View Full Version : More 4D Chess Incoming?

09-13-19, 12:07
Well, it seems there are some... interesting, if not potentially disturbing noises coming from Whiskey Hotel, per upcoming gun legislation...
I don't want to start a conspiracy/alarm thread here, but word does seem to be getting around on this, so... here we go.

No idea how reputable GA is, but here's the intersting bit:

However, McConnell (R-KY) was quick to dampen expectations, saying that a bipartisan group of lawmakers are “working on coming up with a proposal that the president will sign. Until that happens, all of this is theatrics,” according to The Hill.

“So we do in fact await word from the White House about what the president is willing to sign. That’s important to a lot of my members. It also, at the risk of repeating a history lesson, is the only way we will get a law,” McConnell added.


Given the three hot bills I've heard of being tabled are a national Red Flag law, a national "hate crime" law, and a mag ban, I'm not getting any warm fuzzies when they talk about some sort of "bipartisan" background check bill...:rolleyes:

This will be interesting for sure...

09-13-19, 12:30
“They came for my radios, my vapes, my privacy, my traditions, my freedom of association, my money....

Then they came for my guns and I realized that day; I no longer had anything left to lose.”

09-13-19, 20:24

Anyone want to guess which racial direction Disarm Hate laws are going to trend???

We truly live in clown world.

I’d almost welcome Russian or Chinese overlords at this point.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-13-19, 21:00
McConnell needs to FOAD. He needs to stop trying to work with the grabbers and simply resign.

09-13-19, 21:26
I don't know what else could be done to "expand" a background check? We have the NICS check in New Mexico and it goes pretty quick. So maybe the expanded check will involve a psychological questionnaire with a Rorschach Test in addition to the 4473.

To weed out deviants and wackjobs, you pass if you see a butterfly - you get denied if you see human kidneys or a spilled milkshake....

09-13-19, 21:37
I don't know what else could be done to "expand" a background check? We have the NICS check in New Mexico and it goes pretty quick. So maybe the expanded check will involve a psychological questionnaire with a Rorschach Test in addition to the 4473.

To weed out deviants and wackjobs, you pass if you see a butterfly - you get denied if you see human kidneys or a spilled milkshake....

To me, "expanding a background check" means a UBC of some sort. While that's just in the batter's box for now, the little bite they'll take is expanding who can't get a gun (RFL, "hate crime" BS, etc.).

Toe in water, see how hot it gets. Okay, that slid by with the citizens without much blowback and it didn't actually stop any mass shootings, so now we need to have UBC's! :rolleyes:

A UBC with a simple thumbs-up or thumbs-down without any additional info would be the least they'd settle for, but we all know that a serial number and name is what they truly desire.

09-13-19, 22:05
To me, "expanding a background check" means a UBC of some sort. While that's just in the batter's box for now, the little bite they'll take is expanding who can't get a gun (RFL, "hate crime" BS, etc.).

Toe in water, see how hot it gets. Okay, that slid by with the citizens without much blowback and it didn't actually stop any mass shootings, so now we need to have UBC's! :rolleyes:

A UBC with a simple thumbs-up or thumbs-down without any additional info would be the least they'd settle for, but we all know that a serial number and name is what they truly desire.

UBCs, and ultimately a ban on private firearms sales, is exactly what is meant by "Expanding Background Checks."

And is when that alone doesn't work (and it won't) they'll start pleading for us to just compromise a little more and agree to a mandatory registry, because UBCs can't possibly work without a registry to enforce them...

09-13-19, 22:48
Expanded could mean just adding more databases and making the data work better, but it could also mean other things.

Listening (sparsely) to the dems last night talk about prison reform and immigration, you'd think the only crime that they want to prosecute is owning a gun...

09-14-19, 00:35
UBCs, and ultimately a ban on private firearms sales, is exactly what is meant by "Expanding Background Checks."

And is when that alone doesn't work (and it won't) they'll start pleading for us to just compromise a little more and agree to a mandatory registry, because UBCs can't possibly work without a registry to enforce them...

That is what I see coming at us.

09-14-19, 12:46
Beto O'Rourke did more for us the other night than you might believe. Stating the "Hell yes I'am going to take your AK's and AR15's made it very clear that there can be no compromise, because he clearly wants confiscation.
Any argument forward being only for that purpose simply means from the Conservative side, there can be no more compromises.

09-14-19, 13:39
Do you ever wonder why they attack the law abiding, the gainfully employed, and the suburban families....

.... and not come up with detailed plans to go door to door, block by block in the ghettos and barrios to shake people down and shove M4s in their faces?

If you do. You are a lost cause.

I know why. The shit on the streets is kept comfortable to keep you covered at both ends.

Whenever people holler about getting “tough on crime” it is code for “cracking down on uppity taxpayers”.

Unconstitutional as it may be, and even tyrannical.....it’d be fun as shit to do that in the hood though. Everything is so nerfed. And pointless.

The beau geste days are truly gone.

09-14-19, 14:08
Beto O'Rourke did more for us the other night than you might believe. Stating the "Hell yes I'am going to take your AK's and AR15's made it very clear that there can be no compromise, because he clearly wants confiscation.
Any argument forward being only for that purpose simply means from the Conservative side, there can be no more compromises.

You put Beta o’dork And the SF declaration about the NRA and you have all you need for the 2020 campaign. Show all the range Fudds as the face of the NRA the clip of Beta saying ‘he’ll yes we are coming for your guns’.

As to the ‘weapons of war’ the always bring up AR’s, but the armed forces also use semi-auto hand guns, shot guns and every hunting rifle is a direct analog of sniper rifles. Revolvers were issued in the many vets still alive. Where exactly does that MIL line run? I really wish Scalia had said something like belted 249s rather than m16. That would have made all this a lot easier.

09-14-19, 14:43
You put Beta o’dork And the SF declaration about the NRA and you have all you need for the 2020 campaign. Show all the range Fudds as the face of the NRA the clip of Beta saying ‘he’ll yes we are coming for your guns’.

As to the ‘weapons of war’ the always bring up AR’s, but the armed forces also use semi-auto hand guns, shot guns and every hunting rifle is a direct analog of sniper rifles. Revolvers were issued in the many vets still alive. Where exactly does that MIL line run? I really wish Scalia had said something like belted 249s rather than m16. That would have made all this a lot easier.

The term "Weapon of War" can be applied to any category of firearm (including the muskets the left likes to pretend are the only thing the 2A protects), bow & arrow, knife, club, even slings and rocks, and bare hands.

Going down that road will lead to the same place those in the UK find themselves, where possessing anything with the intent to use it as a weapon is unlawful (e.g. keeping a baseball bat by your bedside in case of a burglary is a crime), and it's unlawful to sell anything that is intended to be used in self defense if it could possibly be used as an "offensive weapon". This is why pepper spray has been effectively banned in the UK, and they are instead only allowed to have capsaicin-free marking sprays (to help the police ID the criminal after the crime).

09-14-19, 17:23
Even a break open single round shotgun has the same mechanism as a grenade launcher.

09-14-19, 17:51
There is really no point in pointing out the comparisons of weapons, semi vs machineguns ect, ect.
They want them registered ( and especially during a GOP administration ) and eventually confiscated.
We should just quit compromising and consider everything about the 2nd Amendment a life and death struggle,
because it is.

09-14-19, 18:46
See I think we should all call the fbi and report him as he threatened us swamp them with calls
Beto O'Rourke did more for us the other night than you might believe. Stating the "Hell yes I'am going to take your AK's and AR15's made it very clear that there can be no compromise, because he clearly wants confiscation.
Any argument forward being only for that purpose simply means from the Conservative side, there can be no more compromises.

09-16-19, 09:14
Well at least with all this talk about UBCs, etc., they've also decided to start background checks, psych evals and intelligence/knowledge tests for voting, right? ... oh wait....

09-16-19, 09:22
On gun control arguments. It is often made a left talking point that M16s (M4s) are often run and they are ordered to run them in semi-auto mode, so the difference between an M16 and an AR15 is largely inconsequential. It seems to me that is a correct comment that overlooks the reality, but I wanted to confirm that with some actual vets. My understanding was that riflemen often run semiauto because they are supporting the machinegun elements. Is that so? The army also has artillery, air support and tanks- and they are part of a platoon or at least a squad so that they aren't out there by themselves either. Just looking for a little perspective on that statement.

09-16-19, 10:07
On gun control arguments. It is often made a left talking point that M16s (M4s) are often run and they are ordered to run them in semi-auto mode, so the difference between an M16 and an AR15 is largely inconsequential. It seems to me that is a correct comment that overlooks the reality, but I wanted to confirm that with some actual vets. My understanding was that riflemen often run semiauto because they are supporting the machinegun elements. Is that so? The army also has artillery, air support and tanks- and they are part of a platoon or at least a squad so that they aren't out there by themselves either. Just looking for a little perspective on that statement.

In 21 years, other than familiarization, I never had to go full auto, but it was comforting to know I could.
The whole idea of supporting the machine gun elements has a real basis in fact, but a very big part of it is "You can only carry so much Weight/Ammo" and I can guarantee some, to a lot of that ammo may be for the machine gun. Once your committed, resupply can be "Iffy" at best.
I don't think I would feel hampered by a semi auto only AR much.

In my opinion Beto tipped their hand, there can be no negotiations forward when one of the guys in your primary debates stand up and say's "Hell yes we are taking your AR 15's and you AK's", that being "their" preferred end result how do you move forward without changing our Constitution rather drastically?
There are people with whom you cannot negotiate, it's been proven time and again that no matter how you try and meet them half way, you get nothing and lose big pieces of freedoms.

09-16-19, 10:50
Scalia F'd us with the M16 line. It's an easy argument that the round is the same, the basic op system is the same, so same=same. If only he had had said M249 or 50BMG- his clerks really should be kicked in the nuts for that one. Plus, they have Federal Courts on record that say that ARs can be banned.

I think that if someone wants to lead on this, they have to point out that we have to have SCOTUS figure this out. The left will try to jam as much as they can before that- and Roberts will pull an Obama-care and side with the left and voted on law.

ALSO, the ATF has to declare somewhere that AR15 AND 30 round magazines are in common use. This is critical. If they do that it helps the follow on cases. If it gets challenged in court, it will come up as a single item case, which stresses the absolute fact that they are common, semis have been common.

I'd settle for an EO right now. Back it up later with an ATF finding.

09-16-19, 11:40
Well, it seems there are some... interesting, if not potentially disturbing noises coming from Whiskey Hotel, per upcoming gun legislation...
I don't want to start a conspiracy/alarm thread here, but word does seem to be getting around on this, so... here we go.

No idea how reputable GA is, but here's the intersting bit:


Given the three hot bills I've heard of being tabled are a national Red Flag law, a national "hate crime" law, and a mag ban, I'm not getting any warm fuzzies when they talk about some sort of "bipartisan" background check bill...:rolleyes:

This will be interesting for sure...

I was going to start a thread talking about this, so I'm glad that you did.


^This is incredibly concerning to me as well

I was unable to post this at all on Friday with the forum having issues

09-16-19, 13:07
I was going to start a thread talking about this, so I'm glad that you did.


^This is incredibly concerning to me as well

I was unable to post this at all on Friday with the forum having issues
The same House Judiciary that's doing "impeachment-but-not-really-impeachment" hearings? Prolly DOA just because of Fat Kiddie-Diddler Nadler pushing it.

09-16-19, 13:12
The same House Judiciary that's doing "impeachment-but-not-really-impeachment" hearings? Prolly DOA just because of Fat Kiddie-Diddler Nadler pushing it.

The ComDems just keep looking like bigger and bigger idiots. They are pushing to impeach Kavanaugh based off a NYT article. Which in and of itself is ridiculous- but now the NYT is backpedaling because the supposed “victim” has no recollection of the incident.

09-16-19, 14:46
I was going to start a thread talking about this, so I'm glad that you did.


^This is incredibly concerning to me as well

I was unable to post this at all on Friday with the forum having issues

By not allowing any Republican input on those bills, they killed any chance they'll pass to Trump as is. I'll be contacting my Representative the day before the floor vote and my Senators if it manages to pass the full House.

VIP3R 237
09-16-19, 15:13
Something that’s works for everyone? How about abolishment of the sporting clause of the 68’ gca and repealing the NFA for their UBC’s? Gun owners have give and given and never received anything. It’s time to stop letting the grabbers chip away at our rights.

09-17-19, 05:58
Something that’s works for everyone? How about abolishment of the sporting clause of the 68’ gca and repealing the NFA for their UBC’s? Gun owners have give and given and never received anything. It’s time to stop letting the grabbers chip away at our rights.

I am all for compromising...on past legislation. And keep “compromising” until it is all gutted. None of the gun laws stopped the violent crimes as they nominally were supposed to. If there is any correlation it is more gun laws result in more violence with guns (only criminals have guns).