View Full Version : 2019 Influenza Season

09-29-19, 14:28
I thought I'd do a little PSA thread about the coming flu season, mainly because it has already started and I am just getting to the tail end of a full infection. This last Wednesday I started the day off feeling groggy and tired, which isn't out of the ordinary at all for me, and sore all over, but I figured it was because I had pushed it a little too hard at the gym Tuesday evening. I was sniffly and sneezy all day but the fall ragweed is causing everybody to have allergies so no big deal there too.

By 3pm Wednesday afternoon I was feeling the internal alarm that something was wrong because I was starting to get chills. I hit the Walgreens clinic and tested positive for influenza as well as a sinus infection. They gave me Tamiflu, Doxycycline, and a Methylprednisolone steroid pack and I went home. I took all Day 1 of the pack along with the Tamiflu and antibiotic and hit the shower and bed. Boom, full on extreme nausea (probably from all the pills) and 102+F fever. I have a wife and 16 month old child so I quarantined myself in the bedroom.

Up until today I've been feeling like I was at death's door with a fever that pretty much didn't break for days. I'm still extremely weak today and very mentally foggy. Somehow my wife and boy did not get infected which I am very thankful for. I wanted to share because the season has already started and this one is a real doozy. Worse than any other flu I have experienced before.

The pharmacist said I was the first confirmed case in that clinic and they are already afraid of shortages and backorders on Tamiflu. Make sure you have all your flu preps at home because when it hits you are not physically able to go to the store to get stuff. Pedialyte, ginger ale, crackers, etc. If you feel any little sign that you may have it you can get tested at a Minute Clinic type place and get Tamiflu. I can't imagine how much worse it would have been without having that.

Just a PSA, the virus is out and active, and it's a real humdinger. FWIW I'm 34yo, very active and healthy, and I thought it was going to do me in a few times.

09-29-19, 17:28
A week ago I gave 800 flu vaccines at work. It was a busy day.

I get the vaccine because my employer makes me. The efficacy of the flu vaccine is rarely any better than about 24%, and is often as bad as 16%. Most people who get the flu have a miserable couple weeks and they get better. But the ones that don't, it's really really really bad and awful. I have seen healthy people come into the emergency department who end up dead in a week because of flu. It's no bueno.

Glad you are better and it was no worse.

09-29-19, 17:48
Ah, not good news! I'm 65 myself and have started getting Flu shots again, I went many years, maybe 10 or more and did not get them but my wife has asthma and is susceptible to many things so I have been trying to be pro-active for her sake! I get them at work for free or at my Doc when I get my yearly inspection,LOL ! Guess I better stay on top of it !

09-29-19, 17:58
Ah, not good news! I'm 65 myself and have started getting Flu shots again, I went many years, maybe 10 or more and did not get them but my wife has asthma and is susceptible to many things so I have been trying to be pro-active for her sake! I get them at work for free or at my Doc when I get my yearly inspection,LOL ! Guess I better stay on top of it !
And unfortunately - based on CDC stats, the sero-conversion for those of us over 60 rarely breaks 10%. Better than nothing, but don’t expect protection because you were vaccinated.

geezer john

09-29-19, 19:09
And unfortunately - based on CDC stats, the sero-conversion for those of us over 60 rarely breaks 10%. Better than nothing, but don’t expect protection because you were vaccinated. geezer john
Well that is depressing, as I got my flu shot last week and figured I was good to go. Luckily, being retired, I am not around a lot of people and not around any children.

09-29-19, 22:55
And unfortunately - based on CDC stats, the sero-conversion for those of us over 60 rarely breaks 10%. Better than nothing, but don’t expect protection because you were vaccinated.

geezer john

Well that is depressing, as I got my flu shot last week and figured I was good to go. Luckily, being retired, I am not around a lot of people and not around any children.

Yea I hear ya, us old guys gotta be careful, LOL! Like I say my wife has asthma and seems to catch everything so even if its small we still try and do out part. I still work but am as pro-active as I can be with washing my hands and staying away from sick people,I basicly work by myself so that helps,there are peeps around but I only interact with people I need/want to,its worked in the past so will continue down that road I guess. I have been lucky in the past and hope my luck continues !

Straight Shooter
09-29-19, 23:25
Got my shot three days ago after my workplace had them for free.
I simply cannot get this, I said yesterday I dont think Id live thru it...and at the very least I could not afford to be off work for any length of time.
All the youngsters at work think the shot "will give you the flu...I know people who died after getttin it:..blah blah.
Im hand washing a lot & doin whatever to avoid it.

09-29-19, 23:45
And unfortunately - based on CDC stats, the sero-conversion for those of us over 60 rarely breaks 10%. Better than nothing, but don’t expect protection because you were vaccinated.

geezer john

Not in the medical field but I think the news for us old farts > 50 is actually better than it might seem at first glance. If people read the stats here (https://www.cdc.gov/flu/vaccines-work/vaccineeffect.htm)at CDC, and specifically read the two subsections starting at "How effective is the flu vaccine in the elderly?", the takeaway is it's definitely worth still getting your flu vaccination. They have metric after metric about how it reduces the number of hospitalizations, ER visits, deaths from complications, and the seriousness of complications among those admitted, as well as significantly improving your odds of not getting the flu in the first place.

09-30-19, 10:52


Glad you are on the mend, sinus infections are bad enough.