View Full Version : PragerU vs. Youtube

08-23-19, 19:40

Be interesting to see how this goes.

Straight Shooter
08-23-19, 21:20
I NEVER agreed with the sentiment thrown around here & other places that youtube/google,ect can "do whatever they want because its a private company"...horse shit. I hope Prager U wins hands down & gets BIG bucks out of it. Then, itll force all the rest to be neutral and take away the advantage theyve been giving to libtards, commies & demorats. But, I repeat myself.

08-23-19, 22:33
I NEVER agreed with the sentiment thrown around here & other places that youtube/google,ect can "do whatever they want because its a private company"...horse shit. I hope Prager U wins hands down & gets BIG bucks out of it. Then, itll force all the rest to be neutral and take away the advantage theyve been giving to libtards, commies & demorats. But, I repeat myself.

I don’t disagree with you. Private businesses have all kinds of laws placed on them regarding civil rights. In fact my employer attracts late term preggers because of the benefits then they go on maternity leave while paid and never show back up. Can’t discriminate against women who have big round pregnant bellies but the biggest forums of public discussion can ban an entire half of a country from civil discourse?

08-23-19, 23:42
many like to say private business then try to compare it to some mom and pop bakery

its a public traded company has ties with the gov big time !!!! HUGE ties with the gov etc..

they have openly said they want to change the outcome of the next election and crickets from our officials !

08-24-19, 00:53
I was not aware of the definitions of, and the differences between, a "public forum" and a "publisher".

Previously I was of the opinion that a privately owned business should be able to do what it wants. If I open a business, I don't want anyone telling me I can't serve bacon because its offensive to muslims. Likewise if a Muslim opens a business, I have no desire to force them to serve bacon if they don't want to. The information outlined in the linked video clearly explains why my understanding of this matter was wrong. I hope Prager U wins and continues to put out great content, and I hope I'll be "allowed" to watch it by the commies that run the computers of the world.

08-24-19, 01:20
This is an important case. I hope it’s fast tracked.

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08-24-19, 01:42
I was not aware of the definitions of, and the differences between, a "public forum" and a "publisher".

Previously I was of the opinion that a privately owned business should be able to do what it wants. If I open a business, I don't want anyone telling me I can't serve bacon because its offensive to muslims. Likewise if a Muslim opens a business, I have no desire to force them to serve bacon if they don't want to. The information outlined in the linked video clearly explains why my understanding of this matter was wrong. I hope Prager U wins and continues to put out great content, and I hope I'll be "allowed" to watch it by the commies that run the computers of the world.

"Make them live by their own rules."--Saul Alinsky

08-24-19, 07:17
I was unaware of the public forum versus publisher angle also.

I had been looking at the complaints the same as Honu mentioned, that they aren't exactly a private company and I think that is an issue in many other cases as well.

08-24-19, 07:45
I guess I feel very well informed. I was aware of the forum vs publisher distinction and Prager should win this one handily. I would like nothing more than to see YouTube declared a publisher (as they truly are) and enjoy all of the privileges and restrictions thereof. They've made their bed, they can now lay in it...

08-24-19, 09:19
I would like nothing more than to see YouTube declared a publisher (as they truly are) and enjoy all of the privileges and restrictions thereof. They've made their bed, they can now lay in it...

Interesting concept if it goes that way. We are truly in uncharted waters my friends.

08-24-19, 09:51
I will be very interested to see how this turns out.

08-24-19, 10:17
I'm shocked YouTube kept that video up...

08-24-19, 11:02
I'm shocked YouTube kept that video up...

It wouldn’t bode well for their legal case if they took it down.

08-24-19, 11:44
I'm shocked YouTube kept that video up...

At first thought you’d think so, but if they do that considering that it does not come close to violating any kinds of norms it would pretty much prove the plaintiffs case.

There is the forum versus publisher distinction, but I think there’s also just a strong case based on the terms of service. They violated a contract, and should be held accountable for that.

08-24-19, 12:14
The problem with Google and YouTube and others. Is not that they are a private company, they are the Gateway to information, so all information should be treated the same.

So these types of business need special restrictions on them.

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08-26-19, 05:59

Many good points.

08-26-19, 08:38
The more You Tube places restrictions on content or bans content, the less people will use You Tube. There is only so much You Tube can restrict before it starts to hurt You Tube in the long run. The day that a completely unbiased platform for content is created is long over due.

08-26-19, 19:05
Conservative values are and have been under attack.

08-26-19, 19:17
Conservative values are and have been under attack.

Values in general are under attack.

Yesterday’s bleeding heart Liberal is today’s “Neo Nazi”.
At some point being called Hitler will seem quaint.

I don’t care for PragerU but Voltaire said it best “I care not for what you say but shall die for your right to say it”

Nobody learns. The more you make a concept “evil” or “forbidden” the more it becomes appealing.
It drives humor away from life. Everyone is in their own little protected species beyond criticism and everything is hate speech.

I miss the wild west days when people said whatever they wanted and didn’t have self appointed culture police to beat them over the head for radical concepts like freedom of association.

There are two groups of people now. People who have been radicalized into stamping out “fascism” by using fascist tactics and people pushing back on it.

I miss the days when you really didn’t have to pick a side and could just live your life without being guilted over someone else’s problems.

I simply don’t care anymore. If anything my sympathies for plighted people has diminished simply because well.....

Things are tough all over