View Full Version : The History of Spam

08-31-19, 11:31
Many in the mil will appreciate it and know all to well about Spam. It's actually interesting stuff that's known world wide. When even Monty Python made a song about it, you know it's a phenomenon! As a kid, we made fried Spam sandwiches!

"...it didn’t take long for the U.S. military to find a use for the food innovation. Spam went global during World War II, when America shipped out over 100 million cans to the Pacific, where it made an inexpensive yet filling meal for U.S. troops. As TIME later noted, “Among fed-up fighting men from Attu to Anzio, Spam became one of the most celebrated four-letter words in World War II, gave birth to a flavorsome literature of tales, odes, jokes, limericks.”



08-31-19, 16:21
if you have been to Hawaii you know its alive and well
even available at McDonalds etc.. almost every small store has spam musubi at the counter and a nice selection of the canned yum in the aisles costco has a huge area dedicated to it and usually you will see it in every locals cart at check out and every home has it etc..

many even make their own special blends etc... nothing like home made spam

08-31-19, 17:49
The spicy Spam fried up makes a good breakfast biscuit with an egg and a slice of cheese!

08-31-19, 21:06
Great shelf life too.

08-31-19, 21:41
Great shelf life too.

Approximately that of yellowcake uranium and Twinkies, IIRC... :p

08-31-19, 23:17
I was passing by Austin Minnesota on I-90 pulled off for the Spam Museum earlier this year.

Personally no fan of Spam, but the museum was pretty interesting and the staff were fun. Amazing product - example of God Bless America.

09-01-19, 02:07
if you have been to Hawaii you know its alive and well
even available at McDonalds etc.. almost every small store has spam musubi at the counter and a nice selection of the canned yum in the aisles costco has a huge area dedicated to it and usually you will see it in every locals cart at check out and every home has it etc..

many even make their own special blends etc... nothing like home made spam

Having spent quite a bit of time in the Hawaiian Islands, I concur. I have to add that I had no idea of the many varieties of SPAM until I visited a K-mart in Guam. There was an entire side of an aisle that was nothing but SPAM.

09-01-19, 02:23
Low sodium spam is an awesome prepper's item to stash away. I heard about the Hawaii thing and Spam years ago. Interesting but not surprising. Im sure during WW2 a lot of the food brought in had to be stuff that was meant to last on ships, and be stashed away.

09-01-19, 07:40
Twinkies don't have a great shelf life. if you arent hoarding SPAM, rice, red kool aid, and 9mm then you have been nothing but wrong your whole life

Boy Scout
09-01-19, 08:01
Low sodium spam is an awesome prepper's item to stash away. I heard about the Hawaii thing and Spam years ago. Interesting but not surprising. Im sure during WW2 a lot of the food brought in had to be stuff that was meant to last on ships, and be stashed away.

Yep. And the single serve packets are fantastic on the trail.

09-01-19, 08:06
Yep. And the single serve packets are fantastic on the trail.

I keep some of those in my BOB.

09-01-19, 08:26
Of the very few times my Dad was left alone with us kids, we could count on eating some SPAM.
Two slices of fried SPAM on white bread with a slathering of Mayo and a tomato slice if it was summertime. If it was quiet you could literally hear your arteries clogging up.
Died passed during a bi-pass operation, Miss ya Pops.

09-01-19, 11:06
I don’t eat it anymore, having gone mainly plant based, but do love it! Fried Spam and egg sandwiches on toast rock!

It’s a huge hit throughout the Pacific, including Japan and Korea. The military golf course, Tampa Hills, outside Tokyo, used to sell Spam and rice rolls, wrapped in seaweed. Washed down with a cold Asahi (beer), it was the breakfast of champs...LOL!

Evel Baldgui
09-02-19, 08:58
Multiple cans of turkey spam reside in the pantry of my south Florida homes, under the label hurricane food.