View Full Version : 2A Friendly Credit Card Processor

08-14-19, 20:59
We're looking for a new credit card processor / payment gateway.

Any recommendations from other business owners?

Feel free to PM.

08-14-19, 23:40
The gun shops I've worked with usually end up using authorize.net.

08-22-19, 21:31
We just got setup with Authorize.net through Chase Bank.

Credit card payment is active in the store again!

08-22-19, 22:54
I use signature card services (eprocessing network) and they are cheap, fast, and very 2a friendly

08-23-19, 21:47
Any recommendations for the occasional CC need? I don't do enough business any more to justify a monthly charge and ongoing service account. I was using Square, and had specifically gotten their OK and permission to use it for reloading equipment, which they agreed did not breach their policy, but a couple weeks ago they "permanently" canceled my account. I use it about 6-12 times a year, if that, so I will pay a higher rate on transactions to avoid monthly account fees etc.

My business is basically selling Dillon reloading equipment when someone from my customer base from when I was full time comes back and needs something or refers someone to me. I am not actively soliciting new customers or business. My website is up but out of date. I also have been selling off old inventory, slowly, and so have run a few of that type of transaction (but also have had PMO sent etc). I have probably been running 6-12 transactions a year over the last several years.