View Full Version : San Fran Board of Supervisors declare that the NRA is a terrorist organization

09-04-19, 09:12

So does this mean that city employees who are NRA members will be fired or possibly worse because of their membership?

09-04-19, 09:18

So does this mean that city employees who are NRA members will be fired or possibly worse because of their membership?

The city of San Francisco IS a domestic Terrorist group.

09-04-19, 09:41
Given the demographically more common black criminality; what does that make the NAACP?

Or ACT UP/GLAAD for people intentionally spreading HIV?

09-04-19, 10:17
Yes, this will definitely fix SF’s:

1. Homeless problem
2. Poop on the sidewalks problem
3. Drug use problem
4. Rampant crime problem (30,000 car break-ins last year and still going strong)

Yes, well played by the mentally ill SF government.

09-04-19, 10:47
The City of San Francisco should be adjudicated mentally incompetent and treated as such.

09-04-19, 11:24
The city of San Francisco IS a domestic Terrorist group.

With all of the human feces on the sidewalks and the tourist “poop maps”, yes indeed, SF is a domestic terrorist group.

09-04-19, 11:50

So does this mean that city employees who are NRA members will be fired or possibly worse because of their membership?
Certainly, it's pure Alinsky. You identify your enemy, isolate them, marginalize them, then destroy them.

09-04-19, 12:01
"I'll take 'how is San Francisco relevant?' for $200, Alex...."

09-04-19, 12:40
And Jose Ines Garcia-Zarate, who actually shot and killed Kate Steinle while in San Fran, isn't guilty of murder or manslaughter....

Sanctuary cities kill more people than the NRA....

09-04-19, 12:45
I can't see how anyone can think this is funny. You are being marginalized, scapegoated. They are prepping the battle space, the public square, moving the Overton Window, with the ultimate purpose of your elimination. That's what this and other efforts like it are. Period. If you don't understand and see this for what it truly is, you're wrong.

09-04-19, 12:47
I can't see how anyone can think this is funny. You are being marginalized, scapegoated. They are prepping the battle space, the public square, moving the Overton Window, with the ultimate purpose of your elimination. That's what this and other efforts like it are. Period. If you don't understand and see this for what it truly is, you're wrong.

This is the damn truth.

09-04-19, 13:03
Certainly, it's pure Alinsky. You identify your enemy, isolate them, marginalize them, then destroy them.

So Find, Fix and Fu@@ in the political game??

Wonder what their resolution means from a legal standpoint. I’m guessing pointless virtue signaling. Maybe some conservative area should designate California as terror sponsor.

09-04-19, 13:10
I can't see how anyone can think this is funny. You are being marginalized, scapegoated. They are prepping the battle space, the public square, moving the Overton Window, with the ultimate purpose of your elimination. That's what this and other efforts like it are. Period. If you don't understand and see this for what it truly is, you're wrong.

Agree, but with this proclamation coming from the least credible city in the US and being so extreme, I think there's opportunity to use it to ridicule the left.

09-04-19, 13:24
I can't see how anyone can think this is funny. You are being marginalized, scapegoated. They are prepping the battle space, the public square, moving the Overton Window, with the ultimate purpose of your elimination. That's what this and other efforts like it are. Period. If you don't understand and see this for what it truly is, you're wrong.

How can you NOT see how funny this really is? Sobering, maddening, infuriating, yeah, all of them, but funny, too. You know statistics, right? The ol' bell curve? How many standard deviations is San Fan removed from the mean? It is so in character for them, but I will be more surprised and really nervous if 99% of other cities and municipalities did this.

09-04-19, 13:36
How can you NOT see how funny this really is? Sobering, maddening, infuriating, yeah, all of them, but funny, too. You know statistics, right? The ol' bell curve? How many standard deviations is San Fan removed from the mean? It is so in character for them, but I will be more surprised and really nervous if 99% of other cities and municipalities did this.

They are less removed than you think. I can see many major cities across the U.S. doing exactly the same- Denver, LA, Phoenix, Albq., Seattle, Madison, Austin- yes, Austin, Tx., Chicago, Philly, Baltimore etc....Especially if they think that designation could lead to law suits to destroy the NRA by stripping it's assets- to pay for their "crimes", disclosure of it's membership list- all potential Red Flag Terrorists.... (Which of course, would be conveniently, accidentally, posted to the Internet) etc...There is nothing funny about it. These people are playing for keeps and our side is doing the 5 knuckle shuffle....

We have SIX Republicans from our Congressional delegation retiring this year here in Texas- and the election is still a year away..... Why do you think that is? How many GOP members retired last election cycle- essentially handing the House to the Dems? You think this is any different? There is almost NO ONE standing in their way..... This is going to get worse and worse. We lose Texas and you will never see another Republican in the White House, ever. It's not funny at all.

09-04-19, 13:42
Speaking of lawsuits, does a City have immunity from libel?

09-04-19, 14:05
How can you NOT see how funny this really is? Sobering, maddening, infuriating, yeah, all of them, but funny, too. You know statistics, right? The ol' bell curve? How many standard deviations is San Fan removed from the mean? It is so in character for them, but I will be more surprised and really nervous if 99% of other cities and municipalities did this.

Esq does have a point. Say we get Beta or Carmelo or Creepy Joe in the whitehouse. I don’t think it is unreasonable to believe that they would do this on a national level and then suddenly there are 5 million members who are “domestic terrorists”.

09-04-19, 14:42
Can we just declare the San Fran Board of Supervisors to be a subversive, communist, domestic enemy of the US? I mean since we are just applying labels arbitrarily.

09-04-19, 14:57
Feel good actions like this make it hard for me to take anyone seriously.

So no. Declaring the communists would be sinking to that level. Just like people bandying the 25th Amendment for Trump.

Trump is an asshole and hasn’t impressed me in a couple years now....but he’s not crazy.

People forget he was and probably still is a NYC Business Democrat. He simply scares people because he knows all the dirty laundry.

It’s this clickbait conclusion jumping that is the societal equivalent of crying wolf.
If everything is a huge crisis then nothing is.

Plus as was mentioned it gets people off the subject of the real problems like Biblical homelessness (like literally six figure income and homeless), HIV at Africanized levels, poop in the streets, drug paraphernalia littering about, and managerial waste on a criminal level.

But nobody is talking about that. Just saying the NRA is a terrorist organization like like they got guys cutting off people’s heads in Northern Virginia or something.

09-04-19, 15:03
Can we just declare the San Fran Board of Supervisors to be a subversive, communist, domestic enemy of the US? I mean since we are just applying labels arbitrarily.

Why do you say arbitrarily? That sounds like a factual description of that Board, from the late 60's through today. (I'm not even being sarcastic, but serious.)

None of us want to be running around like Chicken Little, but it's time to start recognizing how unhinged and genuinely, sincerely crazy some of the people on the far-left are, along with some not-crazy sociopaths that hope to ride the useful idiots to violent conquest.

Most of all the mainstream "Democrats" need to recognize this. I do not believe 50% of the country are crazy and shockingly stupid. I do believe that 40% or more are naive and going along with a few % that are crazy and/or sociopathic in the extreme.

09-04-19, 15:10
Esq does have a point. Say we get Beta or Carmelo or Creepy Joe in the whitehouse. I don’t think it is unreasonable to believe that they would do this on a national level and then suddenly there are 5 million members who are “domestic terrorists”.

That's the point. The left is looking for EVERY avenue, every loophole, every way possible that they can create a one party state. That's not hyperbole, and while comparisons to Nazi Germany have been done to death, there's a reason for that. The reason is that the Nazis were not unique in their tactics for seizing power; they were simply, to date, the most successful totalitarian regime to utilize these tactics. Seriously, this tactic is the same as making Jews wear a star. Right now, San Francisco can't really do much at all about this. It's just for show. They can't order SFPD to round up NRA members. But once the NRA is declared a domestic terrorist organization nationally (and I believe it will at some point), the FBI and ATF will have the NRA turn over all information regarding current and past members. Likely, anyone who has ever been a member will lose their jobs, any and all professional licenses, and most likely, their 2nd Amendment rights. I can see people losing custody of their children. They will eventually come for us, deciding that we're still too big of a threat to be allowed loose in the wild.

That is, if we let it get to that point.

A HUGE stink needs to be raised about this.

09-04-19, 15:15
To me, it's simply recognizing reality. Sooner or later the Democrats will take control of the entire government- both Houses of Congress and the Presidency.

They WILL impose draconian gun control measures.

At a MINIMUM you are looking at "Red Flag Laws", closing of the "Gunshow Loophole"....probable ban on Assault Weapons/Magazines.....Confiscation has been touted by at least two of their Presidential Candidates- and that number will swell over time. They are trying to move the Overton Window on this issue, now it seems extreme- in 5 years it's simply "common sense gun control"- because all the other shit we did didn't work so now we have to DO SOMETHING more.....

No different than Obamacare, they are GOING to do it and let the chips fall where they may at some point. There will be endless wrangling over it in the states, the courts etc....BUT, it will be the Law of the Land, end of story.

Then you are going to have some event. Red Flag confiscation etc...and the guy is going to go off. He's going to kill a judge, a newspaper editor, the person that turned him in, a doctor, some cops etc...etc....And guess what?.... He's a big time NRA member....That will become synonymous with White Nationalist, KLAN etc.. with the common public. And they will label the organization and it's members as Domestic Terrorists. Over history MANY, MANY organizations have been treated the same. Why in the Hell would you think this is any different when they are TELLING YOU CLEARLY WHAT THEY INTEND TO DO?

09-04-19, 15:17
I can't see how anyone can think this is funny. You are being marginalized, scapegoated. They are prepping the battle space, the public square, moving the Overton Window, with the ultimate purpose of your elimination. That's what this and other efforts like it are. Period. If you don't understand and see this for what it truly is, you're wrong.

We know. There's just nothing anyone can do about it, since obviously we're still feeling to tolerant and loving to boogaloo down, so... honk on.

09-04-19, 15:18
I can't see how anyone can think this is funny. You are being marginalized, scapegoated. They are prepping the battle space, the public square, moving the Overton Window, with the ultimate purpose of your elimination. That's what this and other efforts like it are. Period. If you don't understand and see this for what it truly is, you're wrong.

How many examples do we need of California "crazy" that we don't need to worry about, but spread everywhere.
Gay Marriage
Sanctuary cities
Straw bans

Everyone looked at those like their were crazy, and now they are the rule of the land.

And when they get their one party state, they'll dump the half of their half that got them to control. You can already see the socialists trying to get rid of the traditional liberals and even now the Progressrives as being not radical enough.

09-04-19, 15:19
That's the point. The left is looking for EVERY avenue, every loophole, every way possible that they can create a one party state. That's not hyperbole, and while comparisons to Nazi Germany have been done to death, there's a reason for that. The reason is that the Nazis were not unique in their tactics for seizing power; they were simply, to date, the most successful totalitarian regime to utilize these tactics. Seriously, this tactic is the same as making Jews wear a star. Right now, San Francisco can't really do much at all about this. It's just for show. They can't order SFPD to round up NRA members. But once the NRA is declared a domestic terrorist organization nationally (and I believe it will at some point), the FBI and ATF will have the NRA turn over all information regarding current and past members. Likely, anyone who has ever been a member will lose their jobs, any and all professional licenses, and most likely, their 2nd Amendment rights. I can see people losing custody of their children. They will eventually come for us, deciding that we're still too big of a threat to be allowed loose in the wild.

That is, if we let it get to that point.

A HUGE stink needs to be raised about this.


09-04-19, 15:21
How many examples do we need of California "crazy" that we don't need to worry about, but spread everywhere.
Gay Marriage
Sanctuary cities
Straw bans

Everyone looked at those like their were crazy, and now they are the rule of the land.

And when they get their one party state, they'll dump the half of their half that got them to control. You can already see the socialists trying to get rid of the traditional liberals and even now the Progressrives as being not radical enough.

CARB Gas Cans

Plastic Bag Bans

CARB Vehicle Emissions Standards

Statewide Assault Weapons Ban

Legalized Pot

Sanctuary Cities.....

Yea, none of that could happen outside of "Crazy California"......

09-04-19, 15:22
We know. There's just nothing anyone can do about it, since obviously we're still feeling to tolerant and loving to boogaloo down, so... honk on.

Clown World Baby. I dig it!

09-04-19, 16:14
I ain't laughing !

09-04-19, 17:46
Well, I will continue to guffaw in their general direction. Maybe because we have our own version of San Francisco 10 miles away, ostensibly the most whackadoo liberal town on the east coast, and have seen this stuff for 30+ years. No one takes Chapel Hill seriously. They are the crazy uncle, San Francisco is the crazy aunt. I'm just not preparing the tinfoil quite yet....

Alex V
09-04-19, 18:07
Like Esq. said, at best the current state of affairs is a delay to the inevitable. Eventually the Dems will control both the congress and the White House. Then they will pass it all and again, we will do nothing. Not a shot will be fired, we will bury our arms when it will be precisely the time they should be dug up. We will all be enemies of the state and we will lick the hand of our masters.

Despite all the articles about a gun confiscation setting off Civil War 2 I am convinced it won’t be so.

This isn’t 1776, with every day I see it more and more. There won’t be a boogaloo. We are a bunch of pussies who won’t risk it all to make a better country like the real patriots did.

09-04-19, 18:27
And their streets are full of drug needles and human poop, soooo... :rolleyes:

09-04-19, 19:22
Ted Nugent did in fact threaten to shoot people who didn't agree with him.

09-04-19, 19:27
Ted Nugent did in fact threaten to shoot people who didn't agree with him.

And he dodged the draft and adopted an underage girl for sex then made two or three songs about it.


09-04-19, 19:58
Well, I will continue to guffaw in their general direction. Maybe because we have our own version of San Francisco 10 miles away, ostensibly the most whackadoo liberal town on the east coast, and have seen this stuff for 30+ years. No one takes Chapel Hill seriously. They are the crazy uncle, San Francisco is the crazy aunt. I'm just not preparing the tinfoil quite yet....

I don't think any tinfoil is required. It happened. Where is the conspiracy?


09-04-19, 20:06
Ted Nugent did in fact threaten to shoot people who didn't agree with him.

Renegade right-winger Ted Nugent recently went on a vicious onstage rant in which he threatened the lives of Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Decked out in full-on camouflage hunting gear, Nugent wielded two machine guns while raging, “Obama, he’s a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary,” he continued. “You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch.” Nugent summed up his eloquent speech by screaming “freedom!”

He actually didn't threaten their lives. It would be unkind and presumptive of Obama's sexuality to preclude him from faux fellatio on an inanimate object, and he was simply offering Hillary transportation, since Bill is off with the jet, working out the details of DOJ burying her case. What a gentleman.

09-05-19, 08:23
Ted Nugent did in fact threaten to shoot people who didn't agree with him.

Didn't agree with him. That's an interesting perspective.

How about people who are working constantly to enrich themselves at your expense while supposedly "serving"? Would that be an accurate description too? How about- People who are constantly working to undermine your Constitutional rights? What about, People who are trying to create a one party system that will RULE this country and create a communist utopia? Would "People who want to erase our borders and flood the country with Illegals" be a fair description? How about People who consider fellow Americans Irredeemable- and if you need a history lesson on that word from Communist literature, I'll be very glad to give you one. It starts with Genocidal mass starvation and Gulags.....

Would those descriptions apply too? Because I think I can make that argument pretty persuasively if you want to go there. We are past "differences of opinion" in politics in this country at this point with some people.

09-05-19, 08:31
At face value it is funny because it is soooo ridiculous to label the NRA a terrorist organization. Unfortunately, we do need to take this situation seriously. This is only the beginning. More cities and states will make similar declarations and with each one the MSM will echo, “the NRA is a terrorist group!” Given enough repetitions and enough time, the public at large will accept that declaration as fact.

We’ve seen those on the left weaponize the federal agencies against their political enemies before (IRS vs Tea Party, FBI vs Candidate Trump, etc.) and I’m fairly certain this is just the setup for more of the same.

Step 1. Declare the NRA a terrorist organization.

Step 2. Pass a law making anyone on the terrorist watchlist a person prohibited from possessing a firearm or ammunition.

Step 3. Have FBI add the current and former membership of the NRA to the terrorist watch list.

Step 4. Confiscate (or at least try too) firearms and ammunition from the above.

The progressives have a way of flipping everything upside down. Yesterday’s individual who judges others based on the content of their character is today’s racist. Today’s freedom loving defender of the Constitution is tomorrow’s domestic terrorist.

09-05-19, 08:34
I don't think any tinfoil is required. It happened. Where is the conspiracy?


Tin foil with respect to this going viral. It's still San Francisco.

09-05-19, 09:40

09-05-19, 10:57
Tin foil with respect to this going viral. It's still San Francisco.

And we just listed 20 or so things that were 'tin foil' worthy and have spread east.

How about $20 that by the election next year ten cities outside of CA have passed resolutions like this?

09-05-19, 11:03
And we just listed 20 or so things that were 'tin foil' worthy and have spread east.

How about $20 that by the election next year ten cities outside of CA have passed resolutions like this?

Chapel Hill town council had a resolution some time back declaring 2A to be unconstitutional. Resolutions and proclamations don't mean much to me. If they can get it actually attached to legislation (not sure how they can), I'll raise my eyebrows. Meanwhile, back to my hurricane snacks.

09-05-19, 13:30
Certainly, it's pure Alinsky. You identify your enemy, isolate them, marginalize them, then destroy them.

It's happening in other areas...


The 2020 presidential election is already getting nasty -- and not just for the candidates.

The mud-slinging and smear campaigns also are being directed at supporters and donors, namely those with the temerity to back President Trump. They're facing a revived effort by Trump critics to name and shame them, with the apparent goal of hurting their businesses.

In one of the latest examples, a Facebook post on a page called simply “Ban Kenny Chesney from Pittsburgh” threatened to make public a list of almost 100 local businesses in the Pennsylvania city that are owned by Trump supporters. While the page has since been taken down, a new website has been promised that will include “a database of Trump supporter-owned businesses in the Pittsburgh area, as well as tips for how to get those specific businesses closed down,” according to local media.

09-05-19, 13:38
It's happening in other areas...


I really don't know how effective these are. Maybe if your business is a huge mismatch to the clientele and there are ready offsets- maybe.. But when I hear things like this I think of the quote:

A son can bear with equanimity the loss of his father, but the loss of his inheritance may drive him to despair.

Niccolo Machiavelli

When you start costing people money, that is when they get pissed.

09-05-19, 13:53
It's happening in other areas...


How many people recall that the Boston Tea Party was part of a Boycott of British goods? How many recall that the Sons of Liberty would frequently visit the shops and homes of Loyalist merchants and their patrons to tar and feather them, break the windows in their homes, destroy their property and beat the shit out of them? All over collecting tariffs and taxes and enforcing the Boycott.....

Lines are BEING DRAWN. Believe it, whistle past the graveyard with your head up your arse....whatever- you can ignore reality- until you can't.

09-05-19, 13:54
I really don't know how effective these are. Maybe if your business is a huge mismatch to the clientele and there are ready offsets- maybe.

It's the principle that it's happening more frequently. I mean, good grief, you'd think these businesses were supporting Hitler the way some carry on.

Regardless, I do think it's driving more conservatives to the polls and will in 2020. I think a lot of people voted for Trump for two reasons:

1. They really, really, really didn't want Hillary
2. Pure spite over the nonsense of the left that year.

Now we're coming into the 2020 cycle and basically the left has already amplified the level of their attacks to somewhere between "Red Bull with amphetamines" and "full outright potato."

It's getting really annoying and will get downright dangerous if they start taking more direct actions against those they don't agree with. You know what that's called...

Fascism. Might as well give gun owners a yellow star in San Fran. Might as well do the same for conservatives across the nation.

09-05-19, 14:09
It's the principle that it's happening more frequently. I mean, good grief, you'd think these businesses were supporting Hitler the way some carry on.

Regardless, I do think it's driving more conservatives to the polls and will in 2020.

I think what the left is missing, and what will cause them great heartburn in 2020, is that the independent voter is what makes the election. The leftists fascists and progressives and Trump haters would vote for Stalin over Trump -- it does not matter who runs for them. Bernie, Warren, etc are their darlings. The "conservative" voter will vote for Trump no matter what -- it's all Fake News and a left wing conspiracy no matter what. Neither of those camps have enough votes to get a majority on their own. Both sides will need the independent vote -- those who regularly cross party lines. And those have, in general, in the past, not been enamored of the really progressive agenda and will not be swayed by the Warren and Bernie arguments. They tend to vote with their wallets and "common sense". They tend to also understand things like illegal immigration, police as "not the enemy" etc. As long as the economy is doing reasonably well, and nothing too terribly bad happens, (or if something big happens like a 9/11 sort of thing), they will tend to vote for the status quo. Add in anti-woke blacks, hispanics, and blue collar workers, (ie, non traditionals who normally don't cross over) and you get a little bit more Trump support to enliven things.

09-05-19, 16:03
Regardless, I do think it's driving more conservatives to the polls and will in 2020. I think a lot of people voted for Trump for two reasons:

1. They really, really, really didn't want Hillary
2. Pure spite over the nonsense of the left that year.

Now we're coming into the 2020 cycle and basically the left has already amplified the level of their attacks to somewhere between "Red Bull with amphetamines" and "full outright potato."

It's getting really annoying and will get downright dangerous if they start taking more direct actions against those they don't agree with. You know what that's called...

#1 by far. The problem is Trump is not really "our friend," he's just not nearly as bad as the alternative offered in 2016 and presumably in 2020. But whether they are .05%, 2%, or 15%, we are stuck dealing with some really nasty and crazy people who literally want us dead, and the levels of government that should be doing something are navel-gazing and worse. We already have sporadic street fighting over various political issues. This requires a wise and capable leader, which we don't seem to have - Trump had a handful initially but between his personality and the witch-hunt they are all gone. The ship is adrift without a rudder and the wind is picking up.

09-14-19, 19:31
According to a recent poll nearly 1/3 of dems, think we should be locked up for being NRA members.

You can make fun of this or you can understand it is an age old pattern.

Stalin had the kulaks, Hitler the Jews, Pol Pot, the intellectuals, Idi Amin the east Indians, the Dems the NRA and gun owners.

So you can make jokes about this, or you can get serious and understand they want you dead along with the Second Amendment.

09-14-19, 20:03
According to a recent poll nearly 1/3 of dems, think we should be locked up for being NRA members.

You can make fun of this or you can understand it is an age old pattern.

Stalin had the kulaks, Hitler the Jews, Pol Pot, the intellectuals, Idi Amin the east Indians, the Dems the NRA and gun owners.

So you can make jokes about this, or you can get serious and understand they want you dead along with the Second Amendment.

Precisely. Never forget that we're talking about the party of Simon Legree (the cruel slavemaster in Uncle Tom's Cabin), of Klan nightriders, of Wilson's "American Protective League" thugs and of the corrupt politicians who made the 1946 Battle of Athens necessary. They got their noses bloodied at Athens, and that in particular is why they have a beef with veterans and armed proles in particular, because they know who the real effective resistance are.

So we need to start pointing out that the NRA was created in 1871 with a primary mission of providing military-style weapons and training to black Freedmen so they could effectively resist Democrat-sponsored Klan terrorists.

That's right, #TheNRAFightingTerrorismSince1871

09-14-19, 20:44
I just want to go on record as saying when the Day of Confiscation comes and I am hiding out in the woods wearing tiger stripes with my face blacked out and a necklace full of ears that I would have been far more content to have stayed my fat ass at home with a pizza playing retro Sega Genesis games.

But no...you kept on and kept on playing the Nazi card, the terrorist card, the small dick card, and then you messed around and took it too far and sent Antifa after me.

I just wanted to play video games.....

I don’t even really care about or even like guns anymore but there is the principle at hand

09-14-19, 20:49
Fly, my man, you ain't right in the head. And I mean that in a good way. :)

09-14-19, 21:09
I just want to go on record as saying when the Day of Confiscation comes and I am hiding out in the woods wearing tiger stripes with my face blacked out and a necklace full of ears that I would have been far more content to have stayed my fat ass at home with a pizza playing retro Sega Genesis games.

But no...you kept on and kept on playing the Nazi card, the terrorist card, the small dick card, and then you messed around and took it too far and sent Antifa after me.

I just wanted to play video games.....

I don’t even really care about or even like guns anymore but there is the principle at hand

Man.... The SEGA channel......those days..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-14-19, 21:10
Fly, my man, you ain't right in the head. And I mean that in a good way. :)

No no no no. I am dead damn serious. Here is what these A-holes overlook. For every retarded white boy that goes off on a fit because he can’t get laid or he can’t deal with life or whatever there are literally MILLIONS of other people who DIDN’T go on a fir, don’t want to go on a fit, and just want to be left the hell alone. This isn’t the Army. We don’t need “collective punishment” or to “be taught a lesson”.

I’m not in high school. I’m a middle aged, grown assed, TAX EXTORTED man who really would rather stay at home, play video games, listen to my headphones, and tune out. When I have time to shoot for fun; I try to make the most out of it. I’ve had my shoot and loot days. I have been in WAY WAY WAY WAAAAAY more dynamic entries into some raunchy ass dope dens than O’ Rourke ever has or ever will. And I’ve punched out more than my fair share of hopped up thuggies than I care to recount.

I’ve done my time. I really really really just want to be left alone. Period.

I don’t care about the pygmies in New Guinea. I don’t care about candlelight vigils. I don’t care about the guilt tripping. Don’t care. Don’t care. Don’t care.

I probably WOULD care if the pols and normies were ADULT enough to accept that bad shit happens to good folks sometimes and that life goes on. But no hell no, everytime some dude goes off I just thing “Jeezus Christmas, what personal liberty do they want THIS TIME?” I am not even allowed to feel bad for people anymore.

It’s okay to let a crisis go to waste. It’s okay to just pick up and go on. It’s okay to accept nobody gets out of life alive.

But you go to work, you join a club, you buy a gun, you pay your taxes and they wanna harass you over it.

You could ban every gun in every city and the same people would do the same stuff.

Stop making it hard to be an American. Please?
If I wanted to live in another country me and the boys would start up New Rhodesia or Good America elsewhere.

But I don’t. I’m older and lazier and just wanna.....ya know.....be left the hell alone. No global community. No citizen of the world. No “if it saves one life”

Just leave me be. Goddamn...

09-14-19, 21:12
Man.... The SEGA channel......those days..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And X Band.

Sitting up, playing Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo and blaring Smashing Pumpkins. Yep.

09-14-19, 21:27
I get ya, Fly--I'm also in a not-quite-same-but-similar state I call "DO SOMETHING Fatigue"--every histrionic sad-music commercial pleading for "JUST A FEW PENNIES A DAY," every whiny little twit with a perceived Butthurtz over "that meanypants wouldn't use my preferred pronoun," and so on... Facts Not Feelings if you want my attention, because I'm a little like my brother nerd Dr. Bruce Banner when somebody insists on pushing too far and pissing me off, except that I retain my mental faculties and make my actions count rather than indiscriminate "HULK SMASH!!!"

So, I say unto you, Democrats: "Please, don't do this. Don't make this personal, because you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Actually, you're already there, so if you're smart you'll back off." But they never do... and this, ladies and gentlemen, is how an apathetic, disillusioned libertarian gets turned Radical Right.

09-15-19, 00:34
No no no no. I am dead damn serious. Here is what these A-holes overlook. For every retarded white boy that goes off on a fit because he can’t get laid or he can’t deal with life or whatever there are literally MILLIONS of other people who DIDN’T go on a fir, don’t want to go on a fit, and just want to be left the hell alone. This isn’t the Army. We don’t need “collective punishment” or to “be taught a lesson”.

I’m not in high school. I’m a middle aged, grown assed, TAX EXTORTED man who really would rather stay at home, play video games, listen to my headphones, and tune out. When I have time to shoot for fun; I try to make the most out of it. I’ve had my shoot and loot days. I have been in WAY WAY WAY WAAAAAY more dynamic entries into some raunchy ass dope dens than O’ Rourke ever has or ever will. And I’ve punched out more than my fair share of hopped up thuggies than I care to recount.

I’ve done my time. I really really really just want to be left alone. Period.

I don’t care about the pygmies in New Guinea. I don’t care about candlelight vigils. I don’t care about the guilt tripping. Don’t care. Don’t care. Don’t care.

I probably WOULD care if the pols and normies were ADULT enough to accept that bad shit happens to good folks sometimes and that life goes on. But no hell no, everytime some dude goes off I just thing “Jeezus Christmas, what personal liberty do they want THIS TIME?” I am not even allowed to feel bad for people anymore.

It’s okay to let a crisis go to waste. It’s okay to just pick up and go on. It’s okay to accept nobody gets out of life alive.

But you go to work, you join a club, you buy a gun, you pay your taxes and they wanna harass you over it.

You could ban every gun in every city and the same people would do the same stuff.

Stop making it hard to be an American. Please?
If I wanted to live in another country me and the boys would start up New Rhodesia or Good America elsewhere.

But I don’t. I’m older and lazier and just wanna.....ya know.....be left the hell alone. No global community. No citizen of the world. No “if it saves one life”

Just leave me be. Goddamn...

Yep, Yamamoto quote comes to mind.

If people leave me with nothing left to lose, those people are going to lose.

One day they are gonna **** around and I'm gonna find that bell tower.

09-15-19, 19:31
Generally speaking we as gunowners just want to be left the hell alone. I don't force YOU to buy a gun if you don't want one, so you likewise have no g-damn business telling ME what I can't own anymore (not to mention making me a felon for doing so).

Look, if they got stupid :rolleyes: and decided to instantly make a couple MILLION people felons with the wave of a pen, ultimately they (or us) wouldn't like what happened. Non-compliance would be to epic proportions. Then what? They have egg on their face and have a choice: declare victory and let it go or get retarded and decide "We need to bust some heads over this". Would the latter result in some massive civil war? Probably not. Would there be issues? Yep. Targeted hits of libtards, hung juries regarding the rare guy who survived a SWAT raid for non-compliance, even if a cop was killed. Of course over time the "payback" mentality would become even more bitter. Americans are good for many things, but one dark-side trait is the vengeance mentality. It is a national birthmark.

I have often thought that if the average libtard thinks forcible disarmament is a good idea they might find themselves, at some point in the future, actually yearning for a return to the "good old days" of an occasional mass shooting.

09-15-19, 19:40
No no no no. I am dead damn serious. Here is what these A-holes overlook. For every retarded white boy that goes off on a fit because he can’t get laid or he can’t deal with life or whatever there are literally MILLIONS of other people who DIDN’T go on a fir, don’t want to go on a fit, and just want to be left the hell alone. This isn’t the Army. We don’t need “collective punishment” or to “be taught a lesson”.

I’m not in high school. I’m a middle aged, grown assed, TAX EXTORTED man who really would rather stay at home, play video games, listen to my headphones, and tune out. When I have time to shoot for fun; I try to make the most out of it. I’ve had my shoot and loot days. I have been in WAY WAY WAY WAAAAAY more dynamic entries into some raunchy ass dope dens than O’ Rourke ever has or ever will. And I’ve punched out more than my fair share of hopped up thuggies than I care to recount.

I’ve done my time. I really really really just want to be left alone. Period.

I don’t care about the pygmies in New Guinea. I don’t care about candlelight vigils. I don’t care about the guilt tripping. Don’t care. Don’t care. Don’t care.

I probably WOULD care if the pols and normies were ADULT enough to accept that bad shit happens to good folks sometimes and that life goes on. But no hell no, everytime some dude goes off I just thing “Jeezus Christmas, what personal liberty do they want THIS TIME?” I am not even allowed to feel bad for people anymore.

It’s okay to let a crisis go to waste. It’s okay to just pick up and go on. It’s okay to accept nobody gets out of life alive.

But you go to work, you join a club, you buy a gun, you pay your taxes and they wanna harass you over it.

You could ban every gun in every city and the same people would do the same stuff.

Stop making it hard to be an American. Please?
If I wanted to live in another country me and the boys would start up New Rhodesia or Good America elsewhere.

But I don’t. I’m older and lazier and just wanna.....ya know.....be left the hell alone. No global community. No citizen of the world. No “if it saves one life”

Just leave me be. Goddamn...

Word. I feel the same way- just not any of the LE specific stuff, since I’m not LE.

Thing is- they will not leave us alone. They are literally waging a war against us.

I feel strongly that you and most others here will find themselves “doing lines of powdered wig powder, cranking the lee greenwood” whilst “hoisting the rebel flag and getting their Simon Phoenix on”, because eventually they’re gonna force that shit outta us.

Between now and then, ****’em and there endless soup dejoure snow flake cause of the week...

I’m actually starting to get to the point that I don’t want to do things for me anymore, I just wanna do what pisses these pricks off the most.

Like wanting to fully lean into becoming what they hate and just bashing them over the head with it.

I’m so sick of the nonsense.

09-15-19, 19:45
One day they are gonna **** around and I'm gonna find that bell tower.

FAFO.... fafo.......

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09-15-19, 19:46
We should thank “Beto” (who in the hell sends their kid to school in Columbia anyway??!!) for speaking plainly and outing the liberal agenda on guns. There no erasing his rants. There is not one Democrat disagreeing with him on principle.

Just like Obama was the worlds greatest gun salesman, Beto made himself the greatest Republican campaigner. Play those videos on endless loop at every DNC gathering.

09-15-19, 19:49
We should thank “Beto” (who in the hell sends their kid to school in Columbia anyway??!!) for speaking plainly and outing the liberal agenda on guns. There no erasing his rants. There is not one Democrat disagreeing with him on principle.

Just like Obana was the worlds greatest gun salesman, Beto made himself the greatest Republican campaigner. Play those videos on endless loop at every DNC gathering.

Problem is, folks don’t care.... die hard patriots are minority in this country.

On top of that it’s football season.... [emoji849]

Most folks aren’t going to care until they’re forced to care and by then it won’t matter.

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09-15-19, 20:11
Word. I feel the same way- just not any of the LE specific stuff, since I’m not LE.

Thing is- they will not leave us alone. They are literally waging a war against us.

I feel strongly that you and most others here will find themselves “doing lines of powdered wig powder, cranking the lee greenwood” whilst “hoisting the rebel flag and getting their Simon Phoenix on”, because eventually they’re gonna force that shit outta us.

Between now and then, ****’em and there endless soup dejoure snow flake cause of the week...

I’m actually starting to get to the point that I don’t want to do things for me anymore, I just wanna do what pisses these pricks off the most.

Like wanting to fully lean into becoming what they hate and just bashing them over the head with it.

I’m so sick of the nonsense.

Thing is, we know who the liberal politicians are and where they live and work. Using Facebook and other sites along with the news, easy to identify members of ANTIFA, and other similar groups and to pay them visits outside of their rallies where there is no cameras or witnesses. Just take a page or two out of the Clinton playbook, “botched robbery, suicide, car accident where it explodes” they want to really push us that hard, we can push back even harder.

09-16-19, 02:47
We should thank “Beto” (who in the hell sends their kid to school in Columbia anyway??!!) for speaking plainly and outing the liberal agenda on guns. There no erasing his rants. There is not one Democrat disagreeing with him on principle.

Just like Obama was the worlds greatest gun salesman, Beto made himself the greatest Republican campaigner. Play those videos on endless loop at every DNC gathering.

Did you mean the country of Colombia (land of coffee and coca)?

Or were you referring to the District of Columbia, British Columbia, the city of Columbia located in Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Ohio (again), Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, the United Kingdom, and/or Australia or somewhere else? Possibly a prehistoric supercontinent or an asteroid?

09-16-19, 06:38
Problem is, folks don’t care.... die hard patriots are minority in this country.

On top of that it’s football season.... [emoji849]

Most folks aren’t going to care until they’re forced to care and by then it won’t matter.

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It doesn't matter how many there are........ as long as there are some. Look st how many people in America ACTUALLY participated in the American Revolution compared to how many people were here. Very few ACTUALLY participated......... i am sure that the rest just sat around an B!tched about the Brits on the Internet...... ;)

09-16-19, 08:10
Columbia as in cocaine capital. Third world.

09-16-19, 08:12
I can't see how anyone can think this is funny. You are being marginalized, scapegoated. They are prepping the battle space, the public square, moving the Overton Window, with the ultimate purpose of your elimination. That's what this and other efforts like it are. Period. If you don't understand and see this for what it truly is, you're wrong.


Nothing funny at all with the “Looney Left”, “Antifa” or “AOC”

They **ARE** prepping the battle space and few seem to notice.

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09-16-19, 08:16
It doesn't matter how many there are........ as long as there are some. Look st how many people in America ACTUALLY participated in the American Revolution compared to how many people were here. Very few ACTUALLY participated......... i am sure that the rest just sat around an B!tched about the Brits on the Internet...... ;)

I think it was 3 percent that participated in the American Revolution.

IFF (if and only if) we allow things to degrade into actual skirmishes and battles the technological advantage would insure a quick win for the government.

I *sense* (anecdotal, obviously) it would take 95 percent to force government back into its bottle.

I don’t see that happening - but I don’t have perfect vision so take it for what it’s worth. (I’d guesstimate 2 cents). [emoji2375]

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09-16-19, 11:45
I think it was 3 percent that participated in the American Revolution.

IFF (if and only if) we allow things to degrade into actual skirmishes and battles the technological advantage would insure a quick win for the government.

I *sense* (anecdotal, obviously) it would take 95 percent to force government back into its bottle.

I don’t see that happening - but I don’t have perfect vision so take it for what it’s worth. (I’d guesstimate 2 cents). [emoji2375]

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This is the thing that gets most people. Nobody needs the "fight" the government. If/when the next upheaval comes it will not be people against the GOV. It will be all the facrions against each other. The winner will be the GOV. If the liberal Democrats voting base is all wipped out who will elect these A$$CLOWNS?

09-16-19, 13:08
This is the thing that gets most people. Nobody needs the "fight" the government. If/when the next upheaval comes it will not be people against the GOV. It will be all the facrions against each other. The winner will be the GOV. If the liberal Democrats voting base is all wipped out who will elect these A$$CLOWNS?

I’ve been saying this[emoji3516]for some time now; it’s the most likely scenario: we have ALLOWED ourselves to be separated over trivial matters.

I believe Big Gov’t would support the Left as they would be easier to manage/control once any semblance of order is even partially restored - even if it’s temporary order.

Once the gloves are off I don’t think Big G will want or need any who believed what our Founders espoused.

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09-16-19, 13:15
I think it was 3 percent that participated in the American Revolution.

IFF (if and only if) we allow things to degrade into actual skirmishes and battles the technological advantage would insure a quick win for the government.

I *sense* (anecdotal, obviously) it would take 95 percent to force government back into its bottle.

I don’t see that happening - but I don’t have perfect vision so take it for what it’s worth. (I’d guesstimate 2 cents). [emoji2375]

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The government doesn’t have cyborgs or robots to fight people, they just have people.

People on both “sides” who would use the techno’s apeak of that they control to fight the other side.

Until we get to the point of cyborgs and AI robots doing the governments bidding, you need only the will and enough people- and you win.

The only problem I could see is if one of the sides decided to get another country involved, who would send their military here to fight the other side. Then you would need the numbers you’re speaking of- 95%.

Otherwise, you just need a million people or so who say **** it, I’m done, these are our demands and we will fight and die until we succeed.

People always think a few dudes with AR’s, neck beards and natty light cans in their hands is what the .gov would face.

Not so much. They’d be facing the most well armed populace with access home laboratories, and to machine and tool shops capable of manufacturing bombs, chemical weapons, etc.

They’d be facing veterans with knowledge of tactics and warfare.

They’d be facing much more than our entire armed forces could handle.

Just look at what a few goat diddlers in the desert did with 1980’s tech, sandals, robes and very primitive tooling/machining in caves was capable of...

09-16-19, 13:23
I think it was 3 percent that participated in the American Revolution.

IFF (if and only if) we allow things to degrade into actual skirmishes and battles the technological advantage would insure a quick win for the government.

I *sense* (anecdotal, obviously) it would take 95 percent to force government back into its bottle.

I donÂ’t see that happening - but I donÂ’t have perfect vision so take it for what itÂ’s worth. (IÂ’d guesstimate 2 cents). [emoji2375]

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The government doesnÂ’t have cyborgs or robots to fight people, they just have people.

People on both “sides” who would use the technology you speak of that they control to fight the other side.

Until we get to the point of cyborgs and AI robots doing the governments bidding, you need only the will and enough people- and you win.

The only problem I could see is if one of the sides decided to get another country involved, who would send their military here to fight the other side. Then you would need the numbers youÂ’re speaking of- 95%.

Otherwise, you just need a million people or so who say **** it, IÂ’m done, these are our demands and we will fight and die until we succeed.

People always think a few dudes with ARÂ’s neck wards and natty light cans in their hands is what the .gov would face.

Not so much. TheyÂ’d be facing the most well armed populace with access home laboratories, and to machine and tool shops capable of manufacturing bombs, chemical weapons, etc.

TheyÂ’d be facing veterans with knowledge of tactics and warfare.

Active duty would grab shit on the way out the door.

They would have an easy time training and transitioning hunters with intimate knowledge of the lands in this county and a lifetime of experiencein in harsh conditions tracking and killing animals

TheyÂ’d be facing much more than our entire armed forces could handle.

Just look at what a few goat diddlers in the desert did with 1980Â’s tech, sandals, robes and very primitive tooling/machining in caves was capable of...

09-16-19, 14:11
I get ya, Fly--I'm also in a not-quite-same-but-similar state I call "DO SOMETHING Fatigue"--every histrionic sad-music commercial pleading for "JUST A FEW PENNIES A DAY," every whiny little twit with a perceived Butthurtz over "that meanypants wouldn't use my preferred pronoun," and so on... Facts Not Feelings if you want my attention, because I'm a little like my brother nerd Dr. Bruce Banner when somebody insists on pushing too far and pissing me off, except that I retain my mental faculties and make my actions count rather than indiscriminate "HULK SMASH!!!"

So, I say unto you, Democrats: "Please, don't do this. Don't make this personal, because you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Actually, you're already there, so if you're smart you'll back off." But they never do... and this, ladies and gentlemen, is how an apathetic, disillusioned libertarian gets turned Radical Right.

My prognostification is that only some "HULK SMASH!!!" will get them to back off. They'll be confused as to why they got smashed and still think everything is our fault, but who gives a damn what they think so long as they do as they're told? I mean all we want them to do is leave us the **** alone, is that so difficult? :mad:

09-16-19, 14:24
Columbia as in cocaine capital. Third world.

So you mean Colombia?

09-16-19, 14:33
There needs to be a moment of clarity here.

Air Jordans and money won’t make me happy. Pandering to what you believe is my demographic won’t make me happy.
A new bureaucracy founded to address what you believe will make me “happy” won’t make me happy.

Just piss off and leave me the hell alone. Quit moving the goalposts. Quit working in shifts to screw me out of a peaceful existence.

I know what it is really like and what certain people like to do if they can get away with it.

Don’t tell me what guns I “don’t need” or how many rounds are “morally acceptable”

I would seriously keep a 249 and a full belt if it were obtainable as my bedside gun.
Not satire.

If five people want to step on me; I wish to have every advantage fair, unfair, and otherwise on my side.

Nobody comes in on you to do you any favors. They will kill any males, rape any females, steal what they can, and burn your house down if they have the time.

I do not owe anyone an “out”. It is not incumbent upon me to play police on my own time. No I cannot “let Rufus just have the TV”. It is my TV. I watch my dirty Chinese cartoons on that TV. Furthermore, Rufus cannot “just have the MacBook”. That MacBook is the MacBook I keep just to have. It is not to be resold for dope or “easy cheese”.

If overpopulation is a problem then I think these overbreeding sows need to have some abortions.

It’s all fun until the Rebel has a gun.

If people stayed their asses at home, nobody would get shot. This isn’t hard.

I think they should go back to poisoning the drugs like they used to do. And stop giving people free AIDS medicine.
That alone would help cut down on a the riff raff

Boy Scout
09-16-19, 18:57

If anyone can get it to resize, be my guest. Imgur was being a PITA.

09-16-19, 19:01
I think I posted before but Clint Smith sums it up nicely.


09-17-19, 00:54
I think it was 3 percent that participated in the American Revolution.

IFF (if and only if) we allow things to degrade into actual skirmishes and battles the technological advantage would insure a quick win for the government.

I *sense* (anecdotal, obviously) it would take 95 percent to force government back into its bottle.

I don’t see that happening - but I don’t have perfect vision so take it for what it’s worth. (I’d guesstimate 2 cents). [emoji2375]

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And a whole bunch of them were doing it for the money. We almost lost the Revolution because we couldn't pay soldiers what agreed to pay them.

09-17-19, 04:38
The war is coming.

If the left wins and tries to take away our guns and tax us at 70% or higher. We have a choice, surrender or fight.

If the President wins the left is going to fight.

Violence is coming. The choice is yours stand by the side and do nothing, or fight for your future.

09-17-19, 06:24
... i’m Really hoping that ‘goat diddling’ wasn’t the secret to their success.

I think it has been done before but someone should come out with T-shirts giving people like George Washington the Che Guevara treatment with the word terrorist underneath them.

SCOTUS need to get off their ass and finish the jobs that they started with Heller and McDonald. It is because of their recalcitrance to address this issue that the left is in hyper mode to try to gain as much ground as they can before what many people see as the inevitable ‘legalization’ or sanctification ARs happens.

I still think a great way to kick this all off is to get the ATF to officially say that ARs are in common usage. A simple court case that can wind it way through the courts very quickly .

09-17-19, 07:27
I only know that I worked very hard, at times where folks were trying very hard to kill me (not me specifically), to have what I have now. I will make anyone who wants to take what I have work equally hard under the same conditions.

The majority of the left has not and does not have to work hard, or live hard, and they simply do not understand that the people that do will resist losing what they have.


09-17-19, 10:26
Well said, Andy!

09-17-19, 14:06

Yup, just nutty old California......Uhm, No, not at all......There are LOTS of people out there that as Kurt Schlichter says, "Hate you and want to kill you" because you own guns.....

09-17-19, 15:35
Well if the NRA stops handing out those scrambled egg brimmed fudd hats and starts issuing plastic vampire fangs I may sign myself up. Nothing makes me warm inside like knowing Im someones boogie man. Winter is coming.

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09-17-19, 15:37
Well if the NRA stops handing out those scrambled egg brimmed fudd hats and starts issuing plastic vampire fangs I may sign myself up. Nothing makes me warm inside like knowing Im someones boogie man. Winter is coming.

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

Yes indeed, Winter is Coming....

09-17-19, 18:04
The majority of the left has not and does not have to work hard, or live hard, and they simply do not understand that the people that do will resist losing what they have.

They also will not be personally involved in the taking things away. Their tune would be somewhat different if they were tasked with kicking in doors to confiscate property.

They will send a third party to do that task and, thus insulated, find it -very- easy to decree that people be compelled to conform with their philosophy of life.

09-17-19, 18:11
The majority of the left has not and does not have to work hard, or live hard, and they simply do not understand that the people that do will resist losing what they have.


We're talking about people who think "slavery" means "expecting a kid to do some chores around the house to earn an allowance." Meanwhile, they hire illegals to clean their McMansions and act like the second coming of Simon Legree toward them...

09-17-19, 18:12
They also will not be personally involved in the taking things away. Their tune would be somewhat different if they were tasked with kicking in doors to confiscate property.

They will send a third party to do that task and, thus insulated, find it -very- easy to decree that people be compelled to conform with their philosophy of life.

Until someone, out of frustration (and revenge), realizes that THEY were the catalyst and comes looking for THEM and theirs. Oh well, you reap what you sow......I'll not shed a tear.

09-17-19, 18:31
Until someone, out of frustration (and revenge), realizes that THEY were the catalyst and comes looking for THEM and theirs. Oh well, you reap what you sow......I'll not shed a tear.

Everybody be about doing authoritarian sh*t until it comes time to do authoritarian sh*t and then folks start getting disappeared in the night and VBIEDs et al become a very real thing.

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