View Full Version : Godzilla King Of The Monsters (Review)

09-16-19, 07:51
Godzilla King Of The Monsters (Review)

Godzilla, King Of The Monsters, is a good old fashioned monster movie that benefits from modern special effects and CGI. Not only that, there's an actual attempt at back stories for some of the characters, character development, and some fun dialogue and an actual plot. It's a visual tour de force and quite pretty to look at in some scenes. If you grew up with an appreciation for Godzilla movies and the ilk, worth a watch for sure. It is however a Godzilla movie after all, so expectations should be realistic ... B-


09-16-19, 09:24
It SUCKED OUT LOUD. (Warning - there be spoilers ahead!)

I took #1 son to see it - he's into disaster movies now, and loves it when the monsters/transformers/whatevers step on buildings, and let's face it; your expectations for Godzilla are NEVER gonna be that high to start with. You expect to see a couple of guys in rubber monster suits wrestle - you expect the Japanese to throw some Korean War vintage armament at him - and there's always the slow-mo scene of him walking through high tension lines, as they arc all over the place... and there's your CLASSIC Godzilla formula, right?

Noooooooooooooo... not with today's social justice morons ruining EVERY script! The 'bad' guys (terrorist/mercenaries) are cornier than the A-Team ('80's version), but LESS interesting. The "REAL" bad guys are capitalists (BIG surprise...), the good guys ARE the monsters (because, as eco-tards note, "the HUMANS are the infestation! And the monsters leave behind GREEN GROWTH wherever they trample! "), and the script is both boring AND pedantic. I'm sitting there thinking - "Who WROTE this drivel?!?! It sounds like a democrap campaign commercial! :rolleyes:

As for the special effects, a viewer on another forum put it best. He said, "The special effects were SO good, you really BELIEVED it was a guy in a rubber Godzilla suit!

As for the androgynous teenage hero/heroine, she had fewer facial expressions, than the famous Steven Seagal acting chart! She had one emotion the WHOLE time - angst. Which was to be contrapuntal to her eco-tard mom's ONE emotion - dopey. And the ONLY character you BEGIN to care about (the Japanese scientist, who speaks scientific warnings in fortune cookie pithiness), dies. Even HE didn't want to stick around to the end of THIS clunker!

My son has Autism, so he enjoyed the monsters. If your kids are Autistic, wait until it comes out on HBO... like I wished I had, rather than paying $47 at the theater for the two of us... for a MATINEE! :angry:

I will add ONE praise for it: I can't WAIT to see the guys at RiffTrax (https://www.rifftrax.com/) (the old MST3k folks) give it the treatment it so RICHLY deserves! I WILL be first in line to buy the downloadable riff, to replace the audio track for it!

09-16-19, 10:10
It SUCKED OUT LOUD. (Warning - there be spoilers ahead!)

I took #1 son to see it - he's into disaster movies now, and loves it when the monsters/transformers/whatevers step on buildings, and let's face it; your expectations for Godzilla are NEVER gonna be that high to start with.

Exactly, so my review is within the context of it being a Godzilla movie...

You expect to see a couple of guys in rubber monster suits wrestle - you expect the Japanese to throw some Korean War vintage armament at him - and there's always the slow-mo scene of him walking through high tension lines, as they arc all over the place... and there's your CLASSIC Godzilla formula, right?

Noooooooooooooo... not with today's social justice morons ruining EVERY script! The 'bad' guys (terrorist/mercenaries) are cornier than the A-Team ('80's version), but LESS interesting. The "REAL" bad guys are capitalists (BIG surprise...), the good guys ARE the monsters (because, as eco-tards note, "the HUMANS are the infestation! And the monsters leave behind GREEN GROWTH wherever they trample! "), and the script is both boring AND pedantic. I'm sitting there thinking - "Who WROTE this drivel?!?! It sounds like a democrap campaign commercial! :rolleyes:

Meh, that plot line, humans need to go, etc, etc is is very old and way older than modern modern SJW stuff, and actually in line with the original Godzilla theme, as the monster was awaken due to the their nuke testing of the Bikini Atoll's, so totally in line with the ongoing story line. Some movies these days are ruined by being written by woke SJW warriors, but this was not actually one of them. Godzilla's theme has always been about man messing with things he does not fully understand and or may not be able to control.

As for the special effects, a viewer on another forum put it best. He said, "The special effects were SO good, you really BELIEVED it was a guy in a rubber Godzilla suit!

As for the androgynous teenage hero/heroine, she had fewer facial expressions, than the famous Steven Seagal acting chart! She had one emotion the WHOLE time - angst. Which was to be contrapuntal to her eco-tard mom's ONE emotion - dopey. And the ONLY character you BEGIN to care about (the Japanese scientist, who speaks scientific warnings in fortune cookie pithiness), dies. Even HE didn't want to stick around to the end of THIS clunker!

My son has Autism, so he enjoyed the monsters. If your kids are Autistic, wait until it comes out on HBO... like I wished I had, rather than paying $47 at the theater for the two of us... for a MATINEE! :angry:

I will add ONE praise for it: I can't WAIT to see the guys at RiffTrax (https://www.rifftrax.com/) (the old MST3k folks) give it the treatment it so RICHLY deserves! I WILL be first in line to buy the downloadable riff, to replace the audio track for it!

Did you see the last Godzilla movie? This one was far better on all levels and at least attempted to give some additional dimensions to the franchise that actually reminded me more of the black white rubber guy in suit but with much better special effects movies of my childhood compared to others.

As Godzilla movies go, I enjoyed it, but one does not go to see a Godzilla movie expecting anything beyond (hopefully) some good visuals, and maybe an attempt to give the story a minimal plot and such. For me, this one achieved it. I would never $ to actually sit in a theater to see it, unless of course I had a kid who I knew would enjoy it...

09-16-19, 11:36
I would never $ to actually sit in a theater to see it, unless of course I had a kid who I knew would enjoy it...

I enjoyed watching my kid enjoy it... that WAS the best part.

The BEST of all these monster re-boots REMAINS, Peter Jackson's 2005 "King Kong." They just keep going downhill from there. At this point, I expect "King Kong vs. Godzilla" to be them having a tea party in Ellen Degeneres backyard, talking about their feelings and how "misunderstood" they are. Dr. Phil can moderate. :bad:

09-16-19, 12:00
I enjoyed watching my kid enjoy it... that WAS the best part.

The BEST of all these monster re-boots REMAINS, Peter Jackson's 2005 "King Kong." They just keep going downhill from there. At this point, I expect "King Kong vs. Godzilla" to be them having a tea party in Ellen Degeneres backyard, talking about their feelings and how "misunderstood" they are. Dr. Phil can moderate. :bad:

May be true, but as far as Godzilla is concerned, that has in fact been the underlying plot from the beginning, so it's actually appropriate here. Godzilla has always been a metaphor for man mucking with nature to his own detriment, so in this movie, didn't bother me. I thought they actually did a good job of trying in some much older Godzilla movies.

09-16-19, 12:27
I just want a Godzilla movie with the same gravitas as Godzilla 1985.

Godzilla was treated as a serious threat. Experimental weapons were used, nuclear contingencies were in effect, and at the end they toss his ass into a volcano and he shrieks with palpable pain and torment.

All true art is based upon destruction and nihilism. We dont need Navy SEALs, we dont need politically correct heros, we dont need affirmative action, we don't need all the extra.

We just need to see things beyond our control battling it out in our heavily populated cities with no real solution at hand.

09-16-19, 12:50
I just want a Godzilla movie with the same gravitas as Godzilla 1985.

Godzilla was treated as a serious threat. Experimental weapons were used, nuclear contingencies were in effect, and at the end they toss his ass into a volcano and he shrieks with palpable pain and torment.

All true art is based upon destruction and nihilism. We dont need Navy SEALs, we dont need politically correct heros, we dont need affirmative action, we don't need all the extra.

We just need to see things beyond our control battling it out in our heavily populated cities with no real solution at hand.

This is how I wish Pacific Rim played out

No hope. No plan. Just beasts infiltrating through the rift and laying waste to the planet. Giant robots are used in a last stand but in the end humanity is destroyed.

Movie ends.

Just magnificent annihilation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-16-19, 13:02
We just need to see things beyond our control battling it out in our heavily populated cities with no real solution at hand.


No problem , just wait till Nov 2020.

09-16-19, 13:09
This is how I wish Pacific Rim played out

No hope. No plan. Just beasts infiltrating through the rift and laying waste to the planet. Giant robots are used in a last stand but in the end humanity is destroyed.

Movie ends.

Just magnificent annihilation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sure, and even by #2 they'd run out of ideas and movie was meh. Decades of Godzilla movies present something of a challenge to make them any different from the last one in some way. This version does achieve that within the limits of the facts it's a giant silly monster and such.

09-16-19, 13:12
It delivered as a Godzilla movie. Almost everyone was there and the CGI was on point. The story made sense and tied the characters together. I only wish they'd have done a bit more with Mothra.

09-17-19, 01:02
I keep hoping for a Godzilla remake that does it some justice, the Mathew Brodderick one came close but was still not quite there. My greatest Godzilla moment was when they finally released the original Japanese version of Gojira.

I don't have time for "humans are the virus" and nature will balance things. I guess the Permian Triassic extinction event had lots of things to fix as as it eliminated 90 - 96% of all known species on the planet. Pretty much everything that happened in the Cambrian explosion was eliminated from the earth.

These are evolutionary / environmental changes where conditions to favor life improve or degrade with serious results. It's not mother earth and a sentient process. These ideas make kids even dumber than they actually are.

I wanna see Godzilla wreck shop in Metropolitan tokyo. Yes I know the entire film was a loose metaphor for the atomic weapons used in Japan but who cares. Somebody could probably come along and explain how Frankenstein is a loose metaphor for the artificial creation of "civilization" and how it's an untamed monster that refused to play by our rules, but at the end of the day I just want to see him being chased by villagers who are symbolic of those who just want natural freedoms restored.

09-17-19, 08:08
OK... for SOME reason, ya' gotta watch it in TWO parts, on Daily Motion, BUT... here is the GREATEST Godzilla. MST3k presents... Godzilla vs. Megalon!

(Well, I see the Daily Motion video - claims to the contrary notwithstanding - does NOT work on this site. So here's part 1: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x51y1rc )

ONE video per post, so here's pt. II - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x51y1yp

One of the GREATEST episodes ever, because you get "Rex Dart: Eskimo Spy," the "Jet Jaguar" anthem at the end, and the greatest dropkick since Wrestlemania IV, by the big guy himself! :sarcastic:

09-17-19, 08:14
If you guys don't grade Godzilla movies on a curve of at least one full letter grade, I don't know what's wrong with you.:p Low standards make for happy campers, so I'll be bumping at two full letter grades when I watch it...:cool:

09-17-19, 12:14
Basically, we just want our fun monster movies.

Like guys running around with flamethrowers and tommy guns fighting giant ants.

We are cool with a little backstory, character development. That drives the story and makes more tension, drama, fear, accomplishment, etc.

We can do without the SJW crap.

Next thing you know colleges will be teaching evil white Christian males were making a new weapon for the military industrial complex when their meteor bomb experiment went back in time and caused dinosaur extinction, human beings were originally meant to be temperature sensitive lifelong transgender hemaprodites in communal utopias until our future greenhouse gas and carbon emission issues caused the ice age retroactively, killing them off, Atlantis was a subsaharan utopia that had international trade with an indigenous South American utopia until European knuckle dragged introduced disease that killed them off, etc.

09-17-19, 14:13
Next thing you know colleges will be teaching evil white Christian males were making a new weapon for the military industrial complex when their meteor bomb experiment went back in time and caused dinosaur extinction, human beings were originally meant to be temperature sensitive lifelong transgender hemaprodites in communal utopias until our future greenhouse gas and carbon emission issues caused the ice age retroactively, killing them off, Atlantis was a subsaharan utopia that had international trade with an indigenous South American utopia until European knuckle dragged introduced disease that killed them off, etc.

Be careful... next think you know, Joe Biden will be quoting that as Gospel out on the campaign trail... :sarcastic::blink:

09-25-19, 19:44
I'm really surprised you rated this higher then Alita Battle Angel...