View Full Version : Guns make shooters shoot people.

08-16-19, 17:57
That's literally the findings of a new study. This one is a classic example of manipulation of data to reach a conclusion and so full of holes it's good for LOLs, but no doubt, will be used by anti gun types for years:

The problem isn't mental health—it's access to guns, new research suggests

A new study by University of Texas Medical Branch researchers states that gun access, not mental health, leads to gun violence.
The team discovered that mental illness and personality traits are not reliable indicators of gun violence.
This line of research could have important implications for legislation and rehabilitation.



08-16-19, 18:15
Access to alcohol makes people drive drunk.

Change my mind

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08-16-19, 18:25
Positions of authority are directly linked to genocide.

Wonder where they got their funding? There have always been some issues there too.


08-16-19, 18:30
Well, if there was no booze how will you drive drunk?? We already have the PERFECT case study to prove how well it worked with prohibition...so there's always that argument to immediately kill any debate.

Also have Mexico & their extremely restrictive laws that limit access to firearms...the military actually gets to decide & allow purchases of guns & ammo to the populace. Not sure how else to convince you with the overwhelming examples I'm handing to you??

Access to alcohol makes people drive drunk.

Change my mind

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08-16-19, 19:07
I think you missed the sarcasm in my post lol

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08-16-19, 20:06
I think you missed the sarcasm in my post lol

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I did not and got a chuckle. Prohibition is quite a good example of making guns illegal a complete fckfest.

I would not have expected that out of Texas, but it shows what liberal garbage permeates throughout our university systems. My two boys were attempted to be brainwashed at U of Az. Fail.


08-16-19, 20:11
Well that is convenient for them, isn't it? I keep thinking there will be an end to their lies and dishonesty. Silly me...

08-16-19, 20:12
Well that is convenient for them, isn't it? I keep thinking there will be an end to their lies and dishonesty. Silly me...

Well, I mean they changed the definition of assault weapon sooooo

Since we all own SAWs now may as well go all in and truffle up the real thing [emoji2373]

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08-16-19, 20:41
There really is a minority belief that the mere possession of, or access to, a firearm tempts one to do crime that he wouldn't have otherwise done.

08-16-19, 20:52
There really is a minority belief that the mere possession of, or access to, a firearm tempts one to do crime that he wouldn't have otherwise done.

I've had this argument. I refute it with: If guns are so bad and only cause evil deeds, why do we issue them to all of our police officers? Why then do the guns not corrupt all the police officers and turn them into evil-doers? Several of my classmates from high school went on to become police officers. They got 24 hours of training at the academy and all of society trusts them to walk and drive around with several guns every day. I've had over 400 hours of professional instruction, but somehow I can't be trusted?

The ensuing answers and discussion are fun. Its a mental wrestling match for some of these people. Its really fun watching them get angry and start the name calling and insults.

08-16-19, 20:58
I think you missed the sarcasm in my post lol

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lol, I think you may have missed it in return amigo...problem is you can drown them with truth that we have on our side but in reality there is no real debate to be had. It's all nothing but an agenda & I suspect being from UT there is prof behind the actual findings that were already on print & the whole study a farce. I think the whole rabbit hole on gun control is about to deeper than any of us ever imagined due to the desperation of the left.

Here is the medical dept doing a study on evil guns & saying simply owning them causes the problems & we gotta major push for 100% govt controlled medical care & all your new forms filled out seeing a dr. now ask if there are firearms in the house & how many...no dots to connect here. fubar.

08-16-19, 21:08
Are you sure it's guns and not the anti-depressants?

08-16-19, 21:18
double tap

08-16-19, 23:15
Guns make shooters shoot people.

https://i.imgflip.com/387q57.jpg :rolleyes:

08-17-19, 00:22
Funny my guns haven't made me shoot anyone. People on the other hand...

08-17-19, 08:23
If guns made people shoot people, the 300+ million guns in the US would be causing more of a problem.

They like to state that the guns used in Chicago come from other areas- but oddly, when those guns are in the other areas, they don't cause the same level of death and murder.

If the 15+ million Modern sporting rifles were the cause, we'd have far more than a handful each year used in mass shootings, or shootings in general. Frankly, when you consider that they are the most sold guns in the US, they are used in a relatively low number of murders. --- How many ARs are there and how many are used in murders (15 million and about 100). If ARs represented all the guns in the US (300 million, 20X what we have), the gun murder rate would be 2000, not the 10k or so murders we have. Taken further, how many suicides are with an AR?? Not many.

We would radically reduce gun deaths if we replaced all guns with ARs.

Of course they also don't want to look at that you can't have genocide with out gun confiscation.... Every genocide has followed registration and confiscation.

08-17-19, 09:18
They like to state that the guns used in Chicago come from other areas- but oddly, when those guns are in the other areas, they don't cause the same level of death and murder.

This right here is a little bit of brilliance. I'm stealing this line and repeating it frequently. To gun banners.

08-17-19, 10:39
Just another waste of money study to propagate the Leftist agenda. What FMCDH said is dead on and debunks that "study" in one sentence.

08-17-19, 11:27
Just another waste of money study to propagate the Leftist agenda. What FMCDH said is dead on and debunks that "study" in one sentence.

Your post and his reminded me of this video:

Specifically mentioned in the video: Plano Texas. Highest guns per capita, lowest violent crime rate in the country. Just one more sentence that refutes the entire study.

Further evidence: The state of Vermont. They've always had constitutional carry. Lowest crime rate in the nation year after year after year. Maybe, just maybe, violent crime has something to do with violent criminals and not so much to do with the tools they might choose to commit their crimes???

08-17-19, 11:41
There really is a minority belief that the mere possession of, or access to, a firearm tempts one to do crime that he wouldn't have otherwise done.

That really isn't a new problem. Anti-carry laws have been on the books for years.

08-17-19, 20:04
This right here is a little bit of brilliance. I'm stealing this line and repeating it frequently. To gun banners.

Me too, good stuff.

08-17-19, 22:52
Ive always brought up the long gun deaths stat with people and how many other categories of deaths rank above it. Long guns include shotguns, bolt actions, semi-auto, etc. Even then a baseball bat or pool or a knife in the kitchen are WAY more likely to be involved in a death than a long gun yet there's ZERO background checks or calls to ban sporting equipment, pools, and kitchen utensils.

One of the reasons why long gun or 'rifle deaths' never get brought up ALONG WITH the stats is due to the lack of actual murders attributed to long guns. Open public mass shootings are tragic and there's often a long trail of warnings leading up to them but overall long gun murders are pretty rare compared to everything else. Even explain to people the NFA and how you actually can buy machine guns, sawed off shotguns, suppressors, etc, and they basically are non-existent on any crime stats. If a person is reasonable and can understand basic math they'll accept just blanket banning shit doesn't work and the lack of blanket bans isn't why mass murders are happening.

European terrorism is actually a good example, too. These bans already exist over there along with the surveillance laws, and they cannot stop mass murders. Banning guns doesn't do shit when you can go rent a box truck for $100 and find events every weekend in big cities where people will be funneled and backed up into lines. In fact that's probably more effective than using guns.