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11-02-19, 09:05
I'm really anxious to hear more about this LTC. I don't think you get to become a "Whistle Blower" in the Military, there is a completely different process to go through to report something you might find as a crime.
The more they try and say that he wasn't the original whistle blower, the more I'm beginning to believe that he very well might be.
He's also got some what appear to be questionable connections along with a few questionable actions associated with his behavior.

I'm not sure about legal stuff, but if you start off an investigation with a whistle blower who refuses to come forward and as Schiff has done build a case off of this, how is this right.
Everything past kicking a door in without probable cause is forbidden fruit as evidence?

Some info on the LTC, not confirmed yet but appears legit:


LTC (R) Jim Hickman
‏ @Jim_Hickman13
Oct 31

...had an issue relevant to his recent testimony. As stated earlier, Atlas Vision 12 was conducted at JMTC in the VBS2 (Virtual Battle Simulations 2) Classrooms for Simulation. Vindman, who was a Major at the time, was sitting in one of the classrooms talking to the US &...
5 replies 1,335 retweets 3,005 likes
LTC (R) Jim Hickman
‏ @Jim_Hickman13
Oct 31

...Russian Soldiers, as well as the young Officers & GS Employees about America, Russia, & Obama. He was apologetic of American culture, laughed about Americans not being educated or worldly, & really talked up Obama & globalism to the point of uncomfortable.

LTC (R) Jim Hickman
‏ @Jim_Hickman13
Oct 31

...struck me as odd, & it was w/respect to American's falsely thinking they're exceptional, when he said, "He [Obama] is working on that now." And he said it w/a snide 'I know a secret' look on his face. I honestly don't know what it meant, it just sounded like an odd thing to...
21 replies 1,581 retweets 3,462 likes
LTC (R) Jim Hickman
‏ @Jim_Hickman13
Oct 31

...say. Regardless, after hearing him bash America a few times in front of subordinates, Russians, & GS Employees, as well as, hearing an earful about globalization, Obama's plan, etc...I'd had enough. I tapped him on the shoulder & asked him to step outside. At that point I...
16 replies 1,627 retweets 3,481 likes
LTC (R) Jim Hickman
‏ @Jim_Hickman13
Oct 31

...verbally reprimanded him for his actions, & I'll leave it at that, so as not to be unprofessional myself. The bottom-line is LTC Vindman was a partisan Democrat at least as far back as 2012. So much so, junior officers & soldiers felt uncomfortable around him. This is..
35 replies 2,078 retweets 4,151 likes
LTC (R) Jim Hickman
‏ @Jim_Hickman13
Oct 31

...not your professional, field-grade officer, who has the character & integrity to do the right thing. Do not let the uniform fool you...he is a political activist in uniform. I pray our nation will drop this hate, vitriol & division, & unite as our founding fathers intended!

11-02-19, 16:32
This probably deserves it's own thread, but we have this one so here goes. I haven't posted this till now because even though the whistleblower's identity has pretty much been an open secret for a month now, no mainstream outlets have been willing to even hint at his identity. Well an article came out on October 30th that some MSM outlets are beginning to talk about. I believe next week or the week after at the latest, the identity of the "whistleblower" will become widely publicized.

I should point out now that neither Schiff nor the whistleblower's attorneys will admit his identity, yet. Therefore a small chance remains that this isn't the person. When I say small, I mean REALLY small.

I'm only posting it now because if you DuckDuckGo the name, you're going to find articles linking him to this scandal.

Meet registered Democrat Eric Ciaramella, former Obama NSC official, holdover into the Trump Administration WH (Ukraine expert) until he was sent back to the CIA in mid-2017 for leaking detrimental information, and close associate to Sean Misko (Schiff staffer hired the same month the whistleblower complaint was filed), Susan Rice, former VP Joe Biden and you guessed it: John Brennan.


I'm also going to ask you to do your own research and investigate the author of this expose' article. While he has legitimate mainstream credits, he also has past credits to WND, so caveat emptor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Sperry

Here's the article:


I've posted the entirety of this article here in case you can't reach their site, but give them a click if you can because they deserve it. They also have links to documents and sources supporting their premise scattered throughout the article on their website.

The Beltway's 'Whistleblower' Furor Obsesses Over One Name
By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
October 30, 2019, 4:21 PM Eastern

For a town that leaks like a sieve, Washington has done an astonishingly effective job keeping from the American public the name of the anonymous “whistleblower" who triggered impeachment proceedings against President Trump — even though his identity is an open secret inside the Beltway.

More than two months after the official filed his complaint, pretty much all that’s known publicly about him is that he is a CIA analyst who at one point was detailed to the White House and is now back working at the CIA.

But the name of a government official fitting that description — Eric Ciaramella — has been raised privately in impeachment depositions, according to officials with direct knowledge of the proceedings, as well as in at least one open hearing held by a House committee not involved in the impeachment inquiry. Fearing their anonymous witness could be exposed, Democrats this week blocked Republicans from asking more questions about him and intend to redact his name from all deposition transcripts.

RealClearInvestigations is disclosing the name because of the public’s interest in learning details of an effort to remove a sitting president from office. Further, the official's status as a “whistleblower” is complicated by his being a hearsay reporter of accusations against the president, one who has “some indicia of an arguable political bias … in favor of a rival political candidate" -- as the Intelligence Community Inspector General phrased it circumspectly in originally fielding his complaint.

Federal documents reveal that the 33-year-old Ciaramella, a registered Democrat held over from the Obama White House, previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia “collusion” investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

Further, Ciaramella (pronounced char-a-MEL-ah) left his National Security Council posting in the White House’s West Wing in mid-2017 amid concerns about negative leaks to the media. He has since returned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

“He was accused of working against Trump and leaking against Trump,” said a former NSC official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.

Also, Ciaramella huddled for “guidance” with the staff of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, including former colleagues also held over from the Obama era whom Schiff’s office had recently recruited from the NSC. Schiff is the lead prosecutor in the impeachment inquiry.

And Ciaramella worked with a Democratic National Committee operative who dug up dirt on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, inviting her into the White House for meetings, former White House colleagues said. The operative, Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American who supported Hillary Clinton, led an effort to link the Republican campaign to the Russian government. “He knows her. He had her in the White House,” said one former co-worker, who requested anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter.

Documents confirm the DNC opposition researcher attended at least one White House meeting with Ciaramella in November 2015. She visited the White House with a number of Ukrainian officials lobbying the Obama administration for aid for Ukraine.

With Ciaramella’s name long under wraps, interest in the intelligence analyst is so high that a handful of former colleagues have compiled a roughly 40-page research dossier on him. A classified version of the document is circulating on Capitol Hill, and briefings have been conducted based on it. One briefed Republican has been planning to unmask the whistleblower in a speech on the House floor.

On the Internet, meanwhile, Ciaramella's name for weeks has been bandied about on Twitter feeds and intelligence blogs as the suspected person who blew the whistle on the president. The mainstream media are also aware of his name.

“Everyone knows who he is. CNN knows. The Washington Post knows. The New York Times knows. Congress knows. The White House knows. Even the president knows who he is,” said Fred Fleitz, a former CIA analyst and national security adviser to Trump, who has fielded dozens of calls from the media.

Yet a rare hush has swept across the Potomac. The usually gossipy nation’s capital remains uncharacteristically — and curiously — mum, especially considering the magnitude of this story, only the fourth presidential impeachment inquiry in U.S. history.

Trump supporters blame the conspiracy of silence on a “corrupt” and "biased” media trying to protect the whistleblower from justified scrutiny of his political motives. They also complain Democrats have falsely claimed that exposing his identity would violate whistleblower protections, even though the relevant statute provides limited, not blanket, anonymity – and doesn’t cover press disclosures. His Democrat attorneys, meanwhile, have warned that outing him would put him and his family “at risk of harm," although government security personnel have been assigned to protect him.

“They’re hiding him,” Fleitz asserted. “They’re hiding him because of his political bias."

A CIA officer specializing in Russia and Ukraine, Ciaramella was detailed over to the National Security Council from the agency in the summer of 2015, working under Susan Rice, President Obama’s national security adviser. He also worked closely with the former vice president.

Federal records show that Biden’s office invited Ciaramella to an October 2016 state luncheon the vice president hosted for Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. Other invited guests included Brennan, as well as then-FBI Director James Comey and then-National Intelligence Director James Clapper.

Several U.S. officials told RealClearInvestigations that the invitation that was extended to Ciaramella, a relatively low-level GS-13 federal employee, was unusual and signaled he was politically connected inside the Obama White House.

Former White House officials said Ciaramella worked on Ukrainian policy issues for Biden in 2015 and 2016, when the vice president was President Obama's "point man" for Ukraine. A Yale graduate, Ciaramella is said to speak Russian and Ukrainian, as well as Arabic. He had been assigned to the NSC by Brennan.

He was held over into the Trump administration, and headed the Ukraine desk at the NSC, eventually transitioning into the West Wing, until June 2017.“He was moved over to the front office” to temporarily fill a vacancy, said a former White House official, where he “saw everything, read everything.”

The official added that it soon became clear among NSC staff that Ciaramella opposed the new Republican president’s foreign policies. “My recollection of Eric is that he was very smart and very passionate, particularly about Ukraine and Russia. That was his thing – Ukraine,” he said. “He didn’t exactly hide his passion with respect to what he thought was the right thing to do with Ukraine and Russia, and his views were at odds with the president’s policies.”

“So I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the whistleblower,” the official said.

In May 2017, Ciaramella went “outside his chain of command,” according to a former NSC co-worker, to send an email alerting another agency that Trump happened to hold a meeting with Russian diplomats in the Oval Office the day after firing Comey, who led the Trump-Russia investigation. The email also noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin had phoned the president a week earlier.

Contents of the email appear to have ended up in the media, which reported Trump boasted to the Russian officials about firing Comey, whom he allegedly called “crazy, a real nut job.” In effect, Ciaramella helped generate the “Putin fired Comey” narrative, according to the research dossier making the rounds in Congress, a copy of which was obtained by RealClearInvestigations.

Ciaramella allegedly argued that “President Putin suggested that President Trump fire Comey,” the report said. “In the days after Comey’s firing, this presidential action was used to further political and media calls for the standup [sic] of the special counsel to investigate ‘Russia collusion.’ “

In the end, Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no conspiracy between Trump and Putin. Ciaramella’s email was cited in a footnote in his report, which mentions only Ciaramella’s name, the date and the recipients “Kelly et al.” Former colleagues said the main recipient was then-Homeland Security Director John Kelly.

Ciaramella left the Trump White House soon after Mueller was appointed. Attempts to reach Ciaramella were unsuccessful, although his father said in a phone interview from Hartford, where he is a bank executive, that he doubted his son was the whistleblower. “He didn’t have that kind of access to that kind of information,” Tony Ciaramella said. “He’s just a guy going to work every day.” The whistleblower's lawyers did not answer emails and phone calls seeking comment. CIA spokesman Luis Rossello declined comment, saying, “Anything on the whistleblower, we are referring to ODNI.” The Office of the Director of National Intelligence did not respond to requests for comment.

In his complaint, the whistleblower charged that the president used “the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.” Specifically, he cited a controversial July 25 phone call from the White House residence in which Trump asked Ukraine’s new president to help investigate the origins of the Russia “collusion” investigation the Obama administration initiated against his campaign, citing reports that “a lot of it started with Ukraine," where the former pro-Hillary Clinton regime in Kiev worked with Obama diplomats and Chalupa to try to “sabotage” Trump’s run for president.

Later in the conversation, Trump also requested information about Biden and his son, since “Biden went around bragging that he” had fired the chief Ukrainian prosecutor at the time a Ukrainian oligarch, who gave Biden’s son a lucrative seat on the board of his energy conglomerate, was under investigation for corruption.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Intelligence Committee Chairman Schiff argued the whistleblower's complaint, though admittedly based on second-hand information, amounts to an impeachable offense, and they subsequently launched an impeachment inquiry that has largely been conducted in secret.

The whistleblower filed his “urgent” report against Trump with the intelligence community inspector general on Aug. 12, but it was not publicly released until Sept. 26.

Prior to filing, he had met with Schiff’s Democratic staff for “guidance." At first, the California lawmaker denied the contacts, but later admitted that his office did, in fact, meet with the whistleblower early on.

Earlier this year, Schiff recruited two of Ciaramella’s closest allies at the NSC — both whom were also Obama holdovers -- to join his committee staff. He hired one, Sean Misko, in August — the same month the whistleblower complaint was filed.

During closed-door depositions taken in the impeachment inquiry, Misko has been observed handing notes to the lead counsel for the impeachment inquiry, Daniel Goldman, as he asks questions of Trump administration witnesses, officials with direct knowledge of the proceedings told RealClearInvestigations.

Republicans participating in the restricted inquiry hearings have been asking witnesses about Ciaramella and repeatedly injecting his name into the deposition record, angering Schiff and Democrats, who sources say are planning to scrub the references to Ciaramella from any transcripts of the hearings they may agree to release.

“Their reaction tells you something,” said one official familiar with the inquiry.

For example, sources said Ciaramella’s name was invoked by GOP committee members during the closed-door testimony of former NSC official Fiona Hill on Oct. 14. Ciaramella worked with Hill, another Obama holdover, in the West Wing.

During Tuesday’s deposition of NSC official Alexander Vindman, Democrats shut down a line of inquiry by Republicans because they said it risked revealing the identity of the whistleblower. Republicans wanted to know with whom Vindman spoke within the administration about his concerns regarding Trump’s call to Ukraine. But Schiff instructed the witness not to answer the questions, which reportedly sparked a shouting match between Democrats and Republicans.

Determined to keep the whistleblower's identity secret, Schiff recently announced it may not be necessary for him to testify even in closed session. Republicans argue that by hiding his identity, the public cannot assess his motives for striking out against the president. And they worry his political bias could color inquiry testimony and findings unless it’s exposed.

Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, asserted the American people have the right to know the person who is trying to bring down the president for whom 63 million voted.

“It’s tough to determine someone’s credibility if you can’t put them under oath and ask them questions,” he said.

Added Jordan: “The people want to know. I want to get to the truth."

In an open House Natural Resources Committee hearing last week, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) seemingly out of left field asked a witness about “Eric Ciaramella of the Obama National Security Council,” in what the Washington press corps took as a bid to out the whistleblower. He later told a Dallas radio station he knew the whistleblower’s name. “A lot of us in Washington know who it is,” Gohmert said, adding he’s a “very staunch Democrat” who was “supposed to be a point person on Ukraine, during the time when Ukraine was its most corrupt, and he didn’t blow any whistles on their corruption."

The Washington Post ran a news story over the weekend critical of Republicans for allegedly trying to “unmask” the whistleblower, for attempting to do the job journalists would normally do. Last week, the paper ran an op-ed by the whistleblower’s attorneys claiming he was no longer relevant to the inquiry and beseeching the public to let their client slip back into obscurity.

For its part, the New York Times ran a story last month reporting details about the whistleblower’s background, but stopped short of fully identifying him, suggesting it didn’t know his politics or even his name. “Little else is known about him,” the paper claimed.

On Thursday, Democrats plan a House vote on new impeachment-inquiry rules that would give Republicans for the first time the ability to call their own witnesses. Only, their requests must first be approved by the Democrats. So there is a good chance the whistleblower, perhaps the most important witness of all, will remain protected from critical examination.

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TL;DR: Ciaramella is the ONLY person Washington insiders believe could be the "whistleblower". At this point, the only reason for Schiff to deny Ciaramella is the whistleblower and attempt to delete his role in the inquiry, is because Ciaramella isn't just some never-Trumper. He was and likely still is directly and intimately involved with the very people that IG Horowitz, Special Prosecutor John Durham and AG Barr are investigating for criminal acts.

This is about to get VERY interesting. :)

11-02-19, 16:42
There is a reason Shifty Schiff has been holding hearings behind closed doors and diligently guarding the "whistleblower", or as I like to say "DNC plant". If it comes out the above is true then I will in no way be surprised.

11-02-19, 17:07
This entire process is tax payer funded opposition research on Trump and a continuation of the operation to discredit or remove him that failed with the "Special Counsel." These weasels need to be gone and for good.

Here is all we need to know.. Oh, that and the douche who worked with his pals on shit for brains staff is a 33 year old Oh-Zero lover who has no business on the NSC.


How long are we going to take this crap? I'd say an armed march by the people on DC is long overdue. Send a flipping message that will resonate for a century.

11-05-19, 12:14
There is a reason Shifty Schiff has been holding hearings behind closed doors and diligently guarding the "whistleblower", or as I like to say "DNC plant". If it comes out the above is true then I will in no way be surprised.

I'm rather surprised that you become a "Whistle Blower" because you disagree with the Presidents foreign policy and then take steps to undermine him.
This is a partisan attack and Schiff and I would imagine Brennan took steps to get these folks in the right place at the right time as a second safety net in case Mueller's testimony went sideways on them.
It certainly appears that the last Administration took a number of elaborate steps to punish Trump for beating Hillary. The corruption of the Clinton/Obama?Comey/Brennan team needs to be punished as an example that even in the 21st Century a noose and a gallows will be used for traitors against our Country.
A year ago I would have said "No one will be punished." now, I'am just not sure that it can be avoided.

11-05-19, 13:08
I'm rather surprised that you become a "Whistle Blower" because you disagree with the Presidents foreign policy and then take steps to undermine him.
This is a partisan attack and Schiff and I would imagine Brennan took steps to get these folks in the right place at the right time as a second safety net in case Mueller's testimony went sideways on them.
It certainly appears that the last Administration took a number of elaborate steps to punish Trump for beating Hillary. The corruption of the Clinton/Obama?Comey/Brennan team needs to be punished as an example that even in the 21st Century a noose and a gallows will be used for traitors against our Country.
A year ago I would have said "No one will be punished." now, I'am just not sure that it can be avoided.

If they go unpunished for their crimes, then the Republic is lost. We'll be able to limp along as a corrupted democracy for quite a while, but it will signal the beginning of the end for our country as we know it.

11-05-19, 15:39
We'll be able to limp along as a corrupted democracy for quite a while, but it will signal the beginning of the end for our country as we know it.

Oh, we're pretty well into the beginning of the end. People can't even agree on the same set of facts and literally see political opponents as enemy combatants. When SHTF, I dunno who to shoot at.

11-05-19, 15:49
Oh, we're pretty well into the beginning of the end. People can't even agree on the same set of facts and literally see political opponents as enemy combatants. When SHTF, I dunno who to shoot at.

It has gotten pretty bad. The media is fully in on it too. Like ABC killing the Epstein story for THREE YEARS, because rich and powerful pedophiles silenced them and they took it. :(


11-05-19, 16:15
The incredible part of that video is that she's pissed "she" missed the scoop not that he was allowed to continue for another three years.

Tells you all you need to know about the people working in the news.

11-05-19, 16:25
Sondland now walking back his testimony....

“Pressure” isn’t just a Billy Joel song...

11-05-19, 17:44
Sondland now walking back his testimony....

“Pressure” isn’t just a Billy Joel song...

He hasn't really brought any new info though. He now says he remembers talking with a Ukraine official about the meeting being withheld do to concerns of corruption in general. I think that's been public knowledge this whole time.

11-05-19, 18:17
He hasn't really brought any new info though. He now says he remembers talking with a Ukraine official about the meeting being withheld do to concerns of corruption in general. I think that's been public knowledge this whole time.

I suppose it's not new info, just another confirmation that the WH was lying from day 1. New talking points will be that there's nothing wrong with quid pro quo & that it's not illegal. Mick apparently jumped the gun by a few weeks. I wonder if he'll walk back his walk back.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

11-05-19, 18:56
If the US is going to provide taxpayer money to a country with corruption issues, and our European allies are not going to provide any money themselves, I'd dangle out money for reform as well. If the former VP and his worthless kid were part of that corruption, I'd ask questions about that too.

The problem is the President of the United States is being subverted and maligned at every turn, trying to destroy him, for things that are normal operating procedure when dealing with some of these foreign dung heaps. American Presidents have always leaned on other leaders since the beginning, but Trump has to operate under a different standard based on a false Leftist narrative. Aggressive hands-on diplomacy, bribery, deal-making, threats and favors are all part of the geopolitical game; more so if you're a big time player like the U.S.

Does anyone remember that A##hole President who sent pallets of US currency to Iran? Kind of seedy behavior, unless you're a lefty democrat President. For me, this is a political coups d'etat by leftist domestic enemies on a duly elected President.

11-05-19, 19:52
I suppose it's not new info, just another confirmation that the WH was lying from day 1. New talking points will be that there's nothing wrong with quid pro quo & that it's not illegal. Mick apparently jumped the gun by a few weeks. I wonder if he'll walk back his walk back.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

But he has no knowledge of a quid pro quo. He says he FELT that the money was hung up on them giving the statements but no one actually told hom that.

Trump team had said from day one that they wanted to make sure the new regime in the Ukraine was actually going to follow through on their anti corruption platform.

That's very different than telling Ukraine they aren't getting military and monetary aide unless they investigate Biden's dealings, like the Democrats are saying. And so far anyone with actual direct knowledge, including the Ukrainians, have denied that.

11-05-19, 20:10
But he has no knowledge of a quid pro quo. He says he FELT that the money was hung up on them giving the statements but no one actually told hom that.

Trump team had said from day one that they wanted to make sure the new regime in the Ukraine was actually going to follow through on their anti corruption platform.

That's very different than telling Ukraine they aren't getting military and monetary aide unless they investigate Biden's dealings, like the Democrats are saying. And so far anyone with actual direct knowledge, including the Ukrainians, have denied that.

Seems that most of the DOS corps understood that "corruption" specifically meant Burrisma & Crowdstrike. I suppose we'll see but the administration's not been consistent. Trump himself is already positioning himself via tweet.

Republican Senators are saying that President Trump may have done a quid pro quo, but it doesn’t matter, there is nothing wrong with that, it is not an impeachable event.

The bad part is that I agree with him, it's not an impeachable event, maybe even routine... unless it's intended to handicap a political rival. Then we're into the dangerous waters of abuse of power/office. :/

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

11-05-19, 20:25
What the hell us wrong with asking and even incentivizing foreign leaders to investigate US officials engaged in corrupt practices in their country?! How is this bad? I have heard no allegations that Trump demanded he find him guilty outright. A leader damn well ought to be rooting out corruption in his administration or past ones.

Biden bragging about successfully getting a foreign prosecutor fired seems definitely bad. Not asking to have it investigated but demanding a specific outcome that favors his son.

11-05-19, 20:40
If the US is going to provide taxpayer money to a country with corruption issues, and our European allies are not going to provide any money themselves, I'd dangle out money for reform as well. If the former VP and his worthless kid were part of that corruption, I'd ask questions about that too.

The problem is the President of the United States is being subverted and maligned at every turn, trying to destroy him, for things that are normal operating procedure when dealing with some of these foreign dung heaps. American Presidents have always leaned on other leaders since the beginning, but Trump has to operate under a different standard based on a false Leftist narrative. Aggressive hands-on diplomacy, bribery, deal-making, threats and favors are all part of the geopolitical game; more so if you're a big time player like the U.S.

Does anyone remember that A##hole President who sent pallets of US currency to Iran? Kind of seedy behavior, unless you're a lefty democrat President. For me, this is a political coups d'etat by leftist domestic enemies on a duly elected President.

QFT. Exactly.

11-05-19, 20:41
Wrong thread.

11-05-19, 21:12
If the US is going to provide taxpayer money to a country with corruption issues, and our European allies are not going to provide any money themselves, I'd dangle out money for reform as well. If the former VP and his worthless kid were part of that corruption, I'd ask questions about that too.

The problem is the President of the United States is being subverted and maligned at every turn, trying to destroy him, for things that are normal operating procedure when dealing with some of these foreign dung heaps. American Presidents have always leaned on other leaders since the beginning, but Trump has to operate under a different standard based on a false Leftist narrative. Aggressive hands-on diplomacy, bribery, deal-making, threats and favors are all part of the geopolitical game; more so if you're a big time player like the U.S.

Does anyone remember that A##hole President who sent pallets of US currency to Iran? Kind of seedy behavior, unless you're a lefty democrat President. For me, this is a political coups d'etat by leftist domestic enemies on a duly elected President.

You’re not implying that elections have consequences are you?

That’s apparently a one way street for the Dems.

11-06-19, 01:12
What the hell us wrong with asking and even incentivizing foreign leaders to investigate US officials engaged in corrupt practices in their country?! How is this bad? I have heard no allegations that Trump demanded he find him guilty outright. A leader damn well ought to be rooting out corruption in his administration or past ones.

Biden bragging about successfully getting a foreign prosecutor fired seems definitely bad. Not asking to have it investigated but demanding a specific outcome that favors his son.

The MSM and Dems don't want to get anywhere near the Bidens.

Here is the one question that should be asked about Hunter and Burisma--- What work product- reports, presentations, meetings- did Hunter provide to Burisma for his compensation. Show me the emails where he contributed to the company. How many meetings did he attend. It's a public company (albeit in Ukraine) so there should be minutes from the board meetings. Show me what an $80k/month wunderkind does.

That and I'm tired of hearing that the Bidens have been investigated and cleared- by whom exactly. Whenever I see that cited, it just leads to other articles claiming their innocence.

When it comes to the Biden's, isn't it the seriousness of the charge, rather than the validity of the evidence that compels us to investigate?

And all I ever see in the MSM is that Trump wanted "dirt' on the Bidens. As if investigating what Hunter did, which even raised issues in the Obama WHite House, doesn't scream scam?

There is far more evidence of Hunter colluding and conspiring to compromise his dad than there ever was on Trump in the Dossier.

11-06-19, 08:12
What the hell us wrong with asking and even incentivizing foreign leaders to investigate US officials engaged in corrupt practices in their country?! How is this bad? I have heard no allegations that Trump demanded he find him guilty outright. A leader damn well ought to be rooting out corruption in his administration or past ones.

Biden bragging about successfully getting a foreign prosecutor fired seems definitely bad. Not asking to have it investigated but demanding a specific outcome that favors his son.

Former Ukraine prosecutor says he saw no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden (https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2019-09-29/former-ukraine-prosecutor-says-no-wrongdoing-biden)

Ukraine’s former top law enforcement official says he repeatedly rebuffed demands by President Trump’s personal lawyer to investigate Joe Biden and his son, insisting he had seen no evidence of wrongdoing that he could pursue.

In an interview, Yuri Lutsenko said while he was Ukraine’s prosecutor general he told Rudolph W. Giuliani that he would be happy to cooperate if the FBI or other U.S. authorities began their own investigation of the former vice president and his son Hunter but insisted they had not broken any Ukrainian laws to his knowledge.

Lutsenko, who was fired as prosecutor general last month, said he had urged Giuliani to launch a U.S. inquiry and go to court if he had any evidence but not to use Ukraine to conduct a political vendetta that could affect the U.S. election.

“I said, ‘Let’s put this through prosecutors, not through presidents,’ ” Lutsenko told The Times.

“I told him I could not start an investigation just for the interests of an American official,” he said.

11-06-19, 08:26
The MSM and Dems don't want to get anywhere near the Bidens.

Here is the one question that should be asked about Hunter and Burisma--- What work product- reports, presentations, meetings- did Hunter provide to Burisma for his compensation. Show me the emails where he contributed to the company. How many meetings did he attend. It's a public company (albeit in Ukraine) so there should be minutes from the board meetings. Show me what an $80k/month wunderkind does.

Hunter probably didn't do shit, he was just a useful idiot that they tried to leverage his "involvement". He's not the first or last "hangerson" that's used their proximity to someone wealthy or powerful to line their pockets. It's opportunistic AF (and dare I say American, in a capitalist way) but not illegal.

Does anyone have a specific allegation involving Hunter Biden because honestly the "corruption" allegation seems tenuous & circumstantial at best.

11-06-19, 08:35
Hunter probably didn't do shit, he was just a useful idiot that they tried to leverage his "involvement". He's not the first or last "hangerson" that's used their proximity to someone wealthy or powerful to line their pockets. It's opportunistic AF (and dare I say American, in a capitalist way) but not illegal.

Does anyone have a specific allegation involving Hunter Biden because honestly the "corruption" allegation seems tenuous & circumstantial at best.

From what I've read there is nothing so far that says Hunter Biden specifically was involved in any wrongdoing. It was more general corruption with the company itself.

11-06-19, 09:07
From what I've read there is nothing so far that says Hunter Biden specifically was involved in any wrongdoing. It was more general corruption with the company itself.

Okay, so what't the specific corruption allegation against Joe Biden that we're trying to investigate (aside from having his son ride his coat tails)?

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) said an investigation was ongoing into permits granted by officials at the Ministry of Ecology for the use of natural resources to a string of companies managed by Burisma.

But it said the period under investigation was 2010-2012, and noted that this was before the company hired Hunter Biden.

“Changes to the board of Burisma Limited, which are currently the object of international attention, took place only in May 2014, and therefore are not and never were the subject of (the anti-corruption bureau’s) investigation,” the bureau’s statement said.

Hunter Biden was a director on Burisma’s board from 2014-2018, according to documents filed by the company in Cyprus, where it is registered.

The investigation into Burisma covers a period when Ukraine was governed by a Kremlin ally, Viktor Yanukovich. Burisma hired Hunter Biden after Yanukovich was toppled in a popular revolt in 2014 and replaced by a pro-Western government.

11-06-19, 09:07
I still want to know who “cleared“ the Bidens of any wrongdoing in the whole Brisson thing.

How many times have Chicago politicians been brought down by the exact same thing? The Bidens went digging for paydirt, and for some reason Trump gets in trouble for pointing out the shovels and the mess they made. It wasn’t like Hunter got fired from the board for not delivering.

It’s a simple question, what did Hunter provide As his work product for all the money that he received. If it’s nothing, then we all know what he was actually providing.

11-06-19, 09:07

11-06-19, 09:14
I still want to know who “cleared“ the Bidens of any wrongdoing in the whole Brisson thing.

How many times have Chicago politicians been brought down by the exact same thing? The Bidens went digging for paydirt, and for some reason Trump gets in trouble for pointing out the shovels and the mess they made. It wasn’t like Hunter got fired from the board for not delivering.

It’s a simple question, what did Hunter provide As his work product for all the money that he received. If it’s nothing, then we all know what he was actually providing.

Hunter provided a familiar Western name that might have opened doors that otherwise would be shut. He's Tori Spelling (similarly useless w/o daddy's name, also kinda weird looking...). Also see above and WTF is Brisson?

11-06-19, 09:50
Hunter probably didn't do shit, he was just a useful idiot that they tried to leverage his "involvement". He's not the first or last "hangerson" that's used their proximity to someone wealthy or powerful to line their pockets. It's opportunistic AF (and dare I say American, in a capitalist way) but not illegal.

Does anyone have a specific allegation involving Hunter Biden because honestly the "corruption" allegation seems tenuous & circumstantial at best.

Hmmm what part of corruption is hard to understand? Give a top official (VP Joe Biden) something of substantial value ($700k/yr to his no account addict son) in return for diplomatic favors (pressures Ukraine to stop corruption investigation of source company, Burisma).

If you ignore that then you are a shill for Dems regardless of their corrupt behavior.

11-06-19, 09:58
I still want to know who “cleared“ the Bidens of any wrongdoing in the whole Brisson thing.

How many times have Chicago politicians been brought down by the exact same thing? The Bidens went digging for paydirt, and for some reason Trump gets in trouble for pointing out the shovels and the mess they made. It wasn’t like Hunter got fired from the board for not delivering.

It’s a simple question, what did Hunter provide As his work product for all the money that he received. If it’s nothing, then we all know what he was actually providing.

What he provided was having Daddy pressure Ukraine to stop investigating Burisma corruption (wider scope than just Hunter but would include him as well as the other sons of Congressional members, Pelosi et al).

11-06-19, 10:38
Hmmm what part of corruption is hard to understand? Give a top official (VP Joe Biden) something of substantial value ($700k/yr to his no account addict son) in return for diplomatic favors (pressures Ukraine to stop corruption investigation of source company, Burisma).

What he provided was having Daddy pressure Ukraine to stop investigating Burisma corruption (wider scope than just Hunter but would include him as well as the other sons of Congressional members, Pelosi et al).

So the specific allegation is that Hunter got his dad to stop an investigation into Burisma during a period that proceeded (& excluded him) by a few years? I mean, even the Ukrainian prosecutor said that there's no evidence of that and wanted the US to start their own investigation before they got involved because it sounded like a political hit job. (quoted in this thread)

I get that it's possible especially since he's playing in his daddy's back yard and getting paid because of his name but again, it's circumstantial as all hell.

Anybody have something other than speculation?

11-06-19, 11:04

Lutsenko’s account is controversial since he is believed to have been one of the original promoters behind the unsubstantiated allegations against Biden. He also complained about Marie Yovanovitch, the U.S. ambassador to Kyiv who was recalled in May, weeks before her tenure was up.

Yovanovitch had pushed Ukraine’s government to more aggressively crack down on corruption. But the White House considered her insufficiently loyal to Trump, apparently because she resisted pressuring Ukraine on his priorities, and she became a target of conservative critics, including Giuliani.

House investigators have scheduled a deposition with Yovanovitch and four other senior State Department officials as part of the impeachment inquiry.

Curious how the Los Angeles Times failed to mention that it was Lutsenko himself who stated that Amb. Yovanovitch gave him a "No Prosecute" list. Something Lutsenko has since retracted as well. If it never happened, then why would he ever say it did? Is Lutsenko trustworthy? Is Yovanovitch trustworthy?

I'd contend that non of them are trustworthy. I wouldn't trust Ukraine and I wouldn't trust DoS. This is a power struggle between maintaining the Russian interference narrative and revealing the Ukrainian interference narrative. There's nothing to suggest either of them are invalid, for now.

11-06-19, 12:09
Junior is the wrong guy to out the schiffblower. Should have let Rand do it. Now they can bring him in and look through all of Jr coms.

It is amazing how common the ‘dig up dirt’ phrase on the Bidens has become in the MSM. You might get ‘unsubstantiated claims’ once in awhile, but the dirt line, or ‘conspiracy theory’ are the only way they usually describe Hunter’s shake down of Burisma.

11-06-19, 12:19
Junior is the wrong guy to out the schiffblower. Should have let Rand do it. Now they can bring him in and look through all of Jr coms.

It is amazing how common the ‘dig up dirt’ phrase on the Bidens has become in the MSM. You might get ‘unsubstantiated claims’ once in awhile, but the dirt line, or ‘conspiracy theory’ are the only way they usually describe Hunter’s shake down of Burisma.

Except Junior has no legal duty to protect Ciaramella's identity (neither does Congress for that matter). I said back on Saturday that his identity would be unmasked publicly either this week or next. The media is desperately trying to stuff the genie back in the bottle right now, but it's a useless endeavor and they just look more and more partisan every day.

11-06-19, 12:23
How has anyone been "cleared" on the Burisma deal when the investigation was never finished? Also the top investigator was supposedly "easy on corruption" so by their own words any investigation done would be half assed at best.

11-06-19, 13:04
I have looked all over for the 'clearing' body or evidence, I don't know what it refers exactly too. Also, Manafort was investigated and 'cleared' about his Ukranian Pre-Trump stuff, until the Special Prosecutor really looked into it.

Maybe that is what we need. You know, to take the politics out of it. Put a special prosecutor in charge of investigating what laws the Bidens broke. We already know that Biden lied when he said that he never talked to Hunter about Burisma...

11-06-19, 13:07
How has anyone been "cleared" on the Burisma deal when the investigation was never finished? Also the top investigator was supposedly "easy on corruption" so by their own words any investigation done would be half assed at best.

Good point. But Biden wasn't part of Burisma during the period that was being investigated... So, why push to remove the guy that was supposedly "easy on corruption" if you're trying to bury corruption in the first place?

I have looked all over for the 'clearing' body or evidence, I don't know what it refers exactly too. Also, Manafort was investigated and 'cleared' about his Ukranian Pre-Trump stuff, until the Special Prosecutor really looked into it.

I think showing up 2 years after the alleged corruption took place is about as good as it gets if you're going to "clear" them of wrongdoing. You're not going to find evidence of them being cleared because the Bidens were never under investigation to begin with.

Maybe that is what we need. You know, to take the politics out of it. Put a special prosecutor in charge of investigating what laws the Bidens broke. We already know that Biden lied when he said that he never talked to Hunter about Burisma...

I'm still waiting to hear what credible & specific allegation the Bidens are supposed to be investigated for in the first place. If there is one, maybe we should have started with a special prosecutor to begin with instead of pressure campaign against a foreign government to start one for us.

11-06-19, 13:15
How has anyone been "cleared" on the Burisma deal when the investigation was never finished? Also the top investigator was supposedly "easy on corruption" so by their own words any investigation done would be half assed at best.

IIRC, ABC news did an investigation into the Biden's Ukraine dealings and found no improprieties. Seriously. :rolleyes:

11-06-19, 13:31
Good point. But Biden wasn't part of Burisma during the period that was being investigated... So, why push to remove the guy that was supposedly "easy on corruption" if you're trying to bury corruption in the first place?

I think showing up 2 years after the alleged corruption took place is about as good as it gets if you're going to "clear" them of wrongdoing. You're not going to find evidence of them being cleared because the Bidens were never under investigation to begin with.

I'm still waiting to hear what credible & specific allegation the Bidens are supposed to be investigated for in the first place. If there is one, maybe we should have started with a special prosecutor to begin with instead of pressure campaign against a foreign government to start one for us.

If I remember correctly the original prosecutor that Biden got fired said he had a subpoena for Hunter but was fired before Hunter was interviewed. So the may be more to it.

11-06-19, 14:20
If I remember correctly the original prosecutor that Biden got fired said he had a subpoena for Hunter but was fired before Hunter was interviewed. So the may be more to it.

That's only seems to be coming from Viktor Shokin (whom the Ukrainians voted to remove) and Rudy Guiliani and his crew (Igor Fruman (indicted), Lev Parnas (indicted) and George Boyle (Rudy's COO)). No one else is pushing this narrative that isn't working for or with the WH. There may be more to it but I'm considering the source and lack of confirmation.

11-06-19, 14:42
That's only seems to be coming from Viktor Shokin (whom the Ukrainians voted to remove) and Rudy Guiliani and his crew (Igor Fruman (indicted), Lev Parnas (indicted) and George Boyle (Rudy's COO)). No one else is pushing this narrative that isn't working for or with the WH. There may be more to it but I'm considering the source and lack of confirmation.

So you dispute the allegation that Ukraine was investigating Burisma while Hunter was on the board, that Biden had the Chief Prosecutor fired during that timeframe and that said investigation was subsequently closed and never reopened?

11-06-19, 15:00
Curious how the Los Angeles Times failed to mention that it was Lutsenko himself who stated that Amb. Yovanovitch gave him a "No Prosecute" list. Something Lutsenko has since retracted as well.
I keep seeing this reported, but found a first hand source with quotes, from the reporter who first interviewed him. Below is a concise description, but you can read longer direct quotes from Lutsenko in the article.

"I re-interviewed Lutsenko after the Ukrainian report suggesting he recanted. He adamantly denied recanting, retracting or changing his story, and said the Ukrainian newspaper simply misunderstood that the list of names were conveyed orally during the meeting and not in writing, just like he said in the original Hill.TV interview."

11-06-19, 15:13
So you dispute the allegation that Ukraine was investigating Burisma while Hunter was on the board

The period being investigated was prior to Hunter being on the board by at least 2 years 2010-2012. The investigation may have been ongoing while he was on the board. I haven't heard specifics on what status the case was in during what times.

that Biden had the Chief Prosecutor fired during that timeframe

This is fact. What's in contention is why. There's 2 competing narratives 1). Biden pushed to fire Shokin because he was corrupt/soft on corruption. 2). Biden pushed to fire Shokin because he was investigating Burisma/Mykola Zlochevskyi

I've seen more evidence of #1 and none for #2.

said investigation was subsequently closed and never reopened?

This is fact. At any rate, the Ukrainians are reviewing the closure of those cases currently (https://en.gp.gov.ua/ua/news.html?_m=publications&_c=view&_t=rec&id=259246).

11-06-19, 15:54
I keep seeing this reported, but found a first hand source with quotes, from the reporter who first interviewed him. Below is a concise description, but you can read longer direct quotes from Lutsenko in the article.

"I re-interviewed Lutsenko after the Ukrainian report suggesting he recanted. He adamantly denied recanting, retracting or changing his story, and said the Ukrainian newspaper simply misunderstood that the list of names were conveyed orally during the meeting and not in writing, just like he said in the original Hill.TV interview."

A list can be provided in oral or written form. I don't know what to make of Lutsenko's credibility at this point. The only obvious truth is that both sides have and still are engaged in attempts to discredit each other. :(

The period being investigated was prior to Hunter being on the board by at least 2 years 2010-2012. The investigation may have been ongoing while he was on the board. I haven't heard specifics on what status the case was in during what times.

This is fact. What's in contention is why. There's 2 competing narratives 1). Biden pushed to fire Shokin because he was corrupt/soft on corruption. 2). Biden pushed to fire Shokin because he was investigating Burisma/Mykola Zlochevskyi

I've seen more evidence of #1 and none for #2.

This is fact. At any rate, the Ukrainians are reviewing the closure of those cases currently (https://en.gp.gov.ua/ua/news.html?_m=publications&_c=view&_t=rec&id=259246).

My point was simply that VP Biden was named special envoy to Ukraine, Hunter was hired to the Burisma board by the man being investigated, Biden gets the Chief Prosecutor on that investigation fired and the investigation is summarily dismissed. That's a pretty damning set of facts, considering that Biden lied about talking to Hunter about his "work" in the Ukraine.

That and various NABU officials have stated that their investigations were being manipulated by Obama Administration officials while Biden was envoy. Oh, and a Ukrainian court ruling that a NABU official and a member of the Ukrainian Parliament interfered in the 2016 US election by illegally releasing information on Manafort. Well, unless you believe MSNBC's Katy Tur that it's all "Russian Propaganda". https://dailycaller.com/2019/09/27/msnbc-katy-tur-ukrainian-election-meddling-russian-propaganda/

11-06-19, 18:18
Even if they had a video of President Trump telling Ukraine to lock up Joe Biden if they want the money and another of him, Putin and a couple of hookers in a hotel room I still would oppose impeachment. Because at this point this impeachment dragnet has nothing to do with what's right and everything to do with Hillary losing the 2016 election and the ComDems not having a viable candidate for 2020.

11-06-19, 18:32
Even if they had a video of President Trump telling Ukraine to lock up Joe Biden if they want the money and another of him, Putin and a couple of hookers in a hotel room I still would oppose impeachment. Because at this point this impeachment dragnet has nothing to do with what's right and everything to do with Hillary losing the 2016 election and the ComDems not having a viable candidate for 2020.

The ‘facts’ don’t really matter anymore, it is getting kind of scary. I could understand if the Trump push was for manufactured evidence against Biden (interestingly enough, that is exactly what the Steele dossier is), but this isn’t that, and investigating the Biden’s and Hunter’s role looks a legit question to ask. Far more there to look at versus the emoluments BS that the Dems try to scare people with.

As to the Ukrainian angle on the 2016 election interference, the MSM and TLA statists says that there is nothing there. Considering that those same people insisted that there was a ‘there, there’ in the Steele Dossier- and there ended up being air, or err, there- I withhold judgement based on that track record.

just a scout
11-06-19, 19:04
Everything the Dems accuse Trump of is what they are doing. My gauge of how well he’s doing is how incensed they are. The more dramatic and upset, the better a decision is for us vs. them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

11-06-19, 22:31
Follow CrowdStrike and you will quickly find out why this convo back in July with the new Boss in Ukraine triggered people.
It hits way to close to the backbone of the Weissman Report aka The Russians hacked the DNC.
CrowdStrike is owned by an Anti Putin,Ukrainian national. Who interestingly enough, got the gig to provide cyber security for the DNC in the 2016 election cycle. They are also THE ONLY organization that looked at the servers that had been "hacked" by those pesky Russians. Not the FBI, not the NSA, not the CIA. None of the infamous 17 intelligence agencies have ever looked at the DNC servers...just took the word of the company who was HACKED, on who done it.
That is like letting the FBI investigate why Vicky Weaver.got shot...seems credible.

11-07-19, 06:38
And people think I'm crazy when I believe the Democrats endgame is to catapult one of theirs into office...


Vice President Mike Pence's role in the events leading to the House of Representatives' impeachment inquiry is expected to come under scrutiny Thursday as a top aide is likely to comply with a request to testify on Capitol Hill.

Jennifer Williams, an aide to Pence and a longtime State Department staffer, would be the first person on the vice president's staff to appear before Congress. She is expected to show up for testimony on Thursday if she receives a subpoena, her lawyer said Wednesday. House Democrats have typically issued those subpoenas the morning of a witness's scheduled testimony.

11-07-19, 07:31
I worry more about the National Popular Vote stupidity- in that it could be unclear next summer what system would we be operating under (and what rules) or even a switch to the NPV between the election and when the electoral colllege votes If it goes to the House of REps, I forget how that would break out.

11-07-19, 07:34
The Dems have been investigating to find a crime since before he took office. It is nothing but a coup attempt.

11-07-19, 08:48
My point was simply that VP Biden was named special envoy to Ukraine, Hunter was hired to the Burisma board by the man being investigated, Biden gets the Chief Prosecutor on that investigation fired and the investigation is summarily dismissed. That's a pretty damning set of facts, considering that Biden lied about talking to Hunter about his "work" in the Ukraine.

It's a set of facts the context determines whether or not it's damning IMO. Right now, there's no specific allegation, the Biden Connection is entirely circumstantial. If there's actual evidence of a crime I'm all for investigating it, I just don't see how or why we need the Ukrainians to do it for us though. :confused:

That and various NABU officials have stated that their investigations were being manipulated by Obama Administration officials while Biden was envoy. Oh, and a Ukrainian court ruling that a NABU official and a member of the Ukrainian Parliament interfered in the 2016 US election by illegally releasing information on Manafort. Well, unless you believe MSNBC's Katy Tur that it's all "Russian Propaganda". https://dailycaller.com/2019/09/27/msnbc-katy-tur-ukrainian-election-meddling-russian-propaganda/

I'll look into this more but if you don't believe there's a whole bunch of Russian ****-**** games involved you're blind or a fool. Putin has been out maneuvering us for the last 2 administrations and he still has his hooks deep into the Ukraine.

11-07-19, 09:06
Your not a Whistle Blower if you are a part of a conspiracy, considering what his Attorney had posted, the whole idea of coming forward for the good of the Country is a line of crap.
All this did is to insure that is shot down immediately upon arrival in the Senate.
This is an ongoing conspiracy. As soon as he tweeted "a coup has started" it was over and it became a crime.

11-07-19, 09:21
And people think I'm crazy when I believe the Democrats endgame is to catapult one of theirs into office...


Well, the ComDems are in for a penny, in for a pound. As long as they are pushing this impeachment farce they figured they they may as well go for the whole shabang.

11-07-19, 09:21
The Dems have been investigating to find a crime since before he took office. It is nothing but a coup attempt.

noun: coup; plural noun: coups; noun: coup d'état; plural noun: coup d'états; plural noun: coups d'état

1. a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
"he was overthrown in an army coup"

Its not a coup, its just bullshit partisan politics. The legislative branch is allowed to conduct investigations and impeachment (regardless of the merit). So far the only folks talking about violent seizure of power are Trump supporters with this civil war talk.

11-07-19, 10:17
noun: coup; plural noun: coups; noun: coup d'état; plural noun: coup d'états; plural noun: coups d'état

1. a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
"he was overthrown in an army coup"

Its not a coup, its just bullshit partisan politics. The legislative branch is allowed to conduct investigations and impeachment (regardless of the merit). So far the only folks talking about violent seizure of power are Trump supporters with this civil war talk.

I get it man, you don't like Trump. And thank you for the definition of "coup", super helpful. Maybe I should have clarified for the likes of you that I was talking about a "soft" version of it, and was not saying the democrats have the White House surrounded with tanks.

Yes, the legislative branch has the power to investigate. But they had decided on impeachment from the moment he took office and have been investigating to look for a crime, not investigating a crime that took place. Endless investigations into literally everything from collusion with Russia , taxes, NDAs with women, pee hookers, quid pro quo, obstruction, etc, etc, etc. As soon as they come up short with one they move onto the next thing.

If you think this is normal and ok, I am not sure what else to say.

11-07-19, 10:52
It's a set of facts the context determines whether or not it's damning IMO. Right now, there's no specific allegation, the Biden Connection is entirely circumstantial. If there's actual evidence of a crime I'm all for investigating it, I just don't see how or why we need the Ukrainians to do it for us though. :confused:

I'll look into this more but if you don't believe there's a whole bunch of Russian ****-**** games involved you're blind or a fool. Putin has been out maneuvering us for the last 2 administrations and he still has his hooks deep into the Ukraine.

We needed the Ukrainians to restart the Manafort investigation which had already been closed by both the FBI and NABU in 2014, and we needed the NABU to "leak" that reopened investigation evidence in order to take Manafort down here. So why would we suddenly not need Ukraine to reopen the closed Biden investigation? The FBI which has been proven to have been in the bag for Hillary could reopen that investigation I guess, but how far would that get with no Ukrainian cooperation and no appetite for it within the FBI?

As for the Russian D-D games, absolutely! Keep in mind the Burisma oligarch Biden protected is PRO-Russian. Hillary got a lot of money from Russia as well. The Ukrainian political and prosecutorial figures look like a Russia/Ukraine badminton game. Every time one gets ousted, their diametric opposite is elected or appointed. Wash, rinse, repeat.

FWIW, it's so corrupt and sordid I don't think the US should be so deeply involved there. I get spending cash in the region to undermine Russia because they do it to us. But getting so cozy that our top DoS officials and even direct administration "envoys" are having heart to heart talks with Ukrainian department heads, is just too close for comfort. :(

Your not a Whistle Blower if you are a part of a conspiracy, considering what his Attorney had posted, the whole idea of coming forward for the good of the Country is a line of crap.
All this did is to insure that is shot down immediately upon arrival in the Senate.
This is an ongoing conspiracy. As soon as he tweeted "a coup has started" it was over and it became a crime.

The Daily Beast today pretty much confirmed that the whistleblower is Eric Ciaramella. https://news.yahoo.com/house-gop-lawyer-tried-whistleblower-200529677.html

The name of the alleged whistleblower, which The Daily Beast has not independently confirmed and will not publish here, has been circulated widely by right-wing media; much to the chagrin of his lawyers who have warned that their client’s safety is being deliberately threatened as part of a witness intimidation scheme by the president’s allies.

So the person (Ciaramella) IS their client and being represented by them. It would be one hell of a coincidence if Ciaramella wasn't the 'whistleblower', but happened to choose the same law firm to represent him as the whistleblower, even though he wasn't the whistleblower? Yeah, right.

So let's look at Ciaramella's legal team:

McCullough, who helped write the whistleblower complaint, worked for Clapper

Bakaj interned for Hillary and Schumer in the Senate

Zaid is executive director of the James Madison Project, which had on it's board Hillary campaign manager John Podesta

Baikaj's Compass Rose law firm has the same address as "Values United", which runs "Whistleblower Aid", so he and his partner John Napier Tye (former DoS official and SPLC associate) launder the financing of anti-Republican "whistleblowers" that way. Apparently Whistleblower Aid actively sought to attract the attention of Trump administration government employees by reportedly blasting advertisements for its whistleblower services on Metro trains, using mobile billboards that circled government offices for 10 hours a day, and handing out whistles on street corners as a gimmick to gain attention.

Zaid previously floated a scheme for Mueller to become an anti-Trump "whistleblower". Zaid has even tweeted and I directly quote "coup has started", “First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow”, etc. Now are there any questions as to why Schiff doesn't want the "whistleblower's" identity to become public? :confused:

11-07-19, 10:53
I get it man, you don't like Trump. And thank you for the definition of "coup", super helpful. Maybe I should have clarified for the likes of you that I was talking about a "soft" version of it, and was not saying the democrats have the White House surrounded with tanks.

A "soft coup" isn't a "coup" at all then is it?

Yes, the legislative branch has the power to investigate. But they had decided on impeachment from the moment he took office and have been investigating to look for a crime, not investigating a crime that took place. Endless investigations into literally everything from collusion with Russia , taxes, NDAs with women, pee hookers, quid pro quo, obstruction, etc, etc, etc. As soon as they come up short with one they move onto the next thing.

If you think this is normal and ok, I am not sure what else to say.

It's not normal. Not illegal or unconstitutional either. Elections have consequences, the GOP lost the house. They have the power to check, harass, and block the president. Same as when Obama lost the Congress and folks were clamoring for his impeachment. People seem to have a really short memory and the expectation that opponents won't take exact their pound of flesh when the tables are turned. It's not okay, but this is probably going to be name of the game from here on out until we collectively wake up from this hyper-partisan dreamworld and treat each other with a little bit of respect again.

11-07-19, 11:21
A "soft coup" isn't a "coup" at all then is it?

A soft coup, sometimes referred to as a silent coup, is a coup d'état without the use of violence, but based on a conspiracy or plot that has as its objective the taking of state power by partially or wholly illegal means, in order to facilitate an exchange of political leadership - and in some cases also of the current institutional order.[1][2]

Since a soft coup is hard for you to understand maybe this will help. It is a common term. Being obtuse doesn't make you seem any smarter.

It's not normal. Not illegal or unconstitutional either. Elections have consequences, the GOP lost the house. They have the power to check, harass, and block the president. Same as when Obama lost the Congress and folks were clamoring for his impeachment. People seem to have a really short memory and the expectation that opponents won't take exact their pound of flesh when the tables are turned. It's not okay, but this is probably going to be name of the game from here on out until we collectively wake up from this hyper-partisan dreamworld and treat each other with a little bit of respect again.


Why are you bringing up Obama? He wasn't impeached, no articles were ever drawn up and I don't remember a full house vote where the majority voted in favor of moving forward on impeachment.

11-07-19, 11:42
Its not a coup, its just bullshit partisan politics. The legislative branch is allowed to conduct investigations and impeachment (regardless of the merit). So far the only folks talking about violent seizure of power are Trump supporters with this civil war talk.

When you're planning to take the man down a couple of days after he has been sworn in, it's gone from partisan politics to a coup and is now bordering on treason.
Partisan politics is making sure his legislation and agenda don't move forward, that line got crossed when Brennan and Comey scooped up a story from Hillary Clinton and used it to spy on the man.
Once you bring in the Intelligence Community and the Federal Law Enforcement Agencies to help pick the winners and then to help impeach the real winner, your working against the best interest and laws of the United States.
This shit make Nixon look like a Choir Boy.

11-07-19, 12:46
Well, the ComDems are in for a penny, in for a pound. As long as they are pushing this impeachment farce they figured they they may as well go for the whole shabang.

Oh, I'm sure President Pelosi would attempt to nominate Hillary as her Veep and then step down for "reasons of health/be with family/insert excuse here."

Of course, it's all okay because of the "will of the people in the 2016 election."

Outlander Systems
11-07-19, 12:53
LOL!! This is some of the best shitposting I've seen in years.

A "soft coup" isn't a "coup" at all then is it?

It's not normal. Not illegal or unconstitutional either. Elections have consequences, the GOP lost the house. They have the power to check, harass, and block the president. Same as when Obama lost the Congress and folks were clamoring for his impeachment. People seem to have a really short memory and the expectation that opponents won't take exact their pound of flesh when the tables are turned. It's not okay, but this is probably going to be name of the game from here on out until we collectively wake up from this hyper-partisan dreamworld and treat each other with a little bit of respect again.

11-07-19, 12:55
noun: coup; plural noun: coups; noun: coup d'état; plural noun: coup d'états; plural noun: coups d'état

1. a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
"he was overthrown in an army coup"

Its not a coup, its just bullshit partisan politics. The legislative branch is allowed to conduct investigations and impeachment (regardless of the merit). So far the only folks talking about violent seizure of power are Trump supporters with this civil war talk.

Let's go ahead and break down your post here..

Sudden. You mean other than the Democrats already spouting off impeachment talk BEFORE the Inauguration? Lest you forget that ancient history in this political issue...

Violent? No, not yet. However, how much violence has already happened from the left that gets blamed on "well, Trump!"? How often have we seen antifa demonstrations turn violent? How many leftists have called for the death of a sitting president? Do you really want to go down this road with me?

Illegal? I have no idea since the Democrats are only leaking information that makes them look good. The American public has no idea whether or not it's an illegal attempt since the Democratically controlled House has seen fit to conduct the hearings behind closed doors.

And of course, seizure of power in that definition is certainly at stake here. Again, forgetting how each and every investigation conducted so far has been rotten to the core by the Democrats that have been in charge.

Yeah, it's an effin coup.

And if you really want to go the "civil war talk" route, I can't find any mainstream conservative groups clamoring for such things. I've seen plenty of leftists, socialist and communist groups calling for such actions.

You need to stop while you're way behind on this, friend.

11-07-19, 12:59
They have the power to check, harass, and block the president. Same as when Obama lost the Congress and folks were clamoring for his impeachment.

Can you please point to the committees Speaker of the House Ryan appointed for the Impeachment of President Obama?

Thank you in advance.

11-07-19, 14:25
I'm gonna tap out now fellas. We're talking past each other and some of y'all are really in your feelings and don't seem able to be objective at the moment.

11-07-19, 15:07
I got called out on my statements so I am going to go ahead and stop posting

Fixed it for you.

11-07-19, 15:08
double tap

11-07-19, 15:46
I'm gonna tap out now fellas. We're talking past each other and some of y'all are really in your feelings and don't seem able to be objective at the moment.

To be fair, I put a LOT of information on your plate that you can't find with a cursory media search. I'd expect that you'd need time to research it in order to formulate a cogent reply. Feel free to take all the time you need, but please don't pretend it's because we're not being objective.

11-07-19, 16:23
So after 568 posts (mine included), I still haven't seen anything which rises to the level of an impeachable offense. No High Crimes, no Misdemeanors... nothing but people unhappy with the President and seeking to remove him from office. The President is in charge - he sets the foreign policy, not State Department employees and ambassadors. Neither does CIA informants or National Security Council leakers.

All I am seeing is a dislike for the process the President is using. Big deal. What I am seeing is behavior on the part of these employees that could be considered close to treason. Take for example that LTC Vindman. Why isn't that a##hole before The Man facing an Article 15 at the very least? This other treasonous leaker who has been cloaked in whistle blower status - why isn't he being dragged out of the White House in handcuffs for domestic espionage?

The President needs to vet every last employee that serves in close proximity to him and clean house - the White House, that is. Send dozens or more packing, first frisking or subjecting every last one of them to full cavity searches for documents, flash drives and recording devices before they hit the street.

11-07-19, 18:03
To be fair, I put a LOT of information on your plate that you can't find with a cursory media search. I'd expect that you'd need time to research it in order to formulate a cogent reply. Feel free to take all the time you need, but please don't pretend it's because we're not being objective.

I wasn't at all referring to you. I don't want to engage in the conversation anymore RE: coups, soft coups and treason. Because if that's really what people think in their heart of hearts is happening they'll legitimately believe themselves justified in starting to kill people.

Outlander Systems
11-07-19, 18:09
Narrator: “This is called a false dilemma fallacy.”

I wasn't at all referring to you. I don't want to engage in the conversation anymore RE: coups, soft coups and treason. Because if that's really what people think in their heart of hearts is happening they'll legitimately believe themselves justified in starting to kill people.

11-07-19, 18:38
I wasn't at all referring to you. I don't want to engage in the conversation anymore RE: coups, soft coups and treason. Because if that's really what people think in their heart of hearts is happening they'll legitimately believe themselves justified in starting to kill people.

.......uhhh ok.

just a scout
11-07-19, 18:49
So after 568 posts (mine included), I still haven't seen anything which rises to the level of an impeachable offense. No High Crimes, no Misdemeanors... nothing but people unhappy with the President and seeking to remove him from office. The President is in charge - he sets the foreign policy, not State Department employees and ambassadors. Neither does CIA informants or National Security Council leakers.

All I am seeing is a dislike for the process the President is using. Big deal. What I am seeing is behavior on the part of these employees that could be considered close to treason. Take for example that LTC Vindman. Why isn't that a##hole before The Man facing an Article 15 at the very least? This other treasonous leaker who has been cloaked in whistle blower status - why isn't he being dragged out of the White House in handcuffs for domestic espionage?

The President needs to vet every last employee that serves in close proximity to him and clean house - the White House, that is. Send dozens or more packing, first frisking or subjecting every last one of them to full cavity searches for documents, flash drives and recording devices before they hit the street.

I wish he’d have done that from the start. The disadvantage he had coming in was not knowing the players and who to trust. I think he should’ve cleaned house day 1. Every single Obama appointee At every level of the executive branch should’ve been shown the door. Period. It couldn’t have been any worse than it was for him for the first year.

There are people out there that have the MAGA belief. I can name Doug Macgregor off the top of my head that he should have and still can pull in. Pompeo is a good choice. The Marines were turds. And Vindman should have stood a court martial long ago.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

11-07-19, 19:02
This whole thing starts and ends with the CrowdStrike servers. Zero forensic analysis of said servers cancels out any potential for an investigation to be conducted, full stop. Stating “we got hacked” doesn’t cut it.

Anything beyond that is purely weaponized law enforcement for political means.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-07-19, 19:18
This whole thing starts and ends with the CrowdStrike servers. Zero forensic analysis of said servers cancels out any potential for an investigation to be conducted, full stop. Stating “we got hacked” doesn’t cut it.

Anything beyond that is purely weaponized law enforcement for political means.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You know, I'm pretty sure we knew and had access to those servers, I mean like we could literally put our hands on them.
A lot of that data was disseminated to other computers as people built digital "bolt holes" to stay alive. Some of that very well may have been on Wieners computer.
I believe we got scammed by the Intelligence Community and Federal Law Enforcement as they worked for a Clinton/Obama one world government. Fall guys like Epstein were being used to keep those not in the loop in check by black mail for some kiddie porn and rape.
If all of that data is whole and in one or two places, it's the most powerful and potentially dangerous things in the world.
If they're willing to overthrow a sitting President and in turn overthrow the votes of millions of Americans in order to make sure no one ever sees all of this, it's world changing.

11-07-19, 19:45
You know, I'm pretty sure we knew and had access to those servers, I mean like we could literally put our hands on them.
A lot of that data was disseminated to other computers as people built digital "bolt holes" to stay alive. Some of that very well may have been on Wieners computer.
I believe we got scammed by the Intelligence Community and Federal Law Enforcement as they worked for a Clinton/Obama one world government. Fall guys like Epstein were being used to keep those not in the loop in check by black mail for some kiddie porn and rape.
If all of that data is whole and in one or two places, it's the most powerful and potentially dangerous things in the world.
If they're willing to overthrow a sitting President and in turn overthrow the votes of millions of Americans in order to make sure no one ever sees all of this, it's world changing.

I think they are protecting Obama. That’s why they are panicked and irrational.

11-07-19, 19:56
You have to realize that all of this is really wearing on me. I haven't been this emotionally invested in the political realm for a while. What I am seeing in the destruction of an American Presidency is like watching some ANTIFA thug dragging the American Flag in the street. You hate to see your Country and President being attacked like this, and I believe we are in a new dark age in the United States. Domestic enemies coming out of the woodwork in all directions.

I wish he’d have done that from the start. The disadvantage he had coming in was not knowing the players and who to trust. I think he should’ve cleaned house day 1. Every single Obama appointee At every level of the executive branch should’ve been shown the door. Period. It couldn’t have been any worse than it was for him for the first year.

There are people out there that have the MAGA belief. I can name Doug Macgregor off the top of my head that he should have and still can pull in. Pompeo is a good choice. The Marines were turds. And Vindman should have stood a court martial long ago.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

11-07-19, 20:07
I wish he’d have done that from the start. The disadvantage he had coming in was not knowing the players and who to trust. I think he should’ve cleaned house day 1. Every single Obama appointee At every level of the executive branch should’ve been shown the door. Period. It couldn’t have been any worse than it was for him for the first year.

There are people out there that have the MAGA belief. I can name Doug Macgregor off the top of my head that he should have and still can pull in. Pompeo is a good choice. The Marines were turds. And Vindman should have stood a court martial long ago.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Not just Obama's appointees--every single Schedule C and other "at pleasure of President" office. Clean house completely, if you find one worth keeping invite them to re-apply--the important thing here is consistency, EVERYBODY's getting a performance review and the dead wood's getting cut out.

Usually these ticks burrow back into tenured Civil Service unfireable positions as soon as an R wins the presidential election so they can perpetuate the Deep State--they didn't this time because they were cocky and expected a Hildabeast victory, so we had a once in a lifetime opportunity to flush 'em out and purge 'em that's been squandered. :(


11-08-19, 01:07
You have to realize that all of this is really wearing on me. I haven't been this emotionally invested in the political realm for a while. What I am seeing in the destruction of an American Presidency is like watching some ANTIFA thug dragging the American Flag in the street. You hate to see your Country and President being attacked like this, and I believe we are in a new dark age in the United States. Domestic enemies coming out of the woodwork in all directions.

I've been pretty agitated about it too, but I've kind of chilled out about it lately. The left is throwing a tantrum. Not to make light of what they are doing- but realize that they are convulsing and flopping and foaming at the mouth- Trying and trying to gin up some outrage. But where it the outrage? Sure, they can point to polls about how many people want Trump gone- but those same polls show that people think that this is a partisan hack play. For a resistance that likes to pull out the pussy cap and march for just about anything- or against anything Trump- where are the mass demonstrations and strikes demanding Trump to be removed???


This is an inside the Beltway, MSM echo chamber, theater.

All because if Barr, Durham and he IG are all going to come out with some nasty stuff, and it's Thursday and they hate Trump.

IT's a soft coup, not because they are strategic masterminds, but for people willing to sacrifice easily sacrifice others for their cause, they can't even find the energy to get out and martyr someone for the cause.

And all so that they can tell their fringe left that yes, they did impeach him, but the dastardly republicans thwarted them in the Senate. They want it done quick and neatly and hope that people in the middle and the right forget about it, so as not to incite them in Nov next year, but to placate the crazy dems in the primaries.

This is Leyte Gulf, except in reverse that the Japs are running destroyers and we think they are cruisers and BBs.

It's the Battle of the Bulge- one last gasp at a desperate strategy to placate the true believers.


They are wounded bear lashing out. A rattlesnake head biting its body trying to kill anything.

Dangerous, yes. But not the fight to get into.

Just smile and tell them "You're a daisy if you do...".

11-08-19, 01:53
I say let this thing drag out--this is their Pickett's Charge. Use the opportunity to hold hearings and drag every single one of the vermin involved in this soft coup, all the way up to Hildabeast and Obunghole, before the Senate and make them answer painful questions under oath about Burisma, Fusion GPS, Crowdstrike, the shenanigans with the Steele Dossier... expose how the Democrats are trying to use fake corruption to take attention off their own REAL corruption and hamstring those trying to fight it.

11-08-19, 05:13
A "soft coup" isn't a "coup" at all then is it?

It's not normal. Not illegal or unconstitutional either. Elections have consequences, the GOP lost the house. They have the power to check, harass, and block the president. Same as when Obama lost the Congress and folks were clamoring for his impeachment. People seem to have a really short memory and the expectation that opponents won't take exact their pound of flesh when the tables are turned. It's not okay, but this is probably going to be name of the game from here on out until we collectively wake up from this hyper-partisan dreamworld and treat each other with a little bit of respect again.

Was Obama impeached? How many of his cabinet members and officials were jailed for their illegal actions....Lois Lerner, Eric Holder... cough, cough....

That would be NONE. So, in taking it to this level, they have invited a response.....yes, fully justified.

11-08-19, 06:15
or illegal seizure of power from a government.

Ya missed that last part... It does not have to be violent, just something other than the normal lawful process. Railroading via the current approach falls in that bucket.

just a scout
11-08-19, 07:08
A soft coup, sometimes referred to as a silent coup, is a coup d'état without the use of violence, but based on a conspiracy or plot that has as its objective the taking of state power by partially or wholly illegal means, in order to facilitate an exchange of political leadership - and in some cases also of the current institutional order.[1][2]

Since a soft coup is hard for you to understand maybe this will help. It is a common term. Being obtuse doesn't make you seem any smarter.

Why are you bringing up Obama? He wasn't impeached, no articles were ever drawn up and I don't remember a full house vote where the majority voted in favor of moving forward on impeachment.[/QUOTE]

I also don’t remember big investigations with jail time over unfounded complaints.

How about we take a step down the trail of:

1. Why were Obama’s school records sealed?
2. Why was there never a deep delve into the birth certificate?

After all, it’s not the nature of the crime but the seriousness of the accusation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

11-08-19, 07:38
A "soft coup" isn't a "coup" at all then is it?

It's not normal. Not illegal or unconstitutional either. Elections have consequences, the GOP lost the house. They have the power to check, harass, and block the president. Same as when Obama lost the Congress and folks were clamoring for his impeachment. People seem to have a really short memory and the expectation that opponents won't take exact their pound of flesh when the tables are turned. It's not okay, but this is probably going to be name of the game from here on out until we collectively wake up from this hyper-partisan dreamworld and treat each other with a little bit of respect again.

Also, just wanted to throw this out there. Democrats seem to have a habit of trying to impeach lately.

From snopes even.

Articles of impeachment have been introduced against five of the six Republican presidents who have served since President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

11-08-19, 07:43
The birth certificate was always a dead end. His Connecticut Based Social Security number was always a head scratcher that was never explained.

11-08-19, 07:57
Why are you bringing up Obama? He wasn't impeached, no articles were ever drawn up and I don't remember a full house vote where the majority voted in favor of moving forward on impeachment.

I also don’t remember big investigations with jail time over unfounded complaints.

How about we take a step down the trail of:

1. Why were Obama’s school records sealed?
2. Why was there never a deep delve into the birth certificate?

After all, it’s not the nature of the crime but the seriousness of the accusation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro[/QUOTE]

The Libtard booger eaters that will scream until they foam at the mouth about Trumps Tax returns- the same ones who made fun of George W. for being "stupid" when his college records were released (So, in theory, they should understand the importance and relevance of the matter) can't even recognize their Hypocrisy when you dare mention never seeing Obama's transcripts- that likely would have shown--- 1. He wasn't all that bright 2. He may have been on some kind of "foreign student" scholarship etc....Take a look at how Warren's "Indian" preferences in education that sealed her UT Law application have become an issue.....

11-08-19, 08:30
Take a look at how Warren's "Indian" preferences in education that sealed her UT Law application have become an issue.....

A little over a year from now, the USA will have its first trans-native-american president. #1024 #Warren2020

"Alternative facts" indeed...

11-08-19, 08:42
The irony in all of this is that, the more you get all "Trial in the basement with secret witnesses and rules Schiff will make as we go along?" the stronger you're going to make President Trump as we move forward toward an election.
They've got no, absolutely no alternative to Trump that is a viable leader of the United States.

11-08-19, 10:16
As far as I'm concerned, it's official that the "whistleblower" is Ciaramella. His law firm Compass Rose sent the Whitehouse a Cease and Desist letter, threatening to sue President Trump if any harm befalls "the whistleblower or his family".


"I am writing out of deep concern that your client, the President of the United States, is engaging in rhetoric and activity that places my client, the Intelligence Community Whistleblower, and their family in physical danger," Andrew Bakaj wrote to White House counsel Pat Cipollone in a Thursday letter obtained by CNN's Anderson Cooper.

"I am writing to respectfully request that you counsel your client on the legal and ethical peril in which he is placing himself should anyone be physically harmed as a result of his, or his surrogates', behavior," he said.

We all know Trump and his associates have zeroed in on Ciaramella. If Ciaramella isn't the "whistleblower", then Bakaj wouldn't have legal standing to issue the C&D letter.

If the media continues to not say what everyone already knows, it just further damages their credibility going forward. They don't ever want to utter Ciaramella's name because they know it will destroy their narrative. After Mueller fizzled, Brennan got desperate and went to the well one too many times on an already burned operative. That mistake may wind up costing him dearly.

If Ciaramella's life is in danger, it's from Brennan, not Trump associates.

11-08-19, 12:56
I'd bet it's about to get lively on the Intel committee.


House Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan has been assigned by Republican leadership to serve on the House Intelligence Committee so he can participate in questioning in the open Trump impeachment hearings starting next week.

Jordan, R-Ohio, replaces Rep. Rick Crawford, R-Ark., who temporarily resigned from his post on the panel Friday.

“Jim Jordan has been on the front lines in the fight for fairness and truth. His addition will ensure more accountability and transparency in this sham process," House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy said in a statement on Friday.

Under current terms, Jordan, as the top Republican on the Oversight Committee, has been in the room for most closed-door depositions. Because he is not a member of the Intelligence Committee, though, the Ohio Republican cannot ask questions.

11-08-19, 18:11


“Would you like to tell us what your position is on it?” Zeldin asked Taylor. “What was the goal of requesting investigations into 2016 election and Burisma?”

“As I understand it from one of the — maybe the article in The New York Times about Mr. Giuliani’s interest in Burisma, in that article, he describes, and I think he quotes Giuliani at some length, that article indicates that Giuliani was interested in getting some information on Vice President Biden that would be useful to Mr. Giuliani’s client,” Taylor responded.

“And then it’s your inference that Mr. Guliani’s goal would be the president’s goal?” Zeldin said.

“Yes,” Taylor responded.

“And your source is The New York Times?” Zeldin asked, to which Taylor answered affirmatively.

“So do you have any other source that the president’s goal in making this request was anything other than The New York Times?” Zeldin asked.

“I have not talked to the president. I have no other information from what the president was thinking.”

11-08-19, 20:39
Been awhile since I've visited here. Just want to leave a prediction (and for God's sake don't even think I'm advocating this). I would not be the least bit surprised if the "hearsay whistleblower" ends up committing Clintoncide or somehow ends up assuming room temperature in the near future. Sure would be convenient not to have to testify before congress....

11-08-19, 20:57
So should Trump recall Taylor and fire his ass? Or simply reassign him to Sudan?

11-08-19, 21:25
Also, just wanted to throw this out there. Democrats seem to have a habit of trying to impeach lately.

From snopes even.

And that is why I say we should push to impeach the next Dem in the White House from Day 1, just like they have done with Trump. Payback is a bitch, revenge is sweet. Hell, just make shit up like they've done. They need to have the tables turned on them right off the bat. Forget civility, it went away a long time ago.

11-08-19, 21:43
And that is why I say we should push to impeach the next Dem in the White House from Day 1, just like they have done with Trump. Payback is a bitch, revenge is sweet. Hell, just make shit up like they've done. They need to have the tables turned on them right off the bat. Forget civility, it went away a long time ago.

And as sweet as that would be, then nothing gets done (OK, so sometimes that's a better situation) and we end up with the party not in the WH, trying to "stick it to" the party that occupies the White House in a long continuous downward spiral for the country.

11-08-19, 21:57
And that is why I say we should push to impeach the next Dem in the White House from Day 1, just like they have done with Trump. Payback is a bitch, revenge is sweet. Hell, just make shit up like they've done. They need to have the tables turned on them right off the bat. Forget civility, it went away a long time ago.

Can’t do it with out the MSM banging the drums...

11-09-19, 08:38
And as sweet as that would be, then nothing gets done (OK, so sometimes that's a better situation) and we end up with the party not in the WH, trying to "stick it to" the party that occupies the White House in a long continuous downward spiral for the country.

So what? They started this whole mess, they too can feel the sting of it. Turning the other cheek, taking the Moral High Road will just get you laughed at by the Left. The ONLY thing they understand is what they give out so it needs to be given back in spades.

And as far as the "downward spiral" for the country? Again, who cares? Remember, roughly half this country has their heads firmly planted up their asses and VOTED for this in the 2018 mid-terms. Screw 'em.

11-09-19, 08:39
Can’t do it with out the MSM banging the drums...

Can sure as hell try.

11-09-19, 08:41
Sondland now walking back his testimony....

“Pressure” isn’t just a Billy Joel song...

Not walking back, he's supplementing. Had a talk with his lawyers, decided he didn't want to be cellies with Cohen or Manafort, "remembered" the truth and avoided a perjury rap. Smart man. Just as in Watergate, you can be John Dean, or you can be Gordon Liddy, and you get to choose.

11-09-19, 08:50
By the way, Ivanka Trump, of all people, gets it right about the whistle blower. His ID and credibility are of no moment.

It's like a situation where anonymous tipster tells law enforcement that drugs are being sold out of a house. Detective has no idea of who the tipster is, how he knows what he says he knows, whether he has a motive for good or ill. But they set up surveillance and have an undercover agent or a confidential informant do a couple of buy walks. Sure enough, the tipster is corroborated and the buy walks give independent probable cause to search and arrest. Law enforcement simply doesn't need the tipster now, or care who he is.

This isn't what the Hannitys are telling the redcaps, but this is how it works in the real world.

Ivanka gets it, somehow. Her sister is at Georgetown Law, maybe she squared her away.

11-09-19, 09:02
Why do I sense a reluctance, when it's the Conservative's turn outside the White House, to do to the enemy exactly what they're doing to us? Not all of you guys, but some of you have this chivalrous, noble, holier-than-thou, we're-better-than-that attitude. Better give that shit up and throw it to the wayside. You're delusional if you think the Left will come to their senses because you were playing nicey-nice. They will see that as weakness and continue to push.

Times have changed fellas. This ain't the good ole days where we argue with each other in Congress then go have a beer afterwards together because the R's and D's were really not that far apart. The Left is the enemy, and should be dealt with as such. Every level of nastiness that they assume should be met with equal or greater nastiness.

No, it is the Left vs the Right nowadays (as the parties themselves really aren't far apart!). There is a growing chasm in this country. Better pick a side. Stand in the "Mushy-Middle" because you're "better than that" and you're an idiot that the Left will continue to play like a fiddle.

I despise the Left, even if that encompasses almost half this country (the true % probably waxes and wanes but I'd say at least 40+% at any given time). They despise us too. Therefore I have NO desire to join hands and sing kumbaya, because remember what their idea of "compromise" means: you give up something, they give up nothing.

The modern Left is a freak-show of epic proportions. You want to "compromise" with that? I sure as hell don't. In true Conservative fashion (not Republican) I just want to be left alone. But that isn't good enough for them. They want to ram their agenda down your throat and expect you not only to accept it but rejoice and revel in the freak-show of whacked-out policies. Of course any means to resist or push back against that insanity (i.e. free speech and of course GUNS) is to be removed and dismantled.

Some of you guys need to wise up in the next year or so or you'll be the expected tool of the Left.

11-09-19, 09:04
By the way, Ivanka Trump, of all people, gets it right about the whistle blower. His ID and credibility are of no moment.

It's like a situation where anonymous tipster tells law enforcement that drugs are being sold out of a house. Detective has no idea of who the tipster is, how he knows what he says he knows, whether he has a motive for good or ill. But they set up surveillance and have an undercover agent or a confidential informant do a couple of buy walks. Sure enough, the tipster is corroborated and the buy walks give independent probable cause to search and arrest. Law enforcement simply doesn't need the tipster now, or care who he is.

This isn't what the Hannitys are telling the redcaps, but this is how it works in the real world.

Ivanka gets it, somehow. Her sister is at Georgetown Law, maybe she squared her away.

Except that couldn't be further from the truth in this situation.

11-09-19, 09:08
By the way, Ivanka Trump, of all people, gets it right about the whistle blower. His ID and credibility are of no moment.


Other than he was the excuse to launch yet another waste of time, money and effort. To me, IF he "colluded" (don't you just love that word?) with Schiff, this needs to be exposed. The more the swamp is drained, the more will be reveled of the trash that is settled there just below the surface. It is way past time to not only "drain the swamp" but to pave over it so that it's once again productive and useful.

11-09-19, 09:25
Why do I sense a reluctance, when it's the Conservative's turn outside the White House, to do to the enemy exactly what they're doing to us? Not all of you guys, but some of you have this chivalrous, noble, holier-than-thou, we're-better-than-that attitude. Better give that shit up and throw it to the wayside. You're delusional if you think the Left will come to their senses because you were playing nicey-nice. They will see that as weakness and continue to push.

Times have changed fellas. This ain't the good ole days where we argue with each other in Congress then go have a beer afterwards together because the R's and D's were really not that far apart. The Left is the enemy, and should be dealt with as such. Every level of nastiness that they assume should be met with equal or greater nastiness.

No, it is the Left vs the Right nowadays (as the parties themselves really aren't far apart!). There is a growing chasm in this country. Better pick a side. Stand in the "Mushy-Middle" because you're "better than that" and you're an idiot that the Left will continue to play like a fiddle.

I despise the Left, even if that encompasses almost half this country (the true % probably waxes and wanes but I'd say at least 40+% at any given time). They despise us too. Therefore I have NO desire to join hands and sing kumbaya, because remember what their idea of "compromise" means: you give up something, they give up nothing.

The modern Left is a freak-show of epic proportions. You want to "compromise" with that? I sure as hell don't. In true Conservative fashion (not Republican) I just want to be left alone. But that isn't good enough for them. They want to ram their agenda down your throat and expect you not only to accept it but rejoice and revel in the freak-show of whacked-out policies. Of course any means to resist or push back against that insanity (i.e. free speech and of course GUNS) is to be removed and dismantled.

Some of you guys need to wise up in the next year or so or you'll be the expected tool of the Left.

I agree, I despise the far left as it has manifest itself. Just look at California. Once a beautiful state, now slowing being covered in human filth and decadence. Despite their views, we would be no better than them clubbing them into submission with our doctrine. Yes, it's battle to the death and we must not fail. But oppressing the opposition is not the best way to accomplish that. We have failed because we were too busy making a living to see the undermining of our institutions of the press, government and education. When we realized the situation, it was too hard to fix. We caved to the left's tantrums and demands. If you continue to ignore the broken toilet, eventually it will overflow and you have a choice; fix it or blame the company who made it. Either way you have to deal with it or you're going to regret it sooner than later. We should have been electing Senators and Representatives that were willing to fight and suffer the bruises. Instead too often we chose those who delivered the pork back home.

11-09-19, 09:56
By the way, Ivanka Trump, of all people, gets it right about the whistle blower. His ID and credibility are of no moment.

It's like a situation where anonymous tipster tells law enforcement that drugs are being sold out of a house. Detective has no idea of who the tipster is, how he knows what he says he knows, whether he has a motive for good or ill. But they set up surveillance and have an undercover agent or a confidential informant do a couple of buy walks. Sure enough, the tipster is corroborated and the buy walks give independent probable cause to search and arrest. Law enforcement simply doesn't need the tipster now, or care who he is.

This isn't what the Hannitys are telling the redcaps, but this is how it works in the real world.

Ivanka gets it, somehow. Her sister is at Georgetown Law, maybe she squared her away.

This is a terrible analogy. Let me give you a good analogy instead. Replace drugs with firearms from his personal collection. Tipster pretends the guns are illegal and he’s selling them without a license. ATF investigates and finds out the guns are legal, personally owned and doesn’t require a license to sell, but goes ahead and gins up a false narrative to prosecute him anyway. Leaks only information which looks bad out of context so as to taint the jury pool, and withholds exculpatory evidence. Oh and that tipster? He in fact works for an actual illegal arms dealer who wants to knock off the competition.

Now you have what’s happening here. Sondland was exactly correct in telling Taylor there was no quid pro quo and to stfu, because Taylor was trying to torpedo any hopes of getting the truth about 2016 Ukrainian election meddling. The Ukrainians were always going to get the money because had they not, Trump WOULD have committed an impeachable offense. Trump never got his public investigation announcement out of Zelensky and they got the money anyway. No. Crime.

Did Trump make mistakes? Absolutely. Most importantly he should’ve fired every SFS level executive at DoS who ever worked for Obama or Bush. At the very least shuffle them off to dead end posts with no real consequence if they act out. He never should’ve used Giuliani either.

Perhaps take a hardline anti-corruption type and make them a “Czar” so as to make it official. Someone non-political and unassailable, who has a fetish for absolute secrecy. Someone who also understands misinformation campaigns and spy traps. Someone you either cooperate with or you’re fired.

It’s amazing to me that even after almost 3 years in office, Trump is still surrounded by enemies. Granted he’s been prevented from exercising many of his more foolish impulses by people that may frustrate him but were ultimately looking out for him, but in every case it seems someone leaks and the press go into full shark mode over something that never happened.

The one thing that’s absolutely worse than Trump, are people and powers that refuse to admit he’s ever had a single success. Imagine where we’d be if they engaged him and worked with him rather than against him? Granted it’s not like there’s a book out there that tells them exactly how to do that. Oh... wait... There is. :rolleyes:

just a scout
11-09-19, 10:01
Why do I sense a reluctance, when it's the Conservative's turn outside the White House, to do to the enemy exactly what they're doing to us? Not all of you guys, but some of you have this chivalrous, noble, holier-than-thou, we're-better-than-that attitude. Better give that shit up and throw it to the wayside. You're delusional if you think the Left will come to their senses because you were playing nicey-nice. They will see that as weakness and continue to push.

Times have changed fellas. This ain't the good ole days where we argue with each other in Congress then go have a beer afterwards together because the R's and D's were really not that far apart. The Left is the enemy, and should be dealt with as such. Every level of nastiness that they assume should be met with equal or greater nastiness.

No, it is the Left vs the Right nowadays (as the parties themselves really aren't far apart!). There is a growing chasm in this country. Better pick a side. Stand in the "Mushy-Middle" because you're "better than that" and you're an idiot that the Left will continue to play like a fiddle.

I despise the Left, even if that encompasses almost half this country (the true % probably waxes and wanes but I'd say at least 40+% at any given time). They despise us too. Therefore I have NO desire to join hands and sing kumbaya, because remember what their idea of "compromise" means: you give up something, they give up nothing.

The modern Left is a freak-show of epic proportions. You want to "compromise" with that? I sure as hell don't. In true Conservative fashion (not Republican) I just want to be left alone. But that isn't good enough for them. They want to ram their agenda down your throat and expect you not only to accept it but rejoice and revel in the freak-show of whacked-out policies. Of course any means to resist or push back against that insanity (i.e. free speech and of course GUNS) is to be removed and dismantled.

Some of you guys need to wise up in the next year or so or you'll be the expected tool of the Left.


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11-09-19, 10:42
I agree, I despise the far left as it has manifest itself. Just look at California. Once a beautiful state, now slowing being covered in human filth and decadence. Despite their views, we would be no better than them clubbing them into submission with our doctrine. Yes, it's battle to the death and we must not fail. But oppressing the opposition is not the best way to accomplish that. We have failed because we were too busy making a living to see the undermining of our institutions of the press, government and education. When we realized the situation, it was too hard to fix. We caved to the left's tantrums and demands. If you continue to ignore the broken toilet, eventually it will overflow and you have a choice; fix it or blame the company who made it. Either way you have to deal with it or you're going to regret it sooner than later. We should have been electing Senators and Representatives that were willing to fight and suffer the bruises. Instead too often we chose those who delivered the pork back home.

Coulda shoulda woulda. It's water under the bridge man. We have to deal with the here and now, not what "might" have been.

As far as how we voted in the past goes, well sometimes you gotta hold your nose (mainly because of that Mushy Middle type). I was going to vote for Fred Thompson in the 2008 primary but he dropped out before it ever got to Tennessee. I voted for Cruz in the primary last time. I voted against our RINO Senator Alexander his last primary time too. Of course in the general election then what is one to do? The more "level heads" (read: Mushy Middle) got their way with a RINO so you can either vote the lesser of two evils or watch the greater evil win. I didn't design the system, I just have to play along.

I have decided though that especially when it comes to the White House, I will NEVER vote GOPe again, even if that means a POS Dem wins. Of course I'll NEVER hit a "D" lever but will pass that box over on the ballot.

11-09-19, 13:00
Been awhile since I've visited here. Just want to leave a prediction (and for God's sake don't even think I'm advocating this). I would not be the least bit surprised if the "hearsay whistleblower" ends up committing Clintoncide or somehow ends up assuming room temperature in the near future. Sure would be convenient not to have to testify before congress....
I mean, what do you think the statement on "Oh noes, our client is in physical jeopardy because of Trump 'rhetoric' is getting at? Set up the dominoes so they can knock them down later if need be...

And as sweet as that would be, then nothing gets done (OK, so sometimes that's a better situation) and we end up with the party not in the WH, trying to "stick it to" the party that occupies the White House in a long continuous downward spiral for the country.

Good. Let them fight. While they bicker, maybe they'll leave the rest of us alone.

11-09-19, 15:18
If Trump had explicitly ask for a “dirt“ on the Bibens then you might have an argument about the whole corruption, quid pro quo, getting something of value for the political campaign. But the reality is the Biden’s are dirty, even their own allies looked at what Hunter was doing and said this is bullshit. More and more is coming out about how Hunter played the daddy card.

And all of this disparaging of the crowd strike and Ukrainian influence on the anti-Trump campaign is all from the people who insisted that there was a there there for the dossier. Why in the fudge would we believe these people? Maybe there’s nothing there, but we sure as hell have more on the Bidens than there ever was on Trump in the dossier.

The John song articles that are coming out. If Don Junior Had done what Hunter did l, they would be screaming from the rooftops.

Once again they’re trying to impeach him for him for powers that are totally within his bounds. We are back to all of this intense BS. They see bad intent in Trump so what would be normally legal actions are illegal actions, versus with Hillary’s illegal action was made benign because of her good intentions. Funny how they always gets to decide the intent

11-09-19, 17:57
If Trump had explicitly ask for a “dirt“ on the Bibens then you might have an argument about the whole corruption, quid pro quo, getting something of value for the political campaign. But the reality is the Biden’s are dirty, even their own allies looked at what Hunter was doing and said this is bullshit. More and more is coming out about how Hunter played the daddy card.

And all of this disparaging of the crowd strike and Ukrainian influence on the anti-Trump campaign is all from the people who insisted that there was a there there for the dossier. Why in the fudge would we believe these people? Maybe there’s nothing there, but we sure as hell have more on the Bidens than there ever was on Trump in the dossier.

The John song articles that are coming out. If Don Junior Had done what Hunter did l, they would be screaming from the rooftops.

Once again they’re trying to impeach him for him for powers that are totally within his bounds. We are back to all of this intense BS. They see bad intent in Trump so what would be normally legal actions are illegal actions, versus with Hillary’s illegal action was made benign because of her good intentions. Funny how they always gets to decide the intent

I love how the get to perpetually investigate for 3 years and the second they see Trump trying to investigate them it’s “but there’s absolutely no evidence Hunter and Joe did anything wrong!” As they do everything in their power to prevent any investigation at all.

11-09-19, 18:40
I love how the get to perpetually investigate for 3 years and the second they see Trump trying to investigate them it’s “but there’s absolutely no evidence Hunter and Joe did anything wrong!” As they do everything in their power to prevent any investigation at all.

This is absolutely insane because they have Biden doing exactly what they are trying to say Trump did.
It was either a political move to withhold money, or something needed to be looked in to before we gave them more money. Otherwise Biden wanted the Prosecutor out of the way and Trump wanted dirt on the Biden's.

11-09-19, 19:25
This is absolutely insane because they have Biden doing exactly what they are trying to say Trump did.
It was either a political move to withhold money, or something needed to be looked in to before we gave them more money. Otherwise Biden wanted the Prosecutor out of the way and Trump wanted dirt on the Biden's.

They are willfully ignoring the fact that at the exact same time Biden was ordering Ukraine to fire Shokin, high level DoJ meetings were held with Ukraine to reopen a closed investigation on Manafort, who had recently been promoted to campaign manager for Trump. There’s your pressure to investigate a political opponent during an election hook.

Also don’t forget that DoJ is hiding documents illustrating their collusion with the Associated Press to investigate political candidates, where AP acts as agent for the FBI to conduct operations against Manafort which wouldn’t be legal for the FBI to do.


11-10-19, 09:39
If we're worried about Hunter Biden, why no concern about Ivanka, Jared, Donnie Junior? That brood has been flitting around the globe for 3 years now--what are they up to?

11-10-19, 13:49
I despise the Left, even if that encompasses almost half this country (the true % probably waxes and wanes but I'd say at least 40+% at any given time).

Approximately 61.4% of voting age Americans reported voting in 2016. That means that about 30% of the voting age American public vote for left-leaning policies. And 70% either oppose them or are apathetic to them. About 128.8 million people voted for either Trump or Hillary in 2016, of an estimated population of 323.4 million people, which means that only about 40% of the US (including those ineligible to vote) voted for one or the other, placing the actual percentage of Americans who support the left at around 20%, meaning that 80% of all Americans didn't vote for left-leaning candidates.

Neither of these numbers are anywhere near 50%.

(Of course that also means that about 70% of voting aged Americans didn't vote for Trump and about 80% of all Americans didn't vote for Trump, either.)

11-10-19, 17:00
If we're worried about Hunter Biden, why no concern about Ivanka, Jared, Donnie Junior? That brood has been flitting around the globe for 3 years now--what are they up to?

The media has been watching them like a hawk and I haven't seen anything suspicious yet.

11-10-19, 17:48
Approximately 61.4% of voting age Americans reported voting in 2016. That means that about 30% of the voting age American public vote for left-leaning policies. And 70% either oppose them or are apathetic to them. About 128.8 million people voted for either Trump or Hillary in 2016, of an estimated population of 323.4 million people, which means that only about 40% of the US (including those ineligible to vote) voted for one or the other, placing the actual percentage of Americans who support the left at around 20%, meaning that 80% of all Americans didn't vote for left-leaning candidates.

Neither of these numbers are anywhere near 50%.

(Of course that also means that about 70% of voting aged Americans didn't vote for Trump and about 80% of all Americans didn't vote for Trump, either.)

As you stated, those are the ones who actually voted, I get that. Interview the average "man on the street" (whether they vote or not) and see if those numbers I mentioned don't shake out. Apathy or too lazy to go vote doesn't mean you don't support one side or the other if pressed on the issue.

11-10-19, 17:50
If we're worried about Hunter Biden, why no concern about Ivanka, Jared, Donnie Junior? That brood has been flitting around the globe for 3 years now--what are they up to?

I dunno, because the hypocrites on the Left have made such a big deal accusing Trump of EXACTLY what Hunter and his daddy did?

11-10-19, 17:56
The media has been watching them like a hawk and I haven't seen anything suspicious yet.

They were watching Rudy, too, but needed a whistleblower. Maybe they need one on the Trump brood? Stay tuned.

11-10-19, 18:55
If we're worried about Hunter Biden, why no concern about Ivanka, Jared, Donnie Junior? That brood has been flitting around the globe for 3 years now--what are they up to?

Let’s just say that the Trump kids benefit from their dads wealth, that is a position that Trump gained over a lifetime of hard work in the private sector. Hunter was a coked up, brother wife ****er, asshole with no talent who walked into big money based on his dad running politics his whole life.

The Trump kids skill set is how to make money in the private sector, hunter skill set is how to run political graft for your own personal gain- just like his dad. Why is this so hard to understand?

And what about Obama asking the Russians to go easy on him so that he could bore meet their expectations after the election. Doesn’t that imply that whatever Obama and the Russians wanted to do was against what the majority of Americans wanted? How about that for the Russians and foreigners interfering in our elections for one political side.

And who is the only president to actually give military munitions to kill Russians to the Ukrainians?

Trump Has killed a lot of Russians, way more than Obama.

Plus I was watching one of the Sunday shows and they had some Democrat dumbass on there saying that they need to change their strategy from all of this legalese and the “quid pro quo“ because it’s too complex for people to understand. The Dems sure have cornered the market on elitism in the past 10 years.

11-10-19, 19:09
Let’s just say that the Trump kids benefit from their dads wealth, that is a position that Trump gained over a lifetime of hard work in the private sector. Hunter was a coked up, brother wife ****er, asshole with no talent who walked into big money based on his dad running politics his whole life.

The Trump kids skill set is how to make money in the private sector, hunter skill set is how to run political graft for your own personal gain- just like his dad. Why is this so hard to understand?

And what about Obama asking the Russians to go easy on him so that he could bore meet their expectations after the election. Doesn’t that imply that whatever Obama and the Russians wanted to do was against what the majority of Americans wanted? How about that for the Russians and foreigners interfering in our elections for one political side.

And who is the only president to actually give military munitions to kill Russians to the Ukrainians?

Trump Has killed a lot of Russians, way more than Obama.

Plus I was watching one of the Sunday shows and they had some Democrat dumbass on there saying that they need to change their strategy from all of this legalese and the “quid pro quo“ because it’s too complex for people to understand. The Dems sure have cornered the market on elitism in the past 10 years.

Yeah a couple hundred of their "mercenaries" in Syria at one pop comes to mind. Of course that doesn't jive well with "colluding" with them to deny The Bitch her well-deserved victory in 2016. Or wait, maybe it was the Ukrainians, right? I can't keep all this colluding stuff straight. Was there anyone else we should be concerned about Trump colluding with? I know I've GOT to be missing someone......:rolleyes:

11-10-19, 19:47
The POS who never wears his uniform to work, wore one for the hearing.

VINDMAN OUT AT NSC: After testifying on the Hill, NSA O'Brien says Alexander Vindman will be removed from the National Security Council. "Everyone who's detailed at the NSC, people are going...back to their own departments and we'll bring in new folks" https://cbsn.ws/2p41BLK

11-10-19, 19:59
The POS who never wears his uniform to work, wore one for the hearing.

Pulling an Ollie North?

11-10-19, 20:18
If we're worried about Hunter Biden, why no concern about Ivanka, Jared, Donnie Junior? That brood has been flitting around the globe for 3 years now--what are they up to?

They have been flitting around the globe for decades. Hunter Biden was getting kicked out the Navy, doing drugs and banging his sister in law.

Mauser KAR98K
11-10-19, 20:18

Oh look, Schiff only wants people he can question for his distorted narrative.

11-10-19, 23:16

Oh look, Schiff only wants people he can question for his distorted narrative.

Well of course, that only seems fair. I mean, why let the Repubs spoil the narrative? They'd only be like, defending Trump. :rolleyes: :secret: :sarcastic:

11-10-19, 23:17
Let’s just say that the Trump kids benefit from their dads wealth, that is a position that Trump gained over a lifetime of hard work in the private sector. Hunter was a coked up, brother wife ****er, asshole with no talent who walked into big money based on his dad running politics his whole life.

The Trump kids skill set is how to make money in the private sector, hunter skill set is how to run political graft for your own personal gain- just like his dad. Why is this so hard to understand?

And what about Obama asking the Russians to go easy on him so that he could bore meet their expectations after the election. Doesn’t that imply that whatever Obama and the Russians wanted to do was against what the majority of Americans wanted? How about that for the Russians and foreigners interfering in our elections for one political side.

And who is the only president to actually give military munitions to kill Russians to the Ukrainians?

Trump Has killed a lot of Russians, way more than Obama.

Plus I was watching one of the Sunday shows and they had some Democrat dumbass on there saying that they need to change their strategy from all of this legalese and the “quid pro quo“ because it’s too complex for people to understand. The Dems sure have cornered the market on elitism in the past 10 years.

Trump gained his wealth (probably greatly exaggerated) by hard work in the private sector? His one effort at legitimate business was the casinos, and they went tits up in multiple bankruptcies. Trump University? A fraud. Trump Foundation? Shut down and ordered to pay $2 million he filched to use in thecampaign. Trump hotels and golf courses? Kept alive by steering the US military and foreign dignitaries to them. To this day Trump owes money to lowly cabinet makers. Why do we think he guards his tax returns so carefully? They'll tell truths about Trump's business acumen. Let's get real.

11-10-19, 23:20
Trump gained his wealth (probably greatly exaggerated) by hard work in the private sector? His one effort at legitimate business was the casinos, and they went tits up in multiple bankruptcies. Trump University? A fraud. Trump Foundation? Shut down and ordered to pay $2 million he filched to use in thecampaign. Trump hotels and golf courses? Kept alive by steering the US military and foreign dignitaries to them. To this day Trump owes money to lowly cabinet makers. Why do we think he guards his tax returns so carefully? They'll tell truths about Trump's business acumen. Let's get real.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-10-19, 23:25
Trump gained his wealth (probably greatly exaggerated) by hard work in the private sector? His one effort at legitimate business was the casinos, and they went tits up in multiple bankruptcies. Trump University? A fraud. Trump Foundation? Shut down and ordered to pay $2 million he filched to use in thecampaign. Trump hotels and golf courses? Kept alive by steering the US military and foreign dignitaries to them. To this day Trump owes money to lowly cabinet makers. Why do we think he guards his tax returns so carefully? They'll tell truths about Trump's business acumen. Let's get real.

Uhm..... sure...

I love how people think that Trump is guilty of all kinds of stuff and for some just strange reason, the IRS just never really caught on. Sure that makes sense...

26 Inf
11-10-19, 23:29

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No, accurate.

11-10-19, 23:33
Uhm..... sure...

I love how people think that Trump is guilty of all kinds of stuff and for some just strange reason, the IRS just never really caught on. Sure that makes sense...

You mean like the Clintons?


26 Inf
11-10-19, 23:42
Uhm..... sure...

I love how people think that Trump is guilty of all kinds of stuff and for some just strange reason, the IRS just never really caught on. Sure that makes sense...

Have you really looked at his back trail over his lifetime? I like to think that you or I could do okay with, what was it 140 million to start off with, but that isn't the point.

In case you haven't noticed this yet, President Trump is prone to exaggeration.

I believe Uni-Vibe and I agree that one of the reasons that the tax returns are not forthcoming is not because of tax fraud, rather it is because if they are made public the whole world will find out that the Trump Fortune is not as large as President Trump has claimed.

This whole last two years has been/is going to be like watching a train wreck is slow motion, we are truly screwed.

11-11-19, 06:01
Well of course, that only seems fair. I mean, why let the Repubs spoil the narrative? They'd only be like, defending Trump. :rolleyes: :secret: :sarcastic:

The ComDems are no longer hiding their intent to confiscate guns, ban private healthcare and taxing us into oblivion. Why would they go through the trouble of trying to make this look like a fair inquiry?

11-11-19, 06:42
The ComDems are no longer hiding their intent to confiscate guns, ban private healthcare and taxing us into oblivion. Why would they go through the trouble of trying to make this look like a fair inquiry?

Now sir, you know they are Patriotic Americans. Just look at their actions. Just ask them, they will tell you so.... :jester:

11-11-19, 08:04
Have you really looked at his back trail over his lifetime? I like to think that you or I could do okay with, what was it 140 million to start off with, but that isn't the point.

In case you haven't noticed this yet, President Trump is prone to exaggeration.

I believe Uni-Vibe and I agree that one of the reasons that the tax returns are not forthcoming is not because of tax fraud, rather it is because if they are made public the whole world will find out that the Trump Fortune is not as large as President Trump has claimed.

This whole last two years has been/is going to be like watching a train wreck is slow motion, we are truly screwed.

And this has what to do with the policies he's enacted as President?

Are they good or bad for the Republic?

11-11-19, 08:30
And this has what to do with the policies he's enacted as President?

Are they good or bad for the Republic?

Logic does not work for those suffering from TDS, to them it is all "Orange Man Bad" 24/7.

11-11-19, 09:22
You do realise to implement 'Free stuff for everyone", they're coming after you 401k after they've confiscated your guns and put you on a substandard health care for all.
Somebody's got to pay this.

11-11-19, 10:12
You do realise to implement 'Free stuff for everyone", they're coming after you 401k after they've confiscated your guns and put you on a substandard health care for all.
Somebody's got to pay this.

Oh, you are so wrong there! E Warren and B Sanders have it all figured out. The great middle class will not be touched. Nope, in no way. Only the uber wealthy** will be punished for their ill gained success.

** uber wealthy being defined as anyone making more than the mean annual income of an average citizen of the Democratic Republic of Congo

11-11-19, 11:46
The POS who never wears his uniform to work, wore one for the hearing.

I still don’t get why Trump didn’t replace everyone on the NSC the day he was inaugurated.

11-11-19, 12:01
I still don’t get why Trump didn’t replace everyone on the NSC the day he was inaugurated.

If he would have then he would be dealing with that as an article of impeachment as well I have no doubt. hE eNdanGeRed teH sEcUritY oF aMeRIca

11-11-19, 13:02
Logic does not work for those suffering from TDS, to them it is all "Orange Man Bad" 24/7.

It's worthy of an answer.

I'll be the first to admit he's certainly not been the most "Presidential" President in my lifetime and he does tend to act like a five year old from time to time.

Yet, that doesn't excuse others from taking the cue to act like five year olds themselves.

26 Inf
11-11-19, 16:45
And this has what to do with the policies he's enacted as President?

Are they good or bad for the Republic?

Depends on how you see our Republic's role in the world. Overall, I believe he has hurt our standing in the world, I'm sure there are many who say 'who cares?'

The tax cuts, which juiced the economy for what, a quarter, came at the expense of increased deficit.

The tariff's have hurt agriculture, farmers are having a hard time deciding what crop to go with because they don't know what will sell...

The economy, continues to do well, a trend that began in 2009. Unemployment was dropping before he took office, and has continued to drop. I don't think either President Obama or President Trump had much to do with this, aside from Obama's continuation of the 'stimulus' which wasn't really an issue on which he had much choice.

So, other than the fact he was better than the alternative, I don't see a reason to turn handsprings.

The man is a buffoon. I agree, the Dems have been out to get him since day one, and he keeps providing them more ammunition. As a result, I'm certain that we will have a Dem in the WH in 2021. I hope you are able to throw this prediction in my face, but that is what I see happening.

11-11-19, 18:54
Depends on how you see our Republic's role in the world. Overall, I believe he has hurt our standing in the world, I'm sure there are many who say 'who cares?'

Standing? What is this the Miss World Competition? The left always complains about our 'standing' in the world. If you mean NATO- about time they bucked up and started thinking about defending themselves. The Kurds- join the long list of tribal people that we have abandoned; I really don't know why people trust us at all in war zones, we are the world's worst buddy fudger. Obama is out there waving his Islam finger, bowing to Saudi's, draws lines in sand- which is lucky because they are easy to erase. He begs Putin to play nice so that he can sell us and central Europe out after an election. Standing? At least we are standing and not on our knees. And if you mean global warming treaties... sweat baby Jesus.

The tax cuts, which juiced the economy for what, a quarter, came at the expense of increased deficit.

Up until they come up with a system that Dem supporters are responsible for their pols spending, but we aren't, we might as well go the well and drink too. It is political suicide for us to let the dems to use our grandkids money to bribe the least useful people. The GOP has been getting worse and worse on spending and the deficit and have finally given up. Good. On the economy in general. No one seems to remember that our economy was supposed to hit a recession in 2017, or that people screamed that Trump would implode the economy. And, and, and...... wait for it..... still waiting..... which leads to the next point

The tariff's have hurt agriculture, farmers are having a hard time deciding what crop to go with because they don't know what will sell...

Yes, this sucks, but the tax cuts gave a boost to the economy overall so that Trump could fight "Cold War II" with China with these tariffs. If the Commie-cuck dems don't take control next year and China is faced with another 4 years of brutal (in an asymmetrical impact way that very few people realize) tariffs and a mouthy Hong Kong, Trump will have made China join the world economy and security structure under more mutually beneficial terms. If the tariffs and the deficit are the cost of that win, it will be the cheapest global war win in the history of man kind. Trump wins by clipping coupons and not running up big tabs- just like he did in his campaign.

The economy, continues to do well, a trend that began in 2009. Unemployment was dropping before he took office, and has continued to drop. I don't think either President Obama or President Trump had much to do with this, aside from Obama's continuation of the 'stimulus' which wasn't really an issue on which he had much choice.

Obama started in the biggest hole in living memory of 95% or people. It would be hard not to have 8 years of growth from that, and the economy almost tanked a couple of times- ALL WHILE THE FED KEPT RATES AT ABOUT ZERO. Trump gets in and hmmm, let's start raising rates- and then the issue with the economy isn't really our issue- we are leading the world- all of them are sucking ass and dragging us down.

So, other than the fact he was better than the alternative, I don't see a reason to turn handsprings.

The man is a buffoon. I agree, the Dems have been out to get him since day one, and he keeps providing them more ammunition. As a result, I'm certain that we will have a Dem in the WH in 2021. I hope you are able to throw this prediction in my face, but that is what I see happening.

Trump drives me crazy. He steps on his dick more times than a guy with Elephantitus of the junk. That his detractors scream about how he is destroying the norms- as they go way past any norms when it comes to him is almost comical.

The best of all is that he has emboldened the left to drop the masks and reveal who they really are: Collectivists that don't believe in individual rights and would take everything- including your life- if you stand in their way.

I don't know why he is still around. You'd think that some GOPer would have figured out a way to titrate back his over-cooking it and balance out the spirited defense of traditional value with less drama.

This is all Mitt Romney's fault. If that dude had actually defended himself- and us by extension- we wouldn't have needed to go nuclear and full Code Orange. But the GOP, looking at demographics and pressured by the left woke-scold, shaming and political correctness just wanted to roll over and take scraps.

11-11-19, 20:51
Depends on how you see our Republic's role in the world. Overall, I believe he has hurt our standing in the world, I'm sure there are many who say 'who cares?'

The tax cuts, which juiced the economy for what, a quarter, came at the expense of increased deficit.

The tariff's have hurt agriculture, farmers are having a hard time deciding what crop to go with because they don't know what will sell...

The economy, continues to do well, a trend that began in 2009. Unemployment was dropping before he took office, and has continued to drop. I don't think either President Obama or President Trump had much to do with this, aside from Obama's continuation of the 'stimulus' which wasn't really an issue on which he had much choice.

So, other than the fact he was better than the alternative, I don't see a reason to turn handsprings.

The man is a buffoon. I agree, the Dems have been out to get him since day one, and he keeps providing them more ammunition. As a result, I'm certain that we will have a Dem in the WH in 2021. I hope you are able to throw this prediction in my face, but that is what I see happening.

Yeah, I will say "who cares." Because you and I both know when a natural disaster in the world occurs or someone needs military intervention, who are they going to turn to first? Don't even claim Russia or China because you and I both know we're still the big kids on the block when it comes to that kind of thing. I will say this, I really don't want any more military adventurism in places that suck slightly less than Hell.

Tax cuts that had short term gains, but long term relief especially in the corporate sector. Of course, if you prefer the alternative of MORE taxes, I'm pretty sure we'll agree to disagree. But, you might get your wish once a Democrat gets in office. Problem is, especially with the Bernie-Warren crowd is taxing the "rich" certainly is going to be subjective. And all the sudden, your comfortable middle class income bracket is looking might rich to politicians that can't control a budget.

He has posted the lowest unemployment in over 50 years. He certainly can toot his own horn on that one. Just like each and every President has since it became a thing.

As for the tariffs, it does seem like our trading "partners" around the world are suddenly coming to the table with new, more fair trade deals. Why is it we have to be the world's bitch when it comes to uneven trade? Why can't trade be fair across the board? Why is it perfectly fine for China, Japan, the EU, etc to slap high tariffs on our goods in order to protect their industries? We can't do the same? Do you like being the world's bitch when it comes to allowing other nations to bend us over the trade barrel?

Yeah, he is a straight buffoon. But you know what? He has exposed the left and the right for the hypocritical pieces of garbage they truly are. By design or by accident, he has each of them showing their true colors.

Everyone always said we needed a President that wasn't beholden to either party. Well, we got one. And you know what? I'm perfectly happy with him exposing the massive corruption, hypocrisy and politicians that care more about getting reelected than what they can do for their constituents.

11-12-19, 12:51
So now we know the "whistleblower" is making money off of this ordeal. His Go Fund Me is at 277k now.

11-12-19, 13:27
So now we know the "whistleblower" is making money off of this ordeal. His Go Fund Me is at 277k now.


11-12-19, 14:24
So now we know the "whistleblower" is making money off of this ordeal. His Go Fund Me is at 277k now.

Sweet! Sounds like a nice fat target for Asset Forfeiture as POCA once Barr gets the case... and while he's at it, go after the donors too for Bribery, Subornation of Perjury, whatever else fits.

Given the average of three Federal felonies a day, once these people are on the radar it shouldn't be too hard to find something... they wanna play by Beria Rules, give 'em Beria Rules, good and hard.

11-12-19, 14:26
Ask and ye shall receive.

If any of you have been reading my rantings for the past 2 1/2 years, know I hold pretty strong viewpoints on this. I've written about the Ukrainian deal LONG before this all blew up late last week. The entire sordid mess is just too much for me to detail right now. I've done so much research that I can't even untangle all the interconnecting webs. Here's as much as I can remember for now:

2014 FBI investigated Manafort's business dealings in Ukraine. They closed the investigation with no charges.

2014 VP Biden's son, Hunter Biden is kicked out of the Navy for cocaine use. (He subsequently cheats on his wife with his deceased brother's widow, as well as blowing all his family's money on "prostitutes, drugs, alcohol and strippers" and putting them heavily in debt. His wife ultimately divorced him for all this)

April, 2014 Hunter was appointed to the Burisma Holdings (Ukrainian energy company) board of directors. It's a lucrative gig for him ($50K per month) and his American firm, Rosemont Seneca, LLC ($166K per month).

Early 2015 VP Biden is appointed to head an anti-corruption initiative in Ukraine.

2015 VP Biden and numerous other Obama Administration officials begin "working" with Ukrainian counterparts on said initiative.

Jan, 2016 Ukrainian officials are "called to Washington" to "coordinate anti-corruption efforts". That meeting resulted in US officials asking the Ukraine anti-corruption unit (NABU) to re-open the Manafort case and "drop the Burisma Holdings investigation and let the FBI handle it".

Jan-Mar 2016, Ukrainian officials refuse to drop the Burisma Holdings case and are proceeding.

Mar 2016 Joe Biden threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to withhold $1Bn in guaranteed US loans to Ukraine, unless they fire Chief Prosecutor Shokin (the prosecutor leading the Burisma Holdings investigation).

March 2016 Ukraine fires Shokin, the Burisma Holdings case is transferred to NABU and closed.

May 19, 2016 Manafort is tapped to become the campaign manager for Trump.

May 29, 2016 NABU leaks select excerpts from a "black ledger" which was known to the FBI all the way back in 2014, detailing Manafort's dealings in Ukraine. (A Ukrainian court would later determine that said leak was "an illegal attempt to influence the U.S. election. A member of Ukraine’s parliament also released a recording of a NABU official saying the agency released the ledger to help Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.)

Now I'm not even scratching the surface with all the information. Allegedly VP Biden met with someone involved with Burisma Holdings BEFORE Hunter was appointed to the board. The UK was investigating Burisma Holdings and had gone so far as to freeze $23M in their assets. However, after Hunter was appointed, NABU and Ukraine refused to cooperate with the UK and a judge ultimately ruled they had to unfreeze the $23M. Nothing has ever come of any investigation into Burisma Holding or Hunter's involvement. None of the Obama Administration officials have been willing to comment on the matter and I'm not aware of any of them being officially interviewed on the matter.

There are other reports of direct contact by the DNC with Ukrainian officials AFTER the DNC was co-opted by the Hillary Campaign, and that Bruce Ohr's wife Nellie was somehow involved, but those reports haven't been corroborated.

My investigative theory is this: Select members of the Obama Administration colluded with the Clinton Campaign (which had taken over the DNC and was running their finances due to near insolvency) and ran a "Parallel Construction" op on known Trump Associates. Utilizing the full might of the U.S. intelligence system, they were able to identify any and all potential weak points of Trump's associates, which they proceeded to exploit to any extent possible. That's why the 302's are so crucial to the investigation into the investigators. They should give starting points and allow Horowitz and Durham to focus in on the activities of people like Strozk and Ohr. EDIT: This has a lot to do with Adm. Mike Rogers defying his superiors and blowing the whistle on domestic spy ops against US persons. It's also why Clapper wanted Adm. Rogers fired. I truly believe Obama wasn't involved in this BS, because he refused to fire Adm. Rogers and has never spent time on the PR circuit spewing the same talking points Brennan, Clapper, Hillary and others were on this topic. I don't believe he wanted anything to do with their mess.

At the same time, it's also evident that we now know why Biden kept dipping a toe into the campaign waters in 2016, but never committed. Through people like Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Lynch, and so on, Hillary had Kompromat on Biden, in the form of his involvement in getting his cokehead son Hunter a sweet Ukrainian gig, then subsequently getting any investigation into his dealings shut down.

You will not read or hear this information from any mainstream media outlet. Their reporting on these matters is superficial at best. Some outlets are intentionally obfuscating and downplaying much of Biden's involvement. The plot of this story is so convoluted that it takes real determination to even follow half of it.

For some reason the website took me to this page today. I thought it was a pretty good background now that we like two months into this.

The Bidens are dirty. Maybe not criminally- at least not yet- but definately closer to an ‘abuse of power’ than Trump.

11-13-19, 11:30
Catchy music for the 5 min breaks... really raises the tension. Almost 'House of Cards' sounding....

11-13-19, 11:33
Watching the hearing, my take;
If you're and Ambassador and you don't know what's going on, call the Boss. Your ability to do your job is dependent upon facts, office gossip isn't going to cut it.
If you suddenly find your Boss isn't communicating with you, but communicating around you, see above, if you don't like the answer, ask yourself why?
If the two above are happening, you're not on the team, but you haven't been fired yet. Go ahead and start packing.

These hearings having nothing to do with fact only opinion.
If you have a source that heard from his source who overheard an aide say, really? This is admissible?
If you hear a part of a conversation during dinner, that one of the other companions at your table is having, do you have knowledge? Or is this conjecture?
If you work for the .gov and the President is speaking on the phone, you can hear it, but are not authorized or cleared for the call, but listen in anyway, haven't you just committed a security breach? If you don't report a inadvertent security breech, and then later use this information (for any reason) haven't you just admitted to a felony?

Taylor is a feckless little bitch and is gonna fold under cross examination.

11-13-19, 11:57
It's a race to get this done before the I.G. report comes out. It's nothing more than a coup to remove a lawfully elected administration. What a joke. I will not be watching. Nothing to see here... These COMMUNISTS have been trying to remove Trump since the night of the election.

Meanwhile... Levin is on FIRE.


11-13-19, 12:48
Well, Shifty Schiff said he has no idea who the whistleblower is :lol: .

11-13-19, 13:02
Schiff keeps taking the lead in order to save Taylor and Kent from swallowing their own feet.
90% of what's being testified to is second, third or even fourth hand information.

11-13-19, 14:19
So, the jist so far, is that none of these career free loaders, likes 45's Ukraine's policy.
Resign than....instead, you are playing a role in Impeachment, because your feelings got hurt and your IMF money has dried up.
Complete clown show...cant wait for Uni Vibe to come in and save the day.

11-13-19, 15:19
Well, Shifty Schiff said he has no idea who the whistleblower is :lol: .

My first instinct would be to get him to swear to that. Even if he doesn't 'know' officially, he has to KNOW who it is now. Now asking if his staff helped him write the complaint, that would be the humdinger.

Not knowing the Whistle blower is like Meuller not knowing who Fusion GPS is- WTF.

I like Taylor, Kent is a twit. I don't care what his dad and his granddad did. So your family hasn't been able to get a private sector job in three generations- that is something to be proud of ;) . Talk about swampy deep state.

It all comes down to Gulliani, and that isn't good. He's lost it and is more dangerous to us than helpful. Maybe start a rumor that he has the truth on Epstein and it will just work itself out...

11-13-19, 15:20
So, the jist so far, is that none of these career free loaders, likes 45's Ukraine's policy.
Resign than....instead, you are playing a role in Impeachment, because your feelings got hurt and your IMF money has dried up.
Complete clown show...cant wait for Uni Vibe to come in and save the day.

I had very much the same feelings and same reaction.
If you are in foreign service and in an important position in foreign service and suddenly you're not in the loop, you better quickly ask why. I get the vibe that they are not about American interests but very much in to following some sort of State Department agenda.
If the State Department is independent of the policies and direction of the Executive Branch and their direction, no wonder we get in to these quagmires of wars and constant fleecing of funds. These guys are running their own show and it's independent of oversight and that's for damn sure the way they want to keep it.
Honestly, they should have just yielded all of their time over to Jim Jordan until stuttering F' Taylor's head exploded and let Schiff come out with a mop and a bucket and clean that up.

11-13-19, 15:28
I like Taylor, Kent is a twit. I don't care what his dad and his granddad did. So your family hasn't been able to get a private sector job in three generations- that is something to be proud of ;) . Talk about swampy deep state.

It all comes down to Gulliani, and that isn't good. He's lost it and is more dangerous to us than helpful. Maybe start a rumor that he has the truth on Epstein and it will just work itself out...

Much of Taylor's "information" was based on second, third and even fourth hand information.
Let me just say, I've been in a room where a high ranking Officer had a phone call going on with my Boss, the first thing you do regardless of your security clearance is clear the room from everyone not directly involved in the conversation, you don't dilly dally around and "listen in" like some sort of sophomore girls slumber party BS. Honestly, if you do that, you're so wrong you need to resign.
Kent needed bitch slapped before he mentioned his Uncle or Daddy one more time. That lends no credence or relevance to anything you as an individual have to say

11-13-19, 16:15
If you are in foreign service and in an important position in foreign service and suddenly you're not in the loop, you better quickly ask why.

Unless you bring up a conflict involving your bosses kid and don't get an answer, then you make sure you're "too busy" to even think about it again...

11-13-19, 17:21
Much of Taylor's "information" was based on second, third and even fourth hand information.
Let me just say, I've been in a room where a high ranking Officer had a phone call going on with my Boss, the first thing you do regardless of your security clearance is clear the room from everyone not directly involved in the conversation, you don't dilly dally around and "listen in" like some sort of sophomore girls slumber party BS. Honestly, if you do that, you're so wrong you need to resign.
Kent needed bitch slapped before he mentioned his Uncle or Daddy one more time. That lends no credence or relevance to anything you as an individual have to say


The most explosive revelation came from Taylor, who told lawmakers that one of his aides overheard Gordon Sondland — the U.S. ambassador to the European Union and a Trump campaign donor — on the phone with the president, during which the aide could hear Trump ask about “the investigations.” Taylor said Sondland told the president that the Ukrainians were “ready to move forward.”

IF that is the most explosive.... what a dud day.

Toobin. You could have gotten through LAw School by just always taking the opposite position as Toobin...

Toobin calls this testimony moment a 'bombshell' revelation
CNN's chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin discusses a portion of Bill Taylor's testimony where he talks about a phone call between President Donald Trump and Ambassador Sondland. Toobin calls it a "bombshell" revelation that Trump cared about Biden not about Ukraine.


11-13-19, 17:55
Newsflash: foreign aide is de facto quid pro, always has been. We give money to other countries in return for them doing what the current U.S. administration wants them to do. The U.S. isn't Santa Claus handing out money out of the goodness of our hearts.

11-13-19, 20:01
Newsflash: foreign aide is de facto quid pro, always has been. We give money to other countries in return for them doing what the current U.S. administration wants them to do. The U.S. isn't Santa Claus handing out money out of the goodness of our hearts.

Yes. The President can indeed bargain with foreign leaders.

But this isn't foreign aid, or even foreign policy. It's about Trump withholding congressionally approved appropriations illegally (yes, there is a statute that forbids it) in exchange for a personal political favor, namely, that Ukraine publicly announce an investigation of the Bidens, his political rivals. That has nothing to do with advancing US diplomacy, and everything to do with hijacking US foreign policy to harm the political fortunes of a domestic political rival.

And that, laddie-bucks, is precisely what Hamilton and George Washington warned us about, oh, 250 years ago.

11-13-19, 20:02
One thing I think we ought to watch: The disparity in leaders of the factions.

Adam Schiff is a very smart lawyer and former federal prosecutor.

Devin Nunes couldn't find his arse-hole with a GPS unit and a copy of Gray's Anatomy.

The Trump Party is taking a water pistol to a firefight. This disparity will make itself felt in the days to come.

11-13-19, 20:36
Yes. The President can indeed bargain with foreign leaders.

But this isn't foreign aid, or even foreign policy. It's about Trump withholding congressionally approved appropriations illegally (yes, there is a statute that forbids it) in exchange for a personal political favor, namely, that Ukraine publicly announce an investigation of the Bidens, his political rivals. That has nothing to do with advancing US diplomacy, and everything to do with hijacking US foreign policy to harm the political fortunes of a domestic political rival.

And that, laddie-bucks, is precisely what Hamilton and George Washington warned us about, oh, 250 years ago.

Maybe you should call Schiff and tell him you want to testify since you know as much as all the other witnesses he has called so far.

11-13-19, 20:36

11-13-19, 21:04
Maybe you should call Schiff and tell him you want to testify since you know as much as all the other witnesses he has called so far.

Perhaps I wasn't clear. I was speaking of the difference between foreign policy and foreign influence, not of specific witnesses or testimony.

You can bet that Mr. Schiff understands the difference.

11-13-19, 21:20
Perhaps I wasn't clear. I was speaking of the difference between foreign policy and foreign influence, not of specific witnesses or testimony.

You can bet that Mr. Schiff understands the difference.

The only thing I would bet about Mr. Schiff is that he is a liar.

11-13-19, 21:38
The only thing I would bet about Mr. Schiff is that he is a liar.

Well, Trump & Co. invented the term "alternative facts" to describe the lies the President was telling.

So perhaps we should label Mr. Schiff a "purveyor of alternative facts" instead of a "liar" -- the latter term is outdated.

11-14-19, 01:17
Yes. The President can indeed bargain with foreign leaders.

But this isn't foreign aid, or even foreign policy. It's about Trump withholding congressionally approved appropriations illegally (yes, there is a statute that forbids it) in exchange for a personal political favor, namely, that Ukraine publicly announce an investigation of the Bidens, his political rivals. That has nothing to do with advancing US diplomacy, and everything to do with hijacking US foreign policy to harm the political fortunes of a domestic political rival.

And that, laddie-bucks, is precisely what Hamilton and George Washington warned us about, oh, 250 years ago.

You say that his actions were illegal. Please be specific, what law did it President Trump break?

The Birisma Hunter Biden situation is shady AF as is Rosemont Seneca. Insisting that our friends root out that sh!t is good foreign policy, reguardless of who the perpetrators are. You don’t have to like it but he’s executing the foreign policy the American people elected to.

11-14-19, 01:24
Another scary day of two different groups seeing the same thing and coming away with totally different impressions. Hindsight isn't even 20/20 anymore. Frightening.

11-14-19, 02:06
Another scary day of two different groups seeing the same thing and coming away with totally different impressions. Hindsight isn't even 20/20 anymore. Frightening.

That's a good observation. We simply cannot agree as a people anymore on even what the facts of a particular situation are much less what they mean or how to address them. I can't see how a society facing the sorts of challenges that we are can survive given that.

26 Inf
11-14-19, 02:10
Well, Trump & Co. invented the term "alternative facts" to describe the lies the President was telling.

So perhaps we should label Mr. Schiff a "purveyor of alternative facts" instead of a "liar" -- the latter term is outdated.

Now that was a good one.

26 Inf
11-14-19, 02:27
You say that his actions were illegal. Please be specific, what law did it President Trump break?

The Birisma Hunter Biden situation is shady AF as is Rosemont Seneca. Insisting that our friends root out that sh!t is good foreign policy, reguardless of who the perpetrators are. You don’t have to like it but he’s executing the foreign policy the American people elected to.

The thing that I guess we sometimes forget is that neither of the Biden's is President.

I've been convinced the President Trump was improperly using his office to gain dirt on a political rival. Okay, that is out of the way.

Should he be impeached for it? Nah, maybe censured and then impeached if he does it again.

But even that thought process is moot, the Senate would never convict him or censure him.

So let's move on and see what other train wreck is awaiting us.

11-14-19, 06:43
It got so bad that even a Democrat was saying "hearsay is better than direct evidence."

This truly is a mockery of our Constitution.

11-14-19, 07:04
When hearsay becomes acceptable to impeach a POTUS, you can bet it's a step closer to being accepted when someone accuses you.

just a scout
11-14-19, 07:16
It got so bad that even a Democrat was saying "hearsay is better than direct evidence."

This truly is a mockery of our Constitution.

Quigley is going by Illinois standard. In IL, they changed the law to be able to use hearsay in a criminal conviction so they could convict Drew Peterson, who is smart enough they couldn’t get him any other way. The best was when they put a snitch in his cell, but the snitch forgot Peterson used him years before when he was a narc. Peterson ran rings around the cops and prosecutors until that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

11-14-19, 07:40
Quigley and Illinois rules shouldn't be allowed or admissable in this case.
This is the equivalent of a group of sophomore girls at a slumber party all butt hurt because Jenny flirted with Marta's boyfriend behind the gym and after practice.
This is a Circus anyone who doesn't want to participate and ignores Schiffs BS suponea is a lot smarter than those that show up.

just a scout
11-14-19, 08:39
Agreed and agreed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

11-14-19, 08:51
One thing I think we ought to watch: The disparity in leaders of the factions.

Adam Schiff is a very smart lawyer and former federal prosecutor.

Devin Nunes couldn't find his arse-hole with a GPS unit and a copy of Gray's Anatomy.

The Trump Party is taking a water pistol to a firefight. This disparity will make itself felt in the days to come.

What color is the sky in your world?

11-14-19, 09:04
Yes. The President can indeed bargain with foreign leaders.

But this isn't foreign aid, or even foreign policy. It's about Trump withholding congressionally approved appropriations illegally (yes, there is a statute that forbids it
in exchange for a personal political favor, namely, that Ukraine publicly announce an investigation of the Bidens, his political rivals. That has nothing to do with advancing US diplomacy, and everything to do with hijacking US foreign policy to harm the political fortunes of a domestic political rival.

And that, laddie-bucks, is precisely what Hamilton and George Washington warned us about, oh, 250 years ago.

All aide must be doled out, within the FISCAL YEAR. Tough to break the law considering this was July and indeed, the Extortion money, because Quid Quo Pro is too hard for people to understand, was actually released and no "investigation" took place...No Laws broken.

Please show me in the transcripts of the phone call or that of the Ukraine bureaucrats, where Trump.specifically asks for an investigation or he will hold up funding?

Trump was asking about the self admitted political tampering that the Ukrainian government gave to these Ukraine hacks, but never made its way to DC:

During the impeachment hearing today State Department officials George Kent and Bill Taylor both stated they never heard of any claims of Ukrainian political interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Additionally, both claimed to have no knowledge of any U.S. investigation that might overlap with Ukraine.

When pressed with specifically cited reports about DNC operatives engaging with Ukraine government officials to gather opposition research against candidate Donald Trump, both Mr. Kent and Ambassador Taylor denied any knowledge of the outlined reporting.

However, what everyone in the media –and on Capitol Hill– seems to forget is a letter in July, 2017, written by U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley to Dept. of Justice Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, specifically outlining 2016 election interference by Ukrainian government officials; and specifically asking for an U.S. DOJ investigation therein.

11-14-19, 09:12
The thing that I guess we sometimes forget is that neither of the Biden's is President.

I've been convinced the President Trump was improperly using his office to gain dirt on a political rival.

Wrong election, this is about 2016, Trump would have to be worried that Bribem had a good chance of winning the primary and then the election and I don't think he is. Anyone with even half a brain should know that first Russia and now Ukraine and impeachment is all a smoke screen to hide what the illegal shit the Democrats and Deep State did during the run up to the 2016 election. A lot of arrows point to Ukraine as the source for Democrat false dirt on Trump and corruption and bribes to some well known political families. The truth must be hidden or discredited at all cost.

11-14-19, 09:32
The thing that I guess we sometimes forget is that neither of the Biden's is President.

I've been convinced the President Trump was improperly using his office to gain dirt on a political rival. Okay, that is out of the way.

Should he be impeached for it? Nah, maybe censured and then impeached if he does it again.

But even that thought process is moot, the Senate would never convict him or censure him.

So let's move on and see what other train wreck is awaiting us.

I think this is a fair assessment, perhaps censure would have been an easier lift. But the situation begs the question whether or not we still have a functioning separate and coequal branch of government if congress members aren't even willing to accept what the administration has already admitted to doing and is fairly obvious to even the casual observer.

11-14-19, 10:02
Well, Trump & Co. invented the term "alternative facts" to describe the lies the President was telling.

So perhaps we should label Mr. Schiff a "purveyor of alternative facts" instead of a "liar" -- the latter term is outdated.

Now that was a good one.

It is really humorous when people try to make it seem that Trump is the first and only politician that lies. Grow up. Uni-vibe is getting his last paperwork completed to join Sry0fcr on the ignore list. Don't join them on the dumb-ass parade.

11-14-19, 10:14
From reading the transcript, there was no quid-pro-quo. But there is an anti corruption agreement with the Ukraine and other countries. I don't see the problem if the President is talking with another foreign leader about rooting out and dealing with corruption. It is the right and proper thing to do. I even agree that money should be withheld from corrupt governments.

The real issue is the corruption of Biden and his son using the office of Vice President to remove a prosecutor from investigating him along with using influence to put an unqualified, disgraced, coke head on executive boards of companies with a big salary. Happened with Russia too.

As far as impeachment goes, 3 years and still nothing??? I'd like to see one of the congressmen or senators on either side go through the investigations that President Trump has and come out clean like him. The only thing it has been is one big waste of money when those funds could have gone to something meaningful.

11-14-19, 10:14
Didn't know if this deserves a new thread. Beck posted this from last night's stream. Quite a bit to consider and goes all the way to the top. I thought it was interesting the doc from Soros with his signature that exposes his game plan. This does tie into the impeachment sham.


11-14-19, 10:49
Honestly, they should have just yielded all of their time over to Jim Jordan until stuttering F' Taylor's head exploded and let Schiff come out with a mop and a bucket and clean that up.

Schiff foresaw that and set up the rules to forbid yielding their time to their colleagues.

Yes. The President can indeed bargain with foreign leaders.

But this isn't foreign aid, or even foreign policy. It's about Trump withholding congressionally approved appropriations illegally (yes, there is a statute that forbids it) in exchange for a personal political favor, namely, that Ukraine publicly announce an investigation of the Bidens, his political rivals. That has nothing to do with advancing US diplomacy, and everything to do with hijacking US foreign policy to harm the political fortunes of a domestic political rival.

And that, laddie-bucks, is precisely what Hamilton and George Washington warned us about, oh, 250 years ago.

You keep saying "political rivals", but where are Trump's attacks on the other 22 Democratic candidates? The fact is Biden is NOT Trump's 2020 rival yet. He IS a member of the previous administration which weaponized the IC and "Justice" apparatuses against their direct political rival, Trump. You can't say it's OK to investigate what Trump did overseas and not OK to investigate what Biden did overseas. Saying "there's no evidence!" while actively preventing any attempts to obtain evidence is a blatant hypocrisy.

What Hamilton and Washington warned us about 250 years ago, is what Obama's rogue administration officials did in 2016.

One thing I think we ought to watch: The disparity in leaders of the factions.

Adam Schiff is a very clever lawyer and former federal prosecutor.

Devin Nunes couldn't find his arse-hole with a GPS unit and a copy of Gray's Anatomy.

The Trump Party is taking a water pistol to a firefight. This disparity will make itself felt in the days to come.

FIFY. Schiff has already displayed his cleverness and yes, his experience stacking the deck as a federal prosecutor. He's given himself near unlimited power to deny witness subpoenas based on his opinions, he's denied the Republicans on the committee the ability to decide who gets how much time to cross-examine and he's threatened his colleagues on the committee with "ethics" investigations if they don't do as he wishes. He's also denied the American public the ability to examine the veracity of every "witness" by only allowing transcripts of certain testimonies. Lacking any inflection or context, it's easier for him to manipulate the message.

Yes he's very clever, but that isn't a compliment.

The thing that I guess we sometimes forget is that neither of the Biden's is President.

I've been convinced the President Trump was improperly using his office to gain dirt on a political rival. Okay, that is out of the way.

Should he be impeached for it? Nah, maybe censured and then impeached if he does it again.

But even that thought process is moot, the Senate would never convict him or censure him.

So let's move on and see what other train wreck is awaiting us.

After 3 years, Trump knows exactly what the for a complete lack of a better term "Obama Cabal" did to him. He's targeted Biden as the weak link in the chain. He knows he can't flip Biden or Hillary. He knows Comey, McCabe, Ohr, etc. are too low on the totem pole to make a dent. He wanted Biden in the crosshairs publicly because that's EXACTLY what they did to him. He won, they lost and now he wants his pound of flesh.

Honestly if I were him? I'd rather see those bastards in prison and forever condemned as traitors than winning reelection next year. Winning reelection only proves he's more likeable than them. Hammering them into the ground sends a message. One they richly deserve.

FWIW, I honestly don't think he can put a single one of them in prison. This isn't a movie and there is no happy ending. Obama's criminals will not get what they deserve in this lifetime. :(

just a scout
11-14-19, 10:55
Didn't know if this deserves a new thread. Beck posted this from last night's stream. Quite a bit to consider and goes all the way to the top. I thought it was interesting the doc from Soros with his signature that exposes his game plan. This does tie into the impeachment sham.


How prophetic were the MCU movies?

Hail Hydra!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

11-14-19, 11:19

If Hunter was a board member. Why such an elaborate form of payment?

Hmmmm...while cumbersome, he shouod have just taken the cash in a suitcase. It is a lot harder to trace.

Now we know why Joe said he had no idea about Hunters dealings...wonder if John Kerry is thinking the same thing?

11-14-19, 14:09
From reading the transcript, there was no quid-pro-quo. But there is an anti corruption agreement with the Ukraine and other countries. I don't see the problem if the President is talking with another foreign leader about rooting out and dealing with corruption. It is the right and proper thing to do. I even agree that money should be withheld from corrupt governments.

The real issue is the corruption of Biden and his son using the office of Vice President to remove a prosecutor from investigating him along with using influence to put an unqualified, disgraced, coke head on executive boards of companies with a big salary. Happened with Russia too.

As far as impeachment goes, 3 years and still nothing??? I'd like to see one of the congressmen or senators on either side go through the investigations that President Trump has and come out clean like him. The only thing it has been is one big waste of money when those funds could have gone to something meaningful.

No quid? "I'll withhold already-appropriated military assistance that you desperately need to fend off the big Russian Bear, unless and until you publicly announce that you're investigating the Bidens, my top domestic political rivals." Boy howdy!

You'd like to see a Senator or Congressman go through such a grueling investigation? OK! Hillary withstood eight (8) Benghazi investigations. Were you complaining then that the money spent on that charade would be better used for "something meaningful?"

11-14-19, 14:23
You'd like to see a Senator or Congressman go through such a grueling investigation? OK! Hillary withstood eight (8) Benghazi investigations. Were you complaining then that the money spent on that charade would be better used for "something meaningful?"

A lot of us "conservatives" seem to forget our principals and how we behaved when previously in the minority once we're in power. The dems seem to have the same affliction.

11-14-19, 14:32
You'd like to see a Senator or Congressman go through such a grueling investigation? OK! Hillary withstood eight (8) Benghazi investigations. Were you complaining then that the money spent on that charade would be better used for "something meaningful?"

Yeah, you’re right. “At this point, what matter does it make?” Heck, just a few Americans killed and a consulate over run.

11-14-19, 14:58
Hillary got away with exactly what she was accused of and much more. Her lies are well documented and known to be lies. She's wasn't exonerated or even found not guilty of anything, she just wasn't tried or even prosecuted despite sufficient evidence to indict her. She has absolutely no redeeming qualities and is an utter failure by every measure of a decent human being.

11-14-19, 14:58
What color is the sky in your world?

I am pretty sure it's potato.

"They" all said the same crap when the russian collusion investigation happened...and again with the Mueller investigation...yet here we are. "They" simply refuse to learn and are in a state of delusion.

11-14-19, 15:01
No quid? "I'll withhold already-appropriated military assistance that you desperately need to fend off the big Russian Bear, unless and until you publicly announce that you're investigating the Bidens, my top domestic political rivals." "

Is that a direct quote from the transcripts? If not, and using quotes, that's a very intellectually dishonest move there.

Personally, I see what was said as an obvious informal quid, with Trump not being slick enough to do it the way all the others have always done it, via underlings so there's plausible deniability if it goes south. As with most of what he does, a bull in a China shop and typical of him, just came out and said it. When he gets a US Ambassador and his staff killed, or gets agents killed in Mexico, etc, and no one loses their jobs over it, much end up in orange jumpsuits, wake me up.

Inappropriate to say and be so obvious about it? Yes. Impeachable?! LOL, no.

This and other nonsense is creating a lot of reluctant Trump supporters who will vote for him for no other reason than a middle finger to the left.

Last time the DNC handed a Trump the win on a silver platter. 2020 it will be on a platinum platter and even of there's something too these latest hearings, they blew their wad a long time ago and more and more people just don't trust the Dems, media, etc and just don't care at this point.

I didn't vote for Trump last time, but am in the reluctant Trump supporter camp now, so likely will next time as there's no one from the DNC I like, and currently no one from the Libertarians doing anything.

Trump has lived up to all my expectations by not being HC. :cool:

Mauser KAR98K
11-14-19, 15:02
No quid? "I'll withhold already-appropriated military assistance that you desperately need to fend off the big Russian Bear, unless and until you publicly announce that you're investigating the Bidens, my top domestic political rivals." Boy howdy!

You'd like to see a Senator or Congressman go through such a grueling investigation? OK! Hillary withstood eight (8) Benghazi investigations. Were you complaining then that the money spent on that charade would be better used for "something meaningful?"

Except an Ambassador was killed when he was asking for assistance.

And don't forget the CIA annex that was attacked. They called for help and Hillary missef the 3AM phone call along with Obama.

Many of us wanted further investigation on why they were left to die, and what weapons were being sent to ISIS.

You sound like Adam Schiff.

11-14-19, 15:15
No quid? "I'll withhold already-appropriated military assistance that you desperately need to fend off the big Russian Bear, unless and until you publicly announce that you're investigating the Bidens, my top domestic political rivals."


Nothing in the transcript looks anything like what you put quotations on.

If Trump's actions are so bad, why do you have to lie about it?

Outlander Systems
11-14-19, 15:22
I can't stand Glenn Beck, but this was phenomenal, and should be watched by everyone.

Thanks for sharing this.

Didn't know if this deserves a new thread. Beck posted this from last night's stream. Quite a bit to consider and goes all the way to the top. I thought it was interesting the doc from Soros with his signature that exposes his game plan. This does tie into the impeachment sham.


26 Inf
11-14-19, 15:35
It is really humorous when people try to make it seem that Trump is the first and only politician that lies. Grow up. Uni-vibe is getting his last paperwork completed to join Sry0fcr on the ignore list. Don't join them on the dumb-ass parade.

FMCDH, you need to lighten up a bit, or maybe admit that as long as someone does what you feel is in your best interest, it doesn't matter what an amoral jackwagon they are.

President Trump is a buffoon of the first order, the reality is that he is what we have. Ultimately, if my belief that he won't win re-election is true, the polarizing effect of his administration will be responsible for a complete Democratic take-over. How socialist that will be remains to be seen. What I do know is that I will have three safes full of soon to be banned firearms.

As far as the dumbass goes, you already know I'm a dumbass because I believe in service to the country instead of sitting on the sidelines, but, we've had that discussion before, correct?

Outlander Systems
11-14-19, 15:38
Lmfao. This guy has to be trolling us.

No quid? "I'll withhold already-appropriated military assistance that you desperately need to fend off the big Russian Bear, unless and until you publicly announce that you're investigating the Bidens, my top domestic political rivals." Boy howdy!

You'd like to see a Senator or Congressman go through such a grueling investigation? OK! Hillary withstood eight (8) Benghazi investigations. Were you complaining then that the money spent on that charade would be better used for "something meaningful?"

11-14-19, 16:23
No quid? "I'll withhold already-appropriated military assistance that you desperately need to fend off the big Russian Bear, unless and until you publicly announce that you're investigating the Bidens, my top domestic political rivals." Boy howdy!

You'd like to see a Senator or Congressman go through such a grueling investigation? OK! Hillary withstood eight (8) Benghazi investigations. Were you complaining then that the money spent on that charade would be better used for "something meaningful?"

Oh wait. I didn't know you had proof that Trump said exactly what you quoted to Zelensky, and that Ukraine never actually got the "already-appropriated military assistance", seeing as how they never publicly announced an investigation into the Bidens. Just post up the proof that Trump said that and that they never got those funds, and we'll all jump on board the impeachment train!

Take you time, we'll wait...

11-14-19, 16:34
By the standard of all this fourth-, fifth- and sixth-hand hearsay "testimony"...

A friend told me that one of his friends told him that his sister-in-law told him that Adam Schiff anally sodomized her preteen son while Nancy Pelosi held him down, so why aren't they stripped of office for Child Molestation yet if that's the standard?

11-14-19, 16:35
No quid? "I'll withhold already-appropriated military assistance that you desperately need to fend off the big Russian Bear, unless and until you publicly announce that you're investigating the Bidens, my top domestic political rivals." Boy howdy!

Wow, quotations around a completely fabricated statement. Typical. Just make shit up and repeat it ad nauseum. Alinsky would be so proud of you.

11-14-19, 19:35
I can't stand Glenn Beck, but this was phenomenal, and should be watched by everyone.

Thanks for sharing this.

I get that, Pat and Stu are much more palatable. This clip though is chocked full of historical information not easily compiled and put together. Beck does have a gift of doing that. So much to think about that he presented. It's also getting buzz.

11-14-19, 19:45
No quid? "I'll withhold already-appropriated military assistance that you desperately need to fend off the big Russian Bear, unless and until you publicly announce that you're investigating the Bidens, my top domestic political rivals." Boy howdy!

You'd like to see a Senator or Congressman go through such a grueling investigation? OK! Hillary withstood eight (8) Benghazi investigations. Were you complaining then that the money spent on that charade would be better used for "something meaningful?"

Yeah, OK Schiff.

11-15-19, 05:04
First it was Hunter Biden, oil man.

Then Hunter Biden, hedge fund manager extraordinaire.

Now it's Hunter Biden, international real estate law expert.

From the right wing conspiracy website... NBC News

Indeed. Looks suspicious. Reminds us of local politicians who come from nothing, and next thing you know, they're wheeling and dealing in land. Like Jared Kushner, there's nothing Hunter can't do.

Watch Yovanovich testify later today. She'll make Trump, Giuliani, Pompeo squirm while Hannity and Limbaugh bewail the "deep state." Funny.

Straight Shooter
11-15-19, 05:26
I HOPE Trump told them to investigate the Bidens-GOOD.
We know the damned media & Dimorats aint ever gonna do it. THATS what they are really pissed at. GOOD for the President, & I hope he keeps doing what the rat bastard media/Dem cabal wont.

11-15-19, 06:02
No quid? "I'll withhold already-appropriated military assistance that you desperately need to fend off the big Russian Bear, unless and until you publicly announce that you're investigating the Bidens, my top domestic political rivals." Boy howdy!

You'd like to see a Senator or Congressman go through such a grueling investigation? OK! Hillary withstood eight (8) Benghazi investigations. Were you complaining then that the money spent on that charade would be better used for "something meaningful?"

Well.. hello Mr. Schiff. Obviously unlike you, I read the transcript. There is nothing in there like you quote above. Pretty dishonest of you to try to pull a Shifty Schiff move.

As far as Hilliary goes... yea... 8 investigations by the people helping her cover up her misdeeds is more like it. The truth of the Benghazi debacle is out there. The Clinton machine has become experts at covering up her and Bill's screw ups... and they have made millions off of the misery of other people through out the world through the Clinton Foundation. Look at what has happened and is happening down in Haiti.

I think Jordan pretty much summed the whole sham up properly when he pointed out that Taylor and Kent were the first witnesses and supposedly the most important ones that were suppose to make the whole case. Their testimony was nothing but total hearsay... They had no first hand info. They even admitted it!! Then Jordan asked pointedly if they could point out anything that was an impeachable offense and they sat there like a pile of turds that they are. They couldn't even name one thing! Every bit of what is going on is just the continuation of the coup attempt. They need held accountable for their treason.

11-15-19, 06:11
So I am a little confused, I can be corrupt as can be using my families political connections to make a ton of money. But if my dad runs for President, then I can't be investigated?

If the answer, is yes. Then my question becomes where is the line? If my dad is running for President can I fly in 100 tons of coke, without worries of jail?

If the answer to that is yes. Hunter you can reach me at 202 986 XXXX.

I can assist you with the coke a friend of mine ex DEA knows everyone down south. My company can lease you the planes.

11-15-19, 07:27
This whole shampeachment is a con to run cover for corrupt democrats, Hunter is not the only one making money in the Ukraine, that Rosemont group that funneled the money has names like Kerry and Heinz on the board. Pelosi's son also made money there.

Son of House Speaker Pelosi made money in Ukraine as well. Hmmm. The left is scrubbing all videos to hide their tracks right now…


11-15-19, 07:40
Indeed. Looks suspicious. Reminds us of local politicians who come from nothing, and next thing you know, they're wheeling and dealing in land. Like Jared Kushner, there's nothing Hunter can't do.

Watch Yovanovich testify later today. She'll make Trump, Giuliani, Pompeo squirm while Hannity and Limbaugh bewail the "deep state." Funny.

I have never seen someone try to so hard. I commend you for your efforts.

11-15-19, 08:07
I want this thing to go full-bore, wide open. Because then, under pre-established rules, Trump's lawyer can call whatever witnesses he wants, and enter any evidence.

I think the Democrats are trying to ride the fence, make it all "he's done all these illegal things" and drag it out but know he'd be exonerated in the Senate.

11-15-19, 08:12
Except an Ambassador was killed when he was asking for assistance.

And don't forget the CIA annex that was attacked. They called for help and Hillary missef the 3AM phone call along with Obama.

Many of us wanted further investigation on why they were left to die, and what weapons were being sent to ISIS.

You sound like Adam Schiff.

And it was all due to a YT vid (yet happened on 9/11) and was unplanned, and how many times did the Ambassador and his security chief request more security and was denied? 20-30?

just a scout
11-15-19, 08:31
As bad as the sham is going for the Dems, there was a school shooting in Santa Clarita, CA yesterday. I’m not saying it’s connected, but the timing is awfully convenient....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Outlander Systems
11-15-19, 08:40

It’s like watching a squirrel try to climb a steel pole covered in grease.

I have never seen someone try to so hard. I commend you for your efforts.

11-15-19, 11:28
Watching the sham impeachment hearings again today. Yet another day of total manipulation by Shifty Shiff, a witness that says I have no direct knowledge, I heard it through the grapevine, the orangeman hurt my feelings. This is just totally unbelievable. Even more, the crazy left leaning media runs with total lies. I feel like I'm living in bazaaro land anymore.

11-15-19, 12:09
Watching the sham impeachment hearings again today. Yet another day of total manipulation by Shifty Shiff, a witness that says I have no direct knowledge, I heard it through the grapevine, the orangeman hurt my feelings. This is just totally unbelievable. Even more, the crazy left leaning media runs with total lies. I feel like I'm living in bazaaro land anymore.

Man, I wish we could get some 1st hand testimony so we can get this over with. Get Mick, and Rudy sworn in ASAP.

11-15-19, 12:28
To me, she's looking like she really wasn't knowledgeable on a lot of things that were important to the POTUS.
Your job is to place your emphasis on the things your boss wants done.
If there was an open investigation on this energy company and the Son of a sitting VP is on the board and has no experience, we don't want to use our foreign service to look in to this. As an Ambassador, you don't want to understand what's going on?
Shouldn't she have reported this to Obama? Did she?
Why would Trump not want to know what was going on when all of these Democrats have their kids working in energy in Ukraine?
Add to that, now we are selling these guys javalins so doesn't that up the ante a bit?

11-15-19, 12:32
If there was so much corruption in Ukraine during her tenure, I wonder how much of it she was involved in.

11-15-19, 13:28
If there was so much corruption in Ukraine during her tenure, I wonder how much of it she was involved in.

If you've got a ton of politicians children doing some shady stuff, you don't want someone who's in on the corruption, you'll have to split the booty. What you want is someone who is clueless and is not looking at anything of any consequence. Just a mutt who looks good sitting in the window.
I would guess from her general clueless nature she might very well fit the bill.
After all, almost every place she's been it was a shit show. So what does she do and what is she good at?
Barisma (sp?) is a corrupt organization that was under continued investigation, but she doesn't call Obama of Joe Biden? She doesn't call Trump when he takes over?
How F'ing convenient for the Biden's...

Okay, now after I posted this they are saying that it so concerned the White House that Hunter Biden and what appears to be at least four other Politician's kids were in Ukraine working in energy that they put out a letter specifically to address this potential question coming up, more or less it said call the White House about it directly.
Hmmm so the appearance of impropriety is of so little consequence that they instead of telling these Muppet's "No you can't" they make an official letter but let it keep going on?
We're investigating the wrong folks here.


11-15-19, 13:34
Either Trump was playing some 6D Chess and catfished them all and it will blow up in their face, or he made a casual but overly obvious request to look into the clearly corrupt Biden's and didn't do it in the way that gave him plausible deniability as professional politicians know how to do. If the latter, he probably figured it was harmless enough request, and of course informal and formal quid pro quo is how it's done and always has been. He really needs to run stuff by his people more prior to opening his mouth. That as much as anything has caused him the issues he's having, but that's also what many actually like about him. Me, really don't care what he says, keep an eye on what he does and accomplishes.

When he gets a US Ambassador and his staff killed, wake me up.

11-15-19, 14:33
DUDE from Utah: Did you witness any laws being broken by POTUS?

Mrs Yanovich:No

Say what? Where is my boy uni-vibe?

Yesterday, Ratcliffe got Kent and Taylor to say the same thing.

11-15-19, 14:54
DUDE from Utah: Did you witness any laws being broken by POTUS?

Mrs Yanovich:No

Say what? Where is my boy uni-vibe?

Yesterday, Ratcliffe got Kent and Taylor to say the same thing.

But he hurt her feelings damn it!

11-15-19, 15:11
I liked Jordan, your boss fired you and you are upset about it, that sounds like a human resource issue what are you doing testifying in an impeachment hearing?

11-15-19, 15:36
But he hurt her feelings damn it!

She was a wreck when she walked in there, I would hate to see her under some real life and death decision level pressures.
Her feeling,....wrong job for feelings.

11-15-19, 20:57
I like Jordan's style. He talks a mile a minute, a sort of stream of consciousness. He interrupts this by firing questions and then immediately answering the question. " . . . . Blah blah blah you never talked to the President did you no of course you didn't blah blah . . . ." And the witness is just sitting there looking stupid. It's quite effective because the unsophisticated think Jim's tearing it up, getting the right answers.

11-15-19, 21:38
I like Jordan's style. He talks a mile a minute, a sort of stream of consciousness. He interrupts this by firing questions and then immediately answering the question. " . . . . Blah blah blah you never talked to the President did you no of course you didn't blah blah . . . ." And the witness is just sitting there looking stupid. It's quite effective because the unsophisticated think Jim's tearing it up, getting the right answers.

Based on your previous “quote”, it seems you prefer Schiff’s style of just making up testimony that’s a complete fabrication. :rolleyes:

11-15-19, 22:08
Based on your previous “quote”, it seems you prefer Schiff’s style of just making up testimony that’s a complete fabrication. :rolleyes:

Nah, anybody can do what Adam does. I did it, didn't I, with no particular effort.

But Jim, Jim's got style.

26 Inf
11-16-19, 03:47
Nah, anybody can do what Adam does. I did it, didn't I, with no particular effort.

But Jim, Jim's got style.

I really don't care for him at all, nothing about politics at all, his persona has just always grated on my nerves.

I'd like to think that I'm such a good judge of character that, like a dog, I could tell his was a bad guy before the Ohio State stuff resurfaced, but nah, I cant say that, he just gets on my nerves.

As far as that goes, you do understand that every swinging Richard involved in this process, Republican or Democrat, is first and foremost running for re-election, don't you?

11-16-19, 11:15
Indeed. Looks suspicious. Reminds us of local politicians who come from nothing, and next thing you know, they're wheeling and dealing in land. Like Jared Kushner, there's nothing Hunter can't do.

Watch Yovanovich testify later today. She'll make Trump, Giuliani, Pompeo squirm while Hannity and Limbaugh bewail the "deep state." Funny.

That didn't work out so well, did it?

11-16-19, 17:08
That didn't work out so well, did it?

Mr. Holmes is on deck. He heard Trump and Sondland discussing the "investigations," directly contradicting Trump's pleading ignorance. (So did every spy because the conversation was overheard by ears, and the cell phone wasn't secure. Amateurs.) Stay tuned.

11-16-19, 18:02
Keep trying to climb that greased pole.

11-16-19, 18:12
Mr. Holmes is on deck. He heard Trump and Sondland discussing the "investigations," directly contradicting Trump's pleading ignorance. (So did every spy because the conversation was overheard by ears, and the cell phone wasn't secure. Amateurs.) Stay tuned.

Ok, and? Still don't see an impeachable offense even if the POTUS told Ukraine to investigate corruption if they want money. And notice how the ComDems new catch phrase is "bribery"? Apparently they had an internal poll done and it said that bribery sounds much more sinister and offensive than quid pro quo. And since this whole thing is nothing but a charades to affect the 2020 election the ComDems are now going with bribery.

11-16-19, 18:28
Ok, and? Still don't see an impeachable offense even if the POTUS told Ukraine to investigate corruption if they want money. And notice how the ComDems new catch phrase is "bibery"? Apparently they had an internal poll done and it said that bribery sounds much more sinister and offensive than quid pro quo. And since this whole thing is nothing but a charades to affect the 2020 election the ComDems are now going with bribery.

That's because half of them don't know what quid pro quo means, and the other half know quid pro quo is how biz is done in politics even if they don't like Trump. Nothing is free, everything comes with strings, quid pro quo is the norm, and always will be, and "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" is a thing in this world. His problem is he didn't do it how it's always been done with slight of hand BS, underlings doing it for him for plausible deniability, and he went after some of the most powerful people in DC.

11-16-19, 20:15
That's because half of them don't know what quid pro quo means, and the other half know quid pro quo is how biz is done in politics even if they don't like Trump. Nothing is free, everything comes with strings, quid pro quo is the norm, and always will be, and "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" is a thing in this world. His problem is he didn't do it how it's always been done with slight of hand BS, underlings doing it for him for plausible deniability, and he went after some of the most powerful people in DC.

I don't particularly have a problem with that either. There is indeed a "Swamp" (Establishment types from both parties), and it does need to be drained. Unless we can overcome that pesky voting/elections thing, we're not gonna succeed. Those Swamp Critters are elected. I always chuckle when someone criticizes---and rightly so---the likes of Pelosi, Schiff, Feinstein, Hoyer, et al. The REAL problem is who sent them there, and in most cases keep sending them to D.C. over and over. Folks, a significant portion of our fellow countrymen are the problem.

11-16-19, 20:52
Ok, and? Still don't see an impeachable offense even if the POTUS told Ukraine to investigate corruption if they want money. And notice how the ComDems new catch phrase is "bribery"? Apparently they had an internal poll done and it said that bribery sounds much more sinister and offensive than quid pro quo. And since this whole thing is nothing but a charades to affect the 2020 election the ComDems are now going with bribery.

Bribery is an actual crime, whereas quid pro quo is perfectly legal and happens every day in DC. When Pelosi actually said it was “bribery” I LOL’d. What happened couldn’t be shoehorned into the definition of bribery if they greased it with machinegun lube and pounded it with a sledgehammer.

11-16-19, 21:02
According to Mr. Limbaugh on the radio this week, most Democrats don't understand any of these arguments, "because most Democrats speak only Spanish."

11-17-19, 01:02
According to Mr. Limbaugh on the radio this week, most Democrats don't understand any of these arguments, "because most Democrats speak only Spanish."

You listen to Limbaugh? Why?

11-17-19, 04:11
You listen to Limbaugh? Why?

I catch some of him almost every day. Why not? He daily dispenses authoritative opinion on such topics as evolutionary biology, atmospheric science, behavioral psychology, diplomacy, constitutional law, nuclear physics (!), medicine, macroeconomics, international relations, football, Marxism, demographics, criminal justice, military strategy and tactics, genetics, federalism, health care policy, and architecture, among others.

11-17-19, 09:28
I catch some of him almost every day. Why not? He daily dispenses authoritative opinion on such topics as evolutionary biology, atmospheric science, behavioral psychology, diplomacy, constitutional law, nuclear physics (!), medicine, macroeconomics, international relations, football, Marxism, demographics, criminal justice, military strategy and tactics, genetics, federalism, health care policy, and architecture, among others.

Authoritative?! That man has exactly zero background in any of that, other than perhaps football. He's a step above Alex Jones sure, but not a huge step.

11-17-19, 09:45
I catch some of him almost every day. Why not? He daily dispenses authoritative opinion on such topics as evolutionary biology, atmospheric science, behavioral psychology, diplomacy, constitutional law, nuclear physics (!), medicine, macroeconomics, international relations, football, Marxism, demographics, criminal justice, military strategy and tactics, genetics, federalism, health care policy, and architecture, among others.

Don't change the subject, tell us about the next witness who is going to be the one which has to goods and will be the one to finally bring down Trump!!!

11-17-19, 10:04
Don't change the subject, tell us about the next witness who is going to be the one which has to goods and will be the one to finally bring down Trump!!!

There is no witness in the world that could possibly "bring down Trump." Shoot somebody on Seventh Avenue? He could commit extraordinary carnal depravities in front of Trump Party senators, Christian evangelical leaders, and three-angle video, and not lose a single member of the Base. Donald Trump is a religion. We've seen this type of politician many times before. Just not in the United States of America.

just a scout
11-17-19, 10:13
We've seen this type of politician many times before. Just not in the United States of America.

You mean a politician that’s America First and patriotic? You’re right, we haven’t seen that in a long time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

11-17-19, 11:45
There is no witness in the world that could possibly "bring down Trump." Shoot somebody on Seventh Avenue? He could commit extraordinary carnal depravities in front of Trump Party senators, Christian evangelical leaders, and three-angle video, and not lose a single member of the Base. Donald Trump is a religion. We've seen this type of politician many times before. Just not in the United States of America.

When the "Conservative Norm" is someone like Bush and you can pick either Bush then, you're right.
What Conservatives and the hard right have been lacking has been a testosterone infused mad dog that really doesn't give two s4its what the far left have to say. They are willing to fight.
I know you seem to be a bit of an apologist and angry with everything that makes America great, but honestly, aren't you a bit tired of running Trump down by now?
He's not done any amazing magic tricks that weren't available to Obama or Bush, he's just decided not to play the NWO game and he decided to put America first. The result has been record low unemployment and record high markets.
We can't have that now, we need to run America's markets down and in to a third world economy so that we can usher in a New World Order.

11-17-19, 14:36
There is no witness in the world that could possibly "bring down Trump." Shoot somebody on Seventh Avenue? He could commit extraordinary carnal depravities in front of Trump Party senators, Christian evangelical leaders, and three-angle video, and not lose a single member of the Base. Donald Trump is a religion. We've seen this type of politician many times before. Just not in the United States of America.

How soon you forget the Mocha Jesus. It was only a few years ago.

11-17-19, 15:30
The most entertaining part of this whole sham was when Pelosi made her opening remarks with tears in her eyes, saying what a heavy and prayerful heart it takes to do her Constitutional duty to press forward and do the will of the American people and that she doesn’t know what the outcome will be but knows POTUS is guilty as charged. Man, she ought to win an academy award for that performance.

11-17-19, 20:36
Sondland: due to testify publicly Wednesday. He might have to "revise" his earlier sworn statements again. The Wall Street Journal (!) has certain emails indicating that he was briefing Rick Perry and other highly-placed personages on the status of Ukraine's intent to "investigate" the Bidens. We'll see what comes about. Schifty Adam Schiff is a former federal prosecutor and smart trial lawyer; if there's anything useful, he'll know what to do.

The time has come -- and maybe already gone -- for Ambassador Sondland to decide whether he wants to be a witness or a target.

Key distinction in all of this mess: Trump never wanted Ukraine to investigate Hunter and Joe Biden. He wanted Ukraine to publicly announce that such an investigation was taking place, giving him and the conservative media something to talk about.

11-17-19, 21:16
Sondland: due to testify publicly Wednesday. He might have to "revise" his earlier sworn statements again. The Wall Street Journal (!) has certain emails indicating that he was briefing Rick Perry and other highly-placed personages on the status of Ukraine's intent to "investigate" the Bidens. We'll see what comes about. Schifty Adam Schiff is a former federal prosecutor and smart trial lawyer; if there's anything useful, he'll know what to do.

The time has come -- and maybe already gone -- for Ambassador Sondland to decide whether he wants to be a witness or a target.

Key distinction in all of this mess: Trump never wanted Ukraine to investigate Hunter and Joe Biden. He wanted Ukraine to publicly announce that such an investigation was taking place, giving him and the conservative media something to talk about.

Wrong, AGAIN.

Trump wanted them to look into 2016 election interference. Interference that UKRAINE HAS ADMITTED TO DOING. Chuck Grassley sent a letter to the DoJ in July of 2017. Asking them to open up an investigation into why the Ukrainians, had handed over this information to FSO nerds and it never made it back CONUS?

BECAUSE it destroys the premise of the Weisman report. You think Assange was picked up 3 days after the Weissman Report was released, was a coeincindence? Riddle me this Uni Vibe, can you tell us which of our 17 intelligence agencies reviewed the hacked DNC servers?

11-17-19, 21:25
I knew it! How many posts before somebody dredges up "Emails! . . . . Benghazi! . . . . Pizza Parlor . . . . 47 bodies . . . .Mom and Pop Shop Bathroom Server! . . . ."

Let's wait and see what's testified to Wednesday.

Sondland has had this weekend to make a decision. One writer says he has to choose between loyalty to Donald Trump, and loyalty to America.

I think he has a starker, but simpler choice: Truth, or Jail?

11-17-19, 21:31
The DNC hack, is the cornerstone of the Weissman Report. Mueller even said it and he wasnt not even involved in the report that has his name on it...anyway.

The SR DIRECTOR of the NSC, Tim Morrison, who was on the call. Has already said their was nothing there. A few bullet points:

1. Mr. Morrison did not believe anything improper occurred on the July 25 call. (p. 60)

2. Mr. Morrison testified that the memorandum of conversation (a phrase used to describe the call transcript) of the July 25 call was complete and accurate. (p. 60)

3. Mr. Morrison, who listened to the July 25 call, testified that he was not concerned about the substance of what was discussed on the call – only that the transcript might leak. (p. 46-47)

4. Mr. Morrison was told by National Security Council lawyer John Eisenberg that the July 25 call record mistakenly ended up on the highly classified system, debunking the Democrats’ allegations of an attempted “cover up.”

5. Mr. Morrison repeatedly testified that he purposefully kept Lt. Col. Vindman out of the loop on this matter because he had concerns about Vindman’s judgment, which were also raised to him by Fiona Hill and others.

6. Mr. Morrison testified that, as the final clearing authority for any edits made to the 7/25 call package, he accepted all of Lt. Col. Vindman’s proposed edits. (p. 61-62)

7. Mr. Morrison testified that he does not believe Burisma came up on the call or that anyone suggested edits to the mem-con to include the word Burisma. (p. 64)

8. Mr. Morrison testified that Lt. Col. Vindman relayed two concerns to him about the July 25 call: that the call did not get into the subject matter they had hoped, and the fidelity of the translation. (p. 72-73)

9. Mr. Morrison testified that Lt. Col. Vindman never reported to Morrison any of the “light queries” that he received from Ukrainian officials in August regarding the hold on aid. (p. 93)

10. Mr. Morrison confirmed that President Trump generally does not like foreign aid generally, and specifically held concerns that corruption in Ukraine may cause U.S. aid to be “misused.”

11-17-19, 22:17
I knew it! How many posts before somebody dredges up "Emails! . . . . Benghazi! . . . . Pizza Parlor . . . . 47 bodies . . . .Mom and Pop Shop Bathroom Server! . . . ."

Let's wait and see what's testified to Wednesday.

Sondland has had this weekend to make a decision. One writer says he has to choose between loyalty to Donald Trump, and loyalty to America.

I think he has a starker, but simpler choice: Truth, or Jail?

All Sondland is going to do is keep telling the truth, no matter how much you wish your liberal fantasies will come true. Your hero Shitt is a lying sack of shit and you have been living in a dream world for 3 years. Guess you should be getting used to disappointment by now but keep grasping at straws.

11-17-19, 22:28
I knew it! How many posts before somebody dredges up "Emails! . . . . Benghazi! . . . . Pizza Parlor . . . . 47 bodies . . . .Mom and Pop Shop Bathroom Server! . . . ."

Let's wait and see what's testified to Wednesday.

Sondland has had this weekend to make a decision. One writer says he has to choose between loyalty to Donald Trump, and loyalty to America.

I think he has a starker, but simpler choice: Truth, or Jail?

^This sums it up right here. "Let's see..."

Nothing burger after nothing burger after nothing burger, but- "let's see what happens next..."

I must ask you directly- do you really buy into all of this? That there is going to be a credible witness that is a smoking gun?

This is a three ring circus, a dog and pony show. Bukkake theatre.

Here's some cold hard for ya'

The only good things about Trump:

1) Hilary didn't get into the oval office
2) 2 center left SCOTUS picks in lieu of 2 extreme progressive left SCOTUS picks
3) All the right people hate Trump and are showing there true colors
4) Wild card factor
5) He actually understands the real threat to America- illegal invasion- er, I mean Immigration.

All the rest doesn't effing mean squat. The tweets, the "pussy grabbing" the hair, the...NONE OF IT MATTERS!

If the man actually broke any laws and should really be impeached the DEMS are going about it in the most retarded way possible. Which is occurs razor for- they aint got shit (If they did it would drop post haste and how to get the bad orange man gone ASAP for them) and they are grandstanding, pushing all the small minded imbeciles to look at "Let's see what's next..." instead of what IS.

This is all going to end badly for America, not for Trump, not for the dimwitted Dems on Capitol Hill, but for America, because the precedent is being set and its a terrible one.

This, right here, what the democrats and their misguided, ill-intentioned angry sleeping sheep are doing- is the final nail in the coffin of our Nation as we know it.

Let that sink in for a moment- anything you can articulate and prove as "wrong" or "bad" or even "criminal" perpetuated by Trump & CO- is peanuts compared to what the D's are willfully doing here and now.

This is the greatest distraction of bread and circuses perpetuated on a citizenry in the history of the world. Instead of doing ANYTHING useful, these idiots are taking part int he biggest circle jerk in history- it's pathetic and even those who hate Trump should get their head out of their asses and smell the shit for what it is. It's disgusting.

So, yeah, "let's see what's next..." and when it isn't what is "wanted" let's just keep seeing what's next instead of actually tackling the important issues facing this country.

Wake up!

26 Inf
11-18-19, 02:04
This just in:

Let's just impeach everyone

Nolan Finley, The Detroit News Published 10:05 p.m. ET Nov. 16, 2019 | Updated 11:51 p.m. ET Nov. 16, 2019

If Washington, D.C. were held to biblical standards, it would be an ash heap.

Recall that God smoked Sodom and Gomorrah when Abraham couldn’t find 10 righteous men among the populace to meet His condition for sparing them.

Good luck filling that quota in the Capitol.

What we saw during last week's hearings confirms there are no white hats in this impeachment fight. No one purely motivated. And the only righteousness on display is self-righteousness.

Picking sides is a pointless exercise that serves to perpetuate the poisonous partisanship ruining our country. We should stop pretending there’s virtue on one side of this enterprise and evil on the other and accept the reality that two things can be true at once.

Donald Trump can be an immoral scoundrel who abused the power of the presidency in pressuring a foreign country to help take down a political rival. I believe that.

And Adam Schiff can be a scheming weasel who's had the impeachment papers on his desk for three years just waiting to fill in the blanks. I believe that, too.

I put nothing past Trump, the most dishonorable president ever to hold the office. His moral compass is without a needle. Even in this vulgar social media age, Trump’s coarseness is unacceptable for an American president.

Before rushing to your keyboard to fire off a “Yeah, but what about the economy …” email, I’ll admit, I’ve done quite well as an investor during the Trump years. But I suspect it’s possible for a president to cut taxes and regulations and boost the stock market without being an insufferable braggart and a serial offender of decency.

Still, I find myself trapped into defending Trump against the push by ruthless Democrats and their allies to take down an elected president by any means necessary. Trump has not been treated fairly. Nor was he ever given a chance to succeed. Democrats began their resistance movement on Inauguration Day, and talk of impeachment started before he switched on the lights in the Oval Office.

Worse, there's ample evidence that anti-Trump forces in the Justice Department worked to orchestrate a coup against the president.

Critics of Trump contend his actions present a constitutional crisis. But Trump has not defied checks on his overreaches by the courts. It is a constitutional crisis, however, when forces inside the government actively attempt to influence the outcome of a presidential election, and then work to undermine the president elected by the people.

And so unnecessary. No one undermines Trump more than Trump himself.

For either Republicans or Democrats to see their party as holding the high ground requires a lot of squinting. My solution would be a blanket impeachment that takes them all out.

This pox-on-all-their-houses wish stems from a conviction that we are nearing the point at which dysfunctional government becomes intractable, offering no hope of ever coming together to advance the nation past its many challenges.

Back to the Bible, what we may be witnessing are the end times of our Republic.


11-18-19, 08:11
I knew it! How many posts before somebody dredges up "Emails! . . . . Benghazi! . . . . Pizza Parlor . . . . 47 bodies . . . .Mom and Pop Shop Bathroom Server! . . . ."

Let's wait and see what's testified to Wednesday.

Sondland has had this weekend to make a decision. One writer says he has to choose between loyalty to Donald Trump, and loyalty to America.

I think he has a starker, but simpler choice: Truth, or Jail?

You didn't get what you wanted out of Mueller.

You didn't get what you wanted out of Volker.

You didn't get what you wanted out of Yovanovitch.

You didn't get what you wanted out of Hill.

You didn't get what you wanted out of Kent.

You didn't get what you wanted out of McKinley.

You didn't get what you wanted out of Taylor.

What in the world could possibly make you think you're suddenly going to get what you need to depose Trump, out of Sondland? It's not like Congress can prosecute him and Barr is absolutely under no circumstances going to prosecute him! Barr is apparently going all out in an effort to prosecute the Obama Administration officials complicit in the 2016 election tampering by Ukraine.

What's going to happen is this. Schiff isn't going to get a smoking gun on "bribery" charges. His and Pelosi's gambit will ultimately come down to "obstruction" charges because he wouldn't allow them to politically curb stomp him with ZERO evidence. They'll get their political impeachment because this is really all they've wanted since November 2016. They never got anything out of their 2 1/2 year investigation (funny how that doesn't even come up anymore), and they can't find him guilty of something that never happened.

BUT, when it gets to the Senate the script will flip. McConnell will absolutely call Eric Ciaramella for public testimony. He will already have the proof needed to tie Ciaramella to the 2016 election conspiracy, because he was up to his eyeballs in it and Barr will have the documents to prove it. Once that thread is pulled, Ciaramella will either flip, or his benefactor will have him suicided in the back of the head during a robbery that no one will see.

Guess who else will be trotted onto the Senate floor? Stephen Halper; Josef Mifsud; Charles Tawil; "Azra Turk"; Sean Misko; and so on and so forth. Once the Senate finds Trump not guilty, he will be free to open a biblical can of whoop-ass on the traitors in his midst. Eventually one of them will flip and Brennan will finally be in the hot seat.

What the Obama Administration officials did in Ukraine, Italy, Greece, Israel and the UK in 2016 is as criminal as it gets. It was an international spy operation by US government officials against a major presidential candidate, which subsequently morphed into an operation to undermine the President of the United States. It is objectively orders of magnitude worse than Watergate.

The biggest mistake Trump has made in his presidency, is not sending every last Obama official in the WH packing, and demanding the resignations of every SES and SFS level official in DoS, DoJ and the Intelligence Community on his first day in office. Leaving them embedded in his Administration has been more damaging to the United States than any other blunder he's made.

But the bill is coming due and all that's left is to see who gets stuck with it. I'll wager now it will not be DJT.