View Full Version : Assholes attempt at closing DC down on 23Sept

09-23-19, 10:05
If you get bored, the following link is live feed of the assholes in DC, fortunately very low turn-out:

Blocking traffic.....causing vehicles to idle and burn more fossil fuels and emit more carbon. Not sure they thought this through


Check out their calendar of events: https://www.strikedc.org/

09-23-19, 10:23
Won’t click on the links. I’m sure IP addresses are being logged.

Two words. Eco-Terrorists. They are just getting warmed up. No pun intended.

09-23-19, 11:01
They should have cuffed those chicks on top of the van take them to the yard and let them camp there for a week or two on top. I'm so over this nonsense.

09-23-19, 14:04
They should have cuffed those chicks on top of the van take them to the yard and let them camp there for a week or two on top. I'm so over this nonsense.

I believe they had themselves secured, as you left them at the local junkyard. Don't know if you saw the guy that had himself secured to the frame of the boat, took mucho time to remove him.

09-23-19, 14:18
I am done with all these assholes, the bitch at the UN today "HowDareYou" Well F her!

Forgot to add about the DC mess today, they didn't have a permit and officers let them disrupt many. Crap, if you go through a red light, the camera doesn't give you multiple times.

09-23-19, 16:04
My daughter lives and works in downtown Atlanta.

The protesters were there today and had graffitied the sidewalks, etc pretty pathetic.

09-23-19, 16:07
I am done with all these assholes, the bitch at the UN today "HowDareYou" Well F her!

Forgot to add about the DC mess today, they didn't have a permit and officers let them disrupt many. Crap, if you go through a red light, the camera doesn't give you multiple times.

A permit is not required in the district to protest. It’s more of a requested courtesy so the city knows how many people to expect and if conflicting groups are going to show.

Past that the city isn’t very big on thumping skulls unfortunately.

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09-23-19, 17:47
I believe they had themselves secured, as you left them at the local junkyard. Don't know if you saw the guy that had himself secured to the frame of the boat, took mucho time to remove him.

Saw that.. I thought the cops should have added cuffs so they can go free and let them camp out on top for a week or two in the yard.. ;) The kid cuffed to car, tow the it with him attached to the side. As long as these idiots get away with this madness and get the attention it will get worse.

09-23-19, 17:53
A permit is not required in the district to protest. It’s more of a requested courtesy so the city knows how many people to expect and if conflicting groups are going to show.

Past that the city isn’t very big on thumping skulls unfortunately.

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WMAL Larry O'Connor interviewed the head of DC's government Homeland Security, cant recall his name. He confirmed what you said, it is their constitutional right to protest.

Blocking the streets is against the law, therefore at the time of the interview 24 were arrested. Larry then asked what are the 24 charged with, the reply, talk to MPD. What a friggin cop-out. Took over 3 hours to clear one intersection with only 24 arrest across the city.

Their EVENT calendar for September is certainly well organized.

EDIT: Turning up the heat: https://mobile.twitter.com/sweeneyabc/status/1176135848045285378

09-23-19, 17:55
...climate change is a product of the same processes which cement racism and wealth inequality in our country and our world.

The transition off of fossil fuels is inevitable; justice is not. To achieve Climate Justice, we must not only decarbonize the atmosphere, but also decolonize and democratize our economies and our communities. Shutting down the nation’s capital could be our best shot at starting this justice-based transition; we need a broad-based coalition that emphasizes the overlap of our struggles...This is the mass uprising that everyone with climate anxiety has been waiting for...

But if you can’t make it to a training or just want to join us in the streets you can meet us at four public meet-up locations:
Hancock Park/L’Enfant Metro Station with Rising Tide at 6:30am
Folger Park with Black Lives Matter DC at 6:30am
Columbus Circle with 350.org DC at 7am
Farragut Square with Extinction Rebellion at 7:30am

Environmental Justice;
>A transition that invests in prosperity for communities on the frontlines of poverty and pollution
.Welcoming those displaced by the cumulative effects of the climate crisis, economic inequality, violence, and lack of opportunity

...A labor rights and Democratic Socialists of America group shut down the intersections around Amazon’s DC headquarters, and a Migrant Justice group did the same at the headquarters of ICE...

You can always find the real point a few sentences down past the pretty pictures and idealistic BS...
I wonder how much trash they will leave in their wake this time.

Meanwhile on the other side of town, if a right-leaning group attempted to "shut down DC", it would be domestic terrorism... :rolleyes:
You also gotta admire how well the manage to not only lump all their "causes" into the same event at every opportunity, but their willingness to drop everything and go raise Cain, meanwhile the enlightened are all like "lol, I have a job to be at..."
And we wonder why they have so much traction... :rolleyes:

09-23-19, 18:29
The protesters were there today and had graffitied the sidewalks

I'm confident nobody will notice a difference.

09-23-19, 19:27

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09-23-19, 19:49
I'm confident nobody will notice a difference.Probably right, will be obscured by the homeless encampments. Actually, not 5oo much grafiti where she lives surprisingly. But plenty of homeless.

09-23-19, 20:42
Washington is so beautiful.

09-23-19, 21:32
Trying to think of things that would drive them nuts.

Loud speakers playing Ronald Reagan speeches. Two battery operated speakers, bolo'd together with a wire and throw them into the trees/street-signs/lamp-posts so that they can't get them down.

09-23-19, 22:54
Trying to think of things that would drive them nuts.

Loud speakers playing Ronald Reagan speeches. Two battery operated speakers, bolo'd together with a wire and throw them into the trees/street-signs/lamp-posts so that they can't get them down.

Trump speeches instead of Reagan speeches.

They'd be rioting and burning down trees within three minutes.

09-23-19, 22:56
Where are the Soylent Green scooper trucks when you need 'em?

Trying to think of things that would drive them nuts.

Loud speakers playing Ronald Reagan speeches. Two battery operated speakers, bolo'd together with a wire and throw them into the trees/street-signs/lamp-posts so that they can't get them down.

Better yet, put 'em on a fleet of drones. :) Maybe add some red paint to dump all over the Commies, too...

09-24-19, 00:50
Wouldn't live in DC if it was free.

09-24-19, 00:54
Wouldn't live in DC if it was free.

Wouldn't live in the Damn Cesspool if you PAID me to do so. :p

09-24-19, 05:53
Wouldn't live in DC if it was free.

I was offered a position with the DC Branch earlier this year. Basically, it would have been about a $35K increase in salary.

I chuckled at them before letting them know I was happy in Oklahoma.

09-24-19, 12:22
I really don’t see how “climate change” and “socialist” concerns align (as they themselves infer), unless climate change activism’s real goal is Statist control of resources and production. Not really about reducing pollutants but about state control of human activity. Then I see a direct association.

09-24-19, 13:30
Wouldn't live in DC if it was free.

Everyone thinks Mordor is some mythological place in middle earth.

No it’s right here next to the Potomac river between Virginia and Maryland.

The drones flying around are even analogous to the Nazgul.

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09-24-19, 13:32
I was offered a position with the DC Branch earlier this year. Basically, it would have been about a $35K increase in salary.

I chuckled at them before letting them know I was happy in Oklahoma.

You get raped for that much annually just paying EZpass tolls let alone HOV violations after VSP is done fvcking with you since they have nothing better to do than shark up violators.

So yea stay in Oklahoma lol

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09-24-19, 13:33
Cut through the wrist...a saws-all will do it quickly.

09-24-19, 16:29
I really don’t see how “climate change” and “socialist” concerns align (as they themselves infer), unless climate change activism’s real goal is Statist control of resources and production. Not really about reducing pollutants but about state control of human activity. Then I see a direct association.

This is just rhetorical, right?

The control freaks - whichever 'ism you choose to put them under - have been salivating, no, foaming at the mouth, at the opportunities from "greenhouse gas control" for decades now. It's the ultimate scheme for enabling cunning sociopaths to enslave the masses, mentally and literally.

The fact that no one is trying to do anything at all to rein in GHG emissions from China, India and other non-western countries should tell everyone that the idea of serious work to prevent global catastrophe is a scam. The mentally damaged Swedish teenager is just the current, extremely blatant example of this.

add: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/disturbing-cult-greta-thunberg

09-24-19, 16:52

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09-24-19, 21:28
Yes my post was rhetorical :D. And the two previous posts are spot on!

I was politically unaware in the 1970s with Earth Day crap, but Clinton made it obvious that control of air and water and “wild lands” equaled control of everyone’s work, property holdings and living. Climate issues have never been about climate but about State control of the essentials for human life and work. Obama extended that to control through health care as well. People are more and more backed into a corner and resistance means more likelihood to run afoul legally and pay a heavy price. Compliance is easier. Climate Chsnge wants to be the mechanism to grip our throats and drain our blood while we help.

09-25-19, 21:09
Cut through the wrist...a saws-all will do it quickly.

Actually, it would be funny to show up with some buddies dresssed like these idiots and use fake limbs and have another buddy show up with a chain saw and cut through their 'arms' and spray pig blood all over. Let hilarity ensue...

09-25-19, 21:14
Actually, it would be funny to show up with some buddies dresssed like these idiots and use fake limbs and have another buddy show up with a chain saw and cut through their 'arms' and spray pig blood all over. Let hilarity ensue...

Devious... I like it! Mentioned that to the GF while chatting tonight and she got a laugh out of it too...

09-26-19, 15:45
They are coming back tomorrow Friday the 27th. This time they aren’t informing the police of what intersections they will block.

Recap of last protest, took 3 hours to clear some intersections, friggin DC is F’d up

09-26-19, 16:00
They are coming back tomorrow Friday the 27th. This time they aren’t informing the police of what intersections they will block.

Recap of last protest, took 3 hours to clear some intersections, friggin DC is F’d up

Sounds like the PD needs to give out some hickory shampoos tomorrow.

09-26-19, 16:42
Sounds like the PD needs to give out some hickory shampoos tomorrow.

Don’t hold your breath. Staffs of justice are unlikely to be unsheathed.

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09-26-19, 22:39
Don’t hold your breath. Staffs of justice are unlikely to be unsheathed.

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Yeah, more than likely the mayor will have the PD hand out bottles of water, snacks and blankies to the protesters.

Many cities are choosing lawlessness as SOP and as more normal citizens stay the hell out those places will become permanent hell holes.

09-27-19, 15:48
Today MPD BLOCKED the intersections for the WACKO’s, therefore they didn’t need any boats, trailers and or vehicles. Friggin MPD bending over for them, how sad.

09-27-19, 17:53
Today MPD BLOCKED the intersections for the WACKO’s, therefore they didn’t need any boats, trailers and or vehicles. Friggin MPD bending over for them, how sad.

A solid reflection of MPDCs command sadly

DC is a shit hole

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09-27-19, 18:34
I was there and walked right by them. At that time there were about 15 on the sidewalk with a bored looking uniform looking on. The other Sheriff I was with and I looked at each other and shrugged as we went by. I am always skeptical when they make national news and theyre careful to use angles and such that are really ficticious.

09-27-19, 22:48
Today MPD BLOCKED the intersections for the WACKO’s, therefore they didn’t need any boats, trailers and or vehicles. Friggin MPD bending over for them, how sad.

DC is officially occupied territory, not that this is any kind of new development.

09-28-19, 10:13
So, this was over "CLIMATE CHANGE"????

To all the school kids going on 'strike' for Climate Change:

You are the first generation who have required air-conditioning in every classroom.

You want TV in every room and your classes are all computerised.

You spend all day and night on electronic devices.

More than ever, you don't walk or ride bikes to school but arrive in caravans of private cars that choke local roads and worsen rush hour traffic.

You are the biggest consumers of manufactured goods ever and update perfectly good expensive luxury items to stay trendy,
Your entertainment comes from electric devices.

Furthermore, the people driving your protests are the same people who insist on artificially inflating the population growth through immigration, which increases the need for energy, manufacturing and transport.

The more people we have, the more forest and bushland we clear and more of the environment is destroyed.

How about this...

Tell your teachers to switch off the air-con.

Walk or ride to school. Switch off your devices and read a book.

Make a sandwich instead of buying manufactured fast food.

No, none of this will happen because you are selfish, badly educated, virtue signalling little 'princesses', inspired by the adults around you who crave a feeling of having a 'noble cause' while they indulge themselves in Western luxury and unprecedented quality of life.
Wake up, grow up and learn to research facts and think for yourself and not blindly accept the words and thoughts of others - I don't think you formulated this action plan all by your self - suspect you may have had some influence and 'guidance' from those you trust ....a word of warning, be cautious of the influence of the 'left' because there may be a time in the future that you will be the ones left out...

09-28-19, 20:47
Well, they have been told by the ComDems that unless we give them all our money the world will end in 11.44 years. That's scary stuff for all those 19 year olds with the maturity level of 7 year olds.

09-29-19, 00:49
If we only have 11.44 yrs to live why get all worked up on climate laws and carbon taxes. Absolutely NOBODY including the most zealous activist is going to change their daily lives enough to have a braking action on what is already done. Assuming what they claim is true. Which I don’t believe at all.

But, IF they are correct then we should party for the next 11+ years!!!! No debts! No banks! No taxes! Turn up the barbecues, roast that meat, break out the cigars, keg of beer and fine whisky. Party! Party!

Why get so glum about what can’t be reversed in 11 years?!

You would only care if you truly believed that catastrophic was NOT going to happen so soon.

09-29-19, 00:59
If we only have 11.44 yrs to live why get all worked up on climate laws and carbon taxes. Absolutely NOBODY including the most zealous activist is going to change their daily lives enough to have a braking action on what is already done. Assuming what they claim is true. Which I don’t believe at all.

But, IF they are correct then we should party for the next 11+ years!!!! No debts! No banks! No taxes! Turn up the barbecues, roast that meat, break out the cigars, keg of beer and fine whisky. Party! Party!

Why get so glum about what can’t be reversed in 11 years?!

You would only care if you truly believed that catastrophic was NOT going to happen so soon.
Or if you had a shelter plan to ride it out and throw the rest of us under the bus...

09-29-19, 07:48
Why get so glum about what can’t be reversed in 11 years?!

That's the thing, according to the ComDems it can be reversed. We just need to give them all our money, stop eating beef, ban air travel and eliminate fossil fuels.

09-29-19, 08:00

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09-29-19, 09:47
When they pull funding from Planned Parenthood to build sea-walls.. when the price of seaside property plummets... and long bond prices plummet...

Space rock

All bigger threats in the next 75 years. He’ll, super volcanoes scare me more.

None of those other ones give you the ability to control every aspect of everyone’s lives.

09-29-19, 10:14
Brainwashed Nordic-looking girls made great Hitler Youth members, and brutal SS Guards at concentration camps. A couple of excellent looks at Greta Thunberg, a poor child suffering from Aspergers and refusing to go to school. Her "handler" is a German activist named Luisa-Marie Neubauer. If this was the late 1930's, Greta would be a Nazi sympathizer, if not an actual convert to National Socialism.


09-29-19, 12:24
Idk..... a thousand year Germanic Reich sounds better than the clown show we’re currently experiencing and will inevitably continue to evolve further into oblivion.

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09-29-19, 17:16
That's the thing, according to the ComDems it can be reversed. We just need to give them all our money, stop eating beef, ban air travel and eliminate fossil fuels.

Ok, as soon as I see one of the prominent activists do these things themselves to lead by example (Al Gore, I am calling your fat carbon ass print out!!), I will shut up and listen to them from my Dodge Cummins powered radio.

09-29-19, 20:23
Ok, as soon as I see one of the prominent activists do these things themselves to lead by example (Al Gore, I am calling your fat carbon ass print out!!), I will shut up and listen to them from my Dodge Cummins powered radio.

I've gotten Facebook time outs for suggesting that the greatest sacrifice a radical environmentalist can do is to eat a bullet and become fertilizer.

09-29-19, 21:06
Ok, as soon as I see one of the prominent activists do these things themselves to lead by example (Al Gore, I am calling your fat carbon ass print out!!), I will shut up and listen to them from my Dodge Cummins powered radio.

Diesel gang diesel gang diesel gang

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09-29-19, 22:30
I've gotten Facebook time outs for suggesting that the greatest sacrifice a radical environmentalist can do is to eat a bullet and become fertilizer.

LEAD! They should walk naked to the North Pole and let a polar bear eat them.... everyone else is a poser...

09-30-19, 21:35
Now the Church of Sweden has proclaimed that Greta Thunberg is now a successor to Jesus Christ. I never realized that fetal alcohol syndrome caused Aspergers is a required trait in Scandinavian Messiahs?


Church Of Sweden Announced Greta Thunberg 'Successor' Of Jesus
The Church of Sweden, which has routinely promoted teen climate change alarmist Greta Thunberg, announced the young girl a "successor" to Jesus Christ last December.

"Announcement! Jesus of Nazareth has now appointed one of his successors, Greta Thunberg", the Church of Limhamn tweeted on December 1, 2018.

09-30-19, 21:54
Now the Church of Sweden has proclaimed that Greta Thunberg is now a successor to Jesus Christ. I never realized that fetal alcohol syndrome caused Aspergers is a required trait in Scandinavian Messiahs?


Church Of Sweden Announced Greta Thunberg 'Successor' Of Jesus
The Church of Sweden, which has routinely promoted teen climate change alarmist Greta Thunberg, announced the young girl a "successor" to Jesus Christ last December.

"Announcement! Jesus of Nazareth has now appointed one of his successors, Greta Thunberg", the Church of Limhamn tweeted on December 1, 2018.

So is this the Anti Christ? Everyday it just gets crazier.

09-30-19, 23:23
I need another shot of tequila. Greta is turning this extinction party into a real downer. Somebody turn up the music and give that kid a beer!