View Full Version : San Francisco adopting new language for criminals,

08-22-19, 14:35
'convicted felon' now will be called a 'justice-involved person' (https://www.aol.com/article/news/2019/08/22/san-francisco-adopting-new-language-for-criminals-convicted-felon-now-will-be-called-a-justice-involved-person/23799551/). :confused:


08-22-19, 15:14
'convicted felon' now will be called a 'justice-involved person' (https://www.aol.com/article/news/2019/08/22/san-francisco-adopting-new-language-for-criminals-convicted-felon-now-will-be-called-a-justice-involved-person/23799551/). :confused:


So will the epidemic of sidewalk mines in SF now be called “abodeless person’s droppings”? That should make things better.

08-22-19, 16:03
You mean Urban compost recycling

So will the epidemic of sidewalk mines in SF now be called “abodeless person’s droppings”? That should make things better.

Boy Scout
08-22-19, 16:15
The Overton Window in full effect. Shameful.

08-22-19, 17:03
Doesn't that describe lawyers and police officers too?

08-22-19, 17:19
I'm not "armed" I'm a secure person advocate.

I don't have "guns", I have liberty promotion devices.

This is kind of fun.

How dare they want to regulate my "liberty promotion devices."

08-23-19, 23:16
It used to be the Texas Prison System and housed "convicts."

Then it was the Texas Department of Corrections and housed "inmates."

Now it is the "Texas Department of Criminal Justice" and houses "offenders."

08-24-19, 10:08
I'm not "armed" I'm a secure person advocate.

I don't have "guns", I have liberty promotion devices.

This is kind of fun.

How dare they want to regulate my "liberty promotion devices."

"Safety promotion devices."

Everyone knows liberty obviously invokes the Founding Fathers and obviously, they were all racist, so liberty is, by proxy, racist.

On the other hand, we all require safety. Safe spaces, GMO safe foods, wrapping kids in bubble wrap to use the dangerous slide at the park, etc.

Safety promotion devices will slip under the radar. Just like "hearing safety devices" (suppressors) and "safety promotion device extended power cells" (standard cap mags) can mosey on past the liberal disease.

08-24-19, 13:03
Yeah, but conservatives do it, too. "Socialism for rural welfare queens" is called "farm price support. "

08-24-19, 13:50
Yeah, but conservatives do it, too. "Socialism for rural welfare queens" is called "farm price support. "

Government subsidies are bad, even for farmers. Farmers getting paid to grow corn only for the ethanol market is causing shortages and price spikes in the food market. I’ve met “farmers” with idle land getting paid not to grow tobacco.