View Full Version : Walmart

09-03-19, 14:20
Looks like Walmart caved to the left and threw us under the bus...no more handguns or handgun ammo for sale.

09-03-19, 14:25
Looks like no more "Short Barrel Rifle" ammo either, ala 223/556, 762x39, etc.

09-03-19, 14:25
Go support guys like SGAmmo and stop shopping at Wal Mart for stuff that you could get at other places.

09-03-19, 14:35
Does this mean they’re going to run a closeout on existing stock? I need to make sure this evil ammo stays off da streetz...

09-03-19, 14:37
Does this mean they’re going to run a closeout on existing stock? I need to make sure this evil ammo stays off da streetz...

Yes, that's their plan.

09-03-19, 14:38
Go support guys like SGAmmo and stop shopping at Wal Mart for stuff that you could get at other places.

I pretty much did...unfortunately SG stop selling to Ca.

09-03-19, 14:40
I pretty much did...unfortunately SG stop selling to Ca.

Thats a tough break, I was stationed in CA from 08-12 and found it very irritating that companies would not sell to me.

09-03-19, 14:43
Looks like Walmart caved to the left and threw us under the bus...no more handguns or handgun ammo for sale.

****. They had the best handgun ammo prices. Ill try to clear out the local places in the next few days.

09-03-19, 14:44
I can already hear the hillbillies back home in WNY and western PA firing up their 4x4s ready to get their protests on.


But like seriously lol. Kudos Walmart, you’ve stopped evil dead in its tracks [emoji849]

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09-03-19, 14:46
You know what.....GOOD.

This will cease the neckbearding. Plus I only buy ammo online or from places I don’t feel ashamed shopping in.

Wal Mart is like McDonalds. If you need to go there....understandable but you should always have a bit of self loathing if you do.

09-03-19, 14:53
If they really anted to save peoples lives they would stop selling soda pop and candy. SO many of the people who frequent Walmart are morbidly obese and one 2 liter oc cola away from a massive coronary not to mention they definitely got that suga'. That 'betes.

09-03-19, 14:59
Thats a tough break, I was stationed in CA from 08-12 and found it very irritating that companies would not sell to me.

I'll use Target Sport now. Until I can get out a here.

09-03-19, 15:10
On principle, it’s frustrating and it makes me angry. In practice, I don’t care as there are more than enough alternatives that will never change their policies and will go and tell the left that they can lick their unwiped assholes.

09-03-19, 15:15
Like others, I've mostly ordered from places like SGAmmo for a long time. But the antis want to shut down mail order of ammo, as they've done in CA, and if they managed that nationally I would be up a creek for reasonably priced ammo - we have Mallwart, but otherwise I'm looking at a handful of stores charging 125% of MSRP for ammo. I've heard for years that Mallwart's retail price on various ammo is below dealer cost for smaller dealers - this is not a good move for the price of calibers we like to shoot.

B Cart
09-03-19, 15:29
The're going to shut down their pharmacy as well, right? I mean, opiods kill WAY more people every day than guns, and since Walmart is so concerned about public safety, it's only natural that they stop all sales of harmful pills. Only makes sense

09-03-19, 15:41
The're going to shut down their pharmacy as well, right? I mean, opiods kill WAY more people every day than guns, and since Walmart is so concerned about public safety, it's only natural that they stop all sales of harmful pills. Only makes sense

Or wine and beer.....

Drunk driving ftw yo

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09-03-19, 16:09
Like others, I've mostly ordered from places like SGAmmo for a long time. But the antis want to shut down mail order of ammo, as they've done in CA, and if they managed that nationally I would be up a creek for reasonably priced ammo - we have Mallwart, but otherwise I'm looking at a handful of stores charging 125% of MSRP for ammo. I've heard for years that Mallwart's retail price on various ammo is below dealer cost for smaller dealers - this is not a good move for the price of calibers we like to shoot.

The good news here in Ca., if you can call it that, is that, at least in my area, a FFL will bring your ammo in for $5.

09-03-19, 16:14
I get most of my ammo online, but the ability to pop into Walmart and grab a 200rd box of 5.56 or 9mm has been majorly convenient when I found myself needing a bit of extra range ammo and not wanting to wait for a UPS delivery.
I'll be damned if I shop at any of my local shops charging $9.50/box for 20 rounds of fmj .223.
Speaking of .223, so along with us evil assault weapon owners, owners of soft and fluffy .223 bolt guns won't be able to buy ammo at Walmart now either?
Or are they only discontinuing actual 5.56?

Either way I find it disconcerting not necessarily because I won't be able to buy WWB 5.56 and 9mm at Walmart anymore, but because I consider this a fairly major step toward further stigmatizing ownership of certain types of firearms by ascribing a certain "otherness" to them and their ammunition and excluding them purely to isolated, niche establishments.
"Oh you want that type of ammo? Well that seedy gunship down by the railroad tracks is the only place that still sells that stuff."

Coal Dragger
09-03-19, 16:16
Closest Walmart to me is about 50 miles one way. Just another reason to not go there.

09-03-19, 16:17
Virtue Signal.

09-03-19, 16:53
I'm lucky there's an Academy just a mile further down the road from Wallyweird, plus SGAmmo is pretty much one day standard shipping to me.

I feel for those who live in small, isolated towns where Wally ran all the local businesses out of business, and are now not going to serve those customers who rely on them. I feel it's unethical fro them to treat those customers like that. Hopefully it will spur the return of some hometown options for them. :(

09-03-19, 16:59
Will this set off the Panic?

09-03-19, 17:05
Like others, I've mostly ordered from places like SGAmmo for a long time. But the antis want to shut down mail order of ammo, as they've done in CA, and if they managed that nationally I would be up a creek for reasonably priced ammo - we have Mallwart, but otherwise I'm looking at a handful of stores charging 125% of MSRP for ammo. I've heard for years that Mallwart's retail price on various ammo is below dealer cost for smaller dealers - this is not a good move for the price of calibers we like to shoot.
If I may be overly optimistic for a moment, perhaps other stores will fill that void, when ammo manufactures have to shift their middlemen to make up for the volume that otherwise would be lost.

09-03-19, 17:14
Will this set off the Panic?No! It's frigin Walmart! They don't all sell guns or ammo to begin with. And what they do sell is a none starter. I have 4 Walmarts within 20 miles. Only one sells anything that has to do with firearms. The other 3 don't even sell knives. The one that sells ammo has like 3 options and a box of 30-30. Yea....God knows what I'll do if they stop selling ammo!

09-03-19, 17:45
Yup just buy it online.... till the credit card companies get on board with prior threats and deny such "dangerous" purchases every where.

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09-03-19, 17:46
The DICKLESS School of Retail Management strikes again, huh? :rolleyes:

GOOD thing ol' man Sam is dead. If he were still alive, he'd trade ALL his kids for pet monkeys...

09-03-19, 18:11
This is sad. Everyone wants to "do there part"... Do there part in what exactly???? Making all 320 Million people in the US behave???? Good luck with that!

09-03-19, 18:19
Virtue Signal.


If they were so concerned about this ammo being misused, they would destroy the remaining inventory rather than discontinuing sales of it after the current stock is depleted.

09-03-19, 18:37
They're still going to sell sniper...er... I mean hunting ammo. They just dont have this caving to the commies thing down yet. Definitely slacked jawed xxxxxx's

Straight Shooter
09-03-19, 18:41
Go support guys like SGAmmo and stop shopping at Wal Mart for stuff that you could get at other places.

GOOD. SCREW EM. Make gunshops great again.

26 Inf
09-03-19, 18:42
Other than .22LR, I've never bought any ammo at WalMart, so personally it isn't a big deal.

Surprisingly, the other day when I stopped in at the local WalMart to see if they were clearancing out shotguns as someone posted on another thread, I found that the showcase was much fuller than usual (they've never sold pistols at that store to my knowledge) and that they had changed up their price tags to larger, more legible tags. You could read price and info from the counter, a pleasant change from having to search for a WalMart employee to tell you the price.

I attributed the change to local management knowing that the largest local gun store in the community is closing it's doors after over three decades in the business. Kind of going off on a tangent here, but the owner wanted to retire several years ago, and sold the business to a guy that owned an indoor range and gun store in another community. You'd think a guy who owned a range and gun store would be able to keep a store that routinely did 1.5 million a year in sales in business. Nope, the store began a steady decline (don't want to state on open forum my thoughts as to why) and closes September 7th.

Anyways, it creates an opportunity for other stores to up their stock and increase their sales. As I said, maybe the local WalMart manager was paying attention and ordered in more rifles and shotguns.

09-03-19, 18:55
As if lowlife dirtballs will stop shooting up Walmarts, yeah right. Zero shits given. **** them.

Alex V
09-03-19, 19:08
I have never purchase ammo from a Walmart in my life so nothing will change for me.

09-03-19, 19:55
As if lowlife dirtballs will stop shooting up Walmarts, yeah right. Zero shits given. **** them.

Right, because according to their logic, mass shootings only happen where ammo is sold and guns are openly carried.

09-03-19, 20:10
...I thought Wallyworld stopped selling handguns in the '90's? At least down here and stores that did back then, were kind of rare.


09-03-19, 20:21
...I thought Wallyworld stopped selling handguns in the '90's? At least down here and stores that did back then, were kind of rare.


I think they only sold them in Alaska.

09-03-19, 20:21
...I thought Wallyworld stopped selling handguns in the '90's? At least down here and stores that did back then, were kind of rare.


I think they only sold them in Alaska.

09-03-19, 20:33
I bought 9mm white box from them at my local Walmart all the time. Bastards. Now I have zero reason to go there now.

09-03-19, 20:36
...I thought Wallyworld stopped selling handguns in the '90's? At least down here and stores that did back then, were kind of rare.

.Hell, I thought they stopped selling firearms all together. I remember seeing shotguns and rifles in the late 90s and then it was all gone. Not until the last decade have I started seeing long arms in Walmart and locally probably within the last 5 years. But truth be told I never thought of Walmart when I needed ammo or a firearm. The only time I think of them is when I need new socks or undershirts, maybe a paint tray or a light bulb

09-03-19, 20:46
I think they only sold them in Alaska.

That's the story. I wasn't even aware Walmart sold ammo. I haven't been to an Alaskan Walmart in years. I hit them when out of state for shit like coolers and such when on vacation. We have places that sell ammo here for good prices and I haven't even bothered to shop anywhere else. I care about Walmart not selling ammo as much as I cared about Sears not selling guns anymore.

09-03-19, 21:37
The're going to shut down their pharmacy as well, right? I mean, opiods kill WAY more people every day than guns, and since Walmart is so concerned about public safety, it's only natural that they stop all sales of harmful pills. Only makes sense

Not to be overly pedantic but Sam's and Wal-Mart pharmacists do exercise limiting the doses of opioids prescribed by doctors. A relative who went through knee replacement surgery had her prescription cut back on the "expertise" of people that never had their hand in her knee.

09-03-19, 22:11
Doesn’t matter. There’s never anyone at the guns-n-ammo counter anyway.

09-03-19, 23:26
Understandable if you live in a tiny town with no other options without driving way out of the way but I make it a point to not give WM any money. They're terrible for local small communities where you go from a lot of locally owned businesses with competition to one mega store who pays shit wages and has shit benefits. Now that they've had decades of running countless businesses into the ground across the country they don't care about losing a little business from gun owners.

09-03-19, 23:39
Doesn’t matter. There’s never anyone at the guns-n-ammo counter anyway.

No kidding. I can probably get ammo shipped faster.

26 Inf
09-04-19, 02:06
Not to be overly pedantic but Sam's and Wal-Mart pharmacists do exercise limiting the doses of opioids prescribed by doctors. A relative who went through knee replacement surgery had her prescription cut back on the "expertise" of people that never had their hand in her knee.

I have a friend who is a Wally World Pharmacist. I'll ask him for sure, but in previous conversations about the issue, I was lead to understand that they, in essence, divided the prescription into two parts.

I don't know about you, but I've had numerous surgeries and my wife has had a knee replaced within the last year previous to that she had her shoulder rebuilt, We haven't ever run all the way through a script for hydrocodone and end up flushing pills.

That may not be the worst thing in the world, aside from the PITA of going to get the second half if you need it.

09-04-19, 05:22
The funny thing is the people they are trying to appease (we know how well that works) wouldn’t step foot in a WM.

My guess is they already did the math and they need the counter space for different cheap crap from China.

09-04-19, 07:09
I want every gun owner to:
1. Go to WM
2. Load a cart up with Chinese crap (not perishable food)
3. Roll the cart to the sporting goods section
4. Ask for pistol or sbr ammunition
5. Politely tell them you cannot shop in their store when they interfere with your civil rights
6. Leave the cart of Chinese crap where it sits
7. Exit the store
8. Repeat at least weekly for 6 months
9. Never buy from WM again, unless it is an emergency

09-04-19, 07:35
They also are saving us from underage drinking. My wife, me and 2 year old son went to get a bottle of wine for his babysitter for her birthday. Wife had ID, I forgot wallet at home. She wouldn't sell the wine because she could not card everyone in our group. My wife and I are in our 40's. The clerk says wife can't come back in without us and buy the wine either after leaving us in the car. So wife responds back with, how are you going to card my 2 y/o. Left pretty pissed as clerk started the attitude. Went to Aldies and had no trouble getting the wine there. Hate walmart with a passion and will shop more expensive grocery stores because of that.

09-04-19, 12:21
They also are saving us from underage drinking. My wife, me and 2 year old son went to get a bottle of wine for his babysitter for her birthday. Wife had ID, I forgot wallet at home. She wouldn't sell the wine because she could not card everyone in our group. My wife and I are in our 40's. The clerk says wife can't come back in without us and buy the wine either after leaving us in the car. So wife responds back with, how are you going to card my 2 y/o. Left pretty pissed as clerk started the attitude. Went to Aldies and had no trouble getting the wine there. Hate walmart with a passion and will shop more expensive grocery stores because of that.

When I was 20, I tried to buy some Welch’s bubbly grape juice/non-alcoholic Champagne at Target for my girlfriend and I to have on New Year. Carded me. I asked to speak to the manager, who also said I couldn’t buy it.

09-04-19, 13:01
I want every gun owner to:
1. Go to WM
2. Load a cart up with Chinese crap (not perishable food)
3. Roll the cart to the sporting goods section
4. Ask for pistol or sbr ammunition
5. Politely tell them you cannot shop in their store when they interfere with your civil rights
6. Leave the cart of Chinese crap where it sits
7. Exit the store
8. Repeat at least weekly for 6 months

Management at most stores would never comprehend the message and would only inconvience sporting goods clerks (many of those do get it).

No joke, my local one had their automotives people haul a pallet of tires (something like 215/70/16....not some super cool universal spare) up to the checkout aisle like someone was going to impulse buy a set of tires like a coke or pack of candy. I actually thought about doing that then immediately returning them to be a dick, but the only people that would have dealt with the ignorance of it all weren't going to be the moron(s) that started it off.

09-04-19, 13:11
When I was 20, I tried to buy some Welch’s bubbly grape juice/non-alcoholic Champagne at Target for my girlfriend and I to have on New Year. Carded me. I asked to speak to the manager, who also said I couldn’t buy it.

I got Wally carded buying Dill's pipe cleaners mid 20's, but could have went to crafts and bought those with no review. Guess the oddest was medium thread locker about 2 years ago....never have figured that one out.

Apparently no limit and no carding to buy loperamide(anti-diarrheal) that was initially intended to be a substitute for opiates and can be overdosed on. Got my curiosity up when I saw that someone had taken 100+ in a Wal-Mart parking lot.

09-04-19, 14:37
OMG Kmart did this years ago and nobody cared (then again I haven’t seen a KMart in a while)

Buying ammo at Wal Mart is kinda normie anyways and while I don’t like virtue signaling it isn’t enough to make me want to leave shopping carts of stuff for some poor mope to have to put up.

If anything this is actually bringing it full circle where big box stores get political enough it makes people enjoy their mom and pop outfits.

Honestly if I don’t buy online, I have been getting stuff at local establishments.

If anything it will prove that corporate actions have corporate consequences. I pay more at a grocery store I like rather than go to Wal Mart because people don’t treat it like a place to let their kids cut loose and act a fool.

09-04-19, 16:16
Like I need another reason to not shop there and to buy online. Screw 'em.

09-04-19, 16:28
Will this set off the Panic?

Article I read said Walmart had 20% of the nations ammo sales. So this has to take a chunk out of their bottom dollar, temporarily at least.

Talking about getting carded for strange items, duct tape, they carded me for freakin duct tape!

09-04-19, 16:31
To me, this is a very big deal. The nations largest retail chain is saying no more pistol ammo, and no more guns in certain places. The left is learning how to defeat us. They know how tough it is to win in court or in congress, but in the retail, banking, and media industries they can destroy us. Ban us from social media, ban us from youtube, stop our credit card sales, ban items from national chains, etc. It's a brilliant strategy.

VIP3R 237
09-04-19, 16:52
Plus they are very much winning the culture war.

To me, this is a very big deal. The nations largest retail chain is saying no more pistol ammo, and no more guns in certain places. The left is learning how to defeat us. They know how tough it is to win in court or in congress, but in the retail, banking, and media industries they can destroy us. Ban us from social media, ban us from youtube, stop our credit card sales, ban items from national chains, etc. It's a brilliant strategy.

09-04-19, 16:53
To me, this is a very big deal. The nations largest retail chain is saying no more pistol ammo, and no more guns in certain places. The left is learning how to defeat us. They know how tough it is to win in court or in congress, but in the retail, banking, and media industries they can destroy us. Ban us from social media, ban us from youtube, stop our credit card sales, ban items from national chains, etc. It's a brilliant strategy.

Yep, agree. Growing up my dad went to tire shops and “disposed” of their used wheel weights. I asked him at an early age why he had buckets of wheel weights. His response, “One day you may not be able to purchase ammo”. Then he showed me his bullet molds and smelter.....

We are one day closer to that day now.

09-04-19, 17:03
And then, when someone finally loses it and makes some threat over the fact that he is losing his rights at a rapid pace, you can red-flag him and he'll either lose his guns or die in the incident. Win win.

09-04-19, 17:09
I don't know about you, but I've had numerous surgeries and my wife has had a knee replaced within the last year previous to that she had her shoulder rebuilt, We haven't ever run all the way through a script for hydrocodone and end up flushing pills.

That may not be the worst thing in the world, aside from the PITA of going to get the second half if you need it.

I strongly oppose flushing prescriptions down a toilet. Better to take them into a station drop off or a pharmacy for proper disposal.

This brings into question how often do doctors over-prescribe either due to a lack of knowledge as to the total effectiveness of what they are prescribing or the possibility of drug company kickbacks.

Getting back on topic, I really don't have a huge problem with Wal-Mart doing this, with the sole exception that it would put a damper on the more rural areas where the may be no mom and pop establishments for ammo purchases. Ultimately this drops the number of major bulk ammunition contract purchasers down by one so there is more wiggle room for other bulk purchasers to possibly negotiate for better pricing.

09-04-19, 20:59
I want every gun owner to:
1. Go to WM
2. Load a cart up with Chinese crap (not perishable food)
3. Roll the cart to the sporting goods section
4. Ask for pistol or sbr ammunition
5. Politely tell them you cannot shop in their store when they interfere with your civil rights
6. Leave the cart of Chinese crap where it sits
7. Exit the store
8. Repeat at least weekly for 6 months
9. Never buy from WM again, unless it is an emergency

Be better off taking a picture and sending it to corporate.

09-04-19, 22:06
What do you guys pick up on this? It doesn't seem like Trump is concerned about an NRA reaction on what is being negotiated.


09-04-19, 22:29
What do you guys pick up on this? It doesn't seem like Trump is concerned about an NRA reaction on what is being negotiated.


Hes fence-sitting.
“Were looking at stuff” for the left.
“Background checks dont work” for the right.

09-04-19, 23:58
Yep, agree. Growing up my dad went to tire shops and “disposed” of their used wheel weights. I asked him at an early age why he had buckets of wheel weights. His response, “One day you may not be able to purchase ammo”. Then he showed me his bullet molds and smelter.....

We are one day closer to that day now.

I suspect it would be harder to get primers and quality powder. Lead is pretty easy. Of course if it really comes to that people are gonna source whoever is willing to kill them to enforce such things.

09-05-19, 12:09
So now the CEO is calling for a ban on semi autos and confiscation.

"Walmart CEO Doug McMillon called on Congress to ban many semi-automatic rifles as well to seize firearms from some Americans."


09-05-19, 14:33
It weird. I stopped in a local Walmart this morning on the way to work to check for clearance ammo. NONE of the pistol ammo is being marked down. They are just going to stop selling it when they run out. The clerk said they have a deal in place with a distributor and when that is done they will stop selling the ammo.

The funny part is this store is currently remodeling their sporting goods section and just added a good amount of reloading stuff.

09-05-19, 17:02
If you're going to virtue sing do it all the way. Why wait till it all sells out? Stop now!

09-05-19, 20:27
If you're going to virtue sing do it all the way. Why wait till it all sells out? Stop now!

Get them brow beating each other to self immolate.

Gunnar da Wolf
09-06-19, 07:41
IMHO, Walmart’s CEO is using the ammo sales to virtue signal with the “recent shootings” excuse. What actually worries them is Bernie pushing a $20/hour minimum wage and the prospect of punitive income taxes against bad billionaires like the Walton family.

I bet the CEO was called in and instructed to come up with a Plan. Now it’s up to consumers to show the Waltons that the plan hurts.

09-06-19, 08:03
If you're going to virtue sing do it all the way. Why wait till it all sells out? Stop now!


Tucker's explanation in that link you posted does a pretty good job of summing it up, I think. Dems used to hate Walmart for destroying small towns and exploiting workers.


Now that Walmart has learned to virtue signal, all is forgiven. They can continue with business as usual while the Woke Left provides cover for them instead of continuing to criticize and call them out on their employment practices.

But then, the Left has also doubled down on their disdain for rural and working class Americans.

09-06-19, 08:11
IMHO, Walmart’s CEO is using the ammo sales to virtue signal with the “recent shootings” excuse. What actually worries them is Bernie pushing a $20/hour minimum wage and the prospect of punitive income taxes against bad billionaires like the Walton family.

I bet the CEO was called in and instructed to come up with a Plan. Now it’s up to consumers to show the Waltons that the plan hurts.


09-06-19, 08:42

Tucker's explanation in that link you posted does a pretty good job of summing it up, I think. Dems used to hate Walmart for destroying small towns and exploiting workers.


Now that Walmart has learned to virtue signal, all is forgiven. They can continue with business as usual while the Woke Left provides cover for them instead of continuing to criticize and call them out on their employment practices.

But then, the Left has also doubled down on their disdain for rural and working class Americans.

The left could care less about destroying small towns, everyone knows the only good place to live is one of their urban shitholes. And the exploiting workers consists of not going union, most Walmart workers seem to be OK with the way things are. But this is a totally dick move by the CEO, don't forget Wally World also sold out on O Care.

09-06-19, 09:02
The left could care less about destroying small towns, everyone knows the only good place to live is one of their urban shitholes. And the exploiting workers consists of not going union, most Walmart workers seem to be OK with the way things are. But this is a totally dick move by the CEO, don't forget Wally World also sold out on O Care.

WM has fallen into the Leftist trap of “maybe if we give in on ammo they will leave us alone”. Negative, the ComDems will never let up until they are destroyed or, in their communist utopia, government owned.

09-06-19, 10:22
WM has fallen into the Leftist trap of “maybe if we give in on ammo they will leave us alone”. Negative, the ComDems will never let up until they are destroyed or, in their communist utopia, government owned.

Seems prudent to view them at least as part of the problem rather than a victim of it.

09-06-19, 10:28
Seems prudent to view them at least as part of the problem rather than a victim of it.

I never said they were a victim as they willingly walked into it. Which just encourages the Left to continue their path of destruction.

09-06-19, 10:45
It would be great if everyone stopped buying any ammo at Wally World instead of selling it out and then stopping carrying it. Let them sit on it and eat it. If they had an agreement to send it back to the distributor they probably wouldn't try and sell through it (just a guess).

I'll be re-evaluating my patronage of WM in light of their recent decision to call for the infringement of my rights.

09-06-19, 16:43
If they really anted to save peoples lives they would stop selling soda pop and candy. SO many of the people who frequent Walmart are morbidly obese and one 2 liter oc cola away from a massive coronary not to mention they definitely got that suga'. That 'betes.

Amen. Not to mention the fact that Walmart is majorly responsible for America’s addiction to cheap Chinese goods. I do not shop at Walmart.

09-07-19, 16:09
I haven't set foot in a Walmart in well over a decade so I can't really boycott the place. They've just pretty much ensured I will never change my mind. Unless of course they put in a secure observation deck to observe the wildlife in its natural habitat.

It is their prerogative to carry whatever merchandise they want. I don't believe they are infringing on my rights in any way. A wise retailer will carry those products its clientele wants to buy in order to get them in the door.

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-07-19, 16:16
I will have to be broken down in the Wal mart parking lot to ever shop with these sons of bitches again. I have probably spent 100k there over the years, no more.

Gunnar da Wolf
09-07-19, 16:31
Perhaps we should all mail copies of the invoices from our ammo purchases to Walmart(with the personal info redacted).
Let them know what they are missing out on.

09-07-19, 16:56
I will have to be broken down in the Wal mart parking lot to ever shop with these sons of bitches again. I have probably spent 100k there over the years, no more.

^Sooo, soooo, soooo much this. Sons of bitches got rich by speeding along the rotting of the American Heartland I grew up in, disappearing entire US industries and jobs, and selling out to and enabling our worst enemy the Chinese, and now are turning on our core civil rights and Constitution. Could you have a worse enemy who has done more to destroy America?

I normally don't worry about boycotting every single company that does something I disagree with. In the case of these &$%*#($&)$#&@*)($ 'ers, I will make an exception. My entire family is done with Walmart.

09-07-19, 16:58
I will have to be broken down in the Wal mart parking lot to ever shop with these sons of bitches again. I have probably spent 100k there over the years, no more.Damn! I spent maybe $50 a year but still that's $50 I'll be spending somewhere else

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-07-19, 17:00
Damn! I spent maybe $50 a year but still that's $50 I'll be spending somewhere else

I probably shopped there twice a week for 25 years from college forward. No more MFs. No more.

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-07-19, 17:05
^Sooo, soooo, soooo much this. Sons of bitches got rich by speeding along the rotting of the American Heartland I grew up in, disappearing entire US industries and jobs, and selling out to and enabling our worst enemy the Chinese, and now are turning on our core civil rights and Constitution. Could you have a worse enemy who has done more to destroy America?

I normally don't worry about boycotting every single company that does something I disagree with. In the case of these &$%*#($&)$#&@*)($ 'ers, I will make an exception. My entire family is done with Walmart.

And good luck to them replacing my money with some hipster living above his mom's garage. I am in my prime earning years and unlike a lot of them, I never cared about the lower class stigma associated with Wal-mart. I am like you, I am not a big cancel culture guy, but if you are going to use your power to undermine my rights for no real reason other than a brief headline, burn in Hell you Chi-Com shills.

09-07-19, 17:40
burn in Hell you Chi-Com shills.

Exactly. Usually I have a *really* long fuse and it takes a lot to get me upset. This really did--I have family in small town rural America all over the Midwest, who have watched the farming industry crumble, small town jobs and main street disappear, etc. There are many complex economic reasons for that, not all of them Walmart's fault. But Walmart helped accelerate and speed along those same trends, recognizing them early on and choosing to enrich themselves at the expense of impoverishing and ruining fellow Americans who did not catch on as early to what was happening. Big corporations screwing their own country--an act of economic warfare without precedent in modern history and it's just beginning to be understood what a ruinous effect it had. We should've all called out and abandoned these traitorous MF'ers years ago--with all their homespun "we are middle America" BS. They *wrecked* middle America. And now, they turned on the very Americans they got rich off of and whose towns and local economies they've had a huge influence in wrecking--the very people who most support the 2A and buy firearms.

ETA: Plan to write a detailed letter to Walmart CEO, explaining the decision to permanently boycott, not just because of the ammo decision and trying to infringe our 2A freedoms, but also the larger economic context of how they've enriched China and themselves while driving manufacturing offshore. And then try to get extended family, and anybody else who will listen, on board with a boycott. What they've done over the last 20 years is so bad, I'm not sure anything they do or say could ever bring me back. And note that they're not done yet. As Tucker lays out in his editorial--all of this is about the money, as it usually is. It's expected that they will keep expanding their use of part-time workers who don't qualify for benefits, and pawn off all those folks who don't make a living wage onto the .gov and taxpayers for their healthcare. Same strategy as Bezos/Amazon really. By virtue-signalling about AR's and ammo, they pick an easy target that's popular with the left, and are trying to 'buy' for themselves a pass from the left on their pay/benefit practices and pawning off their workers to the taxpayers for healthcare.

09-09-19, 08:42
Again, money talks

You can thank John Streur, at least in part, for Walmart ’s decision to restrict gun and ammunition sales.

Streur is the sustainable investing titan who runs Calvert Research & Management, a unit of Eaton Vance (ticker: EV). On Aug. 20, two weeks after a gunman killed 22 people in a Walmart in El Paso, Tex., Streur wrote to the retailer’s chairman, Gregory Penner, a former Walmart executive who had married into the Walton family. He said it was high time the retailer addressed its gun sales and safety policies to ensure they were consistent with its ESG strategy. (ESG refers to environmental, social, and governance investing.) “If Walmart did decide to stay in the business, it would be very important to use its power and influence to strengthen gun safety regulations and the environment for gun sales,” Streur told Barron’s. That would bolster ESG investors’ thesis for owning Walmart stock (WMT).


09-09-19, 09:08
Again, money talks

https://www.barrons.com/articles/the-investor-who-helped-curb-gun-sales-at-walmart-51567804707Oh he's pro 2A because he lets ranch hands hunt! [emoji849]

09-09-19, 09:19
Oh he's pro 2A because he lets ranch hands hunt! [emoji849]


09-09-19, 09:39
Ugh.....more 2A = Hunting narrative.

09-09-19, 12:04
Holy bat shit, NASCAR WAS as American as Apple Pie, now they are following the Pied Piper of anti-2A preachers!

09-09-19, 12:17
Holy bat shit, NASCAR WAS as American as Apple Pie, now they are following the Pied Piper of anti-2A preachers!

Never forget what they took from you

09-09-19, 12:47
Holy bat shit, NASCAR WAS as American as Apple Pie, now they are following the Pied Piper of anti-2A preachers!

They were always turning left. :sarcastic:

09-10-19, 22:00
I was thinking, we should get every gun owner we can in America to buy 1 share of Walmart. And then create a non-profit "investment" vehicle and get every gun owner we can to donate enough to buy a buttload of Walmart shares in this investment vehicle. Then we can put forth resolutions at the stockholder meetings, and maybe get enough to get a seat on the board. Then you can start stirring up the cr*p.

Unfortunately, this is a pipe dream. We could never get enough gun owners to buy in either on individual shares or in the investment vehicle, and with the current share price and number of outstanding shares, the numbers are too big.

But the idea is sound in theory -- force yourself onto the public stage and confront them on the public stage of their shareholder meetings. Expose the emperor for who he is and what he is wearing.

09-22-19, 21:39
Was in Walmart yesterday and saw some 9mm ammo in their ammo cabinet. After cyphering the cost per round, I picked up 300 rounds of the Winchester "brown" box ammo. It felt great to be operating covertly behind enemy line with my J frame and spare speedloader. :)

jack crab
09-23-19, 11:08
I was thinking, we should get every gun owner we can in America to buy 1 share of Walmart. And then create a non-profit "investment" vehicle and get every gun owner we can to donate enough to buy a buttload of Walmart shares in this investment vehicle. Then we can put forth resolutions at the stockholder meetings, and maybe get enough to get a seat on the board. Then you can start stirring up the cr*p.

Unfortunately, this is a pipe dream. We could never get enough gun owners to buy in either on individual shares or in the investment vehicle, and with the current share price and number of outstanding shares, the numbers are too big.

But the idea is sound in theory -- force yourself onto the public stage and confront them on the public stage of their shareholder meetings. Expose the emperor for who he is and what he is wearing.

The numbers aren't as bad as you may expect.

https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/claudiakoerner/nuns-pressure-nra-gunmakers-sturm-ruger-shareholders Some nuns bought $2000 of Ruger stock.

The article says shareholder resolutions with 5% support can have an impact.

The key difference is that these social justice organizations have been at this for decades and have the system figured out. They have huge volunteer bases and collectively work with each other. Institutional investors are on their side.

Gunowners trying to do the same thing are essentially starting from scratch. They could get a leg up by researching what these organizations are doing. But, in the end, the lone wolf mentality, "I sent my $20 to GAO," and all-or-nothing outcome expectations will be the failure points.

09-23-19, 12:21
Was in Walmart yesterday and saw some 9mm ammo in their ammo cabinet. After cyphering the cost per round, I picked up 300 rounds of the Winchester "brown" box ammo. It felt great to be operating covertly behind enemy line with my J frame and spare speedloader. :)

Sportsman's Guide ad by John Lovell beginning at 0:42 :D


09-23-19, 12:24
Gunowners trying to do the same thing are essentially starting from scratch. They could get a leg up by researching what these organizations are doing. But, in the end, the lone wolf mentality, "I sent my $20 to GAO," and all-or-nothing outcome expectations will be the failure points.

Let's not forget the even gun owners aren't united in this. Remember that guy cutting up his AR?
I've also seen so called gun owners on other boards state that they really don't care as long as their classic lever actions, bolt action and revolvers aren't touched.

09-23-19, 12:58
Let's not forget the even gun owners aren't united in this. Remember that guy cutting up his AR?
I've also seen so called gun owners on other boards state that they really don't care as long as their classic lever actions, bolt action and revolvers aren't touched.

Because most gun owners are fudd troglodytes sadly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-23-19, 13:18
Because most gun owners are fudd troglodytes sadly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Most PEOPLE are complete morons with low IQ's and a complete lack of critical thinking skills; it isn't specific to gun owners by a long shot. Sadly, most gun owners also fall into that category and get a lot fo attention for being retards with guns.

09-23-19, 13:31
Im not buy ANYTHING from Walmart and it has nothing to do with them stepping on my snakes.

You all see the viral trend of Walmart shoppers licking and putting things in or around their butts? And then putting it back on the shelf just for you to buy? Sorry but I dont need my deoderant ****ed with.

Im classly. I shop at Target.

09-23-19, 13:55
Im not buy ANYTHING from Walmart and it has nothing to do with them stepping on my snakes.

You all see the viral trend of Walmart shoppers licking and putting things in or around their butts? And then putting it back on the shelf just for you to buy? Sorry but I dont need my deoderant ****ed with.

Im classly. I shop at Target.That's a first

26 Inf
09-23-19, 15:40
Most PEOPLE are complete morons with low IQ's and a complete lack of critical thinking skills; it isn't specific to gun owners by a long shot. Sadly, most gun owners also fall into that category and get a lot fo attention for being retards with guns.

Way harsh. The term 'moron' as related to IQ is a range of 51-70.

In order to understand what an average IQ score is and what it means, it is essential to first understand how IQ is measured. While different test publishers utilize different scoring systems, for many modern IQ tests the average (or mean) score is set at 100 with a standard deviation of 15 so that scores conform to a normal distribution curve.

68 percent of scores fall within one standard deviation of the mean (that is, between 85 and 115). That means that nearly 70 percent of all people score within plus or minus 15 points of the average score.

95 percent of scores fall within two standard deviations (between 70 and 130). Outliers beyond those points represent only a small portion of the population, which means that only a small percentage of people have a very low IQ (below 70) or a very high IQ (above 130).


Just because people do not buy into your belief system doesn't mean they are morons.

Granted critical thinking skills aren't measured with IQ scores, but, on the other hand, often people don't know what they don't know.

Case in point: An acquaintance and I had just finished a SWAT school back in the days when rappelling was a de rigueur event. I was kind of 'meh' because I had rappelled quit a bit in the .mil and was a graduate of the Air Assault School's Rappelmaster Course. Anyways one day I ran into my acquaintance coming out of a local store. He proceeded to tell me about the great site he had found to rappel and outlined the equipment he had purchased. When I asked where he had gotten his rope he told me 'Skinner's discount had some nice 7/16" rope.' Thank goodness I ran into him because what he didn't know about rope would have likely gotten him seriously injured or killed.

Was this guy a moron, or lacking in critical thinking skills? I don't think so, he was a good detective and a gifted interviewer. In the case in point, what he didn't know was not something most would catch without 'formal' training in the ropes and equipment used in rappelling. His experience was one in which he learned to tie a swiss seat, was told how to run the rope through the carabiner, was supervised in doing so, and then walked down a wall with maybe a bound or two.

So, back on topic, how can you apply a moron label to folks who may not have had the 2nd Amendment explained to them in your terms? And, since I'm willing to bet the majority of this board hasn't/didn't see fit to protect Liberty by military service, how can you denigrate someone who doesn't see preparing to be a member of the militia as being one of their primary concerns?

Kind of funny that we didn't have the same fascination with the M1 Garand or the M1 Carbine as we do with the AR platform. Why is it that?

09-23-19, 16:56
Way harsh. The term 'moron' as related to IQ is a range of 51-70.

In order to understand what an average IQ score is and what it means, it is essential to first understand how IQ is measured. While different test publishers utilize different scoring systems, for many modern IQ tests the average (or mean) score is set at 100 with a standard deviation of 15 so that scores conform to a normal distribution curve.

68 percent of scores fall within one standard deviation of the mean (that is, between 85 and 115). That means that nearly 70 percent of all people score within plus or minus 15 points of the average score.

95 percent of scores fall within two standard deviations (between 70 and 130). Outliers beyond those points represent only a small portion of the population, which means that only a small percentage of people have a very low IQ (below 70) or a very high IQ (above 130).


Just because people do not buy into your belief system doesn't mean they are morons.

Granted critical thinking skills aren't measured with IQ scores, but, on the other hand, often people don't know what they don't know.

Case in point: An acquaintance and I had just finished a SWAT school back in the days when rappelling was a de rigueur event. I was kind of 'meh' because I had rappelled quit a bit in the .mil and was a graduate of the Air Assault School's Rappelmaster Course. Anyways one day I ran into my acquaintance coming out of a local store. He proceeded to tell me about the great site he had found to rappel and outlined the equipment he had purchased. When I asked where he had gotten his rope he told me 'Skinner's discount had some nice 7/16" rope.' Thank goodness I ran into him because what he didn't know about rope would have likely gotten him seriously injured or killed.

Was this guy a moron, or lacking in critical thinking skills? I don't think so, he was a good detective and a gifted interviewer. In the case in point, what he didn't know was not something most would catch without 'formal' training in the ropes and equipment used in rappelling. His experience was one in which he learned to tie a swiss seat, was told how to run the rope through the carabiner, was supervised in doing so, and then walked down a wall with maybe a bound or two.

So, back on topic, how can you apply a moron label to folks who may not have had the 2nd Amendment explained to them in your terms? And, since I'm willing to bet the majority of this board hasn't/didn't see fit to protect Liberty by military service, how can you denigrate someone who doesn't see preparing to be a member of the militia as being one of their primary concerns?

Kind of funny that we didn't have the same fascination with the M1 Garand or the M1 Carbine as we do with the AR platform. Why is it that?

I'm not labelling people morons for not agreeing with me. It's a label I use for people who can't think for themselves and don't have the ability to critically think or problem solve on their own.

I was being way harsh, absolutely. Hyperbole. In a very broad and general sense, and I wasn't speaking to anything really- just making a broad statement out of nowhere.

Sometimes being frustrated with people in my day to day life, tired of people trying to control what I do and what objects I can posses for no reason at all other than "Feels and emotions", tired of constantly defending the tenants of liberty and justice to people who seem to want be enslaved and have a complete lack of understanding history and the lessons it offers- sometimes it's nice to just vent on a forum and say "Dang people are stupid!".

The truth is, most people are completely average, they aren't morons, they have average IQ's, do average shit and don't really care much about anything or anyone other than their day to day well being.

And that's just fine by me.

The idiots shout louder- so perception can consume reality sometimes, even when I know better.

There are likely many factors as to why the AR-15 is so popular. Video games and movies. People wanting to take them away and ban them and generally control them. The old AWB ban. Utility and modularity. Lot's of military vets from the W.O.T. that drive what's popular to their social circles. People wanting to mimic the things they see soldiers use and do. Marketing. Etc. Etc. Etc.