deal with it? Multiple LEOs injured, several trapped, homes with people likely in them, bullets sent out, no return fire?

Home surveillance video shows chaotic scene during North Philadelphia police shootout


Well, either way, they can't whine about the police being "outgunned"- there's at least 3 officers visible in that vid with ARs of their own...
Not that it will stop the whiners, but just saying, since that's the usual rhetoric to come out of these sort of situations...

08-16-19, 08:35
GREAT news, everybody!!! Wolf-in-sheeple's-clothing is gonna FIX IT ALL!!! With ANOTHER (paper) LAW!!!! :rolleyes:

Pennsylvania Governor Wolf to Sign Sweeping Executive Order to Reduce Gun Violence

Harrisburg, PA – Governor Tom Wolf will sign an executive order to make sweeping changes to executive branch agencies and programs to better target the public health crisis of gun violence. The executive order is the result of months of work by Governor Wolf and his administration to focus on substantive steps that can be taken to reduce gun violence and make communities safer. Governor Wolf will be joined by Charles Ramsey, Chair of the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, who will use his expertise in a new role advising the executive branch on implementing these changes.

The nearly two dozen new initiatives and reforms directed under the order fall into four primary categories:

New oversight and data sharing
Reducing community gun violence
Combatting mass shootings
Addressing the rising number of gun-related domestic incidents and self-inflicted shootings, including suicides by gun

Governor Wolf will direct the administration to create new state offices focused on violence prevention and reduction, expand programs that promote safety, refocus departments on combatting gun violence as a public health crisis, and increase collaboration and data sharing between the public, government agencies and other states.

“Too many Pennsylvanians are losing their lives to gun violence, and even more Pennsylvanians’ lives are being disrupted by the terror and fear caused by gun violence,” Governor Wolf said. “We simply are not doing enough to stop people from dying and to give communities the peace of mind that they deserve. This order will make sure the executive branch is doing more and focusing on gun violence as both a public safety problem and public health crisis. I will continue to engage the General Assembly in order to advance important gun safety reforms when they return to session.”

More than 1,600 people died in Pennsylvania from gunshot wounds in 2017, a rate above the national average. While all types of violence must be addressed, guns account for the weapon used in 74 percent of all homicides and 52 percent of fatal suicides in Pennsylvania. The spikes in gun violence have led to billions of taxpayer dollars going toward efforts to increase security in schools and other public places and provide medical care to survivors, while families and communities have suffered invaluable losses when loved ones die of senseless gun violence.

Gov. Wolf recognizes that executive action alone cannot end gun violence in Pennsylvania. In addition to his call for a federal assault weapons ban, he will also call upon the General Assembly to pass safe storage legislation to reduce the number of accidental shootings, the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act, also known as the red flag law, and mandating universal background checks by the Pennsylvania State Police on all gun purchases.

Governor Tom Wolf recognizes the Second Amendment but believes all Americans and Pennsylvanians have the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that also must be protected. The executive action he will take tomorrow will provide greater protection for all Pennsylvanians by targeting various types of gun violence with both preventative and proactive programs.

THAT'LL teach those smartass guns NOT to be violent any more! :jester:

08-16-19, 09:18
GREAT news, everybody!!! Wolf-in-sheeple's-clothing is gonna FIX IT ALL!!! With ANOTHER (paper) LAW!!!! :rolleyes:

Pennsylvania Governor Wolf to Sign Sweeping Executive Order to Reduce Gun Violence

THAT'LL teach those smartass guns NOT to be violent any more! :jester:

I’ll ask again- would any of these laws have made the drug dealing convicted felon who shot 5 officers turn in his illegally possessed guns and start leading a straight and narrow life? Rhetorical question of course but is my response to these asinine politicians and leftists who want to take away our rights.

08-16-19, 09:19
You guys just need to be reasonable and come to the table and compromise

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-16-19, 09:29
You guys just need to be reasonable and come to the table and compromise

Like this?


08-16-19, 13:01
GREAT news, everybody!!! Wolf-in-sheeple's-clothing is gonna FIX IT ALL!!! With ANOTHER (paper) LAW!!!! :rolleyes:

Pennsylvania Governor Wolf to Sign Sweeping Executive Order to Reduce Gun Violence

THAT'LL teach those smartass guns NOT to be violent any more! :jester:

Gun control was want/demand #1 stated by United States Attorney William M. McSwain.

This reminds me of:


"cleaning up Philadelphia was worse than any battle I was ever in."

08-16-19, 17:18
Standard response from the hood. Expect nothing else from those demographics in the post-1968 world.

Those cops should immediately MOVE. :lol:

08-16-19, 23:46
Those cops should immediately MOVE. :lol:

Exactly. Why do police continue to work in cities that undermine them? I am speaking from the Portland area where the mayor routinely prevents them from doing their job whether it is homeless, drunk drivers, Antifa terrorists, or protests blocking the Federal Bldg. Philly sounds much worse with that DA. Why not just mass walkout and leave the city with nothing but liberal mopes to “serve and protect?”

08-16-19, 23:57
Exactly. Why do police continue to work in cities that undermine them? I am speaking from the Portland area where the mayor routinely prevents them from doing their job whether it is homeless, drunk drivers, Antifa terrorists, or protests blocking the Federal Bldg. Philly sounds much worse with that DA. Why not just mass walkout and leave the city with nothing but liberal mopes to “serve and protect?”You missed his point. MOVE was an organization back in the 80s. Kinda like Black Lives Matter/Black Panthers. They had a standoff with the police which ended when a police helicopter dropped C4 on their house and destroyed a few city blocks! There are pictures somewhere in this topic further up. Posts #17 & 22

Back to your comment. Philly isn't actually all that bad. The DA and the Mayor are ...well....they are what they are but we don't have the types of protests here nor the homeless population. There's no camps, nothing but an occasional homeless person standing at an intersection or sitting by a building. In fact I see a homeless person once every few weeks. Nor the neutered cops that Portland/west coast has. There's no Antifa blocking traffic or massive daily protests. The few protests that have been were quite and fairly small. A "die in" at city Hall and a small pro migrant protest.

26 Inf
08-17-19, 00:26
Those cops should immediately MOVE. :lol:

Many officers don't live in the jurisdictions they police, so there is that.

And unlike single folks, many have families that they are hesitant to uproot.

08-17-19, 01:47
Exactly. Why do police continue to work in cities that undermine them? I am speaking from the Portland area where the mayor routinely prevents them from doing their job whether it is homeless, drunk drivers, Antifa terrorists, or protests blocking the Federal Bldg. Philly sounds much worse with that DA. Why not just mass walkout and leave the city with nothing but liberal mopes to “serve and protect?”

Many officers don't live in the jurisdictions they police, so there is that.

And unlike single folks, many have families that they are hesitant to uproot.

This is what he's talking about...
The day Philadelphia bombed its own people (https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/8/8/20747198/philadelphia-bombing-1985-move)

08-17-19, 07:47
Those cops should immediately MOVE. :lol:

Shoulda posted it sooner... :rolleyes:


08-17-19, 08:02
Ah, OK I didn’t get you were referring to the Black organization MOVE. LOL! Yeah, I was a working man back then when OOPS! The whole block went up. Maybe use a teeny bit less C4 next time, but like the option!!

08-17-19, 08:03
Many officers don't live in the jurisdictions they police, so there is that.

And unlike single folks, many have families that they are hesitant to uproot.

Philly PD requires its officers to live in Philly for at least the first five years of their career.

08-17-19, 08:29
I couldn't stand the title of this thread anymore, it wasn't an active shooter, it was a standoff or siege.

08-17-19, 08:43
Philly PD requires its officers to live in Philly for at least the first five years of their career.Used to be they had to live in the city to apply and work. I applied at this time. Went through the whole damn process and at the interview was told ....oh... sorry you don't live in the city! Doh!
Later it changed to you had 6 months to move in to the city and eventually could leave after 5 years. However, no one works in the district where they live.

26 Inf
08-17-19, 10:35
This is what he's talking about...
The day Philadelphia bombed its own people (https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/8/8/20747198/philadelphia-bombing-1985-move)

I know about the bombing of the MOVE headquarters in Philadelphia, pretty much a testament to 'common sense, so rare it should be a super power' IMO. S

hould have caught that from the way he capitalized MOVE. My bad.

26 Inf
08-17-19, 10:42
Philly PD requires its officers to live in Philly for at least the first five years of their career.

I wasn't precise in word usage when I used jurisdiction in this case I was referring to patrol area/beat.

The agencies I worked for used either a 'within 20 minutes of..' or 'within the County' metric.

08-17-19, 16:30
I couldn't stand the title of this thread anymore, it wasn't an active shooter, it was a standoff or siege.

Exactly. If anything he was an IN-active shooter, more of a nacho-eating IED or a land mine.