View Full Version : The Free Burma Rangers (Must see)

08-17-19, 14:42
A truly amazing story of amazing people, one guy in particular. I just listened to podcast about them on Snap Judgement which is focused mostly on their Iraq work. A collection of people, a few yanks with mil backgrounds, a Syrian, Iraqi private, a Burmese fighter, etc deliver aid and directly fight ISIS. No back back up, no CAS, nadda other then the favors they can call in. Their Christian faith is what drives them, or at least the key player (Dave Eubank), some there for adventure, some out of a need to help and be in the thick of it, some who only feel alive in war perhaps. One guy quit the SEAL teams and joined them because he didn't feel being a SEAL was enough adventure. They go all over the world in conflict zones, providing aid, going direct action when needed.



Their web site:


The group often records what they're involved in. In Iraq, a big massacre occurred by ISIS. There was an area no one would go, including the Iraq army. These guy talked a tank into assisting them with cover, and under horrific fire, went out to save people:

That poor baby was pulled from her mothers dead arms:


And she's here while they risk their lives to save some men among the slaughter:


I can't fathom this level of sacrifice, bravery, and lunacy, all rolled into one. There's even a part of me that wants to pack up my 50+ year old ass, drop everything, and go do that. Of course I'd probably be dead within a week or so having no mil training, etc, so common sense is going to prevail.

I'm at a loss for words with this one.

08-17-19, 14:57
Do it!

In the absence of wife, kids, grandkids, etc.,
What is holding you back?

The excitement of Day after day of broken old has beens touring their museum?
The thrill of Day after day of starry eyed youth coming to the museum and finding out the idealized hero of their youth was never a SEAL?
The soul affirming fulfillment of reviewing mediocre recently available to rent mediocre movies?

Sixty to eighty is not going to be the most kick ass, awesomest twenty years of your life.

They might be cooler if filled with memories of bedding hundreds of humanitarian nurses and doctors half your age while saving innocents and pumping lead into monsters.

Or at worst you punch at at 59 with claymores strapped to your chest and a clacker in each hand while sprinting into a horde of savages while the convoy of orphans make it to safety;
Instead of at 75 from a blood clot in your lung after breaking a hip lying on the floor in a pile of piss after falling from a stroke while you were looking for your dentures in a sketchy assisted living facility.

08-17-19, 15:15
Do it!

In the absence of wife, kids, grandkids, etc.,
What is holding you back?

The excitement of Day after day of broken old has beens touring their museum?
The thrill of Day after day of starry eyed youth coming to the museum and finding out the idealized hero of their youth was never a SEAL?
The soul affirming fulfillment of reviewing mediocre recently available to rent mediocre movies?

Sixty to eighty is not going to be the most kick ass, awesomest twenty years of your life.

They might be cooler if filled with memories of bedding hundreds of humanitarian nurses and doctors half your age while saving innocents and pumping lead into monsters.

Or at worst you punch at at 59 with claymores strapped to your chest and a clacker in each hand while sprinting into a horde of savages while the convoy of orphans make it to safety;
Instead of at 75 from a blood clot in your lung after breaking a hip lying on the floor in a pile of piss after falling from a stroke while you were looking for your dentures in a sketchy assisted living facility.

You make some compelling arguments, but the GF of almost 20 years would be tad upset, I have no thyroid, so without a reliable source of thyroid meds, I will not last long, and I don't have the faith, the training, or the nads, for it I suspect. I guess if I made sure I had enough thyroid meds to exist for say 6 months, could be done, but lose those some how, there's no corner CVS to refill it. While I have not done that level of "adventure" I have had my experiences to be sure and have not lead a boring life.

08-17-19, 15:29
All I can say is wow, and thanks for posting this as I never heard of the Free Burma Rangers before. Those men are living John 15:13.

William B.
08-17-19, 15:41
I seem to remember seeing these guys in an issue of SoF around the time that the last Rambo movie came out (it took place in Burma/Myanmar). Didn't realize they were in the Middle East, too. Thanks for posting, Will.

08-17-19, 15:48
All I can say is wow, and thanks for posting this as I never heard of the Free Burma Rangers before. Those men are living John 15:13.

Well, no one can say he/they don't put their $ where their mouth is and get right into the chit to help and or fight.

I seem to remember seeing these guys in an issue of SoF around the time that the last Rambo movie came out (it took place in Burma/Myanmar). Didn't realize they were in the Middle East, too. Thanks for posting, Will.

Per the name, Burma appears to be primary AO, but in Syria, Iraq, etc. Lots of vids from different areas on their page.

08-17-19, 16:27
It is heartbreaking that a group like this needs to exist, it is heartwarming to know they do.

08-17-19, 17:58
It is heartbreaking that a group like this needs to exist, it is heartwarming to know they do.

Has there ever really been a time in human history where such groups were not needed? Nope...

08-17-19, 18:12
Has there ever really been a time in human history where such groups were not needed? Nope...

Very true.

08-17-19, 23:32
Listen to Ep 119 of the Global Recon podcast ;-)

A lot of ex SOF guys have continued helping in areas they served in after they get out. Understandable given the amount of training and risk involved to want to keep up the effort in some compacity.

The 'running and saving the kids' photos/video from Iraq were guys who served in those same areas, and went back to support Golden Brigade guys they trained in official capacity.

08-19-19, 07:47
These guys are the real deal and do great work.

08-19-19, 10:46
You make some compelling arguments, but the GF of almost 20 years would be tad upset, I have no thyroid, so without a reliable source of thyroid meds, I will not last long, and I don't have the faith, the training, or the nads, for it I suspect. I guess if I made sure I had enough thyroid meds to exist for say 6 months, could be done, but lose those some how, there's no corner CVS to refill it. While I have not done that level of "adventure" I have had my experiences to be sure and have not lead a boring life.

You’re a goner then after the comet hits anyway.

08-19-19, 13:57
You’re a goner then after the comet hits anyway.

We're all done at that point and I don't have to worry about ISIS cutting my head off for some chit.

08-21-19, 11:35
You still sure you don’t want in?

It’s just your thyroid meds.

You’re posting an “incredible” scene of a guy exposing himself to fire to get to somebody.
Which probably a crap load of readers here have already done, whether at distance like the video or up close and personal. Become the guy that would have been familiar, not incredible to.

Next book you write could be based on a true story...

08-21-19, 12:44
You can all rest easy. I contacted them about deploying, and they’re all good on personnel for now.

Edit; chirp, chirp.

08-21-19, 16:31
You can all rest easy. I contacted them about deploying, and they’re all good on personnel for now.

Edit; chirp, chirp.

Nevermind. I’m being a douche to strangers for no reason.

08-21-19, 16:36
You can all rest easy. I contacted them about deploying, and they’re all good on personnel for now.

Edit; chirp, chirp.

I'm amazed such a small grass roots group would not need more people. What's your background, age, etc for that type of thing if you don't mind my asking?

08-21-19, 16:53
I'm amazed such a small grass roots group would not need more people. What's your background, age, etc for that type of thing if you don't mind my asking?

Background is washed up has-been.

They can still use donations.

08-21-19, 18:23
Ranger. 35yo. Medic. Prior Infantryman. My username is a composite of 11b and 68w.

They can still use donations. Contact them for work if you’re not squeamish. Don’t be a b$&@h.

I will continue to contract and work with my .mil opportunities.

There is but one Creed. It takes six men to say it properly.

Sounds like you'd be perfect fit for that one. Me, not so much but I do my part where I can and never "...God this and shooter that" here or anywhere else. This post was perhaps the first time I think I ever even hinted at being interested in such thing, knowing it's not my lane by a long mile.

08-22-19, 09:10
Cobra Kai cured me of my Asthma, Autism, HIV, and Cancer just saying.

08-22-19, 10:43
There is but one Creed. It takes six men to say it properly.

My first stanza is the inferior version, according to my <frens>.

08-22-19, 11:06
My first stanza is the inferior version, according to my <frens>.

We love you anyway.

08-23-19, 18:00
Nevermind. I’m being a douche to strangers for no reason.

No prob.

After almost 30 years in,
I have been a retired has been for over half a decade concerned with putting kids through college, building a kick ass Ramairthree estate for the descendants, becoming familiar with expensive whiskeys, too many guns, saving old muscle cars, and making lots of money. And getting after myself to quit skipping runs, and not go light on squat days.

My days of stacking into a room to get to a wounded comrade or deploying away from the family with no notice are over.

I mean, I still go commando in UDTs or ranger panties once in a while, and still love poncho liners, but I’m not buying whatever the new uniform is this week or planning on a haircut anytime soon.

It’s not that I am against pumping lead into savages anymore. It’s just that they need to show up on my property being threatening and dangerous if they want to get shot so it’s convenient for me.