View Full Version : Comey's Crimes get Clintonized

08-29-19, 11:17

Former FBI Director James Comey violated agency policies when he retained and leaked a set of memos he took documenting meetings with President Donald Trump early in 2017, the Justice Department's inspector general said in a report released Thursday.

Comey set a "dangerous example" for FBI employees in an attempt to "achieve a personally desired outcome," the report states.
However, the IG found "no evidence that Comey or his attorneys released any of the classified information contained in any of the memos to members of the media."
The inspector general's office referred the findings of its report to the Justice Department for potential prosecution earlier this summer. Prosecutors declined to bring a case, the report says.
CNN has previously reported that the Justice Department prosecutors didn't believe there was evidence to show Comey knew and intended to violate laws on dealing with classified information.

Emphasis mine.

So he leaks the classified info, but he didn't know that he was breaking the law? If the head of the FBI can't understand the laws concerning classified info, how in the heck can you prosecute anyone? He TOLD his lawyer to leak classified info, but didn't intend to break the law?

Did Papadopolous intend to break the law? Did Flynn? I'd say 'not' since the FBI agents that interviewed him didn't think he was lying.

So once again, we have a two tracked legal system.

If you think the IG report or the Dunham(?) guy are going to come out with anything you are crazy. This is all going to get whitewashed and circular filed. There are some people that should be put up against a wall and shot, but watch all the pussy words and slight of hand come out to protect these people and institutions.

An F'ing coup and the sentences are book deals, MSNBC/CNN consultant jobs, and sycophant hero worship.

08-29-19, 12:35

Emphasis mine.

So he leaks the classified info, but he didn't know that he was breaking the law? If the head of the FBI can't understand the laws concerning classified info, how in the heck can you prosecute anyone? He TOLD his lawyer to leak classified info, but didn't intend to break the law?

Did Papadopolous intend to break the law? Did Flynn? I'd say 'not' since the FBI agents that interviewed him didn't think he was lying.

So once again, we have a two tracked legal system.

If you think the IG report or the Dunham(?) guy are going to come out with anything you are crazy. This is all going to get whitewashed and circular filed. There are some people that should be put up against a wall and shot, but watch all the pussy words and slight of hand come out to protect these people and institutions.

An F'ing coup and the sentences are book deals, MSNBC/CNN consultant jobs, and sycophant hero worship.

It really is surreal and further proof we live in Clown World...

08-29-19, 12:45
Comey wrote the memo's, I think it's unlikely he marked them as classified.

He knew or should have known there would be classified info in them, but that is harder to prove intent, in court.

08-29-19, 12:46
That's fine, and more ammo for me when I appear before a judge and claim I did not know the law and am told "ignorance of the law is no excuse."

If I had unlimited resources I would hire attorneys and appeal the shit out of a BS conviction and publicize the hell out of it, based on these interpretations.

08-29-19, 13:11
That's fine, and more ammo for me when I appear before a judge and claim I did not know the law and am told "ignorance of the law is no excuse."

If I had unlimited resources I would hire attorneys and appeal the shit out of a BS conviction and publicize the hell out of it, based on these interpretations.

Nope, won’t work.

It is WHO he is, not the legal argument that is keeping his ass Cherry.

On whether or not he knew that they were classified material, he should’ve. But what really would’ve cleared it up as if he’d actually given them to his employer at the time the FBI. He’s prancing around like this is some kind of vindication. Yay! You’re incompetent not illegal.

08-29-19, 14:18
Lurch fancied himself the 2nd coming of J. Edgar Hoover (but even less passable in drag). He was wielding the FBI like it was his own personal intelligence agency, where he decided who got a pass and who got skewered. Vindicated he is not. He is a cunning liar and we're fortunate to be rid of him (for now).

08-29-19, 14:25
We should have a 0% incarceration rate.


08-29-19, 15:53
The FBI was mistake.
We need to go back to where states handled business and to gut the FBI and scale it back to where they are just middlemen who get you money and hot sheets.

ATF needs to go back under treasury where they get their money eventually when there’s time.

DHS needs to be DXed. Its gotten too political.
If you have a gang problem or bank robber problem; just hire hardened gunslingers to grease.

Too much crap floats to the top. They like to think their business suits and polos make them all that but they don’t really DO anything but meddle. Its the local police who do heavy lifting and the FBI take credit. Its like the worst middleman in history.

The people they SHOULD arrest (politicians, agency heads acting in malfeasance) they don’t.

They ruined what made law enforcement great. Bitter, chainsmoking part time drunks who busted heads and kept people in line with 10 gauge shotguns and blackjacks.


Nothing changes but I verbalized my thoughts and feel better.

Also public crucifixions do NOT violate the 8th Amendment.

Change my mind

08-29-19, 16:08
Firefly has the Netflix “Highwaymen” on a loop at his house..... ;)

08-29-19, 16:11
Firefly has the Netflix “Highwaymen” on a loop at his house..... ;)


08-29-19, 18:55
Americans have 0% faith in the justice system of the USA, the feds know this and don't care.

They believe in the just us system and apparently it works just fine.

26 Inf
08-29-19, 19:50
The FBI was mistake.
We need to go back to where states handled business and to gut the FBI and scale it back to where they are just middlemen who get you money and hot sheets.

ATF needs to go back under treasury where they get their money eventually when there’s time.

DHS needs to be DXed. Its gotten too political.
If you have a gang problem or bank robber problem; just hire hardened gunslingers to grease.

Too much crap floats to the top. They like to think their business suits and polos make them all that but they don’t really DO anything but meddle. Its the local police who do heavy lifting and the FBI take credit. Its like the worst middleman in history.

The people they SHOULD arrest (politicians, agency heads acting in malfeasance) they don’t.

They ruined what made law enforcement great. Bitter, chainsmoking part time drunks who busted heads and kept people in line with 10 gauge shotguns and blackjacks.


Nothing changes but I verbalized my thoughts and feel better.

Also public crucifixions do NOT violate the 8th Amendment.

Change my mind

Fly, agree with you, I said for a long time that we need to revisit the primary mission on the Federal and even the State agencies. Their is a lot of duplicated effort out their, and a lot of folks just occupying slots.

I know there are a lot of hard working folks in the agencies that I refer to, and they should be the ones populating the downsized, new mission-focused versions. Unfortunately, we both know that isn't the way things work.

08-30-19, 06:34
It sounds like what I hear referred to as "Main DOJ" needs an enema....

08-30-19, 08:55
Depends on whose ox is gored. Trump pardons include Joe Arpaio and that Seal who committed war crimes. Any complaints about a two track justice system there?

08-30-19, 09:38
Depends on whose ox is gored. Trump pardons include Joe Arpaio and that Seal who committed war crimes. Any complaints about a two track justice system there?

Uhm, when did the DOJ get pardon power... even better, the power to make the conviction just not happen? The Clinton email stuff (can’t call it an investigation) was so irregular... in the real world, Huma et al would never have gotten immunity- and would have had it pulled at the very least and probably contempt charges filed when they found the copies of the email on the laptop.

08-30-19, 09:58
A President pardoning a few people is so far from the systemic double standard of the current system it has no place here. But everything has to be about Trump for some people...

So much so that they can't even be bothered with getting the correct story.

"That SEAL" did not commit war crimes, he was found not guilty at his trial. Trump did pardon an Army Lt who was convicted of murder. His case involved the prosecution hiding potentially exculpatory evidence from the defense.

08-30-19, 10:02
Nope, won’t work.

It is WHO he is, not the legal argument that is keeping his ass Cherry.

On whether or not he knew that they were classified material, he should’ve. But what really would’ve cleared it up as if he’d actually given them to his employer at the time the FBI. He’s prancing around like this is some kind of vindication. Yay! You’re incompetent not illegal.

No, I know... the whole 'some pigs are more equal than others' thing...

08-30-19, 11:49
Comey getting off because he did not classify the memos he leaked is a farce. Just like Hillary’s emails. Even as a lowly manager in a State govt agencies and later in a Fortune 100 company we all had annual training on handling documents. The bottom line is the content determines the classification whether it has a stamp or not. And every single person above restroom cleaner was responsible to know how to distinguish each level of content.

The head of an agency getting off for “not knowing” or “it wasn’t classified” makes a mockery of the entire confidential/secret document management system. Anyone not politically connected would have been disciplined. And if it is not against any law for executives of an agency to grossly break agency policy, especially for political purposes, then it should be as they are responsible for training and oversight of the entire agency staff in such matters.

08-30-19, 13:20
A President pardoning a few people is so far from the systemic double standard of the current system it has no place here. But everything has to be about Trump for some people...

So much so that they can't even be bothered with getting the correct story.

"That SEAL" did not commit war crimes, he was found not guilty at his trial. Trump did pardon an Army Lt who was convicted of murder. His case involved the prosecution hiding potentially exculpatory evidence from the defense.

Not sure what to make of the Army Lieutenant story since it appears he created the situation where he was claiming self-defense. Otherwise, a pass on that since presidents should be pardoning people over official misconduct being used to prosecute someone similar to Jefferson releasing all of the victims of the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Arpaio's pardon and the prosecutors( and others) in the Lieutenant's suffering no genuine consequences for their actions are indeed part of the double standards problem that is also shown with Comey's walking.

08-30-19, 18:09
Comey wrote the memo's, I think it's unlikely he marked them as classified.

He knew or should have known there would be classified info in them, but that is harder to prove intent, in court.

Shit, do what Mueller did: charge him or threaten to do so and see if you can catch him in a lie, be it intentional or not. "Lying to a Federal agent". Hey, if it's good for the goose it's good for the gander.

I swear that charge needs to go, as it is soooo freaking hypocritical it isn't even funny. Oh yeah, like the g-damn FBI is so beyond reproach that you dare not lie to them (whether you meant to or not). F**k the FBI and other feds. Their shit DOES stink, quite contrary to what they might think.

08-30-19, 20:51
When the FBI did whatever, legal or not, for conservatives/ anti-communists, there was nary a peep. Now we're shocked, shocked . . . .

08-30-19, 21:41
When the FBI did whatever, legal or not, for conservatives/ anti-communists, there was nary a peep. Now we're shocked, shocked . . . .

You must be on some high grade crack and missed the entire 90's and decades since then. In no way has the FBI ever been 'on the side of conservatives'.

Straight Shooter
08-30-19, 22:34
When the FBI did whatever, legal or not, for conservatives/ anti-communists, there was nary a peep. Now we're shocked, shocked . . . .

You must be on some high grade crack and missed the entire 90's and decades since then. In no way has the FBI ever been 'on the side of conservatives'.

I agree, youve been making some seriously stupid comments/remarks of late. WTH are you referring to?

08-30-19, 22:45
The FBI was in the WTFever Hoover wanted. I guess you could call that conservative or at least anti-communist. Sounds still in the mandate. Recently, the FBI seems more like a Praetorian guard, with out a king.

The least malevolent way you could describe Orr, McCabe, Comey and Strok was that they thought that they alone understood the threat and that only they could fix it. They threw away their usual process and ad hoc'd it. That is what got them in trouble. Thinking that they were smarter than the system and could rig the system to work. Roberts has the same problem at SCOTUS. He thinks that he can 'fix' problems that he doesn't have the tool set for.

08-31-19, 01:25
The FBI was in the WTFever Hoover wanted. I guess you could call that conservative or at least anti-communist. Sounds still in the mandate. Recently, the FBI seems more like a Praetorian guard, with out a king.

The least malevolent way you could describe Orr, McCabe, Comey and Strok was that they thought that they alone understood the threat and that only they could fix it. They threw away their usual process and ad hoc'd it. That is what got them in trouble. Thinking that they were smarter than the system and could rig the system to work. Roberts has the same problem at SCOTUS. He thinks that he can 'fix' problems that he doesn't have the tool set for.

The anti-communist stuff had nothing to do with conservatism and communist violence was largely directed towards anti gov goals. Aside from monitoring the obvious groups like CPUSA they missed a **** ton of moles in the FBI itself, the CIA, and numerous other govt agencies. FDR was going to meetings with Stalin where Stalin already knew what he was going to say.

The FBI serves the FBI. *

*Nothing to do with individual agents as almost all of them start out thinking they are going to fight crime and protect the public but like any gov agency the people who steer the ship are political shills and that's true for most every LE agency from the local police dept, SO, state LE, and federal LE. In the FBI we had deputy directors who's spouses were receiving 6 digit campaign donations from Hillary.