View Full Version : Buyback? What's this "buyback?"

08-24-19, 22:26
How can the .gov buy something back that was never theirs? It's confiscation. Seems like pro gunners are letting the antis get away with defining the language. This should be called out for what it is every time it's uttered.

08-24-19, 22:29
If only I had anything to confiscate

Boy Scout
08-25-19, 01:01
Nothing to sell, all lost in the sinking of the SS Minnow...

08-25-19, 01:17
Control the narrative, control the debate. It's one thing the Left has made part and parcel of their bag-o-tricks that the cross-dressing sissycons of the Harvard Masturbation Society have never been able to wrap their nano-brains (the only things smaller than their microdicks, these guys make a walnut-brained Stegosaurus look like Rocket Scientist Potential) around.

08-25-19, 01:26
Speaking of "language" we should probably constantly remind people that it isn't "gun rights" but a "civil right" as it is 1 of 10 found within the bill of rights, which are ALL civil rights.

Firearms, like expression, like religion and all the rest need to be discussed in the context of a "civil rights" issue. There can be no "buy back" of civil rights.

08-25-19, 03:02
Speaking of "language" we should probably constantly remind people that it isn't "gun rights" but a "civil right" as it is 1 of 10 found within the bill of rights, which are ALL civil rights.

Firearms, like expression, like religion and all the rest need to be discussed in the context of a "civil rights" issue. There can be no "buy back" of civil rights.

^^^^^ This 100%.

The left tried to make it about guns, but it is about limiting/eliminating individual liberty and our civil rights protected but the constitution.

08-25-19, 05:19
How can the .gov buy something back that was never theirs? It's confiscation. Seems like pro gunners are letting the antis get away with defining the language. This should be called out for what it is every time it's uttered.

but the gov thinks they give you everything cause without them you would not exist THEY are the reason you are where you are so they feel they can take what they want and they do try to push that as much as they can

08-25-19, 10:50
+10 on the 'civil rights'. IF for no other reason that the 2A isn't about guns, it is about the ability to defend your yourself and your 1A rights- which aren't the 'freedom of speech', but at its root the freedom of thought.

Gun 'buyback' is one thing. Being bribed with my own money (taxes) is a kind of insulting. Are they going to give us PSA prices for our Knights ;)

A gun buy back with the alternative to paying an 'NFA' for a new registration system is an interest twist I heard. Pay up, turn in, or jock up.

I think I've seen the "Mandatory buy-back" term too. That is pretty Orwellian.

08-25-19, 12:06
"Buyback" sounds less severe than "confiscation" or "mandatory surrender." They think it also makes them look like they're compromising: At least we're not just taking them. You'll get SOMETHING for them. Of course, everybody who has floated this idea has the same parameters: Government sets a non-negotiable price for every gun turned in, and you can take what they're offering, or just turn the gun in. But either way, you're going to turn in your guns or they're going to come and take them and you.

08-25-19, 12:18
Who calling for this?

08-25-19, 12:23
How can the .gov buy something back that was never theirs? It's confiscation. Seems like pro gunners are letting the antis get away with defining the language. This should be called out for what it is every time it's uttered.

If it was voluntary and the seller set the price, it would be a buyback of sorts. Not voluntary and enforced at the barrel of a gun by LE for not complying = confiscation

They just don't have the balls or the decency to call it what is, per usual.

Remember, the end justifies the means to them, so how it gets done is irrelevant to them.

Made this meme recently:

https://i.imgflip.com/38pwei.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/38pwei)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

08-25-19, 12:32
Here's another way to look at this. In the Leftist/Socialist/Communist mentality, the concept of private property is something that doesn't compute. Their bold and brave new future involves removing private ownership. Once they take power, they provide some kind of compensation for something they claim you never owned. It was communal property to begin with, and now they're just transferring it to the collective.

08-25-19, 12:56
Who calling for this?

Many of those currently vying for to be the Democratic nominee for the 2020 Presidential race for starters, along with many state and national level congresscritters on the Dem side of the aisle.

It's becoming a fashionable position to take again among politicians on the left. IMO that's at least partially due to the amount of money Bloomberg has personally poured into the push for more gun control.

Ironically, that means every politician claiming pols who vote for gun rights have been bought by the NRA has themselves been bought and paid for by the likes of Michael Bloomberg.

I'd bet if the money went away, nearly overnight all of the clamor for gun bans/buybacks/confiscation would do the same.

08-25-19, 14:16
Who calling for this?



Swallwell (who really cares) and the Parkland twits:


Klobachared seems confused:


Seems to me that a mandatory gun buy back is pretty much raping someone, but throwing them some 20s and calling it a ‘date night’.

08-25-19, 14:23
My guns are valued at 7 figures.... a piece.....

08-25-19, 15:39
My guns are valued at 7 figures.... a piece.....

Nope, the value is incalculable when it comes to a natural civil right.

08-25-19, 15:47
This all sounds like Jim Crow laws to me. I can't believe that those racists are trying to implement new Jim Crow laws.

The party of the Klan strikes again.

08-25-19, 16:06
That's waycist !

08-25-19, 16:47
Speaking of "language" we should probably constantly remind people that it isn't "gun rights" but a "civil right" as it is 1 of 10 found within the bill of rights, which are ALL civil rights.

Firearms, like expression, like religion and all the rest need to be discussed in the context of a "civil rights" issue. There can be no "buy back" of civil rights.

This 1000%

08-25-19, 17:20
Speaking of "language" we should probably constantly remind people that it isn't "gun rights" but a "civil right" as it is 1 of 10 found within the bill of rights, which are ALL civil rights.

Firearms, like expression, like religion and all the rest need to be discussed in the context of a "civil rights" issue. There can be no "buy back" of civil rights.

It’s not perfectly clear, but there is a political a-side:b-side cartoon of ‘buy back’ for the 2A and the 14A just to show how crazy the concept of a buy back on civil rights is. All the more crazy is the rights that younger people are willing to surrender with no compensation...

08-25-19, 17:51
Here's another way to look at this. In the Leftist/Socialist/Communist mentality, the concept of private property is something that doesn't compute. Their bold and brave new future involves removing private ownership. Once they take power, they provide some kind of compensation for something they claim you never owned. It was communal property to begin with, and now they're just transferring it to the collective.

Dead on. If it wasn't for the 2nd Amendment and the millions of gun owners the ComDems' current running platform would be "buybacks" , i.e. confiscation, of farms and factories. You know, since the wealthy property owners really stole it all from the people.

08-25-19, 18:04
If there's one good thing about this plan is they are finally admitting they want to take away our guns. How long did they go pretending confiscation wasn't on the table? They just wanted to keep guns out of dangerous people's hands lol

Now the voting public has a more true picture of what the left was always after, and their plans aren't just about guns but taking over vast swaths of the economy, giving health ins to illegals, taxing the shit out of people, and offering all manner of free stuff with no logical way to pay for any of it.

08-25-19, 18:44
It’s not perfectly clear, but there is a political a-side:b-side cartoon of ‘buy back’ for the 2A and the 14A just to show how crazy the concept of a buy back on civil rights is. All the more crazy is the rights that younger people are willing to surrender with no compensation...

I would love to see that cartoon.

08-25-19, 19:27
I don't believe a lot of people care if someone comes to your door and takes your guns, but what they aren't seeing is that when they decide you've got more food than you need, too many cars, too big a house or you've had your share of the available healthcare, whats to stop them?.
What your neighbors don't understand is once the guns are gone, there is nothing to stop the rest of your property from being confiscated also.

08-25-19, 19:32
I don't believe a lot of people care if someone comes to your door and takes your guns, but what they aren't seeing is that when they decide you've got more food than you need, too many cars, too big a house or you've had your share of the available healthcare, whats to stop them?.
What your neighbors don't understand is once the guns are gone, there is nothing to stop the rest of your property from being confiscated also.

They do that now. Even if your home is 100% paid off, see what happens if you don't pay your property taxes. They don't even care if you have guns, they will take your home and all your neighbors will say "What did you expect to happen?"

People are so conditioned to having 40% of their income/property taken from them it isn't funny. People actually have the nerve to call things "tax refunds" when in actuality it is a return of a portion of your money.

08-25-19, 19:48
They do that now. Even if your home is 100% paid off, see what happens if you don't pay your property taxes. They don't even care if you have guns, they will take your home and all your neighbors will say "What did you expect to happen?"

People are so conditioned to having 40% of their income/property taken from them it isn't funny. People actually have the nerve to call things "tax refunds" when in actuality it is a return of a portion of your money.

And that means we really are back to Feudal Europe where everything was property of the Crown, including every acre of land and all the serfs dwelling thereon.

08-25-19, 20:20
People are so conditioned to having 40% of their income/property taken from them it isn't funny. People actually have the nerve to call things "tax refunds" when in actuality it is a return of a portion of your money.

I have been saying for years that if instead everyone had to actually write a check every month to the government for the amount taken as income tax there would be a real revolution in this country.

08-25-19, 20:27
I have been saying for years that if instead everyone had to actually write a check every month to the government for the amount taken as income tax there would be a real revolution in this country.

Us freelancers ALREADY have to do that, and we have to do it at the beginning ESTIMATING our revenues, then fight with amending after to deal with any overage or underage.

08-25-19, 20:27
Here's another way to look at this. In the Leftist/Socialist/Communist mentality, the concept of private property is something that doesn't compute. Their bold and brave new future involves removing private ownership. Once they take power, they provide some kind of compensation for something they claim you never owned. It was communal property to begin with, and now they're just transferring it to the collective.

Absolutely correct. A step further, this is how Democrats in general, not just leftists and communists, have felt about your income. Basically, it's not your money, it's just what "we" (the govt.) allows you to have by virtue of taxes.

08-25-19, 20:29
That is why everytime a tax cut is proposed, Dems want to talk about how much it "costs" the government. And how are you going to "pay" for the cut?
(Even though it's your money).

08-25-19, 20:34
Us freelancers ALREADY have to do that, and we have to do it at the beginning ESTIMATING our revenues, then fight with amending after to deal with any overage or underage.

I had a friend years ago who was a freelancer and he once told me how much he was sending to the government. At which point was the first time I thought "if everyone had to do that there would be a revolution" .

08-25-19, 20:35
They do that now. Even if your home is 100% paid off, see what happens if you don't pay your property taxes. They don't even care if you have guns, they will take your home and all your neighbors will say "What did you expect to happen?"

People are so conditioned to having 40% of their income/property taken from them it isn't funny. People actually have the nerve to call things "tax refunds" when in actuality it is a return of a portion of your money.
Yep. Absolutely right.
I know more than one person who believes that as long as they are getting a refund, they didn't really pay taxes.

And the house thing? You really don't truly "own" much of anything. Much less a house or car.

08-25-19, 21:12
A refund is merely the gov paying back part of an interest free loan they forced you to give them.

08-25-19, 21:29
If there's one good thing about this plan is they are finally admitting they want to take away our guns. How long did they go pretending confiscation wasn't on the table? They just wanted to keep guns out of dangerous people's hands lol

I agree. They've been beating around the bush and making us look like we're a bunch of Alex Jones/Coast to Coast Radio conspiracy nuts for saying that people are coming for our guns. They've now shown their cards too early.

It's why I hope Antifa starts shooting and bombing soon. Not that I hope for deaths on our side (though, it'll happen eventually), but we need the middle of the road people to see who the real enemy is.

08-25-19, 21:32
It's why I hope Antifa starts shooting and bombing soon. Not that I hope for deaths on our side (though, it'll happen eventually), but we need the middle of the road people to see who the real enemy is.
This is the one big thing we REALLY need Trump for, a Grand Master Troll to make them rip the masks off and show their true colors. We really need him doing a lot MORE of it, though...

08-25-19, 21:46
I have been saying for years that if instead everyone had to actually write a check every month to the government for the amount taken as income tax there would be a real revolution in this country.

Add to that the fact that Social Security is a mandatory ponzi scheme that is unsustainable. The first generation got free money, that last generation will pay in and get nothing. No amount of Al Gore "lock box" guarantees will keep it afloat forever.

08-25-19, 21:50
This is the one big thing we REALLY need Trump for, a Grand Master Troll to make them rip the masks off and show their true colors. We really need him doing a lot MORE of it, though...

Trump has been doing that in spades but the LEFT is way more motivated and in peoples faces than we are. Just part of the nature of things when the majority on our side are rural or suburban and their side has the big metro masses where life sucks and anyone offering free shit is appealing.

These Dem primaries should open up a lot of eyes to where things are and where they can go. Outside of rabid leftists or people brainwashed by Orange Man Bad I can't see how people could vote for people who want outright socialism and going around rounding up gun owners. Maybe just my path in life but Ive yet to meet a single person who thinks going door to door taking guns is a good idea, and that will solve our ills.

08-25-19, 22:03
I would love to see that cartoon.

Something with the people on both sides ending up in chains, on their knees....

I agree. They've been beating around the bush and making us look like we're a bunch of Alex Jones/Coast to Coast Radio conspiracy nuts for saying that people are coming for our guns. They've now shown their cards too early.

It's why I hope Antifa starts shooting and bombing soon. Not that I hope for deaths on our side (though, it'll happen eventually), but we need the middle of the road people to see who the real enemy is.

Just like the did in the last election when they thought that they didn't need working whites to vote for them. What I don't get is that they openly talk about the diversification of America through immigration and how that will replace the current majority, and when people complain about, we are suppsoedly the crazy ones. They aren't wrong, the just goofed by 70,000 people in three states. Considering the echo chamber they live in that is pretty close.

On antifa getting wilded and wicked, you had Dallas and you had the Congressional baseball shooting. Never mind shutting down highways and burning crap down...

08-25-19, 23:21
And another language thing: You never talk about "gun violence" and we should not let any supposed 2A sources acknowledge those words. The guns are not violent or committing the violence or the cause of the violence. You can talk about criminal violence, terrorism, or any manner of human caused violence -- including violence that was committed with a gun as the tool -- but "gun violence" does not exist and we should not allow it in the lexicon.

08-25-19, 23:32
Trump has been doing that in spades but the LEFT is way more motivated and in peoples faces than we are. Just part of the nature of things when the majority on our side are rural or suburban and their side has the big metro masses where life sucks and anyone offering free shit is appealing.

These Dem primaries should open up a lot of eyes to where things are and where they can go. Outside of rabid leftists or people brainwashed by Orange Man Bad I can't see how people could vote for people who want outright socialism and going around rounding up gun owners. Maybe just my path in life but Ive yet to meet a single person who thinks going door to door taking guns is a good idea, and that will solve our ills.

That's my point, the more trolling he does the more looneytunes they go--that movie The Hunt was canceled because it showed their goal towards us for all the world to see. If he does the job right 2020 will be an R blowout... the problem comes after, because the problems the Dems have inflicted to date will take generations to fix and Joe Sixpack generally doesn't like to go more than eight years with one party having executive power. And trust me, unless we find some way to hobble them as soon as they regain power they will be so ruthless and brutal as to make people *nostalgic* for Obuttf-ck...

08-26-19, 00:27
And another language thing: You never talk about "gun violence" and we should not let any supposed 2A sources acknowledge those words. The guns are not violent or committing the violence or the cause of the violence. You can talk about criminal violence, terrorism, or any manner of human caused violence -- including violence that was committed with a gun as the tool -- but "gun violence" does not exist and we should not allow it in the lexicon.

And here we have to go back to basics. Literally the "Armed Citizen" from the American Rifleman.

For every person killed by a gun there are a dozen people alive because they were armed. Even if you include suicides and thug on thug shootings. We need to start hammering them with numbers and more importantly specific names and instances.

Charles Murdock is ALIVE because he was armed and shot his attacker. In one year of the American rifleman you have about 100 examples of a armed citizen using a firearm to defend themselves or their families from attackers. We need to bury the "OMG Parkland" crowd with the fact that for every crazy that shoots 10 kids there are 100 people that protected themselves from a crazy.

If we wanted to play the numbers game their way, and included all instances where law enforcement shot in defense of their own lives or another, the numbers would really stack against them.

08-26-19, 06:04
When the government fails to address issues that are salient to the masses, in the end the masses will revolt.

I had to memorize that for a test a long time ago.

We as a country have arrived or will soon arrive at the point where no matter who is elected the other 50% of the country will be pissed off enough to do something.

President Trump gets reelected the left goes crazy with violence.
The socialist win and keep their promise on taxes and gun control, I hope we will rise up.

Give up my guns never. Gun buy back, you can't afford it no money in the world would be enough for me to give up the tools that might keep me out of a death camp.

08-26-19, 07:14
I agree. They've been beating around the bush and making us look like we're a bunch of Alex Jones/Coast to Coast Radio conspiracy nuts for saying that people are coming for our guns. They've now shown their cards too early.

It's why I hope Antifa starts shooting and bombing soon. Not that I hope for deaths on our side (though, it'll happen eventually), but we need the middle of the road people to see who the real enemy is.

Well that would make us like Alex Jones considering a lot of his stuff got the "that's crazy &/or a lie" rebuttal early on and then turned out to be factual.

We can hope Coast to Coast doesn't eventually get vindicated. :eek:

Will have to say, I caught the show a few times when it wasn't aliens and monsters and they had some interesting people on with Robert Young Pelton being one of the most intersting interviews i have ever heard.

08-26-19, 07:18
And another language thing: You never talk about "gun violence" and we should not let any supposed 2A sources acknowledge those words. The guns are not violent or committing the violence or the cause of the violence. You can talk about criminal violence, terrorism, or any manner of human caused violence -- including violence that was committed with a gun as the tool -- but "gun violence" does not exist and we should not allow it in the lexicon.

I have long been opposed to firearms focused crimes/added penalties for crimes where a firearm was on scene for that very reason.

08-26-19, 07:59
And here we have to go back to basics. Literally the "Armed Citizen" from the American Rifleman.

For every person killed by a gun there are a dozen people alive because they were armed. Even if you include suicides and thug on thug shootings. We need to start hammering them with numbers and more importantly specific names and instances.

Charles Murdock is ALIVE because he was armed and shot his attacker. In one year of the American rifleman you have about 100 examples of a armed citizen using a firearm to defend themselves or their families from attackers. We need to bury the "OMG Parkland" crowd with the fact that for every crazy that shoots 10 kids there are 100 people that protected themselves from a crazy.

If we wanted to play the numbers game their way, and included all instances where law enforcement shot in defense of their own lives or another, the numbers would really stack against them.

The left don't own guns and if anything will quote the twisted stats about how you are more likely to die if you have a gun in the house. Since they don't have guns, and don't believe in them, they don't have any opportunity to defend themselves. It is a completely different mindset.

They are collectivists. Collective wealth (or lack of it). Collective defense. Collective guilt. Collective virtue. Literally a herd mentality.

08-26-19, 08:13
The left don't own guns and if anything will quote the twisted stats about how you are more likely to die if you have a gun in the house. Since they don't have guns, and don't believe in them, they don't have any opportunity to defend themselves. It is a completely different mindset.

They are collectivists. Collective wealth (or lack of it). Collective defense. Collective guilt. Collective virtue. Literally a herd mentality.

I wouldn't count on them not having firearms they just don't want any of their potential victims to be armed.

Double standards are a common denominator among statists of any political leaning.

Crow Hunter
08-26-19, 08:29
And that means we really are back to Feudal Europe where everything was property of the Crown, including every acre of land and all the serfs dwelling thereon.

Technically we are still like that.

Most property is owned via "fee simple" title, which is what most land/property title is held within the US.

That is literally short for "fief" title the difference is instead of owing duty to the Crown, you owe taxes (the simple portion). The only people who truly own their property are allodial title owners which are which is basically non-existent in the US.

In short, the more it changes, the more it stays the same.

08-26-19, 09:10
Technically we are still like that.

Most property is owned via "fee simple" title, which is what most land/property title is held within the US.

That is literally short for "fief" title the difference is instead of owing duty to the Crown, you owe taxes (the simple portion). The only people who truly own their property are allodial title owners which are which is basically non-existent in the US.

In short, the more it changes, the more it stays the same.

And that really should have came to an end with the ratification of the 14th Amendment.

08-26-19, 09:26

08-26-19, 09:56
If only I had anything to confiscate


08-26-19, 10:35


Swallwell (who really cares) and the Parkland twits:


Klobachared seems confused:


Seems to me that a mandatory gun buy back is pretty much raping someone, but throwing them some 20s and calling it a ‘date night’.But the joke of it is, the 20's they throw you, are the ones they took from your wallet

Sent from my moto e5 (XT1920DL) using Tapatalk

08-26-19, 10:53
I do support buybacks.
I pay taxes. My tax dollars have put guns in the hands of soldiers and police.
The way I figure if they just give me some of them M16A1s and some 1911s we can call it even.

I would rather those guns go to God fearing Americans than some client state in Africa, Israel, or some other SWA shitpit.
Give back to the hard working and downtrodden American. Give back what he’s paid for.

08-26-19, 11:20
Well that would make us like Alex Jones considering a lot of his stuff got the "that's crazy &/or a lie" rebuttal early on and then turned out to be factual.

We can hope Coast to Coast doesn't eventually get vindicated. :eek:

Will have to say, I caught the show a few times when it wasn't aliens and monsters and they had some interesting people on with Robert Young Pelton being one of the most intersting interviews i have ever heard.

Even stopped clocks are right twice a day.

I'll say, what's even scarier, and could have more dire implications, is that Neo-Nazi literature warned of stuff like this. In the book The Turner Diaries, a race war/rebellion against the U.S. begins when firearm ownership is outlawed, self-defense, even unarmed, is criminalized, and gangs of thugs are used as auxiliary enforcers against enemies of the state.

I'll emphasize right now I AM NOT SAYING THAT THE NAZIS WERE RIGHT. Quite the opposite. Okay, got that out of the way. What I AM saying is that the writer of the book seized on a very realistic fear to try and lure people of our mindset and with our worries into joining them. In the book, the 2nd Amendment is repealed when...who else?...the Jews take power in the U.S. The gangs making up their auxiliary police are, of course, blacks and Hispanics. And the answer to this is, naturally, to take over the country, then the world, and finish the Holocaust (as the Neo-Nazis obviously win in the book, after they're done exterminating the Jews, they kill all the black people in America and also wipe out all the Africans, Asians, Native Americans, Hispanics, Arabs...anyone not pure Aryan).

My point is, the Neo-Nazis are seizing on a very clear and present danger. The left IS talking about confiscating guns, AND they are letting bands of thugs (Antifa, John Brown Gun Club, Redneck Revolt, etc.) act as their militant wing. The white supremacists can point and say, "See? We told this was going to happen 30 years ago in The Turner Diaries." And many will flock to them. Some because they're on the cusp of white supremacy anyway, and others because "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that.

I can't help but wonder if that's part of the plan for the left: Make the Neo-Nazis stronger, louder, and more popular so that people will want to give the left more power and be willing to part with more rights in order to combat the threat. The vast majority of conservatives will outright reject the far right and see that if the Neo-Nazis gain any power they will be just as bad as the left. But any growth of the white supremacist movement will be seize upon as an excuse to lock down the country.

08-26-19, 12:17
Even stopped clocks are right twice a day.

I'll say, what's even scarier, and could have more dire implications, is that Neo-Nazi literature warned of stuff like this. In the book The Turner Diaries, a race war/rebellion against the U.S. begins when firearm ownership is outlawed, self-defense, even unarmed, is criminalized, and gangs of thugs are used as auxiliary enforcers against enemies of the state.

I'll emphasize right now I AM NOT SAYING THAT THE NAZIS WERE RIGHT. Quite the opposite. Okay, got that out of the way. What I AM saying is that the writer of the book seized on a very realistic fear to try and lure people of our mindset and with our worries into joining them. In the book, the 2nd Amendment is repealed when...who else?...the Jews take power in the U.S. The gangs making up their auxiliary police are, of course, blacks and Hispanics. And the answer to this is, naturally, to take over the country, then the world, and finish the Holocaust (as the Neo-Nazis obviously win in the book, after they're done exterminating the Jews, they kill all the black people in America and also wipe out all the Africans, Asians, Native Americans, Hispanics, Arabs...anyone not pure Aryan).

My point is, the Neo-Nazis are seizing on a very clear and present danger. The left IS talking about confiscating guns, AND they are letting bands of thugs (Antifa, John Brown Gun Club, Redneck Revolt, etc.) act as their militant wing. The white supremacists can point and say, "See? We told this was going to happen 30 years ago in The Turner Diaries." And many will flock to them. Some because they're on the cusp of white supremacy anyway, and others because "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that.

I can't help but wonder if that's part of the plan for the left: Make the Neo-Nazis stronger, louder, and more popular so that people will want to give the left more power and be willing to part with more rights in order to combat the threat. The vast majority of conservatives will outright reject the far right and see that if the Neo-Nazis gain any power they will be just as bad as the left. But any growth of the white supremacist movement will be seize upon as an excuse to lock down the country.

Somewhere between many and most groups have at least some legit gripe. Where they always derail is who they want to fix the gripe if they haven't already derailed with who they blame.

08-26-19, 12:35
Somewhere between many and most groups have at least some legit gripe. Where they always derail is who they want to fix the gripe if they haven't already derailed with who they blame.

Truer words have never been spoken. When people ask how large groups can fall under the sway of extremists like Nazis, Communists, Islamofascists, etc, that's the answer. The best lies are mostly true. These groups seized on legitimate, major problems and promised to fix them. Hitler had a legit gripe that Germany took too much blame for World War I and got royally screwed over in the Armistice. The Bolsheviks were understandably pissed that Russia was still in a feudal age where tyrannical royals and nobles lived in opulence while the peasants and workers starved. Tyrants feed on the anger of the people, and people are naturally going to flock the leaders who stand up and say we're going to do something about these problems right the hell now. It's a trap we all need to be very careful not to fall into.

08-26-19, 16:00

If you don't have a UBC law in the state, just show up with a wad of cash (and your CCW, ahem) and buy the good stuff before it gets paid a pitance for. Unless this is some kind of mandatory buy back plan. Actually, that would be good because we could get some cases on the opposite side of the 9th and 4th(?) to make SCOTUS get off its ass.

But the joke of it is, the 20's they throw you, are the ones they took from your wallet

Exactly. The feds bribe us with our own money, or even worse our kids money, for all kinds of things.

08-26-19, 17:32
This answers a lot of questions on why confiscation is even talked about. The communist infiltration and indoctrination of and by our education system and MSM is having their desired effect.


08-26-19, 17:45
I do support buybacks.
I pay taxes. My tax dollars have put guns in the hands of soldiers and police.
The way I figure if they just give me some of them M16A1s and some 1911s we can call it even.

I would rather those guns go to God fearing Americans than some client state in Africa, Israel, or some other SWA shitpit.
Give back to the hard working and downtrodden American. Give back what he’s paid for.

No kidding that would be a true buy back. Tax payer dollars paid for those guns, so we actually bought them. We should have a chance to BUY THEM BACK.

08-27-19, 05:22
No kidding that would be a true buy back. Tax payer dollars paid for those guns, so we actually bought them. We should have a chance to BUY THEM BACK.

Why should we have to pay for these guns twice?

They should just be issued to us. But even the Swiss of today have many refusing to serve in the military and many at the end of service refusing to take their rifle home with them as was the tradition .

08-27-19, 05:57
Why should we have to pay for these guns twice?

They should just be issued to us. .

Kind of a commodity arms program. I like it.

08-27-19, 07:33
Kind of a commodity arms program. I like it.

Get in line for your loaf of bread, block of cheese and an M16A2.

08-27-19, 07:53
**** em.

08-27-19, 11:45
Why should we have to pay for these guns twice?

They should just be issued to us. But even the Swiss of today have many refusing to serve in the military and many at the end of service refusing to take their rifle home with them as was the tradition .Yup, unfortunately switzerland has plenty of invertebrates too. No where is safe from the pussification.

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

08-27-19, 11:51
If we had mandatory “buy backs” this poor justice-involved person who could have been Obummer’s son would be alive today.


08-27-19, 13:38

"It’s not only that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose," said Rubin. "We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party. We have to level them because if there are survivors, if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again."

Do you think that they even hear themselves when they talk? Gun confiscation and burning down the political opposition party from the same people in the same week.

Notice how the black reporter talks about ex-Trumper admin people going and 'dancing' on TV. Can imagine if a FOX person talked about a black Obama admin person going and 'dancing' on TV?

The need mental Febreeze because they have gone completely 'brain blind' to what they are saying. How they can't see that this just reinforces people's support for Trump is the most odd thing.

ETA: Bolded the word collective in her quote. Talk about group think and attacking the individual...

08-27-19, 15:24

Do you think that they even hear themselves when they talk? Gun confiscation and burning down the political opposition party from the same people in the same week.

Notice how the black reporter talks about ex-Trumper admin people going and 'dancing' on TV. Can imagine if a FOX person talked about a black Obama admin person going and 'dancing' on TV?

The need mental Febreeze because they have gone completely 'brain blind' to what they are saying. How they can't see that this just reinforces people's support for Trump is the most odd thing.

ETA: Bolded the word collective in her quote. Talk about group think and attacking the individual...

LOL, Rubin is WaPo's token conservative, and I use the word "conservative" VERY ironically when it comes to her. Sadly WaPo doesn't and they wield her opinion against the GOP and conservatives like a broadsword.

08-27-19, 16:01
She's the GOPer??? She is GOP like I'm black. I can say I'm Black, she can say she's GOP- it's not like there is a blood test to prove it- and I can say I have Black friends and she can say she has GOP friends. So burn down the GOP and restart it with the likes of Hickenlooper? MSNBC dream. The left already is savaging him on his run for the senate seat here.

08-27-19, 16:51
Why should we have to pay for these guns twice?

They should just be issued to us. But even the Swiss of today have many refusing to serve in the military and many at the end of service refusing to take their rifle home with them as was the tradition .

Because really it was our parents and grandparents who actually paid for those old M16A1s and XM177s, and to provide a cash incentive for the government. I'm willing to be practical, I'll even pay a $200 NFA tax.

Of course none of this will really happen because the government would rather pay to destroy them than see tax payers get something for their money.

08-27-19, 21:33
She's the GOPer??? She is GOP like I'm black. I can say I'm Black, she can say she's GOP- it's not like there is a blood test to prove it- and I can say I have Black friends and she can say she has GOP friends. So burn down the GOP and restart it with the likes of Hickenlooper? MSNBC dream. The left already is savaging him on his run for the senate seat here.

There's a special name in history for people like Jennifer Rubin: "Kapo." And yeah, she's GOP like my five-by-five fat ass is porn-stud material. LOL

08-27-19, 22:02
Somewhere between many and most groups have at least some legit gripe. Where they always derail is who they want to fix the gripe if they haven't already derailed with who they blame.

Well put.

08-30-19, 15:53
Speaking of "language" we should probably constantly remind people that it isn't "gun rights" but a "civil right" as it is 1 of 10 found within the bill of rights, which are ALL civil rights.

Uhhhh, aherm, if I can make a quick point of personal privilege, I'd say it's a natural right. Alternatively as the crowd that cries endlessly about "free" medical care, and housing would say, a "human" right.

08-30-19, 17:47
Control the narrative, control the debate.

This is a very, VERY important point that the gun community has largely missed.

For example: since the early 1940s, an "assault rifle" has been defined as a shoulder-fired weapon with select-fire capability chambering a medium-power cartridge. An M4, M16, or AK-47 is a true assault rifle. An AR-15, other non-select-fire clones, an Uzi (even if full auto), or an M14 isn't. Most of the folks who frequent this forum own some version of an AR-15, but few of us own honest-to-God assault rifles. However, because WE -- the gun community -- have allowed Congress, the various state legislatures, and the media to define an AR as an "assault rifle", we ALL own "assault rifles." It's a really easy sell to convince Mary Soccermom or Joe Liberal than an assault anything is unreasonably dangerous and should be banned. By controlling the narrative, the libs are well on their way to winning the debate ... and WE let them do it. Hell, how many of them think “AR-15” stands for “Assault Rifle 15”?

Another example of controlling the narrative is “buyback” vs. “confiscation.” One of the libs' goals is to make their ultimate scheme of confiscating and banning firearms as gentle, reasonable, and "common sense." Many people who are undecided on this issue would probably think that a couple of hundred dollars is a fair price for a KAC, Colt, or Noveske.

Anytime we hear someone refer to an AR as an assault rifle, we should correct them. Anytime we see an article or an editorial about so-called assault rifles, we should write a letter of correction. Most of the time those corrections will be ignored, but here and there we may be able to educate someone.

It’s up to us.

08-30-19, 18:28
Uhhhh, aherm, if I can make a quick point of personal privilege, I'd say it's a natural right. Alternatively as the crowd that cries endlessly about "free" medical care, and housing would say, a "human" right.

Sure but in political discussion "natural rights" become a philosophical discussion where as "civil rights" are "pay attention / very important."

08-30-19, 20:48
Sure but in political discussion "natural rights" become a philosophical discussion where as "civil rights" are "pay attention / very important."

4x as true when you get to court.

08-31-19, 00:43
4x as true when you get to court.

Yep, when shit gets serious "natural rights" and "human rights" usually get grouped in with the "free inhabitants" crowd, but the words "civil rights" actually means something, especially if you can define them and the nature of the violation.